-------------------------------------------- Build Scripts NG for Debian Installer Manual -------------------------------------------- NG == 'new-generation' The NG scripts are the extremely experimental version of the original build scripts for the Debian Installer Manual. The main purpose for NG is to be able to generate print-ready documentation in non-latin-based languages, like Russian, Japanese, Greek etc. The ultimate goal could be creating a common base for generating good-looking print documentation from DocBook using only free (as in 'DFSG-free') software. **** WARNING: THIS IS HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL. USE IT ONLY IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING! **** The main change consists in scrapping OpenJade and JadeTeX and moving to using DB2LaTeX, which should be a more flexible solution anyway. Other possible solutions like XSL:FO are not yet feasible, as all the renderers are either proprietary or written in Java. The necessary parts of the package are: - build_ng.sh - buildone_ng.sh - templates/driver.xsl.template - stylesheets/style-pdf.xsl - stylesheets/lang-drivers/ - stylesheets/db2latex/ The last directory contains the current db2latex distribution. The main reason for putting it here is the need to implement some features not yet available through the upstream version. As soon as they are stable, they will eventually get integrated into the main db2latex package and removed from the SVN. Currently, not everything works as expected. The biggest problem is getting the tables right - current db2latex does not support the morerows property, which is actually quite useful. A patch needs to get written to support that, but I currently lack the necessary time to learn XSL to the extend needed and implement the changes. Thus, the project is currently in pre-alpha state, so don't expect usable results right now. Nikolai Prokoschenko (nikolai at prokoschenko dot de)