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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<!-- original version: 18675 -->
+<appendix id="administrivia">
+ <title>Administrivia</title>
+ <sect1 id="about">
+ <title>Dokumentu honen inguruan</title>
+Dokumentu hau DocBook XML gailuarekin egin dugu. Fitxategiak hainbat
+programarekin sortu ditugu, <classname>docbook-xml</classname> eta
+<classname>docbook-xsl</classname> bildumen teknologia erabiliz.
+Dokumentu honen mantenu hobea lortzeko, XML mintzairak ematen dizkigun
+erraztasun ugariez baliatu gara, hala nola, profil eta talde bakoitzari
+ezaugarri ezberdinak emateko aukeraz.
+Hauek oso garrantzitsuak dira programaketa mintzairetako aldagai eta
+baldintzazko egiturei dagokienean. XML-ri esker dokumentu honek &mdash;
+egitura bakoitzerako behar beste informazio lor dezake; erabiltzailearen
+profilarekin bat egiten duen informazio erabilgarria eskainiz honela,
+egituraren arabera informazio hau aldatuz.
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1 id="contributing">
+ <title>Lagundu dokumentu hau osatzen</title>
+Arazo edo proposamen bat bazenu dokumentu honi dagokienean,
+<classname>debian-installer-manual</classname> bilduman aurkitutako
+akatsaren berri eman behar zenuke. Arren, aztertu <classname>reportbug</classname>
+bilduma edo irakurri sareko <ulink url="&url-bts;">
+Debianen akatsen jarraipen sistema</ulink>ren laguntza gaiak. Komenigarria
+litzateke <ulink url="&url-bts;debian-installer-manual">debian instalatzailearen
+laguntzan aurkitutako akatsak</ulink> irakurtzea, zure arazoaren jakinaren
+gainean gauden jakiteko. Horrela balitz, informazioa osa zenezake
+<email><replaceable>XXXX</replaceable></email> helbidera mezu
+bat bidaliz, jakinik <replaceable>XXXX</replaceable> jada ohartarazi diguten
+akatsaren zenbakia dela.
+Edo are laguntza gehiago eman diezagukezu dokumentu honen iturburuaren kopia
+bat lortu eta partxeak sortuz. Iturburua <ulink url="&url-d-i-cvsweb;"> Debianen
+instalatzailearen CVS ikusgailua</ulink>rekin berrikus dezakezu. Ez bazaude
+DocBook erabiltzera ohituta, ez arduratu:
+azalpen erraz batez osaturiko "cheatsheet" izeneko fitxategi bat aurkitzen da
+laguntza honen helbidetegietan. Irakurri eta nola eta nondik hasi jakingo duzu.
+Hala da, bai, html kodea bezalakoa da, baina aurkezpenaren barneko testuaren
+esanahia ulerkorragotzera bideratua. Zoritxarrez, oraingoz ezin daitezke partxeak
+debian-booten posta zerrendara bidali (ikusi behealdea).
+CVS bidez iturburua nola aztertu jakiteko irakur ezazu helbidetegi nagusiko
+<ulink url="&url-d-i-readme;">README</ulink> fitxategia.
+Mesedez, <emphasis>ez</emphasis> zaitez dokumentu honen egileekin zuzenki
+harremanetan jarri. Debianen instalatzaileaz eztabaidatzeko posta zerrenda
+berezi bat dago, non laguntza honen edukiak era berean eztabaida daitezkeen.
+Posta zerrenda honakoa da:
+<email></email>. Zerrenda honetan izena emateko
+argibideak <ulink url="&url-debian-lists-subscribe;">Debianen posta zerrendan
+izena emateko gunea</ulink>n aurkituko dituzu; edo, bestela, <ulink
+url="&url-debian-list-archives;">Posta zerrenden fitxategi</ulink>etan
+zehar nabiga dezakezu.
+ </sect1>
+<!-- This is subject to constant flux, so we ripped that out -->
+ <sect1 id="contributors">
+ <title>Laguntza garrantzitsuak</title>
+Dokumentu hau sortzez Bruce Perens, Sven Rudolph, Igor Grobman, James Treacy,
+eta Adam Di Carlo idatzi zuten. Sebastian Ley da howto gidaren sortzailea.
+Debianen erabiltzaile eta garatzaile ugarik lagundu dute dokumentu honen
+Eskerrak eman behar dizkiegu Michael Schmitz (m68k-rako euskarria),
+Frank Neumann (<ulink url="&url-m68k-old-amiga-install;">Amigarako
+instalatzearen laguntza</ulink>)ren jatorrizko egilea), Arto Astala,
+Eric Delaunay/Ben Collins (SPARCen inguruko informazioa), Tapio
+Lehtonen eta St�phane Bortzmeyer-i ezin zenbatuzko edizio eta testuengatik.
+Era berean eskertu beharra daukagu Pascal Le Bail, USB memorien bidez sistema
+abiarazteaz emandako informazioarengatik.
+Jim Mintharen HOWTOn izugarri erabilgarria izan zaigun informazioa aurkitu
+genuen sare bidez sistema abiarazteko eraren inguruan (ez du webgunerik), baita
+<ulink url="&url-debian-faq;">Debian FAQ (ohiko galderak eta zalantzak)</ulink>,
+<ulink url="&url-m68k-faq;">Linux/m68k FAQ</ulink>,
+<ulink url="&url-sparc-linux-faq;">SPARC prozesagailupeko Linuxen ohiko galderak
+</ulink>, <ulink url="&url-alpha-faq;">Linux/Alpha FAQ</ulink>, eta beste zenbait
+orritan. Informazio iturri ezin hobe hauen mantenua ahalbidetzen dutenek emaniko
+laguntza aitortu beharra daukagu.
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1 id="trademarks">
+ <title>Marka erregistratuen inguruan</title>
+Marka erregistratu guztiak haien jabeen esku soilik daude.
+ </sect1>
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<!-- original version: 23687 -->
+ <sect1 id="appendix-staff"><title>Egindako lanaren aitortza eta eskerrak</title>
+Laguntza hau Debian sargeren instalatzailerako sortua izan
+zen, Debian woodyren instalaketarako laguntzan oinarrituta.
+Era berean, laguntza hori Debianen instalaketarako laguntza gai
+zaharragoetan, eta GPL baimenaren baitan 2003an sortutako
+Progenyren banaketaren laguntzan, oinarrituta dago.
+Ondorengo hauek lehenagoko laguntza biak egitean lagundu gaituzte, eta
+baita honako honetan ere. Zuk ere lagundu bagaituzu eta zerrendatik at
+utzi bazaitugu, jakinarazi iezaguzu.
+<table><title>Debianen instalatzailearen laguntza</title>
+ <tgroup cols="1"><tbody>
+<row><entry>Chris Tillman</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Miroslav Ku?e</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Joey Hess</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Sebastian Ley</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Steve Langasek</entry></row>
+<table><title>Abiarazte-diskoen laguntza</title>
+ <tgroup cols="1"><tbody>
+<row><entry>Bruce Perens</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Sven Rudolph</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Igor Grobman</entry></row>
+<row><entry>James Treacy</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Adam Di Carlo</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Chris Tillman</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Denis Barbier</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Marc Herbert</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Richard Hirst</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Karl M. Hegbloom</entry></row>
+<table><title>Progenyren laguntza</title>
+ <tgroup cols="1"><tbody>
+<row><entry>Ian Murdock</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Bruce Byfield</entry></row>
+<row><entry>C. Stephen Gunn</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Pat Ouellette</entry></row>
+<row><entry>John Daily</entry></row>
+<row><entry>John Hartman</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Doug Porter</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Dean Esmay</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Keith Hartman</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Branden Robinson</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Bern Galvin</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Steve Hunger</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Steve Schafer</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Aaron Stenhoff</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Eric Gillespie</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Andrew J. Korty</entry></row>
+<row><entry>John Goerzen</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Jeff Licquia</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Michael Schultheiss</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Adam Lazur</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Kevin Mathews</entry></row>
+ <tgroup cols="2"><tbody>
+<row><entry>Bulgariera:</entry><entry>George Tchavdarov</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Katalana:</entry><entry>Jordi Mallach</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Antoni Bella PĂ©rez</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Ingrid C. PeirĂł</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Lluis Vilanova</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Pau (aka pdl)</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Xavi Drudis Ferran</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Ivan Vilata i Balaguer</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Chuan-kai Lin</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Kroaziera:</entry><entry>Matej Vela</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Josip Rodin</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Txekiera:</entry><entry>Pavel Makovec</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Ji?� Ma��k</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Vil�m Vychodil</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Miroslav Ku?e</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Petr Van?k</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Danimarkera:</entry><entry>Claus Hindsgaul</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Alemaniera:</entry><entry>Luk Claes</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Bart Cornelis</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Frans Pop</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Wouter Verhelst</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Bas Zoetekouw</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Esperanto:</entry><entry>Edmund Grimley Evans</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Finlandiera:</entry><entry>Tapio Lehtonen</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Frantzesa:</entry><entry>Christophe Le Bars</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Vincent Renardias</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Eric Van Buggenhaut</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Martin Quinson</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Pierre Machard</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Galiziarra:</entry><entry>Jacobo Tarrio</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Alemaniera:</entry><entry>Hartmut Koptein</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Martin Schulze</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Philipp Stratmann</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Joerg Friedrich</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Gerd Bavendiek</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Peter Ganten</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Michael Bramer</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Torsten Landschoff</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Grekoa:</entry><entry>Konstantinos Margaritis</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>George Papamichelakis</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Hingariera:</entry><entry>Gergely Risko</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Italiera:</entry><entry>Michele Dalla Silvestra</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Paolo Didonè</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Riccardo Fabris</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Giuseppe Sacco</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Japaniarra:</entry><entry>Yoshizumi Endo</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Atsushi Kamoshida</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Junichi Uekawa</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Tsutomu Saito</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>NAKANO, Takeo</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>KISE Hiroshi</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Mitsuru Oka</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>NABETANI Hidenobu</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Masayuki Hatta</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Guangcheng Wen</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Nobuhiro IMAI</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Tomohiro KUBOTA</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>KURASAWA Nozomu</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>SUGIYAMA Tomoaki</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>TAKEI Nobumitsu</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Ploniera:</entry><entry>Piotr Pogorzelski</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Marcin Owsiany</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Portugesa:</entry><entry>Gleydson Mazioli da Silva</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Paulo Henrique B. Oliveira</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>André Luís Lopes</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Luis Alberto Garcia Cipriano</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Paulo Rogério Ormenese</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Marcio Roberto Teixeira</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Rafael Laboissiere</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Errusiera:</entry><entry>Mikhail Sobolev</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Alexey Vyskubov</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Aleksey Novodvorsky</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Peter Novodvorsky</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Paul Romanchenko</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Ilgiz Kalmetev</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Max V. Kosmach</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Eslobakiera:</entry><entry>Miroslav Va�ko</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Espainiera:</entry><entry>Enrique Zanardi</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Fernando Herrera</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Sergio G�mez Bachiller</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Gonzalo G. Agullďż˝</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Ignacio J. Alonso</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Tinguaro Barreno</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Pedro Gracia</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Angel David Rancel Mendoza</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Javier Fernández-Sanguino</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>David Martinez</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Ricardo J. Cárdenes</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Jose Carlos GarcĂ­a</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Javier Carranza</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Miguel A. Ar�valo</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>FermĂ­n GarcĂ­a-Herreros</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Javier Linares</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Manolo Romero</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Gabriel Rodr�guez</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Santiago Vila</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Ricardo Cárdenes</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>David Moreno Garza</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Rudy Godoy</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Bruno Barrera</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Rubén Porras Campo</entry></row>
+<row><entry>Suediera:</entry><entry>Nils-Erik Svang�rd</entry></row>
+<row><entry></entry><entry>Peter Karlsson</entry></row>
+ </sect1> \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 15442 untranslated -->
+ <sect1 id="linux-upgrade">
+ <title>Installing &debian; from a Unix/Linux System</title>
+This section explains how to install &debian; from an existing
+Unix or Linux system, without using the ncurses-based, menu-driven
+installer as explained in the rest of the manual. This "cross-install"
+HOWTO has been requested by users switching to &debian; from
+Redhat, Mandrake, and SUSE. In this section some familiarity with
+entering *nix commands and navigating the file system is assumed. In
+this section, <prompt>$</prompt> symbolizes a command to be entered in
+the user's current system, while <prompt>#</prompt> refers to a
+command entered in the Debian chroot.
+Once you've got the new Debian system configured to your preference,
+you can migrate your existing user data (if any) to it, and keep on
+rolling. This is therefore a "zero downtime" &debian;
+install. It's also a clever way for dealing with hardware that
+otherwise doesn't play friendly with various boot or installation
+ <sect2>
+ <title>Getting Started</title>
+With your current *nix partitioning tools, repartition the hard
+drive as needed, creating at least one filesystem plus swap. You
+need at least 150MB of space available for a console only install,
+or at least 300MB if you plan to install X.
+To create file systems on your partitions. For example, to create an
+ext3 file system on partition <filename>/dev/hda6</filename> (that's
+our example root partition):
+ $ mke2fs -j /dev/hda6
+To create an ext2 file system instead, omit <userinput>-j</userinput>.
+Initialize and activate swap (substitute the partition number for
+your intended Debian swap partition):
+ $ mkswap /dev/hda5
+ $ sync; sync; sync
+ $ swapon /dev/hda5
+Mount one partition as <filename>/mnt/debinst</filename> (the
+installation point, to be the root (<filename>/</filename>) filesystem
+on your new system). The mount point name is strictly arbitrary, it is
+referenced later below.
+ $ mkdir /mnt/debinst
+ $ mount /dev/hda6 /mnt/debinst
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2>
+ <title>Install <command>debootstrap</command></title>
+The tool that the Debian installer uses, which is recognized as the
+official way to install a Debian base system, is
+<command>debootstrap</command>. It uses <command>wget</command>, but
+otherwise depends only on <classname>glibc</classname>. Install
+<command>wget</command> if it isn't already on your current system,
+then download and install <command>debootstrap</command>.
+If you have an rpm-based system, you can use alien to convert the
+.deb into .rpm, or download an rpm-ized version at
+<ulink url=""></ulink>
+Or, you can use the following procedure to install it
+manually. Make a work folder for extracting the .deb into:
+ $ mkdir work
+ $ cd work
+The <command>debootstrap</command> binary is located in the Debian
+archive (be sure to select the proper file for your
+architecture). Download the <command>debootstrap</command> .deb from
+the <ulink url="">
+pool</ulink>, copy the package to the work folder, and extract the
+binary files from it. You will need to have root privileges to install
+the binaries.
+ $ ar -xf debootstrap_0.X.X_arch.deb
+ $ cd /
+ $ zcat &#60; /full-path-to-work/work/data.tar.gz | tar xv
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2>
+ <title>Run <command>debootstrap</command> (Network-connected)</title>
+<command>debootstrap</command> can download the needed files directly
+from the archive when you run it. You can substitute any Debian
+archive mirror for <userinput></userinput> in
+the command example below, preferably a mirror close to you
+network-wise. Mirrors are listed at
+<ulink url=""></ulink>.
+If you have a woody version &debian; CD mounted at
+<filename>/cdrom</filename>, you could substitute a file URL instead
+of the http URL: <userinput>file:/cdrom/debian/</userinput>
+Substitute one of the following for <replaceable>ARCH</replaceable>
+in the <command>debootstrap</command> command:
+<userinput>s390</userinput>, or
+ $ /usr/sbin/debootstrap --arch ARCH woody \
+ /mnt/debinst
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2>
+ <title>Run <command>debootstrap</command>
+ (Using <filename>basedebs.tar</filename>)</title>
+<command>debootstrap</command> can use the
+<filename>basedebs.tar</filename> file, if you have already downloaded
+it ahead of time. The <filename>basedebs.tar</filename> file is
+generated only every once in a while, so you'll get the latest version
+of the base system by pointing <command>debootstrap</command> directly
+to a Debian archive as shown in the previous section.
+The <filename>basedebs.tar</filename> file is found in the
+<filename>base-images-current</filename> directory of the Debian
+archive for your architecture, for example:
+<ulink url=";/base-images-current/basedebs.tar"></ulink>
+Substitute one of the following for <replaceable>ARCH</replaceable> in the
+<command>debootstrap</command> command:
+<userinput>s390</userinput>, or
+$ /usr/sbin/debootstrap --arch ARCH --unpack-tarball \
+ /path-to-downloaded/basedebs.tar woody /mnt/debinst
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2>
+ <title>Configure The Base System</title>
+Now you've got a real Debian system, though rather lean, on disk.
+<command>Chroot</command> into it:
+ $ chroot /mnt/debinst /bin/bash
+ <sect3>
+ <title>Mount Partitions</title>
+You need to create <filename>/etc/fstab</filename>.
+ # editor /etc/fstab
+Here is a sample you can modify to suit:
+# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
+# file system mount point type options dump pass
+/dev/XXX / ext2 defaults 0 0
+/dev/XXX /boot ext2 ro,nosuid,nodev 0 2
+/dev/XXX none swap sw 0 0
+proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
+/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto noauto,rw,sync,user,exec 0 0
+/dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom iso9660 noauto,ro,user,exec 0 0
+/dev/XXX /tmp ext2 rw,nosuid,nodev 0 2
+/dev/XXX /var ext2 rw,nosuid,nodev 0 2
+/dev/XXX /usr ext2 rw,nodev 0 2
+/dev/XXX /home ext2 rw,nosuid,nodev 0 2
+Use <userinput>mount -a</userinput> to mount all the file systems you
+have specified in your <filename>/etc/fstab</filename>, or to mount
+file systems individually use:
+ # mount /path # e.g.: mount /usr
+You can mount the proc file system multiple times and to arbitrary
+locations, though /proc is customary. If you didn't use
+<userinput>mount -a</userinput>, be sure to mount proc before
+ # mount -t proc proc /proc
+A RedHat user reports that on his system, this should be
+ # mount -t none proc /proc
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3>
+ <title>Configure Keyboard</title>
+To configure your keyboard:
+ # dpkg-reconfigure console-data
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3>
+ <title>Configure Networking</title>
+To configure networking, edit
+<filename>/etc/resolv.conf</filename>, and
+ # editor /etc/network/interfaces
+Here are some simple examples from
+# /etc/network/interfaces -- configuration file for ifup(8), ifdown(8)
+# See the interfaces(5) manpage for information on what options are
+# available.
+# We always want the loopback interface.
+auto lo
+iface lo inet loopback
+# To use dhcp:
+# auto eth0
+# iface eth0 inet dhcp
+# An example static IP setup: (broadcast and gateway are optional)
+# auto eth0
+# iface eth0 inet static
+# address
+# network
+# netmask
+# broadcast
+# gateway
+Enter your nameserver(s) and search directives in
+ # editor /etc/resolv.conf
+A simple <filename>/etc/resolv.conf</filename>:
+# search hqdom.local\000
+# nameserver
+# nameserver
+Enter your system's host name (2 to 63 characters):
+ # echo DebianHostName &#62; /etc/hostname
+If you have multiple network cards, you should arrange the names of
+driver modules in the <filename>/etc/modules</filename> file into the
+desired order. Then during boot, each card will be associated with the
+interface name (eth0, eth1, etc.) that you expect.
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3>
+ <title>Configure Timezone, Users, and APT</title>
+Set your timezone, add a normal user, and choose your <command>apt</command>
+sources by running
+ # /usr/sbin/base-config
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3>
+ <title>Configure Locales</title>
+To configure your locale settings to use a language other than
+English, install the locales support package and configure it:
+ # apt-get install locales
+ # dpkg-reconfigure locales
+NOTE: Apt must be configured before, ie. during the base-config phase.
+Before using locales with character sets other than ASCII or latin1,
+please consult the appropriate localisation HOWTO.
+ </sect3>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2>
+ <title>Install a Kernel</title>
+If you intend to boot this system, you probably want a Linux kernel
+and a boot loader. Identify available pre-packaged kernels with
+ # apt-cache search kernel-image
+Then install your choice using its package name.
+ # apt-get install kernel-image-2.X.X-arch-etc
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2>
+<title>Set up the Boot Loader</title>
+To make your &debian; system bootable, set up your boot loader to load
+the installed kernel with your new root partition.
+</para><para arch="i386">
+Check <userinput>man lilo.conf</userinput> for instructions on setting
+up the bootloader. If you are keeping the system you used to install
+Debian, just add an entry for the Debian install to your existing
+lilo.conf. You could also copy it to the new system and edit it
+there. After you are done editing, call lilo (remember it will use
+lilo.conf relative to the system you call it from).
+</para><para arch="i386">
+Here is a basic /etc/lilo.conf as an example:
+</para><para arch="powerpc">
+Check <userinput>man yaboot.conf</userinput> for instructions on
+setting up the bootloader. If you are keeping the system you used to
+install Debian, just add an entry for the Debian install to your
+existing yaboot.conf. You could also copy it to the new system and
+edit it there. After you are done editing, call ybin (remember it will
+use yaboot.conf relative to the system you call it from).
+</para><para arch="powerpc">
+Here is a basic /etc/yaboot.conf as an example:
+On some machines, you may need to use <userinput>ide0:</userinput>
+instead of <userinput>hd:</userinput>.
+</para><para arch="not-i386;not-powerpc">
+<phrase condition="FIXME">
+FIXME: Someone may eventually supply an example for this architecture.
+ </sect2>
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/appendix/example-preseed.xml b/eu/appendix/example-preseed.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..01271976c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/appendix/example-preseed.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 23389 untranslated -->
+<sect1 id="example-preseed">
+<title>Preconfiguration File Example</title>
+This is a complete working example of a preconfiguration file for an automated
+install. Its use is explained in <xref linkend="automatic-install"/>. You
+may want to uncomment some of the lines before using the file.
+#### Modifying syslinux.cfg.
+# Edit the syslinux.cfg (or similar) file, and add parameters to the end
+# of the append line(s) for the kernel.
+# You'll at least want to add a parameter telling the installer where to
+# get its preseed file from.
+# If you're installing from USB media, use this, and put the preseed file
+# in the toplevel directory of the USB stick.
+# preseed/file=/hd-media/preseed
+# If you're netbooting, use this instead:
+# preseed/url=http://host/path/to/preseed
+# If you're remastering a CD, you could use this:
+# preseed/file=/cdrom/preseed
+# Be sure to copy this file to the location you specify.
+# While you're at it, you may want to throw a debconf/priority=critical in
+# there, to avoid most questions even if the preseeding below misses some.
+# And you might set the timeout to 1 in syslinux.cfg to avoid needing to hit
+# enter to boot the installer.
+# Language, country, and keyboard selection cannot be preseeded from a file,
+# because the questions are asked before the preseed file can be loaded.
+# Instead, to avoid these questions, pass some more parameters to the kernel:
+# languagechooser/language-name=English
+# countrychooser/shortlist=US
+# console-keymaps-at/keymap=us
+# Note that the kernel accepts a maximum of 8 command line options and
+# 8 environment options (including any options added by default for the
+# installer). If these numbers are exceeded, 2.4 kernels will drop any
+# excess options and 2.6 kernels will panic.
+# Some of the default options, like 'vga=normal' and 'devfs=mount' may be
+# safely removed for most installations, which may allow you to add more
+# options for preseeding.
+#### Shell commands.
+# d-i preseeding is inherently not secure. Nothing in the installer checks
+# for attempts at buffer overflows or other exploits of the values of a
+# preseed file like this one. Only use preseed files from trusted
+# locations! To drive that home, and because it's generally useful, here's
+# a way to run any shell command you'd like inside the installer,
+# automatically.
+# This first command is run as early as possible, just after
+# preseeding is read.
+#d-i preseed/early_command string wget http://url/to/my.udeb -O /tmp/my.udeb ; udpkg -i /tmp/my.udeb
+# This command is run just before the install finishes, but when there is
+# still a usable /target directory.
+#d-i preseed/late_command string for deb in /hd-media/*.deb; do cp $deb /target/tmp; chroot /target dpkg -i /tmp/$(basename $deb); done
+# This command is run just as base-config is starting up.
+#base-config base-config/early_command string echo hi mom
+# This command is run after base-config is done, just before the login:
+# prompt. This is a good way to install a set of packages you want, or to
+# tweak the configuration of the system.
+#base-config base-config/late_command string apt-get install zsh; chsh -s /bin/zsh
+#### Network configuration.
+# Of course, this won't work if you're loading your preseed file from the
+# network! But it's great if you're booting from CD or USB stick. You can
+# also pass network config parameters in on the kernel params if you are
+# loading preseed files from the network.
+# netcfg will choose an interface that has link if possible. This makes it
+# skip displaying a list if there is more than one interface.
+d-i netcfg/choose_interface select auto
+# If you prefer to configure the network manually, here's how:
+#d-i netcfg/disable_dhcp boolean true
+#d-i netcfg/get_nameservers string
+#d-i netcfg/get_ipaddress string
+#d-i netcfg/get_netmask string
+#d-i netcfg/get_gateway string
+#d-i netcfg/confirm_static boolean true
+# Note that any hostname and domain names assigned from dhcp take
+# precidence over values set here. However, setting the values still
+# prevents the questions from being shown even if values come from dhcp.
+d-i netcfg/get_hostname string unassigned-hostname
+d-i netcfg/get_domain string unassigned-domain
+# Disable that annoying WEP key dialog.
+d-i netcfg/wireless_wep string
+# The wacky dhcp hostname that some ISPs use as a password of sorts.
+#d-i netcfg/dhcp_hostname string radish
+#### Mirror settings.
+d-i mirror/country string enter information manually
+d-i mirror/http/hostname string
+d-i mirror/http/directory string /debian
+d-i mirror/suite string testing
+d-i mirror/http/proxy string
+### Partitioning.
+# If the system has free space you can choose to only partition that space.
+#d-i partman-auto/init_automatically_partition select Use the largest continuous free space
+# Alternatively, you can specify a disk to partition. The device name can
+# be given in either devfs or traditional non-devfs format.
+# For example, to use the first disk devfs knows of:
+d-i partman-auto/disk string /dev/discs/disc0/disc
+# You can choose from any of the predefined partitioning recipes:
+d-i partman-auto/choose_recipe select All files in one partition (recommended for new users)
+#d-i partman-auto/choose_recipe select Desktop machine
+#d-i partman-auto/choose_recipe select Multi-user workstation
+# Or provide a recipe of your own...
+# The recipe format is documented in the file devel/partman-auto-recipe.txt.
+# If you have a way to get a recipe file into the d-i environment, you can
+# just point at it.
+#d-i partman-auto/expert_recipe_file string /hd-media/recipe
+# If not, you can put an entire recipe in one line. This example creates
+# a small /boot partition, suitable swap, and uses the rest of the space
+# for the root partition:
+#d-i partman-auto/expert_recipe string boot-root :: 20 50 100 ext3 $primary{ } $bootable{ } method{ format } format{ } use_filesystem{ } filesystem{ ext3 } mountpoint{ /boot } . 500 10000 1000000000 ext3 method{ format } format{ } use_filesystem{ } filesystem{ ext3 } mountpoint{ / } . 64 512 300% linux-swap method{ swap } format{ } .
+# For reference, here is that same recipe in a more readable form:
+# boot-root ::
+# 40 50 100 ext3
+# $primary{ } $bootable{ }
+# method{ format } format{ }
+# use_filesystem{ } filesystem{ ext3 }
+# mountpoint{ /boot }
+# .
+# 500 10000 1000000000 ext3
+# method{ format } format{ }
+# use_filesystem{ } filesystem{ ext3 }
+# mountpoint{ / }
+# .
+# 64 512 300% linux-swap
+# method{ swap } format{ }
+# .
+# This makes partman automatically partition without confirmation.
+d-i partman/choose_partition select Finish partitioning and write changes to disk
+d-i partman/confirm boolean true
+#### Boot loader installation.
+# Grub is the default boot loader (for x86). If you want lilo installed
+# instead, uncomment this:
+#d-i grub-installer/skip boolean true
+# This is fairly safe to set, it makes grub install automatically to the MBR
+# if no other operating system is detected on the machine.
+d-i grub-installer/only_debian boolean true
+# This one makes grub-installer install to the MBR if if finds some other OS
+# too, which is less safe as it might not be able to boot that other OS.
+d-i grub-installer/with_other_os boolean true
+# Alternatively, if you want to install to a location other than the mbr,
+# uncomment and edit these lines:
+#d-i grub-installer/bootdev string (hd0,0)
+#d-i grub-installer/only-debian boolean false
+#d-i grub-installer/with_other_os boolean false
+##### Finishing up the first stage install.
+# Avoid that last message about the install being complete.
+d-i prebaseconfig/reboot_in_progress note
+##### Preseeding base-config.
+# XXX: Note that most of this will not work right until base-config 2.40.4
+# is available.
+# Avoid the introductory message.
+base-config base-config/intro note
+# Avoid the final message.
+base-config base-config/login note
+# If you installed a display manager, but don't want to start it immediately
+# after base-config finishes.
+#base-config base-config/start-display-manager boolean false
+###### Time zone setup.
+# Controls whether or not the hardware clock is set to GMT.
+base-config tzconfig/gmt boolean true
+# If you told the installer that you're in the United States, then you
+# can set the time zone using this variable.
+# (Choices are: Eastern, Central, Mountain, Pacific, Alaska, Hawaii,
+# Aleutian, Arizona East-Indiana, Indiana-Starke, Michigan, Samoa, other)
+base-config tzconfig/choose_country_zone/US select Eastern
+# If you told it you're in Canada.
+# (Choices are: Newfoundland, Atlantic, Eastern, Central,
+# East-Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Mountain, Pacific, Yukon, other)
+base-config tzconfig/choose_country_zone/CA select Eastern
+# If you told it you're in Brazil. (Choices are: East, West, Acre,
+# DeNoronha, other)
+base-config tzconfig/choose_country_zone/BR select East
+# Many countries have only one time zone. If you told the installer you're
+# in one of those countries, you can choose its standard time zone via this
+# question.
+base-config tzconfig/choose_country_zone_single boolean true
+# This question is asked as a fallback for countries other than those
+# listed above, which have more than one time zone. You can preseed one of
+# the time zones, or "other".
+#base-config tzconfig/choose_country_zone_multiple select
+###### Account setup.
+# To preseed the root password, you have to put it in the clear in this
+# file. That is not a very good idea, use caution!
+#passwd passwd/root-password password r00tme
+#passwd passwd/root-password-again password r00tme
+# If you want to skip creation of a normal user account.
+#passwd passwd/make-user boolean false
+# Alternatively, you can preseed the user's name and login.
+#passwd passwd/user-fullname string Debian User
+#passwd passwd/username string debian
+# And their password, but use caution!
+#passwd passwd/user-password password insecure
+#passwd passwd/user-password-again password insecure
+###### Apt setup.
+# This question controls what source the second stage installation uses
+# for packages. Choices are cdrom, http, ftp, filesystem, edit sources list
+# by hand
+base-config apt-setup/uri_type select http
+# If you choose ftp or http, you'll be asked for a country and a mirror.
+base-config apt-setup/country select enter information manually
+base-config apt-setup/hostname string
+base-config apt-setup/directory string /debian
+# Stop after choosing one mirror.
+base-config apt-setup/another boolean false
+# You can choose to install non-free and contrib software.
+#base-config apt-setup/non-free boolean true
+#base-config apt-setup/contrib boolean true
+# Do enable security updates.
+base-config apt-setup/security-updates boolean true
+###### Package selection.
+# You can choose to install any combination of tasks that are available.
+# Available tasks as of this writing include: Desktop environment,
+# Web server, Print server, DNS server, File server, Mail server,
+# SQL database, manual package selection. The last of those will run
+# aptitude. You can also choose to install no tasks, and force the
+# installation of a set of packages in some other way.
+# XXX: this will not work until tasksel 2.12 is available
+tasksel tasksel/first multiselect Desktop environment
+#tasksel tasksel/first multiselect Web server, Mail server, DNS server
+###### Mailer configuration.
+# During a normal install, exim asks only two questions. Here's how to
+# avoid even those. More complicated preseeding is possible.
+exim4-config exim4/dc_eximconfig_configtype select no configuration at this time
+# It's a good idea to set this to whatever user account you choose to
+# create. Leaving the value blank results in postmaster mail going to
+# /var/mail/mail.
+exim4-config exim4/dc_postmaster string
+###### X Configuration.
+# Preseeding Debian's X config is possible, but you probably need to know
+# some details about the video hardware of the machine, since Debian's X
+# configurator does not do fully automatic configuration of everything.
+# X can detect the right driver for some cards, but if you're preseeding,
+# you override whatever it chooses. Still, vesa will work most places.
+#xserver-xfree86 xserver-xfree86/config/device/driver select vesa
+# A caveat with mouse autodetection is that if it fails, X will retry it
+# over and over. So if it's preseeded to be done, there is a possibility of
+# an infinite loop if the mouse is not autodetected.
+#xserver-xfree86 xserver-xfree86/autodetect_mouse boolean true
+# Monitor autodetection is recommended.
+xserver-xfree86 xserver-xfree86/autodetect_monitor boolean true
+# Uncomment if you have a LCD display.
+#xserver-xfree86 xserver-xfree86/config/monitor/lcd boolean true
+# X has three configuration paths for the monitor. Here's how to preseed
+# the "medium" path, which is always available. The "simple" path may not
+# be available, and the "advanced" path asks too many questions.
+xserver-xfree86 xserver-xfree86/config/monitor/selection-method select medium
+xserver-xfree86 xserver-xfree86/config/monitor/mode-list select 1024x768 @ 60 Hz
+###### Everything else.
+# Depending on what software you choose to install, or if things go wrong
+# during the installation process, it's possible that other questions may
+# be asked. You can preseed those too, of course. To get a list of every
+# possible question that could be asked during an install, do an
+# installation, and then run these commands:
+# debconf-get-selections --installer > file
+# debconf-get-selections >> file
+# If you like, you can include other preseed files into this one.
+# Any settings in those files will override pre-existing settings from this
+# file. More that one file can be listed, separated by spaces; all will be
+# loaded. The included files can have preseed/include directives of their
+# own as well. Note that if the filenames are relative, they are taken from
+# the same directory as the preseed file that includes them.
+#d-i preseed/include string x.cfg
+# More flexably, this runs a shell command and if it outputs the names of
+# preseed files, includes those files. For example, to switch configs based
+# on a particular usb storage device (in this case, a built-in card reader):
+#d-i preseed/include_command string if $(grep -q "GUID: 0aec3050aec305000001a003" /proc/scsi/usb-storage-*/*); then echo kraken.cfg; else echo otherusb.cfg; fi
diff --git a/eu/appendix/files.xml b/eu/appendix/files.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6777fa664
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/appendix/files.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+ <sect1 id="linuxdevices"><title>Linux Devices</title>
+In Linux you have various special files in
+<filename>/dev</filename>. These files are called devices files. In
+the Unix world accessing hardware is different. There you have a
+special file which actually runs a driver which in turn accesses the
+hardware. The device file is an interface to the actual system
+component. Files under <filename>/dev</filename> also behave
+differently than ordinary files. Below are the most important device
+files listed.
+<informaltable><tgroup cols="2"><tbody>
+ <entry><filename>fd0</filename></entry>
+ <entry>First Floppy Drive</entry>
+ <entry><filename>fd1</filename></entry>
+ <entry>Second Floppy Drive</entry>
+<informaltable><tgroup cols="2"><tbody>
+ <entry><filename>hda</filename></entry>
+ <entry>IDE Hard disk / CD-ROM on the first IDE port (Master)</entry>
+ <entry><filename>hdb</filename></entry>
+ <entry>IDE Hard disk / CD-ROM on the first IDE port (Slave)</entry>
+ <entry><filename>hdc</filename></entry>
+ <entry>IDE Hard disk / CD-ROM on the second IDE port (Master)</entry>
+ <entry><filename>hdd</filename></entry>
+ <entry>IDE Hard disk / CD-ROM on the second IDE port (Slave)</entry>
+ <entry><filename>hda1</filename></entry>
+ <entry>First partition of the first IDE hard disk</entry>
+ <entry><filename>hdd15</filename></entry>
+ <entry>Fifteenth partition of the fourth IDE hard disk</entry>
+<informaltable><tgroup cols="2"><tbody>
+ <entry><filename>sda</filename></entry>
+ <entry>SCSI Hard disk with lowest SCSI ID (e.g. 0)</entry>
+ <entry><filename>sdb</filename></entry>
+ <entry>SCSI Hard disk with next higher SCSI ID (e.g. 1)</entry>
+ <entry><filename>sdc</filename></entry>
+ <entry>SCSI Hard disk with next higher SCSI ID (e.g. 2)</entry>
+ <entry><filename>sda1</filename></entry>
+ <entry>First partition of the first SCSI hard disk</entry>
+ <entry><filename>sdd10</filename></entry>
+ <entry>Tenth partition of the fourth SCSI hard disk</entry>
+<informaltable><tgroup cols="2"><tbody>
+ <entry><filename>sr0</filename></entry>
+ <entry>SCSI CD-ROM with the lowest SCSI ID</entry>
+ <entry><filename>sr1</filename></entry>
+ <entry>SCSI CD-ROM with the next higher SCSI ID</entry>
+<informaltable><tgroup cols="2"><tbody>
+ <entry><filename>ttyS0</filename></entry>
+ <entry>Serial port 0, COM1 under MS-DOS</entry>
+ <entry><filename>ttyS1</filename></entry>
+ <entry>Serial port 1, COM2 under MS-DOS</entry>
+ <entry><filename>psaux</filename></entry>
+ <entry>PS/2 mouse device</entry>
+ <entry><filename>gpmdata</filename></entry>
+ <entry>Pseudo device, repeater data from GPM (mouse) daemon</entry>
+<informaltable><tgroup cols="2"><tbody>
+ <entry><filename>cdrom</filename></entry>
+ <entry>Symbolic link to the CD-ROM drive</entry>
+ <entry><filename>mouse</filename></entry>
+ <entry>Symbolic link to the mouse device file</entry>
+<informaltable><tgroup cols="2"><tbody>
+ <entry><filename>null</filename></entry>
+ <entry>Everything pointed to this device will disappear</entry>
+ <entry><filename>zero</filename></entry>
+ <entry>One can endlessly read zeros out of this device</entry>
+ <sect2>
+<title>Setting Up Your Mouse</title>
+The mouse can be used in both the Linux console (with gpm) and the X window
+environment. The two uses can be made compatible if the gpm repeater is used
+to allow the signal to flow to the X server as shown:
+mouse =&#62; /dev/psaux =&#62; gpm =&#62; /dev/gpmdata -&#62; /dev/mouse =&#62; X
+ /dev/ttyS0 (repeater) (symlink)
+ /dev/ttyS1
+Set the repeater protocol to be raw (in <filename>/etc/gpm.conf</filename>) while
+setting X to the original mouse protocol in <filename>/etc/X11/XF86Config</filename>
+or <filename>/etc/X11/XF86Config-4</filename>.
+This approach to use gpm even in X has advantages when the mouse is
+unplugged inadvertently. Simply restarting gpm with
+user@debian:# /etc/init.d/gpm restart
+will re-connect the mouse in software without restarting X.
+If gpm is disabled or not installed with some reason, make sure to set X to
+read directly from the mouse device such as /dev/psaux. For details, refer
+to the 3-Button Mouse mini-Howto at
+<userinput>man gpm</userinput>,
+<filename>/usr/share/doc/gpm/FAQ.gz</filename>, and
+<ulink url="&url-xfree86;current/mouse.html">README.mouse</ulink>.
+</para><para arch="powerpc">
+For PowerPC, in <filename>/etc/X11/XF86Config</filename> or
+<filename>/etc/X11/XF86Config-4</filename>, set the mouse device to
+</para><para arch="powerpc">
+Modern kernels give you the capability to emulate a three-button mouse
+when your mouse only has one button. Just add the following lines to
+<filename>/etc/sysctl.conf</filename> file.
+# 3-button mouse emulation
+# turn on emulation
+/dev/mac_hid/mouse_button_emulation = 1
+# Send middle mouse button signal with the F11 key
+/dev/mac_hid/mouse_button2_keycode = 87
+# Send right mouse button signal with the F12 key
+/dev/mac_hid/mouse_button3_keycode = 88
+# For different keys, use showkey to tell you what the code is.
+ </sect2>
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1 id="tasksel-size-list">
+ <title>Disk Space Needed for Tasks</title>
+The base woody installation on the author's computer required 117MB.
+The installed size for all standard packages was 123MB, with a
+download size of 38MB; so 278MB of space was needed to install the
+base and all standard packages.
+The following table lists sizes reported by aptitude (a very nice
+program, by the way) for the tasks listed in tasksel. The system
+for which the figures were reported already had all standard packages
+installed. Note that some tasks have overlapping constituents, so
+the total installed size for two tasks together may be less than
+the total obtained by adding the numbers up.
+Task Installed Download Space Needed
+ Size (MB) Size (MB) To Install (MB)
+desktop environment 345 118 463
+X window system 78 36 114
+games 49 14 63
+Debian Jr. 340 124 464
+dialup system 28 8 36
+laptop system 3 1 4
+scientific applications 110 30 140
+C and C++ 32 15 47
+Python 103 30 133
+Tcl/Tk 37 11 48
+fortran 10 4 14
+file server 1 - 1
+mail server 4 3 7
+usenet news server 6 2 8
+print server 48 18 66
+conventional unix server 55 19 74
+web server 4 1 5
+TeX/LaTeX environment 171 64 235
+simplified Chinese environment 80 29 109
+traditional Chinese environment 166 68 234
+Cyrillic environment 29 13 42
+French environment 60 18 78
+German environment 31 9 40
+Japanese environment 110 53 163
+Korean environment 178 72 250
+Polish environment 58 27 85
+Russian environment 12 6 18
+Spanish environment 15 4 19
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/appendix/gpl.xml b/eu/appendix/gpl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2be25404c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/appendix/gpl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,514 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 -->
+ <appendix id="appendix-gpl"><title>GNU General Public License</title>
+2. Bertsioa, 1991ko Ekaina
+This is an unofficial translation of the GNU General Public License
+into Basque. It was not published by the Free Software Foundation,
+and does not legally state the distribution terms for software that
+uses the GNU GPL--only the original English text of the GNU GPL does
+that. However, we hope that this translation will help basque
+speakers understand the GNU GPL better.
+Hau "GNU General Public License" delakoaren euskaraketa ez-ofizial
+bat da. Itzulpen hau ez du "FSF Free Software Foundation"-ek
+argitarartu, eta ez ditu legalki zehazten GNU GPL lizentzia
+erabiltzen duen softwarearen banatze baldintzak -- GNU GPL
+Ingelesezko testu jatorrizkoak baino ez du hori egiten. Hala ere,
+itzulpen honek euskaldunak GNU GPL lizentzia hobeto ulertzen
+laguntzeko asmoarekin egin dugu.
+ <sect1><title>Sarrera</title>
+Software gehienen lizentziak hura konpartitzeko eta aldatzeko
+askatasuna ukatzeko pentsatuta daude. Honen kontra, "GNU-General
+Public License" deritzona software librea konpartitu eta banatzeko
+zure askatasuna bermatzeko asmoa dauka, hau da, softwarea
+erabiltzaile guztientzat librea dela bermatzea. Lizentzia honek "Free
+Software Foundation"-aren software gehienari eta bere egileak hau
+erabiltzen onartzen duen beste edozein programari aplikatzen zaio.
+(Free Software Foundation-en beste zenbait software "GNU Library
+General Public License" lizentziak babesten du.) Zure programentzako
+hori ere erabili dezakezu.
+Software askeaz ari garenean, askatasunaz ari gara, ez prezioaz. Gure
+Lizentziak software askearen kopiak banatzeko askatasuna daukazula
+(eta nahi izanez gero kobratu), iturburu-kodea jasotzen duzula, edo
+jaso dezakezula nahi izanez gero, softwarea aldatu dezakezula edo
+beraren zatiak erabili dezakezula programa aske berrietan, eta guzti
+hau egin dezakezula badakizula bermatzeko diseinatuta daude.
+Zure eskubideak babesteko, edonork eskubide hauek ukatzea edo zuk
+bertan behera uztea eskatzea debekatzen duten zenbait murrizketa egin
+behar ditugu. Murrizketa hauek, softwarearen kopiak banatzen edo
+aldatzen baldin baduzu, zuretzako zenbait erantzukizunetan itzultzen
+Adibidez, programa baten kopiak banatzen baldin badituzu, dohainik
+edo ordain baten truke, jasotzen dutenei zuk dituzun eskubide beraiek
+eman behar diezu. Beraiek ere iturburu-kodea jasotzen dutela, edo
+jasotzeko aukera dutela ziurtatu behar duzu. Eta baldintza hauek
+erakutsi behar diezu beraien eskubideak ezagutu ditzaten.
+Zure eskubideak bi pausutan babesten ditugu: (1) softwareari
+copyright abisu bat ezartzen, eta (2) kopiatzeko, banatzeko eta
+aldatzeko aukera legala ematen dizun lizentzia hau eskaintzen.
+Baita ere, egilearen eta gure babes propiorako ere, argi utzi nahi
+dugu software libre honentzat ez dagoela inolako garantiarik.
+Softwarea besteren batek aldatzen eta banatzen baldin badu, jasotzen
+dutenek hori originala ez dela argi izan dezaten nahi dut, eta
+horregatik, besteren batek sartutako edozein arazo ez du islatuko
+jatorriko egilearen reputazioa.
+Azkenik, edozein programa askea beti egongo da softwarearen patenteaz
+mehatxatuta. Gure asmoa, software aske baten banatzailea banakako
+patente lizentzia bat lortzea, horren bitartez programa jabedun
+eginez, saihestu nahi dugu. Honi aurre egiteko, argi utzi nahi izan
+dugu edozein patente guztion erabilera librerako lizentziatu behar
+dela edo ez dela lizentziatuko.
+Hemendik aurrera kopiatzeko, banatzeko eta aldatzeko baldintzak
+jarriko dira.
+ </sect1>
+Lizentzia honek Publikoarentzako Lizentzia Orokor honen
+baldintzapean banatu daitekeela adierazten duen egileak jarritako
+edozein abisu daraman edozein programa edo bestelako lanari
+aplikatzen zaio. Hemendik aurrera "Programa" horrelako edozein
+programa edo lana izango da, eta "Programan oinarritutako lana"
+programa bera edo copyright legepean dagoen edozein deribaturiko
+lana; hau da, Programa bera edo beraren zati bat daukan edozein lan,
+bai kopia zehatzak edo aldaketak eta/edo beste edozein
+hizkuntzatarako itzulpena. (Edozein moduan itzulpena aldaketaren
+esanahian mugaketarik gabe sartzen da). "Zu" Lizentzia bakoitzari
+esango zaio.
+Kopiatzeaz, banatzeaz eta aldatzeaz besteko eragiketarik ez da
+betetzen Lizentzia honetan; beraren eremuaz kanpo geratzen dira.
+Programa erabiltzea bera ez da murrizten, eta bertatik ateratako
+emaitza barruan sartzen da, baldin eta hauek Programan oinarritutako
+lan bat badira (Programa bera erabiltzetik lortu badira edo ez). Hori
+egia izateak Programak egiten duenaren arabera izango da.
+Programaren iturburu kodearen kopia zehatzak, jasotzen duzun
+moduan, egin eta banandu ditzakezu, edozein bitartekoan, guztietan
+argi eta garbi copyright eta garantia abisua publikatu, Lizentzia
+honi eta garantia ezari dagokion abisu guztiak mantendu eta jasotzen
+duten guztiei Programarekin batera Lizentzia honen kopia bat ematen
+diezun bitartean.
+Ordaina jaso dezakezu kopia transmisioaren ekintza fisikoaren truke,
+eta, horrela nahi izanez gero, garantia bat eskaini dezakezu ordain
+baten truke.
+Programaren kopia edo kopiak, edo honen edozein zati aldatu
+dezakezu, horrela Programan oinarritutako lan bat sortuz, eta
+aldaketa edo lan horiek banandu goiko 1.en Atalaren baldintzapean,
+zuk baldintza hauek betetzen dituzun bitartean:
+a) Zuk aldatutako fitxategietan zuk aldatutakoak direla eta
+aldaketaren data ikusgarriak diren abisuak jarri behar dituzu.
+b) Zuk banatzen edo argitaratzen duzun edozein lanean, bere
+osotasunean edo zati batean Programa daukala, bertatik edo bere zati
+batetik deribatua dela, osorik lizentziatu behar diezula Lizentzia
+honen pean hirugarren pertsonei ordainik jaso gabe.
+c) Programak normalean komando interaktiboak irakurtzen baldin
+baditu, elkarrizketa interaktibo horretan modu arruntenean martxan
+jartzerakoan, copyright egokiaren abisua eta garantiarik ez
+dagoenaren argiketa (edo garantia zuk ematen duzula), erabiltzaileak
+programa baldintza hauen pean banatu dezaketela eta hauei Lizentzia
+honen kopia bat nola ikusi adierazten duen iragarki bat inprimatu edo
+erakutsiarazi behar duzu. (Programak berak interaktiboa baldin bada
+baina normalean ez badu horrelako iragarkirik erakusten, Programan
+oinarritutako zure lanak ez du zergatik iragarkia erakutsi behar.)
+Behar hauek aldatutako lanari bere osotasunean aplikatzen zaizkio.
+Lan horren zati identifikagarriak Programatik ez badira deribatu, eta
+berez arrazoiz lan independente eta bereiztutako lanak kontsideratu
+baldin badaitezke, orduan Lizentzia honek, eta bere baldintzak, ez
+zaizkie aplikatuko banandutako lan moduan zabaltzen dituzunean. Baina
+zati hauek Programan oinarritutako lan bat den osotasun baten moduan
+zabaltzen dituzunean, guztiaren zabaltzea lizentzia honen
+baldintzapetan izan behar da, zeinen baldintzak beste lizentzia
+batzuentzat osotasun guztiari gehitzen zaio, eta horregatik zati
+guztiei, edozeinek idatzi duelaz aparte.
+Atal honen asmoa ez da zuk osorik idatzitako lan baten gaineko
+eskubideak bereganatzea edo eztabaidatzea; baizik eta, asmoa,
+Programan oinarritutako egile anitzen lanak edo deribazioen zabaltzea
+kontrolatzeko ahalmena izatea.
+Beste alde batetik, Programan oinarrituta ez dagoen beste lan baten
+Programarekin (edo Programan oinarritutako lan batekin) elkartze
+hutsa gordeketa edo zabaltze medio batean ez du beste lana Lizentzia
+honen pean jartzen.
+Programa (edo honetan oinarritutako lan bat, 2.en atalaren
+arabera) kode objektu edo exekutagarri moduan zabaldu dezakezu 1.en
+eta 2.en atalen baldintzapean, hurrengoetako bat egiten duzun
+ a) Makinak irakurri dezakeen iturburu kodearekin batera zabaldu,
+1.en eta 2.en atalen baldintzapean eta normalean softwarearen
+elkarbanatzerako erabiltzen den euskarri batean; edo,
+b) Gutxienez hiru urteko balioa izango duen idatzitako eskaintza
+batekin elkartu, edozein hirugarren parteri, fisikoki zabaltze horren
+kostua baino gehiago ez den ordain baten truke, dagokion iturburu
+kodearen makinak irakurgai duen kopia oso bat, 1.en eta 2.en atalen
+baldintzapean normalean softwarearen elkarbanatzerako erabiltzen den
+euskarri batean emateko konpromisoarekin; edo,
+c) Dagokion iturburu kodea luzatzeko zuk jasotako eskaintza
+moduan jasotako informazioarekin elkartu. (Alternatiba honek
+distribuzio ez-komertzialentzat da bakarrik eta soilik zuk programa
+kode objektu edo exekutagarri moduan, eskaintza horrekin jaso baldin
+baduzu, b azpiatalaren arabera.)
+Lan baten iturburu kodea lanaren gaineko aldaketak egiteko modu
+hoberena esan nahi du. Lan exekutagarri batentzat, iturburu kode
+osoa, osotzen duten modulu guztien iturburu kodea, erlazionatutako
+interfaze-aren edozein definizio fitxategi bai eta exekutagarriaren
+konpilazioa eta instalazioa kontrolatzeko script guztiak esan nahi
+du. Hala ere, salbuespen berezi moduan, banatutako iturburu kodea
+normalean Sistema Eragilearen osagai arruntetan (konpilatzailea,
+kernel eta horrelakoak) banatzen den edozein gauza (ez iturburu
+kodean edo bitarran) ez du barnean izan behar, osagai horrek
+exekutagarriari lotuta ez baldin badoa.
+Exekutagarriari edo kode objektuaren banaketa kopiatzeko leku zehatz
+batera sarrera eskaintzen egiten bada, orduan iturburu kodea
+kopiatzeko leku berdinera sarrera berdintsua eskeintzea iturburu kode
+honen banaketa bezala onartuko da, hirugarren parteak biak kopiatzen
+ez badituzte ere.
+Ezin izango duzu Programa kopiatu, azpi-lizentziatu edo banatu
+espreski Lizentzia honen baldintzapean ez baldin badator. Kopiatzeko,
+aldatzeko, azpi-lizentziatzeko edo banatzeko edozein saiakera
+debekatuta dago eta bertan behera utziko ditu Lizentzia honen gaineko
+zure eskubideak. Hala ere zuregandik Lizentzia honi lotutako kopiak
+edo bahimenak jaso dituzten partaideen lizentziak ez dira bukatuko
+beraren baldintzak betetzen dituzten bitartean.
+Ez daukazu zergatik lizentzia hau onartu, sinatu ez duzulako.
+Hala ere, ez dago Lana edo bere deribatutako lanak aldatzeko edo
+banatzeko bahimena ematen dizun beste edozer. Ekintza hauek legeak
+debekatuta daude Lizentzia hau onartzen ez baduzu. Horregatik,
+Programa (edo Programan oinarritutako lan bat) aldatu edo banatzean,
+Lizentzia honen onartzea adierazten duzu hori egiteko, eta Programa
+edo programan oinarritutako lan bat kopiatzeko, banatzeko
+Programa (edo Programan oinarritutako edozein lan) birbanatzen
+duzun bakoitzean, jasotzen duenak automatikoki baldintza hauei
+lotutako Programa kopiatzeko, banatzeko edo aldatzeko lizentzia
+hasierako lizentziadunetik jasotzen du. Ezin izango duzu bertan
+adierazitako jasotzen duenaren eskubideei bestelako baldintzarik
+ezarri. Ezin izango duzu hirugarren bat Lizentzia hau betetzen
+Epaiketa, patente baten arau-hausteagatik alegazio, edo
+bestelako arrazoi batengatik (ez soilik patente kontuetan), Lizentzia
+honekin kontraesanetan datozen baldintzak jartzen bazaizkizu
+(epaimahaiaren aginduz, akordioagatik edo besteren batengatik), honek
+ez zaitu Lizentzia honen baldintzetatik askatzen. Lizentzia honen
+baldintzak eta bestelako betebeharrak batera betetzeko ezin baldin
+baduzu banatu, orduan ezin izango duzu inolaz ere Programa banatu.
+Adibidez, patente batek zuregandik, zuzenean edo bitartekarien
+medioz, ordain gabeko banaketa ez badu onartzen, orduan bai hura eta
+bai Lizentzia hau betetzeko modu bakarra Programa inolaz ere ez
+banatzea da.
+Atal honen edozein zati edozein egoeran baliogabekoa edo aplikaezina
+gertatzen bada, atalaren joera aplikatzera izango da, eta atala bere
+osotasunean beste edozein egoeran aplikatuko da.
+Atal honen asmoa ez da edozein patente edo bestelako jabetza
+eskubideak zapaltzera, edo horien erreklamazioen balioa erantzutera
+bultzatzea; atal honen helburu bakarra lizentzia publikoaren
+ekimenetan oinarrituta dagoen software askearen banaketa sistemaren
+osotasuna defenditzea da. Jende askok sistema honen bitartez
+banatutako software multzo zabalari eskuzabal ekarpen asko egin
+dizkio, sistema honen aplikazio zuzenerako; egile/emailearen aukera
+da softwarea banatzeko sistema eta lizentzia batek ezin du aukera
+hori inposatu.
+Atal honek beste Lizentzia guztiaren emaitza bezala ikusten dena
+argitu nahi du.
+Programaren banaketa eta/edo erabiltzea zenbait herrialdetan
+patenteengatik edo egilearen jabego adierazpenengatik murriztuta
+baldin badago, Lizentzia honen pean jartzen duen hazierako jabeak
+herrialde horiek adierazten dituen banaketa murrizketa esplizitu bat
+ezarri dezake, banaketa beste herrialde guztietan onartuta dagoela.
+Kasu horretan, Lizentzia honek murrizketa hori barnean izango du,
+bertan idatzita egongo balitz bezala.
+Free Software Foundation-ak "General Public License" honen
+berrikusitako edo berriak diren bertsioak argitaratu lezake
+noizbehinka. Bertsio berri horiek izpirituan honen antzekoak izango
+dira, baina detaileetan ezberdinduko dira, arazo edo egoera berriak
+zuzentzeko. Bertsio bakoitzari ezberdintzen duen bertsio zenbaki bat dauka.
