%xsldoc.ent; ]> $Id: inline.mod.xsl,v 1.22 2004/08/12 05:17:32 j-devenish Exp $ &ramon; &james; 20002001200220032004 Ramon Casellas &rev_2003_05; Inline Elements <filename>inline.mod.xsl</filename> Process regular text Applies templates. &no_var; Process monospace text Applies templates within a &LaTeX; texttt command. \docbookhyphenatedot { { { }}} Process bold text Applies templates within a &LaTeX; bfseries command. &no_var; {\bfseries{ }} Process italic text Applies templates within a &LaTeX; em command. &no_var; {\em{ }} Process bold monospace text Applies templates within &LaTeX; ttfamily and bfseries commands. \docbookhyphenatedot {\ttfamily\bfseries{ { }}} Process italic monospace text Applies templates within &LaTeX; ttfamily and itshape commands. \docbookhyphenatedot {\ttfamily\itshape{ { }}} Process superscript text Applies templates within a &LaTeX; text command within an inline mathematics environment. &no_var; $^\text{ }$ Process subscript text Applies templates within a &LaTeX; text command within an inline mathematics environment. &no_var; $_\text{ }$ Process accel elements Invokes . &no_var; Process action elements Invokes . &no_var; Process name-type elements Invokes . &no_var; Process application elements Invokes . &no_var; Process classname elements Invokes . &no_var; Process copyright elements Applies templates with a copyright dingbat. &no_var; copyright Process a copyright's holder elements Applies templates. &no_var; , , Process exceptionname elements Invokes . &no_var; Process interfacename elements Invokes . &no_var; Process methodname elements Invokes . &no_var; Process command elements Invokes . &no_var; Process computeroutput elements Invokes . &no_var; Process constant elements Invokes . &no_var; Process database elements Invokes . &no_var; Process errorcode elements Invokes . &no_var; Process errorname elements Invokes . &no_var; Process errortype elements Invokes . &no_var; Process envar elements Invokes . &no_var; Process filename elements Invokes . &no_var; \docbookhyphenatefilename Process function elements Invokes . &no_var; Insert documentation here. ( ) Process a function's parameter elements Invokes and separates subsequent replaceables with commas. &no_var; , Process a function's replaceable elements Invokes and separates subsequent replaceables with commas. &no_var; , Process GUI-type elements Invokes within a &LaTeX; sffamily and bfseries commands. &no_var; {\sffamily \bfseries } Process hardware elements Invokes . &no_var; Process interfacedefinition elements Invokes . &no_var; Process keycap and keysym elements Invokes . &no_var; Process keycode elements Invokes . &no_var; Process literal elements Invokes . &no_var; Process medialabel elements Invokes . &no_var; Process shortcut elements Applies templates. &no_var; Process mousebutton elements Invokes . &no_var; Process option elements Invokes . &no_var; Process parameter elements Invokes . &no_var; Process property elements Invokes . &no_var; Process prompt elements Invokes . &no_var; Process replaceable elements Invokes . &no_var; Process returnvalue elements Invokes . &no_var; Process structfield elements Invokes . &no_var; Process structname elements Invokes . &no_var; Process symbol elements Invokes . &no_var; Process systemitem elements Invokes . &no_var; Process token elements Invokes . &no_var; Process type elements Invokes . &no_var; Process userinput elements Invokes . &no_var; Process abbrev elements Invokes . &no_var; It would be useful if a terminating full stop were not to induce sentence-end whitespace spacing. Process acronym elements Invokes . &no_var; Process citerefentry elements Invokes . &no_var; Process citetitle elements Invokes . &no_var; Process corpauthor elements Applies templates. &no_var; Process emphasis elements Invokes . &no_var; Process emphasis elements with bold role Invokes . &no_var; Process foreignphrase elements Invokes . &no_var; Process jobtitle elements Applies templates. &no_var; Process markup elements Applies template using the latex.verbatim mode. &no_var; Process orgdiv elements Applies templates. &no_var; Process orgname elements Applies templates. &no_var; Process phrase elements Invokes . &no_var; Normally, is used. However, the use of latex or tex for the role attribute will convert the contents to plain text without &LaTeX; active-character escaping. Process quote elements Invokes . &no_var; The contents will be enclosed in quotation marks, using gentext.startquote and gentext.nestedstartquote alternating according to the quote nesting level. Process varname elements Invokes . &no_var; Process wordasword elements Invokes . &no_var; Process lineannotation elements Invokes . &no_var; Process superscript elements Invokes . &no_var; Process subscript elements Invokes . &no_var; Process trademark elements Invokes , then appends a trademark dingbat. &no_var; trademark Process firstterm elements Invokes . &no_var; Process glossterm elements Invokes . &no_var; Process keycombo elements Formats a key combination using conjugation characters. &no_var; Templates are applied for all children, with comjugation characters based upon the action attribute. For seq actions, a space character is used. For simul actions, a plus sign (+) is used. For other actions, no conjugation character is used (children will be abutting). For all other actions, an en-dash is used. + -- -- -- -- Process menuchoice elements Invokes templates for non-shortcut children, then formats any shortcuts in parentheses. &no_var; ( ) Process menuchoice children (not shortcut) Applies templates. &no_var; Selects children of the current node (does not select shortcut elements). Subsequent children are delimited by a plug sign, in general, or an arrow, for guimenuitem and guisubmenu. $\to$ + Process optional elements Invokes , surrounded by $arg.choice.opt.open.str and $arg.choice.opt.close.str. &no_var; Process remark elements Applies templates as a margin note. When is set, templates will be applied within a &LaTeX; marginpar command, using footnotesize. If is not set, then content is suppressed. \marginpar{\footnotesize{ }} Process productname elements Invokes . &no_var; Process productnumber elements Invokes . &no_var; Process address-like elements Invokes . &no_var; Process beginpage elements Suppressed. &no_var;