%xsldoc.ent; ]> $Id: param-direct.mod.xsl,v 1.9 2004/08/12 05:17:01 j-devenish Exp $ &ramon; &james; 20002001200220032004 Ramon Casellas &rev_2003_05; Parameters: &LaTeX;-direct Strings <filename>param-direct.mod.xsl</filename> The values of the parameters in this file will be passed directly to &LaTeX;. All parameter names begin with latex.. DB2LaTeX document class This variable is normally empty and the stylesheets will determine the correct document class according to whether the document is a book or an article. If you wish to use your own document class, put its non-empty value in this variable. It will apply for both books and articles. The \maketitle for books and articles. Some users may wish to override or eliminate \maketitle. Does not apply to articles within books. By default, uses LaTeX \maketitle with the 'empty' pagestyle for the first page. The page style of subsequent pages is determined by . {\maketitle \thispagestyle{empty}} Undocumented Undocumented. Undocumented Undocumented. Controls what is output after the LaTeX preamble. Default values decrease edge margins and allow a large quantity of figures to be set on each page. Undocumented Undocumented. Undocumented Undocumented. All purpose commands to change text width, height, counters, etc. Defaults to a two-sided margin layout. Undocumented. \usepackage{anysize} \marginsize{3cm}{2cm}{1.25cm}{1.25cm} Begin document command Undocumented. \begin{document} LaTeX code that is output after the author (e.g. \makeglossary Undocumented. % -------------------------------------------- \makeglossary % -------------------------------------------- Format the output of tabular headings. Undocumented. Format the output of tabular row entries. Undocumented. Format the output of tabular footers. Undocumented. Control the style of inline monospaced text This is passed directly to &LaTeX;. Typically, it is \frenchspacing\texttt. \frenchspacing\texttt Control the style of article titles This is passed directly to &LaTeX;. Typically, it is either a \command or an empty string. \textbf Control the style of article titles within books This is passed directly to &LaTeX;. Typically, it is either a \command or an empty string. \Large\textbf Control the style of authors and dates within a book's articles This is passed directly to &LaTeX;. Typically, it is either a \command or an empty string. \textsf Control the style of equation captions Figure captions are typeset in the default typeface (usually 'roman') but if this option is set to a LaTeX command, such as \textit, then that command will precede the caption and it will be typeset accordingly. Control the style of example captions Figure captions are typeset in the default typeface (usually 'roman') but if this option is set to a LaTeX command, such as \textit, then that command will precede the caption and it will be typeset accordingly. Control the style of figure captions Figure captions are typeset in the default typeface (usually 'roman') but if this option is set to a LaTeX command, such as \textit, then that command will precede the caption and it will be typeset accordingly. Control the style of figure titles Figure titles are typeset in the default typeface (usually 'roman') but if this option is set to a LaTeX command, such as \textit, then that command will precede the title and it will be typeset accordingly. Control the style of equation captions The titles of formalparas are typeset in the bold typeface by default. This parameter can be set to an alternative &latex; command, such as textit (or empty). \textbf Control the style of list titles List titles are typeset in small caps but if this option is set to a LaTeX command, such as \textit, then that command will precede the title and it will be typeset accordingly. \sc Control the style of admonition titles Admonition titles are typeset in small bold caps but if this option is set to a LaTeX command, such as \textit, then that command will precede the title and it will be typeset accordingly. \bfseries \sc\large Control the style of procedure titles Procedure titles are typeset in small caps but if this option is set to a LaTeX command, such as \textit, then that command will precede the title and it will be typeset accordingly. \sc Control the style of segtitles This is passed directly to &LaTeX;. Typically, it is either a \command or an empty string. \em Control the style of step titles Step titles are typeset in small caps but if this option is set to a LaTeX command, such as \textit, then that command will precede the title and it will be typeset accordingly. \bf Control the style of table captions Figure captions are typeset in the default typeface (usually 'roman') but if this option is set to a LaTeX command, such as \textit, then that command will precede the caption and it will be typeset accordingly. Left Header Center Header Right Header