+Programak berari eta beste hurrengo edozein bertsioari dagokion
+bertsio zenbaki bat adierazten badu, bertsio horren edo "Free
+Software Foundation"-ak argitaratutako hurrengo edozein bertsioaren
+baldintzak betetzeko aukera daukazu. Programak bertsio zenbaki bat
+adierazten ez badu "Free Software Foundation"-ak inoiz argitaratu
+duen edozein bertsio aukeratu dezakezu.
+Programaren zatiak banaketa baldintza ezberdinak dituzten beste
+programa aske batzuetara gehitu nahi baldin baduzu, egileari bahimena
+eskatu beharko diozu. "Free Software Foundation"-ak babestutako
+softwarearentzako "Free Software Foundation"-ari eskatu bahimena;
+batzutan salbuespenak egiten ditugu honekin. Gure erabakia bi
+helburuk zuzenduko dute: gure software askearen egoera askearen mantentzea eta softwarearen elkarbanatzea eta erabilpena laguntzea.
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1><title>Nola aplikatu baldintza hauek zure Programa berriei</title>
+Programa berri bat egiten baduzu, eta publiko zabalean erabilera
+ahalik eta handienekoa izatea nahi baldin baduzu, baldintza hauen
+pean edozeinek banatu eta aldatu dezakeen software askea egitea
+hoberena da.
+Hau egiteko, programan hurrengo abisuak jarri. Garantia eza argi
+uzteko da abisua iturburu fitxategi guztien hasieran jartzea
+seguruagoa da; eta fitxategi bakoitzak gutxienez "copyright" lerroa
+eta abisu guztia dagoen lekurako esteka bat izan beharko luke.
+lerro bat programaren izena eta egiten duenaren ideia laburr
+Copyright (C) urtea egilearen izena
+Programa hau software askea da; "Free Software Foundation"-ek
+argitaratutako "GNU General Public License"-ak adierazten duen
+baldintzapetan banatu eta/edo aldatu dezakezu, bai Lizentziaren 2.
+bertsioa edo beste hurrengoko edozein.
+Programa hau erabilgarria izango delakoan banatzen da, baina
+ERABILGARRITASUNA ETA SALTZEARI suposatu litezkeenak. Zehaztasun gehiagorako "GNU General Public License"-a irakurri.
+"GNU General Public License"-ren kopia bat jaso behar izango
+zenuke programarekin batera. Horrela ez bada izan hurrengo helbidera
+idatzi: Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
+Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+Baita ere, posta elektronikoz eta arruntaz zu nola kontaktatu
+Programa elkarreragilea bada, modu honetan hasten denean honelako
+abisu labur bat erakustaraziozu:
+Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) urtea Egilearen izena
+Gnomovision INOLAKO GARANTIARIK GABE DATOR; zehaztasun gehiago ikusteko sakatu 'show w'.
+Hau software askea da, eta banatzea zenbait baldintzapetan
+onartuta dago; zehaztasun gehiago ikusteko sakatu 'show c'.
+'show w' eta 'show c' ustezko komandoak "General Public License"-aren
+atal egokiak erakutsi beharko lukete. Noski, erabiltzen dituzun
+komandoak beste era batera izendatu dezakezu, arratoi klik bat, menu
+atal bat edo zure programarekin bat datorren edozein gauza izan
+daitezke ere.
+Baita ere, programatzaile moduan lan egiten baduzu, zure
+arduradunaren edo zure eskolaren, baldin badago, programaren
+jabegoaren ezeztatze bat sinarazi beharko zenuke, behar baldin bada.
+Hemen adibidea, izenak aldatu:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., honen bitartez, James Hacker-ek idatzitako (make-k
+konpilatzailera pasatzen duena) `Gnomovision' programan jabego
+interes guztiak bertan bera uzten ditu.
+Ty Coon-en sinadura, 1 April 1989
+Ty Coon, Vice-ko Lehendakaria
+"General Public License" honek ez du zure programa bestelako programa
+jabedunetara gehitzea baimentzen. Zure programa azpierrutinen
+liburutegi bat baldin bada, aplikazio jabedunek zure errutinari
+lotzea erabilgarriagoa kontsideratu beharko zenuke. Hau bada egin
+nahi duzuna erabili behar duzuna "GNU Library General Public License"
+da, lizentzia honen ordez.
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/appendix/random-bits.xml b/eu/appendix/random-bits.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..25a2d8a4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/appendix/random-bits.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+<appendix id="appendix"><title>Random Bits</title>
diff --git a/eu/bookinfo.xml b/eu/bookinfo.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ec7a43846
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/bookinfo.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 22839 -->
+<bookinfo id="debian_installation_guide">
+<title>&debian; Instalazio Gida-Liburua</title>
+Dokumentu honek &debian; &release; sistema &arch-title;
+(<quote>&architecture;</quote>) arkitekruran instalatzeko
+argibideak ditu. Debian sistematan gauzak nola egiten diren
+argibideak eta argibide gehiagotara estekeak ditu ere.
+<warning condition="not-checked"><para>
+Instalazio gida hau haurreko instalazio metodoarako
+("boot-floopies") eginitakoan oinarriturik dago eta
+Debian instalatzaile berrirako eguneraturik izan da.
+Hala ere &architecture; arkitekturarentzat ez da guztiz
+eguneratu eta frogatua izan. Oraindik guztiz osatu gabe
+edo zaharkiturik geraturiko manual zatiak daude. Manual
+honen bertsio berriago bat, ziurrenik arkitektura honentzat
+eguneratagorik egongo dena
+<ulink url="&url-d-i;">&d-i; webgunean</ulink> aurkitu daiteke,
+Han beste itzulpen batzuek ere aurki ditzakezu.
+<note condition="checked"><para>
+&architecture; -rentzat instalazio gida amaitu artean nahiko maiz
+eguneratuko da, &releasename; argitaratze ofiziala baino lehen
+aldaketak egin eta atalak berrantolatzeko asmoa dugu.
+Manual honenbertsio berriago bat, ziurrenik arkitektura honentzat
+eguneratagorik egongo dena
+<ulink url="&url-d-i;">&d-i; home page</ulink> webgunean aurkitu daiteke,
+Han beste itzulpen batzuek ere aurki ditzazkezu.
+ <year>2004
+ <trademark class="copyright">
+ </trademark>
+ </year>
+ <holder>Debian Instalatzailearen Garatzaile taldea</holder>
+Manual hau software librea da, berau GNU lizentziak ezartzen duen eran
+eraldatu eta zabaldu daiteke. Lizentzia ikusteko jo
+<xref linkend="appendix-gpl"/> atalera.
diff --git a/eu/boot-installer/alpha.xml b/eu/boot-installer/alpha.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0613ddda4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/boot-installer/alpha.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+ <sect2 arch="alpha" id="alpha-firmware">
+ <title>Alpha Console Firmware</title>
+Console firmware is stored in a flash ROM and started when an Alpha
+system is powered up or reset. There are two different console
+specifications used on Alpha systems, and hence two classes of console
+firmware available:
+ <emphasis>SRM console</emphasis>, based on the Alpha Console Subsystem
+ specification, which provides an operating environment for OpenVMS, Tru64
+ UNIX, and Linux operating systems.
+ <emphasis>ARC, AlphaBIOS, or ARCSBIOS console</emphasis>, based on the
+ Advanced RISC Computing (ARC) specification, which provides an operating
+ environment for Windows NT.
+From the user's perspective, the most important difference between SRM
+and ARC is that the choice of console constrains the possible
+disk-partitioning scheme for the hard disk which you wish to boot off
+ARC requires that you use an MS-DOS partition table (as created by
+<command>cfdisk</command>) for the boot disk. Therefore MS-DOS partition
+tables are the ``native'' partition format when booting from ARC. In
+fact, since AlphaBIOS contains a disk partitioning utility, you may
+prefer to partition your disks from the firmware menus before
+installing Linux.
+Conversely, SRM is <emphasis>incompatible</emphasis> with MS-DOS partition tables.
+<footnote><para>Specifically, the bootsector format required by the Console
+Subsystem Specification conflicts with the placement of the DOS
+partition table.</para></footnote> Since Tru64 Unix uses the BSD disklabel format,
+this is the ``native'' partition format for SRM installations.
+Because GNU/Linux is the only operating system on Alpha that can be
+booted from both console types, the choice will also depend on what
+other operating systems you wish to run on the same machine. All
+other Unix-like operating systems (Tru64 Unix, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and
+NetBSD) and OpenVMS can only boot from SRM, whereas Windows NT can
+only boot from ARC.
+The following table summarizes available and supported system
+type/console combinations (see <xref linkend="alpha-cpus"/> for the
+system type names). The word `ARC' below denotes any of the
+ARC-compliant consoles.
+<informaltable><tgroup cols="2">
+ <entry>System Type</entry>
+ <entry>Console Type Supported</entry>
+ <entry>alcor</entry>
+ <entry>ARC or SRM</entry>
+ <entry>avanti</entry>
+ <entry>ARC or SRM</entry>
+ <entry>book1</entry>
+ <entry>SRM only</entry>
+ <entry>cabriolet</entry>
+ <entry>ARC or SRM</entry>
+ <entry>dp264</entry>
+ <entry>SRM only</entry>
+ <entry>eb164</entry>
+ <entry>ARC or SRM</entry>
+ <entry>eb64p</entry>
+ <entry>ARC or SRM</entry>
+ <entry>eb66</entry>
+ <entry>ARC or SRM</entry>
+ <entry>eb66p</entry>
+ <entry>ARC or SRM</entry>
+ <entry>jensen</entry>
+ <entry>SRM only</entry>
+ <entry>lx164</entry>
+ <entry>ARC or SRM</entry>
+ <entry>miata</entry>
+ <entry>ARC or SRM</entry>
+ <entry>mikasa</entry>
+ <entry>ARC or SRM</entry>
+ <entry>mikasa-p</entry>
+ <entry>SRM only</entry>
+ <entry>nautilus</entry>
+ <entry>ARC only (see motherboard manual)</entry>
+ <entry>noname</entry>
+ <entry>ARC or SRM</entry>
+ <entry>noritake</entry>
+ <entry>SRM only</entry>
+ <entry>noritake-p</entry>
+ <entry>SRM only</entry>
+ <entry>pc164</entry>
+ <entry>ARC or SRM</entry>
+ <entry>rawhide</entry>
+ <entry>SRM only</entry>
+ <entry>ruffian</entry>
+ <entry>ARC only</entry>
+ <entry>sable</entry>
+ <entry>SRM only</entry>
+ <entry>sable-g</entry>
+ <entry>SRM only</entry>
+ <entry>sx164</entry>
+ <entry>ARC or SRM</entry>
+ <entry>takara</entry>
+ <entry>ARC or SRM</entry>
+ <entry>xl</entry>
+ <entry>ARC only</entry>
+ <entry>xlt</entry>
+ <entry>ARC or SRM</entry>
+Generally, none of these consoles can boot Linux directly, so the
+assistance of an intermediary bootloader is required. There are two
+mainstream Linux loaders: <command>MILO</command> and <command>aboot</command>.
+<command>MILO</command> is itself a console, which replaces ARC or SRM in
+memory. <command>MILO</command> can be booted from both ARC and SRM and is
+the only way to bootstrap Linux from the ARC console.
+<command>MILO</command> is platform-specific (a different <command>MILO</command>
+is needed for each system type) and exist only for those systems, for
+which ARC support is shown in the table above. See also the
+(unfortunately outdated)
+<ulink url="&url-milo-howto;">MILO HOWTO</ulink>.
+<command>aboot</command> is a small, platform-independent bootloader, which
+runs from SRM only. See the (also unfortunately outdated) <ulink
+url="&url-srm-howto;">SRM HOWTO</ulink> for more information on
+Thus, three scenarios are generally possible, depending on the
+system's console firmware and whether or not <command>MILO</command> is
+SRM -> aboot
+The UP1000 motherboard (subarchitecture name `nautilus') from Alpha
+Processor, Inc. is different from all the others, in that it uses an
+API-specific bootloader that runs under AlphaBIOS firmware.
+Because <command>MILO</command> is not available for any of the Alpha
+systems currently in production (as of February 2000), and because it
+is no longer necessary to buy an OpenVMS or Tru64 Unix license to have
+SRM firmware on your older Alpha, it is recommended that you use SRM and
+<command>aboot</command> on new installations of GNU/Linux, unless you wish
+to dual-boot with Windows NT.
+The majority of AlphaServers and all current server and workstation
+products contain both SRM and AlphaBIOS in their firmware. For
+"half-flash" machines such as the various evaluation boards, it is
+possible to switch from one version to another by reflashing the
+firmware. Also, once SRM is installed, it is possible to run
+ARC/AlphaBIOS from a floppy disk (using the <command>arc</command>
+command). For the
+reasons mentioned above, we recommend switching to SRM before
+installing &debian;.
+As on other architectures, you should install the newest available
+revision of the firmware <footnote><para>Except on Jensen, where
+Linux is not supported on firmware versions newer than 1.7 - see
+<ulink url="&url-jensen-howto;"></ulink> for more
+information</para></footnote> before installing &debian;. For
+Alpha, firmware updates can be obtained from
+<ulink url="&url-alpha-firmware;">Alpha Firmware Updates</ulink>.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="alpha"><title>Booting with TFTP</title>
+In SRM, Ethernet interfaces are named with the <userinput>ewa</userinput>
+prefix, and will be listed in the output of the <userinput>show dev</userinput> command,
+like this (edited slightly):
+>>> show dev
+ewa0. EWA0 08-00-2B-86-98-65
+ewb0. EWB0 08-00-2B-86-98-54
+ewc0.0.0.2002.0 EWC0 00-06-2B-01-32-B0
+You first need to set the boot protocol:
+>>> set ewa0_protocol bootp
+Then check the medium type is correct:
+>>> set ewa0_mode <replaceable>mode</replaceable>
+You can get a listing of valid modes with <userinput>>>>set ewa0_mode</userinput>.
+Then, to boot from the first Ethernet interface, you would type:
+>>> boot ewa0
+If you wish to use a serial console, you <emphasis>must</emphasis>
+pass the <userinput>console=</userinput> parameter to the kernel.
+This can be done using the <userinput>-flags</userinput> argument to
+the SRM <userinput>boot</userinput> command. The serial ports are
+named the same as their corresponding files in
+<userinput>/dev</userinput>. For example, to boot from
+<userinput>ewa0</userinput> and use a console on the first serial
+port, you would type:
+>>> boot ewa0 -flags console=ttyS0
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="alpha"><title>Booting from CD-ROM with the SRM Console</title>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; boot xxxx -flags 0
+where <replaceable>xxxx</replaceable> is your CD-ROM drive in SRM notation.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="alpha">
+ <title>Booting from CD-ROM with the ARC or AlphaBIOS Console</title>
+To boot a CD-ROM from the ARC console, find your sub-architecture code
+name (see <xref linkend="alpha-cpus"/>), then enter
+<filename>\milo\linload.exe</filename> as the boot loader and
+<filename>\milo\<replaceable>subarch</replaceable></filename> (where
+<replaceable>subarch</replaceable> is the proper subarchitecture name)
+as the OS Path in the `OS Selection Setup' menu. Ruffians make an
+exception: You need to use <filename>\milo\ldmilo.exe</filename> as
+boot loader.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="alpha">
+ <title>Booting from Floppies with the SRM Console</title>
+At the SRM prompt (<prompt>&gt;&gt;&gt;</prompt>), issue the following
+&gt;&gt;&gt; boot dva0 -flags 0
+possibly replacing <filename>dva0</filename> with the actual device
+name. Usually, <filename>dva0</filename> is the floppy; type
+&gt;&gt;&gt; show dev
+to see the list of devices (e.g., if you want to boot from a CD).
+Note that if you are booting via MILO, <command>-flags</command> argument
+is ignored, so you can just type <command>boot dva0</command>.
+If everything works OK, you will eventually see the Linux kernel boot.
+If you want to specify kernel parameters when booting via
+<command>aboot</command>, use the following command:
+&gt;&gt;&gt; boot dva0 -file linux.bin.gz -flags "root=/dev/fd0 load_ramdisk=1 arguments"
+(typed on one line), substituting, if necessary, the actual SRM boot
+device name for <filename>dva0</filename>, the Linux boot device name for
+<filename>fd0</filename>, and the desired kernel parameters for
+If you want to specify kernel parameters when booting via
+<command>MILO</command>, you will have to interrupt bootstrap once you get
+into MILO. See <xref linkend="booting-from-milo"/>.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="alpha">
+ <title>Booting from Floppies with the ARC or AlphaBIOS Console</title>
+In the OS Selection menu, set <command>linload.exe</command> as the boot
+loader, and <command>milo</command> as the OS Path. Bootstrap using the
+newly created entry.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="alpha">
+ <title>Booting from Floppies with the APB Boot Loader (UP1000)</title>
+To boot on this platform, run <command>\apb\apb.exe</command> from the
+`Utility/Run Maintenance Program' menu, and type
+ <informalexample><screen>
+boot debian_install
+ at the APB prompt.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="alpha" id="booting-from-milo"><title>Booting with MILO</title>
+MILO contained on the bootstrap media is configured to proceed straight
+to Linux automatically. Should you wish to intervene, all you need is to
+press space during MILO countdown.
+If you want to specify all the bits explicitly (for example, to supply
+additional parameters), you can use a command like this:
+MILO&gt; boot fd0:linux.bin.gz root=/dev/fd0 load_ramdisk=1 <!-- arguments -->
+If you are booting from something other than a floppy, substitute
+<filename>fd0</filename> in the above example with the appropriate device name
+in Linux notation. The <command>help</command> command would give you a brief
+MILO command reference.
+ </sect2>
diff --git a/eu/boot-installer/arm.xml b/eu/boot-installer/arm.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fadc600e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/boot-installer/arm.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+ <sect2 arch="arm" id="boot-tftp"><title>Booting from TFTP</title>
+ <sect3 arch="arm"><title>Booting from TFTP on NetWinder</title>
+NetWinders have two network interfaces: The 10Mbps NE2000-compatible
+card is <filename>eth0</filename> and the 100Mbps Tulip card is
+You need NeTTrom 2.2.1 or later to boot the
+installation system. NeTTrom 2.3.3 is recommended: get these files
+<ulink url=""></ulink>:
+After rebooting and interrupting the boot process during the countdown, you
+must first configure the network either with a static address:
+ NeTTrom command-> setenv eth0_ip
+where 24 is the number of set bits in the netmask, or a dynamic address:
+ NeTTrom command-> boot diskless
+You may also need to configure the <userinput>route1</userinput>
+settings if the TFTP
+server is not on the local subnet. The rest of the config is pretty
+standard (the save-all step is optional):
+ NeTTrom command-> setenv kerntftpserver
+ NeTTrom command-> setenv kerntftpfile tftpboot.img
+ NeTTrom command-> save-all
+ NeTTrom command-> setenv netconfig_eth0 flash
+ NeTTrom command-> setenv kernconfig tftp
+Only the last two of these interfere with normal disk booting, so it is
+safe to <command>save-all</command> right before it, which will
+store the network settings in case you need to boot from the network
+again. Use the <command>printenv</command> command to review your
+environment settings. Finally, if your <envar>cmdappend</envar>
+NeTTrom variable has the <option>noinitrd</option> option (which is
+necessary to boot 2.4 kernels), you must remove it so the downloaded
+kernel can boot with its attached ramdisk.
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3 arch="arm"><title>Booting from TFTP on CATS</title>
+On CATS machines, use <command>boot de0:</command> or similar at the
+Cyclone prompt.
+ </sect3>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="arm"><title>Booting from CD-ROM</title>
+To boot a CD-ROM from the Cyclone console prompt, use the command
+<command>boot cd0:cats.bin</command>
+ </sect2>
diff --git a/eu/boot-installer/boot-installer.xml b/eu/boot-installer/boot-installer.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9bf77d2b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/boot-installer/boot-installer.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 13948 untranslated -->
+<chapter id="boot-installer"><title>Booting the Installation System</title>
+ <sect1><title>Booting the Installer on &arch-title;</title>
+<para> </para>
+<!-- This info is so architecture dependent, that I have turned the -->
+<!-- structure inside out for this chapter. Each arch has a document. -->
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/boot-installer/i386.xml b/eu/boot-installer/i386.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0867c918a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/boot-installer/i386.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,542 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 16879 untranslated -->
+ <sect2 arch="i386"><title>Booting from a CD-ROM</title>
+You may need to configure your hardware as indicated in
+<xref linkend="boot-dev-select"/>. Then put the CD-ROM into the drive,
+and reboot. The system should boot up, and you should be presented
+with the <prompt>boot:</prompt> prompt. Here you can enter your
+boot arguments, or just hit &enterkey;.
+<!-- We'll comment the following section until we know exact layout -->
+CD #1 of official Debian CD-ROM sets for &arch-title; will present a
+<prompt>boot:</prompt> prompt on most hardware. Press
+<keycap>F3</keycap> to see the list of kernel options available
+from which to boot. Just type your chosen flavor name (idepci,
+vanilla, compact, bf24) at the <prompt>boot:</prompt> prompt
+followed by &enterkey;.
+If your hardware doesn't support booting of multiple images, put one
+of the other CDs in the drive. It appears that most SCSI CD-ROM drives
+do not support <command>isolinux</command> multiple image booting, so users
+with SCSI CD-ROMs should try either CD2 (vanilla) or CD3 (compact),
+or CD5 (bf2.4).
+CD's 2 through 5 will each boot a
+different ``flavor'' depending on which CD-ROM is
+inserted. See <xref linkend="kernel-choice"/> for a discussion of the
+different flavors. Here's how the flavors are laid out on the
+different CD-ROMs:
+<term>CD 1</term><listitem><para>
+Allows a selection of kernel images to boot from (the idepci flavor is
+the default if no selection is made).
+<term>CD 2</term><listitem><para>
+Boots the `vanilla' flavor.
+<term>CD 3</term><listitem><para>
+Boots the `compact' flavor.
+<term>CD 4</term><listitem><para>
+Boots the `idepci' flavor.
+<term>CD 5</term><listitem><para>
+Boots the `bf2.4' flavor.
+ </variablelist>
+If your system can't boot directly from CD-ROM, or you simply can't
+seem to get it to work, don't despair; you can simply run
+<command>E:\install\boot.bat</command> under DOS (replace
+<userinput>E:</userinput> with whatever drive letter DOS assigns to
+your CD-ROM drive) to start the installation process. Then, skip down
+to <xref linkend="init-config"/>.
+Also, if you're going to be installing from a FAT (DOS) partition, you
+have the option of booting the installer from the hard disk. See
+<xref linkend="install-from-dos"/> for more information on
+installing via this method.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="i386" id="install-from-dos">
+ <title>Booting from a DOS partition</title>
+Boot into DOS (not Windows) without any drivers being loaded. To do
+this, you have to press <keycap>F8</keycap> at exactly the right
+moment (and optionally select the `safe mode command prompt only'
+option). Enter the subdirectory for the flavor you chose, e.g.,
+cd c:\current\compact
+Next, execute <command>install.bat</command>.
+The kernel will load and launch the installer system.
+Please note, there is currently a loadlin problem (#142421) which
+precludes <filename>install.bat</filename> from being used with the
+bf2.4 flavor. The symptom of the problem is an
+<computeroutput>invalid compressed format</computeroutput> error.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="i386" id="boot-initrd">
+ <title>Booting from linux using <command>LILO</command> or
+ <command>GRUB</command></title>
+For <command>LILO</command>, you will need to configure two
+essentials things in <filename>/etc/lilo.conf</filename>:
+to load the <filename>initrd.gz</filename> installer at boot time;
+have the <filename>vmlinuz</filename> kernel use a RAM disk as
+its root partition.
+Here is a <filename>/etc/lilo.conf</filename> example:
+ label=newinstall
+ initrd=/boot/newinstall/initrd.gz
+ root=/dev/ram
+ append="devfs=mount,dall"
+For more details, refer to the
+<manvolnum>4</manvolnum></citerefentry> and
+<manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry> man pages. Now run
+<userinput>lilo</userinput> and reboot.
+The procedure for <command>GRUB</command> is quite similar. Locate your
+<filename>menu.lst</filename> in the <filename>/boot/grub/</filename>
+directory (sometimes in the <filename>/boot/boot/grub/</filename>),
+add the following lines:
+title New Install
+kernel (hd0,0)/boot/newinstall/vmlinuz root=/dev/ram devfs=mount,dall
+initrd (hd0,0)/boot/newinstall/initrd.gz
+and reboot. Please note, that you may need an additional parameter
+<userinput>ramdisk_size=<replaceable>size in KB</replaceable></userinput>,
+depending on the image you are booting. From now on, there should be
+no difference between <command>GRUB</command> or <command>LILO</command>.
+You can trace the <filename>initrd</filename> magic at work several
+times during the boot.
+before the kernel has even been loaded, <command>LILO</command>
+displays a much longer <computeroutput>Loading
+<replaceable>imagelabel</replaceable>......</computeroutput> line with
+more dots than usual, showing the progression of the RAM disk image
+You should see the <computeroutput>RAM disk driver
+notice, near the real time clock initialization, proving that your
+kernel supports the RAM disk feature.
+Finally, if you don't see <computeroutput>RAMDISK: ext2 filesystem
+found at block 0</computeroutput> immediately after the partition
+checks, it's probably because
+your kernel miss the <filename>initrd</filename> feature.
+</para><para condition="FIXME">
+You should now see the debian installer running. If you do not use any
+removable medium, you want to check very early that your network
+connection is working and <emphasis>before</emphasis> irreversibly
+partitioning your hard disk. So you maybe need to
+<userinput>insmod</userinput> some additional kernel modules for this,
+for instance for your network interface. It's time
+<emphasis>not</emphasis> to follow the order of steps suggested by
+<command>debian-installer</command>. Leap directly to <userinput>Mount a
+Previously-Initialized Partition</userinput>, and mount the partition
+where you stored the modules that you extracted from
+<filename>drivers.tgz</filename> (<xref linkend="files-lilo"></xref>).
+<!-- Ideally, configure Device Driver Modules should support the
+following (insmod-ing from the hard-disk) and not only from a floppy.
+That would avoid the need to open a shell -->
+Then switch to an other virtual terminal and use a shell (see
+<xref linkend="shell"/>) to find drivers
+in the just mounted <filename>/target</filename>
+directory. <userinput>insmod</userinput> the ones you need.
+Go to <xref linkend="netcfg"/> in the
+<command>debian-installer</command> installer menus, and
+<userinput>ping</userinput> your favorite debian mirror at last.
+Use <userinput>Unmount a Partition</userinput> if you have mounted one
+in the previous
+paragraph, safely go back to the partitioning steps at the start of
+<command>debian-installer</command> and follow the regular procedure,
+with the network as a bonus. At this stage, it is even possible
+(only a bit risky) to completely wipe out all the previous partitions
+on your hard drive for a very clean installation. The only risk is that
+your hard drive will be un-bootable for a short period of time.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="i386" id="usb-boot">
+ <title>Booting from USB memory stick</title>
+Lets assume you have prepared everything from <xref
+linkend="boot-dev-select"/> and <xref linkend="boot-usb-files"/>. Now
+just plug your USB stick into some free USB connector and reboot the
+computer. The system should boot up, and you should be presented with
+the <prompt>boot:</prompt> prompt. Here you can enter optional boot
+arguments, or just hit &enterkey;.
+In case your computer doesn't support booting from USB memory devices,
+you can still use a single floppy to do the initial boot and then
+switch to USB. Advance according to <xref linkend="floppy-boot"/>; the
+kernel on boot floppy should detect your USB stick automatically. When
+it asks for the root floppy, simply press &enterkey;. You should see
+&d-i; starting.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="i386" id="floppy-boot">
+ <title>Booting from Floppies</title>
+You will have already downloaded the floppy images you needed and
+created floppies from the images in <xref linkend="create-floppy"/>.
+If you need to, you can also modify the boot floppy; see
+<xref linkend="rescue-replace-kernel"/>.
+To boot from the installer boot floppy, place it in the primary floppy
+drive, shut down the system as you normally would, then turn it back
+For installing from a LS-120 drive (ATAPI version) with a set of
+floppies, you need to specify the virtual location for the floppy
+device. This is done with the <emphasis>root=</emphasis> boot
+argument, giving the device that the ide-floppy driver maps the device
+to. For example, if your LS-120 drive is connected as the first IDE
+device (master) on the second cable, you enter
+<userinput>linux root=/dev/hdc</userinput> at the boot prompt.
+Installation from LS-120 is only supported by 2.4 and later kernels.
+Note that on some machines, <keycombo><keycap>Control</keycap>
+<keycap>Alt</keycap> <keycap>Delete</keycap></keycombo> does not
+properly reset the machine, so a ``hard'' reboot is recommended. If
+you are installing from an existing operating system (e.g., from a DOS
+box) you don't have a choice. Otherwise, please do a hard reboot when
+The floppy disk will be accessed, and you should then see a screen
+that introduces the boot floppy and ends with the <prompt>boot:</prompt>
+You can do two things at the <prompt>boot:</prompt> prompt. You can
+press the function keys <keycap>F1</keycap> through
+<keycap>F10</keycap> to view a few pages of helpful information, or
+you can boot the system.
+Information on boot parameters which might be useful can be found by
+pressing <keycap>F4</keycap> through <keycap>F7</keycap>. If you add any
+parameters to
+the boot command line, be sure to type the boot method (the default is
+<userinput>linux</userinput>) and a space before the first parameter (e.g.,
+<userinput>linux floppy=thinkpad</userinput>). If you simply press &enterkey;,
+that's the same as typing <userinput>linux</userinput> without any special
+Once you press &enterkey;, you should see the message
+<computeroutput>Loading...</computeroutput>, followed by
+<computeroutput>Uncompressing Linux...</computeroutput>, and
+then a screenful or so of information about the hardware in your
+system. More information on this phase of the boot process can be
+found below in <xref linkend="kernel-msgs"/>.
+After booting from the boot floppy, the root floppy is
+requested. Insert the root floppy and press &enterkey;, and the
+contents are loaded into memory. The installer program
+<command>debian-installer</command> is automatically launched.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="i386" id="boot-tftp"><title>Booting with TFTP</title>
+There are various ways to do a TFTP boot on i386.
+ <sect3><title>Etherboot</title>
+The <ulink url="">etherboot project</ulink>
+provides bootdiskettes and even bootroms that do a TFTPboot.
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3><title>NIC with network bootROM</title>
+It could be that your Network Interface Card provides
+TFTP boot functionality.
+</para><para condition="FIXME">
+Let us (<email>&email-debian-boot-list;</email>) know how did you manage it.
+Please refer to this document.
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3><title>NIC or Motherboard that support PXE</title>
+It could be that your Network Interface Card or Motherboard provides
+PXE boot functionality.
+Which is a <trademark class="trade">Intel</trademark> re-implemention
+of TFTP boot.
+</para><para condition="FIXME">
+Let us (<email>&email-debian-boot-list;</email>) know how did you manage it.
+Please refer to this document.
+<!-- from #debian-boot 2004-03-13
+06:37 -!- SuperQ [] has joined #debian-boot
+06:38 < SuperQ> anyone done much with d-i on pxe boot?
+06:39 < SuperQ> I got it all setup, daily build from sjogren's files
+06:39 < joshk> yes, it works
+06:39 < SuperQ> "Warning: unable to open an initial console."
+06:39 < SuperQ> Kernel panic: Attempted to kill init!
+06:39 < joshk> pass devfs=mount to the kernel
+06:40 < joshk> in pxelinux.cfg/whatever
+06:40 < SuperQ> oh.. that's changed since the bug tracking post
+06:40 < SuperQ>
+06:40 < SuperQ> that says to devfs=nomount
+06:41 < SuperQ> should probably copy the bulk of that message into
+06:41 < SuperQ> :) )
+06:41 < joshk> that's from months ago
+06:41 < joshk> :P
+06:41 < SuperQ> I know
+06:42 < SuperQ> but it's still referanced in the howto
+06:42 < SuperQ> yay! it works now
+06:42 * SuperQ gives his new ThinkPad X31 some sarge love
+06:42 < SuperQ> I'll have to write up a page on Sarge/D-I and things for
+06:45 < SuperQ> thanks joshk
+ </sect3>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="i386"><title>i386 Boot Parameters</title>
+If you are booting from the boot floppy or from CD-ROM you will be
+presented with the boot prompt, <prompt>boot:</prompt>. Details
+about how to use boot parameters with the boot floppy can be found
+in <xref linkend="floppy-boot"/>. If you are booting from an
+existing operating system, you'll have to use other means to set boot
+parameters. For instance, if you are installing from DOS, you can
+edit the <filename>install.bat</filename> file with any text editor.
+Some systems have floppies with ``inverted DCLs''. If you receive
+errors reading from the floppy, even when you know the floppy is good,
+try the parameter <userinput>floppy=thinkpad</userinput>.
+On some systems, such as the IBM PS/1 or ValuePoint (which have ST-506
+disk drivers), the IDE drive may not be properly recognized. Again,
+try it first without the parameters and see if the IDE drive is
+recognized properly. If not, determine your drive geometry
+(cylinders, heads, and sectors), and use the parameter
+If you have a very old machine, and the kernel hangs after saying
+<computeroutput>Checking 'hlt' instruction...</computeroutput>, then
+you should try the <userinput>no-hlt</userinput> boot argument, which
+disables this test.
+If your screen begins to show a weird picture while the kernel boots,
+eg. pure white, pure black or colored pixel garbage, your system may
+contain a problematic video card which does not switch to the
+framebuffer mode properly. Then you can use the boot parameter
+<userinput>debian-installer/framebuffer=false</userinput> or
+<userinput>video=vga16:off</userinput> to disable the framebuffer
+console. The language chooser will not appear; only the english
+language will be available during the installation due to limited
+console features. See <xref linkend="boot-parms"/> for details.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="i386">
+ <title>System freeze during the PCMCIA configuration phase</title>
+Some laptop models produced by Dell are known to crash when PCMCIA device
+detection tries to access some hardware addresses. Other laptops may display
+similar problems. If you experience such a problem and you don't need PCMCIA
+support during the installation, you can disable PCMCIA using the
+<userinput>hw-detect/start_pcmcia=false</userinput> boot parameter. You can
+then configure PCMCIA after the installation is completed and exclude the
+resource range causing the problems.
+Alternatively, you can boot the installer in expert mode. You will
+then be asked to enter the resource range options your hardware
+needs. For example, if you have one of the Dell laptops mentioned
+above, you should enter <userinput>exclude port
+0x800-0x8ff</userinput> here. There is also a list of some common
+resource range options in the <ulink
+resource settings section of the PCMCIA HOWTO</ulink>. Note that you
+have to omit the commas, if any, when you enter this value in the
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="i386">
+ <title>System freeze while loading the USB modules</title>
+The kernel normally tries to install USB modules and the USB keyboard driver
+in order to support some non-standard USB keyboards. However, there are some
+broken USB systems where the driver hangs on loading. A possible workaround
+may be disabling the USB controller in your mainboard BIOS setup. Another option
+is passing the <userinput>debian-installer/probe/usb=false</userinput> parameter
+at the boot prompt, which will prevent the modules from being loaded.
+ </sect2>
diff --git a/eu/boot-installer/ia64.xml b/eu/boot-installer/ia64.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7c6459479
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/boot-installer/ia64.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 14350 untranslated -->
+ <sect2 arch="ia64"><title>Booting from a CD-ROM</title>
+ <emphasis condition="FIXME">Not yet written.</emphasis>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="ia64" id="boot-tftp"><title>Booting with TFTP</title>
+Network booting an ia64 system requires two architecture-specific actions.
+On the boot server, DHCP and TFTP must be configured to deliver
+On the client a new boot option must be defined in the EFI boot manager
+to enable loading over a network.
+ <sect3 arch="ia64" id="boot-tftp-server">
+ <title>Configuring the Server</title>
+A suitable TFTP entry for network booting an ia64 system looks something
+like this:
+host mcmuffin {
+ hardware ethernet 00:30:6e:1e:0e:83;
+ fixed-address;
+ filename "elilo.efi";
+Note that the goal is to get <command>elilo.efi</command> running on
+the client.
+Create an <filename>ia64/</filename> subdirectory in your tftpboot
+directory, and populate it with the <filename>vmlinuz</filename> and
+<filename>initrd.gz</filename> files from the Debian installer netboot
+Copy <filename>elilo.efi</filename> to your tftpboot directory and
+make it world readable. This file can usually be found in the elilo
+package in IA64 distributions, or in
+<filename>/usr/lib/elilo</filename> or in a subdirectory of
+<filename>/boot/efi</filename>. A suitable copy is provided in the
+Debian installer netboot directory.
+Create an <filename>elilo.conf</filename> file in your tftpboot
+directory. This will
+be loaded by <command>elilo.efi</command> once it is running on the
+client, and controls what
+happens next, including the choice of kernel, initrd image, etc. An
+example file is provided in the Debian installer netboot directory, review
+the contents and update as needed for your choice of paths, etc.
+It is possible to have different config files for different clients by naming
+them using the client's IP address in hex with the suffix
+<filename>.conf</filename> instead of <filename>elilo.conf</filename>.
+See documentation provided in the <classname>elilo</classname> package
+for details.
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3 arch="ia64" id="boot-tftp-client">
+ <title>Configuring the Client</title>
+To configure the client to support TFTP booting, start by booting to
+EFI and entering the <guimenu>Boot Option Maintenance Menu</guimenu>.
+Add a boot option.
+Select the line saying <guimenuitem>Load File
+[Acpi()/.../Mac()]</guimenuitem> and press &enterkey;.
+Name the entry <userinput>Netboot</userinput> or something similar,
+save, and exit back to the boot options menu.
+You should see the new boot option you just created, and selecting it
+should initiate a DHCP query, leading to a TFTP load of
+<filename>elilo.efi</filename> from the server.
+ </sect3>
+ </sect2>
diff --git a/eu/boot-installer/intro-cd.xml b/eu/boot-installer/intro-cd.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4959075fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/boot-installer/intro-cd.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+The easiest route for most people will be to use a
+<ulink url="">set of Debian CDs</ulink>.
+If you have a CD set, and if your machine supports booting directly off
+the CD, great! Simply
+<phrase arch="i386">
+configure your system for booting off a CD as described in
+<xref linkend="boot-dev-select"/>,
+insert your CD, reboot, and proceed to the next chapter.
+Note that certain CD drives may require special drivers, and thus be
+inaccessible in the early installation stages. If it turns out the
+standard way of booting off a CD doesn't work for your hardware,
+revisit this chapter and read about alternate kernels and installation
+methods which may work for you.
+Even if you cannot boot from CD-ROM, you can probably install the
+Debian system components and any packages you want from CD-ROM.
+Simply boot using a different media, such as floppies. When it's
+time to install the operating system, base system, and any additional
+packages, point the installation system at the CD-ROM drive.
+If you have problems booting, see <xref linkend="boot-troubleshooting"/>.
+</para> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/eu/boot-installer/intro-hd.xml b/eu/boot-installer/intro-hd.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..be5f65be3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/boot-installer/intro-hd.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+Booting from an existing operating system is often a convenient
+option; for some systems it is the only supported method of
+To boot the installer from hard disk, you will have already completed
+downloading and placing the needed files in
+<xref linkend="boot-drive-files"/>.
+</para> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/eu/boot-installer/intro-net.xml b/eu/boot-installer/intro-net.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..79189195c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/boot-installer/intro-net.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+Booting from the network requires that you have a network
+connection and a TFTP network boot server (DHCP, RARP, or BOOTP).
+</para><para arch="hppa">
+Older systems such as the 715 might require the use of an RBOOT server
+instead of a BOOTP server.
+The installation method to support network booting is described in <xref
+</para> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/eu/boot-installer/m68k.xml b/eu/boot-installer/m68k.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1d96afa9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/boot-installer/m68k.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+ <sect2 arch="m68k"><title>Booting from Hard Disk</title>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="m68k"><title>Booting from AmigaOS</title>
+In the <command>Workbench</command>, start the Linux installation
+process by double-clicking on the <guiicon>StartInstall</guiicon> icon
+in the <filename>debian</filename> directory.
+You may have to press the &enterkey; key twice after the Amiga
+installer program has output some debugging information into a window.
+After this, the screen will go grey, there will be a few seconds'
+delay. Next, a black screen with white text should come up, displaying
+all kinds of kernel debugging information. These messages may scroll
+by too fast for you to read, but that's OK. After a couple of
+seconds, the installation program should start automatically, so you
+can continue down at <xref linkend="init-config"/>.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="m68k"><title>Booting from Atari TOS</title>
+At the GEM desktop, start the Linux installation process by
+double-clicking on the <guiicon>bootstra.prg</guiicon> icon in the
+<filename>debian</filename> directory and clicking
+<guibutton>Ok</guibutton> at the program options dialog box.
+You may have to press the &enterkey; key after the Atari
+bootstrap program has output some debugging information into a
+window. After this, the screen will go grey, there will be a few
+seconds' delay. Next, a black screen with white text should come up,
+displaying all kinds of kernel debugging information. These messages
+may scroll by too fast for you to read, but that's OK. After a couple
+of seconds, the installation program should start automatically, so
+you can continue below at <xref linkend="init-config"/>.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="m68k"><title>Booting from 68k MacOS</title>
+At the MacOS desktop, start the Linux installation process by
+double-clicking on the <guiicon>Penguin Prefs</guiicon> icon in
+the <filename>debian</filename> directory. The
+<command>Penguin</command> booter will start up. Go to the
+<guimenuitem>Settings</guimenuitem> item in the
+<guimenu>File</guimenu> menu, click the
+<guilabel>Kernel</guilabel> tab. Select the kernel
+(<filename>linux.bin</filename>) and ramdisk
+(<filename>root.bin</filename>) images in the
+<filename>debian</filename> directory by clicking on the corresponding
+buttons in the upper right corner, and navigating the file select
+dialogs to locate the files. Close the <guilabel>Settings</guilabel>
+dialog, save the settings and start the bootstrap using the
+<guimenuitem>Boot Now</guimenuitem> item in the
+<guimenu>File</guimenu> menu.
+The <command>Penguin</command> booter will output some debugging
+information into a window. After this, the screen will go grey, there
+will be a few seconds' delay. Next, a black screen with white text
+should come up, displaying all kinds of kernel debugging
+information. These messages may scroll by too fast for you to read,
+but that's OK. After a couple of seconds, the installation program
+should start automatically, so you can continue below at
+<xref linkend="init-config"/>.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="m68k"><title>Booting from a CD-ROM</title>
+Currently, the only &arch-title; subarchitecture that
+supports CD-ROM booting is the BVME6000. The easiest route In that
+case will be to use a
+<ulink url="&url-debian-cd-vendors;">set of Debian CDs</ulink>.
+Simply insert your CD, reboot, and proceed to the next chapter.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="m68k" id="boot-tftp"><title>Booting with TFTP</title>
+After booting the VMEbus systems you will be presented with the LILO
+<prompt>Boot:</prompt> prompt. At that prompt enter one of the
+following to boot Linux and begin installation proper of the Debian
+software using vt102 terminal emulation:
+<!-- Because the &enterkey; definition uses <keycap>, -->
+<!-- we use <screen> instead of <userinput> in this list -->
+type <screen>i6000 &enterkey;</screen> to install a BVME4000/6000
+type <screen>i162 &enterkey;</screen> to install an MVME162
+type <screen>i167 &enterkey;</screen> to install an MVME166/167
+ </itemizedlist>
+You may additionally append the string
+<screen>TERM=vt100</screen> to use vt100 terminal emulation,
+e.g., <screen>i6000 TERM=vt100 &enterkey;</screen>.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="m68k" id="boot-from-floppies">
+ <title>Booting from Floppies</title>
+For most m68k architectures, booting from a local filesystem is the
+recommended method.
+Booting from the boot floppy is supported only for Atari and VME
+(with a SCSI floppy drive on VME) at this time.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="m68k"><title>Macintosh Limitations</title>
+In the case of Macintosh, you must retain the original Mac system and
+boot from it. It is <emphasis>essential</emphasis> that, when booting
+MacOS in preparation for booting the Penguin linux loader, you must
+hold the <keycap>shift</keycap> key down to prevent extensions from
+loading. If you
+don't use MacOS except for loading linux, you can accomplish the same
+thing by removing all extensions and control panels from the Mac's
+System Folder. Otherwise extensions may be left running and cause
+random problems with the running linux kernel.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="m68k"><title>Penguin Boot Parameters</title>
+In the Penguin boot program, choose <guimenu>File</guimenu> -&gt;
+<guimenuitem>Settings...</guimenuitem>, then switch to the
+<guilabel>Options</guilabel> tab. Boot parameters may be typed in to
+the text entry area. If you will always want to use these settings,
+select <guimenu>File</guimenu> -&gt; <guimenuitem>Save Settings as
+ </sect2>
diff --git a/eu/boot-installer/mips.xml b/eu/boot-installer/mips.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f1c27e517
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/boot-installer/mips.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+ <sect2 arch="mips" id="boot-tftp"><title>Booting with TFTP</title>
+After entering the command monitor use
+bootp(): root=/dev/ram0
+on SGI Indys to boot linux and to begin installation of the Debian
+Software. In order to make this
+work you may have to unset the <envar>netaddr</envar> environment
+variable. Type
+unsetenv netaddr
+in the command monitor to do this.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="mips"><title>Boot Parameters</title>
+On SGI Indys you can append boot parameters to the
+<command>bootp():</command> command in the command monitor.
+Following the <command>bootp():</command> command you can give the
+path and name of the file to boot if you did not give an explicit name
+via your bootp/dhcp server - Example:
+ </sect2>
diff --git a/eu/boot-installer/parameters.xml b/eu/boot-installer/parameters.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b8a9c9784
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/boot-installer/parameters.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 14359 untranslated -->
+ <sect1 id="boot-parms"><title>Boot Parameters</title>
+Boot parameters are Linux kernel parameters which are generally used
+to make sure that peripherals are dealt with properly. For the most
+part, the kernel can auto-detect information about your peripherals.
+However, in some cases you'll have to help the kernel a bit.
+If this is the first time you're booting the system, try the default
+boot parameters (i.e., don't try setting arguments) and see if it works
+correctly. It probably will. If not, you can reboot later and look for
+any special parameters that inform the system about your hardware.
+Information on many boot parameters can be found in the
+<ulink url=""> Linux
+BootPrompt HOWTO</ulink>, including tips for obscure hardware. This
+section contains only a sketch of the most salient parameters. Some
+common gotchas are included below in
+<xref linkend="boot-troubleshooting"/>.
+When the kernel boots, a message
+Memory:<replaceable>avail</replaceable>k/<replaceable>total</replaceable>k available
+should be emitted early in the process.
+<replaceable>total</replaceable> should match the total amount of RAM,
+in kilobytes. If this doesn't match the actual amount of RAM you have
+installed, you need to use the
+<userinput>mem=<replaceable>ram</replaceable></userinput> parameter,
+where <replaceable>ram</replaceable> is set to the amount of memory,
+suffixed with ``k'' for kilobytes, or ``m'' for megabytes. For
+example, both <userinput>mem=65536k</userinput> and
+<userinput>mem=64m</userinput> mean 64MB of RAM.
+If your monitor is only capable of black-and-white, use the
+<userinput>mono</userinput> boot argument. Otherwise, your
+installation will use color, which is the default.
+</para><para condition="supports-serial-console">
+If you are booting with a serial console, generally the kernel will
+autodetect this
+<phrase arch="mipsel">(although not on DECstations)</phrase>
+If you have a videocard (framebuffer) and a keyboard also attached to
+the computer which you wish to boot via serial console, you may have
+to pass the
+argument to the kernel, where <replaceable>device</replaceable> is
+your serial device, which is usually something like
+</para><para arch="sparc">
+For &arch-title; the serial devices are <filename>ttya</filename> or
+Alternatively, set the <envar>input-device</envar> and
+<envar>output-device</envar> OpenPROM variables to
+ <sect2 id="installer-args"><title>Debian Installer Arguments</title>
+The installation system recognizes a few boot arguments which may be
+This parameter settings will set the highest priority of messages
+to be displayed.
+The default installation uses <userinput>DEBCONF_PRIORITY=high</userinput>.
+This means that both high and critical priority messages are shown, but medium
+and low priority messages are skipped.
+If problems are encountered, the installer adjusts the priority as needed.
+If you add <userinput>DEBCONF_PRIORITY=medium</userinput> as boot parameter, you
+will be shown the installation menu and gain more control over the installation.
+When <userinput>DEBCONF_PRIORITY=low</userinput> is used, all messages are shown
+(this is equivalent to the <emphasis>expert</emphasis> boot method).
+With <userinput>DEBCONF_PRIORITY=critical</userinput>, the installation system
+will display only critical messages and try to do the right thing without fuss.
+This boot parameter controls the type of user interface used for the
+installer. The current possible parameter settings are:
+The default front end is <userinput>DEBCONF_FRONTEND=newt</userinput>.
+<userinput>DEBCONF_FRONTEND=text</userinput> may be preferable for
+serial console installs. Other frontends but
+<userinput>newt</userinput> are not available on default install
+media, so this is not very useful right now.
+Passing this boot parameter will cause the boot to be more verbosely
+<listitem><para>This is the default.</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>More verbose than usual.</para></listitem>
+<listitem><para>Lots of debugging information.</para></listitem>
+Shells are run at various points in the boot process to allow detailed
+debugging. Exit the shell to continue the boot.
+The value of the parameter is the path to the device to load the
+Debian installer from. For example,
+The boot floppy, which normally scans all floppys and USB storage
+devices it can to find the root floppy, can be overridden by this
+parameter to only look at the one device.
+Some architectures use the kernel framebuffer to offer installation in
+a number of languages. If framebuffer causes a problem on your system
+you can disable the feature by the parameter
+<userinput>debian-installer/framebuffer=false</userinput>. Problem
+symptoms are error messages about bterm or bogl, a blank screen, or
+a freeze within a few minutes after starting the install.
+</para><para arch="i386">
+The <userinput>video=vga16:off</userinput> argument may also be used
+to disable the framebuffer. Such problems have been reported on a Dell
+Inspiron with Mobile Radeon card.
+</para><para arch="m68k">
+Such problems have been reported on the Amiga 1200 and SE/30.
+</para><para arch="hppa">
+Such problems have been reported on hppa.
+Set to <userinput>false</userinput> to prevent probing for USB on
+boot, if that causes problems.
+By default, the &d-i; automatically probes for network configuration
+via DHCP. If the probe succeeds, you won't have a chance to review and
+chage the obtained settings. You can get to the manual network setup
+only in case the DHCP probe fails.
+If you have a DHCP server on your local network, but want to avoid it
+because e.g. it gives wrong answers, you can use the parameter
+<userinput>netcfg/disable_dhcp=true</userinput> to prevent configuring
+the network with DHCP and to enter the information manually.
+Set to <userinput>false</userinput> to prevent starting PCMCIA
+services, if that causes problems. Some laptops are well known for
+this misbehaviour.
+ </sect2>
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/boot-installer/powerpc.xml b/eu/boot-installer/powerpc.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6d001be6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/boot-installer/powerpc.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 15220 untranslated -->
+ <sect2 arch="powerpc"><title>Booting from a CD-ROM</title>
+Currently, the only &arch-title; subarchitectures that support CD-ROM
+booting are PReP and New World PowerMacs. On PowerMacs, hold the
+<keycap>c</keycap> key, or else the combination of
+<keycap>Command</keycap>, <keycap>Option</keycap>,
+<keycap>Shift</keycap>, and <keycap>Delete</keycap>
+keys together while booting to boot from the CD-ROM.
+OldWorld Powermacs will not boot a Debian CD, because OldWorld
+computers relied on a MacOSROM CD boot driver to be present on the CD,
+and a free-software version of this driver is not available. All
+OldWorld systems have floppy drives, so use the floppy drive to launch
+the installer, and then point the installer to the CD for the needed
+If your system doesn't boot directly from CD-ROM, you can still use
+the CD-ROM to install the system. On NewWorlds, you can also use an
+OpenFirmware command to boot from the CD-ROM manually. Follow the
+instructions in <xref linkend="boot-newworld"/> for booting from
+the hard disk, except use the path to <command>yaboot</command> on the
+CD at the OF prompt, such as
+0 > boot cd:,\install\yaboot
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="powerpc" id="install-drive">
+ <title>Booting from Hard Disk</title>
+ <sect3><title>Booting CHRP from OpenFirmware</title>
+ <emphasis>Not yet written.</emphasis>
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3><title>Booting OldWorld PowerMacs from MacOS</title>
+If you set up BootX in <xref linkend="files-oldworld"/>, you can
+use it to boot into the installation system. Double click the
+<guiicon>BootX</guiicon> application icon. Click on the
+<guibutton>Options</guibutton> button and select <guilabel>Use
+Specified RAM Disk</guilabel>. This will give you the
+chance to select the <filename>ramdisk.image.gz</filename> file. You
+may need to select the <guilabel>No Video Driver</guilabel> checkbox,
+depending on your hardware. Then click the
+<guibutton>Linux</guibutton> button to shut down MacOS and launch the
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3 id="boot-newworld">
+ <title>Booting NewWorld Macs from OpenFirmware</title>
+You will have already placed the <filename>linux.bin, yaboot,
+yaboot.conf</filename>, and <filename>root.bin</filename> files at the
+root level of your HFS partition in <xref linkend="files-newworld"/>.
+Restart the computer, and immediately (during the chime) hold down the
+<keycap>Option</keycap>, <keycap>Command (cloverleaf/Apple)</keycap>,
+<keycap>o</keycap>, and <keycap>f</keycap> keys all together. After
+a few seconds you will be presented with the Open Firmware prompt.
+At the prompt, type
+0 > boot hd:<replaceable>x</replaceable>,yaboot
+replacing <replaceable>x</replaceable> with the partition number of
+the HFS partition where the
+kernel and yaboot files were placed, followed by a &enterkey;. On some
+machines, you may need to use <userinput>ide0:</userinput> instead of
+<userinput>hd:</userinput>. In a few more seconds you will see a
+yaboot prompt
+At yaboot's <prompt>boot:</prompt> prompt, type either
+<userinput>install</userinput> or <userinput>install-safe</userinput>
+followed by a &enterkey;. The `safe' option uses the
+<userinput>video=ofonly</userinput> argument for maximum
+compatibility; you can try it if <userinput>install</userinput>
+doesn't work. The Debian installation program should start.
+ </sect3>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="powerpc" id="boot-tftp"><title>Booting with TFTP</title>
+Currently, PReP and New World PowerMac systems support netbooting.
+On machines with Open Firmware, such as NewWorld Power Macs, enter the
+boot monitor (see <xref linkend="invoking-openfirmware"/>) and
+use the command <command>boot enet:0</command>. PReP and CHRP boxes
+may have different ways of addressing the network. On a PReP machine,
+you should try
+<userinput>boot <replaceable>server_ipaddr</replaceable>,<replaceable>file</replaceable>,<replaceable>client_ipaddr</replaceable></userinput>.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="powerpc">
+ <title>Booting from Floppies</title>
+Booting from floppies is supported for &arch-title;, although it is
+generally only applicable for OldWorld systems. NewWorld systems are
+not equipped with floppy drives, and attached USB floppy drives are
+not supported for booting.
+You will have already downloaded the floppy images you needed and
+created floppies from the images in <xref linkend="create-floppy"/>.
+To boot from the <filename>boot-floppy-hfs.img</filename> floppy,
+place it in floppy drive after shutting the system down, and before
+pressing the power-on button.
+For those not familiar with Macintosh
+floppy operations: a floppy placed in the machine prior to boot will
+be the first priority for the system to boot from. A floppy without a
+valid boot system will be ejected, and the machine will then check for
+bootable hard disk partitions.
+After booting, the <filename>root.bin</filename> floppy is
+requested. Insert the root floppy and press &enterkey;. The installer
+program is automatically launched after the root system has been
+loaded into memory.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="powerpc"><title>PowerPC Boot Parameters</title>
+Many older Apple monitors used a 640x480 67Hz mode. If your video
+appears skewed on an older Apple monitor, try appending the boot
+argument <userinput>video=atyfb:vmode:6</userinput> , which will
+select that mode for most Mach64 and Rage video hardware. For Rage 128
+hardware, this changes to
+<userinput>video=aty128fb:vmode:6</userinput> .
+ </sect2>
diff --git a/eu/boot-installer/s390.xml b/eu/boot-installer/s390.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1c4e3efec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/boot-installer/s390.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+ <sect2 arch="s390"><title>s390 Limitations</title>
+In order to run the installation system a working network setup and
+telnet session is needed on S/390.
+The booting process starts with a network setup that prompts you for
+several network parameters. If the setup is successful, you will login
+to the system by starting a telnet session which will launch the
+standard installation system.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="s390"><title>s390 Boot Parameters</title>
+On S/390 you can append boot parameters in the parm file. This file can
+either be in ASCII or EBCDIC format. Please read
+<ulink url="&url-s390-devices;">Device Drivers and Installation Commands</ulink>
+for more information about S/390-specific boot parameters.
+ </sect2>
diff --git a/eu/boot-installer/sparc.xml b/eu/boot-installer/sparc.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..81549db6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/boot-installer/sparc.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+ <sect2 arch="sparc"><title>Booting from NFS</title>
+To install the system via NFS, simply select
+<userinput>NFS</userinput> for the location of the images and files
+and follow the instructions provided. You will be prompted for the
+<filename>server:/directory</filename> where the images are located.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="sparc" id="boot-tftp"><title>Booting with TFTP</title>
+On machines with OpenBoot, simply enter the boot monitor on the
+machine which is being installed (see
+<xref linkend="invoking-openboot"/>).
