%xsldoc.ent; ]> $Id: xref.mod.xsl,v 1.42 2004/08/12 06:23:33 j-devenish Exp $ &ramon; &james; 20002001200220032004 Ramon Casellas &rev_2003_05; Cross References <filename>xref.mod.xsl</filename> Portions (c) Norman Walsh, official DocBook XSL stylesheets. See docbook.sf.net Process anchor elements Identify a place in the document for cross references. &no_var; Inserts a &LaTeX; hypertarget with the current node's id value and no content. Check to see whether this causes typesetting problems with latex (as opposed to pdflatex) due to insertion of errant pdfmarks. \hypertarget{ }{} Auxiliary named template This template returns 1 if there exists somewhere an xref or link whose linkend is the target's id. 1 0 Auxiliary named template Called to process an xreflabel...you might use this to make xreflabels come out in the right font for different targets, for example. Xref and Link XSL Template Undocumented. XRef to nonexistent id: XrefId[? ?] Endterm points to nonexistent ID: [NONEXISTENT ID] {[ ]} Generate xref text The cross-referencing system in the DocBook XSL stylesheets has changed a few times, and we are a bit out of date. Within these stylesheets, the xrefstyle attribute is currently being used as the xref context (or something like that...it's a bit confusing). xref-number Choose hyperlink syntax Will use hyperref, if it is available. Otherwise, just outputs unlinked text. If the destination is a citation, a backreference is emitted (even though it is technically a hyperlink, not a citation). If the 'text' arises from an @endterm, then the 'optional argument' syntax of \cite is used. \docbooktolatexcite { }{ } \hyperlink{ } { \docbooktolatexbackcite{ } } Numbering template Let &LaTeX; manage the numbering. Otherwise sty files that do specify another numberic (e.g I,II) get messed. {\vref{}} {\ref{}} Numbering template -- uses parent's @id Calls using parent's @id. Format titles in xref text title The text. This is expected to be received from gentext.xsl, in which case it will contain no deliberate &LaTeX; commands and must be escaped. is.component Whether the node is considered to be a component in the sense of &DocBook;. If so, the formatting of the title may be different. By default, the determination of component elements is performed by the is.component template in common.xsl. Calls . If the node is a component type (e.g. appendix, article, chapter, preface, bibliography, glossary or index) then gentext.startquote and gentext.endquote are placed around the title. Format titles in xref text title The text. is.component Whether the node's parent is considered to be a component in the sense of &DocBook;. Calls . Format titles in xref text Does not add quotation marks around the title but does italicise it. {\textit{ }} Warning: unexpected insert.subtitle.markup in DB2LaTeX \vpageref [ ] { \pageref{ } Warning: unexpected insert.direction.markup in DB2LaTeX A link that addresses its target by means of a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) \docbookhyphenateurl \href{ } { } OLink XSL template {\em } Typeset a URL using the url or href commands If is set, the urlstartquote and urlendquote gentext dingbats will be emitted. urlstartquote \url{ } \href{ }{\texttt{ }} urlendquote Escape and hyphenate a string as a teletype URL. This template typsets teletype text using slash.hyphen if $latex.hyphenation.tttricks is disabled. Has two parameters: 'hyphenation' and 'string'. { } Don't know what gentext to create for xref to: " " ? ?