This document describes how the scripts in this directory can be used for building the Debian Installer Manual. The scripts support building the manual for different architectures, in different languages and in different document types. The currently supported document types are: - html - pdf - txt 1. Requirements: ================ The build dependencies depend on which document types you wish to generate: all : docbook, docbook-xml, docbook-xsl, xsltproc, poxml html : (no additional packages required) pdf : docbook-dsssl, ghostscript, dblatex, texlive-lang-* txt : w3m For some languages additional font packages are needed to build pdf: ko : fonts-nanum-coding zh : fonts-wqy-microhei ja : fonts-vlgothic 2. Included Files: ================== SCRIPTS ------- For given architecture and language builds one set of documentation in .html, .fo (and sometimes .pdf). For each language and architecture calls, moves rendered documentation somewhere and cleans after that. Does the actual cleaning. In ./templates -------------- install.xml.template: Main xml file used to aggregate various parts into one big whole. This is a bit customized compared to the original (changed SYSTEM entities, hardcode local path to docbook dtd -- broken system xml catalogs?) docstruct.ent: Describes physical structure of documentation. Not included directly (because of hardcoded en/ path), but in a form of dynamic.ent (after some path replacing by sed). In ./entities ------------- common.ent: Contains various entities like &num-of-distrib-packages; &debian-gnu; &arch-title; ... urls.ent: Contains various urls used through the manual. dynamic.ent: Generated on-the-fly from the shell script Contains lang and arch specific entities which can't be profiled the usual xml way. any other .ent: Location of installation files (kernels, boot disks, base tarballs) for various architectures. In ./stylesheets ---------------- style-common.xsl: Common parameters for xsl transformation. style-html.xsl: HTML-specific parameters for xsl transformation. style-fo.xsl: FO-specific parameters for xsl transformation. (currently unused) install.css: cascading stylesheet. dblatex.xsl: set fonts used for building pdf. In ./arch-options ----------------- A file for each architecture where architecture specific parameters are set. 3. Building: ============ After you customize build*.sh and style-*.xsl to suit your needs (esp. various paths), you can run ./ to build documentation for one specific architecture and language, and one or more output formats. If you call without any parameters, it will build the html version of the English manual for i386 (equivalent to 'i386 en html'). If you specify multiple output formats, you should put quotes around them. Example: ./ sparc es "html pdf" For mass building you can use ./ script. -- 05. December 2004 Frans Pop 27. January 2004 Miroslav Kure