+Use the command <userinput>boot net</userinput> to boot from a TFTP
+and RARP server, or <userinput>boot net:dhcp</userinput> to boot from
+a TFTP and DHCP server. Some older OpenBoot revisions require using
+the device name, such as <userinput>boot le()</userinput>; these
+probably don't support DHCP.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="sparc"><title>Booting from a CD-ROM</title>
+Most OpenBoot versions support the <userinput>boot cdrom</userinput>
+command which is simply an alias to boot from the SCSI device on ID 6
+(or the secondary master for IDE based systems). You may have to use
+the actual device name for older OpenBoot versions that don't support
+this special command. Note that some problems have been reported on Sun4m
+(e.g., Sparc 10s and Sparc 20s) systems booting from CD-ROM.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="sparc">
+ <title>Booting from Floppies</title>
+To boot from floppy on a Sparc, use
+Stop-A -> OpenBoot: "boot floppy"
+Be warned that the newer Sun4u (ultra) architecture does not support
+floppy booting. A typical error message is <computeroutput>Bad magic
+number in disk label - Can't open disk label package</computeroutput>.
+Furthermore, a number of Sun4c models (such as the IPX) do not support
+the compressed images found on the disks, so also are not supported.
+Several Sparcs (e.g. Ultra 10) have an OBP bug that prevents them from
+booting (instead of not supporting booting at all). The appropriate
+OBP update can be downloaded as product ID 106121 from
+<ulink url=""></ulink>.
+If you are booting from the floppy, and you seem messages such as
+Fatal error: Cannot read partition
+Illegal or malformed device name
+then it is possible that floppy booting is simply not supported on
+your machine.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="sparc"><title>IDPROM Messages</title>
+If you cannot boot because you get messages about a problem with
+``IDPROM'', then it's possible that your NVRAM battery, which holds
+configuration information for you firmware, has run out. See the
+<ulink url="&url-sun-nvram-faq;">Sun NVRAM FAQ</ulink> for more
+ </sect2>
diff --git a/eu/boot-installer/trouble.xml b/eu/boot-installer/trouble.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2db641c44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/boot-installer/trouble.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 15221 untranslated -->
+ <sect1 id="boot-troubleshooting">
+ <title>Troubleshooting the Install Process</title>
+ <sect2 id="unreliable-floppies">
+ <title>Floppy Disk Reliability</title>
+The biggest problem for people installing Debian for the first time
+seems to be floppy disk reliability.
+The boot floppy is the floppy with the worst problems, because it
+is read by the hardware directly, before Linux boots. Often, the
+hardware doesn't read as reliably as the Linux floppy disk driver, and
+may just stop without printing an error message if it reads incorrect
+data. There can also be failures in the Driver Floppies most of which
+indicate themselves with a flood of messages about disk I/O errors.
+If you are having the installation stall at a particular floppy, the
+first thing you should do is re-download the floppy disk image and
+write it to a <emphasis>different</emphasis> floppy. Simply
+reformatting the old
+floppy may not be sufficient, even if it appears that the floppy was
+reformatted and written with no errors. It is sometimes useful to try
+writing the floppy on a different system.
+One user reports he had to write the images to floppy
+<emphasis>three</emphasis> times before one worked, and then
+everything was fine with the third floppy.
+Other users have reported that simply rebooting a few times with the
+same floppy in the floppy drive can lead to a successful boot. This is
+all due to buggy hardware or firmware floppy drivers.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2><title>Boot Configuration</title>
+If you have problems and the kernel hangs during the boot process,
+doesn't recognize peripherals you actually have, or drives are not
+recognized properly, the first thing to check is the boot parameters,
+as discussed in <xref linkend="boot-parms"/>.
+If you are booting with your own kernel instead of the one supplied
+with the installer, be sure that <userinput>CONFIG_DEVFS</userinput> is set in
+your kernel. The installer requires
+Often, problems can be solved by removing add-ons and peripherals, and
+then trying booting again. <phrase arch="i386">Internal modems, sound
+cards, and Plug-n-Play devices can be especially problematic.</phrase>
+There are, however, some limitations in our boot floppy set with
+respect to supported hardware. Some Linux-supported platforms might
+not be directly supported by our boot floppies. If this is the case,
+you may have to create a custom boot disk (see
+<xref linkend="rescue-replace-kernel"/>), or investigate network
+If you have a large amount of memory installed in your machine, more
+than 512M, and the installer hangs when booting the kernel, you may
+need to include a boot argument to limit the amount of memory the
+kernel sees, such as <userinput>mem=512m</userinput>.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 id="kernel-msgs">
+ <title>Interpreting the Kernel Startup Messages</title>
+During the boot sequence, you may see many messages in the form
+<computeroutput>can't find <replaceable>something</replaceable>
+</computeroutput>, or <computeroutput>
+<replaceable>something</replaceable> not present</computeroutput>,
+<computeroutput>can't initialize <replaceable>something</replaceable>
+</computeroutput>, or even <computeroutput>this driver release depends
+on <replaceable>something</replaceable> </computeroutput>.
+Most of these messages are harmless. You
+see them because the kernel for the installation system is built to
+run on computers with many different peripheral devices. Obviously, no
+one computer will have every possible peripheral device, so the
+operating system may emit a few complaints while it looks for
+peripherals you don't own. You may also see the system pause for a
+while. This happens when it is waiting for a device to respond, and
+that device is not present on your system. If you find the time it
+takes to boot the system unacceptably long, you can create a
+custom kernel later (see <xref linkend="kernel-baking"/>).
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 id="problem-report">
+ <title>Bug Reporter</title>
+If you get through the initial boot phase but cannot complete the
+install, the bug reporter menu choice may be helpful. It copies system
+error logs and configuration information to a user-supplied floppy.
+This information may provide clues as to what went wrong and how to
+fix it. If you are submitting a bug report you may want to attach
+this information to the bug report.
+Other pertinent installation messages may be found in
+<filename>/target/var/log/debian-installer/</filename> during the
+installation, and <filename>/var/log/debian-installer/</filename>
+after the computer has been booted into the installed system.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 id="submit-bug">
+ <title>Submitting Bug Reports</title>
+If you still have problems, please submit a bug report. Send an email
+to <email></email>. You
+<emphasis>must</emphasis> include the following as the first lines of
+the email:
+Package: installation-reports
+Version: <replaceable>version</replaceable>
+Be sure to fill in <replaceable>version</replaceable> with the
+version of the debian-installer that you used. The version number can
+be found if you press <keycap>F1</keycap> key on the
+<prompt>boot:</prompt> prompt of your installation media. You should
+also mention where did you download the installation media, or the
+source of a CD you bought.
+You should also include the following information in your bug report.
+If you use the program <command>reportbug</command> to submit your
+report, this information will be included automatically.
+<phrase arch="i386">
+flavor: <replaceable>flavor of image you are using</replaceable>
+architecture: &architecture;
+model: <replaceable>your general hardware vendor and model</replaceable>
+memory: <replaceable>amount of RAM</replaceable>
+scsi: <replaceable>SCSI host adapter, if any</replaceable>
+cd-rom: <replaceable>CD-ROM model and interface type, e.g., ATAPI</replaceable>
+network card: <replaceable>network interface card, if any</replaceable>
+pcmcia: <replaceable>details of any PCMCIA devices</replaceable>
+Depending on the nature of the bug, it also might be useful to report
+whether you are installing to IDE or SCSI disks, other peripheral
+devices such as audio, disk capacity, and the model of video card.
+In the bug report, describe what the problem is, including the last
+visible kernel messages in the event of a kernel hang. Describe the
+steps that you did which brought the system into the problem state.
+ </sect2>
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/boot-new/boot-new.xml b/eu/boot-new/boot-new.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a6ca373e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/boot-new/boot-new.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<!-- original version: 21672 -->
+<!-- Piarres Beobide Egina 2004-ko Azaroaren 24-ean !-->
+<chapter id="boot-new"> <title> Debian Sistema berria
+ <sect1 id="base-boot"><title>Egiaren garaia</title>
+Sistemaren lehen abiaraztea elektra ingenieriarrek
+<quote>ke froga</quote> deitzen diotena da.
+Zuzenean Debianen abiarazten ari eta sistema ez bada
+abiarazten, edo instalazio medioa berriz erabili edo
+pertsonalizatutako abiarazte mediorik baduzu eta
+sistema berrabiarazi. Orduan, ziurrenik
+non <replaceable>root</replaceable> zure erro partizioa da,
+<filename>/dev/sda1</filename> bezalakoa, abiarazterakoan
+antzeko aldagairen bat eman beharko diozu.
+ <sect2 arch="m68k"><title>BVME 6000 Booting</title>
+BVM edo Motorola VMEbus makina batetan diska gabeko instalazio
+bat burutu baduzu, bein sistemak TFTP zerbitzaritik
+<command>tftplilo</command> programa kargatu duenean
+<prompt>LILO Boot:</prompt> galderan hauetako komando bat
+idatzi behar da:
+<userinput>b6000</userinput> eta &enterkey; sakatu
+BVME 4000/6000 bat abiarazteko.
+<userinput>b162</userinput> eta &enterkey; sakatu
+MVME162 bat abiarazteko.
+<userinput>b167</userinput> eta &enterkey; sakatu
+MVME166/167 bat abiarazteko.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="m68k"><title>Macintosh Abiaraztea</title>
+Instlazio fitxategiak dituen karpetara joan eta abiarazi
+<command>Penguin</command> abiarazlea,
+<keycap>command</keycap> tekla sakaturik mantenduaz. Joan
+<userinput>Settings</userinput> lehiatilara (<keycombo>
+<keycap>command</keycap> <keycap>T</keycap> </keycombo>), eta
+ezarri kernelaren aukerak. Lerroa horrelako zerbait izan beharko zen:
+<userinput>root=/dev/ram video=font:VGA8x16</userinput>.
+Sarrea horretan
+aldatu behar duzu, non <replaceable>yyyy</replaceable> sistema
+instalaturik dagoen partizioaren Linux izena den (adib.
+<filename>/dev/sda1</filename>); Izen hau lehendik apuntatua izan
+behar da.
+<userinput>video=font:VGA8x8</userinput> bereiziki pantaila txikiko
+erabiltzaileentzat gomendatzen da. Kernelak itxura politago bat
+aukeratu dezake (6x11) baina kontsola driberrak huts egin dezake
+makina moeta honetan. Beraz atal honetan 8x16 edo 8x8 erabiltzea
+zuhurragoa da. Hau edozein momentutan alda dezakezu beranduago.
+Ez bada sistema abiaraztean zuzenean GNU/Linux abiarazterik nahi,
+ezabatu <userinput>Auto Boot</userinput> aukerako marka. Ezarpenak
+<userinput>Save Settings As Default</userinput> aukera erabiliaz
+<filename>Prefs</filename> fitxategian gorde behar dira.
+Aukeratu orain <userinput>Boot Now</userinput> (<keycombo>
+<keycap>command</keycap> <keycap>B</keycap> </keycombo>) instalatu
+berri den GNU/Linux sistema RAMdisk-ean dagoen sistemaren ordez
+Debian abiarazi beharko litzateke eta instalazio sistema abiarazi zen
+lehen aldian erakusitako mezu berdinak ikusiko dira mezu berri batzuez
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="powerpc"><title>OldWorld PowerMac Makinak</title>
+Makinak instalazioa amaitzerakoan abiaraztean huts egin eta
+<prompt>boot:</prompt> galderarekin gelditzen bada, saiatu
+<userinput>Linux</userinput> idatzi eta &enterkey; sakatuaz.
+(Lehenetsitako abiarazteko konfigurazioa
+<filename>quik.conf</filename>-en Linux gisa izendaturik dago).
+<filename>quik.conf</filename>-en ezarritako etiketak bistarazi
+egingo dira <keycap>Tab</keycap> tekla zanpatzean
+<prompt>boot:</prompt> galderan. Instalatzaileaz berriz
+abiarazi eta <guimenuitem><command>Quik</command> Disko gogorrean
+instalatu</guimenuitem> atalean sortutako
+<filename>/target/etc/quik.conf</filename> fitxategia editatzen
+saia zaitezke. <command>quik</command> erabilerari buruzko
+argibideak <ulink url="&url-powerpc-quik-faq;"></ulink>-en aurki
+MacOS-era nvram berrezarri gabe itzultzeko, idatzi
+<userinput>bye</userinput> OpenFirmware galderan (MacOS
+ez dela makinatik ezabatu suposatzen). OpenFirmware galdera
+lortzeko izan sakaturik <keycombo> <keycap>command</keycap>
+<keycap>option</keycap> <keycap>o</keycap> <keycap>f</keycap>
+</keycombo> teklak sistema abiaraztean.Zuk MacOS abiarazteko
+OpenFirmware nvram aldaketak deusestatu behar badituzu, eduki
+sakaturik <keycombo> <keycap>command</keycap>
+<keycap>option</keycap> <keycap>p</keycap> <keycap>r</keycap>
+</keycombo> teklak sistema abiarazterakoan.
+Instalaturiko sistema abiarazteko <command>BootX</command>
+erabiltzeko, aukeratutako kernela <filename>Linux
+Kernels</filename> karpetan aukeratu, ezgaitu ramdisk
+aukera eta gehitu zure instalaziora dagokion erro gailua:;
+adib. <userinput>/dev/hda8</userinput>.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="powerpc"><title>NewWorld PowerMac Makinak</title>
+G4 eta iBook makinetan abiaraztean <keycap>option</keycap>
+tekla sakaturik mantenduaz leiho grafiko bat agertuko da
+instalaturik dagoen sistema eragile bakoitzarentzat botoi batekin,
+&debian; botoia pinguino txiki bat duena izan beharko litzateke.
+MacOS mantendu eta noizbait the OpenFirmware
+<envar>boot-device</envar> aldagaia aldatu ezkero zuk OpenFirmwarea
+lehenetsitako konfigurazio berezarri beharko duzu, horretarako mantendu
+<keycombo><keycap>command</keycap> <keycap>option</keycap> <keycap>p</keycap>
+<keycap>r</keycap> </keycombo> teklak zanpatuak makina abiarazterakoan.
+<filename>yaboot.conf</filename>-en ezarritako etiketak bistarazi egingo dira
+<keycap>Tab</keycap> tekla zanpatzen ezkero <prompt>boot:</prompt> galderan.
+G3 edo G4 makinetako OpenFirmware berezartzeak sistema lehenetsi modura &debian;
+abiaraziko du (Apple_Bootstrap partizioa behar bezala lehendabizi ipini bada).
+&debian; SCSI disko batetan baduzu eta MacOS IDE disko batetan agian ez du
+funtzionatuko eta zu OpenFirmware-rera sartu eta <envar>boot-device</envar>
+aldagaia ezarri behar duzu, normalean <command>ybin</command>-ek automatikoki egiten du.
+Lehen aldiz &debian; abiarazi ondoren nahi adina aukera ipin ditzakezu
+(abirazte dual aukerak adibdiez) <filename>/etc/yaboot.conf</filename>
+fitxategian eta <command>ybin</command> abiaraziz zure abiarazte partzioa
+ezarritako konfigurazioaz aldatuz. Irakurri
+<ulink url="&url-powerpc-yaboot-faq;">yaboot HOWTO</ulink> gidaliburua
+argibide gehiagorako.
+ </sect2>
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1 id="base-config">
+ <title>Abiarazte Ondorengo Debian (oinarrizko) Konfigurazioa</title>
+Abiarazi ondoren sistema oinarriaren konfigurazio amaitzeko eskatuko du
+eta ondoren beharrezko pakete gehigarriak aukeratzea. Pausu hauetan
+lagunduko zaitun aplikazioa <classname>base-config</classname> da . Bere
+portamoldea &d-i;-ren lehenengo atalaren oso antzekoa da . Hala nola ,
+<classname>base-config</classname> osagai berezi batzuez osaturik dago,
+non osagai bakoitzak konfigruazio ataza bat betetzen duen,
+<quote>ezkutaturiko atzeko planoko menu bat du</quote> eta nabigazio sistema
+berdina erabiltzen du.
+Instalazioaren ondoren edozein momentutan
+<classname>base-config</classname> berrabiarazi nahi ezkero,
+abiarazi root gisa <userinput>base-config</userinput>.
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1 id="login">
+ <title>Sarrera</title>
+Bein paketeak instalatzez amaitzean sistema sarrera galdera (login:)
+agertuko da. Instalazioan aukeratutako erabiltzaile izena eta pasahitzak
+erabiliaz sisteman sar daiteke. Zure sistema erabiltzeko prest dago.
+Erabiltzaile berri baten kasuan, agian sisteman instalaturik dagoen
+dokumentazioa irakurri daiteke erabiltzen asteko. Dokumentazio sistema
+anitz daude nahiz bateratzeko ahaleginak egiten ari diren. Bilaketa non
+hasi buruzko argibide batzu aurki daitezke hemen.
+Instalaturiko programen dokumentazioa
+<filename>/usr/share/doc/</filename>, karpetazn programaren izeneko
+azpi-karpeta batean dago. Adibidez , APT Erbiltzaile gidaliburua
+(APT User's Guide) <command>apt</command> komandoa erabiliaz beste
+programa batzuk instalatzene rakusten duena
+<filename>/usr/share/doc/apt/guide.html/index.html</filename>-en dago kokaturik.
+Honez gain, badaude karpeta berezi batzuek
+<filename>/usr/share/doc/</filename> jerarkia azpian.
+Linux HOWTOs gidak <emphasis>.gz</emphasis> formatuan instalaturik daude,
+<filename>/usr/share/doc/HOWTO/en-txt/</filename> eta
+<filename>/usr/share/doc/HOWTO/en-txt/mini/</filename> karpetetan.
+<filename>/usr/share/doc/HTML/index.html</filename> fitxategia
+<command>dhelp</command>-ek instalaturiko dokumetazioaren aurkibide nabigagarri bat da.
+Dokumetu hauek begiratzeko era erraz bat <userinput>cd
+/usr/share/doc/</userinput> egin eta <userinput>lynx</userinput>
+hutsune eta puntu batez jarraiturik erabiliaz da (puntuak uneko karpeta esan nahi du).
+<replaceable>komandoa</replaceable></userinput> edo <userinput>man
+<replaceable>komandoa</replaceable></userinput> erabili dezakezu komando lerroko
+programa gehienen dokumentazio ikusteko. <userinput>help</userinput> idatzi ezkero
+shell komandoen laguntza bistaraziko da. Eta komando bat <userinput>--help</userinput>-ez
+jarraiturik erabili ezker normalean komadoaren erabileraren laburpen bat erakusten du.
+Komando erantzuna zure pantaila baino luzeagoa izan ezkero , <userinput>| more</userinput>
+idatzi komandoaren ondoren erantzunak pantaila pasa baino lehen geldialdi bat egiteko.
+Hizki bate hasten diren komando abiarazgarri guztien zerrenda bat nahi izan ezkero
+hizkia idatzi eta gero bi aldiz sakatu Tab tekla..
+Debian eta GNU/Linux mundura sarrera osatuago bat irakurri nahi ezkero begiratu
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/boot-new/modules/apt.xml b/eu/boot-new/modules/apt.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e93efa935
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/boot-new/modules/apt.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<!-- original version: 23845 -->
+<!-- Piarres Beobidek 1004-ko Azaroaren 25-ean egina -->
+ <sect2 id="configure-apt">
+ <title>APT Konfiguratzen</title>
+Sisteman paketeak instalatzeko gehien erabiltzen den sistema
+<classname>apt</classname> paketeko <command>apt-get</command>
+programa da.<footnote>
+Kontutan izan momentu honetan paketak instalatzen dituen programa
+<command>dpkg</command> dela. Hala ere pakete hau maila baxuan lan
+egiteko da. <command>apt-get</command> programank <command>dpkg</command>
+behar bezala erabiliko du instalatu nahi den paketearen dependentzi
+beharrak eta paketeak CD, sare edo edonondik deskargatzeko modua
+ezagutzen bait ditu.
+Beste pakete kudeaketa interfaze batzuk, <command>aptitude</command> edo
+<command>synaptic</command> antzekoak edo zaharrago den
+<command>dselect</command>-ek apt-get behar eta erabili egiten dute.
+Interfaze hauek erabiltzaile berrientzat dira gomendaturik erabiltzaile
+interfaze beretan beste ezaugarri batzuek dituzte eta (egoera egiaztapen
+eta pakete bilaketa).
+APT paketeak nondik deskargatu jakiteko konfiguratu behar da.
+Lan honetan laguntzen duen aplikazioa
+<command>apt-setup</command> da.
+Konfigurazioko hurrengo pausua APT-ri debian paketeak non aurki
+ditzakeen ezartzea da. Kontutan izan aukera hau instalazioa amaitzean
+edozein momentutan berregin dezakezu la <command>apt-setup</command>
+abiaraziaz edo <filename>/etc/apt/sources.list</filename> eskuz
+Pausu honetan CD-ROM ofizial bat unitatean izan ezkero, CD-ROM hori
+jatorrietara gehituko da galderarik gabe. CD-ROM unitatea irakurtzen delako
+konturatu zaitezke.
+CD-ROM ofizialik ez duten erabiltzaileentzat Debian paketeak
+jasotzeko erabili daitezke modu ezberdinak erakutsiko dira :
+FTP, HTTP, CD-ROM, edo fitxategi sistema lokala.
+Jakin behar duzula APT jatorri ezberdinak konfiguratu daitezkeela
+nahiz Debian fitxategi berdinarentzat izan.
+<command>apt-get</command> eskatutako paketearen bertsio berriena
+duen fitxategia aukeratuko du automatikoki. Edo bestela bai CD eta
+HTTP bidezko jatorriak izan ezkero <command>apt-get</command>-ek
+CD-ROm-ean dauden fitxategia erabiliko ditu lehentsi bezala eta
+pakete bertsio berriagorik eskuragarri ez dagoen bitartean ez du
+HTTP konexioa erabiliko. Hala ere ez da oso ideia ona behar ez diren
+APT jatorriak gehitzea honek pakete berrien bila sarea arakatzeko
+denbora luzatu bait dezake.
+ <sect3 id="configure-apt-net">
+ <title>Sare Pakete Jatorriak Konfiguratzen</title>
+Sistemaren beste guztia sare bidez instalatu nahi ezkero,
+aukera arruntean <userinput>http</userinput> jatorria
+aukeratzea da. <userinput>ftp</userinput> ere onargarria da
+baina piska bat geldoagoa da konexioak egiteko garaian.
+Sare pakete Jatorriak konfiguratzeko hurrengo pausua
+<command>apt-setup</command>-i bizi zaren estatua ezartzea da.
+Honek zein Debian Intenet Ispilutara konekata zaitezkeen ezarriko
+du. Aukeratutako estatuaren arabera zerbitzari posibleen zerrenda
+bat aurkeztuko da. Normalean aukera ona da zerrendako lehen
+eskaintza aukeratzea, baina besteak ere funtzionatu beharko lukete.
+Kontutan eduki ispilu zerrenda Debian bertsio hau kaleratu zen
+egunean sotu zela beraz agian zerbitzari bat ez dago funtzionametuan
+Ispilu bat aukeratu ondoren, proxy zerbitzaririk erabili behar den
+galdetuko da. Proxy zerbiztaria interneko HTTP eta FTP eskariak
+zuri berbideratzen dituen zerbitzari bat da eta Internet konexioa
+obe aprobetxatzeko enpresa eta talde askok ipintzen dituzte.
+Zenbait saretan proxy zerbitzaria bakarrik du Interneta konektatzeko
+aukera. Agian proxy erabiltzaile izena eta pasahitza ezarri
+behar dituzu. Etxe erabiltzaile gehienek ez dute proxy zerbitzaririk
+ezarri beharrik, nahiz eta zenbait Internet Horniztailek proxy
+zerbitzarien bidez hornitzen dituzte beren bezeroeak.
+Ispilu bat aukeratu ondorena, zure sare jatorriak arakatu egingo dira.
+Denak behar bezala funtzionatu ezkero beste pakete jatorririk gehitu
+nahi den galdetuko da. Zuk aukeratutako pakte jatorriarekin arazorik
+izan ezkeri aukera beste ispilu bat (bai zure estatuko zerrendatik
+edo zerrenda osotik), edo beste sare pakete jatorri bat erabiltzen
+ </sect3>
+ </sect2>
diff --git a/eu/boot-new/modules/install.xml b/eu/boot-new/modules/install.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9b0bbf33e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/boot-new/modules/install.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<!-- original version: 18597 -->
+<!-- Piarres Beobide 2004-ko Azaroak 25-ean egina -->
+ <sect2 id="debconf">
+ <title>Softwarea instalatu bitarteko galderak</title>
+<command>tasksel</command> edo <command>aptitude</command> aptitude
+bidez aukeratutako paket bakoitza deskargatu eta despaketatu ondoren
+<command>apt-get</command> eta <command>dpkg</command> programen
+bidez instalatuko da. Pakete bate erabiltzailearen
+argibiderrik behar izan ezkero prozesu honetan galdetuko da.
+Instalazioa irauten duen bitartean begi bat izan behar da gainean
+instalazio erroreak emandako edozein irteera ikusteko (nahiz
+eta edozein pakete instalatzea ezintzen duen erroreak
+onartu behar diren).
+ <sect3 arch="powerpc" id="xserver">
+ <title>X Zernitzari Ezarpenak</title>
+iMac eta zenbait macintosh makina zarragoetan, X zerbitzari softwareak
+ezin ditu bideo ezarpenak kalkulatu. Bideo ezarpenean 'Aurretaua'
+aukeratu beharko da. Monitorearen sinkronia horizontalerako 59-63
+erabili. Lehenetsitakoa utz dezakezu freskatze bertikalean.
+Sagua <userinput>/dev/input/mice</userinput>-en ezarri behar da.
+ </sect3>
+ </sect2>
diff --git a/eu/boot-new/modules/mta.xml b/eu/boot-new/modules/mta.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2af60fe4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/boot-new/modules/mta.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<!-- original version:22935 -->
+<!-- Piarres Beobidek egina 2004-ko Azaroaren 25-eam -->
+ <sect2 id="base-config-mta">
+ <title>Posta transferentzi Agentea (MTA) konfiguratu</title>
+Gaur egun eposta oso garrantzitsua da jende askoren bizitzarako, beraz
+ez da batere arrigarri Debian-ek eposta transferentzi agentea
+instalazioaren barnean konfiguratzea. Debian sistematan lehenetsiriko
+posta transferentzi agentea <command>exim4</command> da, zein
+nahiko txikia, moldagarria eta ulertzeko erraza bait da.
+Agian ordenagailua ez dagoenez sarean posta agentea beharrezko den
+galdetuko zara. Erantzun laburra Bai da. Argibide luzeagoak: zenbait
+sistema osagaiek (<command>cron</command>,
+<command>quota</command>, <command>aide</command>, &hellip;) mezu
+garrantzitsuak eposta bidez bidaltzen dituztela.
+Lehenengo pantailan zenbait espota ingurune erakusten dira.
+Aukeratu horietako bat zure beharren arabera:
+<term>internet gunea</term>
+Sistema zuzenean internetera konektaturik dago eta eposta
+SMTP bidez jaso eta bidaliko da. Hurrengo pantailetan zenbait
+oinarrizko galdera egingo ditu instalatzaileak; makinaren
+eposta izena edo jaso nahi diren dominioen zerrenda.
+<term>ePosta smarthost-ak bidaliko du</term>
+Ingurune honetan zure kaporako epostak <quote>smarthost</quote>
+deituriko beste makina bati bidali eta honek behar den lekura
+birbidaliko ditu. Smathost makinak normalean zuri doakizun eposta-k
+jasoko ditu beraz zu ez zara beti sarean egon behar. Fetchmail edo
+antzerako programa bat (eposta bezeroa) erabili beharko da eposta
+jasotzeko. Aukera hau arruntean telefono bidezko saretzeek
+erabiltzen dute.
+<term> bidalketa lokala bakarrik</term>
+Sistema ez dago sarean eta eposta erabiltzaile lokalen artean
+bidali eta jasotzen da bakrrik. Nahiz eta mezurik ez bidaltzea
+pentsatu hau da aukera gomendagarria, zenbait programa
+eta lanabesek eposta eabiltzen bait dute erabiltzaileari
+mezu garrantzitsuak bidaltzeko (adib. <quote>Disko quota
+muga gainditurik</quote>). Aukera hau da erabiltzaile berrientzat
+gomendagarriena ere ez bait ditu galdera gehiago egiten.
+<term>Ez konfiratu hune honetan</term>
+Aukera hau zer egitera zoazen badakizula ziur bazaude bakarrik
+erabili. Honek konfiguratu gabeko eposta sistema &mdash; utziko
+du, zuk eskuz konfiguratu arte. Ezingo duzu eposta ez jaso
+ez bidali eta sistema lanabesen zenbait informazio garrantzitsu
+gal dezakezu.
+Ingurune hauek ez badute zure eginbeharra betetzen edo zuk
+konfigurazio zehatzago bat behar izan ezkero
+<filename>/etc/exim4</filename> kapretako konfigurazio
+fitxategiak editatu ahal izango dituzu bein instalazioa
+amaitu denean. <command>exim4</command>-eri buruzko argibide
+gehiago jasotzeko ikusi <filename>/usr/share/doc/exim4</filename>.
+ </sect2>
diff --git a/eu/boot-new/modules/packages.xml b/eu/boot-new/modules/packages.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..52aeb7fd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/boot-new/modules/packages.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<!-- original version: 18767 -->
+<!-- Piarres Beobidek egina 2004-ko Azaroaren 26 -->
+ <sect2 id="install-packages">
+ <title>Package Installation</title>
+Gero debian baturiko eta aurre-sailkaturiko software bildumak
+eskeiniko zaizkizu. Zuk beti paketeak banaka kudeatzeko aukera
+izango duzu, horrela makinan instalatzen dezuna gehiago ezagutu
+eta kontrolatzeko. Hori da geroago argibieak emango diren
+<command>aptitude</command> programaren zeregina. Baina horrela
+egiteak asko zail dezake erabiltzaile berrientzat debianek
+dituen pakete zenbakiagatik (&num-of-distrib-pkgs;).
+Hala ere, zuk <emphasis>atazak</emphasis> aukeratu ondoren
+banakako paketeak gehitu ahal izango dituzu beranduago.
+Ataza hauek oso orokorrean gure ustetan ordenagailuak bete ditzaketen
+funtzio eta erabilera ezberdinetan pentsaturik aukeratu dira,
+adibidez <quote>idazmahai ingurunea</quote>,
+<quote>web zerbitzaria</quote>, edo <quote>inprimagailu zerbitzaria</quote>.
+Jakin behar da zerrenda hau bistarazteko
+<command>base-config</command>-ek <command>tasksel</command> programa
+abiarzte duela. Eskuzko pakete aukeraketarako
+<command>aptitude</command> abiarziko da. Hauetako edozein
+instalazioa amaitu ondoren edozein momentutan erabili daiteke
+paketteak instalatu edo kentzeko. Pakete berezi ba instalatu nahi
+baduzu sinpleki <userinput>apt-get install
+<replaceable>paketea</replaceable></userinput> erabili non
+<replaceable>paketea</replaceable> instalatu nahi duzun paketea
+Paketeak banaka aukeratu nahi izan ezkero <command>tasksel</command> menuan
+<quote>eskuzko paketea aukeraketa</quote> aukeratu.
+Bein atazka aukeratu dituzula sakatu
+<guibutton>Ados</guibutton> botoia. Puntu honetan
+<command>aptitude</command>k aukeratu dituzun paketeak isntalatuko
+ditu. Kontutan eduki nahiz ez atazik aukeratu lehenespen beharrezko,
+garrantsitsu edo estansarra duten eta sisteman instalaturik ez dauden
+paketeak instalatu egingo direla. Funztio hau komando lerroan
+<userinput>tasksel -s</userinput> egitearen berdina da eta
+momentu honetan 37MB inguru fitxategi deskargatzen ditu. Instalaturko
+diren pakete zenbakia, Kb kopurua eta deskargatu behar izan ezkero
+deskargatu behar de Kb kopurua erakutsiko du.
+Debian sistema erabilgarri dauden &num-of-distrib-pkgs; paketeetatik
+gutxi batzu ez ditu kudeatzen ataza instalatzaileak. Pakete gehiagori
+buruzko argibideak ikusteko erabili <userinput>apt-cache
+search <replaceable>bilaketa-katea</replaceable></userinput>, non bilaketa
+katea bilatu nahi duzun pakete edo betebeharra den (ikusi
+<citerefentry><refentrytitle>apt-cache</refentrytitle> <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>
+</citerefentry> man orrialdea) edo
+<command>aptitude</command> aerabili.
+ <sect3 id="aptitude">
+<title><command>aptitude</command> erabiliaz pakete aukeraketa aurreratua</title>
+<command>Aptitude</command> paketeak kudeatzeko program eguneratuaa
+da. <command>aptitude</command>k paketeak banakam emandako irizpide
+batzuekin (erabiltzaile aurreratuentzat) edo atazak hautatzeko aukera
+ematen du.
+Laster-tekla oinarrizkoenak:
+<tgroup cols="2">
+ <entry>Tekla</entry><entry>Ekintza</entry>
+ <entry><keycap>Gora</keycap>, <keycap>Behera</keycap></entry>
+ <entry>Aueka gora edo behera mugitu.</entry>
+ <entry>&enterkey;</entry>
+ <entry>Aukera Gaitu/Zabaldu/itxi.</entry>
+ <entry><keycap>+</keycap></entry>
+ <entry>Paketea instalaziorako markatu.</entry>
+ <entry><keycap>-</keycap></entry>
+ <entry>Paketea ezabatzeko markatu.</entry>
+ <entry><keycap>d</keycap></entry>
+ <entry>Pakete dependentziak erakutsi.</entry>
+ <entry><keycap>g</keycap></entry>
+ <entry>Paketeak orain deskargatu/instalatu/ezabaturemove.</entry>
+ <entry><keycap>q</keycap></entry>
+ <entry>Uneko ikuspegia utzi.</entry>
+ <entry><keycap>F10</keycap></entry>
+ <entry>Menua Gaitu.</entry>
+Komando gehiagorako begiratu lineako laguntza <keycap>?</keycap> tekla
+ </sect3>
+ </sect2>
diff --git a/eu/boot-new/modules/ppp.xml b/eu/boot-new/modules/ppp.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a2f07f8ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/boot-new/modules/ppp.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<!-- original version: 23660 -->
+<!-- Piarres Beobidek egina 2004-ko Azaroaren 25-eam -->
+ <sect2 arch="not-s390" id="PPP">
+ <title>PPP konfiguratzen</title>
+Isntalazioaren lehen atalean ez bada saretzerik konfiguratu instalazioaren
+falta dena ppp bidez konfiguratu nahi den galdetuko du. PPP modem bidez
+egindako konexioak sortzen dituen protokolo bat da, instalazio sistemak
+seguridade eguneraketa edo pakete gehigarria behar bait ditzake
+instalazioaren hurrengo pausuetan.
+Ordenagailuan ez badago modemik edo konfigurazio hori beranduago egoin
+nahi izan ezkero atal hau utz dezakzu.
+PPP konexioa zuzen konfiguratzeko, zure internet hornitzailearen datu
+batzuzuek beharrezkoak dira, telefono zenbakia, erabiltzaile izena,
+pasahitza eta DNS zerbitzariak (aukerakoa). Zenbait hornitzailek
+Linuxerako instalazio gidaliburuak dituzte. Zuk informazio hau erabili
+dezakzu nahiz beriek ez debianeraok denik esan konfiguraizo aldagai
+(eta software) gehiena berdinak bait dira Linux banaketa gehienetean.
+PPP momentu honetan konfiguratzea aukeratu ezkero,
+<command>pppconfig</command> izeneko programa bat abiaraziko da,
+programa honek PPP kofgurazio ezarpenak egiten lagunuduko du.
+<emphasis>ziurtatu zaitez, programak markatze konexiorako izen
+eskatzen dizunean <userinput>provider</userinput> erabiltzen
+<command>pppconfig</command> programak arazo gabeko PPP konexio
+ezarpen bat egiteakoan gidatuko zaitu. Hala ere honek zure kasuan
+ez funtzionatu ezkero begiratu argibide zehatzagoak aurrerago.
+PPP konfiguratu ahal izateko GNU/Linux-pean fitxategia ikusi eta
+editatzeari buruzko oinarrizko gauza batzuk jakin behar dira.
+Fitxaegiak ikusteko <command>more</command> erabil dezakezu,
+<command>zmore</command> <userinput>.gz</userinput> extensio
+erabiliaz konprimitutarikoentzat. Adibidez,
+<filename>README.debian.gz</filename> fitxategia ikusteko,
+<userinput>zmore README.debian.gz</userinput> idatzi. Sistema
+oinarriak <command>nano</command> nano izeneko editore
+oso simplea baina aukea askotako dakar. Ziurrenik beranduago
+editore ahaltsuago batenbat instalatuko duzu,
+<command>jed</command>, <command>nvi</command>,
+<command>less</command>, edo <command>emacs</command> belakoa.
+<filename>/etc/ppp/peers/provider</filename> fitxategia editatu etae
+<userinput>/dev/modem</userinput> lerroaz
+aldatu non <replaceable>&num;</replaceable> erabili nahi den
+serial atakaren zenbakia da. Linuxpean serial atakak 0-tik
+kontatzen hasten dira.
+<phrase arch="powerpc;m68k">OSeria taka dituen Macintosh-etan modem
+ataka <filename>/dev/ttyS0</filename> da eta inprimagailuaren
+Hurrengo pausua
+<filename>/etc/chatscripts/provider</filename> editatu eta
+hornitzailearen telefono zenbakia, erabiltzaile izena eta
+pasahitza ipintzea da. Mesedez ez ezabatu pasahitzak aurretik
+duen <quote>\q</quote> honek sistema erregistrotan zure pasahitza
+ager ez dadin balio du eta.
+Zenbait honitzailek testu lauaren ordezPAP edo CHAP sarrera sekuentziak
+erabiltzen dituzte. Beste batzuek biak. Zure hornitzaileak PAP edo
+CHAP erabili ezkero, hurrengo pausuak egin beharko dituzu.
+Iradokitu ezazu (aurretik '#' ipniaz) markatze kateeen ondoren
+dagoen guztia (<quote>ATDT</quote> hasten dena)
+<filename>/etc/chatscripts/provider</filename> fitxategian, aldatu
+<filename>/etc/ppp/peers/provider</filename> fitxategia beherago
+esplikatzen den bezala eta gehitu
+<userinput>user <replaceable>izena</replaceable></userinput> non
+<replaceable>izena</replaceable> konekatu nahi den hornitzailearen
+izen da. Gero editatu <filename>/etc/ppp/pap-secrets</filename> edo
+<filename>/etc/ppp/chap-secrets</filename> fitxategia eta pasahitza
+Gero <filename>/etc/resolv.conf</filename> fitxategia ediatu
+eta gehitu zure hornitzailearen izen zerbitzarien (DNS) IP
+helbideak. <filename>/etc/resolv.conf</filename> fitxategia
+formatu honetan da:
+<replaceable></replaceable></userinput> non
+<replaceable>x</replaceable> IP helbideko zenbakiak diren.
+NAhi izan ezkero <userinput>usepeerdns</userinput> aukera
+gehitu dezakezu <filename>/etc/ppp/peers/provider</filename>
+fitxategian normalean urrutiko ekipoak ematen dituen DNS
+zerbitzariak erabiltzeko.
+Hornitzaileak ez badu gehiengoarendik ezberdindutako sarrera
+sekuentziarik erabiltzen,dena prest dago! PPP konexioa abiarazi
+<command>pon</command> root bezala, eta erabilitako prozesua
+<command>plog</command> komandoa erabiliaz begiratu. Deskonektatzeko
+<command>poff</command>, erabili, berriz root bezala
+Irakurri <filename>/usr/share/doc/ppp/README.Debian.gz</filename>
+fitxategia Debianen PPP erabilerari buruz gehiago jakiteko.
+SLIP konexio estatikoentzat,
+<userinput>slattach</userinput> koomandoa (
+<classname>net-tools</classname> paketekoa) erabili beharko duzu
+<filename>/etc/init.d/network</filename> fitxategian. SLIP dinamikoak
+<classname>gnudip</classname> paketea behar du.
+ <sect3 id="PPPOE">
+ <title>PPP Ethernet gainetik (PPPOE) konfiguratzen </title>
+PPPOE zenbait banda zabaleko hornitzailek erabiltzen duten PPP
+protokoloa. Oraindik ez dago onarpenik oinarri konfigurazioan
+hau konfiguratzen laguntzeko. Hala behar den softwarea gehitu
+egin da beraz zuk PPPOE eskuz momentu honetan konfigura dezakezu
+VT2-ra aldatzen (Alt+F2) eta <command>pppoeconf</command> abiarazten.
+ </sect3>
+ </sect2>
diff --git a/eu/boot-new/modules/shadow.xml b/eu/boot-new/modules/shadow.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f68e8b03f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/boot-new/modules/shadow.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<!-- original version: 18642 -->
+<!-- Piarres Beobide 2004-ko Azaroaren 25-ean itzulia -->
+ <sect2 id="base-config-users">
+ <title>Setting Up Users And Passwords</title>
+ <sect3 id="base-config-root">
+ <title>Set the Root Password</title>
+<emphasis>root</emphasis> kontua, baita super-erabiltzaile bezala
+ezagutzen dena; sistemako ziurtasun neurri gustiak ekiditzen dituen
+sarrera kontua da. Root kontu hau sistema kudeaketa lanetarako
+eta ahal den gutxien erabili behar da.
+Sortutako edozein pasahitzek beintzat 6 karaktere izan behar ditu,
+hizki minuxkula eta larriak eta puntuazio ikurrka izan ditzake.
+Kontu handiagoa izan root pasahitza ezartzerakoan guztiz ahaldun
+kontu bat bait da. Ez erabili Hiztegiko hitzik ez zurekin
+pertsonalean erraz lotu daitekeen hitzik.
+Inork noizbait zure root pasahitza behar duela esa ezkero, kontu
+handiarekin ibili. Inoiz ez zenuke root kontuaren pasahitza inori
+eman behar kudeatzen ari zaren makinak kudeatzaile gehiago ez baditu
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3 id="make-normal-user">
+ <title>Erabiltzaile Arrunt Bat Sortu</title>
+Sistemak erabiltzaile arrunt bat sortu nahi den galdetuko da atal
+honetan. Kontu hau zure sarrera-kontu pertsonala izan daitek.
+<emphasis>Ez</emphasis> zenuke root kontua zure eguneroko
+eginbeharretarako erabili beharko.
+Zergatik ez? Ondo, lehenik eta behin root kontuz guztiz ahaltsua
+izatean oso erraza da huts konponeziak egitea. Beste arrazoi
+bat inork zuri maltzurki <emphasis>Troiar-zaldi</emphasis> bat
+duen programa bat abiarazten badizu &mdash; programa horrek
+super-erabiltzailearen ahalmen guztiaz sistema konprometitu
+dezake. Edozein Unix sistemarako kudeaketa liburuk gehitu ditzazke
+datu gehiago puntu honetan &mdash; pentsatu batenbat irakurtzean
+hau dana zuretzat berria bada.
+Lehenik erabiltzailearen izen osoa eskatuko du. Gero kontuaren izena;
+normalean zure izena edo antzeko zerbait izaten da. Azkenik zuk
+kontu honetarako pasahitza sartu beharko duzu.
+Instalazioaren ondoren edozein momentutan erabiltzaile kontu
+gehiago sartu nahi ezkero erabili <command>adduser</command> komandoa.
+ </sect3>
+ </sect2>
diff --git a/eu/boot-new/modules/timezone.xml b/eu/boot-new/modules/timezone.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b6bdec6a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/boot-new/modules/timezone.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<!-- original version: 19108 -->
+<!-- Piarres Beobidek egina 2004-ko Azaroaren 24-an !-->
+ <sect2 id="base-config-tz">
+ <title>Ordu Zonaldea Konfiguratzen</title>
+Ongietorri pantailaren ondoren denbora zonaldea ezartzea esaktuko da. Lehenik hardware erlojua ordu lokalean edo Greenwich Merdiano Orduan (GMT edo UTC) ezarriko den aukeratu behar da. Bistaraziko den orduak aukeraketa egiten lagundu beharko lizuke.
+<phrase arch="m68k;powerpc">Macintosh hardware ordualria normalean ordu lokalean ezarririk daude. Abiarazte dualeko sistema bat instalatu nahi ezkero aukeratu ordu lokala GMT orduaren ordez.</phrase>
+<phrase arch="i386">Dos edo Windows ere instalaturik duten sistemek normalean ordu lokala erabiltzen dute. Abiarazte dualeko sistema bat instalatu nahi ezkero aukeratu ordu lokala GMT orduaren ordez.</phrase>
+Instalazio hasieran aukeratutako kokapenaren arabera ordu zonalde bakarra edo gehiago bistaraziko dira. Ordu zonalde bakarra erakutsi ezkero <guibutton>Bai</guibutton> aukeratu hautapena berrestekoedo <guibutton>Ez </guibutton> aukeratu ordu zonalde zerrenda osotik auekratzeko. Zerrenda bat agertu ezkero aukera zure ordu zonaldea zerrendatik edo edo Besteak aukeratu zerrenda osorako.
+ </sect2>
diff --git a/eu/hardware/hardware-supported.xml b/eu/hardware/hardware-supported.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e27e3b428
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/hardware/hardware-supported.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<!-- original version: 14033 -->
+ <sect1 id="hardware-supported">
+ <title>Onartutako Hardwarea</title>
+Debianek ez ditu Linux kernelak eta GNU tresna jokoak ezartzen
+dituzten hardware inposkatarik ezartzen. Hala ere Linux kernela,
+libc, <command>gcc</command>, etabar prestatu diren arkitekturek
+eta debian prestaketa egina dagoenetan, Debian abiarazi dezake.
+Mesedez begiratu portabilidade gunea <ulink url="&url-ports;"></ulink>
+xehetasun gehiagorako Debianekin frogatu diren &arch-title;
+arkitekturadun sistemei buruz.
+Nahiz ez &arch-title; arlitekturapean onartzeb dituen
+konfigurazio guztiak ez zehaztu, atal honetan argibide orrokorrrak
+eta argibide gehiago arkitzeko estekak ditu.
+ <sect2><title>Onartutako Arkitekturak</title>
+Debia &release;-ek hamaika arkitektura nagusi eta arkitektura
+ bakoitzerako hainbat zapore (flavors) onartzen ditu.
+<tgroup cols="4">
+ <entry>Arkitektura</entry><entry>Debian Ezarpena</entry>
+ <entry>Azpiarkitektura</entry><entry>Zaporea</entry>
+ <entry morerows="2">Intel x86-oinarriturik</entry>
+ <entry morerows="2">i386</entry>
+ <entry morerows="2"></entry>
+ <entry>vanilla</entry>
+ <entry>speakup</entry>
+ <entry>linux26</entry>
+ <entry morerows="5">Motorola 680x0</entry>
+ <entry morerows="5">m68k</entry>
+ <entry>Atari</entry>
+ <entry>atari</entry>
+ <entry>Amiga</entry>
+ <entry>amiga</entry>
+ <entry>68k Macintosh</entry>
+ <entry>mac</entry>
+ <entry morerows="2">VME</entry>
+ <entry>bvme6000</entry>
+ <entry>mvme147</entry>
+ <entry>mvme16x</entry>
+ <entry morerows="2">DEC Alpha</entry>
+ <entry morerows="2">alpha</entry>
+ <entry morerows="2"></entry>
+ <entry>generic</entry>
+ <entry>jensen</entry>
+ <entry>nautilus</entry>
+ <entry morerows="1">Sun SPARC</entry>
+ <entry morerows="1">sparc</entry>
+ <entry morerows="1"></entry>
+ <entry>sun4cdm</entry>
+ <entry>sun4u</entry>
+ <entry morerows="3">ARM eta StrongARM</entry>
+ <entry morerows="3">arm</entry>
+ <entry morerows="3"></entry>
+ <entry>netwinder</entry>
+ <entry>riscpc</entry>
+ <entry>shark</entry>
+ <entry>lart</entry>
+ <entry morerows="3">IBM/Motorola PowerPC</entry>
+ <entry morerows="3">powerpc</entry>
+ <entry>CHRP</entry>
+ <entry>chrp</entry>
+ <entry>PowerMac</entry>
+ <entry>powermac, new-powermac</entry>
+ <entry>PReP</entry>
+ <entry>prep</entry>
+ <entry>APUS</entry>
+ <entry>apus</entry>
+ <entry morerows="1">HP PA-RISC</entry>
+ <entry morerows="1">hppa</entry>
+ <entry>PA-RISC 1.1</entry>
+ <entry>32</entry>
+ <entry>PA-RISC 2.0</entry>
+ <entry>64</entry>
+ <entry>Intel ia64-based</entry>
+ <entry>ia64</entry>
+ <entry></entry>
+ <entry></entry>
+ <entry>MIPS (big endian)</entry>
+ <entry>mips</entry>
+ <entry>SGI Indy/I2</entry>
+ <entry>r4k-ip22</entry>
+ <entry morerows="1">MIPS (little endian)</entry>
+ <entry morerows="1">mipsel</entry>
+ <entry morerows="1">DEC Decstation</entry>
+ <entry>r4k-kn04</entry>
+ <entry>r3k-kn02</entry>
+ <entry morerows="1">IBM S/390</entry>
+ <entry morerows="1">s390</entry>
+ <entry morerows="1"></entry>
+ <entry>tape</entry>
+ <entry>vmrdr</entry>
+Gida honek <emphasis>&arch-title;</emphasis> arkitekturapeko
+instalazioa deskribatzen du. Debianek onartzen duen beste
+arkitektura batetako gida nahi ezkero joan:
+<ulink url="">Debian-Ports</ulink> orrira.
+</para><para condition="new-arch">
+Hau &arch-title; arkitekturarako &debian; lehen bertsio ofiziala
+da. Guk atgitaratzerako nahikoa frogatu dugula pentsatzen dugu.
+Hala ere ez delako orain artean argitaratu (eta erabiltzaileek
+frogatu behar dute) ez da beste arkitektura batzuetan bezainbeste
+frogatu, horregatik zorri txikiak aurki ditzazkezu. Gure
+<ulink url="&url-bts;">Zorri Kudeatze Sistema (Bug Tracking System)</ulink>
+erabil ezazu aurkitutako edozein zorriren berri emateko. Kontu eduki
+&arch-title; plataformarako zorri bat dela aipatzea. Beharrezkoa izan
+daiteke ere
+<ulink url="&url-list-subscribe;">debian-&architecture; eposta zerrenda</ulink>
+ </sect2>
+<!-- supported cpu docs -->
+&supported-ia64.xml; <!-- FIXME: currently missing -->
+ <sect2 id="gfx" arch="not-s390"><title>Txartel grafikoa</title>
+<para arch="i386">
+Zuk VGA edo baterqagarria den bistaratze interfaze bat izan duzu
+kontsola terminalerako. Gau egungo txartel grafiko berri guztiak
+VGA bateragarriak dira. CGA, MDA, edp HGA estandar zaharragoekin
+ere erabil daiteke X11 onarpenik behar ez duzula kontutan artzen.
+Debianen interfaze grafiko onarpena XFree86-ren onarpenak
+ezartzen du. AGP bideo ataka PCI espezifikazioaren aldaketa bat dira,
+eta AGP bideo txartel gehienek egin dezakete lan XFree86-rekin.
+Onartzen diren bus grafiko, txartel, monitore eta erakusleeri
+ buruzuko xehetasunak <ulink url="&url-xfree86;"></ulink>-en daude.
+Debian &release;-k XFree86 &x11ver; bertsioa dakar.
+</para><para arch="mips">
+XFree86 X11 sistema SGI Indy-etan bakarrik onartzen da.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="i386" id="laptops"><title>Eramangarria</title>
+Eramangarriak ere inartzen dita nahiz eta berezi edo jabetzapeko
+hardware izan. Zure portatila GNU/Linux-pean onartzen de jakin
+nahi izan ezkero begiratu
+<ulink url="&url-x86-laptop;">Linux Eramagarri orrialdean</ulink>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 condition="defaults-smp">
+<title>Prozesatzaile anitz</title>
+Prozesatzaile anitz onarpena &mdash; ere "prozesatze-anitz simetrikoa" edo
+SMP &mdash; bezala ezagututakoa onartzen da arkitektura honentzako. Debian
+Kernel estandarra SMP onarpenarekin kompilatua izan da. Honek ez du
+instalazioa geratzen SMP kernela ez-SMP sistematan abiarazi bait daiteke;
+kernela apur bat handiagoa izango da bakarrik.
+Kernela CPU bakarreko sistemetarako fintzeko, Debian kernel
+estandarra aldatu behar da. Hau nola egitari buruzko argibideak
+<xref linkend="kernel-baking"/>-en aurki daitezke. Hune onetan
+(&kernelversion; kernel bertsioa) SMP ezgaitzeko modua kernel
+konfigurazioko Atal orokorreko ``symmetric multi-processing'' aukera
+ezgaitzea da..
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 condition="supports-smp">
+ <title>Prozesatzaile anitz</title>
+Prozesatzaile anitz onarpena &mdash; ere "prozesatze-anitz simetrikoa" edo
+SMP &mdash; bezala ezagututakoa onartzen da arkitektura honentzako. Hala ere
+Debian &release; Kernel estandarrak SMP onarpena ez du kompilatua. Honek ez du
+instalazioa geratzen ez-SMP kernela ez- sistematan abiarazi bait daiteke;
+kernela soilik lehen prozesatzailea erabiliko du.
+Prozesatzatile anitz erabili ahal izateko,Debian kernel
+estandarra aldatu behar da. Hau nola egitari buruzko argibideak
+<xref linkend="kernel-baking"/>-en aurki daitezke. Hune onetan
+(&kernelversion; kernel bertsioa) SMP ezgaitzeko modua kernel
+konfigurazioko Atal orokorreko ``symmetric multi-processing'' aukera
+gaitzea da..
+ </sect2>
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/hardware/hardware.xml b/eu/hardware/hardware.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a063e1467
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/hardware/hardware.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 -->
+<chapter id="hardware-req">
+ <title>Sistema Beharrak</title>
+Atal honetan Debian-ekin lanean hasteko behar duzu hardwareari buruz
+argibideak daude. Honetaz gain GNU/Linux-ek onartzen duen hardwareari
+buruzko estekak aurki ditzazkezu.
diff --git a/eu/hardware/installation-media.xml b/eu/hardware/installation-media.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eb2f62127
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/hardware/installation-media.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<!-- original version: 23672 -->
+<!-- Azaroaren 23-an egina -->
+ <sect1 id="installation-media">
+ <title>Instalazio Medioa</title>
+Atal hau Debian instalatzerakoan zein medio erabili erabakitzen laguntzeko da.
+Adibidez, Zuk zure ordenagailuan diskete irakurle bat izan ezkero Debian
+diskete bidez instala dezakezu. Badago atal luzeago bat instalazio
+medioei buruz (<xref linkend="install-methods"/>), hor medio bakoitzaren abantaila
+eta arazo edo desabantaiak deskribatzen dira. Agin nahigo duzu atal hori irakurri
+ondoren atal honen irakurketara itzuli.
+ <sect2 condition="supports-floppy-boot"><title>Disketeak</title>
+Kasu batzuetan debian instalatzailearne lehen abiaraztea diskete bidez
+egin behar da. Normalean behar izango duzuna desntsiatate handiko
+(1440 Kb) 3,5 hatz-etako gailu bat da.
+</para><para arch="powerpc">
+CHRP-ren diskete onarpena ez da erabilgarria.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2><title>CD-ROM/DVD-ROM</title>
+Manual honetan <quote>CD-ROM</quote> ikusten dezun edonon, bi kasuetarako,
+bai CD-ROM, bai DVD-ROM-etan erabili daiteke teknologia berdina bait
+da sistema eragilearen ikuspegitik, oso zaharrak diren eta ez SCSI
+ez IDE/ATAPI CD-irakurleen kasuan ezik.
+CD-ROM-ean oinarritutako instalaziozenbait arkitekturek onartzen dute.
+CD-ROM abiarazgarriak onartzen dituzten ordenagailuetan, zuk guztiz
+<phrase arch="not-s390">diskete-gabeko</phrase>
+<phrase arch="s390">zinta-gabeko</phrase> instalazio bat egin ahal
+beharko zenuke. NAhiz eta sistemak ez CD-ROM-etik abiarazterik
+onartu, berau beste instalazio medio batekin batera erabili daiteke;
+begiratu <xref linkend="boot-installer"/>.
+</para><para arch="i386">
+Bai SCSI bai IDE/ATAPI CD irakurleak onartzen dira, hauetaz gain
+estandarretik kanpoko eta linux kernelak onartzen dituen gailuak
+ere onartzeb dituzte abiarazte diskek (bai Mitsumi eta bai Matsushita
+driberreri ezker) Hala ere modelo hauek abiarazte parametro batzu
+behar dituzte erabili ahal izateko eta gailu horien bitarteko
+abiarazteak ez du funtzionatzen.
+<ulink url="&url-cd-howto;">Linux CD-ROM HOWTO</ulink> dokumentoak
+CD-rom linuxen erabiltzeari buruzuko argibide sakonagoak ditu.
