%xsldoc.ent; ]> $Id: table.mod.xsl,v 1.33 2004/12/05 09:55:00 j-devenish Exp $ &ramon; &james; 20002001200220032004 Ramon Casellas &rev_2003_05; Tables <filename>table.mod.xsl</filename> Process table elements The &LaTeX; command for formatting captions. Unless is in use, tables are typeset as floats using the mapping system. This limits the size of each table to one page. It is possible to use tables without floats, but captions and cross-referencing will not function as intended. If a condition attribute exists and begins with db2latex:, or a latex-float-placement processing instruction is present, the remainder of its value will be used as the &LaTeX; float placement. Otherwise, the default placement is htb. The db2latex-no-caption processing instruction can be used to suppress the emission of the title as a caption in &LaTeX;. &test_book; &test_ecos; &test_pinkjuice; &test_tables; &mapping; Cannot cope with new-style tables lacking tgroup -- skipped. \captionswapskip{} \captionswapskip{} \caption{ { } }\hypertarget{ }{} { {\caption{ } }} Process informaltable elements Applies templates within a &LaTeX; mapping. &no_var; &test_bind; &test_book; &test_chemistry; &test_tables; &mapping; Process tables using tabularx Similar to but calculates relative column sizes. &no_var; &test_tables; >{ \hsize= \hsize \RaggedRight \RaggedLeft \Centering d D{}{}{-1} Table column '' alignment is not supported. } X p{} | l r c X d D{}{}{-1} c Table column '' alignment is not supported. | Process tables using tabular &no_var; &test_tables; >{\RaggedRight} >{\RaggedLeft} >{\Centering} Table column 'char' alignment is not supported when width specified. Table column '' alignment is not supported. p{} | l r c l d D{}{}{-1} c Table column '' alignment is not supported. | Calculate relative column sizes Determines the width of each column in terms of relative units. &no_var; &test_tables; Process tgroup elements &no_var; width The width of the table in &LaTeX; units. 1 all 0 1 1 1 0 1 \begin{tabularx} \addtocounter{table}{-1} \begin{verbatimwrite}{table.temp} \begin{longtable} \begin{minipage}{\linewidth} \begin{tabular} { } {\linewidth} [t] { | Warning: table's tgroup lacks cols attribute. Assuming . | } \hline \hline \hline \hline \hline \end{tabularx} \end{longtable} \end{verbatimwrite} \LTXtable{ \linewidth }{table.temp} \end{tabular} \end{minipage} Process colspec elements Suppressed. &no_var; Colspec are interpreted by the tgroup template. &test_book; &test_tables; Process spanspec elements Suppressed. &no_var; Spanspecs are interpreted by the tgroup template. &test_book; &test_tables; Process thead elements Applies templates. &no_var; \hline \endhead Process thead elements Emits a caption and calls endfirsthead. &no_var; \\ \hline \endfirsthead Process thead elements Emits a continuation caption and calls endhead. &no_var; \caption[]{ { }}\\ \hline \endhead Process tfoot elements &no_var; \hline \endfoot Process tfoot elements Emits a caption and calls endlastfoot. &no_var; \hline \\ \endlastfoot Process tfoot elements Emits a continuation caption and calls endfoot. &no_var; \hline \caption[]{ { }}\\ \endfoot Process a thead's entry elements &no_var; Process a tfoot's entry elements &no_var; Process tbody elements &no_var; Process a tbody's row elements &no_var; \bigstrut \tabularnewline Process a thead's row elements &no_var; \tabularnewline Process a tfoot's row elements &no_var; \tabularnewline 1 0 \cline{ - } & -1 -1 \multicolumn{ }{| l r c cTable _entry_ 'char' alignment is not supported. c |} \docbooktolatexalignll \docbooktolatexalignrl \docbooktolatexaligncl Table _entry_ char alignment is not supported. { \rotatebox{90} entry[@rotate='1' and @align!=''] probably doesn't work. { \multirow{ }*{ } }} \docbooktolatexalignlr \docbooktolatexalignrr \docbooktolatexaligncr td   1 1 1 1 1 1 \catcode`\&=4 & \catcode`\&=\active \catcode`\&=4 &\catcode`\&=\active &