$Id: scape.mod.xsl,v 1.5 2004/06/06 08:47:53 j-devenish Exp $ James Devenish 2003 2004 Ramon Casellas <productname condition="noindex">LaTeX</productname> Active-character Escaping General text escaping for LaTeX active characters Certain characters must be escaped so that LaTeX will typeset them verbatim rather than attempting to interpret them as commands. Mapping Source ]]> < \textless{} > \textgreater{} ~ \textasciitilde{} ^ \textasciicircum{} & \& # \# _ \_ $ \$ % \% | \docbooktolatexpipe{} { \{ } \} \textbackslash \textbackslash \ \ \textbackslash Escape characters for use with index LaTeX command In addition to the characters from , certain extra characters must be escaped so that LaTeX will not treat them as indexing directives. Mapping Source ]]> ! "! | \ensuremath{"|} @ "@ < \textless{} > \textgreater{} ~ \textasciitilde{} ^ \textasciicircum{} & \& # \# _ \_ $ \$ % \% \} \textbraceright{} { \textbraceleft{} } \} " "" \textbackslash \textbackslash \ \ \textbackslash Verbatim-text escaping for LaTeX active characters Mapping Source ]]> ~ \textasciitilde{} ^ \textasciicircum{} & \& # \# _ \_\dbz{} $ \$ % \% / /\dbz{} - -\dbz{} + +\dbz{} . .\dbz{} ( (\dbz{} ) )\dbz{} " "{} { \docbooktolatexgobble\string\{ } \docbooktolatexgobble\string\} \ \docbooktolatexgobble\string\\ Escape characters for use with the hyperref LaTeX package Mapping Source ]]> & \& % \% [ \[ ] \] { \{ } \} \ \docbooktolatexgobble\string\\ Escape characters for use with the url LaTeX package Mapping Source ]]> & \string& % \% { \{ } \} \ \docbooktolatexgobble\string\\ Escape the ] character in LaTeX optional arguments (experimental) Mapping Source ]]> ] {\rbrack} Basic line-breaking for verbatim text Allow line breaking after certain characters. Text should be escaped with the template before being passed to this template. Mapping Source ]]> . .\dbz{} / /\dbz{}