Package Installation Next you will be offered a number of pre-rolled software configurations offered by Debian. You could always choose, package by package, what you want to install on your new machine. This is the purpose of the aptitude program, described below. But this can be a long task with around &num-of-distrib-pkgs; packages available in Debian! So, you have the ability to choose tasks first, and then add on more individual packages later. These tasks loosely represent a number of different jobs or things you want to do with your computer, such as desktop environment, web server, or print server You should know that to present this list, base-config is merely invoking the tasksel program. For manual package selection, the aptitude program is being run. Any of these can be run at any time after installation to install (or remove) more packages. If you are looking for a specific single package, after installation is complete, simply run aptitude install package, where package is the name of the package you are looking for. . lists the space requirements for the available tasks. Once you've selected your tasks, select Ok. At this point, aptitude will install the packages you've selected. Even if you did not select any tasks at all, any standard, important, or required priority packages that are not yet present on your system will be installed. This functionality is the same as running tasksel -ris at the command line, and currently involves a download of about 37M of archives. You will be shown the number of packages to be installed, and how many kilobytes of packages, if any, need to be downloaded. If you do want to choose what to install on a package by package basis, select the manual package selection option in tasksel. If you select one or more tasks alongside this option, aptitude will be called with the --visual-preview option. This means you will be able to review You can also change the default selections. If you would like to select any additional package, use View New Package View . the packages that are to be installed. If you do not select any tasks, the normal aptitude screen will be displayed. After making your selections you should press g to start the download and installation of packages. If you choose manual package selection without selecting any tasks, no packages will be installed by default. This means you can use this option if you want to install a minimal system, but also that the responsibility for selecting any packages not installed as part of the base system (before the reboot) that might be required for your system lies with you. Of the &num-of-distrib-pkgs; packages available in Debian, only a small minority are covered by tasks offered in the Task Installer. To see information on more packages, either use apt-cache search search-string for some given search string (see the apt-cache 8 man page), or run aptitude as described below. Advanced Package Selection with <command>aptitude</command> Aptitude is a modern program for managing packages. aptitude allows you to select individual packages, set of packages matching given criteria (for advanced users), or whole tasks. The most basic keybindings are: KeyAction Up, Down Move selection up or down. &enterkey; Open/collapse/activate item. + Mark package for installation. - Mark package for removal. d Show package dependencies. g Actually download/install/remove packages. q Quit current view. F10 Activate menu. For more commands see the online help under the ? key.