+</para><para arch="i386">
+USB CD-ROM gailuak ere onartzen dira, baita ere ohci1394 eta sbp2
+driberrak onartzen dituzten firewire gailuak.
+</para><para arch="alpha">
+Bai SCSI bai IDE/ATAPI CD irakurleak onartzen dira &arch-title;
+arkitekturan, kontrolatzaileak SRM kontsola onartzen duen bezainbat.
+Lege honek kapoan uzten ditu kontrolatzaile gehigarri gehienak, baina
+dauden IDE eta SCSI integraturiko txip eta kotrolatzaile gehienak
+badabiltza. Gailuak SRM kontsolak onartzen dituen edo ez zehatzago
+jakiteko jo <ulink url="&url-srm-howto;">SRM HOWTO</ulink> gidaliburura.
+</para><para arch="arm">
+Bai SCSI bai IDE/ATAPI CD irakurleak onartzen dira ARM makinetan.
+RiscPCs makintenan SCSI CD-ROM irakurleak onartzen dira.
+</para><para arch="mips">
+SGI makinetan, CD-ROM bidez abiarazi ahal izateko beharrezkoa da
+512 biteko bloke-tamaina logiko bat onartzen duen SCSI CD-ROM bat.
+PC merkaturako eginiko CD-ROM driber gehienek ez dute aukera hau e
+maten. CD-ROM gailuak "Unix/PC" edo "512/2048" markaturiko aukerarik
+izan ezkero ipini "Unix" edo "512" aukeran.
+Instalazioa abiarazteko, <quote>Sistem instalazioa</quote> aukeratu
+firmware-an. Broadcom BCM91250A IDE gailu estandarrak onartzen ditu,
+bai CD gailuak ere, baina plataforma honetarako CD irudiak ez daude
+eskuragarri firmware-ak ez bait ditu CD gailuak ezagutzen.
+</para><para arch="mipsel">
+DECstations makinetan, CD-ROM bidez abiarazi ahal izateko beharrezkoa
+da 512 biteko bloke-tamaina logiko bat onartzen duen SCSI CD-ROM bat.
+PC merkaturako eginiko CD-ROM driber gehienek ez dute aukera hau e
+maten. CD-ROM gailuak "Unix/PC" edo "512/2048" markaturiko aukerarik
+izan ezkero ipini "Unix" edo "512" aukeran.
+</para><para arch="mipsel">
+Lehenengo CD-ak r3k-kn02 azpiarkitekturarentzako (R3000-oinarrituriko
+DECstations 5000/1xx eta 5000/240, baita R3000-oinarrituriko "Personal
+DECstations" modeloak) instalatzailea du, bigarren CD-ak
+berriz r4k-kn04 azpiarkitekturarako (R4x00-oinarrituriko 5000/150 eta
+ 5000/260, baita "Personal DECstations" 5000/50 modeloak)
+instalatzailea du.
+</para><para arch="mipsel">
+CD-tik abiarazteko erabili <userinput>boot
+firmware galderan, non <replaceable>#</replaceable> abiarazi behar den
+gailuaren TurboKanal (TurboChannel) zenbakia den (3 DECstation
+gehienetan) eta <replaceable>id</replaceable> gailuaren SCSI ID-a den.
+Parametro gehigarriak eman behar izan ezkero, honako sintsi honekin
+gehitu daitezke:
+</para><para arch="mipsel">
+1param=1balioa 2param=2balioa ...</userinput>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2><title>Disko Gogorra</title>
+Instalazio zuzenean disko gogorretik abiaraztea arkitektura anitzetarako
+beste aukera bat da. Honek instalatzailea diska gogorrean kargatzeko beste
+sistema eragile baten beharra du.
+</para><para arch="m68k">
+Diska gogorratik instalatzea izaten da instalazio modurik
+gomendagarriena &architecture; makina gehienetan.
+</para><para arch="sparc">
+Nahiz eta &arch-title;-ek ez duen onartzen SunOS (Solaris)
+barnitk abiaraztea, zuk SunOS partizio batetatik instala dezakezu
+ (UFS slice).
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 condition="bootable-usb"><title>USB Memoria Gailuak</title>
+Zenbait Debian makinek diskete edo CD-ROM driberrak behar
+dituzte sistema ezarpenetarako edo berreskuraketa lanetarako.
+Zenbai zerbitzari kudeatzen badira oso interesgarri izan daiteke
+USB memoria gailuak erabiltzeko sistema instalatu (behar
+denean) edo berreskuraketak egiteko. Hau oiso erabilgarri da
+behar ez diren unitaterik izateko lekurik ez duten sistema txikientzat.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2><title>Network</title>
+<para condition="supports-tftp">
+Sistema sare bidez <emphasis>abiarazi</emphasis> daiteke ere.
+<phrase arch="mips">Hau da Mips makinentzat gomendaturiko
+</para><para condition="supports-nfsroot">
+Diskete gabeko instalazioa, sare lokalaren bidez abiarazi eta NFS
+muntzatzea ere beste instalazio aukera bat da.
+Sistema eragilearen kernela instalatu ondoren, instalazioaren
+beste guztia sare konexio sorta ezberdinez egin dezakezu
+FTP edo HTTP (base sistema instalatu ondoren PPP barne) bidez.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2><title>Un*x or GNU system</title>
+Unix-tankerako sistema bat instalaturik izan ezkero, berau erabili
+dezakezu &debian; manualeren beste guztian esplikatzen den &d-i; erabili gabe instalatzeko. Instalazio mota hau geraldi laburreko
+sistema edo onartzen ez den hardwarean instalatzeko da gomendagarri orokorrean. Teknika honetan interesaturik egon ezkero begiratu <xref
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2><title>Supported Storage Systems</title>
+Debian abiarazte diskak ahalik eta sistema gehienetan funtzionatzeko
+sortutako kernel bat du. Zoritxarrez instalatu ondoren erabiliko ez
+diren driber kopurua dela eta kernela asko handitzen du (ikusi
+<xref linkend="kernel-baking"/> kernel pertsonalizatu bat
+sortzeko argibideentzat). Ahalik eta gailu gehienen onarpena
+ziurtatu dago orokorrean ahalik eta hardware ezberdinetan
+instalatu ahal izateko.
+</para><para arch="i386">
+Orokorrean, Debian instalazio sistemak disketeak, IDE gailuak,
+IDE diskete, ataka paralelozko IDE gailuak, SCSI kontrolatzaileak
+eta driberrak, USB eta firewire onartzen ditu. Onartutako fitxategi
+sistemak FAT, Win32 FAT gehiagrriak eta NFS dira beste askoren
+</para><para arch="i386">
+"AT" emulazioa erabiltzen duten disko interfazeak (MFM, RLL, IDE, edo
+ ATA) onartzen dira. IBM XT ordenagailuetan erabiltzen den 8 bit-etako
+disko gogo kontrolatzaileak modulu bezala onartzen dira. Garatzaile
+askoren SCSI disko kontrolatzaileak ere onartzen dira. Begiratu
+<ulink url="&url-hardware-howto;">Linux Hardware Compatibility HOWTO</ulink>
+xehetasun gehiagorko.
+</para><para arch="m68k">
+Linux kernelak onartzen duen edozein biltegiratze gailu onartzen du
+instalatzaileak. Kontutan izan oraingoz Linux kernelak ez duela
+Macintosh-pean disketerik , eta debian instalatzaileak
+ez duela AMiga sistematan disketerik onartzen. Atari makinetan
+Macintosh HFS sistema onartzen da eta AFFS modulu bezala.
+Mac-etan Atari (FAT) fitxategi sistema onartzen da. Amiga
+makinetan FAT fitxategi sistema eta HFS modulu bezala onartzen
+</para><para arch="sparc">
+Linux kernelak onartzen duen edozein biltegiratze gailu onartzen du
+instalatzaileak. Hurrengo SCSI driber hauek daude onarturik
+lehenetsitako kernelean:
+Sparc ESP
+PTI Qlogic,ISP
+Adaptec AIC7xxx
+NCR eta Symbios 53C8XX
+IDE sistema ere (UltraSPARC 5 bezalakoak) ere onartzen dira. Begiratu
+<ulink url="&url-sparc-linux-faq;">Linux for SPARC Processors FAQ</ulink>
+gida Linux Kernelak onartzen duen SPARC hardwareari buruzko
+argibide gehiagorako.
+</para><para arch="alpha">
+Linux kernelak onartzen duen edozein biltegiratze gailu onartzen du
+instalatzaileak. Honek bai SCSI bai IDE diskak biltzen ditu, kontutan
+izan hala ere SRM kontsola ez dela gai IDE gailuetatik abiarazteko,
+eta Jensen ezin del a erbaili distetik aiarazteko. Begiratu
+<ulink url="&url-jensen-howto;"></ulink> Jensen abiarzteari buruzko
+argibide zehatzagoak aurkitzeko.
+</para><para arch="powerpc">
+Linux kernelak onartzen duen edozein biltegiratze gailu onartzen du
+instalatzaileak. Kontutan izan oraingoz Linux Kernelak ez duela
+disketerik onartzen CHRP sistemetan.
+</para><para arch="hppa">
+Linux kernelak onartzen duen edozein biltegiratze gailu onartzen du
+instalatzaileak. Kontutan eduki oraingoz Linux kernela ez duela disketea
+</para><para arch="mips">
+Linux kernelak onartzen duen edozein biltegiratze gailu onartzen du
+</para><para arch="s390">
+Linux kernelak onartzen duen edozein biltegiratze gailu onartzen du
+instalatzaileak. Honek ldl zaharra (Linux disk layout) eta s/390
+diska ingurune berrian bai FBA bai ECKD DASD onartzen direla esan nahi du.
+ </sect2>
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/hardware/memory-disk-requirements.xml b/eu/hardware/memory-disk-requirements.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d1d9142c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/hardware/memory-disk-requirements.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 -->
+ <sect1 id="memory-disk-requirements">
+ <title>Memoria eta Diska Leku Beharrak</title>
+Zuk beintzat &minimum-memory; memoria eta &minimum-fs-size; diska leku
+izan behar dituzu. Kontsolan oinarritutako sistema txiki batentzat
+(pakete estandar guztiak) beharrezkoak dira. Zuk X Leiho sistema barne
+beste software multzo bat instalatu nahi baduzu behintzat 400 Mb diska
+leku beharko duzu. gutxi gora behera instalazio oso batek 800 Mb inguru
+behar ditu. Debianen eskuragarri dagoen software
+<emphasis>guztia</emphasis> instalatui nahi baduzu 6 Gb inguru beharko
+dituzu, baina dana ezin da instalatu pakete batzuk beste batzuekin
+bateragarriak ez direlako.
+</para><para arch="m68k">
+Amigan FastRAM tamaina garrantzitsua da RAM behar orokorrekiko. Gainera
+Zorro antzerako 16 bit-etako RAM-a ez da onartzen, 32 bit-etakoa izan
+behar da. <command>amiboot</command> komandoa erabil
+dezakezu 16 bit-etako memoria ezgaitzeko; Begira ezazu <ulink
+url="&url-m68k-faq;">Linux/m68k FAQ-a</ulink>. Kernel berriek 16 bit-eko
+RAMa automatikoki ezgaitu beharko lukete.
+</para><para arch="m68k">
+Atarietan bai ST-RAM eta bai Fast RAM (TT-RAM) erabiltzen ditu Linux-ek.
+Erabiltzaile askok kernela Fast RAM-ean abiaraztean arazoak aurkitu
+dituzte, beraz Atari abiarazteak kernela ST-RAM-ean ezarri behar du.
+ST-RAM gutxiengo muga 2Mb dira.
+</para><para arch="m68k">
+Macintosh-etan kontu handiakin ibili behar da bideoa RAM-eanoinarrituta
+duten makinekin- RAM-aren 0 eremu fisikoa pantaila memoria bezala
+erabiltzen da kernela kargatzeko leku lehenetsia ezinduz. kernelak eta
+diskaRAM-ak behar duten memoria eremua behintzat 4Mb izan behar du.
+</para><para arch="m68k">
+<emphasis condition="FIXME">FIXME: hau oraindik egia al da?</emphasis>
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/hardware/network-cards.xml b/eu/hardware/network-cards.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2908c472e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/hardware/network-cards.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 -->
+ <sect1 id="network-cards">
+ <title>Sare Konexio Hardwarea</title>
+<para arch="i386">
+<!-- last updated for kernel-image_2.0.36-2 -->
+Zenbait sare interfaze txartel (NIC) ez dira Debian instalazio disko
+gehiengoan onartzen, AX.25 txartel eta protokoloak, 3Com EtherLink
+Plus (3c505) and EtherLink16 (3c507); NI5210 txartelak; generic NE2100
+txartelak; NI6510 and NI16510 EtherBlaster txartelak; SEEQ 8005
+txartelak; Schneider &amp; Koch G16 txartelak; Ansel Communications
+EISA 3200; Winbond-840-ean oianarritutakoak (Adib Realtek-100A), zenbait
+Tulip-en oinarritutako eta Zeinth-ek Z-Note-tan integraturikoak.
+"bf2.4" zaporeak txartel hauek onartzen ditu: Winbond-840 oinarritutakoak,
+Tulipen oinarritutako txartel berrienak, National Semiconductor
+DP8381x/DP8382x serieak eta Sundance ST201 "Alta". Instalazio
+sistema estandarrak ez ditu Mikrokanal (MCA) sare txartelak onartzen,
+baina begira itzazu <ulink url="&url-linux-mca;">Linux MCA-n</ulink>
+eta <ulink url="&url-linux-mca-discussion;">Linux MCA eztabaida
+fitxategiak</ulink> argibide gehiagorako. FDDI sareak, biak txartel
+eta protokoloak ez dira erabilgarriak instalazioan. Zuk zure behar p
+ertsonalak betezen dituen kernel bat sortu eta instalazio
+diskokoagatik alda dezakezu (begiratu <xref linkend="rescue-replace-kernel"/>).
+</para><para arch="i386">
+RDSI-rentzat D kanaelo 1TR6 (zaharakituriko) protokolo alemaniarra
+ez da onartzen; Spellcaster BRI ISDN txartelak ere ez ditu onartzen
+</para><para arch="i386">
+Soinu gailuak ez daude gaiturik lehenespenetan, Baina lehe ezan bezala:
+Zure kernel pertsonalizaturari buzuko argibide iksuteko joan
+<xref linkend="kernel-baking"/>.
+<para arch="m68k">
+Linus kernelak onartzen duen edozein sare interfaze (NIC) onartu beharko
+lukete abiarazte diskoek. Agian zuk sare driberra modulu bezala kargatu
+behar duzu. Berriro ere ikusi
+<ulink url="&url-m68k-faq;"></ulink> argibide gehiagorako.
+<para arch="sparc">
+Hurrengo sare interfazeak (NIC) daude onartuak instalazio CD-ko
+ <listitem><para>
+ <listitem><para>
+Sun Happy Meal
+</para><para arch="sparc">
+Hurrengo sare txartel interfazeak modulu bezala onartzen dira. Berau
+instalazioan moduluak kargatu eta gero egongo dira erabilgarri. Hala ere
+OpenPROM erabiliaz zu gailu hauetatik abiarazteko gai izan beharko zinateke:
+ <listitem><para>
+Sun BigMAC
+ <listitem><para>
+Sun QuadEthernet
+ <listitem><para>
+MyriCOM Gigabit Ethernet
+</para><para arch="alpha">
+Linus kernelak onartzen duen edozein sare interfaze (NIC) onartu beharko
+lukete abiarazte diskoek. Alpha modelo gehienetan integraturiko DECChip
+(Tulip) Ethernet txartelak zuzenean kernelan konpilaturik daude. Beste
+txartelentzat zuk sare driberra modulu bezala kargatu behar duzu.
+</para><para arch="powerpc">
+Linus kernelak onartzen duen edozein sare interfaze (NIC) onartu beharko
+lukete abiarazte diskoek. Agian zuk sare driberra modulu bezala kargatu
+behar duzu.
+</para><para arch="hppa">
+Linus kernelak onartzen duen edozein sare interfaze (NIC) onartu beharko
+lukete abiarazte diskoek. Agian zuk sare driberra modulu bezala kargatu
+behar duzu.
+</para><para arch="mips">
+Linus kernelak onartzen duen edozein sare interfaze (NIC) onartu beharko
+lukete abiarazte diskoek. Agian zuk sare driberra modulu bezala kargatu
+behar duzu.
+</para><para arch="mipsel">
+Kernel mugak direla eta CECstations makinetan integraturiko txartelak
+ bakarrik onartzen dira. TurboChannel aukera duten txartelak oraingoz
+ez dute funtzionatuko.
+</para><para arch="s390">
+Linus kernelak onartzen duen edozein sare interfaze (NIC) onartu beharko
+lukete abiarazte diskoek. Sare driber guztiak modulu bezala konpilaturik
+daude, beraz zuk instalazioanbeharrezko dituzunak kargatu beharko dituzu.
+Onarturiko txartel zerrenda:
+ <listitem><para>
+Kanaletik kanalera (CTC) edo ESCON connection (erreal or emulatua)
+ <listitem><para>
+lcs: OSA-2 Token Ring/Ethernet edo OSA-Express Fast Ethernet
+ (ez-QDIO)
+Inter-User Communication Vehicle (IUCV) - VM bezeroentzat
+ bakarrik erabilgarri.
+qeth: OSA-Express in QDIO mode / HiperSockets - honek OCO moduluak
+dituen bigarren intrd fitxategi at behar du hemengo
+<ulink url="">GarapenLanetatik</ulink>.
+Mesedez irakurri <xref linkend="ipl-tape"/> bigarren initrd hori sortu
+edo eskuratzeko argibideentzako.
+<para arch="arm">
+NetWinder eta CATS makinetan hurrengo sare interfaze txartelak
+onartzen dira:
+ <listitem><para>
+ PCI-based NE2000
+ <listitem><para>
+ DECchip Tulip
+</para><para arch="arm">
+ RiscPCs makinetan hurrengo sare interfaze txartelak
+onartzen dira:
+ <listitem><para>
+ Ether1
+ <listitem><para>
+ Ether3
+ <listitem><para>
+ EtherH
+</para><para arch="arm">
+Zure txartela haurreko zerrenda balego, instalazio osoa sare bidez egin
+ahal izan beharko zenuke eta ez zenituzke ez CD ez disketerik behar
+</para><para arch="arm">
+Linus kernelak onartzen duen edozein sare interfaze (NIC) onartu beharko
+lukete abiarazte diskoek. Agian zuk sare driberra modulu bezala kargatu
+behar duzu; honek agian sistema kernela eta moduluak beste medio baten
+bidez egin behar izatea eragin dezake.
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/hardware/supported-peripherals.xml b/eu/hardware/supported-peripherals.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ed1c41d7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/hardware/supported-peripherals.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 23399 -->
+ <sect1 id="supported-peripherals">
+ <title>Periferikoak eta beste zenbait hardware</title>
+Linux-ek sagua, imprimagailua, eskanerrak, PCMCIA eta USB gailu
+ezberdin asko onartzen ditu. Hala ere gailu horietako gehienake
+ez dira instalazioan behar.
+</para><para arch="i386">
+USB hardwareak normalean egoki funtzionatzen du,
+bakarrik USB teklatu batzuek konfigurazio berezia behar
+dute. (ikusi <xref linkend="usb-keyboard-config"/>).
+</para><para arch="i386">
+Berririo ere, begiratu
+<ulink url="&url-hardware-howto;">Linux Hardware Compatibility HOWTO</ulink>
+gida zure hardwarea Linux-ek onartzen duen edo ez erabakitzeko.
+</para><para arch="s390">
+Sistema honek ez du pakete instalazio XPRAM eta zinta bidez egitea.
+Behar dituzun pakete guztiak DASD batetan edo sare erabiliaz NFS,
+HTTP edo FTP bidez eskuragarri egon behar dira.
+</para><para arch="mips">
+Ebaluazio BCM91250A txartelak PCI 3.3 v-tako nahiz 32 nahi 64 bitetako PCI
+ataka estandarrak ditu baita USB konexioak ere.
+</para><para arch="mipsel">
+Ebaluazio BCM91250A txartelak PCI 3.3 v-tako nahiz 32 nahi 64 bitetako PCI
+ataka estandarrak ditu baita USB konexioak ere. Cobalt RaQ txartelak ez
+ditu gailu gehiagarririk onartzen baina Qube-k PCI ataka bat du.
+ <sect1 arch="not-s390"><title>GNU/Linux-perako Hardwarea Erosten</title>
+Badaude Debian edo beste GNU/Linux banaketak
+<ulink url="&url-pre-installed;">aurre-instalaturik</ulink>
+sistemak saltzen dituzten saltzaileak. Agian gehiago ordaindu
+beharko duzu horregatikm, baina buruko minak kenduko dituz,
+zure hardwarea GNU/Linux-ek onartzen duela ziurtatzerakoan.
+</para><para arch="m68k">
+Zoritxarrez nahiko arraroa da &arch-title; berriak saltzen
+dituen saltzailerik aurkitzea.
+</para><para arch="i386">
+Windows duen makina bat erosterakoan kontuz irakurri ezazu software
+lizentzia; agian lizentzia atzera bota zenezake eta saltzaileak
+diru bat itzuli beharko zizukeen. Begiratu
+<ulink url="&url-windows-refund;"></ulink> xehetasunetarako.
+Garrantzitsua da nahiz zure sistema linux aurre-instalaturik
+izan Linux kernelak zure hardwearea onartzen duela jakitea.
+Arakatu ezazu zure hardwarea aurreko erreferentzian zerendaturik
+dagoen. Jakinerazi iezaiozu saltzaileari Linux instalatzera
+zoazela. Lagundu Liunx-erako onsarpena egiten dute hardware
+ <sect2><title>Jabetzapeko edo Hardware itxia ekidin</title>
+Zenbait hardware sortzailek sinpleki ez digute beraien
+hardwarearentzat driberrak nola egin. Beste batzuek ez digute
+banatuko ez dezula onsrtu gabe beharrezko dokumentazio ikusten
+utziko eta horrek Linux-en iturburua banatzea ekidingo luke.
+</para><para arch="m68k">
+Jabetzapeko hardware beste adibide bat MAcintosh hardware
+zaharra da. Horrela inoiz ez idra ez ezpezifikazio ez
+dokumentaziorik garatu, bereiziki ADB kontroladorea
+(teklatu eta saguak erabilia), diskete kontroladorea Bideo
+hardwarearen azelelazio eta CLUT manipulazioa (nahi orain CLUT
+manipulazioa barne txip gehienetan onartu).Orokorrean
+honek argitzen du Linux-ek macintosh-etan duen atzerapena
+beste arkitektura batzuekin alderatuz.
+Guk ez dugunez gailu horien dokumentazio gehienetan ez dira
+Linuxpean ibiliko. Zuk lagundu diezakeguzu hardware
+garatzaileei linuxerako kontroladoreak eskatzen. Pertsona kopuru
+garrantzitsu batek eskatu ezkero ziurrenik garatzaileak
+linux merkatua garrantzitsua dela ohartuko dira.
+<sect2 arch="i386"><title>Windows-erako diseinaturiko Hardwarea</title>
+Beste joera arriskutsu bat Windosperako diseinaturiko inprimagailu
+eta modem kopuru handia agertu direla da. Kasu batzuetan Windows
+sistemak zuzenean kudeatzeko diseinaturik izan dira eta
+ «WinModem» edo «Windows-en oinarrituriko ordengailuentzat diseinaturik»
+esaldiekin. Hau normaleam hardwarearen barne prozesadorea kendu
+eta hauek eginiko lana windows kontroaldoreeek egina egite dute.
+Jokabide honek hardware prezioa merkeagotzen du, baina merkatze
+hau arruntean <emphasis>ez</emphasis> da erosleari aileatzen
+eta hardware hau prozesadoreak dituztenak baino garestiagoak
+ere aurki daitezke.
+Zuk Windows-erako diseinaturiko hardwarea bi arrazoigatik sahiestu
+beharko zenuke. Lehenengoa garatzaileek normalean ez dutela
+linux driberrak egiteko baimenik ematen.Normalean hardware
+eta gailuarekiko software interfazea jabetzapekoak dira, eta
+dokumentazioa ez dago erabilgarri ez abnatzeko onarpenik gabe,
+berau eskuragarri badago.Software libre garatzaileek beren
+programen iturburuak banatzen dituztenez onarpen honek
+ezinezkoa egiten du soft librea garatzea. Bigarren arrazoia
+horrelako gailuei integraturiko prozesadoreak kentzean,
+sistemak lan hori askotan <emphasis>denbora errealean</emphasis>
+egin behar duela, Orduan CPU-a ez da programak exekutatzeko
+libre egongo gailu hauek kudeatzerakoan. Windows erabiltzaile
+arruntak ez dituenez prozesu anitza abiarazten, garatzaieek
+erabiltzailea beren makinen CPU lanaz ez ohartzea espero dute.
+Hala ere edozein prozesu anitzeko sistema, windows 2000 edo XP barne,
+geldotu eginten dira hardware garatzaileak berien CPU-a gehiegi
+Guri egoera hau sahiesten lagundu dezakezu garatzaileei
+beraien hardwarea programatzeko beharreko ditugun dokumentazio
+eta errekurtsoetara bidea ireki dezan eskatzen, baina estrategia
+eraginkorrena hardwarea ez erostea da hau
+<ulink url="&url-hardware-howto;">Linux Hardware Compatibility HOWTO</ulink>
+gidan agertzen ez bada.
+ <sect2 id="Parity-RAM">
+ <title>Gezurrezko edo Paridade <quote>Birtualeko</quote>RAM-a</title>
+Informatika denda batetan paridadea duen memoria eskatzen baduzu,
+ziurrenik <emphasis>paridade birtualeko</emphasis> moduloak lortuko
+dituzu. Paridade birtuala duten SIMM-ak normalean (baina ez beti)
+txip gehigarria besteak baino txikiago delako ezagutu daitezke.
+Paridade Birtualeko SIMM-ek paridade gabekoek bezalaxe lan egiten dute,
+ezin dizute RAM bit errore bat gertatzen denean paridadea dutenek
+paridadea onartzen duten plaketan egin dezaketeena. Ez inoiz
+paridade birtualeko SIMM bategatik paridaderik gabeko bategatib baino
+gehiago ordaindu. BEste alde batetik bai espero paridadedun memoria
+apur bat garestiago izatea, memoria 8 bit bakoitzagatik bit gehigarri
+bat erosten ari bait zara.
+&arch-title; arkitekturaren RAM-ari buruzko argibide gehiago nahi izan ezkero, edo zein diren erosteko RAM oberenak begiratu
+<ulink url="&url-pc-hw-faq;">PC Hardware FAQ</ulink>.
+</para><para arch="alpha">
+Alpha sistema gehienek (denej ez bada) paridadedun meoria behar dute.
+ </sect2>
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/hardware/supported/alpha.xml b/eu/hardware/supported/alpha.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..816c89c8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/hardware/supported/alpha.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+ <sect2 arch="alpha" id="alpha-cpus"><title>CPU, Main Boards, and Video Support</title>
+Complete information regarding supported DEC Alphas can be found at
+<ulink url="&url-alpha-howto;">Linux Alpha HOWTO</ulink>. The
+purpose of this section is to describe the systems supported
+by the boot disks.
+Alpha machines are subdivided into different system types because there
+are a number of generations of motherboard and supporting chip-sets.
+Different systems (``sub-architectures'') often have radically different
+engineering and capabilities. Therefore, the process of installing and,
+more to the point, booting, can vary from system to system.
+The following table lists the system types supported by the Debian
+installation system. The table also indicates the <emphasis>code
+name</emphasis> for these system types. You'll need to know this code
+name when you actually begin the installation process:
+<tgroup cols="4">
+<colspec colname="c1"/>
+<colspec colname="c2"/>
+<colspec colname="c3"/>
+<colspec colname="c4"/>
+ <entry namest="c1" nameend="c2">Hardware Type</entry>
+ <entry>Aliases</entry><entry>MILO image</entry>
+ <entry morerows="3">ALCOR</entry>
+ <entry>AlphaStation 500 5/266.300</entry>
+ <entry>Maverick</entry>
+ <entry>alcor</entry>
+ <entry>AlphaStation 500 5/333...500</entry>
+ <entry>Bret</entry>
+ <entry>alcor</entry>
+ <entry>AlphaStation 600/266...300</entry>
+ <entry>Alcor</entry>
+ <entry>alcor</entry>
+ <entry>AlphaStation 600/300...433</entry>
+ <entry>XLT</entry>
+ <entry>xlt</entry>
+ <entry>BOOK1</entry>
+ <entry>AlphaBook1 (laptop)</entry>
+ <entry>Alphabook1/Burns</entry>
+ <entry>book1</entry>
+ <entry morerows="7">AVANTI</entry>
+ <entry>AlphaStation 200 4/100...166</entry>
+ <entry>Mustang</entry>
+ <entry>avanti</entry>
+ <entry>AlphaStation 200 4/233</entry>
+ <entry>Mustang+</entry>
+ <entry>avanti</entry>
+ <entry>AlphaStation 205 4/133...333</entry>
+ <entry>LX3</entry>
+ <entry>avanti</entry>
+ <entry>AlphaStation 250 4/300</entry>
+ <entry>M3+</entry>
+ <entry>avanti</entry>
+ <entry>AlphaStation 255 4/133...333</entry>
+ <entry>LX3+</entry>
+ <entry>avanti</entry>
+ <entry>AlphaStation 300 4/266</entry>
+ <entry>Melmac</entry>
+ <entry>avanti</entry>
+ <entry>AlphaStation 400 4/166</entry>
+ <entry>Chinet</entry>
+ <entry>avanti</entry>
+ <entry>AlphaStation 400 4/233...300</entry>
+ <entry>Avanti</entry>
+ <entry>avanti</entry>
+ <entry morerows="3">EB164</entry>
+ <entry>AlphaPC164</entry>
+ <entry>PC164</entry>
+ <entry>pc164</entry>
+ <entry>AlphaPC164-LX</entry>
+ <entry>LX164</entry>
+ <entry>lx164</entry>
+ <entry>AlphaPC164-SX</entry>
+ <entry>SX164</entry>
+ <entry>sx164</entry>
+ <entry>EB164</entry>
+ <entry>EB164</entry>
+ <entry>eb164</entry>
+ <entry morerows="2">EB64+</entry>
+ <entry>AlphaPC64</entry>
+ <entry>Cabriolet</entry>
+ <entry>cabriolet</entry>
+ <entry>AlphaPCI64</entry>
+ <entry>Cabriolet</entry>
+ <entry>cabriolet</entry>
+ <entry>EB64+</entry>
+ <entry>EB64+</entry>
+ <entry>eb64p</entry>
+ <entry morerows="1">EB66</entry>
+ <entry>EB66</entry>
+ <entry>EB66</entry>
+ <entry>eb66</entry>
+ <entry>EB66+</entry>
+ <entry>EB66+</entry>
+ <entry>eb66p</entry>
+ <entry morerows="2">JENSEN</entry>
+ <entry>DEC 2000 Model 300(S)</entry>
+ <entry>Jensen</entry>
+ <entry>N/A</entry>
+ <entry>DEC 2000 Model 500</entry>
+ <entry>Culzen</entry>
+ <entry>N/A</entry>
+ <entry>DECpc 150</entry>
+ <entry>Jensen</entry>
+ <entry>N/A</entry>
+ <entry morerows="7">MIATA</entry>
+ <entry>Personal WorkStation 433a</entry>
+ <entry>Miata</entry>
+ <entry>miata</entry>
+ <entry>Personal WorkStation 433au</entry>
+ <entry>Miata</entry>
+ <entry>miata</entry>
+ <entry>Personal WorkStation 466au</entry>
+ <entry>Miata</entry>
+ <entry>miata</entry>
+ <entry>Personal WorkStation 500a</entry>
+ <entry>Miata</entry>
+ <entry>miata</entry>
+ <entry>Personal WorkStation 500au</entry>
+ <entry>Miata</entry>
+ <entry>miata</entry>
+ <entry>Personal WorkStation 550au</entry>
+ <entry>Miata</entry>
+ <entry>miata</entry>
+ <entry>Personal WorkStation 600a</entry>
+ <entry>Miata</entry>
+ <entry>miata</entry>
+ <entry>Personal WorkStation 600au</entry>
+ <entry>Miata</entry>
+ <entry>miata</entry>
+ <entry morerows="3">MIKASA</entry>
+ <entry>AlphaServer 1000 4/200</entry>
+ <entry>Mikasa</entry>
+ <entry>mikasa</entry>
+ <entry>AlphaServer 1000 4/233..266</entry>
+ <entry>Mikasa+</entry>
+ <entry>mikasa</entry>
+ <entry>AlphaServer 1000 5/300</entry>
+ <entry>Mikasa-Pinnacle</entry>
+ <entry>mikasa</entry>
+ <entry>AlphaServer 1000 5/300</entry>
+ <entry>Mikasa-Primo</entry>
+ <entry>mikasa</entry>
+ <entry morerows="1">NAUTILUS</entry>
+ <entry>UP1000</entry>
+ <entry>Nautilus</entry>
+ <entry>N/A</entry>
+ <entry>UP1100</entry>
+ <entry>Galaxy-Train/Nautilus Jr.</entry>
+ <entry>N/A</entry>
+ <entry morerows="1">NONAME</entry>
+ <entry>AXPpci33</entry>
+ <entry>Noname</entry>
+ <entry>noname</entry>
+ <entry>UDB</entry>
+ <entry>Multia</entry>
+ <entry>noname</entry>
+ <entry morerows="6">NORITAKE</entry>
+ <entry>AlphaServer 1000A 4/233...266</entry>
+ <entry>Noritake</entry>
+ <entry>N/A</entry>
+ <entry>AlphaServer 1000A 5/300</entry>
+ <entry>Noritake-Pinnacle</entry>
+ <entry>N/A</entry>
+ <entry>AlphaServer 1000A 5/333...500</entry>
+ <entry>Noritake-Primo</entry>
+ <entry>N/A</entry>
+ <entry>AlphaServer 800 5/333...500</entry>
+ <entry>Corelle</entry>
+ <entry>N/A</entry>
+ <entry>AlphaStation 600 A</entry>
+ <entry>Alcor-Primo</entry>
+ <entry>N/A</entry>
+ <entry>Digital Server 3300</entry>
+ <entry>Corelle</entry>
+ <entry>N/A</entry>
+ <entry>Digital Server 3300R</entry>
+ <entry>Corelle</entry>
+ <entry>N/A</entry>
+ <entry>PLATFORM 2000</entry>
+ <entry>P2K</entry>
+ <entry>P2K</entry>
+ <entry>p2k</entry>
+ <entry morerows="4">RAWHIDE</entry>
+ <entry>AlphaServer 1200 5/xxx</entry>
+ <entry>Tincup/DaVinci</entry>
+ <entry>N/A</entry>
+ <entry>AlphaServer 4000 5/xxx</entry>
+ <entry>Wrangler/Durango</entry>
+ <entry>N/A</entry>
+ <entry>AlphaServer 4100 5/xxx</entry>
+ <entry>Dodge</entry>
+ <entry>N/A</entry>
+ <entry>Digital Server 5300</entry>
+ <entry>Tincup/DaVinci</entry>
+ <entry>N/A</entry>
+ <entry>Digital Server 7300</entry>
+ <entry>Dodge</entry>
+ <entry>N/A</entry>
+ <entry morerows="5">RUFFIAN</entry>
+ <entry>DeskStation AlphaPC164-UX</entry>
+ <entry>Ruffian</entry>
+ <entry>ruffian</entry>
+ <entry>DeskStation RPL164-2</entry>
+ <entry>Ruffian</entry>
+ <entry>ruffian</entry>
+ <entry>DeskStation RPL164-4</entry>
+ <entry>Ruffian</entry>
+ <entry>ruffian</entry>
+ <entry>DeskStation RPX164-2</entry>
+ <entry>Ruffian</entry>
+ <entry>ruffian</entry>
+ <entry>DeskStation RPX164-4</entry>
+ <entry>Ruffian</entry>
+ <entry>ruffian</entry>
+ <entry>Samsung AlphaPC164-BX</entry>
+ <entry>Ruffian</entry>
+ <entry>ruffian</entry>
+ <entry morerows="3">SABLE</entry>
+ <entry>AlphaServer 2000 4/xxx</entry>
+ <entry>Demi-Sable</entry>
+ <entry>N/A</entry>
+ <entry>AlphaServer 2000 5/xxx</entry>
+ <entry>Demi-Gamma-Sable</entry>
+ <entry>N/A</entry>
+ <entry>AlphaServer 2100 4/xxx</entry>
+ <entry>Sable</entry>
+ <entry>N/A</entry>
+ <entry>AlphaServer 2100 5/xxx</entry>
+ <entry>Gamma-Sable</entry>
+ <entry>N/A</entry>
+ <entry>TAKARA</entry>
+ <entry>21164 PICMG SBC</entry>
+ <entry>Takara</entry>
+ <entry>takara</entry>
+ <entry morerows="1">TITAN</entry>
+ <entry>AlphaServer ES45</entry>
+ <entry>Privateer</entry>
+ <entry>N/A</entry>
+ <entry>UNKNOWN</entry>
+ <entry>Yukon</entry>
+ <entry>N/A</entry>
+ <entry morerows="10">TSUNAMI</entry>
+ <entry>AlphaServer DS10</entry>
+ <entry>Webbrick</entry>
+ <entry>N/A</entry>
+ <entry>AlphaServer DS20</entry>
+ <entry>Catamaran/Goldrush</entry>
+ <entry>N/A</entry>
+ <entry>AlphaServer DS20E</entry>
+ <entry>Goldrack</entry>
+ <entry>N/A</entry>
+ <entry>AlphaServer ES40</entry>
+ <entry>Clipper</entry>
+ <entry>N/A</entry>
+ <entry>DP264</entry>
+ <entry>DP264</entry>
+ <entry>N/A</entry>
+ <entry>SMARTengine 21264 PCI/ISA SBC</entry>
+ <entry>Eiger</entry>
+ <entry>N/A</entry>
+ <entry>UNKNOWN</entry>
+ <entry>Warhol</entry>
+ <entry>N/A</entry>
+ <entry>UNKNOWN</entry>
+ <entry>Windjammer</entry>
+ <entry>N/A</entry>
+ <entry>UP2000</entry>
+ <entry>Swordfish</entry>
+ <entry>N/A</entry>
+ <entry>XP1000</entry>
+ <entry>Monet/Brisbane</entry>
+ <entry>N/A</entry>
+ <entry>XP900</entry>
+ <entry>Webbrick</entry>
+ <entry>N/A</entry>
+ <entry morerows="1">WILDFIRE</entry>
+ <entry>AlphaServer GS160</entry>
+ <entry>Wildfire</entry>
+ <entry>N/A</entry>
+ <entry>AlphaServer GS320</entry>
+ <entry>Wildfire</entry>
+ <entry>N/A</entry>
+ <entry>XL</entry>
+ <entry>XL-233...266</entry>
+ <entry>XL</entry>
+ <entry>xl</entry>
+ </sect2>
diff --git a/eu/hardware/supported/arm.xml b/eu/hardware/supported/arm.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2c330b5bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/hardware/supported/arm.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 12009 untranslated -->
+ <sect2 arch="arm"><title>CPU, Main Boards, and Video Support</title>
+Each distinct ARM architecture requires its own kernel, because of
+this the standard Debian distribution only supports installation on
+a number of the most common systems. The Debian userland however may be used by <emphasis>any</emphasis> ARM CPU including xscale.
+Most ARM CPUs may be run in either endian mode, however almost every
+current system implementation uses little-endian mode. Debian
+currently only supports little-endian ARM systems.
+The common supported systems are
+This is actually the name for the group of machines
+based upon the StrongARM 110 CPU and Intel 21285 Nothbridge it
+comprises machines are: Netwinder (possibly one of the most common ARM
+boxes), CATS (also known as the EB110ATX), EBSA 285 and Compaq
+personal server (cps, aka skiff).
+This is a modern ARM 920 board with a 266MHz Samsung
+processor. It has integrated IDE, USB, Serial, Parallel, audio, video,
+flash and two ethernet ports. This system has a good bootloader which
+is also found on the CATS and Riscstation systems.
+This machine is the oldest supported hardware it was released
+in 1994. It has RISC OS in ROM, Linux can be booted from that OS using
+linloader. The RiscPC has a modular CPU card and typicaly has a 30MHz
+610, 40MHz 710 or 233MHz Strongarm 110 CPU fitted. The mainboard has
+integrated IDE, SVGA video, parallel port, single serial port, ps 2
+keyboard and proprietay mouse port. The proprietary module expansion
+bus allows for up to eight expansion cards to be fitted depending on
+configuration, several of these modules have Linux drivers.
+This is an inexpensive 56MHz 7500FE based machine with
+integrated video, IDE, PS2 keyboard and mouse and two serial
+ports. Its lack of processing power was made up for by its price. It
+may be found in two configurations one with RISC OS and one with a
+simple bootloader.
+This is a modular open hardware platform intended to be built
+be enthusiasts. To be useful to install Debian it requires its KSB
+expansion board.
+ </sect2>
diff --git a/eu/hardware/supported/hppa.xml b/eu/hardware/supported/hppa.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6f3c8c8ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/hardware/supported/hppa.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+ <sect2 arch="hppa"><title>CPU, Main Boards, and Video Support</title>
+The are two major support <emphasis>&architecture;</emphasis> flavors:
+PA-RISC 1.1 and PA-RISC 2.0. The PA-RISC 1.1 architecture is targeted
+at 32-bit processors whereas the 2.0 architecture is targeted to
+the 64-bit processors. Some systems are able to run either kernel.
+In both cases, the userland is 32-bit. There is the possibility of
+a 64-bit userland in the future.
+ </sect2>
diff --git a/eu/hardware/supported/i386.xml b/eu/hardware/supported/i386.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aaa9c7866
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/hardware/supported/i386.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 -->
+ <sect2 arch="i386"><title>CPU, Txarel nagusi eta Bideo Onarpena</title>
+Periferiko onarpenari buruzko argibide osoak
+<ulink url="&url-hardware-howto;">Linux Hardware Compatibility HOWTO</ulink>-an
+aurki ditzazkezu. Atal honetan oinarrizkoak bakarrik argitiuko dira.
+ <sect3><title>CPU</title>
+ia x-86 oinarritutako prozesadore guztiak daude onarturik VIA
+(lehengo Cyrix) eta AMD etxeetakoak barne. Athlon XP eta Intel P4 Xeon
+prozezatzaile berriak ere onartzen dita. Baina 286 prozesadore edo
+zaharragoak <emphasis>ez</emphasis> dira onartzen.
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3 id="bus"><title>I/O Bus</title>
+Sistema busa CPU-a biltegiratze gailuekin harremanetan jartzen duen
+plaka zatia da. Zure ordenagailuak ISA, EISA, PCI, Mikrokanal
+arkitektura (MCA, IBM PS/2-etanerabilia) edo VESA bus lokala (VLB
+batzuetan VL busa deituriko) erabili bhar du.
+ </sect3>
+ </sect2>
diff --git a/eu/hardware/supported/ia64.xml b/eu/hardware/supported/ia64.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0dabd4a41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/hardware/supported/ia64.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
diff --git a/eu/hardware/supported/m68k.xml b/eu/hardware/supported/m68k.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6e165f6e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/hardware/supported/m68k.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+ <sect2 arch="m68k"><title>CPU, Main Boards, and Video Support</title>
+Complete information concerning supported M68000 based
+(<emphasis>&architecture;</emphasis>) systems can be found at the
+<ulink url="&url-m68k-faq;">Linux/m68k FAQ</ulink>. This section merely
+outlines the basics.
+The &architecture; port of Linux runs on any 680x0 with a PMMU (Paged
+Memory Management Unit) and a FPU (floating-point unit). This
+includes the 68020 with an external 68851 PMMU, the 68030, and better,
+and excludes the ``EC'' line of 680x0 processors. See the
+<ulink url="&url-m68k-faq;">Linux/m68k FAQ</ulink> for complete details.
+There are four major flavors of supported
+<emphasis>&architecture;</emphasis> flavors: Amiga, Atari, Macintosh
+and VME machines. Amiga and Atari were the first two systems to which
+Linux was ported; in keeping, they are also the two most
+well-supported Debian ports. The Macintosh line is supported
+incompletely, both by Debian and by the Linux kernel; see
+<ulink url="&url-m68k-mac;">Linux m68k for Macintosh</ulink> for project
+status and supported hardware. The BVM and Motorola single board
+VMEbus computers are the most recent addition to the list of machines
+supported by Debian. Ports to other &architecture; architectures,
+such as the Sun3 architecture and NeXT black box, are underway but not
+yet supported by Debian.
+ </sect2>
diff --git a/eu/hardware/supported/mips.xml b/eu/hardware/supported/mips.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..89556744b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/hardware/supported/mips.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+ <sect2 arch="mips"><title>CPU, Main Boards, and Video Support</title>
+Complete information regarding supported mips/mipsel machines can be
+found at <ulink url="&url-mips-howto;">Linux MIPS HOWTO</ulink>. The
+purpose of this section is to describe the systems supported by the
+boot disks.
+ <sect3><title>CPU</title>
+Currently the SGI Indy, Indigo 2 and Challenge S with R4000, R4400 and
+R5000 processors are supported by the Debian installation system on
+big endian MIPS. If you want other subarchitectures supported contact
+the <ulink url="&url-list-subscribe;">
+debian-&architecture; mailing list</ulink>.
+Note: whenever this document refers to the SGI Indy the Indigo 2 and
+Challenge S are meant as well.
+Note: for little endian MIPS please see the mipsel architecture.
+ </sect3>
+ </sect2>
diff --git a/eu/hardware/supported/mipsel.xml b/eu/hardware/supported/mipsel.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9cf806f6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/hardware/supported/mipsel.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+ <sect2 arch="mipsel"><title>CPU, Main Boards, and Video Support</title>
+Complete information regarding supported mips/mipsel machines can be
+found at <ulink url="&url-mips-howto;">Linux MIPS HOWTO</ulink>. The
+purpose of this section is to describe the systems supported by the
+boot disks.
+ <sect3><title>CPU/Machine types</title>
+Currently only DECstations with R3000 and R4000/R4400 CPUs are
+supported by the Debian installation system on little endian MIPS.
+The Debian installation system works on the following machines:
+<tgroup cols="4">
+ <entry>System Type</entry><entry>CPU</entry><entry>Code-name</entry>
+ <entry>Debian subarchitecture</entry>
+ <entry>DECstation 5000/1xx</entry>
+ <entry>R3000</entry>
+ <entry>3MIN</entry>
+ <entry>r3k-kn02</entry>
+ <entry>DECstation 5000/150</entry>
+ <entry>R4000</entry>
+ <entry>3MIN</entry>
+ <entry>r4k-kn04</entry>
+ <entry>DECstation 5000/240</entry>
+ <entry>R3000</entry>
+ <entry>3MAX+</entry>
+ <entry>r3k-kn02</entry>
+ <entry>DECstation 5000/260</entry>
+ <entry>R4400</entry>
+ <entry>3MAX+</entry>
+ <entry>r4k-kn04</entry>
+ <entry>Personal DECstation 5000/xx</entry>
+ <entry>R3000</entry>
+ <entry>Maxine</entry>
+ <entry>r3k-kn02</entry>
+ <entry>Personal DECstation 5000/50</entry>
+ <entry>R4000</entry>
+ <entry>Maxine</entry>
+ <entry>r4k-kn04</entry>
+Linux/MIPS also works on the DECstation 5000/200, but this is not
+supported by the Debian installation system currently.
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3><title>Supported console options</title>
+Serial console is available on all supported DECstations (9600 bps,
+8N1). For using serial console, you have to boot the installer image
+with the "console=ttySx" kernel parameter (with "x" being the number
+of the serial port you have your terminal connected to - usually "2",
+but "0" for the Personal DECstations). On 3MIN and 3MAX+ (DECstation
+5000/1xx, 5000/240 and 5000/260) local console is available with the
+PMAG-BA and the PMAGB-B graphics options.
+If you would like to have support for other subarchitectures, please
+contact the
+<ulink url="&url-list-subscribe;">debian-mips mailing list</ulink>.
+If you have a Linux system to use as serial terminal, an easy way
+is to run cu (part of the <classname>uucp</classname> package) on it.
+cu -l /dev/ttyS1 -s 9600
+where the option "-l" (line) sets the serial port to use and "-s" (speed)
+sets the speed for the connection (9600 bits per second).
+ </sect3>
+ </sect2>
diff --git a/eu/hardware/supported/powerpc.xml b/eu/hardware/supported/powerpc.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7373a693d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/hardware/supported/powerpc.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+ <sect2 arch="powerpc"><title>CPU, Main Boards, and Video Support</title>
+There are four major supported <emphasis>&architecture;</emphasis>
+flavors: PMac (Power-Macintosh) PReP, Apus, and CHRP machines. Ports
+to other <emphasis>&architecture;</emphasis> architectures, such as
+the Be-Box and MBX architecture, are underway but not yet supported by
+Debian. We may have a 64bit port (Power3) in the future.
+Apple (and briefly a few other manufacturers - Power Computing, for
+example) makes a series of Macintosh computers based on the PowerPC
+processor. For purposes of architecture support, they are categorized
+as NuBus, OldWorld PCI, and NewWorld.
+Macintosh computers using the 680x0 series of processors are not in
+the PowerPC family but are instead m68k machines. Those models start
+with `Mac II' or have a 3-digit model number such as Centris 650
+or Quadra 950. Apple's pre-iMac PowerPC model numbers have four digits.
+NuBus systems are not currently supported by debian/powerpc. The
+monolithic Linux/PPC kernel architecture does not have support for
+these machines; instead, one must use the MkLinux Mach microkernel,
+which Debian does not yet support. These include the following:
+Power Macintosh 6100, 7100, 8100
+Performa 5200, 6200, 6300
+Powerbook 1400, 2300, and 5300
+Workgroup Server 6150, 8150, 9150
+A linux kernel for these machines and limited support is available at
+<ulink url=""></ulink>
+OldWorld systems are most Power Macintoshes with a floppy drive and a
+PCI bus. Most 603, 603e, 604, and 604e based Power Macintoshes are
+OldWorld machines. The beige colored G3 systems are also OldWorld.
+The so called NewWorld PowerMacs are any PowerMacs in translucent
+colored plastic cases. That includes all iMacs, iBooks, G4 systems,
+blue colored G3 systems, and most PowerBooks manufactured in and after
+1999. The NewWorld PowerMacs are also known for using the `ROM in RAM'
+system for MacOS, and were manufactured from mid-1998 onwards.
+Recently introduced Macintosh systems have hardware which is more well
+supported by the 2.4 Linux kernel. For some, the 2.2 kernel just
+doesn't work. The new-powermac flavor, which uses the 2.4 kernel, has
+been added to keep up with the hardware. The new-powermac flavor may
+also be installed on other OldWorld and NewWorld machines. Machines
+for which new-powermac is highly recommended are flagged with an
+asterisk below.
+Specifications for Apple hardware are available at
+<ulink url="">AppleSpec</ulink>,
+and, for older hardware,
+<ulink url="">AppleSpec Legacy</ulink>.
+<tgroup cols="3">
+<colspec colname="c1"/>
+<colspec colname="c2"/>
+<colspec colname="c3"/>
+ <entry namest="c1" nameend="c2">Model Name/Number</entry>
+ <entry>Architecture</entry>
+ <entry morerows="22">Apple</entry>
+ <entry>iMac Bondi Blue, 5 Flavors, Slot Loading</entry>
+ <entry>powermac-NewWorld</entry>
+ <entry>iMac Summer 2000, Early 2001</entry>
+ <entry>powermac-NewWorld</entry>
+ <entry>* iBook, iBook SE, iBook Dual USB</entry>
+ <entry>powermac-NewWorld</entry>
+ <entry>* iBook2</entry>
+ <entry>powermac-NewWorld</entry>
+ <entry>Power Macintosh Blue and White (B&amp;W) G3</entry>
+ <entry>powermac-NewWorld</entry>
+ <entry>* Power Macintosh G4 PCI, AGP, Cube</entry>
+ <entry>powermac-NewWorld</entry>
+ <entry>* Power Macintosh G4 Gigabit Ethernet</entry>
+ <entry>powermac-NewWorld</entry>
+ <entry>* Power Macintosh G4 Digital Audio, Quicksilver</entry>
+ <entry>powermac-NewWorld</entry>
+ <entry>PowerBook G3 FireWire Pismo (2000)</entry>
+ <entry>powermac-NewWorld</entry>
+ <entry>PowerBook G3 Lombard (1999)</entry>
+ <entry>powermac-NewWorld</entry>
+ <entry>* PowerBook G4 Titanium</entry>
+ <entry>powermac-NewWorld</entry>
+ <entry>Performa 4400, 54xx, 5500</entry>
+ <entry>powermac-OldWorld</entry>
+ <entry>Performa 6360, 6400, 6500</entry>
+ <entry>powermac-OldWorld</entry>
+ <entry>Power Macintosh 4400, 5400</entry>
+ <entry>powermac-OldWorld</entry>
+ <entry>Power Macintosh 7200, 7300, 7500, 7600</entry>
+ <entry>powermac-OldWorld</entry>
+ <entry>Power Macintosh 8200, 8500, 8600</entry>
+ <entry>powermac-OldWorld</entry>
+ <entry>Power Macintosh 9500, 9600</entry>
+ <entry>powermac-OldWorld</entry>
+ <entry>Power Macintosh (Beige) G3 Minitower</entry>
+ <entry>powermac-OldWorld</entry>
+ <entry>Power Macintosh (Beige) Desktop, All-in-One</entry>
+ <entry>powermac-OldWorld</entry>
+ <entry>PowerBook 2400, 3400, 3500</entry>
+ <entry>powermac-OldWorld</entry>
+ <entry>PowerBook G3 Wallstreet (1998)</entry>
+ <entry>powermac-OldWorld</entry>
+ <entry>Twentieth Anniversary Macintosh</entry>
+ <entry>powermac-OldWorld</entry>
+ <entry>Workgroup Server 7250, 7350, 8550, 9650, G3</entry>
+ <entry>powermac-OldWorld</entry>
+ <entry morerows="1">Power Computing</entry>
+ <entry>PowerBase, PowerTower / Pro, PowerWave</entry>
+ <entry>powermac-OldWorld</entry>
+ <entry>PowerCenter / Pro, PowerCurve</entry>
+ <entry>powermac-OldWorld</entry>
+ <entry>UMAX</entry>
+ <entry>C500, C600, J700, S900</entry>
+ <entry>powermac-OldWorld</entry>
+ <entry>APS</entry>
+ <entry>APS Tech M*Power 604e/2000</entry>
+ <entry>powermac-OldWorld</entry>
+ <entry morerows="5">Motorola</entry>
+ <entry>Starmax 3000, 4000, 5000, 5500</entry>
+ <entry>powermac-OldWorld</entry>
+ <entry>Firepower, PowerStack Series E, PowerStack II</entry>
+ <entry>prep</entry>
+ <entry>MPC 7xx, 8xx</entry>
+ <entry>prep</entry>
+ <entry>MTX, MTX+</entry>
+ <entry>prep</entry>
+ <entry>MVME2300(SC)/24xx/26xx/27xx/36xx/46xx</entry>
+ <entry>prep</entry>
+ <entry>MCP(N)750</entry>
+ <entry>prep</entry>
+ <entry morerows="4">IBM RS/6000</entry>
+ <entry>40P, 43P</entry>
+ <entry>prep</entry>
+ <entry>Power 830/850/860 (6070, 6050)</entry>
+ <entry>prep</entry>
+ <entry>6030, 7025, 7043</entry>
+ <entry>prep</entry>
+ <entry>p640</entry>
+ <entry>prep</entry>
+ <entry>B50, 43P-150, 44P</entry>
+ <entry>chrp</entry>
+ <entry>Amiga Power-UP Systems (APUS)</entry>
+ <entry>A1200, A3000, A4000</entry>
+ <entry>apus</entry>
+ </sect2>
diff --git a/eu/hardware/supported/s390.xml b/eu/hardware/supported/s390.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3de7074d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/hardware/supported/s390.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+ <sect2 arch="s390"><title>S/390 and zSeries machine types</title>
+Complete information regarding supported S/390 and zSeries machines can
+be found in IBM's Redbook
+<ulink url="">
+Linux for IBM eServer zSeries and S/390: Distributions</ulink> in
+chapter 2.1 or at the
+<ulink url="">technical details web page</ulink> at
+<ulink url="">developerWorks</ulink>.
+In short, G5, Multiprise 3000, G6 and all zSeries are fully supported;
+Multiprise 2000, G3 and G4 machines are supported with IEEE floating
+point emulation and thus degraded performance.
