Partitioning Your Disks Now it is time to partition your disks. If you are uncomfortable with partitioning, or just want to know more details, see . First you will be given the opportunity to automatically partition either an entire drive, or free space on a drive. This is also called guided partitioning. If you do not want to autopartition, choose Manually edit partition table from the menu and skip to the next paragraph. Otherwise you will be asked if you want All files in one partition, Separate partition for home directories, or if you rather plan to have a Multi-user system. All schemes have their pros and cons, some of which are discussed in . If you are unsure, choose the first one. Bear in mind, that guided partitioning needs certain minimal amount of free space to operate with. If you don't give it at least about 1GB of space (depends on chosen scheme), guided partitioning will fail. Partitioning scheme Minimum space Created partitions All files in one partition 600MB /, swap Separate partition for home directories 500MB /, /home, swap Multi-user system 1GB /, /home, /usr, /var, /tmp, swap On the next screen you will see your partition table, how the partitions will be formatted, and where they will be mounted. If you did automatic partitioning, you should just be able to choose Finished partitioning from the menu to use what it set up. Select partititons from the list to modify or delete them. If you have free space it will also show up under a drive, and you can select it to create new partitions. When modifying a partition you will have the opportunity to choose how to use the partition, the file system to use, and where to mount it. The partitioning menu also has a choice at the bottom that can be used to automatically partition a drive or existing free space on a drive, if you'd rather go that route. Be sure to create at least two partitions, one for swap and one for the root filesystem (which must be mounted as /). If you forget to mount the root filesystem, partman won't let you continue until you correct this issue. However, this situation should not happen, because partman by default offers reasonable defaults. Capabilities of partman can be extended with installer modules, so if you can't see all promised goodies, check if you have loaded all required modules (e.g. partman-ext3, partman-xfs, or partman-lvm). After you are satisfied with partitioning, select Finished partitioning from the partitioning menu. You will be presented with a summary of changes made to the disks and asked to confirm that the filesystems should be created as requested.