INSTRUCTIONS FOR TRANSLATING ENTITIES ===================================== It is possible to translate entities used in the installation guide. Note that only a few entities are suitable for translation. Others, for instance those refering to package names, should not be translated. There are several reasons for using entities in the manual. One is to improve consistency and to make it possible to maintain changing data in one central location; another is to make it easier for derived distributions to change the branding of the manual. Given these goals the intention is to increase the use of entities. This also means that translators preferably should not replace entities by fixed text. However, the standard set of entities may not be sufficient for a good translation, for instance because a language needs different conjugations for a word while in English this is not needed. Translators are free to add additional entities if they need them for different conjugations. Try to keep the names of the entities you add logical. Examples: xxx-dat (for dative conjugation) If you feel some text in the English version of the manual could be replaced by an entity, please send a mail to the debian-i18n list for discussion. How to translate entities ========================= - Look up the definition of the entity you want to translate in the relevant entity file (e.g. ../common.ent) and copy it. - Add or edit a new file .ent in this directory. - Add the definition of the entity you want to translate in this file. - Replace the English text in the entity with your translation. Do *not* change any xml tags included in the entity. You can of course also copy the file for another language already in this directory as a starting point. Translatable entities ===================== Please do not translate entities that are not listed below without discussing this first on the debian-boot list! Before the release of Etch, it is very unlikely that any new entities will be added. The infrastructure is mostly being added now to allow a few minor translations and to have it in place for the next release, Lenny. - enterkey - MSG-YES - MSG-NO - BTN-CONT - BTN-CANCEL - BTN-GOBACK Some other entities can be localized as well. - archive-mirror The default value is (see ../urls.ent). You can replace that by a closer mirror, but make sure that you only use a mirror that carries *all* architectures! Note that most mirrors are called Non-translatable entities ========================= The entities below should _not_ be translated. If you think an entity listed below is used in a way that it should be translated, this is possably a bug that should be fixed in the original text rather than a reason to translate it. - releasename