+ </sect2>
diff --git a/eu/hardware/supported/sparc.xml b/eu/hardware/supported/sparc.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4ee2352eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/hardware/supported/sparc.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+ <sect2 arch="sparc" id="sparc-cpus"><title>CPU, Main Boards, and Video Support</title>
+Currently the <emphasis>&architecture;</emphasis> port supports
+several types of Sparc systems. The most common identifiers for Sparc
+systems are sun4, sun4c, sun4m, sun4d and sun4u. Currently we do not
+support very old sun4 hardware. However, the other systems are
+supported. Sun4d has been tested the least of these, so expect
+possible problems with regard to the kernel stability. Sun4c and
+Sun4m, the most common of the older Sparc hardware, includes such
+systems as SparcStation 1, 1+, IPC, IPX and the SparcStation LX, 5,
+10, and 20, respectively. The UltraSPARC class systems fall under the
+sun4u identifier, and are supported using the sun4u set of install
+images. Some systems that fall under these supported identifiers are
+known to not be supported. Known unsupported systems are the AP1000
+multicomputer and the Tadpole Sparcbook 1. See the
+<ulink url="&url-sparc-linux-faq;">Linux for SPARCProcessors FAQ</ulink>
+for complete information.
+ <sect3><title>Memory Configuration</title>
+Some older Sun workstations, notably the Sun IPX and Sun IPC have
+memory banks located at fixed locations in physical memory. Thus if
+the banks are not filled gaps will exist in the physical memory space.
+The Linux installation requires a contiguous memory block into which
+to load the kernel and the initial RAMdisk. If this is not available a
+`Data Access Exception' will result.
+Thus you must configure the memory so that the lowest memory block is
+contiguous for at least 8Mb. In the IPX and IPC cited above, memory banks
+are mapped in at 16Mb boundaries. In effect this means that you must have
+a sufficiently large SIMM in bank zero to hold the kernel and RAMdisk.
+In this case 4Mb is <emphasis>not</emphasis> sufficient.
+In a Sun IPX you have a 16Mb SIMM and a 4Mb SIMM. There are four
+SIMM banks (0,1,2,3). [Bank zero is that furthest away from the SBUS
+connectors]. You must therefore install the 16Mb SIMM in bank 0; it is
+then recommended to install the 4Mb SIMM in bank 2.
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3><title>Graphics Configuration</title>
+Especially in the case of older Sun workstations, it is very common
+for there to be an onboard framebuffer which has been superseded (for
+example the bwtwo on a sun IPC), and an SBUS card containing a later
+probably accelerated buffer is then plugged in to an SBUS slot.
+Under Solaris/SunOS this causes no problems because both cards are
+However with Linux this can cause a problem, in that the boot PROM
+monitor may display its output on this additional card; however the
+linux kernel boot messages may then be directed to the original on
+board framebuffer, leaving <emphasis>no</emphasis> error messages on
+the screen, with the machine apparently stuck loading the RAMdisk.
+To avoid this problem, connect the monitor (if required) to the video
+card in the lowest numbered SBUS slot (on motherboard card counts
+as below external slots). Alternatively it is possible to use a serial
+ </sect3>
+ </sect2>
diff --git a/eu/howto/installation-howto.xml b/eu/howto/installation-howto.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e17237837
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/howto/installation-howto.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>y
+<!-- original version: 23754 -->
+<appendix id="installation-howto">
+<title>Instalazio Howto</title>
+Dokumentu honek &d-i; berria erabiliz &debian; &releasename;
+&arch-title; (<quote>&architecture;</quote>) arkitekturan nola instalatu
+argitzen du. Instalazio prozesuan instalakuntza gehienegoetan beharrezko
+izango dituzun argibideak ditu. <link linkend="debian_installation_guide">&debian;
+Instalalazio Gidaliburuan </link>.argibide gehiago eskuragarri dauden kasueta
+horietera estekak ditu.
+ <sect1 id="howto-preliminaries">
+ <title>Sarrera</title>
+<phrase condition="unofficial-build">
+Debian-instalatzailea beta egoeran dago.
+Instalakuntzan akats bat aurkitu ezkero, mesedez begiratu
+<xref linkend="submit-bug" /> haren berri egilei nola bidali
+aurkitzeko. Dokumentu honez argitu ezin dituzun zailtasunak
+izan ezkero jo zuzenean eposta zerrenda (&email-debian-boot-list;)
+(Ingelesez) edo galde ezazu IRC-ean (freenode sareko #debian-boot
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1 id="howto-getting-images">
+ <title>Instalatzailea abiarazten</title>
+<phrase condition="unofficial-build">
+CD irudietara estekak ikusteko jo <ulink url="&url-d-i;">
+&d-i; webgune nagusira</ulink>.
+Debian-cd tadeak &d-i; erabiliaz argitaratutako CD-ak
+<ulink url="&url-debian-cd;">Debian CD webgunean</ulink> daude.
+CD horiek eskuratzeaz argibide gehiagorako jo: <xref linkend="official-cdrom" />.
+Instalazio metodo batzuek CD irudiez aparte beste batzu behar ditu.
+<phrase condition="unofficial-build">
+<ulink url="&url-d-i;">&d-i; webguneak</ulink> irdui horietara estekak
+ditu.s to
+other images.
+<xref linkend="where-files" />-en Debian ispiluetan nola irudiak bilatu
+argitzen du.
+Ondoko azpiatalak edozein instalaziotan behar dituzun irudien berri eman
+behar du.
+ <sect2 id="howto-getting-images-cdrom">
+ <title>CDROM</title>
+Bi netinst CD irudi ezberdin daude &d-i; erabiliaz &releasename;
+instalatzeko. Irudi jauek CD-tik abiarazi eta beharrezko paketeak
+sare bidez deskargatzeko dira, horregatik netinst izena.
+Bi irudi hauen arteko ezberdintasuna netinst irdui osoan (full netinst)
+oinarri paketeak gehiturik daudela da, besteaz (bussines card installer)
+berriz deskargatu egin behar da. Nahi izan ezkero sarerik behar ez duen
+tamaina osoko CD irdui bat deskargatu dezakezu. Bildumako lehenengo
+CD-arekin aski izan beharko zenuke.
+Deskargatu naiago duzun moetako eta graba ezazu CD batetan.
+<phrase arch="i386">CD-tik abiaraz ahal izateko, agian zuk BIOS-eko ezarpenak
+aldatu behar izango dituzu, honi buruzko argibideak:
+<xref linkend="bios-setup" />.</phrase>
+<phrase arch="powerpc">
+PowerMac bat CD-tik abiarazteko sakatu <keycap>c</keycap> tekla abiaraztean.
+ikusi <xref linkend="boot-cd" /> CD-tik abiarazteko modu gehiagori buruz.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 condition="supports-floppy-boot" id="howto-getting-images-floppy">
+ <title>Disketeak</title>
+Zuk ezin baduzu CD-tik abiarazi, zuk diskete irudiak deskarga ditzakezu
+debian instalatzeko. Zuk <filename>floppy/boot.img</filename>,
+<filename>floppy/root.img</filename> eta ziurrenik driber diskete bat
+beharko dituzu.
+Abiarazte disketea <filename>boot.img</filename> duena da.
+Diskete honek abiaraztean zuri bigarren disketea sartzeko eskatuko du
+&mdash; erabili <filename>root.img</filename> irduia duena.
+Sare bidez instalatzea pentsatzen ari bazara, agian zenbait etherneth
+txartelen driberrak eta PCMCIA onarpena dituen
+<filename>floppy/net-drivers.img</filename> ere beharko duzu.
+ZUK CD gailua baduzu baina ezin baduzu bertatik abiarazi, abiarazi
+disketetik eta gero <filename>floppy/cd-drivers.img</filename> erabili
+CD driberra kargatu eta instalazioa bertatik amaitzeko.
+Disketeak ez direnez gailu oso fidagarriak, prest egon okerreko
+disketeak aurkitzeko (ikusi <xref linkend="unreliable-floppies" />).
+Deskargaturiko <filename>.img</filename> fitxategi bakoitza diskete batetan
+grabatu behar duzu; zuk dd komandoa erabili dezakezu /dev/fd0 gailuan
+gabatzeko edo beste zembait erara (begiratu <xref linkend="create-floppy" />
+Diskete bat baino gehiago erabiliko duzunez ideia ona da etiketak ipintzea.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 condition="bootable-usb" id="howto-getting-images-usb">
+ <title>USB memoria gailua</title>
+Posible da ere USB biltegiratze gailu batetatik instalatzea. Adibidez
+USB giltza zuk edonora eraman dezakezun instalazio modu bat izan daiteke.
+USB memoria gailua prestatzeko dodurik errazena
+<filename>hd-media/boot.img.gz</filename> deskargatzea eta gunzip erabiliaz
+fitxategi horretatik 128 MB-etako irduia ateratzea da. Idatzi irudi hau zuzenean
+zure USB gailuan, zein gutxienez tamaina horretakoa izan behar da. Noski honek
+gailuan egon litekeen edozein fitxategi ezabatuko du. Orain FAT fitxategi sistema
+duen Memoria gailua muntatu ezazu. Deskarga ezazu Debian netinst CD irudia, eta
+kopia ezazu fitxategia USB gailura, edozein fitxategi izen onartzen da ".iso"-n
+amaitzen bada.
+Badago debian installer erabiliaz memoria gailua erabiltzeko modu malguago
+bat, eta posible da memoria gutxiagoko gailuekin funtzionatzea. Xehetasunak
+ikusteko <xref linkend="boot-usb-files" />.
+</para><para arch="i386">
+Zenbait BIOS erabiliaz usb biltegiratzetik zuzenean abiarazi daitezke. BIOS-a
+"gailu aldakorra" edo "USB_ZIP"-tik abiarazteko konfiguratu behar duzu, USB
+gailutik zuzenean abiarazteko. Aukera hori ez baduzu diskete batetik abiarazi
+eta beste instalazio guztia USB gailutik egin dezakezu.LAgungarri izan
+daitezkeen gomendioak eta xehetasunak ikusteko begiratu
+<xref linkend="usb-boot" />.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 id="howto-getting-images-netboot">
+ <title>Saretik abiarazten</title>
+Posible da ere &d-i; guztiz sare bidez abiaraztea. Horretarako metodo
+ezberdinak daude zure arkitektura eta sare-abiarazte konfigurazioaren arabera.
+<filename>netboot/</filename>-en dauden fitxategiak erabil ditzakezu &d-i;
+</para><para arch="i386">
+Konfiguratzeko era errazena ziurrenik PXE sare-abiaraztea da.Despaketatu
+<filename>netboot/pxeboot.tar.gz</filename> fitxategia
+<filename>/var/lib/tftpboot></filename> karpetan edo zure tftp zerbitzarian
+egon behar den lekuan. Konfiguratu zure DHCP zerbitzaria
+<filename>/pxelinux.0</filename> fitxategia bezeroei bidaltzeko, eta dena
+ondo badabil abiarazi beharko litzateke.
+Argibide zeatzagoetarako ikusi <xref linkend="install-tftp" />
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 id="howto-getting-images-hard-disk">
+ <title>Diska gogorretik abiarazten</title>
+Posible da instalatzailea gailu ez aldagarri batetatik instalatzea, adibidez
+dagoeneko beste sistema eragile bat duen disko gogor batetatik. Deskargatu
+<filename>hd-media/initrd.gz</filename>, <filename>hd-media/vmlinuz</filename>,
+and a Debian CD irudia diska gogorreko erro karpetara. Ziurtatu CD irudia
+"*.iso" izeneko fitxategi bat dela. Orain aski da linux initrd erabiliaz
+<phrase arch="i386">
+<xref linkend="boot-initrd" />-en argitzen da nola egin.
+ </sect2>
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1 id="howto-installation">
+Bein instalatzailea abiarazten denean sarrera pantaila agertuko da. Sakatu
+&enterkey; abiarazteko, edo irakurri beste abiarazte modu batzuetarako
+argibideak (ikusi <xref linkend="boot-parms" />).
+<phrase arch="i386">
+2.6 kernel bat erabili nahi izan ezkero idatzi<userinput>linux26</userinput>
+<prompt>boot:</prompt> galderan.
+2.6 kernel metodoa erabilgarri da abiarazte modu gehienetan baina ez disketetik
+Gero zure hizkuntza aukeratzea eskatuko zaizu. Erabili geziak hizkuntza
+aukeratzeko eta &enterkey; sakatu aurrera jarraitzeko. Gero zure nazioa
+aukeratu behar duzu, aukeretan zure hizkuntza hitz egiten diren herrialdeak
+dita. Zerrenda laburrean ez badago zuri dagokizuna munduko herrialdeguztietako
+zerrenda eskuragarri dago.
+Zure teklatu ezarpenak berresteko eskatuko zaizu. Aukeratu lehenetsitako
+ziur ez bazaude.
+Gero debian-instalatzaileak zenbait hardware atzemango du eta bere burua
+CD, diskete edo USB-tik deskargatuko du.
+Gero instalatzailea zure sare hardawarea atzeman eta DHCP bidez konfiguratzen
+ipintzen saiatuko da. DHCP zerbitzaririk ez duen sare batetan bazaude
+ezarpenak eskuz egiteko aukera emango zaizu.
+Orain diskak paritu behar dira. Lehenik diska osoa edo leku libre guztia
+automatikoki partitzeko aukera emango du. Hau da gomendaturikoa erabiltzaile
+berrientzat baina zuk ez baduzu auto-partiketa egin nahi eskuz aukeratu menuan.
+Hurrengo pantailan partizio taula, zein partizio formatreatuko diren eta
+non muntatuko diren ikusi daiteke. Aukeratu aldatu edo ezabatu behar den
+partizioa. Zuk partitzea automatikoa egin baduzu aski izango duzu "Partitzearekin
+amaitu" aukeratzearekin. Kontutan izan beintzat aldaketa (swap) partizio bat
+eta <filename>/</filename> partizioa ezarri behar dituzula.
+<xref linkend="partitioning" />-en aurki ditzakezu partitzeari buruz argibide
+Orain &d-i; zure partizioak formateatu eta sistema oinarri instalatuko ditu,
+Honen ondoren kernel instalazioa egingo da.
+Azkenengo pausua abiarazle bat instalatzea da. Instalatzaileak zure
+ordenagiluan beste sistema bat aurkituko balu, abiarazte menuan
+gehituko luke eta zuri honen berri emango lizuke.
+<phrase arch="i386">Lehenespen bezala, arruntenean erabaki egokia den,
+ GRUB abiarzlea lehenengo diska gogorreko abiarazte grabaketa nagusian
+(MBR) grabatuko da. Zuri ezarpen hau aldatu eta GRUB beste edonon
+grabatzeko aukera emango zaizu.
+&d-i;-k orain instalazioa amaitu dela esango dizu.
+Atera cdrom edo instalazio modua eta &enterkey; sakatu
+makina berrabiarazteko. Honek sarge instalazioaren hurrengo
+atalean abiarazi beharko luke mankina. Atal honen xehetasunentzat
+begiratu <xref linkend="boot-new" />.
+Zuk instalazioari buruz argibide gehiago behar izan ezkero begiratu
+<xref linkend="d-i-intro" />.
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1 id="howto-installation-report">
+ <title>Instalazio txosten bat bidali</title>
+Zuk &d-i; erabiliaz instalazioa amaitu baduzu, mesedez
+hartu zazu hune bat txosten bat bidaltzeko.
+<filename>/root</filename> karpetan
+<filename>install-report.template</filename> izeneko
+txantilloi bat aurkituko duzu. Mesedez bete ezazu eta bidali
+zorri (bug) bat bezala <classname>installation-reports</classname>
+bpaketearen bidez, <xref linkend="submit-bug" />-en argitzen
+den bezala.
+Zuk ez bafuz oinarri-konfiguraizioa lortu edo arazorik baduzu,
+ziurrenik zorri bat aurki duzu debian-instalatzailean. Instalatzailea
+obetzeko akats horien berri eduki behar dufu, beraz denbora bat artu
+ezazu horren berri emateko. Zuk instalazio txostena erabili dezakezu
+berri emateko; Instalatzaileak guztiz huts egingo balu
+<xref linkend="problem-report" /> begiratu.
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1 id="howto-installation-finally">
+ <title>Amaitzeko..</title>
+Debian instalazioa atsegingarri egin eta debian gustagarri aurkitzea
+espero dugu. Zuk <xref linkend="post-install" /> irakurri beharko zenuke.
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/install-methods/automatic-install.xml b/eu/install-methods/automatic-install.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..98cd14814
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/install-methods/automatic-install.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 23847 -->
+ <sect1 id="automatic-install">
+ <title>Instalazio automatikoa</title>
+Ordenagailu anitzetan instalatzeko posible da guztiz automatizatutako
+instalazio bat egitea. Hau posible egiten duten paketeak:
+<classname>fai</classname> (Instazaio zerbitzari bat erabiltzen duena),
+<classname>autoinstall</classname>, eta
+Debian Instalatzailea bera dira.
+<title>Debian Instalatzailea erabiliaz instalazio automatikoa</title>
+Debian instalatzaileak aurrekonfigurazio fitxategien bidez instalazio
+automatiko onartzen du. Aurrekonfigurazio fitxategiak sare bidez edo
+medio aldagarrien bidez kargatu eta instalazioan egingo diren galderak
+erantzuteko erabili daiteke.
+Aurrekonfigurazio fitxategia debconf-set-selections komandoak
+erabiltzen duen formatuan dago. Ondo dokumentaturiko eta lanean
+dagoen editatu dezakezun adibide bat hemen dago:
+<xref linkend="example-preseed"/>.
+Beste aldetik, aukeratu behar diiren aukera guztien erantzunak
+eskuratzeko era bat eskuzko instalazio bat egin eta orduan
+<classname>debconf-utils</classname> paketeko
+<filename>debconf-get-selections</filename> koamdoa erabili
+bai debconf eta bai /var/log/debian-installer/cdebconf fitxategiko
+cdebconf databaseak fitxategi batetara irauktzeko:
+debconf-get-selections --installer > fitxategia
+debconf-get-selections >> fitxategia
+Hala ere honela sortutako fitxategi batek erantzungabeko galderak eduki
+ditzake eta, <xref linkend="example-preseed"/> fitxategia
+erabilgarriagoa da erabiltzaile gehienentzat.
+Bein aurrekonfigurazio fitxategiarekin, editatu daiteke behar ezkero,
+ipini web zerbitzari batetan, edo kopiatu instalatzailearen mediora.
+Behin fitxategia erabakitako lekuan ipinita Instalatzaileari
+abiarazte garaian komando bat eman behar zaio erabil dezan.
+Instalatzaileak sare bidez deskargaturiko aurrekonfigurazio bat
+erabiltzeko gehitu preseed/url=http://url/helbidea/preseed.cfg
+kernela abiarazteko aukerei. Noski aurrekonfigurazioak ezingo du
+lan egin instalatzaileak sarea martxan ipini arte, horregatik
+da oso erabilgarria instalatzaileak ezer galdetu gabe DHCP bidez
+instalatzeko aukera izatea. Agian instalazio lehentasuna kritikora
+ezartzea interesgarri zain daiteke sareari buruzko datu guztiak
+konfiguratu daitezen. Begiratu <xref linkend="installer-args"/>.
+Aurrekonfigurazio fitxategia CD batetan ipintzeko, ISO irudi original
+nerregin egin behar da berau gehitzeko. mkisofs manual orrialdea
+begiratu argibide gehiagorako. Betela fitxategia diskete batetan ipini
+eta 'preseed/file=/floppy/preseed.cfg' erabili.
+</para><para arch="i386">
+USB memoria baten bidez abiarazi nahi zain ezkeri, orduan kopiatu
+aurrekonfigurazio fitxategia memoriaren fitxategi sisteman eta
+syslinux.cfg fitxategia editatu preseed/file=/hd-media/preseed.cfg gehitzeko
+kernele abiarazte aukeren barruan.
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/install-methods/boot-drive-files.xml b/eu/install-methods/boot-drive-files.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..93325cf72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/install-methods/boot-drive-files.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+ <sect1 condition="bootable-disk" id="boot-drive-files">
+ <title>Preparing Files for Hard Disk Booting</title>
+The installer may be booted using boot files placed on an
+existing hard drive partition, either launched from another operating
+system or by invoking a boot loader directly from the BIOS.
+A full, "pure network" installation can be achieved using this
+technique. This avoids all hassles of removable media, like finding
+and burning CD images or struggling with too numerous and
+<xref linkend="unreliable-floppies"/> unreliable floppy disks.
+</para><para arch="i386">
+The installer cannot boot from files on an NTFS file system.
+</para><para arch="powerpc">
+The installer cannot boot from files on an HFS+ file system. MacOS
+System 8.1 and above may use HFS+ file systems; NewWorld PowerMacs all
+use HFS+. To determine whether your existing file system is HFS+,
+select <userinput>Get Info</userinput> for the volume in question. HFS
+file systems appear as <userinput>Mac OS Standard</userinput>, while
+HFS+ file systems say <userinput>Mac OS Extended</userinput>. You must
+have an HFS partition in order to exchange files between MacOS and
+Linux, in particular the installation files you download.
+</para><para arch="powerpc">
+Different programs are used for hard disk installation system booting,
+depending on whether the system is a ``NewWorld'' or an ``OldWorld''
+ <sect2 arch="i386" id="files-lilo">
+ <title>Hard disk installer booting using <command>LILO</command> or
+ <command>GRUB</command></title>
+This section explains how to add to or even replace an existing linux
+installation using either <command>LILO</command> or
+At boot time, both bootloaders support loading in memory not
+only the kernel, but also a disk image. This RAM disk can be used as
+the root file-system by the kernel. Choose the flavor in
+<xref linkend="kernel-choice"/> that best fits your taste, and you
+will be (almost) done.
+Copy the following two or three files from the Debian archives in a
+convenient location on your hard drive, for instance in
+<filename>vmlinuz</filename> (kernel binary)
+<filename>initrd.gz</filename> (ramdisk image)
+<filename>drivers.tgz</filename> (optional kernel modules)
+Extract recursively everything <emphasis>now</emphasis> (easier than
+later). Remember on which physical partition
+(e.g. <filename>/dev/hda4</filename>) are the <filename>.o</filename>
+drivers you just extracted from <filename>drivers.tgz</filename>.
+You can also replace <filename>vmlinuz</filename> and
+<filename>drivers.tgz</filename> by your custom kernel and the
+carefully chosen drivers that you will need for the installation, for
+instance a module for your exotic and unsupported network interface.
+Do not forget that your custom kernel must have (at least) the
+<filename>RAMDISK</filename> and <filename>initrd</filename> features
+<emphasis>built-in</emphasis>. See the very beginning of
+<xref linkend="rescue-replace-kernel"/> for the list of the other
+mandatory built-in kernel features required to boot and launch the
+installer. The floppy-related stuff after the list of features is
+irrelevant to you.
+Finally, to configure the bootloader proceed to
+<xref linkend="boot-initrd"/>.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="powerpc" id="files-oldworld">
+ <title>Hard Disk Installer Booting for OldWorld Macs</title>
+The <filename>boot-floppy-hfs</filename> floppy uses
+<application>miBoot</application> to launch Linux installation, but
+<application>miBoot</application> cannot easily be used for hard disk
+booting. <application>BootX</application>, launched from MacOS,
+supports booting from files placed on the hard
+disk. <application>BootX</application> can also be used to dual-boot
+MacOS and Linux after your Debian installation is complete. For the
+Performa 6360, it appears that <command>quik</command> cannot make the
+hard disk bootable. So <application>BootX</application> is required
+on that model.
+Download and unstuff the <application>BootX</application>
+distribution, available from <ulink url="&url-powerpc-bootx;"></ulink>,
+or in the
+directory on Debian http/ftp mirrors and official Debian CDs. Use
+<application>Stuffit Expander</application> to extract it from its
+archive. Within the package, there is an empty folder called
+<filename>Linux Kernels</filename>. Download
+<filename>linux.bin</filename> and
+<filename>ramdisk.image.gz</filename> from the
+<filename>disks-powerpc/current/powermac</filename> folder, and place
+them in the <filename>Linux Kernels</filename> folder. Then place the
+<filename>Linux Kernels</filename> folder in the active System Folder.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="powerpc" id="files-newworld">
+ <title>Hard Disk Installer Booting for NewWorld Macs</title>
+NewWorld PowerMacs support booting from a network or an ISO9660
+CD-ROM, as well as loading ELF binaries directly from the hard
+disk. These machines will boot Linux directly via
+<command>yaboot</command>, which supports loading a kernel and RAMdisk
+directly from an ext2 partition, as well as dual-booting with
+MacOS. Hard disk booting of the installer is particularly appropriate
+for newer machines without floppy drives. <command>BootX</command> is
+not supported and must not be used on NewWorld PowerMacs.
+<emphasis>Copy</emphasis> (not move) the following four files which
+you downloaded earlier from the Debian archives, onto the root level
+of your hard drive (this can be accomplished by
+<keycap>option</keycap>-dragging each file to the hard drive icon).
+<filename>root.bin</filename> (from inside the images-1.44 folder)
+Make a note of the partition number of the MacOS partition where you
+place these files. If you have the MacOS <command>pdisk</command>
+program, you can use the L command to check for the partition
+number. You will need this partition number for the command you type
+at the Open Firmware prompt when you boot the installer.
+To boot the installer, proceed to <xref linkend="boot-newworld"/>.
+ </sect2>
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/install-methods/boot-usb-files.xml b/eu/install-methods/boot-usb-files.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e27166ad7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/install-methods/boot-usb-files.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 14337 untranslated -->
+ <sect1 condition="bootable-usb" id="boot-usb-files">
+ <title>Preparing Files for USB Memory Stick Booting</title>
+For preparing the USB stick you will need a system where GNU/Linux is
+already running and where USB is supported. You should assure that the
+usb-storage kernel module is loaded (<userinput>modprobe
+usb-storage</userinput>) and try to find out which SCSI device the USB
+stick has been mapped to (in this example
+<filename>/dev/sda</filename> is used). To write to your stick, you
+will probably have to turn off its write protection switch.
+Note, that the USB stick should be at least 128 MB in size (smaller
+setups are possible if you follow <xref linkend="usb-copy-flexible"/>).
+ <sect2 id="usb-copy-easy">
+ <title>Copying the files - the easy way</title>
+There is an all-in-one file <filename>hd-media/boot.img.gz</filename>
+which contains all the installer files (including the kernel) as well
+as <command>SYSLINUX</command> and its configuration file. You only
+have to extract it directly to to your USB stick:
+gzip -dc boot.img.gz >/dev/<replaceable>sda</replaceable>
+Of course this will destroy anything already on the device, so take
+care that you use the correct device name for your USB stick.
+After that, mount the USB memory stick (<userinput>mount /dev/sda
+/mnt</userinput>), which will now have a FAT filesystem on it, and
+copy a Debian netinst or businesscard ISO image to it. Please note
+that the file name must end in <filename>.iso</filename>. Unmount the
+stick (<userinput>umount /mnt</userinput>) and you are done.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 id="usb-copy-flexible">
+ <title>Copying the files - the flexible way</title>
+If you like more flexibility or just want to know what's going on, you
+should use the following method to put the files on your stick. We
+will show how to setup the memory stick to use the first partition,
+instead of entire device.
+Since most USB sticks come pre-configured with a single FAT16
+partition, you probably won't have to repartition or reformat the
+stick. If you have to do that anyway, use <command>cfdisk</command>
+or any other partitioning tool for creating a FAT16 partition and then
+mkdosfs /dev/<replaceable>sda1</replaceable>
+Take care that you use the correct device name for your USB stick. The
+<command>mkdosfs</command> command is contained in the
+<classname>dosfstools</classname> Debian package.
+In order to start the kernel after booting from the USB stick, we will
+put a boot loader on the stick. Although any boot loader
+(e.g. <command>LILO</command>) should work, it's convenient to use
+<command>SYSLINUX</command>, since it uses a FAT16 partition and can
+be reconfigured by just editing a text file. Any operating system
+which supports the FAT file system can be used to make changes to the
+configuration of the boot loader.
+To put <command>SYSLINUX</command> on the FAT16 partition on your USB
+stick, install the <classname>syslinux</classname> and
+<classname>mtools</classname> packages on your system, and type
+syslinux /dev/<replaceable>sda1</replaceable>
+Again, take care that you use the correct device name. The partition
+must not be mounted when starting <command>SYSLINUX</command>. This
+procedure writes a boot sector to the partition and creates the file
+<filename>ldlinux.sys</filename> which contains the boot loader code.
+Mount the parition (<userinput>mount /dev/sda1 /mnt</userinput>) and
+copy the following files from the Debian archives to the stick:
+<filename>vmlinuz</filename> (kernel binary)
+<filename>initrd.gz</filename> (initial ramdisk image)
+<filename>syslinux.cfg</filename> (SYSLINUX configuration file)
+Optional kernel modules
+If you want to rename the files, please note that
+<command>SYSLINUX</command> can only process DOS (8.3) file names.
+The <filename>syslinux.cfg</filename> configuration file should
+contain the following two lines:
+default vmlinuz
+append initrd=initrd.gz ramdisk_size=10000 root=/dev/rd/0 init=/linuxrc devfs=mount,dall rw
+Please note, that the <userinput>ramdisk_size</userinput> parameter
+may need to be increased, depending on the image you are booting.
+Now you should put any Debian ISO image (businesscard, netinst or even
+a full one) onto your stick (if it fits). The file name of such an
+image must end in <filename>.iso</filename>.
+If you want to install over the network, without using an ISO image,
+you will of course skip the previous step. Moreover you will have to
+use the initial ramdisk from the <filename>netboot</filename>
+directory instead of the one from <filename>hd-media</filename>,
+because <filename>hd-media/initrd.gz</filename> does not have network
+When you are done, unmount the USB memory stick (<userinput>umount
+/mnt</userinput>) and activate its write protection switch.
+If your system refuses to boot from the memory stick, the stick may
+contain an invalid master boot record (MBR). To fix this, use the
+<command>install-mbr</command> command from the package
+install-mbr /dev/<replaceable>sda</replaceable>
+ </sect2>
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/install-methods/create-floppy.xml b/eu/install-methods/create-floppy.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2f7fa9d1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/install-methods/create-floppy.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+ <sect1 condition="supports-floppy-boot" id="create-floppy">
+ <title>Creating Floppies from Disk Images</title>
+Bootable floppy disks are commonly used to boot the installer system
+for machines with a floppy drive. Floppies can also be used for
+installation of the kernel and modules on most systems.
+</para><para arch="powerpc">
+Floppy disk booting reportedly fails on Mac USB floppy drives.
+</para><para arch="m68k">
+Floppy disk booting is not supported on Amigas or
+68k Macs.
+Disk images are files containing the complete contents of a floppy
+disk in <emphasis>raw</emphasis> form. Disk images, such as
+<filename>boot.img</filename>, cannot simply be copied to floppy
+drives. A special program is used to write the image files to floppy
+disk in <emphasis>raw</emphasis> mode. This is required because these
+images are raw representations of the disk; it is required to do a
+<emphasis>sector copy</emphasis> of the data from the file onto the
+There are different techniques for creating floppies from disk images,
+which depend on your platform. This section describes how to create
+floppies from disk images on different platforms.
+No matter which method you use to create your floppies, you should
+remember to flip the tab on the floppies once you have written them,
+to ensure they are not damaged unintentionally.
+ <sect2><title>Writing Disk Images From a Linux or Unix System</title>
+To write the floppy disk image files to the floppy disks, you will
+probably need root access to the system. Place a good, blank floppy
+in the floppy drive. Next, use the command
+dd if=<replaceable>file</replaceable> of=/dev/fd0 bs=1024 conv=sync ; sync
+where <replaceable>file</replaceable> is one of the floppy disk image
+files (see <xref linkend="downloading-files"/> for what
+<replaceable>file</replaceable> should be).
+<filename>/dev/fd0</filename> is a commonly used name of the floppy
+disk device, it may be different on your workstation (on Solaris, it
+is <filename>/dev/fd/0</filename>). The command may return to the
+prompt before Unix has finished writing the floppy disk, so look for
+the disk-in-use light on the floppy drive and be sure that the light
+is out and the disk has stopped revolving before you remove it from
+the drive. On some systems, you'll have to run a command to eject the
+floppy from the drive (on Solaris, use <command>eject</command>, see
+the manual page).
+Some systems attempt to automatically mount a floppy disk when you
+place it in the drive. You might have to disable this feature before
+the workstation will allow you to write a floppy in <emphasis>raw
+mode</emphasis>. Unfortunately, how to accomplish this will vary
+based on your operating system. On Solaris, you can work around
+volume management to get raw access to the floppy. First, make sure
+that the floppy is auto-mounted (using <command>volcheck</command> or
+the equivalent command in the file manager). Then use a
+<command>dd</command> command of the form given above, just replace
+<filename>/dev/fd0</filename> with
+where <replaceable>floppy_name</replaceable> is the name the floppy
+disk was given when it was formatted (unnamed floppies default to the
+name <filename>unnamed_floppy</filename>). On other systems, ask your
+system administrator.
+</para><para arch="powerpc">
+If writing a floppy on powerpc Linux, you will need to eject it. The
+<command>eject</command> program handles this nicely; you might need
+to install it.
+ </sect2>
+&floppy-i386.xml; <!-- can be used for other arches -->
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/install-methods/download/alpha.xml b/eu/install-methods/download/alpha.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6aec375c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/install-methods/download/alpha.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+ <sect3 arch="alpha"><title>Alpha Installation Files</title>
+If you choose to boot from ARC console firmware using
+<command>MILO</command>, you will also need to prepare a disk
+containing <command>MILO</command> and <command>LINLOAD.EXE</command>
+from the provided disk images. See <xref linkend="alpha-firmware"/>
+for more information on Alpha
+firmware and boot loaders. The floppy images can be found in the
+<filename>MILO</filename> directory as
+Unfortunately, these <command>MILO</command> images could not be
+tested and might not work for all subarchitectures. If you find it
+doesn't work for you, try copying the appropriate
+<command>MILO</command> binary onto the floppy
+(<ulink url="&disturlftp;main/disks-alpha/current/MILO/"></ulink>).
+Note that those <command>MILO</command>s don't support ext2 ``sparse
+superblocks'', so you can't use them to load kernels from newly
+generated ext2 file systems. As a workaround, you can put your kernel
+onto the FAT partition next to the <command>MILO</command>.
+<command>MILO</command> binaries are platform-specific. See
+<xref linkend="alpha-cpus"/> to determine the appropriate
+<command>MILO</command> image for your Alpha platform.
+ </sect3>
diff --git a/eu/install-methods/download/arm.xml b/eu/install-methods/download/arm.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f0bc838b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/install-methods/download/arm.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+ <sect3 arch="arm" id="riscpc-install-files">
+ <title>RiscPC Installation Files</title>
+The RiscPC installer is booted initially from RISC OS. All the
+necessary files are provided in one Zip archive, &rpc-install-kit;.
+Download this file onto the RISC OS machine, copy the
+<filename>linloader.!Boot</filename> components into place, and run
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3 arch="arm" id="netwinder-install-files">
+ <title>NetWinder Installation Files</title>
+The easiest way to boot a NetWinder is over the network, using the
+supplied TFTP image &netwinder-boot-img;.
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3 arch="arm" id="cats-install-files">
+ <title>CATS Installation Files</title>
+The only supported boot method for CATS is to use the combined image
+&cats-boot-img;. This can be loaded from any device accessible to the
+Cyclone bootloader.
+ </sect3>
diff --git a/eu/install-methods/download/m68k.xml b/eu/install-methods/download/m68k.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..471d64273
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/install-methods/download/m68k.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+ <sect3 arch="m68k" id="amiga-install-files">
+ <title>AmigaOS Installation Files</title>
+Instead of the boot, root, and driver files above, just download
+Unpack &amiga-install-tarball; into a partition with at least 25MB
+free. We recommend you unpack it into a directory named
+<filename>debian</filename>. The &amiga-install-tarball; will create an
+<filename>amiga</filename> subdirectory.
+Write down the Linux partition name for the location where your new
+<filename>debian</filename> directory is. See
+<xref linkend="device-names"/> for more information on Linux partition
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3 arch="m68k" id="atari-install-files">
+ <title>Atari TOS Installation Files </title>
+Instead of the boot, root, and driver files above, just download
+Unpack &atari-install-tarball; into a partition with at least 25 MB
+free. We recommend you unpack it into a directory named
+After unpacking, you should have an <filename>atari</filename>
+subdirectory. Do not rename any files in this directory.
+Write down the Linux partition name for the location where your new
+<filename>debian</filename> directory is. See
+<xref linkend="device-names"/> for more
+information on Linux partition naming.
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3 arch="m68k" id="mac-install-files">
+ <title>68k MacOS Installation Files</title>
+Instead of the boot, root, and driver files above, just download
+Unpack &mac-install-tarball; into a partition with at least 25 MB
+free. We recommend you unpack it into a directory named
+<filename>debian</filename>. Use <application>Stuffit Expander</application>
+(at least version 5.5) or <command>MacGZip</command> to extract it
+from its archive.
+After unpacking, you should have a <filename>mac</filename> subdirectory. Do
+not rename any files in this directory. Do not allow your
+decompression program to decompress drivers.tgz.
+Write down the Linux partition name for the location where your new
+<filename>debian</filename> directory is. See <xref linkend="device-names"/>
+for more information on Linux partition naming.
+ </sect3>
diff --git a/eu/install-methods/download/powerpc.xml b/eu/install-methods/download/powerpc.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8797b27fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/install-methods/download/powerpc.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+ <sect3 arch="powerpc" id="newworld-install-files">
+ <title>NewWorld MacOS Installation Files </title>
+For floppy-less installation on NewWorld Macs, it may be most
+convenient to obtain all the necessary files packaged into one Stuffit
+archive from
+<ulink url="&url-powerpc-of;"></ulink> (separate instructions are
+included in the archive). Otherwise, obtain the normal installation
+files listed above. Retrieve the files to an HFS (not HFS+) partition
+on your system. You will also need the <filename>yaboot</filename> and
+<filename>yaboot.conf</filename> files from the
+<ulink url="&downloadable-file;new-powermac/">new-powermac</ulink> or
+<ulink url="&downloadable-file;powermac/">powermac</ulink> archive folder.
+However, the newest G4 PowerMacs, and those that work without MacOS 9,
+need the newest version of <command>yaboot</command>; the one in the
+archive will not work. Obtain the newest version from
+<ulink url=""></ulink>.
+ </sect3>
diff --git a/eu/install-methods/downloading-files.xml b/eu/install-methods/downloading-files.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8d0ebecd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/install-methods/downloading-files.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 18670 -->
+ <sect1 id="downloading-files">
+ <title>Fitxategiak Debian Ispiluetatik Deskargatzen</title>
+Gertuen dagoen (eta ziurrenik azkarren) Ispilua bilatzeko begirtatu:
+<ulink url="&url-debian-mirrors;">Debian ispilu zerrenda</ulink>.
+Fitxategiak Debian zerbitzaritik deskargatzerakoan, ziurtatu
+fitxategiak <emphasis>binary</emphasis> moduan deskargatzen dituzula,
+ez testu edo automatiko moduan.
+ <sect2 id="where-files">
+ <title>Non bilatu Instalazio Irudiak</title>
+Instalazio irudiak Debian ispilu bakoitzeko karpeta honetan daude:
+<ulink url="&url-debian-installer;/images">debian/dists/&releasename;/main/installer-&architecture;/current/images/</ulink>
+-- <ulink url="&url-debian-installer;/images/MANIFEST">MANIFEST</ulink>
+fitxategiak irudi bakoitza eta bere erabilpena zerrendatzen ditu.
+ </sect2>
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/install-methods/floppy/i386.xml b/eu/install-methods/floppy/i386.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1ea55234b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/install-methods/floppy/i386.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 14602 untranslated -->
+<!-- This is not set off for i386 only, because many people will have -->
+<!-- access to a PC in order to make a floppy for other arches. -->
+ <sect2><title>Writing Disk Images From DOS, Windows, or OS/2</title>
+<para condition="workaround-bug-99926">
+If you have access to an i386 machine, you can use one of the
+following programs to copy images to floppies.
+<!-- links from 99926 info -->
+</para><para condition="workaround-bug-99926">
+The FDVOL, WrtDsk or RaWrite3 programs can be used under MS-DOS.
+</para><para condition="workaround-bug-99926">
+<ulink url="">
+</para><para condition="workaround-bug-99926">
+To use these programs, first make sure that you are booted into
+DOS. Trying to use these programs from within a DOS box in Windows, or
+double-clicking on these programs from the Windows Explorer is
+<emphasis>not</emphasis> expected to work. If you don't know how to
+boot into DOS, just hit <keycap>F8</keycap> while booting.
+<command>NTRawrite</command> is a freeware contemporary version of
+<command>Rawrite/Rawrite3</command> that is compatible with WinNT and
+Win2K. It is a self-explanatory GUI application; you select the disk
+drive to write to, browse to the disk image you want to place there
+and hit the Write button.
+<ulink url=""></ulink>
+These tools can be also found on the Official Debian CD-ROMs under the
+<filename>/tools</filename> directory.
+ </sect2>
diff --git a/eu/install-methods/floppy/m68k.xml b/eu/install-methods/floppy/m68k.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0f6c7527b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/install-methods/floppy/m68k.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+ <sect2 arch="m68k"><title>Writing Disk Images on Atari Systems</title>
+You'll find the &rawwrite.ttp; program in the same directory as the
+floppy disk images. Start the program by double clicking on the
+program icon, and type in the name of the floppy image file you want
+written to the floppy at the TOS program command line dialog box.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="m68k"><title>Writing Disk Images on Macintosh Systems</title>
+There is no MacOS application to write the
+<filename>mac/images-1.44/rescue.bin</filename> and
+<filename>mac/images-1.44/driver.bin</filename> images to floppy disks
+(and there would be no point in doing this as you can't use these
+floppies to boot the installation system or install kernel and modules
+from on Macintosh). However, these files are needed for the
+installation of the operating system and modules, later in the
+ </sect2>
diff --git a/eu/install-methods/floppy/powerpc.xml b/eu/install-methods/floppy/powerpc.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..adc4055da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/install-methods/floppy/powerpc.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+ <sect2 arch="powerpc"><title>Writing Disk Images From MacOS</title>
+An AppleScript, <application>Make Debian Floppy</application>, is
+available for burning floppies from the provided disk image files. It
+can be downloaded from
+<ulink url=""></ulink>. To
+use it, just unstuff it on your desktop, and then drag any floppy
+image file to it. You must have Applescript installed and enabled in
+your extensions manager. Disk Copy will ask you to confirm that you
+wish to erase the floppy and proceed to write the file image to it.
+You can also use the MacOS utility <command>Disk Copy</command>
+directly, or the freeware utility <command>suntar</command>. The
+<filename>root.bin</filename> file is an example of a floppy
+image. Use one of the following methods to create a floppy from the
+floppy image with these utilities.
+ <sect3>
+ <title>Writing Disk Images with <command>Disk Copy</command></title>
+If you are creating the floppy image from files which were originally
+on the official &debian; CD, then the Type and Creator are already set
+correctly. The following <command>Creator-Changer</command> steps are
+only necessary if you downloaded the image files from a Debian mirror.
+<ulink url="&url-powerpc-creator-changer;">Creator-Changer</ulink>
+and use it to open the <filename>root.bin</filename> file.
+Change the Creator to <userinput>ddsk</userinput> (Disk Copy), and the
+Type to <userinput>DDim</userinput> (binary floppy image). The case is
+sensitive for these fields.
+<emphasis>Important:</emphasis> In the Finder, use <userinput>Get
+Info</userinput> to display the Finder information about the floppy
+image, and `X' the <userinput>File Locked</userinput> check box so
+that MacOS will be unable to remove the boot blocks if the image is
+accidentally mounted.
+ <listitem><para>
+Obtain <command>Disk Copy</command>; if you have a MacOS system or CD it
+will very likely be there already, otherwise try
+<ulink url="&url-powerpc-diskcopy;"></ulink>.
+Run <command>Disk Copy</command>, and select `Make a Floppy' from the
+<userinput>Utilities</userinput> menu, then select the
+<emphasis>locked</emphasis> image file from the resulting dialog. It
+will ask you to insert a floppy, then ask if you really want to erase
+it. When done it should eject the floppy.
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3>
+ <title>Writing Disk Images with <command>suntar</command></title>
+Obtain <command>suntar</command> from <ulink url="&url-powerpc-suntar;">
+</ulink>. Start the <command>suntar</command> program and select
+`Overwrite Sectors...' from the <userinput>Special</userinput> menu.
+Insert the floppy disk as requested, then hit &enterkey; (start at
+sector 0).
+Select the <filename>root.bin</filename> file in the file-opening dialog.
+After the floppy has been created successfully, select `Eject' from
+the <userinput>File</userinput> menu. If there are any errors writing
+the floppy, simply toss that floppy and try another.
+Before using the floppy you created, <emphasis>set the write protect
+tab</emphasis>! Otherwise if you accidentally mount it in MacOS,
+MacOS will helpfully ruin it.
+ </sect3>
+ </sect2>
diff --git a/eu/install-methods/install-methods.xml b/eu/install-methods/install-methods.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4384df302
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/install-methods/install-methods.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- Original version: 11648 -->
+<chapter id="install-methods">
+ <title>Sistema Instalatzeko Medioa Eskuratzen</title>
diff --git a/eu/install-methods/install-tftp.xml b/eu/install-methods/install-tftp.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ddb86ec70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/install-methods/install-tftp.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 16879 untranslated -->
+ <sect1 condition="supports-tftp" id="install-tftp">
+ <title>Preparing Files for TFTP Net Booting</title>
+If your machine is connected to a local area network, you may be able
+to boot it over the network from another machine, using TFTP. If you
+intend to boot the installation system from another machine, the
+boot files will need to be placed in specific locations on that machine,
+and the machine configured to support booting of your specific machine.
+You need to setup a TFTP server, and for CATS machines, a BOOTP server
+<phrase condition="supports-rarp">, or RARP server</phrase>
+<phrase condition="supports-dhcp">, or DHCP server</phrase>.
+<phrase condition="supports-rarp">The Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) is
+one way to tell your client what IP address to use for itself. Another
+way is to use the BOOTP protocol. </phrase>
+<phrase condition="supports-bootp">BOOTP is an IP protocol that
+informs a computer of its IP address and where on the network to obtain
+a boot image. </phrase>
+<phrase arch="m68k"> Yet another alternative exists on VMEbus
+systems: the IP address can be manually configured in boot ROM. </phrase>
+<phrase condition="supports-dhcp">The DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration
+Protocol) is a more flexible, backwards-compatible extension of BOOTP.
+Some systems can only be configured via DHCP. </phrase>
+</para><para arch="powerpc">
+For PowerPC, if you have a NewWorld Power Macintosh machine, it is a
+good idea to use DHCP instead of BOOTP. Some of the latest machines
+are unable to boot using BOOTP.
+</para><para arch="alpha">
+Unlike the Open Firmware found on Sparc and PowerPC machines, the SRM
+console will <emphasis>not</emphasis> use RARP to obtain its IP
+address, and therefore you must use BOOTP for net booting your Alpha.
+You can also enter the IP configuration for network interfaces
+directly in the SRM console.
+Alpha systems can also be net-booted using the DECNet MOP (Maintenance
+Operations Protocol), but this is not covered here. Presumably, your
+local OpenVMS operator will be happy to assist you should you have
+some burning need to use MOP to boot Linux on your Alpha.
+</footnote></para><para arch="hppa">
+Some older HPPA machines (e.g. 715/75) use RBOOTD rather than BOOTP.
+An RBOOTD package is available on the parisc-linux web site.
+The Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) is used to serve the boot
+image to the client. Theoretically, any server, on any platform,
+which implements these protocols, may be used. In the examples in
+this section, we shall provide commands for SunOS 4.x, SunOS 5.x
+(a.k.a. Solaris), and GNU/Linux.
+ <sect2 id="tftpd">
+ <title>Enabling the TFTP Server</title>
+To get the TFTP server ready to go, you should first make sure that
+<command>tftpd</command> is enabled. This is usually enabled by having
+something like the following line in <filename>/etc/inetd.conf</filename>:
+tftp dgram udp wait nobody /usr/sbin/tcpd in.tftpd /tftpboot
+Debian packages will in general set this up correctly by default when they
+are installed.
+Look in that file and remember the directory which is used as the
+argument of <command>in.tftpd</command>; you'll need that below. The
+<userinput>-l</userinput> argument enables some versions of
+<command>in.tftpd</command> to log all requests to the system logs;
+this is useful for diagnosing boot errors. If you've had to change
+<filename>/etc/inetd.conf</filename>, you'll have to notify the
+running <command>inetd</command> process that the file has changed.
+On a Debian machine, run <userinput>/etc/init.d/inetd
+reload</userinput>; on other machines,
+find out the process ID for <command>inetd</command>, and run
+<userinput>kill -HUP <replaceable>inetd-pid</replaceable></userinput>.
+</para><note arch="i386"><para>
+To use the Pre-boot Execution Environment (PXE) method of TFTP
+booting, you will need a TFTP server with <userinput>tsize</userinput>
+support. On a &debian; server, the <classname>atftpd</classname> and
+<classname>tftpd-hpa</classname> packages qualify.
+</para></note><para arch="mips">
+If your TFTP server is a GNU/Linux box running Linux 2.4.X you'll need
+to set the following on your server:
+echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_no_pmtu_disc
+to turn off Path MTU discovery, otherwise the Indy's PROM can't
+download the kernel. Furthermore, make sure TFTP packets are sent from
+a source port no greater than 32767, or the download will stall after
+the first packet. Again, it's Linux 2.4.X tripping this bug in the
+PROM, and you can avoid it by setting
+echo "2048 32767" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range
+to adjust the range of source ports the Linux TFTP server uses.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 id="tftp-images">
+ <title>Move TFTP Images Into Place</title>
+Next, place the TFTP boot image you need, as found in
+<xref linkend="where-files"/>, in the <command>tftpd</command>
+boot image directory. Generally, this directory will be
+<filename>/tftpboot</filename>. You'll have to make a link from that
+file to the file which <command>tftpd</command> will use for booting a
+particular client. Unfortunately, the file name is determined by the
+TFTP client, and there are no strong standards.
+</para><para arch="powerpc">
+On NewWorld Power Macintosh machines, you will need to set up the
+<command>yaboot</command> boot loader as the TFTP boot image.
+<command>Yaboot</command> will then retrieve the kernel and RAMdisk
+images via TFTP itself. For net booting, use the
+<filename>yaboot-netboot.conf</filename>. Just rename this to
+<filename>yaboot.conf</filename> in the TFTP directory.
+</para><para arch="not-powerpc">
+Often, the file that the TFTP client will look for is
+<replaceable>client-ip-in-hexclient-architecture</replaceable>. To
+compute <replaceable>client-ip-in-hex</replaceable>, take each byte of
+the client IP address and translate it into hexadecimal notation. If
+you have a machine handy with the <command>bc</command> program, you
+can use the program. First issue the <userinput>obase=16</userinput>
+command to set the output to hex, then enter the individual components
+of the client IP one at a time. As for
+<replaceable>client-architecture</replaceable>, try out some values.
+</para><para arch="i386">
+For PXE booting, you can use the boot loader included with
+<classname>syslinux</classname>: <filename>pxelinux.0</filename>. The boot
+loader should be copied into the <filename>/tftpboot</filename>
+folder. Then create a subdirectory within
+<filename>/tftpboot</filename> named
+<filename>/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg</filename>, and within that directory
+create a text file <filename>default</filename>. Here is an example of
+a <filename>default</filename> file's contents:
+default lanlinux
+prompt 1
+label lanlinux
+ kernel vmlinuz
+ append initrd=initrd.gz devfs=mount root=/dev/ram
+<userinput>devfs=mount</userinput> is important, because without it
+there may be problems mounting the initrd.gz file system once the
+kernel is booted.
+</para><para arch="i386">
+Finally, copy the <filename>vmlinuz</filename> and
+<filename>initrd.gz</filename> files (for the netboot installation method)
+from the Debian ftp archive into the <filename>/tftpboot</filename> folder,
+where the bootloader will be looking for them.
+ <sect3 arch="mipsel">
+ <title>DECstation TFTP Images</title>
+For DECstations, there are tftpimage files for each subarchitecture,
+which contain both kernel and installer in one file. The naming
+convention is tftpimage-<replaceable>subarchitecture</replaceable> or
+tftpimage-<replaceable>subarchitecture</replaceable>.gz. If the
+tftpimage is gzipped (the name ends with .gz), you need to unpack it
+first with <userinput>gunzip
+as DECstations cannot boot compressed files by TFTP. Copy the
+tftpimage file you would like to use to
+<userinput>/tftpboot/tftpboot.img</userinput> if you work with the
+example BOOTP/DHCP setups described above.
+The DECstation firmware boots by TFTP with the command <userinput>boot
+<replaceable>#</replaceable>/tftp</userinput>, where
+<replaceable>#</replaceable> is the number of the TurboChannel device
+from which to boot. On most DECstations this is "3". If the
+BOOTP/DHCP server does not supply the filename or you need to pass
+additional parameters, they can optionally be appended with the
+following syntax:
+<userinput>boot #/tftp/filename param1=value1 param2=value2 ...</userinput>
+Several DECstation firmware revisions show a problem with regard to
+net booting: the transfer starts, but after some time it stops with
+an <computeroutput>a.out err</computeroutput>. This can have several reasons:
+The firmware does not respond to ARP requests during a TFTP
+transfer. This leads to an ARP timeout and the transfer stops. The
+solution is to add the MAC address of the Ethernet card in the
+DECstation statically to the ARP table of the TFTP server. This is
+done by running <userinput>arp -s
+<replaceable>MAC-address</replaceable></userinput> as root on the
+machine acting as TFTP server. The MAC-address of the DECstation can
+be read out by entering <command>cnfg</command> at the DECstation
+firmware prompt.
+The firmware has a size limit on the files that can be booted
+by TFTP.
+There are also firmware revisions that cannot boot via TFTP at all. An
+overview about the different firmware revisions can be found at the
+NetBSD web pages:
+<ulink url=""></ulink>.
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3 arch="alpha">
+ <title>Alpha TFTP Booting</title>
+On Alpha, you must specify the filename (as a relative path to the
+boot image directory) using the <userinput>-file</userinput> argument
+to the SRM <userinput>boot</userinput> command, or by setting the
+<userinput>BOOT_FILE</userinput> environment variable. Alternatively,
+the filename can be given via BOOTP (in ISC <command>dhcpd</command>,
+use the <userinput>filename</userinput> directive). Unlike Open
+Firmware, there is <emphasis>no default filename</emphasis> on SRM, so
+you <emphasis>must</emphasis> specify a filename by either one of
+these methods.
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3 arch="sparc">
+ <title>SPARC TFTP Booting</title>
+SPARC architectures for instance use the subarchitecture names, such
+as ``SUN4M'' or ``SUN4C''; in some cases, the architecture is left
+blank, so the file the client looks for is just
+<filename>client-ip-in-hex</filename>. Thus, if your system
+subarchitecture is a SUN4C, and its IP is, the filename
+would be <filename>C0A80103.SUN4C</filename>.
+You can also force some sparc systems to look for a specific file name
+by adding it to the end of the OpenPROM boot command, such as
+<userinput>boot net my-sparc.image</userinput>. This must still reside
+in the directory that the TFTP server looks in.
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3 arch="m68k">
+ <title>BVM/Motorola TFTP Booting</title>
+For BVM and Motorola VMEbus systems copy the files
+&bvme6000-tftp-files; to <filename>/tftpboot/</filename>.
+Next, configure your boot ROMs or BOOTP server to initially load the
+<filename>tftplilo.bvme</filename> or
+<filename>tftplilo.mvme</filename> files from the TFTP server. Refer
+to the <filename>tftplilo.txt</filename> file for your subarchitecture
+for additional system-specific configuration information.
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3 arch="mips">
+ <title>SGI Indys TFTP Booting</title>
+On SGI Indys you can rely on the <command>bootpd</command> to supply
+the name of the TFTP file. It is given either as the
+<userinput>bf=</userinput> in <filename>/etc/bootptab</filename> or as
+the <userinput>filename=</userinput> option in
+ </sect3>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 id="tftp-low-memory">
+ <title>TFTP Installation for Low-Memory Systems</title>
+On some systems, the standard installation RAMdisk, combined with the
+memory requirements of the TFTP boot image, cannot fit in memory. In
+this case, you can still install using TFTP, you'll just have to go
+through the additional step of NFS mounting your root directory over
+the network as well. This type of setup is also appropriate for
+diskless or dataless clients.
+First, follow all the steps above in <xref linkend="install-tftp"/>.
+Copy the Linux kernel image on your TFTP server using the
+<userinput>a.out</userinput> image for the architecture you are
+Untar the root archive on your NFS server (can be the same system as
+your TFTP server):
+# cd /tftpboot
+# tar xvzf root.tar.gz
+Be sure to use the GNU <command>tar</command> (other tar programs, like the
+SunOS one, badly handle devices as plain files).
+Export your <filename>/tftpboot/debian-sparc-root</filename> directory
+with root access to your client. E.g., add the following line to
+<filename>/etc/exports</filename> (GNU/Linux syntax, should be similar
+for SunOS):
+/tftpboot/debian-sparc-root client(rw,no_root_squash)
+NOTE: "client" is the host name or IP address recognized by the server for
+the system you are booting.
+Create a symbolic link from your client IP address in dotted notation
+to <filename>debian-sparc-root</filename> in the
+<filename>/tftpboot</filename> directory. For example, if the client
+IP address is, do
+# ln -s debian-sparc-root
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 condition="supports-nfsroot">
+ <title>Installing with TFTP and NFS Root</title>
+Installing with TFTP and NFS Root is similar to
+<xref linkend="tftp-low-memory"/> because you don't want to
+load the RAMdisk anymore but boot from the newly created NFS-root file
+system. You then need to replace the symlink to the tftpboot image by
+a symlink to the kernel image (for example,
+RARP/TFTP requires all daemons to be running on the same server (the
+workstation is sending a TFTP request back to the server that replied
+to its previous RARP request).