Left Footer Center Footer Right Footer Override DB2LaTeX's choice of LaTeX page numbering style By default, DB2LaTeX will choose the 'plain' or 'fancy' page styles, depending on . If non-empty, this variable overrides the automatic selection. An example would be the literal string 'empty', to eliminate headers and page numbers. DB2LaTeX hyperref options In addition to this variable, you can specify additional options using latex.hyperref.param.pdftex or latex.hyperref.param.dvips. bookmarksnumbered,colorlinks,backref,bookmarks,breaklinks,linktocpage,plainpages=false DB2LaTeX hyperref options for pdfTeX output See the hyperref documentation for further information. pdfstartview=FitH DB2LaTeX hyperref options for dvips output See the hyperref documentation for further information. Options for the varioref LaTeX package Support index generation. Toggle the use of the varioref LaTeX package Support index generation. on this page Choose indentation for tabs in verbatim environments When is enabled, this variable sets the width of a tab in terms of an equivalent number of spaces. 3 Insert LaTeX options for fancyvrb Verbatim environments Undocumented. Control the use of the inputenc LaTeX package If this option is non-empty, the inputenc package will be used with the specified encoding. This should agree with the your driver file. For example, the default value of latin1 is compatible with docbook.xsl, which contains ]]> If this option is empty, the inputenc package will not be invoked by DB2LaTeX. Common Combinations Output Encodinginputenc Option ISO-8859-1latin1 UTF-8utf8When used in conjunction with a package such as unicode. inputenc is a LaTeX base package. latin1 Options for the fontenc package Undocumented. Select the optional parameter(s) for the unicode LaTeX package See the unicode documentation for details. Select the optional parameter for the babel LaTeX package See the babel documentation for details. Although DB2LaTeX will try to choose the correct babel options for your document, you may need to specify the correct choice here. The special value of 'none' (without the quotes) will cause DB2LaTeX to skip babel configuration. Adjust bibliography formatting The environment bibliography accepts a parameter that indicates the widest label, which is used to correctly format the bibliography output. The value of this parameter is output inside the \begin{thebibliography[]} LaTeX command. 123 WIDELABEL DB2LaTeX document class options These are the first options to be passed to \documentclass (The common options are blank by default.) They will be augmented or superseded by article/book options (see $latex.documentclass.article and $latex.documentclass.book) and pdftex/dvips options (see $latex.documentclass.pdftex and $latex.documentclass.dvips). DB2LaTeX document class options for articles The article options are set to a4paper,10pt,twoside,twocolumn by default. These are the intermediate options to be passed to \documentclass, between the common options and the pdftex/dvips options. a4paper,10pt,twoside,twocolumn DB2LaTeX document class options for books The book options are set to a4paper,10pt,twoside,openright by default. These are the intermediate options to be passed to \documentclass, between the common options and the pdftex/dvips options. a4paper,10pt,twoside,openright DB2LaTeX document class options for pdfTeX output The pdfTeX options are empty by default. These are the last options to be passed to \documentclass and override the common/article/book options. DB2LaTeX document class options for dvips output The dvips options are empty by default. These are the last options to be passed to \documentclass and override the common/article/book options. DB2LaTeX graphics admonitions size Is passed as an optional parameter for \includegraphics and can take on any such legal values (or be empty). width=1cm DB2LaTeX allows using an (externally generated) cover page You may supply a LaTeX file that will supersede DB2LaTeX's default cover page or title. If the value of this variable is non-empty, the generated LaTeX code includes \input{filename}. Otherwise, it uses the \maketitle command. Bear in mind that using an external cover page breaks the "encapsulation" of DocBook. Further revisions of these stylesheets will add chunking support, and the automation of the cover file generation. title Document Font(s) Document fonts can be chosen by providing &LaTeX; package names. Common values include default, times, palatcm, charter, helvet, palatino, avant, newcent and bookman. Particular combinations may also work. For example, mathptm,charter,courier. palatino Override DB2LaTeX's preamble with a custom preamble. When this variable is set, the entire DB2LaTeX premable will be superseded. You should not normally need or want to use this. It may cause LaTeX typesetting problems. This is a last resort or expert feature.