+ </sect2>
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/install-methods/ipl-tape.xml b/eu/install-methods/ipl-tape.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7f57a93af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/install-methods/ipl-tape.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+ <sect1 arch="s390" id="ipl-tape">
+ <title>Creating an IPL tape</title>
+If you can't boot (IPL) from the CD-ROM and you are not using VM
+you need to create an IPL tape first. This is described in section
+3.4.3 in the
+<ulink url="">
+Linux for IBM eServer zSeries and S/390: Distributions</ulink>
+Redbook. The files you
+need to write to the tape are (in this order):
+<filename>initrd.debian</filename> and optionally a second
+initrd with the OCO modules. The first three files can be downloaded
+from the <filename>tape</filename> sub-directory, see
+<xref linkend="where-files"/>,
+<para condition="FIXME">
+<emphasis>FIXME: talk more about the second initrd</emphasis>
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/install-methods/official-cdrom.xml b/eu/install-methods/official-cdrom.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5c44ed425
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/install-methods/official-cdrom.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 14388 untranslated -->
+ <sect1 id="official-cdrom">
+ <title>Official &debian; CD-ROM Sets</title>
+By far the easiest way to install &debian; is from an Official
+Debian CD-ROM Set (see the
+<ulink url="&url-debian-cd-vendors;">CD vendors page</ulink>).
+You may also download the CD-ROM images from a Debian mirror and make
+your own set, if you have a fast network connection and a CD burner
+(see the
+<ulink url="&url-debian-cd;">Debian CD page</ulink> for
+detailed instructions). If you have a Debian CD set and CDs are
+bootable on your machine, you can skip right to
+<xref linkend="boot-installer"/>; much effort has been expended to ensure
+the files most people need are there on the CD. Although a full set of
+binary packages requires several CDs, it is unlikely you will need
+packages on the third CD and above. You may also consider using the
+DVD version, which saves a lot of space on your shelf and you avoid
+the CD shuffling marathon.
+If your machine doesn't support CD booting, but you do have a CD set,
+you can use an alternative strategy such as
+<phrase condition="supports-floppy-boot">floppy disk,</phrase>
+<phrase arch="s390">tape, emulated tape,</phrase>
+<phrase condition="bootable-disk">hard disk,</phrase>
+<phrase condition="bootable-usb">usb stick,</phrase>
+<phrase condition="supports-tftp">net boot,</phrase>
+or manually loading the kernel from the CD to initially boot the
+system installer. The files you need for booting by another means are
+also on the CD; the Debian network archive and CD folder organization
+are identical. So when archive file paths are given below for
+particular files you need for booting, look for those files in the
+same directories and subdirectories on your CD.
+Once the installer is booted, it will be able to obtain all the other
+files it needs from the CD.
+If you don't have a CD set, then you will need to download the
+installer system files and place them on the
+<phrase arch="s390">installation tape</phrase>
+<phrase condition="supports-floppy-boot">floppy disk or</phrase>
+<phrase condition="bootable-disk">hard disk or</phrase>
+<phrase condition="bootable-usb">usb stick or</phrase>
+<phrase condition="supports-tftp">a connected computer</phrase>
+so they can be used to boot the installer.
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/install-methods/tftp/bootp.xml b/eu/install-methods/tftp/bootp.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1b0df1d95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/install-methods/tftp/bootp.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 16879 untranslated -->
+ <sect2 condition="supports-bootp" id="tftp-bootp">
+ <title>Setting up BOOTP server</title>
+There are two BOOTP servers available for GNU/Linux, the CMU
+<command>bootpd</command> and the other is actually a DHCP server, ISC
+<command>dhcpd</command>, which are contained in the
+<classname>bootp</classname> and <classname>dhcp</classname> packages
+in &debian;.
+To use CMU <command>bootpd</command>, you must first uncomment (or
+add) the relevant line in <filename>/etc/inetd.conf</filename>. On
+&debian;, you can run <userinput>update-inetd --enable
+bootps</userinput>, then <userinput>/etc/init.d/inetd
+reload</userinput> to do so. Elsewhere, the line in question should
+look like:
+bootps dgram udp wait root /usr/sbin/bootpd bootpd -i -t 120
+Now, you must create an <filename>/etc/bootptab</filename> file. This
+has the same sort of familiar and cryptic format as the good old BSD
+<filename>printcap</filename>, <filename>termcap</filename>, and
+<filename>disktab</filename> files. See the
+<filename>bootptab</filename> manual page for more information. For
+CMU <command>bootpd</command>, you will need to know the hardware
+(MAC) address of the client. Here is an example
+ hd=/tftpboot:\
+ bf=tftpboot.img:\
+ ip=\
+ sm=\
+ sa=\
+ ha=0123456789AB:
+You will need to change at least the "ha" option, which specifies the
+hardware address of the client. The "bf" option specifies the file a
+client should retrieve via TFTP; see
+<xref linkend="tftp-images"/> for more details.
+<phrase arch="mips">
+On SGI Indys you can just enter the command monitor and type
+<userinput>printenv</userinput>. The value of the
+<userinput>eaddr</userinput> variable is the machine's MAC address.
+By contrast, setting up BOOTP with ISC <command>dhcpd</command> is
+really easy, because it treats BOOTP clients as a moderately special
+case of DHCP clients. Some architectures require a complex
+configuration for booting clients via BOOTP. If yours is one of
+those, read the section <xref linkend="dhcpd"/>. Otherwise, you
+will probably be able to get away with simply adding the
+<userinput>allow bootp</userinput> directive to the configuration
+block for the subnet containing the client, and restart
+<command>dhcpd</command> with <userinput>/etc/init.d/dhcpd
+ </sect2>
diff --git a/eu/install-methods/tftp/dhcp.xml b/eu/install-methods/tftp/dhcp.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a6ba6286e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/install-methods/tftp/dhcp.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 16879 untranslated -->
+ <sect2 condition="supports-dhcp" id="dhcpd">
+ <title>Setting up a DHCP server</title>
+At the time of this writing, there is only one DHCP server which is
+free software, namely ISC <command>dhcpd</command>. In &debian;, this
+is available in the <classname>dhcp</classname> package. Here is a
+sample configuration file for it (usually
+option domain-name "";
+option domain-name-servers;
+option subnet-mask;
+default-lease-time 600;
+max-lease-time 7200;
+server-name "servername";
+subnet netmask {
+ range;
+ option routers;
+host clientname {
+ filename "/tftpboot/tftpboot.img";
+ server-name "servername";
+ next-server servername;
+ hardware ethernet 01:23:45:67:89:AB;
+ fixed-address;
+Note: the new (and preferred) <classname>dhcp3</classname> package uses
+In this example, there is one server
+<replaceable>"servername"</replaceable> which performs all of the work
+of DHCP, server, TFTP server, and network gateway. You will almost
+certainly need to change the domain-name options, as well as the
+server name and client hardware address. The
+<replaceable>"filename"</replaceable> option should be the name of the
+file which will be retrieved via TFTP.
+After you have edited the <command>dhcpd</command> configuration file,
+restart it with <userinput>/etc/init.d/dhcpd restart</userinput>.
+ <sect3 arch="i386">
+ <title>PXE Booting</title>
+Here is another example for a <filename>dhcp.conf</filename> using the
+Pre-boot Execution Environment (PXE) method of TFTP.
+option domain-name "";
+default-lease-time 6048;
+max-lease-time 604800;
+allow booting;
+allow bootp;
+# The next paragraph needs to be modified to fit your case
+subnet netmask {
+ range;
+ option subnet-mask;
+ option broadcast-address;
+# the gateway address which can be different
+# (access to the internet for instance)
+ option routers;
+# indicate the dns you want to use
+ option domain-name-servers;
+host tftpserver {
+# tftp server ip address
+ fixed-address;
+# tftp server hardware address
+ hardware ethernet 01:23:45:67:89:AB;
+group {
+ next-server;
+ host tftpclient {
+# tftp client hardware address
+ hardware ethernet 00:10:DC:27:6C:15;
+ filename "/tftpboot/pxelinux.0";
+ }
+Note that for PXE booting, the client filename <filename>pxelinux.0</filename>
+is a boot loader, not a kernel image (see <xref linkend="tftp-images"/>
+ </sect3>
+ </sect2>
diff --git a/eu/install-methods/tftp/rarp.xml b/eu/install-methods/tftp/rarp.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..26f2b681a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/install-methods/tftp/rarp.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 15652 untranslated -->
+ <sect2 condition="supports-rarp" id="tftp-rarp">
+ <title>Setting up RARP server</title>
+To setup RARP, you need to know the Ethernet address (a.k.a. the MAC address)
+of the client computers to be installed.
+If you don't know this information, you can
+<phrase arch="sparc"> pick it off the initial OpenPROM boot messages, use the
+OpenBoot <userinput>.enet-addr</userinput> command, or </phrase>
+boot into ``Rescue'' mode (e.g., from the rescue floppy) and use the
+command <userinput>/sbin/ifconfig eth0</userinput>.
+On a RARP server system using a Linux 2.2.x kernel,
+you need to populate the kernel's RARP table.
+To do this, run the following commands:
+<userinput>/sbin/rarp -s
+<userinput>/usr/sbin/arp -s
+If you get
+SIOCSRARP: Invalid argument
+you probably need to load the RARP kernel module or else recompile the
+kernel to support RARP. Try <userinput>modprobe rarp</userinput> and
+then try the <command>rarp</command> command again.
+On a RARP server system using a Linux 2.4.x kernel,
+there is no RARP module, and
+you should instead use the <command>rarpd</command> program. The
+procedure is similar to that used under SunOS in the following
+Under SunOS, you need to ensure that the Ethernet hardware address for
+the client is listed in the ``ethers'' database (either in the
+<filename>/etc/ethers</filename> file, or via NIS/NIS+) and in the
+``hosts'' database. Then you need to start the RARP daemon. In SunOS
+4, issue the command (as root):
+<userinput>/usr/etc/rarpd -a</userinput>; in SunOS 5, use
+<userinput>/usr/sbin/rarpd -a</userinput>.
+ </sect2>
diff --git a/eu/partitioning/device-names.xml b/eu/partitioning/device-names.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7e32db30d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/partitioning/device-names.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 18767 -->
+ <sect1 id="device-names">
+ <title>Gailuen izenak Linuxen</title>
+Linuxen, disken eta partizioen izenak beste sistema eragile batzuetan
+erabiltzen direnen ezberdinak izan daitezke. Partizioak sortu eta
+muntatzean Linuxek erabiltzen dituen izenak jakitea beharrezkoa
+da. Hona izendaketarako oinarrizko eskema:
+<itemizedlist arch="not-s390">
+Diska malguaren lehen unitateari <filename>/dev/fd0</filename> deritzaio.
+Diska malguaren bigarren unitateari <filename>/dev/fd1</filename> deritzaio.
+SCSI diskaren(SCSI address-wise nortasuna) lehen unitatea
+<filename>/dev/sda</filename> da.
+SCSI diskaren(adress-wise) bigarren unitatea, aldiz, <filename>/dev/sdb</filename>, eta horrela darrai.
+SCSI CD-ROM baten lehen unitateari <filename>/dev/scd0</filename> deritzaio, eta
+<filename>/dev/sr0</filename> izenez ere ezaguna da.
+Lehen mailako IDE kontrolagailuaren diska nagusia <filename>/dev/hda</filename>
+Lehen mailako IDE kontrolagailuaren menpeko diska <filename>/dev/hdb</filename>
+izendatzen da.
+Bigarren mailako IDE kontrolagailuaren diska nagusi eta menpekoaren ohiko izenak <filename>/dev/hdc</filename> eta <filename>/dev/hdd</filename>,
+dira hurrenez-hurren. IDE kontrolagailu berriek irakurketarako bi kate izan ditzakete, bi kontrolagailuren gisara eraginkorki jokatzen.
+<phrase arch="m68k">
+Partizioen hizkiak eta mac-erako pdisk programak erakusten dituenak ezberdinak izan daitezke (adb., pdiskek <filename>/dev/hdc</filename> eran ematen duena Debianen <filename>/dev/hda</filename> da).
+<listitem arch="i386"><para>
+Lehen XT diskaren izena <filename>/dev/xda</filename> da.
+<listitem arch="i386"><para>
+Bigarren XT diskaren izena <filename>/dev/xdb</filename> da.
+<listitem arch="m68k"><para>
+Lehen ACSI unitateari <filename>/dev/ada</filename> deritzaio, eta
+bigarrenari <filename>/dev/adb</filename>.
+<itemizedlist arch="s390">
+Lehen DASD gailua <filename>/dev/dasda/</filename>da
+Bigarren DASD gailua
+<filename>/dev/dasdb</filename>, fa, eta horrela jarraitzen du.
+<para arch="not-s390">
+Diska bakoitzeko partizioak adierazteko diskaren izenari zenbaki hamartar bat
+gehitzen zaio: <filename>sda1</filename> eta
+<filename>sda2</filename> izenen bitartez sistemako SCSI diskaren lehen
+unitateko lehen eta bigarren partizioak adierazten dira.
+</para><para arch="not-s390">
+Hona hemen bizitza errealeko adibide bat. Suposa dezagun bi SCSI diskadun
+sistema bat daukazula, bata SCSI 2 helbidean eta bestea SCSI 4ean.
+Lehen diska (2 helbidea) ondorioz, <filename>sda</filename> izendatzen
+da, eta bigarrena <filename>sdb</filename>. <filename>sda</filename> gailuak
+barnean 3 partizio baditu, hauen izenak <filename>sda1</filename>, <filename>sda2</filename>
+eta <filename>sda3</filename> izanen dira, hurrenez hurren. Arau bera erabiliz
+ditugu <filename>sdb</filename> diska eta honen partizioak.
+</para><para arch="not-s390">
+Ohar zaitez zuk bi SCSI kontrolagailu izanez gero, bi gailuon ordenak
+nahasteren bat edo beste sorrarazi dezakela. Irtenbide egokiena kasu
+honetan sistemaren abioko oharrak aztertzea da, baldin eta gailu motak
+eta/edo ezaugarriak ezagutzen badituzu.
+</para><para arch="i386">
+Linuxek lehen mailako partizioa gailuaren izenari 1etik 4rako zenbaki bat
+gehituz izendatzen du. Esaterako, lehen IDE unitateko lehen partizioa
+<filename>/dev/hda1</filename> da. Partizio lojikoei 5 zenbakitik aurrerako
+zenbakiak ezartzen zaizkie, beraz, lehen partizio lojikoa diska berean
+<filename>/dev/hda5</filename> da. Gogoratu partizio hedatua, hau da,
+partizio lojikoak dauzkan lehen mailako partizioa, ezin daitekeela bakarrik
+erabili. Arau hau SCSI disketan bezala IDEetan ere betetzen da.
+</para><para arch="m68k">
+SCSI TEAC FC-1 diska malguaren unitateak VMEbus sistema darabilenean
+SCSI diska arrunta bezala ikusiko da. Gailu honen nortasuna era erraz
+batean jakiteko, instalaketarako programak gailu egokira lotura bat
+sortuko du eta <filename>/dev/sfd0</filename> helbidean kokatuko du.
+</para><para arch="sparc">
+Sun disken partizioek 8 partizio banatu (edo xerra) baimentzen dituzte.
+Hirugarren partizioa ``Diska Osoa''ren partizio gisa zehaztea gomendatzen
+da eta honela egon ohi da. Partizio honek diskaren atal guztiei egiten
+die erreferentzia, eta sistema abiarazteko ardura duenak (SILO, edo
+Sunenak) erabiltzen du.
+</para><para arch="s390">
+Diska bakiotzeko partizioak gailuaren izenari dezimal bat geituz ezagutaratzen dira. <filename>dasda1</filename> eta
+<filename>dasda2</filename> zure sistemako lehen DASD gailuaren lehen bi partizioak errepresentazten dituzte.
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/partitioning/partition-programs.xml b/eu/partitioning/partition-programs.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..51a8923e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/partitioning/partition-programs.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 -->
+ <sect1 id="partition-programs">
+ <title>Debianen partizioak sortzeko programak</title>
+Partizioak sortzeko programa ugari egokitu dituzte Debianen garatzaileek,
+honela Debianek jasaten dituen arkitektura ezberdindun diska gogor ugaritan
+lan egitea lortuz. Ondoren zure arkitekturari aplikatu ahal zaizkion
+programen zerrenda bat dator.
+Debianen partizio tresna gomendatua. Programa honek gauza anitzetarako
+balio du, hala nola <phrase arch="i386"> (<quote>formatudun</quote>) </phrase>
+fitxategi sistemak sortu eta norberaren muntaia puntuei egokitzeko.
+<varlistentry condition="fdisk.txt">
+ Linuxen disken partizioak egiteko oinarrizko tresna da, oso
+iaioak direnek soilik erabili ohi dutena. Mesedez, ez ahaztu
+<ulink url="fdisk.txt">fdisken laguntza</ulink> irakurtzea.
+Zure konputagailuan FreeBSD partizio bat baduzu, arretaz ihardun.
+Instalatutako nukleoek partizio mota hau jasaten dute, baina
+<command>fdisk</command>ek adierazten duen era ezberdina izan daiteke
+(edo ez). Gehiago jakiteko, aztertu <ulink url="&url-linux-freebsd;">Linux+FreeBSD HOWTO</ulink>.
+<varlistentry condition="cfdisk.txt">
+Partizioak leiho betean sortzeko tresna erabilterraza. Erabiltzaile
+gehienentzat gomendatua. Aztertu <ulink url="cfdisk.txt">cfdisken laguntza</ulink>.
+Kontutan izan <command>cfdisk</command>ek ez dituela FreeBSD erako
+partizioak ezagutzen, eta ageriko diren gailuak izatez dituzunen
+ezberdinak izateko aukera dago.
+<varlistentry condition="atari-fdisk.txt">
+Atarirako <command>fdisk</command>en bertsioa; irakurri
+<ulink url="atari-fdisk.txt">atari-fdisken laguntza gaiak</ulink>.
+<varlistentry condition="amiga-fdisk.txt">
+Amigarako <command>fdisk</command>en bertsioa; irakurri
+<ulink url="amiga-fdisk.txt">amiga-fdisken laguntza gaiak</ulink>.
+<varlistentry condition="mac-fdisk.txt">
+Macerako <command>fdisk</command>en bertsioa; irakurri
+<ulink url="mac-fdisk.txt">mac-fdisken laguntza gaiak</ulink>.
+<varlistentry condition="pmac-fdisk.txt">
+PowerMacerako <command>fdisk</command>en bertsioa, BVM eta
+Motorola VMEbus sistemek ere darabiltena; irakurri
+<ulink url="pmac-fdisk.txt">pmac-fdisken laguntza gaiak</ulink>.
+<varlistentry condition="fdasd.txt">
+&arch-title;(e)rako <command>fdisk</command>en bertsioa; irakurri
+<ulink url="fdasd.txt">fdasden laguntza gaiak</ulink> edo
+<ulink url="">
+Gailuen kontrolagailuak eta instalaketaren komandoak</ulink> laguntzako
+hamahirugarren atala.
+Instalaketan <guimenuitem>Diska gogor baten partizioak sortu</guimenuitem>
+aukeratzean, programa hauetariko bat berez hasiko da.
+Aurrezehazturiko programa hau ez bada zuk nahi duzuna, irten
+partizio sorgailutik, zoaz aginduen interpretera (<userinput>tty2</userinput>)
+<keycap>Alt</keycap> eta <keycap>F2</keycap> teklak batera sakatuz, eta
+idatzi erabili nahi duzun programaren izena (eta argumentuak, baldin
+badaude). Ondoren, utzi <guimenuitem>Diska gogor baten partizioak sortu</guimenuitem>
+pausua <command>debian-installer</command>en eta jarraitu hurrengoarekin.
+Zure IDE diskan 20 partizio baino gehiagorekin lan egin behar baduzu,
+21 partiziorako eta hurrengoetarako (baldin badaude, noski) gailuak
+sortu beharko dituzu. Hurrengo egitekoak, patizioak abiarazteak, huts
+egingo du gailuak ez badaude egoki konfiguratuta. Hemen duzu, adibide
+gisa, <userinput>tty2</userinput>n edo aginduen interpretepean
+gailu bat sortzeko erabil ditzakezun aginduen zerrenda, honela 21.
+partizioa abiarazia izan ahal dadin.
+cd /dev
+mknod hda21 b 3 21
+chgrp disk hda21
+chmod 660 hda21
+Sistema berria abiaraztean, helburu-sisteman gailuak ez badira ageri,
+arazoak izango dituzu. Nukleoa eta moduluak instalatu ondoren abiarazi:
+cd /target/dev
+mknod hda21 b 3 21
+chgrp disk hda21
+chmod 660 hda21
+</para><para arch="i386">
+Ez ahaztu partizioa ``Bootable''(abiarazgarria) gisa izendatzea.
+</para><para condition="mac-fdisk.txt">
+<ulink url="mac-fdisk.txt">mac-fdisken laguntza gaiak</ulink> partizioen
+sorreraz gehiago jakiteko. Oso garrantzitsua da elkartrukeko partizioa
+Mac disketan bere izenez ezagutua izatea, hau da, `swarp' izenez. Mac
+batetako Linuxen partizio guztiak Apple UNIX SRV2 erakoak izan behar dira.
+Arren, irakur itzazu laguntza gaiak. Gainera, <ulink url="&url-mac-fdisk-tutorial;">mac-fdisken tutoriala</ulink>
+lagungarri dakizuke, MacOS bidez diska elkarbanatzen bazabiltza jarraitu
+beharreko pausuak baitakartza.
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/partitioning/partition/alpha.xml b/eu/partitioning/partition/alpha.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a925db8ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/partitioning/partition/alpha.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+ <sect2 arch="alpha"><title>Partitioning for &arch-title;</title>
+If you have chosen to boot from the SRM console, you must use
+<command>fdisk</command> to partition your disk, as it is the only
+partitioning program that can manipulate the BSD disk labels required
+by <command>aboot</command> (remember, the SRM boot block is
+incompatible with MS-DOS partition tables - see
+<xref linkend="alpha-firmware"/>).
+<command>debian-installer</command> will run <command>fdisk</command>
+by default if you have not booted from <command>MILO</command>.
+If the disk that you have selected for partitioning already contains a
+BSD disk label, <command>fdisk</command> will default to BSD disk
+label mode. Otherwise, you must use the `b' command to enter disk
+label mode.
+Unless you wish to use the disk you are partitioning from Tru64 Unix
+or one of the free 4.4BSD-Lite derived operating systems (FreeBSD,
+OpenBSD, or NetBSD), it is suggested that you do
+<emphasis>not</emphasis> make the third partition contain the whole
+disk. This is not required by <command>aboot</command>, and in fact,
+it may lead to confusion since the <command>swriteboot</command>
+utility used to install <command>aboot</command> in the boot sector
+will complain about a partition overlapping with the boot block.
+Also, because <command>aboot</command> is written to the first few
+sectors of the disk (currently it occupies about 70 kilobytes, or 150
+sectors), you <emphasis>must</emphasis> leave enough empty space at
+the beginning of the disk for it. In the past, it was suggested that
+you make a small partition at the beginning of the disk, to be left
+unformatted. For the same reason mentioned above, we now suggest that
+you do not do this on disks that will only be used by GNU/Linux.
+For ARC installations, you should make a small FAT partition at the
+beginning of the disk to contain <command>MILO</command> and
+<command>linload.exe</command> - 5 megabytes should be sufficient, see
+<xref linkend="non-debian-partitioning"/>. Unfortunately, making FAT
+file systems from the menu is not yet supported, so you'll have to do
+it manually from the shell using <command>mkdosfs</command> before
+attempting to install the boot loader.
+ </sect2> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/eu/partitioning/partition/hppa.xml b/eu/partitioning/partition/hppa.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fdf510b2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/partitioning/partition/hppa.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+ <sect2 arch="hppa"><title>&arch-title;(e)n partizioak sortzen</title>
+PALOk, HPPAko sistema abiarazleak, <quote>F0</quote> erako partizio bat
+behar du diskaren lehen 2 GBen guneren batean. Gune honetan kokatuko dira
+sistema abiarazlea, hautazko nukleo bat eta RAM diska, beraz, behar besteko
+handia izan dadin ziurtatu: 4 Mb gutxienez (edo, hobeto, 8tik 16era bitartean).
+Firmwarearentzat beharrezko beste ezaugarri bat Linuxen nukleoa diskaren lehen
+2 GBetan egotea da. Hau lortzeko era erraz bat fitxategi sistemak diskaren
+lehen 2 GBak guztiz betez partizio bat sortzea da. Bestela, diskaren hasieran
+partizio bat sor dezakezu, <filename>/boot</filename>en muntatuz, hau baita
+Linuxen nukleoa(k) bilduko dituen helbidetegia. <filename>/boot</filename>
+behar besteko handia izan behar da, kargatu nahi dituzun nukleoak bertan kokatzeko;
+8tik 16ra MB nahikoa izaten da.
+ </sect2>
diff --git a/eu/partitioning/partition/i386.xml b/eu/partitioning/partition/i386.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1b2794b45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/partitioning/partition/i386.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+ <sect2 arch="i386"><title>Partitioning for &arch-title;</title>
+The PC BIOS generally adds additional constraints for disk
+partitioning. There is a limit to how many <quote>primary</quote> and
+<quote>logical</quote> partitions a drive can contain. Additionally, with pre
+1994-98 BIOS, there are limits to where on the drive the BIOS can boot
+from. More information can be found in the
+ <ulink url="&url-partition-howto;">Linux Partition HOWTO</ulink> and the
+<ulink url="&url-phoenix-bios-faq-large-disk;">Phoenix BIOS FAQ</ulink>, but
+this section will include a brief overview to help you plan most
+<quote>Primary</quote> partitions are the original partitioning scheme for PC
+disks. However, there can only be four of them. To get past this
+limitation, <quote>extended</quote> and <quote>logical</quote> partitions were invented. By
+setting one of your primary partitions as an extended partition, you
+can subdivide all the space allocated to that partition into logical
+partitions. You can create up to 60 logical partitions per extended
+partition; however, you can only have one extended partition per
+Linux limits the partitions per drive to 15 partitions for SCSI disks
+(3 usable primary partitions, 12 logical partitions), and 63
+partitions on an IDE drive (3 usable primary partitions, 60 logical
+partitions). However the normal &debian; system provides
+only 20 devices for partitions, so you may not install on partitions
+higher than 20 unless you first manually create devices for those
+If you have a large IDE disk, and are using neither LBA addressing,
+nor overlay drivers (sometimes provided by hard disk manufacturers),
+then the boot partition (the partition containing your kernel image)
+must be placed within the first 1024 cylinders of your hard drive
+(usually around 524 megabytes, without BIOS translation).
+This restriction doesn't apply if you have a BIOS newer than around
+1995-98 (depending on the manufacturer) that supports the <quote>Enhanced
+Disk Drive Support Specification</quote>. Both Lilo, the Linux loader, and
+Debian's alternative <command>mbr</command> must use the BIOS to read the
+kernel from the disk into RAM. If the BIOS int 0x13 large disk access
+extensions are found to be present, they will be utilized. Otherwise,
+the legacy disk access interface is used as a fall-back, and it cannot
+be used to address any location on the disk higher than the 1023rd
+cylinder. Once Linux is booted, no matter what BIOS your computer
+has, these restrictions no longer apply, since Linux does not use the
+BIOS for disk access.
+If you have a large disk, you might have to use cylinder translation
+techniques, which you can set from your BIOS setup program, such as
+LBA (Logical Block Addressing) or CHS translation mode (<quote>Large</quote>).
+More information about issues with large disks can be found in the
+<ulink url="&url-large-disk-howto;">Large Disk HOWTO</ulink>. If you
+are using a cylinder translation scheme, and the BIOS does not support
+the large disk access extensions, then your boot partition has to fit
+within the <emphasis>translated</emphasis> representation of the
+1024th cylinder.
+The recommended way of accomplishing this is to create a small (5-10MB
+should suffice) partition at the beginning of the disk to be used as
+the boot partition, and then create whatever other partitions you wish
+to have, in the remaining area. This boot partition
+<emphasis>must</emphasis> be mounted on <filename>/boot</filename>,
+since that is the directory where the Linux kernel(s) will be stored.
+This configuration will work on any system, regardless of whether LBA
+or large disk CHS translation is used, and regardless of whether your
+BIOS supports the large disk access extensions.
+ </sect2>
diff --git a/eu/partitioning/partition/ia64.xml b/eu/partitioning/partition/ia64.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..50620040d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/partitioning/partition/ia64.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+ <sect2 arch="ia64"><title>Partitioning for &arch-title;</title>
+ia64 EFI firmware supports two partition table (or disk label)
+formats, GPT and MS-DOS. MS-DOS is the format typically used on i386
+PCs, and is no longer recommended for ia64 systems. The installer
+provides two partitioning programs,
+<ulink url="cfdisk.txt"><command>cfdisk</command></ulink> and
+<ulink url="parted.txt"><command>parted</command></ulink>.
+<command>parted</command> can manage both GPT and MS-DOS tables, while
+<command>cfdisk</command> can only manage MS-DOS tables. It is very
+important to note that if your disk has previously been partitioned
+with a GPT table, and you now want to use MS-DOS tables, you must use
+<command>parted</command> to create the new partition table. This is
+because the two tables use different areas of a disk, and
+<command>cfdisk</command> does not know how to remove a GPT table.
+An important difference between <command>cfdisk</command> and
+<command>parted</command> is the way they identify a partition
+``type''. <command>cfdisk</command> uses a byte in the partition
+table (for example, 83 for a linux ext2 partition), while
+<command>parted</command> identifies a partition ``type'' by examining
+the data on that partition. This means that <command>parted</command>
+will not consider a partition to be a swap partition until you format
+it as such. Similarly, it won't consider a partition a linux ext2
+partition until you create a file system on it.
+<command>parted</command> does allow you to create file systems and
+format swap space, and you should do that from within
+Unfortunately, <command>parted</command> is a command line driven
+program and so not as easy to use as <command>cfdisk</command>.
+Assuming that you want to erase your whole disk and create a GPT table
+and some partitions, then something similar to the following command
+sequence could be used:
+ mklabel gpt
+ mkpartfs primary fat 0 50
+ mkpartfs primary linux-swap 51 1000
+ mkpartfs primary ext2 1001 3000
+ set 1 boot on
+ print
+ quit
+That creates a new partition table, and three partitions to be used as
+an EFI boot partition, swap space, and a root file system. Finally it
+sets the boot flag on the EFI partition. Partitions are specified in
+Megabytes, with start and end offsets from the beginning of the disk.
+So, for example, above we created a 1999MB ext2 file system starting
+at offset 1001MB from the start of the disk. Note that formatting swap
+space with <command>parted</command> can take a few minutes to
+complete, as it scans the partition for bad blocks.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="ia64"><title>Boot Loader Partition Requirements</title>
+ELILO, the ia64 boot loader, requires a partition containing a FAT
+file system. If you used GPT partition tables, then that partition
+should have the <userinput>boot</userinput> flag set; if you used
+MS-DOS partition tables, then that partition should be of type "EF".
+The partition must be big enough to hold the boot loader and any
+kernels or RAMdisks you may wish to boot. A minimum size would be
+about 16MB, but if you are likely to be doing development, or
+experimenting with different kernels, then 128MB might be a better
+ </sect2> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/eu/partitioning/partition/mips.xml b/eu/partitioning/partition/mips.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ff4751f81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/partitioning/partition/mips.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+ <sect2 arch="mips"><title>&arch-title;(e)n partizioak sortzen</title>
+SGI Indysek SGI diskaren etiketa bat behar dute diska gogorretik sistema
+abiaraz ahal dadin. Hau fdisken adituen menutik sor daiteke. Honela, sorturiko
+bolumenak (9. partizioa) 3 MB baino gehiago izan behar ditu.
+Nukleo ezberdin ugari bildu nahi badituzu, neurria gutxienera ere 10 MBetakoa
+izan behar da. Sortutako bolumena txikiegia bada, 9. partizio hori besterik gabe
+ezaba dezakezu, eta gero neurri ezberdinarekin gehitu. Ohartu bolumen hori 0
+sektorean hasi behar dela.
+ </sect2>
diff --git a/eu/partitioning/partition/powerpc.xml b/eu/partitioning/partition/powerpc.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..729f1ba75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/partitioning/partition/powerpc.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+ <sect2 arch="powerpc"><title>Partitioning Newer PowerMacs</title>
+If you are installing onto a NewWorld PowerMac you must create a
+special bootstrap partition to hold the boot loader. The size of this
+partition must be 800KB and its partition type must be
+<emphasis>Apple_Bootstrap</emphasis>. If the bootstrap partition is
+not created with the <emphasis>Apple_Bootstrap</emphasis> type your
+machine cannot be made bootable from the hard disk. This partition
+can easily be created in <command>mac-fdisk</command> using the
+<userinput>b</userinput> command.
+The special partition type Apple_Bootstrap is required to prevent
+MacOS from mounting and damaging the bootstrap partition, as there are
+special modifications made to it in order for OpenFirmware to boot it
+Note that the bootstrap partition is only meant to hold 3 very small
+files: the <command>yaboot</command> binary, its configuration
+<filename>yaboot.conf</filename>, and a first stage OpenFirmware
+loader <command>ofboot.b</command>. It need not and must not be
+mounted on your file system nor have kernels or anything else copied
+to it. The <command>ybin</command> and <command>mkofboot</command>
+utilities are used to manipulate this partition.
+In order for OpenFirmware to automatically boot &debian; the bootstrap
+partition should appear before other boot partitions on the disk,
+especially MacOS boot partitions. The bootstrap partition should be
+the first one you create. However, if you add a bootstrap partition
+later, you can use <command>mac-fdisk</command>'s
+<userinput>r</userinput> command to reorder the partition map so the
+bootstrap partition comes right after the map (which is always
+partition 1). It's the logical map order, not the physical address
+order, that counts.
+Apple disks normally have several small driver partitions. If you
+intend to dual boot your machine with MacOSX, you should retain these
+partitions and a small HFS partition (800k is the minimum size). That
+is because MacOSX, on every boot, offers to initialize any disks which do
+not have active MacOS partitions and driver partitions.
+ </sect2> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/eu/partitioning/partition/sparc.xml b/eu/partitioning/partition/sparc.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f4996a519
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/partitioning/partition/sparc.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+ <sect2 arch="sparc"><title>Partitioning for &arch-title;</title>
+Make sure you create a <quote>Sun disk label</quote> on your boot disk. This is
+the only kind of partition scheme that the OpenBoot PROM understands,
+and so it's the only scheme from which you can boot. The
+<keycap>s</keycap> key is used in <command>fdisk</command> to
+create Sun disk labels.
+Furthermore, on &arch-title; disks, make sure your first partition on
+your boot disk starts at cylinder 0. While this is required, it also
+means that the first partition will contain the partition table and
+the boot block, which are the first two sectors of the disk. You must
+<emphasis>not</emphasis> put swap on the first partition of the boot
+drive, since swap partitions do not preserve the first few sectors of
+the partition. You can put Ext2 or UFS partitions there; these will
+leave the partition table and the boot block alone.
+It is also advised that the third partition should be of type <quote>Whole
+disk</quote> (type 5), and contain the entire disk (from the first cylinder
+to the last). This is simply a convention of Sun disk labels, and
+helps the <command>SILO</command> boot loader keep its bearings.
+ </sect2> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/eu/partitioning/partitioning.xml b/eu/partitioning/partitioning.xml
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index 000000000..5145bd687
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+++ b/eu/partitioning/partitioning.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 -->
+<appendix id="partitioning">
+<title>Partizioak Debianen</title>
diff --git a/eu/partitioning/schemes.xml b/eu/partitioning/schemes.xml
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+++ b/eu/partitioning/schemes.xml
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+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 18917 -->
+ <sect1>
+ <title>Partizioen sorrerarako gomendaturiko jarraibideak</title>
+Erabiltzaile hasiberrien makina, Debiandun ekipo pertsonal, etxerako sistema eta, orokorki, erabiltzaile batek soilik erabiliko dituen makinetan, <filename>/</filename> helbidetegian partizio bakar bat (eta swap) sortzea da hasierarik egoki eta errazena. Baina zure partizioa 6 GB baino handiagoa bada, aukeratu ext3 partizio mota. Ext2 erako partizioek noizean behingo azterketa bat behar dute fitxategi sistemaren osotasuna ziurtatzeko, eta honek sistema abiaraztea asko moteltzen du partizioa handiegia denean.
+Erabiltzaile anitzedun sistementzako, edo toki huts asko dutenentzako,
+<filename>/usr</filename>, <filename>/var</filename>, <filename>/tmp</filename> eta <filename>/home</filename> helbidetegietariko bakoitzerako partizio bat sortzea, <filename>/</filename>renagandik bananduta.
+Ziurrenik <filename>/usr/local</filename> partizio banatu bat beharko
+duzu Debian sistematik kanpoko programa asko instalatzeko asmoa
+baduzu. Zure makina posta zerbitzari bat izan behar bada,
+<filename>/var/mail</filename>entzako aparteko partizio bat beharko
+duzu. Maiz, <filename>/tmp</filename>entzako partizio banatu bat sortzea egokia izaten da. 20tik 50 MBrako tokia ematea nahikoa da.
+Erabiltzaile kontu ugaridun zerbitzari bat osatzen bazabiltza, guztiz
+gomendagarria da <filename>/home</filename> partizioa besteetatik banatzea. Orokorrean, diska nola zatitu berari emango zaion erabilerarekin loturik dago.
+Zailtasun handiko sistementzako <ulink url="&url-multidisk-howto;">
+Multi Disk HOWTO</ulink> irakurri beharko zenuke. Bertan sakonki landuriko informazioa dago, batez ere ISPen intereserako eta zerbitzari bat jarri nahi dutenentzako.
+Elkartrukerako partizioaren (swap) neurriari dagokionean, ikuspuntu
+ezberdin ugari daude. Horietako bat, egokienetarikoa, daukan memoria
+beste swap egokitzea da. Gehienetan ez da 16 MBetik behera aukeratzea
+gomendatzen, baina ez beti. Salbuespenak daude, noski. 10000 ekuazio,
+denak batera, ebazteko lanetan bazabiltza 256 MBtako memoriadun
+sistema batekin, gigabyte bat (edo are gehiago) swap beharko duzu.
+</para><para arch="m68k">
+Bestalde, Atari eta Mac-ek swap handi bat jarrita ere ez dute
+ezberdintasun garrantzitsurik nabaritzen. Beraz, swaperako partizio
+erraldoi bat jarri beharrean, ahalik eta RAM memoria gehien lortu.
+32 bitdun egituretan (i386, m68k, 32-bit SPARC, PowerPC,...),
+elkartrukerako partizio (swap) batek gehienez ere 2 GB izan
+ditzake. Hau aski izan beharko litzateke edozein instalaketa
+motatarako. Dena dela, swapen zure gutxienezko ezaugarriak oso
+handiak badira, elkartrukearen karga banatzen saiatzea duzu onena,
+zenbait diskaz baliatuz (<quote>spindles</quote> izenez ezagutuak)
+eta, ahal bada, SCSI edo IDE kate ezberdinak erabiliz. Nukleoak swaparen
+erabilera orekatuko du elkartrukerako partizio ezberdinen artean,
+etekin handiagoa lortuz, honela.
+Esaterako, 32 MB RAM dituen makina zahar bat badugu eta 1.7 GBdun IDE diska
+bat <filename>/dev/hda</filename>n, beste sistema eragile batentzako
+ 500 MBetako partizio bat sortzea egokia litzateke,
+<filename>/dev/hda1</filename>elkartrukerako partizio (swap) baterako 32 MB
+<filename>/dev/hda3</filename>n eta 1.2 GB inguru
+<filename>/dev/hda2</filename>n, Linuxentzako partiziorako.
+Sistema instalakuntzan lagungarri egingo zaizkizun adibide gehiagotarako, aztertu <xref linkend="tasksel-size-list"/>.
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/partitioning/sizing.xml b/eu/partitioning/sizing.xml
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index 000000000..46a35e0f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/partitioning/sizing.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 -->
+ <sect1 id="partition-sizing">
+ <title>Debianen partizioen eta hauen neurrien inguruko erabakiak</title>
+GNU/Linuxek ibiltzeko gutxienez partizio bat behar du. Partizio
+bakarra eduki dezakezu sistema eragile guztia, aplikazioak eta
+zure fitxategiak biltzeko. Gehienek uste dute elkartrukerako partizio
+edo SWAP bat edukitzea beharrezkoa dela, nahiz eta honako hau ez
+den guztizko egia. <quote>Swap</quote>a sistema eragilearen barneko
+espazio bat da, eta espazio honek sistemari diskako tokia
+<quote>memoria birtual</quote> gisa erabiltzeko aukera ematen dio.
+Swap partizio ezberdindu bat sortuz, Linuxek haren erabilerari
+etekin gehiago atera dakioke. Fitxategi bat swap eran erabiltzera
+behartu daiteke Linux, baina ez da gomendagarria.
+Dena den, erabiltzaile gehienek gutxieneko partizio kopurua baino
+gehiago erabiltzeko hautua egiten du. Bi arrazoi nagusi daude zure
+fitxategi sistema partizio txiki ugaritan zatitzeko asmoa izateko.
+Lehena segurtasuna da. Ezer gertatu eta zure fitxategi sistema
+hondatuz gero, partizio bati soilik eragingo dio, salbuespenak
+salbuespen. Honi esker, zure sistemaren zati bat soilik ordeztu
+beharko duzu (zuhurki gorde dituzun babeskopien bidez). Gutxienera
+ere, <quote>erroko partizio</quote> deritzona sortu beharko zenuke.
+Honek sistemarentzat ezinbestekoak diren osagaiak gordetzen ditu.
+Beste edozein partizio hondatzen bada, zure GNU/Linux sistema
+abiarazi ahal izango duzu arazoa konpondu ahal izateko. Honela,
+sistema berrinstalatu beharra ekiditen da.
+Bigarren kausa garrantzitsuagoa izan ohi da lanerako konputagailuetan,
+baina egiazki konputagailuaren beraren erabileraren araberan doa.
+Adibidez, spam ugari jasotzen dituen posta zerbitzari bat oso erraz
+bete daiteke partizio bat honela leku huts gabe utziz, eta era
+berean sistema ezin erabil daitekeelarik. <filename>/var/mail</filename>
+partizio ezberdin batetan uzten baduzu, aldiz, sistema beti
+bezain ongi ariko da, jasotzen duen spam kopurua jasotzen duela.
+Egiazki, partizioak sortzeak daukan alde txar bakarra izango dituzun
+beharrak aldez aurretik jakiteko zailtasuna da. Honela, partizio
+txikiegi bat sortzen baduzu, sistema berrinstalatu beharra edukiko
+duzu, beharrezko partizioak berriz sortuz, edo, bestela, etengabe
+zure sisteman toki hutsa sortzen aritu beharko duzu guztiz bete
+ez dadin. Bestalde, partizio handiegia egiten baduzu, beste guneren
+batean erabil zitekeen tokia alperrik galduko duzu. Gaur egun
+diskak merkeak dira, baina ez da zentzuzkoa dirua beharrik gabe
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/partitioning/tree.xml b/eu/partitioning/tree.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..757edd9d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/partitioning/tree.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 -->
+ <sect1 id="directory-tree">
+ <title>Helbidetegien zuhaitza</title>
+&debian; eragileak oinarritzat
+<ulink url="&url-fhs-home;">Fitxategi sistemen hierarkiaren estandarra</ulink>
+hartzen du, helbidetegi eta izenei dagokienean. Estandar honek
+erabiltzaile eta programei beharrezko fitxategi eta helbidetegien
+kokapen zehatza jakitea ahalbidetzen die. Erroko helbidetegia
+marra etzan (slash) batez adierazten da <filename>/</filename>.
+Erro honen barnean, Debian sistema guztiek ondoko helbidetegiok
+<tgroup cols="2">
+ <entry>Helbidetegia</entry><entry>Edukia</entry>
+ <entry><filename>bin</filename></entry>
+ <entry>Sistemarentzako ezinbesteko programak</entry>
+ <entry><filename>boot</filename></entry>
+ <entry>Programa abiarazleak darabiltzan fitxategiak</entry>
+ <entry><filename>dev</filename></entry>
+ <entry>Gailuen fitxategiak</entry>
+ <entry><filename>etc</filename></entry>
+ <entry>Sistemarenak soilik diren konfigurazio fitxategiak</entry>
+ <entry><filename>home</filename></entry>
+ <entry>Erabiltzaileen erroko helbidetegia</entry>
+ <entry><filename>lib</filename></entry>
+ <entry>Elkarbanatutako ezinbesteko liburutegiak eta nukleoaren moduluak</entry>
+ <entry><filename>mnt</filename></entry>
+ <entry>Sistema fitxategi baterako muntaia puntu iragankorra</entry>
+ <entry><filename>proc</filename></entry>
+ <entry>Sistemaren informazioa daukan helbidetegi birtuala</entry>
+ <entry><filename>root</filename></entry>
+ <entry>Kudeatzailearen helbidetegi pertsonala</entry>
+ <entry><filename>sbin</filename></entry>
+ <entry>Sistemarentzako ezinbesteko programak</entry>
+ <entry><filename>tmp</filename></entry>
+ <entry>Fitxategi iragankorrak</entry>
+ <entry><filename>usr</filename></entry>
+ <entry>Bigarren mailako hierarkia</entry>
+ <entry><filename>var</filename></entry>
+ <entry>Etengabe aldatzen diren datuak</entry>
+ <entry><filename>opt</filename></entry>
+ <entry>Instalatutako aplikazio gehigarrien helbidetegia</entry>
+Jarraian datorrena helbidetegi eta partizioen inguruko ohar
+garrantzitsuen zerrenda bat da.
+Erroko partizioak <filename>/</filename> fisikoki beti eduki
+behar ditu <filename>/etc</filename>, <filename>/bin</filename>,
+<filename>/sbin</filename>, <filename>/lib</filename> eta
+<filename>/dev</filename> partizioak, edo ezinezkoa izango da sistema
+abiaraztea. Erroko partizio batentzako 100 MB nahikoa izan ohi dira,
+baina aldaketak egon daitezke sistemari eman behar zaion erabileraren
+<filename>/usr</filename>: erabiltzaile guztientzako programak
+(<filename>/usr/bin</filename>), liburutegiak
+(<filename>/usr/lib</filename>), laguntza gaiak
+(<filename>/usr/share/doc</filename>), etab., helbidetegi
+honetan daude. Toki gehien behar duen zatia da honakoa. Gutxienez
+diskaren 500 MB zati honi ezar zeniezazkioke. Bilduma gehiago
+instalatu nahi badituzu, partizio honen neurria handitu beharko
+<filename>/home</filename>: erabiltzaile orok bere datuak helbidetegi
+honen azpihelbidetegi batean sartuko ditu. Azken honen neurria
+sistemaren erabiltzaile kopuruaren eta hauen helbidetegietan
+gordeko diren fitxategien araberan aldatuko da. Zure asmoak
+kontuan hartuta, erabiltzaileko gutxi gora-behera 100 MB gorde
+beharko zenituzke, betiere neurri hau zure beharretara egokituz.
+<filename>/var</filename>: etengabeko aldaketak jasaten dituzten
+datu guztiak, hala nola albiste artikuluak, eskutitz elektronikoak,
+webguneak, bildumatze sistemaren cachea, etab. helbidetegi honetan
+barneratuak izango dira. Helbidetegi honen neurria zure
+konputagailuaren erabileraren arabera aldatuko da, baina erabiltzaile
+gehienentzako sistema instalatzeko darabilen tresna izango da gakoa.
+Debianek eskaintzen dizkizun programa guztien instalaketa osoa
+egiteko asmoa baduzu, eta dena aldi batean, gainera, <filename>/var</filename>
+helbidetegiarentzako 2 edo 3 GB uztea nahikoa izango da, edo hala
+beharko luke.
+Sistema zatika instalatu behar baduzu ( hau da, lehenik zerbitzu eta
+utilitateak, ondoren testu sorgailuak, gero ingurune grafikoa,...),
+300 - 500 MB egokitu beharko dizkiozu <filename>/var</filename>i.
+Sistema egonkor bat izan behar bada, berritze asko izanen ez dituena,
+30 edo 40 MB <filename>/var</filename>en nahikoa izango dira.
+<filename>/tmp</filename>: programa batek datu iragankor bat sortzean
+<filename>/tmp</filename> helbidetegian sartu ohi da. 20-50 MB nahikoa
+izaten dira.
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/post-install/further-reading.xml b/eu/post-install/further-reading.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0eb4b93ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/post-install/further-reading.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 16554 untranslated -->
+ <sect1 id="further-reading"><title>Further Reading and Information</title>
+If you need information about a particular program, you should first
+try <userinput>man <replaceable>program</replaceable></userinput>, or
+<userinput>info <replaceable>program</replaceable></userinput>.
+There is lots of useful documentation in
+<filename>/usr/share/doc</filename> as well. In particular,
+<filename>/usr/share/doc/HOWTO</filename> and
+<filename>/usr/share/doc/FAQ</filename> contain lots of interesting
+information. To submit bugs, look at
+<filename>/usr/share/doc/debian/bug*</filename>. To read about
+Debian-specific issues for particular programs, look at
+<filename>/usr/share/doc/(package name)/README.Debian</filename>.
+<ulink url="">Debian web site</ulink>
+contains a large quantity of documentation about Debian. In
+particular, see the
+<ulink url="">Debian FAQ</ulink> and the
+<ulink url="">Debian Mailing List Archives</ulink>.
+The Debian community is self-supporting; to subscribe to
+one or more of the Debian mailing lists, see the
+<ulink url="">
+Mail List Subscription</ulink> page.
+A general source of information on GNU/Linux is the
+<ulink url="">Linux Documentation Project</ulink>.
+There you will find the HOWTOs and pointers to other very valuable
+information on parts of a GNU/Linux system.
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/post-install/kernel-baking.xml b/eu/post-install/kernel-baking.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4a164343d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/post-install/kernel-baking.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 16990 untranslated -->
+ <sect1 id="kernel-baking"><title>Compiling a New Kernel</title>
+Why would someone want to compile a new kernel? It is often not
+necessary since the default kernel shipped with Debian handles most
+configurations. However, it is useful to compile a new kernel in order
+handle special hardware needs, or hardware conflicts with the pre-supplied
+handle hardware or options not included in the stock kernel, such as
+<listitem arch="i386"><para>
+The compact and idepci flavors don't come with sound. Although
+the vanilla kernel does, it might not work for other reasons.
+optimize the kernel by removing useless drivers to speed up boot
+use options of the kernel which are not supported by the default
+kernel (such as network firewalling)
+run a updated or development kernel
+impress your friends, try new things
+ <sect2><title>Kernel Image Management</title>
+Don't be afraid to try compiling the kernel. It's fun and profitable.
+To compile a kernel the Debian way, you need some packages:
+<classname>kernel-source-&kernelversion;</classname> (the most recent version
+at the time of this writing), <classname>fakeroot</classname> and a
+few others which are probably already installed (see
+<filename>/usr/share/doc/kernel-package/README.gz</filename> for the
+complete list).
+This method will make a .deb of your kernel source, and, if you have
+non-standard modules, make a synchronized dependent .deb of those
+too. It's a better way to manage kernel images;
+<filename>/boot</filename> will hold the kernel, the, and a
+log of the active config file for the build.
+Note that you don't <emphasis>have</emphasis> to compile your kernel
+the ``Debian way''; but we find that using the packaging system to
+manage your kernel is actually safer and easier. In fact, you can get
+your kernel sources right from Linus instead of
+<classname>kernel-source-&kernelversion;</classname>, yet still use the
+<classname>kernel-package</classname> compilation method.
+Note that you'll find complete documentation on using
+<classname>kernel-package</classname> under
+<filename>/usr/share/doc/kernel-package</filename>. This section just
+contains a brief tutorial.
+</para><para arch="sparc">
+If you are compiling a kernel for UltraSPARC you will need to be sure
+you have installed the <classname>egcs64</classname> package. This is
+the preferred compiler for 64bit SPARC kernels. The default
+<command>gcc</command> will also compile 64bit kernels, but is not as
+stable. Plus, if you do not use <classname>egcs64</classname> and you
+encounter kernel problems, you will most likely be asked to recompile
+the kernel using <classname>egcs64</classname> in order to verify your
+problem still exists. After installing <classname>egcs64</classname>
+be sure to run <userinput>update-alternatives --config
+sparc64-linux-gcc</userinput> as root, and be sure that
+<classname>egcs64</classname> is being used for this program.
+Hereafter, we'll assume your kernel source will be located in
+<filename>/usr/local/src</filename> and that your kernel version is
+&kernelversion;. As root, create a directory under
+<filename>/usr/local/src</filename> and change the owner of that
+directory to your normal non-root account. As your normal non-root
+account, change your directory to where you want to unpack the kernel
+sources (<userinput>cd /usr/local/src</userinput>), extract the kernel
+sources (<userinput>tar xjf
+/usr/src/kernel-source-&kernelversion;.tar.bz2</userinput>), change your
+directory to it (<userinput>cd
+Now, you can configure your kernel. Run <userinput>make
+xconfig</userinput> if X11 is installed, configured and being run,
+<userinput>make menuconfig</userinput> otherwise (you'll need
+<classname>ncurses-dev</classname> installed). Take the time to read
+the online help and choose carefully. When in doubt, it is typically
+better to include the device driver (the software which manages
+hardware peripherals, such as Ethernet cards, SCSI controllers, and so
+on) you are unsure about. Be careful: other options, not related to a
+specific hardware, should be left at the default value if you do not
+understand them. Do not forget to select ``Kernel module loader'' in
+``Loadable module support''
+<phrase arch="alpha"> and ``Enhanced Real Time
+Clock Support'' in ``Character devices'' (they are </phrase>
+<phrase arch="not-alpha"> (it is </phrase>
+not selected by default). If not included, your Debian installation
+will experience problems.
+Clean the source tree and reset the <classname>kernel-package</classname>
+parameters. To do that, do <userinput>make-kpkg clean</userinput>.
+Now, compile the kernel:
+<userinput>fakeroot make-kpkg --revision=custom.1.0 kernel_image</userinput>.
+The version number of ``1.0'' can be changed at will; this is just a
+version number that you will use to track your kernel builds.
+Likewise, you can put any word you like in place of ``custom'' (e.g.,
+a host name). Kernel compilation may take quite a while, depending on
+the power of your machine.
+</para><para condition="supports-pcmcia">
+If you require PCMCIA support, you'll also need to install the
+<classname>pcmcia-source</classname> package. Unpack the gzipped tar file
+as root in the directory <filename>/usr/src</filename> (it's important that
+modules are found where they are expected to be found, namely,
+<filename>/usr/src/modules</filename>). Then, as root, do <userinput>make-kpkg
+Once the compilation is complete, you can install your custom kernel
+like any package. As root, do <userinput>dpkg -i
+The <replaceable>subarchitecture</replaceable> part is an optional
+<phrase arch="i386"> such as ``i586'', </phrase>
+depending on what kernel options you set.
+<userinput>dpkg -i kernel-image...</userinput> will install the
+kernel, along with some other nice supporting files. For instance,
+the <filename></filename> will be properly installed
+(helpful for debugging kernel problems), and
+<filename>/boot/config-&kernelversion;</filename> will be installed,
+containing your current configuration set. Your new
+<classname>kernel-image-&kernelversion;</classname> package is also clever
+enough to automatically use your platform's boot-loader to run an
+update on the booting, allowing you to boot without re-running the
+boot loader. If you have created a modules package, e.g., if you have
+PCMCIA, you'll need to install that package as well.
+It is time to reboot the system: read carefully any warning that the
+above step may have produced, then <userinput>shutdown -r now</userinput>.
+For more information on <classname>kernel-package</classname>, read
+the fine documentation in <filename>/usr/share/doc/kernel-package</filename>.
+ </sect2>
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/post-install/new-to-unix.xml b/eu/post-install/new-to-unix.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c011f5583
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/post-install/new-to-unix.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 16556 untranslated -->
+ <sect1 id="unix-intro">
+ <title>If You Are New to Unix</title>
+If you are new to Unix, you probably should go out and buy some books
+and do some reading. The
+<ulink url="">
+Unix FAQ</ulink>
+contains a number of references to books and Usenet news groups which
+should help you out. You can also take a look at the
+<ulink url="">
+User-Friendly Unix FAQ</ulink>.
+Linux is an implementation of Unix. The
+<ulink url="">Linux Documentation Project (LDP)</ulink>
+collects a number of HOWTOs and online books
+relating to Linux. Most of these documents can be installed locally;
+just install the <classname>doc-linux-html</classname> package (HTML
+versions) or the <classname>doc-linux-text</classname> package (ASCII
+versions), then look in <filename>/usr/share/doc/HOWTO</filename>.
+International versions of the LDP HOWTOs are also available as Debian
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/post-install/orientation.xml b/eu/post-install/orientation.xml
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/post-install/orientation.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 16557 untranslated -->
+ <sect1 id="debian-orientation"><title>Orienting Yourself to Debian</title>
+Debian is a little different from other distributions. Even if you're
+familiar with Linux in other distributions, there are things you
+should know about Debian to help you to keep your system in a good,
+clean state. This chapter contains material to help you get oriented;
+it is not intended to be a tutorial for how to use Debian, but just a
+very brief glimpse of the system for the very rushed.
+ <sect2><title>Debian Packaging System</title>
+The most important concept to grasp is the Debian packaging system.
+In essence, large parts of your system should be considered under the
+control of the packaging system. These include:
+<filename>/usr</filename> (excluding <filename>/usr/local</filename>)
+<filename>/var</filename> (you could make
+<filename>/var/local</filename> and be safe in there)
+For instance, if you replace <filename>/usr/bin/perl</filename>, that
+will work, but then if you upgrade your <classname>perl</classname>
+package, the file you put there will be replaced. Experts can get
+around this by putting packages on ``hold'' in
+One of the best installation methods is apt. You can use the command
+line version <command>apt-get</command> or full-screen text version
+<application>aptitude</application>. Note apt will also let you merge
+main, contrib, and non-free so you can have export-restricted packages
+as well as standard versions.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2><title>Application Version Management</title>
+Alternative versions of applications are managed by update-alternatives. If
+you are maintaining multiple versions of your applications, read the
+update-alternatives man page.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2><title>Cron Job Management</title>
+Any jobs under the purview of the system administrator should be in
+<filename>/etc</filename>, since they are configuration files. If you
+have a root cron job for daily, weekly, or nightly runs, put them in
+<filename>/etc/cron.{daily,weekly,monthly}</filename>. These are
+invoked from <filename>/etc/crontab</filename>, and will run in
+alphabetic order, which serializes them.
+On the other hand, if you have a cron job that (a) needs to run as a
+special user, or (b) needs to run at a special time or frequency, you
+can use either <filename>/etc/crontab</filename>, or, better yet,
+<filename>/etc/cron.d/whatever</filename>. These particular files
+also have an extra field that allows you to stipulate the user under
+which the cron job runs.
+In either case, you just edit the files and cron will notice them
+automatically. There is no need to run a special command. For more
+information see cron(8), crontab(5), and
+ </sect2>
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/post-install/post-install.xml b/eu/post-install/post-install.xml
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index 000000000..0fc1cff2a
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+++ b/eu/post-install/post-install.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 16559 untranslated -->
+<chapter id="post-install">
+ <title>Next Steps and Where to Go From Here</title>
diff --git a/eu/post-install/reactivating-win.xml b/eu/post-install/reactivating-win.xml
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+++ b/eu/post-install/reactivating-win.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 16560 untranslated -->
+ <sect1 arch="i386" id="reactivating-win">
+ <title>Reactivating DOS and Windows</title>
+After installing the base system and writing to the <emphasis>Master Boot
+Record</emphasis>, you will be able boot Linux, but probably nothing else.
+This depends what you have chosen during the installation. This chapter
+will describe how you can reactivate your old systems so that you can also
+boot your DOS or Windows again.
+<command>LILO</command> is a boot manager with which you can also boot
+other operating systems than Linux, which complies to PC
+conventions. The boot manager is configured via
+<filename>/etc/lilo.conf</filename> file. Whenever you edited this
+file you have to run <command>lilo</command> afterwards. The reason
+for this is that the changes will take place only when you call the
+Important parts of the <filename>lilo.conf</filename> file are the
+lines containing the <userinput>image</userinput> and
+<userinput>other</userinput> keywords, as well as the lines following
+those. They can be used to describe a system which can be booted by
+<command>LILO</command>. Such a system can include a kernel
+(<userinput>image</userinput>), a root partition, additional kernel
+parameters, etc. as well as a configuration to boot another, non-Linux
+(<userinput>other</userinput>) operating system. These keywords can
+also be used more than once. The ordering of these systems within the
+configuration file is important because it determines which system
+will be booted automatically after, for instance, a timeout
+(<userinput>delay</userinput>) presuming <command>LILO</command>
+wasn't stopped by pressing the <keycap>shift</keycap> key.
+After a fresh install of Debian, just the current system is configured
+for booting with <command>LILO</command>. If you want to boot another
+Linux kernel, you have to edit the configuration file
+<filename>/etc/lilo.conf</filename> to add the following lines:
+For a basic setup just the first two lines are necessary. If you want
+to know more about the other two options please have a look at the
+<command>LILO</command> documentation. This can be found in
+<filename>/usr/share/doc/lilo/</filename>. The file which should be
+read is <filename>Manual.txt</filename>. To have a quicker start into
+the world of booting a system you can also look at the
+<command>LILO</command> man pages <filename>lilo.conf</filename> for
+an overview of configuration keywords and <filename>lilo</filename>
+for description of the installation of the new configuration into the
+boot sector.
+Notice that there are other boot loaders available in &debian;, such as
+GRUB (in <classname>grub</classname> package),
+CHOS (in <classname>chos</classname> package),
+Extended-IPL (in <classname>extipl</classname> package),
+loadlin (in <classname>loadlin</classname> package) etc.
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/post-install/shutdown.xml b/eu/post-install/shutdown.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d088338f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/post-install/shutdown.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 16561 untranslated -->
+ <sect1 id="shutdown">
+ <title>Shutting Down the System</title>
+To shut down a running Linux system, you must not reboot with the
+reset switch on the front or back of your computer, or just turn off
+the computer. Linux must be shut down in a controlled manner,
+otherwise files may be lost and disk damage incurred. You can press
+the key combination <keycombo> <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>
+<keycap>Alt</keycap> <keycap>Del</keycap> </keycombo>
+<phrase arch="powerpc;m68k"> or <keycombo> <keycap>Control<keycap>
+<keycap>Shift</keycap> <keycap>Power</keycap></keycombo> on Macintosh
+systems</phrase>. You may also log in as
+root and type <userinput>shutdown -h now</userinput>,
+<userinput>reboot</userinput>, or <userinput>halt</userinput> if
+either of the key combinations do not work or you prefer to type
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/preface.xml b/eu/preface.xml
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 22664 -->
+ <title> &debian; &release; &architecture;-rako instalatzen</title>
+Dokumentu honetan oinarriturik dagoen edozein dokumentu edo materialek
+Debian iturri bezala ezartzea eskatzen dugu. Dokumentu hau eraldatu eta
+hobetu ezkero dokumentuaren egileei <email>&email-debian-boot-list;</email>
+bidez berri ematea eskatzen dugu.
+Gure ustetan zuetariko gehienek Debian sistema manual hau irakurri gabe
+ instalatu ahal izango duzuela, eta Debian instalatzailea horretarako
+prestaturik izanda. Zuk ez baduzu instalazio gidaliburua irakurtzeko
+astirik guk Instalazio Howto gida zeinek instalazioaren pausu
+oinarrzkoenetan lagunduko zaitu, irakurtzea gomendatzen dizugu Instalazio
+ Howto gida <xref linkend="installation-howto"/> -n aurki dezakezu.
+Hala ere guk manual hau guztiz irakurtzeko astia artzea gomendatzen dizugu,
+ horrela instalazioa errazago eta argibide gehiagoz egin dezazun.
diff --git a/eu/preparing/backup.xml b/eu/preparing/backup.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..35c7e224a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/preparing/backup.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 12756 untranslated -->
+ <sect1 id="backup">
+ <title>Back Up Your Existing Data!</title>
+Before you start, make sure to back up every file that is now on your
+system. If this is the first time a non-native operating system has
+been installed on your computer, it's quite likely you will need to
+re-partition your disk to make room for &debian;. Anytime you
+partition your disk, you should count on losing everything on the
+disk, no matter what program you use to do it. The programs used in
+installation are quite reliable and most have seen years of use; but
+they are also quite powerful and a false move can cost you. Even after
+backing up be careful and think about your answers and actions. Two
+minutes of thinking can save hours of unnecessary work.
+If you are creating a multi-boot system, make sure that you have the
+distribution media of any other present operating systems on hand.
+Especially if you repartition your boot drive, you might find that you
+have to reinstall your operating system's boot loader, or in many
+cases the whole operating system itself and all files on the affected
+<para arch="m68k">
+With the exception of the BVM and Motorola VMEbus computers, the only
+supported installation method for m68k systems is booting from a local
+disk or floppy using an AmigaOS/TOS/MacOS-based bootstrap, for these
+machines you will need the original operating system in order to boot
+Linux. In order to boot Linux on the BVM and Motorola VMEbus machines
+you will need the ``BVMBug'' or ``16xBug'' boot ROMs.
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/preparing/bios-setup/i386.xml b/eu/preparing/bios-setup/i386.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1ee5be4cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/preparing/bios-setup/i386.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+ <sect2 arch="i386"><title>Invoking the BIOS Set-Up Menu</title>
+BIOS provides the basic functions needed to boot your machine to allow
+your operating system to access your hardware. Your system probably
+provides a BIOS set-up menu, which is used to configure the BIOS.
+Before installing, you <emphasis>must</emphasis> ensure that your BIOS
+is setup correctly; not doing so can lead to intermittent crashes or
+an inability to install Debian.
+The rest of this section is lifted from the
+<ulink url="&url-pc-hw-faq;"></ulink>, answering the question, "How do I
+enter the CMOS configuration menu?". How you access the BIOS (or
+``CMOS'') configuration menu depends on who wrote your BIOS software:
+<!-- From: (Shaun Burnet) -->
+ <term>AMI BIOS</term>
+ <listitem><para>
+<keycap>Delete</keycap> key during the POST (power on self test)
+ <term>Award BIOS</term>
+ <listitem><para>
+ <keycap>Ctrl</keycap><keycap>Alt</keycap><keycap>Esc</keycap>
+</keycombo>, or <keycap>Delete</keycap> key during the POST
+<varlistentry><term>DTK BIOS</term>
+ <listitem><para>
+<keycap>Esc</keycap> key during the POST
+<varlistentry><term>IBM PS/2 BIOS</term>
+ <listitem><para>
+ <keycap>Ctrl</keycap><keycap>Alt</keycap><keycap>Insert</keycap>
+ <keycap>Ctrl</keycap><keycap>Alt</keycap><keycap>Delete</keycap>
+ <term>Phoenix BIOS</term>
+ <listitem><para>
+ <keycap>Ctrl</keycap><keycap>Alt</keycap><keycap>Esc</keycap>
+ <keycap>Ctrl</keycap><keycap>Alt</keycap><keycap>S</keycap>
+Information on invoking other BIOS routines can be found in
+<ulink url="&url-invoking-bios-info;"></ulink>.
+Some &arch-title; machines don't have a CMOS configuration menu in the
+BIOS. They require a software CMOS setup program. If you don't have
+the Installation and/or Diagnostics diskette for your machine, you can
+try using a shareware/freeware program. Try looking in
+<ulink url="&url-simtel;"></ulink>.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="i386" id="boot-dev-select"><title>Boot Device Selection</title>
+Many BIOS set-up menus allow you to select the devices that will be
+used to bootstrap the system. Set this to look for a bootable
+operating system on <filename>A:</filename> (the first floppy disk),
+then optionally the first CD-ROM device (possibly appearing as
+<filename>D:</filename> or <filename>E:</filename>), and then from
+<filename>C:</filename> (the first hard disk). This setting enables
+you to boot from either a floppy disk or a CD-ROM, which are the two
+most common boot devices used to install Debian.
+If you have a newer SCSI controller and you have a CD-ROM device
+attached to it, you are usually able to boot from the CD-ROM. All you
+have to do is enable booting from a CD-ROM in the SCSI-BIOS of your
+Other popular option is to boot from a USB storage (also called USB
+memory stick or USB key). Some BIOSes can boot USB storage directly,
+and some cannot. You may need to configure your BIOS to boot from
+a <quote>Removable drive</quote> or even a <quote>USB-ZIP</quote> to
+get it to boot from the USB device.
+Here are some details about how to set the boot order. Remember to
+reset the boot order after Linux is installed, so that you restart
+your machine from the hard drive.
+ <sect3 id="ctbooi">
+ <title>Changing the Boot Order on IDE Computers</title>
+As your computer starts, press the keys to enter the BIOS
+utility. Often, it is the <keycap>Delete</keycap> key. However,
+consult the hardware documentation for the exact keystrokes.
+Find the boot sequence in the setup utility. Its location depends on
+your BIOS, but you are looking for a field that lists drives.
+Common entries on IDE machines are C, A, cdrom or A, C, cdrom.
+C is the hard drive, and A is the floppy drive.
+Change the boot sequence setting so that the CD-ROM or the
+floppy is first. Usually, the <keycap>Page Up</keycap> or
+<keycap>Page Down</keycap> keys cycle
+through the possible choices.
+Save your changes. Instructions on the screen tell you how to
+save the changes on your computer.
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3 id="ctboos">
+ <title>Changing the Boot Order on SCSI Computers</title>
+As your computer starts, press the keys to enter the SCSI setup
+You can start the SCSI setup utility after the memory check and
+the message about how to start the BIOS utility displays when you
+start your computer.
+The keystrokes you need depend on the utility. Often, it is
+However, consult your hardware documentation for the
+exact keystrokes.
+Find the utility for changing the boot order.
+Set the utility so that the SCSI ID of the CD drive is first on
+the list.
+Save your changes. Instructions on the screen tell you how to
+save the changes on your computer. Often, you must press
+ </sect3>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="i386">
+ <title>Miscellaneous BIOS Settings</title>
+ <sect3 id="cd-settings"><title>CD-ROM Settings</title>
+Some BIOS systems (such as Award BIOS) allow you to automatically set
+the CD speed. You should avoid that, and instead set it to, say, the
+lowest speed. If you get <userinput>seek failed</userinput> error
+messages, this may be your problem.
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3><title>Extended vs. Expanded Memory</title>
+If your system provides both ex<emphasis>ten</emphasis>ded and
+ex<emphasis>pan</emphasis>ded memory, set it so that there is as much
+extended and as little expanded memory as possible. Linux requires
+extended memory and cannot use expanded memory.
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3><title>Virus Protection</title>
+Disable any virus-warning features your BIOS may provide. If you have
+a virus-protection board or other special hardware, make sure it is
+disabled or physically removed while running GNU/Linux. These aren't
+compatible with GNU/Linux; moreover, due to the file system
+permissions and protected memory of the Linux kernel, viruses are
+almost unheard of.
+After installation you can enable Boot Sector protection if you
+want. This offers no additional security in Linux but if you also run
+Windows it may prevent a catastrophe. There is no need to tamper with
+the Master Boot Record (MBR) after the boot manager has been set up.
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3><title>Shadow RAM</title>
+Your motherboard may provide <emphasis>shadow RAM</emphasis> or BIOS
+caching. You may see settings for ``Video BIOS Shadow'', ``C800-CBFF
+Shadow'', etc. <emphasis>Disable</emphasis> all shadow RAM. Shadow
+RAM is used to accelerate access to the ROMs on your motherboard and
+on some of the controller cards. Linux does not use these ROMs once it
+has booted because it provides its own faster 32-bit software in place
+of the 16-bit programs in the ROMs. Disabling the shadow RAM may make
+some of it available for programs to use as normal memory. Leaving
+the shadow RAM enabled may interfere with Linux access to hardware
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3><title>Memory Hole</title>
+If your BIOS offers something like ``15-16 MB Memory Hole'', please
+disable that. Linux expects to find memory there if you have that much
+We have a report of an Intel Endeavor motherboard on which there is an
+option called ``LFB'' or ``Linear Frame Buffer''. This had two
+settings: ``Disabled'' and ``1 Megabyte''. Set it to ``1 Megabyte''.
+When disabled, the installation floppy was not read correctly, and the
+system eventually crashed. At this writing we don't understand what's
+going on with this particular device &mdash; it just worked with that
+setting and not without it.
+ </sect3>
+<!-- no other platforms other than x86 provide this sort of thing, AFAIK -->
+ <sect3><title>Advanced Power Management</title>
+If your motherboard provides Advanced Power Management (APM),
+configure it so that power management is controlled by APM. Disable
+the doze, standby, suspend, nap, and sleep modes, and disable the hard
+disk's power-down timer. Linux can take over control of these modes,
+and can do a better job of power-management than the BIOS. The version
+of the operating system kernel on the installation floppies does not,
+however, use APM, because we've had reports of one laptop system
+crashing when the Linux APM driver is configured. Once you've
+installed Linux, you can build a custom-configured version of the
+Linux kernel; see <xref linkend="kernel-baking"/> for
+ </sect3>
+ </sect2>
diff --git a/eu/preparing/bios-setup/m68k.xml b/eu/preparing/bios-setup/m68k.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0710c840a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/preparing/bios-setup/m68k.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+ <sect2 arch="m68k" id="firmware-revs">
+ <title>Firmware Revisions and Existing OS Setup</title>
+&arch-title; machines are generally self-configuring and do not require
+firmware configuration. However, you should make sure that you have
+the appropriate ROM and system patches. On the Macintosh, MacOS
+version >= 7.1 is recommended because version 7.0.1 contains a bug in
+the video drivers preventing the boot loader from deactivating the
+video interrupts, resulting in a boot hang. The Amiga bootstrap
+requires <filename>ixemul.library</filename>, a version of which is
+distributed on the CD-ROM. On the BVM VMEbus systems you should make
+sure you are using BVMBug revision G or higher boot ROMs. The BVMBug
+boot ROMs do not come as standard on the BVM systems but are available
+from BVM on request free of charge.
+<para condition="FIXME"><emphasis>FIXME: Mac needs >= 7.1 ? AmigaOS setpatch and ROM
+revisions? (see the m68k FAQ)</emphasis>
+ </sect2>
diff --git a/eu/preparing/bios-setup/powerpc.xml b/eu/preparing/bios-setup/powerpc.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0842c2cdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/preparing/bios-setup/powerpc.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+ <sect2 arch="powerpc" id="invoking-openfirmware">
+ <title>Invoking OpenFirmware</title>
+There is normally no need to set up the BIOS (called OpenFirmware) on
+&arch-title; systems. PReP and CHRP are equipped with OpenFirmware,
+but unfortunately, the means you use to invoke it vary from
+manufacturer to manufacturer. You'll have to consult the hardware
+documentation which came with your machine.
+On &arch-title; Macintoshes, you invoke OpenFirmware with
+<keycombo><keycap>Command</keycap> <keycap>option</keycap>
+<keycap>O</keycap> <keycap>F</keycap></keycombo> while booting. Generally it
+will check for these keystrokes after the chime, but the exact timing
+varies from model to model. See
+<ulink url="&url-netbsd-powerpc-faq;"></ulink> for more hints.
+The OpenFirmware prompt looks like this:
+0 >
+Note that on older model &arch-title; Macs, the default and sometimes
+hardwired I/O for OpenFirmware user interaction is through the serial
+(modem) port. If you invoke OpenFirmware on one of these machines, you
+will just see a black screen. In that case, a terminal program running
+on another computer, connected to the modem port, is needed to
+interact with OpenFirmware.
+The OpenFirmware on OldWorld Beige G3 machines, OF versions 2.0f1
+and 2.4, is broken. These machines will most likely not be able to
+boot from the hard drive unless the firmware is patched. A firmware
+patch is included in the <application>System Disk 2.3.1</application>
+utility, available from Apple at
+<ulink url=""></ulink>.
+After unpacking the utility in MacOS, and launching it, select the
+Save button to have the firmware patches installed to nvram.
+ </sect2>
diff --git a/eu/preparing/bios-setup/s390.xml b/eu/preparing/bios-setup/s390.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..369b51873
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/preparing/bios-setup/s390.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 12756 untranslated -->
+ <sect2 arch="s390"><title>BIOS Setup</title>
+In order to install &debian; on a &arch-title; or zSeries
+machine you have first boot a kernel into the system. The boot
+mechanism of this platform is inherently different to other ones,
+especially from PC-like systems: there are no floppy devices available
+at all. You will notice another big difference while you work with
+this platform: most (if not all) of the time you will work remote,
+with the help of some client session software like telnet, or a
+browser. This is due to that special system architecture where the
+3215/3270 console is line-based instead of character-based.
+Linux on this platform runs either natively on the bare machine, in a
+so-called LPAR (Logical Partition) or in a virtual machine supplied by
+the VM system. You can use a boot tape on all of those systems; you
+may use some other boot media, too, but those may not be generally
+available. For example, you can use the virtual card reader of a
+virtual machine, or boot from the HMC (Hardware Management Console) of
+an LPAR if the HMC and this option is available for you.
+Before you actually perform an installation, you have to go over some
+design and preparation steps. IBM has made documentation available
+about the whole process, e.g. how to prepare an installation medium
+and how actually boot from that medium. Duplicating that information
+here is neither possible nor necessary. However, we will describe
+here which kind of Debian-specific data is needed and where do you
+find them. Based on both sources of information you have to prepare
+your machine and the installation medium and to perform a boot from
+it. When you see the welcome message in your client session join this
+document again for the Debian-specific installation steps.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="s390">
+ <title>Native and LPAR installations</title>
+Please refer to chapter 5 of the
+<ulink url="">
+Linux for &arch-title;</ulink>
+Redbook and chapter 3.2 of the
+<ulink url="">
+Linux for IBM eServer zSeries and &arch-title;: Distributions</ulink>
+Redbook on how to set up an LPAR for Linux.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="s390">
+ <title>Installation as a VM guest</title>
+Please refer to chapter 6 of the
+<ulink url="">
+Linux for &arch-title;</ulink>
+Redbook and chapter 3.1 of the
+<ulink url="">
+Linux for IBM eServer zSeries and &arch-title;: Distributions</ulink>
+Redbook on how to set up a VM guest for running Linux.
+You need to copy all the files from the <filename>vmrdr</filename>
+sub-directory to your CMS disk. Be sure to transfer
+<filename>kernel.debian</filename> and
+<filename>initrd.debian</filename> in binary mode with a fixed record
+length of 80 characters.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="s390">
+ <title>Setting up an installation server</title>
+If you don't have a connection to the Internet (either directly or via
+a web proxy) you need to create a local installation server that can
+be accessed from your S/390. This server keeps all the packages
+you want to install and must make them available using NFS, HTTP or
+The installation server needs to copy the exact directory structure
+from any &debian; mirror but of only the s390 and
+architecture-independent files are required. You can also copy the
+contents of all installation CDs into such a directory tree.
+</para><para condition="FIXME">
+<emphasis>FIXME: more information needed - from a Redbook?</emphasis>
+ </sect2>
diff --git a/eu/preparing/bios-setup/sparc.xml b/eu/preparing/bios-setup/sparc.xml
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/eu/preparing/bios-setup/sparc.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+ <sect2 arch="sparc" id="invoking-openboot"><title>Invoking OpenBoot</title>
+OpenBoot provides the basic functions needed to boot the &arch-title;
+architecture. This is rather similar in function to the BIOS in the
+x86 architecture, although much nicer. The Sun boot PROMs have a
+built-in forth interpreter which lets you do quite a number of things
+with your machine, such as diagnostics, simple scripts, etc.
+To get to the boot prompt you need to hold down the
+<keycap>Stop</keycap> key (on older type 4 keyboards, use the
+<keycap>L1</keycap> key, if you have a PC keyboard adapter, use
+the <keycap>Break</keycap> key) and press the
+<keycap>A</keycap> key. The boot PROM will give you a prompt,
+either <userinput>ok</userinput> or <userinput>&gt;</userinput>. It is
+preferred to have the <userinput>ok</userinput> prompt. So if you get
+the old style prompt, hit the <keycap>n</keycap> key to get the new
+style prompt.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="sparc" id="boot-dev-select-sun">
+ <title>Boot Device Selection</title>
+You can use OpenBoot to boot from specific devices, and also to change
+your default boot device. However, you need to know some details
+about how OpenBoot names devices; it's much different from Linux
+device naming, described in <xref linkend="device-names"/>.
+Also, the command will vary a bit, depending on what version of
+OpenBoot you have. More information about OpenBoot can be found in
+the <ulink url="&url-openboot;">Sun OpenBoot Reference</ulink>.
+Typically, with newer revisions, you can use OpenBoot device such as
+``floppy'', ``cdrom'', ``net'', ``disk'', or ``disk2''. These have
+the obvious meanings; the ``net'' device is for booting from the
+network. Additionally, the device name can specify a particular
+partition of a disk, such as ``disk2:a'' to boot disk2, first
+partition. Full OpenBoot device names have the form
+In older revisions of OpenBoot, device naming is a bit different: the
+floppy device is called ``/fd'', and SCSI disk devices are of the form
+<replaceable>disk-lun</replaceable>)''. The command
+<userinput>show-devs</userinput> in newer OpenBoot revisions is useful
+for viewing the currently configured devices. For full information,
+whatever your revision, see the
+<ulink url="&url-openboot;">Sun OpenBoot Reference</ulink>.
+To boot from a specific device, use the command <userinput>boot
+<replaceable>device</replaceable></userinput>. You can set this
+behavior as the default using the <userinput>setenv</userinput>
+command. However, the name of the variable to set changed between
+OpenBoot revisions. In OpenBoot 1.x, use the command
+<userinput>setenv boot-from
+<replaceable>device</replaceable></userinput>. In later revisions of
+OpenBoot, use the command <userinput>setenv boot-device
+<replaceable>device</replaceable></userinput>. Note, this is also
+configurable using the <command>eeprom</command> command on Solaris,
+or modifying the appropriate files in
+<filename>/proc/openprom/options/</filename>, for example under Linux:
+echo disk1:1 &gt;/proc/openprom/options/boot-device
+and under Solaris:
+eeprom boot-device=disk1:1
+ </sect2>
diff --git a/eu/preparing/install-overview.xml b/eu/preparing/install-overview.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..65530805c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/preparing/install-overview.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11573 untranslated -->
+ <sect1 id="install-overview">
+ <title>Overview of the Installation Process</title>
+First, just a note about re-installations. With Debian, a
+circumstance that will require a complete re-installation of your
+system is very rare; perhaps mechanical failure of the hard disk would
+be the most common case.
+Many common operating systems may require a complete installation to
+be performed when critical failures take place or for upgrades to new
+OS versions. Even if a completely new installation isn't required,
+often the programs you use must be re-installed to operate properly in
+the new OS.
+Under &debian;, it is much more likely that your OS can be repaired
+rather than replaced if things go wrong. Upgrades never require a
+wholesale installation; you can always upgrade in-place. And the
+programs are almost always compatible with successive OS releases. If
+a new program version requires newer supporting software, the Debian
+packaging system ensures that all the necessary software is
+automatically identified and installed. The point is, much effort has
+been put into avoiding the need for re-installation, so think of it as
+your very last option. The installer is <emphasis>not</emphasis>
+designed to re-install over an existing system.
+Here's a road map for the steps you will take during the installation
+Gather information about your computer and any needed documentation,
+before starting the installation.
+Back up any existing data or documents on the hard disk where you
+plan to install.
+Create partition-able space for Debian on your hard disk.
+Locate and/or download the installer software and any specialized
+driver files your machine requires (except Debian CD users).
+Set up boot tapes/floppies/USB sticks, or place boot files (most Debian
+CD users can boot from one of the CDs).
+Boot the installation system.
+Select installation language.
+<listitem arch="not-s390"><para>
+Activate the ethernet network connection, if available.
+<listitem arch="s390"><para>
+Configure one network interface.
+<listitem arch="s390"><para>
+Open a telnet connection to the new system.
+<listitem arch="s390"><para>
+Attach one or more DASDs (Direct Access Storage Device).
+Create and mount the partitions on which Debian will be installed.
+Watch the automatic download/install/setup of the
+<firstterm>base system</firstterm>.
+Install a <firstterm>boot loader</firstterm>
+which can start up &debian; and/or your existing system.
+Load the newly installed system for the first time, and make some
+initial system settings.
+Install additional software (<firstterm>tasks</firstterm>
+and/or <firstterm>packages</firstterm>), at your discretion.
+If you have problems during the installation, it helps to know which
+packages are involved in which steps. Introducing the leading software
+actors in this installation drama:
+The installer software, <classname>debian-installer</classname>, is
+the primary concern of this manual. She directs the
+architecture-specific partitioning program, installs the linux kernel,
+and then supervises <classname>modconf</classname> to load specific
+hardware drivers, <classname>dhclient</classname> to set up the
+network connection, <classname>debootstrap</classname> to install the
+base system packages, and &boot-loader-installer;, the boot loader
+installer. Many more actors play smaller parts in this process, but
+<classname>debian-installer</classname> has completed her task when
+you load the new system for the first time.
+Upon loading the new base system, <classname>base-config</classname>
+supervises adding users, setting a time zone, and setting up the
+package installation system. It then offers to launch
+<classname>tasksel</classname> which will install large groups
+of related programs, and in turn <classname>aptitude</classname> which
+allows you to choose individual software packages.
+When <classname>debian-installer</classname> finishes, before the
+first system load, you have only a very basic command line driven
+system. The graphical interface which displays windows on your monitor
+will not be installed unless you select it during the final steps,
+with either <classname>tasksel</classname> or
+<classname>aptitude</classname>. It's optional because many &debian;
+systems are servers which don't really have any need for a graphical
+user interface to do their job.
+Just be aware that the X system is completely separate from
+<classname>debian-installer</classname>, and in fact is much more
+complicated. Installation and trouble shooting of the X window
+installation is not within the scope of this manual.
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/preparing/minimum-hardware-reqts.xml b/eu/preparing/minimum-hardware-reqts.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..410bf6c71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/preparing/minimum-hardware-reqts.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 -->
+ <sect1 id="minimum-hardware-reqts">
+<title>Gutxienezko Hardware Beharrak</title>
+Behin zure ordenagailuaren hardwareari buruzko xehetasunak bilatu
+dituzula, ziurtatu zaitez hadwareak egin nahi duzun instalazio
+modua onartzen duela.
+</para><para arch="not-s390">
+Zure beharren arabera, zuk beheandagoen taula gomendaturiko beharrak
+baino gutxiagorekin lan egin ahal dezakezu. Hala ere erabiltzaile
+gehienak frustraturik sentituko dira gomendio horiek ez bete ezkero.
+</para><para arch="i386">
+Idazmahai makinetarako Pentium 100 bat gomendatzen da
+eta zerbitzarietarako Pentium II-300.
+</para><para arch="m68k">
+68030 prozersatzailea edo hobeago bat gomendatzen da m68k
+instalatzeko. Erakutsitakoa baina disko leku zerbait gutxiagorekin
+egin ahal izango duzu instalazioa
+</para><para arch="powerpc">
+Edozein OldWorld edo NewWorl PowerPC erabil daiteke
+idazmahai sistema bezala. Zerbitzarientzat gutxienez 132-Mhz
+dituen makina bat goemndatzen da..
+<title>Gomendaturiko gutxieneko sistema beharrak</title>
+<tgroup cols="3">
+ <entry>Instalazio Mota</entry><entry>RAM</entry>
+<entry>Diska gogorra</entry>
+ <entry>Idazmahai gabe</entry>
+ <entry>16 megabyte</entry>
+ <entry>450 megabyte</entry>
+ <entry>Idazmahaiaz</entry>
+ <entry>64 megabyte</entry>
+ <entry>gigabyte 1</entry>
+ <entry>Zerbitzaria</entry>
+ <entry>128 megabyte</entry>
+ <entry>4 gigabyte</entry>
+Hemen zembait Debian sistema konfigurazio arrunten adibidea.
+Zenbait erlazionaturiko rpograma taldek behar dutem diska
+gogorra ikus dezakezu <xref linkend="tasksel-size-list"/>.
+ <term>Zerbitzari arrunta</term>
+ <listitem><para>
+Hemen zerbitzari txiki baten adibidea, erabiltzaile shell
+aldetik behar handirik ez duen zerbitzari batentzat erabilgarria.
+Berauk FTP, web, DNS, NIS eta POP zerbitzariak ditu. Horretarako
+aski izango dira 50 MB, gero zerbitzatu nahi diren datuak gehitu
+behar zaizkio.
+<varlistentry arch="not-s390">
+ <term>Dialup</term>
+ <listitem><para>
+Idazmahau estandarra, X leiho sistema, aplikazio grafikoak,
+soinua, editoreak, etab. Paketeen tamaina 500 MB ingurukoa da.
+<varlistentry arch="not-s390">
+ <term>Lan Kontsola</term>
+ <listitem><para>
+Erabiltzailearen behar gutxirako makina, X zerbitzaririk eta X
+aplikaziorik gabea. Ordengailu mugiko baten pentsatua. Tamaina
+140 MB ingurukoa da.
+ <term>Garatzailea</term>
+ <listitem><para>
+Garatzailearentzako idazmahai bat, horretarako garatzaile pakete
+guztiak, zein Perl, C, C++, etab. Tamaina 475 MB ingurukoa da. X11
+eta beste zenbait pakete gehiago instalatuko dituzula pentsaturik
+800 MB inguru beharko dituzu.
+Kontutan izan tamaina hauek ez dutela normalean ordenagailu batetan
+dauden korreoa edo datuak kontutan artzen. Beti hona da zure jabetzako
+datuentzako lekua prestatzean eskuzabala izatea.Nabarmenki
+<filename>/var</filename> partizioan Debian sistemaren egoera datu
+asko daude. dpkg komandoaren fitxategiak (instalatutako paketete
+guztien argibideekin) erraz 20 MB behar ditzakete; erregistro fitxategiak
+eta besteekin beintzat 50 MB ipini beharko zenizkioke
+<filename>/var</filename> partizioari.
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/preparing/needed-info.xml b/eu/preparing/needed-info.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fdccf38b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/preparing/needed-info.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+ <sect1 id="needed-info">
+ <title>Information You Will Need</title>
+ <sect2>
+ <title>Documentation</title>
+ <sect3>
+ <title>Installation Manual</title>
+This file you are now reading, in plain ASCII, HTML or PDF format.
+<ulink url="install.en.txt"></ulink>
+<ulink url="install.en.html"></ulink>
+<ulink url="install.en.pdf"></ulink>
+ <sect3><title>FAQs</title>
+Frequently asked questions for &arch-title;. Often contains useful
+information on configuring or using your hardware.
+ <itemizedlist>
+<listitem arch="i386"><para>
+<ulink url="&url-hardware-howto;">Linux Hardware Compatibility HOWTO</ulink>
+<listitem arch="m68k"><para>
+<ulink url="&url-m68k-faq;">Linux/m68k FAQ</ulink>
+<listitem arch="alpha"><para>
+<ulink url="&url-alpha-faq;">Linux/Alpha FAQ</ulink>
+<listitem arch="sparc"><para>
+<ulink url="&url-sparc-linux-faq;">Linux for SPARC Processors FAQ</ulink>
+<listitem arch="mips;mipsel"><para>
+<ulink url="&url-mips-howto;">Linux/Mips Howto</ulink>
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3 arch="s390">
+ <title>&arch-title; Hardware References</title>
+Installation instructions and device drivers (DASD, XPRAM, Console,
+ tape, z90 crypto, chandev, network) for Linux on &arch-title; using
+ kernel 2.4
+<ulink url="">Device Drivers and Installation Commands</ulink>
+IBM Redbook describing how Linux can be combined with z/VM on
+zSeries and &arch-title; hardware.
+<ulink url="">
+Linux for &arch-title;</ulink>
+IBM Redbook describing the Linux distributions available for the
+mainframe. It has no chapter about Debian but the basic installation
+concepts are the same across all &arch-title; distributions.
+<ulink url="">
+Linux for IBM eServer zSeries and &arch-title;: Distributions</ulink>
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3>
+ <title>Partitioning Program Manual Pages</title>
+Manual pages for the partitioning software used during the
+installation process.
+</para><para condition="FIXME">
+FIXME: do we have a manual for grub?
+<listitem condition="fdisk.txt"><para>
+<ulink url="fdisk.txt"></ulink>
+<listitem condition="cfdisk.txt"><para>
+<ulink url="cfdisk.txt"></ulink>
+<listitem condition="atari-fdisk.txt"><para>
+<ulink url="atari-fdisk.txt"></ulink>
+<listitem condition="amiga-fdisk.txt"><para>
+<ulink url="amiga-fdisk.txt"></ulink>
+<listitem condition="mac-fdisk.txt"><para>
+<ulink url="mac-fdisk.txt"></ulink>
+<listitem condition="pmac-fdisk.txt"><para>
+<ulink url="pmac-fdisk.txt"></ulink>
+<listitem condition="fdasd.txt"><para>
+<ulink url="fdasd.txt"></ulink>
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3>
+ <title>MD5 checksums</title>
+List of MD5 checksums for the binary files. If you have the
+<command>md5sum</command> program, you can ensure that your files are not
+corrupt by running <userinput>md5sum -v -c md5sum.txt</userinput>.
+<ulink url="../md5sum.txt">.../current/md5sum.txt</ulink>
+ </sect3>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 id="fsohi">
+ <title>Finding Sources of Hardware Information</title>
+Hardware information can be gathered from:
+The manuals that come with each piece of hardware.
+The BIOS setup screens of your computer. You can view these screens
+when you start your computer by pressing a combination of keys. Check
+your manual for the combination. Often, it is the <keycap>Delete</keycap> key.
+The cases and boxes for each piece of hardware.
+<listitem arch="i386"><para>
+The System window in the Windows Control Panel.
+System commands or tools in another operating system, including file
+manager displays. This source is especially useful for information
+about RAM and hard drive memory.
+Your system administrator or Internet Service Provider. These
+sources can tell you the settings you need to set up your
+networking and e-mail.
+<title>Hardware Information Needed for an Install</title>
+<tgroup cols="2">
+ <entry>Hardware</entry><entry>Information You Might Need</entry>
+<row arch="not-s390">
+ <entry morerows="5">Hard Drives</entry>
+ <entry>How many you have.</entry>
+<row arch="not-s390"><entry>Their order on the system.</entry></row>
+<row arch="not-s390">
+ <entry>Whether IDE or SCSI (most computers are IDE).</entry>
+<row arch="not-s390"><entry>Available free space.</entry></row>
+<row arch="not-s390"><entry>Partitions.</entry></row>
+<row arch="not-s390">
+ <entry>Partitions where other operating systems are installed.</entry>
+<row arch="not-s390">
+ <entry morerows="5">Monitor</entry>
+ <entry>Model and manufacturer.</entry>
+<row arch="not-s390"><entry>Resolutions supported.</entry></row>
+<row arch="not-s390"><entry>Horizontal refresh rate.</entry></row>
+<row arch="not-s390"><entry>Vertical refresh rate.</entry></row>
+<row arch="not-s390">
+ <entry>Color depth (number of colors) supported.</entry>
+<row arch="not-s390"><entry>Screen size.</entry></row>
+<row arch="not-s390">
+ <entry morerows="3">Mouse</entry>
+ <entry>Type: serial, PS, or USB.</entry>
+<row arch="not-s390"><entry>Port.</entry></row>
+<row arch="not-s390"><entry>Manufacturer.</entry></row>
+<row arch="not-s390"><entry>Number of buttons.</entry></row>
+<row arch="not-s390">
+ <entry morerows="1">Network</entry>
+ <entry>Model and manufacturer.</entry>
+<row arch="not-s390"><entry>Type of adapter.</entry></row>
+<row arch="not-s390">
+ <entry morerows="1">Printer</entry>
+ <entry>Model and manufacturer.</entry>
+<row arch="not-s390"><entry>Printing resolutions supported.</entry></row>
+<row arch="not-s390">
+ <entry morerows="2">Video Card</entry>
+ <entry>Model and manufacturer.</entry>
+<row arch="not-s390"><entry>Video RAM available.</entry></row>
+<row arch="not-s390">
+ <entry>Resolutions and color depths supported (these should be
+ checked against your monitor's capabilities).</entry>
+<row arch="s390">
+ <entry morerows="1">DASD</entry>
+ <entry>Device number(s).</entry>
+<row arch="s390"><entry>Available free space.</entry></row>
+<row arch="s390">
+ <entry morerows="2">Network</entry>
+ <entry>Type of adapter.</entry>
+<row arch="s390"><entry>Device numbers.</entry></row>
+<row arch="s390"><entry>Relative adapter number for OSA cards.</entry></row>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2>
+ <title>Hardware Compatibility</title>
+Many brand name products work without trouble on Linux. Moreover,
+hardware for Linux is improving daily. However, Linux still does not
+run as many different types of hardware as some operating systems.
+</para><para arch="i386">
+In particular, Linux usually cannot run hardware that requires a
+running version of Windows to work.
+</para><para arch="i386">
+Although some Windows-specific hardware can be made to run on Linux,
+doing so usually requires extra effort. In addition, Linux drivers
+for Windows-specific hardware are usually specific to one Linux
+kernel. Therefore, they can quickly become obsolete.
+</para><para arch="i386">
+So called win-modems are the most common type of this hardware.
+However, printers and other equipment may also be Windows-specific.
+You can check hardware compatibility by:
+Checking manufacturers' web sites for new drivers.
+Looking at web sites or manuals for information about emulation.
+Lesser known brands can sometimes use the drivers or settings for
+better-known ones.
+Checking hardware compatibility lists for Linux on web sites
+dedicated to your architecture.
+Searching the Internet for other users' experiences.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2>
+ <title>Network Settings</title>
+If your computer is connected to a network 24 hours a day (i.e., an
+Ethernet or equivalent connection &mdash; not a PPP connection), you
+should ask your network's system administrator for this information.
+Your host name (you may be able to decide this on your own).
+Your domain name.
+Your computer's IP address.
+The netmask to use with your network.
+The IP address of the default gateway system you should route to, if
+your network <emphasis>has</emphasis> a gateway.
+The system on your network that you should use as a DNS (Domain Name
+Service) server.
+</para><para condition="supports-dhcp">
+On the other hand, if your administrator tells you that a DHCP server
+is available and is recommended, then you don't need this information
+because the DHCP server will provide it directly to your computer
+during the installation process.
+If you use a wireless network, you should also find out:
+ESSID of your wireless network.
+WEP security key (if applicable).
+ </sect2>
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/preparing/non-debian-partitioning.xml b/eu/preparing/non-debian-partitioning.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5f9f67229
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/preparing/non-debian-partitioning.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 12756 untranslated -->
+ <sect1 id="non-debian-partitioning">
+ <title>Pre-Partitioning for Multi-Boot Systems</title>
+Partitioning your disk simply refers to the act of breaking up your
+disk into sections. Each section is then independent of the others.
+It's roughly equivalent to putting up walls inside a house; if you add
+furniture to one room it doesn't affect any other room.
+</para><para arch="s390">
+Whenever this section talks about ``disks'' you should translate this
+into a DASD or VM minidisk in the &arch-title; world. Also a machine means
+an LPAR or VM guest in this case.
+If you already have an operating system on your system
+<phrase arch="i386">
+(Windows 9x, Windows NT/2000/XP, OS/2, MacOS, Solaris, FreeBSD, &hellip;)
+<phrase arch="alpha">
+(Tru64 (Digital UNIX), OpenVMS, Windows NT, FreeBSD, &hellip;)
+<phrase arch="s390">
+(VM, z/OS, OS/390, &hellip;)
+and want to stick Linux on the same disk, you will need to repartition
+the disk. Debian requires its own hard disk partitions. It cannot be
+installed on Windows or MacOS partitions. It may be able to share some
+partitions with other Linux systems, but that's not covered here. At
+the very least you will need a dedicated partition for the Debian
+You can find information about your current partition setup by using
+a partitioning tool for your current operating system
+<phrase arch="i386">, such as fdisk or PartitionMagic</phrase>
+<phrase arch="powerpc">, such as Drive Setup, HD Toolkit, or MacTools</phrase>
+<phrase arch="m68k">, such as HD SC Setup, HDToolBox, or SCSITool</phrase>
+<phrase arch="s390">, such as the VM diskmap</phrase>
+. Partitioning tools always provide a way to show existing partitions
+without making changes.
+In general, changing a partition with a file system already on
+it will destroy any information there. Thus you should always make
+backups before doing any repartitioning. Using the analogy of the
+house, you would probably want to move all the furniture out of the
+way before moving a wall or you risk destroying it.
+<phrase arch="i386"> Luckily, there is an alternative for some users; see
+<xref linkend="lossless"/>. </phrase>
+<para arch="hppa" condition="FIXME">
+<emphasis>FIXME: write about HP-UX disks?</emphasis>
+If your computer has more than one hard disk, you may want to dedicate
+one of the hard disks completely to Debian. If so, you don't need to
+partition that disk before booting the installation system; the
+installer's included partitioning program can handle the job nicely.
+If your machine has only one hard disk, and you would like to
+completely replace the current operating system with &debian;,
+you also can wait to partition as part of the installation process
+(<xref linkend="partman"/>), after you have booted the
+installation system. However this only works if you plan to boot the
+installer system from tapes, CD-ROM or files on a connected machine.
+Consider: if you boot from files placed on the hard disk, and then
+partition that same hard disk within the installation system, thus
+erasing the boot files, you'd better hope the installation is
+successful the first time around. At the least in this case, you
+should have some alternate means of reviving your machine like the
+original system's installation tapes or CDs.
+If your machine already has multiple partitions, and enough space can
+be provided by deleting and replacing one or more of them, then you
+too can wait and use the Debian installer's partitioning program. You
+should still read through the material below, because there may be
+special circumstances like the order of the existing partitions within
+the partition map, that force you to partition before installing
+In all other cases, you'll need to partition your hard disk before
+starting the installation to create partition-able space for
+Debian. If some of the partitions will be owned by other operating
+systems, you should create those partitions using native operating
+system partitioning programs. We recommend that you do
+<emphasis>not</emphasis> attempt to create Debian Linux partitions
+using another operating system's tools. Instead, you should just
+create the native operating system's partitions you will want to
+If you are going to install more than one operating system on the same
+machine, you should install all other system(s) before proceeding with
+Linux installation. Windows and other OS installations may destroy
+your ability to start Linux, or encourage you to reformat non-native
+You can recover from these actions or avoid them, but installing
+the native system first saves you trouble.
+</para><para arch="powerpc">
+In order for OpenFirmware to automatically boot &debian; the Linux
+partitions should appear before all other partitions on the disk,
+especially MacOS boot partitions. This should be kept in mind when
+pre-partitioning; you should create a Linux placeholder partition to
+come <emphasis>before</emphasis> the other bootable partitions on the
+disk. (The small partitions dedicated to Apple disk drivers are not
+bootable.) You can delete the placeholder with the Linux partition
+tools later during the actual install, and replace it with Linux
+If you currently have one hard disk with one partition (a common setup
+for desktop computers), and you want to multi-boot the native
+operating system and Debian, you will need to:
+ <orderedlist>
+Back up everything on the computer.
+Boot from the native operating system installer media such as CD-ROM
+or tapes.
+<phrase arch="powerpc">When booting from a MacOS CD, hold the
+<keycap>c</keycap> key while
+booting to force the CD to become the active MacOS system.</phrase>
+Use the native partitioning tools to create native system
+partition(s). Leave either a place holder partition or free space for
+Install the native operating system on its new partition.
+Boot back into the native system to verify everything's OK,
+ and to download the Debian installer boot files.
+Boot the Debian installer to continue installing Debian.
+ </sect1>
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+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+ <sect2 arch="alpha"><title>Partitioning in Tru64 UNIX</title>
+Tru64 UNIX, formerly known as Digital UNIX, which is in turn formerly
+known as OSF/1, uses the partitioning scheme similar to the BSD `disk
+label', which allows for up to eight partitions per disk drive. The
+partitions are numbered `1' through to `8' in
+Linux and ``lettered'' `a' through to `h' in UNIX.
+Linux kernels 2.2 and higher always correspond `1' to
+`a', `2' to `b' and so on. For
+example, <filename>rz0e</filename> in Tru64 UNIX would most likely be called
+<filename>sda5</filename> in Linux.
+Partitions in the disk label may overlap. Moreover, the `c' partition
+is required to span the entire disk (thus overlapping all other
+non-empty partitions). Under Linux this makes <filename>sda3</filename>
+identical to <filename>sda</filename> (<filename>sdb3</filename> to <filename>sdb</filename>, if
+present, and so on). Apart from satisfying this requirement, you
+should carefully avoid creating overlapping partitions.
+Another conventional requirement is for the `a' partition to start from
+the beginning of the disk, so that it always includes the boot block
+with the disk label. If you intend to boot Debian from that disk, you
+need to size it at least 2MB to fit aboot and perhaps a kernel.
+Note that these two partitions are only required for compatibility;
+you must not put a file system onto them, or you'll destroy data. If
+you're not going to share the disk with Tru64 Unix or one of the free
+4.4BSD-Lite derived operating systems (FreeBSD, OpenBSD, or NetBSD),
+you can ignore these requirements, and use the partitioning tool from
+the Debian boot disks. See <xref linkend="partition-programs"/> for details.
+Disks can be partitioned with the graphical disk configuration tool that
+is accessible through the Application Manager, or with the command-line
+<command>disklabel</command> utility. Partition type for the Linux file
+system should be set to `resrvd8'. This can only be done via
+<command>disklabel</command>; however, all other configuration can easily be
+performed with the graphical tool.
+It is possible, and indeed quite reasonable, to share a swap partition
+between UNIX and Linux. In this case it will be needed to do a
+<command>mkswap</command> on that partition every time the system is rebooted
+from UNIX into Linux, as UNIX will damage the swap signature. You may
+want to run <command>mkswap</command> from the Linux start-up scripts before
+adding swap space with <command>swapon -a</command>.
+If you want to mount UNIX partitions under Linux, note that Digital UNIX
+can use two different file system types, UFS and AdvFS, of which Linux
+only understands the former.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="alpha"><title>Partitioning in Windows NT</title>
+Windows NT uses the PC-style partition table. If you are manipulating
+existing FAT or NTFS partitions, it is recommended that you use the
+native Windows NT tools (or, more conveniently, you can also
+repartition your disk from the AlphaBIOS setup menu). Otherwise, it
+is not really necessary to partition from Windows; the Linux
+partitioning tools will generally do a better job. Note that when you
+run NT, the Disk Administrator may offer you to write a ``harmless
+signature'' on non-Windows disks if you have any. <emphasis>Never</emphasis> let
+it do that, as this signature will destroy the partition information.
+If you plan to boot Linux from an ARC/AlphaBIOS/ARCSBIOS console, you
+will need a (small) FAT partition for MILO. 5 Mb is quite
+sufficient. If Windows NT is installed, its 6 Mb bootstrap partition
+can be employed for this purpose.
+ </sect2>
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+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+ <sect2 arch="i386"><title>Partitioning From DOS or Windows</title>
+If you are manipulating existing FAT or NTFS partitions, it is
+recommended that you either use the scheme below or native Windows or
+DOS tools. Otherwise, it is not really necessary to partition from DOS
+or Windows; the Linux partitioning tools will generally do a better
+But if you have a large IDE disk, and are using neither LBA addressing,
+overlay drivers (sometimes provided by hard disk manufacturers), nor a
+new (post 1998) BIOS that supports large disk access extensions, then
+you must locate your Debian boot partition carefully. In this case,
+you will have to put the boot partition into the first 1024 cylinders
+of your hard drive (usually around 524 megabytes, without BIOS
+translation). This may require that you move an existing FAT or NTFS
+ <sect3 id="lossless">
+ <title>Lossless Repartitioning When Starting From DOS, Win-32 or OS/2
+ </title>
+One of the most common installations is onto a system that already
+contains DOS (including Windows 3.1), Win32 (such as Windows 95, 98, Me,
+NT, 2000, XP), or OS/2, and it is desired to put Debian onto the same disk
+without destroying the previous system. As explained in the
+<xref linkend="partition-sizing"/>, decreasing the size
+of an existing partition
+will almost certainly damage the data on that partition unless certain
+precautions are taken. The method described here, while not
+guaranteed to protect your data, works extremely well in practice. As
+a precaution, you should <emphasis>make a backup</emphasis>.
+Before going any further, you should have decided how you will be
+dividing up the disk. The method in this section will only split a
+partition into two pieces. One will contain the original OS and the
+other will be used for Debian. During the installation of Debian, you
+will be given the opportunity to use the Debian portion of the disk as you
+see fit, i.e., as swap or as a file system.
+The idea is to move all the data on the partition to the beginning,
+before changing the partition information, so that nothing will be
+lost. It is important that you do as little as possible between the
+data movement and repartitioning to minimize the chance of a file
+being written near the end of the partition as this will decrease the
+amount of space you can take from the partition.
+The first thing needed is a copy of <command>fips</command> which is
+available in the <filename>tools/</filename> directory on your nearest Debian
+mirror. Unzip the archive and copy the files
+<filename>RESTORRB.EXE</filename>, <filename>FIPS.EXE</filename> and
+<filename>ERRORS.TXT</filename> to a bootable floppy. A bootable floppy can
+be created using the command <filename>sys a:</filename> under DOS.
+<command>fips</command> comes with very good documentation which you may
+want to read. You will definitely need to read the documentation if
+you use a disk compression driver or a disk manager. Create the disk
+and read the documentation <emphasis>before</emphasis> you defragment the disk.
+The next thing needed is to move all the data to the beginning of the
+partition. <command>defrag</command>, which comes standard with DOS 6.0 and
+later can easily do the job. See the <command>fips</command> documentation
+for a list of other software that may do the trick. Note that if you
+have Windows 9x, you must run <command>defrag</command> from there, since
+DOS doesn't understand VFAT, which is used to support for long
+filenames, used in Windows 95 and higher.
+After running the defragmenter (which can take a while on a large
+disk), reboot with the <command>fips</command> disk you created in the
+floppy drive. Simply type <filename>a:\fips</filename> and follow the directions.
+Note that there are many other other partition managers out there, in
+case <command>fips</command> doesn't do the trick for you.
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3 id="partitioning-for-dos"><title>Partitioning for DOS</title>
+If you are partitioning for DOS drives, or changing the size of DOS
+partitions, using Linux tools, many people experience problems working
+with the resulting FAT partitions. For instance, some have reported
+slow performance, consistent problems with <command>scandisk</command>, or
+other weird errors in DOS or Windows.
+Apparently, whenever you create or resize a partition for DOS use,
+it's a good idea to fill the first few sectors with zeros. Do this
+prior to running DOS's <command>format</command> command, from Linux:
+dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hdXX bs=512 count=4
+ </sect3>
+ </sect2>
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+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+ <sect2 arch="m68k"><title>Partitioning in AmigaOS</title>
+If you are running AmigaOS, you can use the <command>HDToolBox</command>
+program to adjust your native partitions prior to installation.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="m68k"><title>Partitioning in Atari TOS</title>
+Atari partition IDs are three ASCII characters, use ``LNX'' for data
+and ``SWP'' for swap partitions. If using the low memory installation
+method, a small Minix partition is also needed (about 2 MB), for which
+the partition ID is ``MNX''. Failure to set the appropriate partition
+IDs not only prevents the Debian installation process from recognizing
+the partitions, but also results in TOS attempting to use the Linux
+partitions, which confuses the hard disk driver and renders the whole
+disk inaccessible.
+There are a multitude of third party partitioning tools available (the
+Atari <command>harddisk</command> utility doesn't permit changing the
+partition ID); this manual cannot give detailed descriptions for all
+of them. The following description covers <command>SCSITool</command> (from
+Hard+Soft GmBH).
+Start <command>SCSITool</command> and select the disk you want to partition
+(<guimenu>Disk</guimenu> menu, item <guimenuitem>select</guimenuitem>).
+From the <guimenu>Partition</guimenu> menu, select either
+<guimenuitem>New</guimenuitem> to add new partitions or change the
+existing partition sizes, or <guimenuitem>Change</guimenuitem> to
+change one specific partition. Unless you have already created
+partitions with the right sizes and only want to change the partition
+ID, <guimenuitem>New</guimenuitem> is probably the best choice.
+For the <guimenuitem>New</guimenuitem> choice, select
+<guilabel>existing</guilabel> in the dialog box
+prompting the initial settings. The next window shows a list of
+existing partitions which you can adjust using the scroll buttons, or
+by clicking in the bar graphs. The first column in the partition list
+is the partition type; just click on the text field to edit it. When
+you are finished changing partition settings, save the changes by
+leaving the window with the <guibutton>OK</guibutton> button.
+For the <guimenuitem>Change</guimenuitem> option, select the partition
+to change in the selection list, and select <guilabel>other
+systems</guilabel> in the dialog box. The
+next window lists detailed information about the location of this
+partition, and lets you change the partition ID. Save changes by
+leaving the window with the <guibutton>OK</guibutton> button.
+Write down the Linux names for each of the partitions you created or
+changed for use with Linux &mdash; see <xref linkend="device-names"/>.
+Quit <command>SCSITool</command> using the
+<guimenuitem>Quit</guimenuitem> item from the <guimenu>File</guimenu>
+menu. The computer will reboot to make sure the changed partition
+table is used by TOS. If you changed any TOS/GEM partitions, they will
+be invalidated and have to be reinitialized (we told you to back up
+everything on the disk, didn't we?).
+There is a partitioning tool for Linux/m68k called
+<command>atari-fdisk</command> in the installation system, but for now we
+recommend you partition your disk using a TOS partition editor or some
+disk tool. If your partition editor doesn't have an option to edit the
+partition type, you can do this crucial step at a later stage (from
+the booted temporary install RAMdisk). <command>SCSITool</command> is only
+one of the partition editors we know of which supports selection of
+arbitrary partition types. There may be others; select the tool that
+suits your needs.
+ <sect2 arch="m68k"><title>Partitioning in MacOS</title>
+Partitioning tools for Macintosh tested include <command>pdisk</command>,
+<command>HD SC Setup</command> 7.3.5 (Apple), <command>HDT</command> 1.8 (FWB),
+<command>SilverLining</command> (LaCie), and <command>DiskTool</command> (Tim
+Endres, GPL). Full versions are required for <command>HDT</command> and
+<command>SilverLining</command>. The Apple tool requires a patch in order
+to recognize third-party disks (a description on how to patch <command>HD
+SC Setup</command> using <command>ResEdit</command> can be found at
+<ulink url=""></ulink>).
+For IDE based Macs, you need to use <command>Apple Drive Setup</command> to create
+empty space for the Linux partitions, and complete the partitioning under
+Linux, or use the MacOS version of pdisk available from the MkLinux FTP
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+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+ <sect2 arch="powerpc"><title>MacOS/OSX Partitioning</title>
+The <application>Apple Drive Setup</application> application can be found in the
+<filename>Utilities</filename> folder on the MacOS CD. It will not adjust existing
+partitions; it is limited to partitioning the entire disk at once. The
+disk driver partitions don't show up in <application>Drive Setup</application>.
+Remember to create a placeholder partition for GNU/Linux, preferably
+positioned first in the disk layout. it doesn't matter what type it
+is, it will be deleted and replaced later inside the &debian; installer.
+If you are planning to install both MacOS 9 and OS X, it is best to
+create separate partitions for OS 9 and OS X. If they are installed on
+the same partition, <application>Startup Disk</application> (and reboot) must be used to select
+between the two; the choice between the two systems can't be made at
+boot time. With separate partitions, separate options for OS 9 and OS
+X will appear when holding the <keycap>option</keycap> key at boot time, and separate
+options can be installed in the <application>yaboot</application> boot menu as well. Also,
+Startup Disk will de-bless all other mountable partitions, which can
+affect GNU/Linux booting. Both OS 9 and OS X partitions will be
+accessible from either OS 9 or OS X.
+GNU/Linux is unable to access information on HFS+ (aka MacOS Extended)
+or UFS partitions. OS X requires one of these two types for its boot
+partition. MacOS 9 can be installed on either HFS (aka MacOS Standard)
+or HFS+. To share information between the MacOS and GNU/Linux systems,
+an exchange partition is handy. HFS and MS-DOS FAT partitions are
+supported by both MacOS and Linux.
+ </sect2>
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+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+ <sect2 arch="sparc"><title>Partitioning from SunOS</title>
+It's perfectly fine to partition from SunOS; in fact, if you intend to
+run both SunOS and Debian on the same machine, it is recommended that
+you partition using SunOS prior to installing Debian. The Linux
+kernel understands Sun disk labels, so there are no problems there.
+Just make sure you leave room for the Debian root partition within the
+first 1GB area of the boot disk. You can also place the kernel image on a
+UFS partition if that is easier than putting the root partition there.
+SILO supports booting Linux and SunOS from either EXT2 (Linux), UFS
+(SunOS), romfs and iso9660 (CDROM) partitions.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 arch="sparc"><title>Partitioning from Linux or another OS</title>
+Whatever system you are using to partition, make sure you create a
+``Sun disk label'' on your boot disk. This is the only kind of
+partition scheme that the OpenBoot PROM understands, and so it's the
+only scheme from which you can boot. In <command>fdisk</command>, the
+<keycap>s</keycap> key is used to create Sun disk labels. You only need to do this
+on drives that do not already have a Sun disk label. If you are using a
+drive that was previously formatted using a PC (or other architecture) you
+must create a new disk label, or problems with the disk geometry will most
+likely occur.
+You will probably be using <command>SILO</command> as your boot loader (the
+small program which runs the operating system kernel).
+<command>SILO</command> has certain requirements for partition sizes and
+location; see <xref linkend="partitioning"/>.
+ </sect2>
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+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
+ <sect1 id="pre-install-bios-setup">
+ <title>Pre-Installation Hardware and Operating System Setup</title>
+This section will walk you through pre-installation hardware setup, if
+any, that you will need to do prior to installing Debian. Generally,
+this involves checking and possibly changing firmware settings for
+your system. The ``firmware'' is the core software used by the
+hardware; it is most critically invoked during the bootstrap process
+(after power-up). Known hardware issues affecting the reliability of
+&debian; on your system are also highlighted.
+ <sect2><title>Hardware Issues to Watch Out For</title>
+<para arch="not-s390">
+Many people have tried operating their 90 MHz CPU at 100 MHz, etc. It
+sometimes works, but is sensitive to temperature and other factors and
+can actually damage your system. One of the authors of this document
+over-clocked his own system for a year, and then the system started
+aborting the <command>gcc</command> program with an unexpected signal
+while it was compiling the operating system kernel. Turning the CPU
+speed back down to its rated value solved the problem.
+</para><para arch="not-s390">
+The <command>gcc</command> compiler is often the first thing to die
+from bad memory modules (or other hardware problems that change data
+unpredictably) because it builds huge data structures that it
+traverses repeatedly. An error in these data structures will cause it
+to execute an illegal instruction or access a non-existent
+address. The symptom of this will be <command>gcc</command> dying from
+an unexpected signal.
+</para><para arch="m68k">
+Atari TT RAM boards are notorious for RAM problems under Linux; if you
+encounter any strange problems, try running at least the kernel in
+ST-RAM. Amiga users may need to exclude RAM using a booter memfile.
+<phrase condition="FIXME"><emphasis>
+FIXME: more description of this needed.
+</para><para arch="i386">
+The very best motherboards support parity RAM and will actually tell
+you if your system has a single-bit error in RAM. Unfortunately, they
+don't have a way to fix the error, thus they generally crash
+immediately after they tell you about the bad RAM. Still, it's better
+to be told you have bad memory than to have it silently insert errors
+in your data. Thus, the best systems have motherboards that support
+parity and true-parity memory modules; see
+<xref linkend="Parity-RAM"/>.
+</para><para arch="i386">
+If you do have true-parity RAM and your motherboard can handle it, be
+sure to enable any BIOS settings that cause the motherboard to
+interrupt on memory parity errors.
+ <sect3 arch="i386"><title>The Turbo Switch</title>
+Many systems have a <emphasis>turbo</emphasis> switch that controls
+the speed of the CPU. Select the high-speed setting. If your BIOS
+allows you to disable software control of the turbo switch (or
+software control of CPU speed), do so and lock the system in
+high-speed mode. We have one report that on a particular system, while
+Linux is auto-probing (looking for hardware devices) it can
+accidentally touch the software control for the turbo switch.
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3 arch="i386"><title>Cyrix CPUs and Floppy Disk Errors</title>
+Many users of Cyrix CPUs have had to disable the cache in their
+systems during installation, because the floppy disk has errors if
+they do not. If you have to do this, be sure to re-enable your cache
+when you are finished with installation, as the system runs
+<emphasis>much</emphasis> slower with the cache disabled.
+We don't think this is necessarily the fault of the Cyrix CPU. It may
+be something that Linux can work around. We'll continue to look into
+the problem. For the technically curious, we suspect a problem with
+the cache being invalid after a switch from 16-bit to 32-bit code.
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3 arch="i386"><title>Peripheral Hardware Settings</title>
+You may have to change some settings or jumpers on your computer's
+peripheral cards. Some cards have setup menus, while others rely on
+jumpers. This document cannot hope to provide complete information on
+every hardware device; what it hopes to provide is useful tips.
+If any cards provide ``mapped memory'', the memory should be mapped
+somewhere between 0xA0000 and 0xFFFFF (from 640K to just below 1
+megabyte) or at an address at least 1 megabyte greater than the total
+amount of RAM in your system.
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3 arch="i386" id="usb-keyboard-config"><title>USB keyboards</title>
+If you have no AT-style keyboard and only a USB model, you will need
+to enable legacy AT keyboard emulation in your BIOS setup. Consult
+your main board manual and look in the BIOS for "Legacy keyboard
+emulation" or "USB keyboard support" options. It must be enabled in
+order to boot the installation system. If you enabled this option and
+it is working for you, you are fine and can go ahead.
+If you cannot find this option, it might be that it is always enabled
+and you can continue. It also might mean that the BIOS does not
+provide any emulation support (bad luck here).
+If you find the option and enable it, but the emulation stops working
+soon after the kernel started, then you have bad luck too. You could
+try the "bf2.4" flavor where the root floppy brings USB modules. If
+you are installing with floppy disks, you would need the keyboard once
+before the USB modules can be loaded. Specifying the "keytimer" option
+at boot prompt may help in this case.
+Sometimes, the emulation hangs but it wakes up after few minutes, so
+you could wait some time and try to continue. To fix this behavior,
+you could load Linux' own drivers for USB keyboards. For this, use
+"modconf" (Step "Configure Device Driver Modules") and load usb-uhci
+or usb-ohci modules.
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3><title>More than 64 MB RAM</title>
+The Linux Kernel can not always detect what amount of RAM you have. If
+this is the case please look at <xref linkend="boot-parms"/>.
+ </sect3>
+ </sect2>
+ </sect1>
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@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 16467 untranslated -->
+<chapter id="preparing">
+ <title>Before Installing &debian;</title>
+This chapter deals with the preparation for installing Debian before you even
+boot the installer. This includes backing up your data, gathering information
+about your hardware, and locating any necessary information.
diff --git a/eu/using-d-i/components.xml b/eu/using-d-i/components.xml
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<!-- original version: 22935 -->
+ <sect1 id="module-details">
+ <title>Osagaiak Banaka Erabiltzen</title>
+Atal honetan instalatzailearen osagai bakoitza xehetasunekin
+deskribatuko dugu. Osagaiak erabiltzaileek ezagutu beharko
+lituzketen pausuetan sailkatu ditugu. Instalatzean agertzen
+diren ordena berean aurkezten dizkizugu. Ohar zaitez instalatze
+guztietan ez direla modulu guztiak erabiliko; zehazki zeintzuk
+erabiltzen diren darabilzun instalatze metodoaren eta zure
+hardwarearen arabera aldatzen da.
+ <sect2 id="di-setup">
+ <title>Debianen Instalatzailea Eta Hardwarea Konfiguratzen</title>
+Demagun Debianen instalatzailea abiarazi dela eta zu lehenengo pantailari
+begira zaudela. Une honetan, &d-i;(r)en gaitasunak nahiko mugaturik
+daude. Ez daki ezer askorik zure hardwareaz, gogoko hizkuntzaz edo
+egin beharko lukeen lanaz. Ez zaitez arduratu. Izan ere, &d-i;
+behar bezain argia da, bere kasa azter dezake zure hardwarea,
+bere gainontzeko osagaiak aurkitu eta instalatze sistema
+erabilgarri eta gaurkotasunezko batera bihur daiteke. Dena dela,
+&d-i; lagundu beharra duzu bere kasa jakin ezin duen informazioa
+emanez (hala nola, zure gogoko hizkuntza, teklatuaren mapa edo
+sareko ispilu-zerbitzaria).
+Ohartuko zara pausu honen baitan &d-i;(e)k <firstterm>hardware detekzioa</firstterm>
+egiten duenaz hainbat alditan. Lehen aldian zehazki instalatzailearen
+osagaiak kargatzeko beharrezko hardwarean (adb. zure CD-ROMa edo sareko txartela)
+jartzen du arreta. Lehen aldi honetan driber guztiak ez direnez gertu
+egongo, hardware detekzioa errepikatu beharra du prozesuan zehar, geroago.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 id="di-partition">
+ <title>Partizioen Sorkuntza Eta Muntaia Puntuaren Hautaketa</title>
+Une honetan, hardware detekzioa azken aldiz abiarazi izan ondoren,
+&d-i; bere sasoi onenean egon beharko litzateke, erabiltzailearen
+beharretara egokituta eta benetako lana egiteko gertu.
+Atal honen izenburuak adierazten duen bezala, ondorengo osagaien
+zeregin garrantzitsuena zure diskoak partitzea, fitxategi
+sistemak sortzea, muntaia puntuak esleitzea eta (aukeran) LVM
+edo RAID gailuak bezalakoak (gaiarekin gogorki loturik daudenak)
+konfiguratzea da.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 id="di-install-base">
+ <title>Oinarri Sistema Instalatzen</title>
+Pausu hau izan arren arazo gutxien sor ditzakeena, instalatzearen
+denbora tarte handiena hartzen du, sistema guztia deskargatu, aztertu
+eta paketeetatik ateratzen baitu. Konputagailu edo sare konexio
+motela badituzu, pausu honek luze jo dezake.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 id="di-make-bootable">
+ <title>Sistema Abiarazgarri Bihurtzen</title>
+<para condition="supports-nfsroot">
+Disko gabeko lan eremu (workstation) bat instalatzen bazabiltza,
+disko gogorretik abiaraztea ez da aukera zail bat, noski. Beraz,
+ez dugu hemen azalduko. <phrase arch="sparc"> Agian OpenBoot
+konfiguratu nahiko duzu saretik abiarazi ohi dadin; ikus <xref
+Ohar zaitez makina berean sistema eragile ugari abiarazteaz oraindik
+zulo beltzez bezain gutxi dakigula. Dokumentu hau ez da abiarazte
+kudeatzaile ezberdinak zerrendatzen saiatu ere egiten, arkitektura
+eta azpiarkitektura guztiz ezberdinekoak ere daudenez. Zure abiarazte
+kudeatzailearen laguntza gaiak irakurri beharko dituzu hartaz
+gehiago jakiteko.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 id="di-finish">
+ <title>Lehen Pausua Amaitzen</title>
+Hauek dira zure Debian berria berrabiarazi aurretik egin beharreko
+azken ekintzak. Batipat &d-i;(r)en ondoren ordenatzea da egin beharrekoa.
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 id="di-miscellaneous">
+ <title>Denetarik</title>
+Atal honetan zerrendaturiko osagaiak ez dira instalatze prozesuan
+barneraturik egon ohi, baina atzealdean itxaroten egoten dira
+erabiltzailea laguntzeko zerbait gaizki joanez gero.
+ </sect2>
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/using-d-i/modules/alpha/aboot-installer.xml b/eu/using-d-i/modules/alpha/aboot-installer.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..60eb48ed6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/using-d-i/modules/alpha/aboot-installer.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 14602 untranslated -->
+ <sect3 arch="alpha">
+ <title>Install <command>aboot</command> on a Hard Disk</title>
+If you have booted from SRM, if you select this option, the installer
+will write <command>aboot</command> to the first sector of the disk on
+which you installed Debian. Be <emphasis>very</emphasis> careful - it
+is <emphasis>not</emphasis> possible to boot multiple operating
+systems (e.g. GNU/Linux, Free/Open/NetBSD, OSF/1 a.k.a. Digital Unix
+a.k.a. Tru64 Unix, or OpenVMS) from the same disk. If you also have a
+different operating system installed on the disk where you have
+installed Debian, you will have to boot GNU/Linux from a floppy
+ </sect3>
diff --git a/eu/using-d-i/modules/anna.xml b/eu/using-d-i/modules/anna.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5c156a8fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/using-d-i/modules/anna.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
diff --git a/eu/using-d-i/modules/autopartkit.xml b/eu/using-d-i/modules/autopartkit.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5c156a8fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/using-d-i/modules/autopartkit.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
diff --git a/eu/using-d-i/modules/base-installer.xml b/eu/using-d-i/modules/base-installer.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..579d3049e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/using-d-i/modules/base-installer.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 21579 -->
+ <sect3 id="base-installer">
+ <title>Sistema oinarriaren Instalazioa</title>
+Sistema oinarriaren instalazioan, pakete despaketatzea eta konfigurazio
+mezuak <userinput>tty4</userinput>-ra bideratuko dira. Zuk terminal
+hau ikus dezakezu
+<keycombo><keycap>Left Alt</keycap><keycap>F4</keycap></keycombo>
+zampatuaz, instalatze prozesura itzukltzeko aski da
+<keycombo><keycap>Left Alt</keycap><keycap>F1</keycap></keycombo>
+Oinarri instalazioak sortutako despaketatze/konfigurazio mezuak
+<filename>/target/tmp/debootstrap.log</filename> fitxategian gordeko dira
+instalazioa kontsola serial baten bidez egiterakoan.
+Instalazioaren zati bezala Linux kernel bat instalatua izango da. Lehenetsi
+bezala instalatzaileak zure hardwareak behar duen bat instalatuko du.
+Baina hala nahi izan ezkero lehentasun txikia erabiliaz eskuragarri
+dauden kernelen artean aukera dezakezu.
+ </sect3>
diff --git a/eu/using-d-i/modules/baseconfig.xml b/eu/using-d-i/modules/baseconfig.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..89cbe1d2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/using-d-i/modules/baseconfig.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 21579 -->
+ <sect3 id="baseconfig">
+ <title>Running <command>base-config</command> From Within &d-i;</title>
+Posible da sistema oinarri konfiguratu instalatzailearen atalik gabe
+(disko gogorretik abiarazi eta gero), <firstterm>chroot</firstterm>
+ingurune batetan <command>base-config</command> erabiliaz. Hau oso
+erabilgarria da instalatzailea frogatzeko baino jende gehieneak ez
+du behar.
+<!-- Feel free to prove me I'm wrong -->
+ </sect3>
diff --git a/eu/using-d-i/modules/cdrom-checker.xml b/eu/using-d-i/modules/cdrom-checker.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d4c2f588b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/using-d-i/modules/cdrom-checker.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 14337 untranslated -->
diff --git a/eu/using-d-i/modules/cdrom-detect.xml b/eu/using-d-i/modules/cdrom-detect.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5c156a8fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/using-d-i/modules/cdrom-detect.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
diff --git a/eu/using-d-i/modules/choose-mirror.xml b/eu/using-d-i/modules/choose-mirror.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..00d78af4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/using-d-i/modules/choose-mirror.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-15"?>
+<!-- original version: 16990 -->
+- Osagai hau instalatzaileak instalatzaile zatiak edo sistema oinarria
+ sare bidez (bai lokal bai internet) deskargatu behar badu bakarrik
+ erabiltzen da
+- Honek lehenik sare interfaze bat konfiguratu behar duzula esan nahi du.
+- Herrialde zerrenda bat agetuko da lehenago zuk aukeratutako nazioaren
+ arabera.
+- Kontutan izan ispilu guztiak ez direla berdinak (begiratu
+- Aukeratu gertuko ispilu bat (zerrenda goian: eskuzko aukeraketa).
+- Nazio bat aukeratu ondoren, nazio horretako ispilu zerrenda agertuko da.
+- Aukeratutako ispilua frogatu egingo da
+- Nola kudeatu ispiluekiko arazoak.
+--> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/eu/using-d-i/modules/countrychooser.xml b/eu/using-d-i/modules/countrychooser.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c9143e516
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/using-d-i/modules/countrychooser.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 23058 -->
+ <sect3 id="country-chooser">
+ <title>Nazio Aukeraketa</title>
+<xref linkend="lang-chooser"/>-en aukeratutako hizkuntza nazio bat
+baino gehiagotan hitzegiten bada (txinera, Ingelesa edo beste hainbat
+hizkuntza bada) nazioa hemen ezarri daiteke. Zerrenda amaierako
+<guimenuitem>Other</guimenuitem> aukeratu ezkero, kontinentez
+sailkaturiko nazio guztien zerrenda bat aurkeztuko da.
+Aukera hau gero lehenetsitako ordu zonaldea eta debian ispilua aukeratzeko
+erabiliko da. Instalatzaileak proposaturiko lehenespena ez bada zuzena
+beste bat aukertu daiteke. Aukeratutako nazioak aukeratutako hizkuntzak
+bezala zure Debian Sistemaren ezarpen lokaletan eragina izango du.
+ </sect3>
diff --git a/eu/using-d-i/modules/ddetect.xml b/eu/using-d-i/modules/ddetect.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5c156a8fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/using-d-i/modules/ddetect.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
diff --git a/eu/using-d-i/modules/hppa/palo-installer.xml b/eu/using-d-i/modules/hppa/palo-installer.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..84a3608e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/using-d-i/modules/hppa/palo-installer.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 14602 untranslated -->
+ <sect3 arch="hppa">
+ <title><command>palo</command>-installer</title>
+The bootloader on PA-RISC is <quote>palo</quote>.
+<command>PALO</command> is similar in configuration and usage to
+<command>LILO</command>, with a few exceptions. First of all,
+<command>PALO</command> allows you to boot any kernel image on your
+boot partition. This is because <command>PALO</command> can actually
+read Linux partitions.
+</para><para condition="FIXME">
+hppa FIXME ( need more info )
+ </sect3>
diff --git a/eu/using-d-i/modules/i386/grub-installer.xml b/eu/using-d-i/modules/i386/grub-installer.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cfd4ae55f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/using-d-i/modules/i386/grub-installer.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version; 18640 -->
+ <sect3 arch="i386">
+ <title><command>Grub</command> Abiarazlea Disko
+ gogorrean instalatzen</title>
+&architecture; lehenetsitako abiarazlea <quote>grub</quote> deitzen da.
+Grub abiarazle fidagarri eta oso malgu bat da eta normalean aukera
+ona izaten zein erabiltzaile berri zein aurreratuagoentzat.
+Lehenespen bezala grub Abiarazte Grabaketa Nagusian (MBR) grabtuko da,
+horik abiarazte prozesuaren kudeaketa guztia eginez. Zuk nahiago baduzu,
+beste nombait instalatu dezakezu. Begiratu grub manual orrialdea
+xehetasun gehiagorako.
+Hala ere zuk ez baduzu grub instalatu nahi, erabili atzera botoia
+menu nagusira itzultzekoe eta han aukeratu instalatu nahi duzun
+ </sect3>
diff --git a/eu/using-d-i/modules/i386/lilo-installer.xml b/eu/using-d-i/modules/i386/lilo-installer.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..40962dc78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/using-d-i/modules/i386/lilo-installer.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-15"?>
+<!-- original version: 14602 -->
+ <sect3 arch="i386">
+ <title><command>LILO</command> Abiarazlea diska
+ gogorrean instalatu</title>
+&architecture; bigarrengo abiarazlea <quote>LILO</quote> deitzen da.
+Hau programa komplexu zahar bat eta funtzionalitate asko ditu, DOS,
+Windows, eta OS/2 kudeaketa barne. Mesedez irakurri
+<filename>/usr/share/doc/lilo/</filename> karpetako argibideak
+zuk behar bereizirik baduzu.
+<ulink url="&url-lilo-howto;">LILO mini-HOWTO</ulink> ere interesgarri
+izan daiteke..
+&d-i;-k hiru aukera ematen dizkizu <command>LILO</command>
+abiarazlea instalatzerakoan:
+<term>Abiarazte Erregistro Nagusian (MBR)</term><listitem><para>
+Modu honetan <command>LILO</command>-k abiarazten kontrol guztia
+hartuko du.
+<term>Debian partizio berrian</term><listitem><para>
+Hau aukeratu beste abiarazle bat erabili nahi
+baduzu. <command>LILO</command> Debian partizio hasieran
+grabtuko da eta bigarren abiarazle bezala erabil daiteke.
+<term>Beste aukera bat</term><listitem><para>
+Erabiltzaile aurreratuek <command>LILO</command> beste nombait
+instalatu nahi dezakete. Kasu honetan zuri galdetu egin da
+non instalatu behar den. devfs erako izenak erabili ditzatezi nolan
+Useful for advanced users who want to install <command>LILO</command>
+somewhere else. In this case you will be asked for desired
+location. You can use devfs style names, such as those that start with
+<filename>/dev/ide</filename>, <filename>/dev/scsi</filename>, eta
+<filename>/dev/discs</filename>, baita izen tradizionalak ere, nolan
+<filename>/dev/hda</filename> edo <filename>/dev/sda</filename>.
+Pausu honen ondoren ezin baduzu Windows 9x (edo DOS) abiaraz,
+Windows 9x (MS-DOS) abiarazte disko bat artu eta
+<userinput>fdisk /mbr</userinput> komandoa erabili MS-DOS abiarazte
+erregistro nagusia &mdash; grabatzeko, honek zuk Debian abiarazteko
+beste nolabait egin beharko duzula esan nahi du!. Argibide gehiagorako
+irakurri <xref linkend="reactivating-win"/>.
+ </sect3>
diff --git a/eu/using-d-i/modules/ia64/elilo-installer.xml b/eu/using-d-i/modules/ia64/elilo-installer.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5c156a8fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/using-d-i/modules/ia64/elilo-installer.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
diff --git a/eu/using-d-i/modules/iso-scan.xml b/eu/using-d-i/modules/iso-scan.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3bbe2f5e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/using-d-i/modules/iso-scan.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 14602 untranslated -->
+ <sect3 id="iso-scan">
+ <title>Looking for the Debian Installer ISO Image</title>
+When installing via the <emphasis>hd-media</emphasis> method, there
+will be a moment where you need to find and mount the Debian Installer
+iso image in order to get the rest of the installation files. The
+component <command>iso-scan</command> does exactly this.
+At first, <command>iso-scan</command> automatically mounts all block
+devices (e.g. partitions) which have some known filesystem on them and
+sequentially searches for filenames ending with
+<filename>.iso</filename> (or <filename>.ISO</filename> for that
+matter). Beware that the first attempt scans only files in the root
+directory and in the first level of subdirectories (i.e. it finds
+but not
+After an iso image has been found, <command>iso-scan</command> checks
+its content to determine, if the image is valid Debian iso image or
+not. In the former case we are done, in the latter
+<command>iso-scan</command> seeks for another image.
+In case the previous attempt to find an installer iso image fails,
+<command>iso-scan</command> will ask you whether you would like to
+perform more throughly search. This pass doesn't look only into the
+topmost directories, but really traverses whole filesystem.
+If <command>iso-scan</command> does not discover your installer iso
+image, reboot back to your original operating system and check if the
+image has correct name (ending in <filename>.iso</filename>), if it is
+placed on a filesystem recognizable by &d-i;, and if it is not
+corrupted (verify the checksum). Experienced unix users could do this
+without rebooting on the second console.
+ </sect3>
diff --git a/eu/using-d-i/modules/kbd-chooser.xml b/eu/using-d-i/modules/kbd-chooser.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..92293e189
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/using-d-i/modules/kbd-chooser.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<!-- original version: 21579 -->
+<!-- Piarres Beobide 2004-ko Azaroaren 23-an egina -->
+ <sect3 id="kbd-chooser">
+ <title>Choosing a Keyboard</title>
+Orokorrean teklatuak hizkuntz batek erabiltzen duen karaktere
+jokora moldaturik egoten da. Aukeratu teklatuak erabili behar
+duen ingurugiroa edo antzekoena berau ez badago. Bein
+sistema instalazioa burutu denean, teklatu ingurumena aukera gehiagoren artean hauta daiteke (bein instalazioa burutu debean
+<command>kbdconfig</command> komandoa erabili).
+Mugitu nabarmendutako nahi duzun teklatura eta orduan &enterkey;
+sakatu. Gezi teklak erabili nabarmendutako &mdash; mugitzeko
+Tekla hauek toki berdinean daude teklatu guztietan beraz ez luke
+arazorik egon beharko nahiz ingurumenez aldatu. Teklatu
+gehigarria goikaldean <keycap>F1</keycap> eta <keycap>F10</keycap> bitarteko teklak dituena da.
+</para><para arch="mipsel">
+DECstation makinetan ez dago teklatu mapa erabilgarririk,
+beraz teklatu aukeraketa alde batetara utzi eta lehenetsitako
+teklatu maparekin (LK201 US) jarraitu. Hau aurrerantzean alda
+liteke Linux/MIPS kernel garatzearekin.
+</para><para arch="powerpc">
+Bi teklatu ingurune deaude AEB teklatuentzat; qwerty/mac-usb-us
+(Apple USB) ingurunean Alt funztio tekla <keycap>Command/Apple</keycap> teklan (teklatuan barra zuriaren inguruan PC sistemen <keycap>Alt</keycap> antzera), qwerty/us (Estandarra) inguruneak aldiz <keycap>Aukera</keycap> teklan
+(Macintosh gehienetan Alt idatzirik duena) ipintzen du. Beste guztian
+bi inguruneak oso antzekoak dira.
+ </sect3>
diff --git a/eu/using-d-i/modules/kernel-chooser.xml b/eu/using-d-i/modules/kernel-chooser.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0034327ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/using-d-i/modules/kernel-chooser.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 14602 untranslated -->
+ <sect3 id="kernel-chooser"><title>Selecting Kernel</title>
+If there are more suitable kernels in the APT sources, you will be
+presented a list of these. Select the most suitable one for your
+system; the selected kernel will be installed on a hard disk and will
+be used in your new system. (E.g. you may have different requirements
+for this kernel compared to the installation one).
+ </sect3>
diff --git a/eu/using-d-i/modules/languagechooser.xml b/eu/using-d-i/modules/languagechooser.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3cc3c6673
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/using-d-i/modules/languagechooser.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-15"?>
+<!-- original version: 21579 -->
+ <sect3 id="lang-chooser">
+ <title>Hizkuntz aukeraketa</title>
+Instalazioaren lehenengo pausua da, instalazioak jarraitzea nahi
+duzun hizkuntza aukeratu. Hizkuntzen izenak bai ingelesez (esluinetan)
+bai izenaren hizkuntzan (ezkerretan); Ezkerraldeko izenak berien
+grafian agertuko dira. Zerrenda inglesezko izenen arabera sailkaturik
+Zuk aukeratutako hizkuntza instalazioaren hurrengo pausetan erabiliko
+da, eskuragarri badaude galderen itzulpen bat erabiliko da. Ez badago
+itzulpen erabilgarririk aukeratutako hizkuntzaretzat ingelesa
+erabiliko du instalatzaileak. Aukeratutako hizkuntzak erabiliko
+den teklatua aukeratzeko ere lagundukod du.
+ </sect3>
diff --git a/eu/using-d-i/modules/lowmem.xml b/eu/using-d-i/modules/lowmem.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0b3569a1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/using-d-i/modules/lowmem.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version:16990 -->
+ <sect3 id="lowmem">
+ <title>Memoria Erabilgarria Arakatu</title>
+&d-i;-k eginiko lehenengo gauzetariko bat, erabilgarri dagoen
+memoria arakatzea da. Memoria erabilgarria txikia bada, osagai
+honek aldaketa batzu egingo ditu instalazio prozesuan debian
+instalatzen laguntzeko.
+Memoria urriko instalazio batetan osagai guztiak ez daude
+erabilgarri. Muga hauetariko bat zuk ezingo duzula instalazio
+hizkuntza aukeratu da.
+ </sect3> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/eu/using-d-i/modules/lvmcfg.xml b/eu/using-d-i/modules/lvmcfg.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d4c2f588b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/using-d-i/modules/lvmcfg.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 14337 untranslated -->
diff --git a/eu/using-d-i/modules/mdcfg.xml b/eu/using-d-i/modules/mdcfg.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d4c2f588b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/using-d-i/modules/mdcfg.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 14337 untranslated -->
diff --git a/eu/using-d-i/modules/mips/arcboot-installer.xml b/eu/using-d-i/modules/mips/arcboot-installer.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5c156a8fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/using-d-i/modules/mips/arcboot-installer.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
diff --git a/eu/using-d-i/modules/mipsel/colo-installer.xml b/eu/using-d-i/modules/mipsel/colo-installer.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d4c2f588b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/using-d-i/modules/mipsel/colo-installer.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 14337 untranslated -->
diff --git a/eu/using-d-i/modules/mipsel/delo-installer.xml b/eu/using-d-i/modules/mipsel/delo-installer.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d355f86b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/using-d-i/modules/mipsel/delo-installer.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 14602 untranslated -->
+ <sect3 arch="mipsel">
+ <title><command>delo</command>-installer</title>
+The boot loader on DECstations is <command>DELO</command>.
+It has to be installed on the same hard disk as the kernel (this is done
+automatically by the installer). DELO supports different configurations
+which are set up in <filename>/etc/delo.conf</filename>. Each
+configuration has a unique name,
+the default setup as created by the installer is <quote>linux</quote>.
+After DELO has been installed, the system can be booted from hard disk
+by entering
+<userinput>boot <replaceable>#</replaceable>/rz<replaceable>id</replaceable> <replaceable>partnr</replaceable>/<replaceable>name</replaceable></userinput>
+on the firmware prompt.
+<term> <replaceable>#</replaceable> </term>
+is the TurboChannel device to be booted from, on most DECstations this
+is <userinput>3</userinput> for the onboard controllers
+<term> <replaceable>id</replaceable> </term>
+is the SCSI ID of the hard disk on which <command>DELO</command> is
+<term> <replaceable>partnr</replaceable> </term>
+is the number of the partition on which
+<filename>/etc/delo.conf</filename> resides
+<term> <replaceable>name</replaceable> </term>
+is the name of the configuration entry in
+<filename>/etc/delo.conf</filename>, which is <quote>linux</quote> by
+In case <filename>/etc/delo.conf</filename> is on the first partition
+on the disk and the default configuration shall be booted, it is
+sufficient to use
+<userinput>boot #/rz<replaceable>id</replaceable></userinput>
+ </sect3>
diff --git a/eu/using-d-i/modules/netcfg.xml b/eu/using-d-i/modules/netcfg.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..23f50f722
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/using-d-i/modules/netcfg.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<!-- original version: 23058 -->
+<!-- 2004-ko Azaroaren 29-an egina -->
+ <sect3 id="netcfg">
+ <title>Sarearen Konfigurazioa</title>
+Pausu honetara heltzean, sistemak sareko gailu bat baino gehiago
+duzula nabaritzen badu, zure sareko ingurune <emphasis>lehenetsia</emphasis>
+aukeratzeko eskatuko dizu, hau da, instalaketarako erabili nahi duzuna.
+Beste inguruneak ez dira oraingoz konfiguratuko. Gainerantzeko
+ingurune horiek instalaketa burutu ondoren konfiguratuko dituzu;
+irakurri laguntza honetako <citerefentry><refentrytitle>interfaces</refentrytitle>
+</citerefentry> orria.
+Berez, &d-i; zure konputagailuko sare txartela DHCP bidez
+konfiguratzen saiatzen da. DHCP proba ongi irteten bada,
+ez duzu ezer egin beharrik. Baina probak huts egiten badu,
+sareko kablea sarturik ez egotetik, DHCP ingurunearen konfiguratze
+okerrerainoko tartean edozein izan daiteke hutsaren eragilea. Baliteke
+zure sare lokalean DHCP zerbitzaririk ez edukitzea ere. Akatsaren
+sortzaileaz xehetasun gehiago izateko, hirugarren kontsolako akats
+mezuak irakurri. Dena dela, berriz saiatzerik nahi al duzun galdetuko
+zaizu beti, edota eskuz instalatzerik nahi al duzun. DHCP zerbitzariak
+batzuetan guztiz motelak dira erantzuten, beraz, dena egoki konfiguratuta
+duzula ziurtzat baduzu, saiatu berriz.
+Eskuzko sare instalaketak zure sarearen inguruan galdera ugari egingo
+dizkizu, hala nola:
+<computeroutput>IP helbidea</computeroutput>,
+<computeroutput>Sareko Mozorroa</computeroutput>,
+<computeroutput>Izenen zerbitzarien helbideak</computeroutput>, eta
+<computeroutput>Makinaren izena</computeroutput>.
+Gainera, hari gabeko sare ingurune bat baduzu, zure <computeroutput>Hari gabeko ESSIDa</computeroutput>
+eta <computeroutput>WEP gakoa</computeroutput> eskatuko zaizkizu. Bete erantzunak hemengo informazioarekin:
+<xref linkend="needed-info"/>.
+Erabilgarri izan dakizkizukeen, edo agian ez, xehetasun batzuk:
+programak sareko IP helbidea zure sistemaren IP helbideari eta
+sareko mozorroari bit mailako AND eragiketa aplikatuz lorturiko
+emaitza dela suposatzen du. Broadcast helbidea zure sistemaren
+IP helbidearen eta sareko mozorroaren bit mailako ukapenaren artean
+bit mailako OR eragiketa eginez lortuko du. Zure pasabidea ateratzen
+ere saiatuko da. Ezin baduzu galdera hauetariko bakar baten erantzuna ere
+aurkitu, erabili sistemak asmatu dituenak, &mdash; sistema instalatu
+ondoren alda ditzakezu, beharrezkoa bada, <filename>/etc/network/interfaces</filename>
+aldatuz. Bestela, <classname>etherconf</classname> instala zenezake, zure sarearen konfigurazioan
+gidatuko zaituen tresna.
+ </sect3>
diff --git a/eu/using-d-i/modules/nobootloader.xml b/eu/using-d-i/modules/nobootloader.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cf08b784e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/using-d-i/modules/nobootloader.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 23662 -->
+ <sect3 id="nobootloader">
+ <title>Abiarazlerik gabe jarraitu</title>
+Osagai hau instalazioa abiarazlerik instalatu gabe amaitzeko
+erabili daiteke, bai arkitektura/azpiarkitekturak ez duelako,
+edo ez delako abiarazlerik instalatu nahi (Adib: beste abiarazle
+bat duzu). <phrase arch="m68k">Aukera hau oso erabilgarria da
+Macintosh, Atari, eta Amiga sistementzat, zeinen sistema eragile
+originala ordenagailuan mantendu eta GNU/Linux abiarazteko erabili
+Abiarazlea eskuz konfiguratzeko, instalatutako kernelaren izena
+<filename>/target/boot</filename> karpetan begiratu. Arakatu ere
+karpeta horretan <firstterm>initrd</firstterm>; fitxategi bat dagoen,
+hala bada ziurrenik abiarazlea erabiltzeko konfiguratu beharko da.
+Behar duzun beste datu bat <filename>/boot</filename> zein diska
+eta partizioetan dagoen jakitea da, baita <filename>/boot</filename>
+partizio ezberdin batetan instalatu baduzu.
+ </sect3>
diff --git a/eu/using-d-i/modules/os-prober.xml b/eu/using-d-i/modules/os-prober.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d4c2f588b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/using-d-i/modules/os-prober.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 14337 untranslated -->
diff --git a/eu/using-d-i/modules/partconf.xml b/eu/using-d-i/modules/partconf.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5c156a8fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/using-d-i/modules/partconf.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
diff --git a/eu/using-d-i/modules/partitioner.xml b/eu/using-d-i/modules/partitioner.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0dabd4a41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/using-d-i/modules/partitioner.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
diff --git a/eu/using-d-i/modules/partman.xml b/eu/using-d-i/modules/partman.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7fa060159
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/using-d-i/modules/partman.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 14602 untranslated -->
+ <sect3 id="partman"><title>Partitioning Your Disks</title>
+Now it is time to partition your disks. If you are uncomfortable with
+partitioning, or just want to know more details, see <xref
+First you will be given the opportunity to automatically partition
+either an entire drive, or free space on a drive. This is also called
+<quote>guided</quote> partitioning. If you do not want to
+autopartition, choose <guimenuitem>Manually edit partition
+table</guimenuitem> from the menu and skip to the next
+paragraph. Otherwise you will be asked if you want <guimenuitem>All
+files in one partition</guimenuitem>, <guimenuitem>Separate partition
+for home directories</guimenuitem>, or if you rather plan to have
+a <guimenuitem>Multi-user system</guimenuitem>. All schemes have their
+pros and cons, some of which are discussed in <xref
+linkend="partitioning"/>. If you are unsure, choose the first
+one. Bear in mind, that guided partitioning needs certain minimal
+amount of free space to operate with. If you don't give it at least
+about 1GB of space (depends on chosen scheme), guided partitioning
+will fail.
+<tgroup cols="3">
+ <entry>Partitioning scheme</entry>
+ <entry>Minimum space</entry>
+ <entry>Created partitions</entry>
+ <entry>All files in one partition</entry>
+ <entry>600MB</entry>
+ <entry><filename>/</filename>, swap</entry>
+ <entry>Separate partition for home directories</entry>
+ <entry>500MB</entry>
+ <entry>
+ <filename>/</filename>, <filename>/home</filename>, swap
+ </entry>
+ <entry>Multi-user system</entry>
+ <entry>1GB</entry>
+ <entry>
+ <filename>/</filename>, <filename>/home</filename>,
+ <filename>/usr</filename>, <filename>/var</filename>,
+ <filename>/tmp</filename>, swap
+ </entry>
+On the next screen you will see your partition table, how the
+partitions will be formatted, and where they will be mounted.
+If you did automatic partitioning, you should just be able to choose
+<guimenuitem>Finished partitioning</guimenuitem> from the menu to use
+what it set up.
+Select partititons from the list to modify or delete them. If you have
+free space it will also show up under a drive, and you can select it
+to create new partitions. When modifying a partition you will have the
+opportunity to choose how to use the partition, the file system to
+use, and where to mount it. The partitioning menu also has a choice at
+the bottom that can be used to automatically partition a drive or
+existing free space on a drive, if you'd rather go that route. Be sure
+to create at least two partitions, one for <emphasis>swap</emphasis>
+and one for the <emphasis>root</emphasis> filesystem (which must be
+mounted as <filename>/</filename>). If you forget to mount the root
+filesystem, <command>partman</command> won't let you continue until
+you correct this issue. However, this situation should not happen,
+because <command>partman</command> by default offers reasonable
+Capabilities of <command>partman</command> can be extended with
+installer modules, so if you can't see all promised goodies, check if
+you have loaded all required modules
+(e.g. <filename>partman-ext3</filename>,
+<filename>partman-xfs</filename>, or
+After you are satisfied with partitioning, select <guimenuitem>Finished
+partitioning</guimenuitem> from the partitioning menu. You will be
+presented with a summary of changes made to the disks and asked to
+confirm that the filesystems should be created as requested.
+ </sect3>
diff --git a/eu/using-d-i/modules/pcmcia.xml b/eu/using-d-i/modules/pcmcia.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5c156a8fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/using-d-i/modules/pcmcia.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
diff --git a/eu/using-d-i/modules/powerpc/quik-installer.xml b/eu/using-d-i/modules/powerpc/quik-installer.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ed6aa6a60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/using-d-i/modules/powerpc/quik-installer.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 14975 untranslated -->
+ <sect3 arch="powerpc">
+ <title>Install <command>Quik</command> on a Hard Disk</title>
+The boot loader for OldWorld Power Macintosh machines is
+<command>quik</command>. You can also use it on CHRP. The installer
+will attempt to set up <command>quik</command> automatically. The
+setup has been known to work on 7200, 7300, and 7600 Powermacs, and on
+some Power Computing clones.
+ </sect3>
diff --git a/eu/using-d-i/modules/powerpc/yaboot-installer.xml b/eu/using-d-i/modules/powerpc/yaboot-installer.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4bba348fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/using-d-i/modules/powerpc/yaboot-installer.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 14975 untranslated -->
+ <sect3 arch="powerpc">
+ <title>Install <command>Yaboot</command> on a Hard Disk</title>
+Newer (mid 1998 and on) PowerMacs use <command>yaboot</command> as
+their boot loader. The installer will set up <command>yaboot</command>
+automatically, so all you need is a small 820k partition named
+<quote>bootstrap</quote> with type
+<emphasis>Apple_Bootstrap</emphasis> created back in the partitioning
+component. If this step completes successfully then your disk should
+now be bootable and OpenFirmware will be set to boot &debian;.
+ </sect3>
diff --git a/eu/using-d-i/modules/prebaseconfig.xml b/eu/using-d-i/modules/prebaseconfig.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..89958781d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/using-d-i/modules/prebaseconfig.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original vesion: 21672 -->
+<!-- Piarres Beobidek egina 2004ko Azaroaren 23-an -->
+ <sect3 id="prebaseconfig">
+ <title>Instalatzea amaitu eta berrabiarazi</title>
+Hau da Debian instalatze lehen pausuaren azkenengo prozesua. Instalaziorako erabilitako medioa ateratzeko eskatuko zaiztu (CD,floppy, etab). Instalatzaileak azken uneko ezarpenak egin eta Debian
+sistema berrira abiaraziko da.
+</para><para arch="s390">
+Menutik <guimenuitem>Instalazio amaitu</guimenuitem> aukeratu
+sistema itzaltzeko, sistema berrabiarazpena ez bait da onartzen
+&arch-title; arkitekturan kasu honetan.
+Select the <guimenuitem>Finish the installation</guimenuitem>
+menu item which will halt the system. Orduan IPL GNU/Linux aukeratu DASD lehen pausuan aukeratu duzun erro fitxategi sistemarekin.
+ </sect3>
diff --git a/eu/using-d-i/modules/s390/dasd.xml b/eu/using-d-i/modules/s390/dasd.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5c156a8fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/using-d-i/modules/s390/dasd.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
diff --git a/eu/using-d-i/modules/s390/netdevice.xml b/eu/using-d-i/modules/s390/netdevice.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5c156a8fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/using-d-i/modules/s390/netdevice.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 untranslated -->
diff --git a/eu/using-d-i/modules/s390/zipl-installer.xml b/eu/using-d-i/modules/s390/zipl-installer.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..58a9261b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/using-d-i/modules/s390/zipl-installer.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 14602 untranslated -->
+ <sect3 arch="s390">
+ <title><command>zipl</command>-instalatzailea</title>
+&arch-title; arkitekturako abiarazlea <quote>zipl</quote> da.
+<command>ZIPL</command> bai konfigurazio bai erabilpenean
+<command>LILO</command>-ren , oso antzekoa da salbuespen
+batzutan ezik. Mesedez begirada bat bota iezaiozu IBM garapen
+developerWorks webguneko <quote>LINUX for &arch-title; Device Drivers and Installation Commands</quote> <command>ZIPL</command>-eri buruz gehiago jakin nahi ezkero.
+ </sect3>
diff --git a/eu/using-d-i/modules/save-logs.xml b/eu/using-d-i/modules/save-logs.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b1370c38a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/using-d-i/modules/save-logs.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 21579 -->
+ <sect3 id="bugreporter">
+ <title>Saving the installation logs</title>
+Instalazioa arrakastatsuki amaitzen bada, instalazio prozesuan
+sortutako erregistroak automatikoki Debian sistema berriko <filename>/var/log/debian-installer/</filename>-en gordeko dira.
+<guimenuitem>Gorde Arazpen erregistroak</guimenuitem>
+menu nagusian aukeratuaz diskete batetan gordetzeko
+aukera emango dizu. Hau oso erabilgarria izan daiteke errore
+konponezin baten bat aurkitzen baduzu instalazio prozesuan,
+erregistroak beste ordenagailu batetan ikusteko edo arazo
+erreporte batetan gehitu daitezkeelako.
+ </sect3>
diff --git a/eu/using-d-i/modules/shell.xml b/eu/using-d-i/modules/shell.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..73ce8173e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/using-d-i/modules/shell.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 14602 untranslated -->
+ <sect3 id="shell">
+<title>Using the Shell and Viewing the Logs</title>
+There is an Execute a Shell item on the menu. If the menu is not
+available when you need to use the shell, press <keycombo>
+<keycap>Left Alt</keycap> <keycap>F2</keycap></keycombo> (on a Mac
+keyboard, <keycombo><keycap>Option</keycap> <keycap>F2</keycap>
+</keycombo>) to get to the second <emphasis>virtual
+console</emphasis>. That's the <keycap>Alt</keycap> key on the
+left-hand side of the <keycap>space bar</keycap>, and the
+<keycap>F2</keycap> function key, at the same time. This is a separate
+window running a Bourne shell clone called <command>ash</command>.
+At this point you are booted from the RAM disk, and there is a limited
+set of Unix utilities available for your use. You can see what
+programs are available with the command <userinput>ls /bin /sbin
+/usr/bin /usr/sbin</userinput>. The text editor is
+<command>nano</command>. The shell has some nice features like
+autocompletion and history.
+Use the menus to perform any task that they are able to do &mdash; the
+shell and commands are only there in case something goes wrong. In
+particular, you should always use the menus, not the shell, to
+activate your swap partition, because the menu software can't detect
+that you've done this from the shell. Press <keycombo><keycap>Left
+Alt</keycap> <keycap>F1</keycap></keycombo> to get back to menus, or
+type <userinput>exit</userinput> if you used a menu item to open the
+ </sect3>
diff --git a/eu/using-d-i/modules/sparc/silo-installer.xml b/eu/using-d-i/modules/sparc/silo-installer.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f459a8cb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/using-d-i/modules/sparc/silo-installer.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 16467 untranslated -->
+ <sect3 arch="sparc">
+ <title>Install the <command>SILO</command> Boot Loader
+ on a Hard Disk</title>
+The standard &architecture; boot loader is called <quote>silo</quote>.
+It is documented in
+<filename>/usr/share/doc/silo/</filename>. <command>SILO</command> is
+similar in configuration and usage to <command>LILO</command>, with
+a few exceptions. First of all, <command>SILO</command> allows you to
+boot any kernel image on your drive, even if it is not listed in
+<filename>/etc/silo.conf</filename>. This is because
+<command>SILO</command> can actually read Linux partitions. Also,
+<filename>/etc/silo.conf</filename> is read at boot time, so there is
+no need to rerun <command>silo</command> after installing a new kernel
+like you would with <command>LILO</command>. <command>SILO</command>
+can also read UFS partitions, which means it can boot SunOS/Solaris
+partitions as well. This is useful if you want to install GNU/Linux
+along side an existing SunOS/Solaris install.
+ </sect3>
diff --git a/eu/using-d-i/using-d-i.xml b/eu/using-d-i/using-d-i.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a523b498b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/using-d-i/using-d-i.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<!-- original version: 17055-->
+ <chapter id="d-i-intro"><title>Debianen Instalatzailea erabiltzen</title>
+ <sect1><title>How the Installer Works</title>
+Debianen instalatzailea instalaketa ahalbidetzeko zeregin zehatz
+batzuetarako sortu diren osagaiez eratua dago. Osagai bakoitzak
+egokitu zaion lana egiten du, bere lana egiteko behar bestetan
+erabiltzaileari galderak eginez. Galdera bakoitzari lehentasun
+bat ematen zaio, eta lehentasun hau instalatzailea abiarazten den
+unean egokitzen da.
+Ohiko instalaketa bat egitean, oinarrizko (lehentasun handieneko)
+galderak soilik egingo dira. Honen ondorioz instalatzaileak bere
+kasa egiten du lan ia guztia, ia erabiltzailearen partehartzerik gabe.
+Osagaiak jarraian abiarazten dira; zein osagai abiarazten diren instalaketa
+metodoaren eta hardwarearen arabera aldatzen da. Galdetzen ez diren
+gaietan ohiko balioak erabiliko ditu instalatzaileak.
+Arazoren bat egoten bada, erabiltzaileak akatsaren leihoa ikusiko
+du, eta instalatzailearen menua ere agertuko da beste ekintza bat
+aukeratu ahal izateko. Ez bada arazorik egoten, erabiltzaileak ez
+du sekula ikusiko instalatzailearen menua, baina pausu bakoitzean
+osagai bakoitzaren galderei erantzun beharko die. Akats larrien
+ohartarazpenei lehentasun 'oso handia'(critical) egokituko zaie eta
+erabiltzailea beti ohartaraziko da akats horretaz.
+Instalatzaileak darabiltzan ohiko balio batzuk &d-i; lanean hastean
+aldatu daitezke abiarazketa-argumentuak bidaliz. Esaterako, sare
+estatikoaren konfigurazioa behartu nahi baduzu (ahal denean DHCP
+erabiltzen da ohiko aukera bezala), abiarazketan parametro hau
+gehi zenezake: <userinput>netcfg/use_dhcp=false</userinput>.
+Ikusi <xref linkend="installer-args"/> orrian aukera erabilgarri guztiak.
+Erabiltzaile aurreratuenak menuan oinarrituriko ingurunean egon
+litezke erosoen, bertan pausu bakoitza erabiltzaileak kontrolatzen
+baitu, instalatzaileak denak bata bestearen ostean abiarazi ordez.
+Instalatzailea menuan oinarrituriko era honetan erabiltzeko,
+gehitu honako argumentu hau:
+Instalaketan muinaren (kernelaren) moduluei aukerak igorri beharra
+baduzu hardwarea erabili edo atzemateko, instalatzailea <quote>expert</quote>
+eran abiarazi beharko duzu. Hau egiteko abiarazketan
+<command>expert</command> agindua erabili dezakezu, edo baita
+<userinput>DEBCONF_PRIORITY=low</userinput> abiarazketa-argumentua
+gehituz ere. Adituentzako era honek &d-i;rengan kontrol
+mugagabea ematen dizu.
+</para><para condition="FIXME">
+OSA NAZAZU: Ez al genuke hemen &d-i; 2.6 muinarekin abiarazteaz zer-edo-zer idatzi beharko?
+Instalatzailearen ingurune arrunta idatzizkoa da (orain arruntagoa den
+irudizko ingurunearen aurkakoa). Sagua ezin da ingurune honetan erabili.
+Hona hemen idatzien artean ibiltzeko erabil ditzakezun teklak:
+<keycap>Tabulatzailea</keycap> edo <keycap>eskuina</keycap> erakusten duen
+gezia 'aurrera' mugitzeko dira, eta <keycombo> <keycap>Shift</keycap>
+<keycap>Hutsunea</keycap> </keycombo> edo <keycap>ezkerra</keycap>
+erakusten duen gezia 'atzera' joateko ikusten diren botoi eta aukeretan
+<keycap>Gora</keycap> eta <keycap>behera</keycap>nzko geziak zerrenda
+higikor batean zehar aritzeko dira, eta baita zerrenda bera higitzeko
+ere (pantailaren amaierara iristean). Gainera, zerrenda luzeetan, hizki
+baten tekla sakatuz zerrendan hizki horrekin hasten den aukerara zuzenean
+joan zaitezke, eta zerrenda zatika iragan dadin, <keycap>Orrian Gora</keycap> eta
+<keycap>Orrian Behera</keycap> sakatzea daukazu. <keycap>Hutsune</keycap>
+teklak item bat aukeratzen du. Erabili &enterkey; eginiko aukerak gaitzeko.
+</para><para arch="s390">
+S/390ak ez ditu kontsola birtualak jasaten. Ondoren zehazten diren errejistroko
+mezuak (logak) ikusteko bigarren edo hirugarren telnet saio bat ireki dezakezu.
+Akats oharrak hirugarren kontsolara berbideratzen dira (<userinput>tty3</userinput>
+izenez ezagutzen da berau). Kontsola honetara sartzeko <keycombo><keycap>Ezkerreko Alt</keycap>
+<keycap>F3</keycap></keycombo> sakatu (<keycap>F3</keycap> sakatzeko unean <keycap>Ezkerreko Alt</keycap>
+sakatuta eduki); instalatzailearen prozesu nagusira itzultzeko sakatu
+<keycombo><keycap>Ezkerreko Alt</keycap><keycap>F1</keycap></keycombo>.
+Ohar hauek hemen ere aurkituko dituzu:
+<filename>/var/log/messages</filename>. Instalaketaren ondoren, log hau
+zure sistema berriko <filename>/var/log/installer.log</filename>
+helbidera kopiatzen da. Instalaketako beste oharrak
+<filename>/target/var/log/debian-installer/</filename> bidean
+aurki ditzakezu instalaketan, eta <filename>/var/log/debian-installer/</filename>
+helbidean instalaturiko sistema berria abiarazi ostean.
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1 id="modules-list"><title>Osagaiak: Sarrera</title>
+Hemen osagaiez eta hauen helburuen deskripzio labur batez osaturiko
+zerrenda bat duzue. Osagai jakin bat erabiltzeko jakin beharreko
+xehetasunak hemen aurkituko dituzu: <xref linkend="module-details"/>.
+Instalaketan zehar erabiltzaileari osagaien zerrenda bat erakusten
+dio, eta aukeratutako osagai bat abiarazten du, aukeratzen denean.
+'Main-menu'-ren galderak lehentasun ertainera (MEDIUM) egokiturik daude,
+honela, zure lehentasuna handia (HIGH) edo oso handia (CRITICAL) bada
+(handia da ohiko balioa), ez duzu menua ikusiko. Bestalde, zure
+eskuhartzea behar duen akats bat gertatzen bada, galderen lehentasuna
+une batez txikituko da akatsa konpontzeko aukera izan dezazun, eta
+kasu horretan menua agertuko da.
+Hizkuntza eta hizkera ugariren zerrenda bat erakusten du. Instalatzaileak
+aukeraturiko hizkuntzan agertaraziko ditu mezuak, hizkuntza horren
+itzulpena osaturik badago behintzat. Itzulpen bat osaturik ez dagoenean,
+ingelerazko mezuak erakutsiko dira.
+Herrien zerrenda bat erakusten du. Erabiltzaileak bera bizi den
+herria aukeratuko du.
+Diska gogorrak atzematen ditu, bai konputagailuan instalaturikoak eta baita
+honi loturikoak ere.
+Erabiltzaileari PCMCIA txartelak konfiguratzen uzten dio.
+Teklatuen zerrenda bat erakusten du, bertatik erabiltzaileak bere
+teklatuari hobekien egokitzen zaiona aukeratzen duelarik.
+Konputagailuaren sare koneksioak konfiguratzen ditu, internet bidez
+komunikatu ahal izateko.
+ISO fitxategi-sistemak bilatzen ditu, hauek CD-ROM batean edo
+diska gogorrean egon daitezkeelarik.
+Debianen artxiboko ispiluen zerrenda bat aurkezten du. Erabiltzaileak
+bere instalaketa paketeentzako iturburua aukeratu ahalko du. Ohikoena
+CD-ROM edo sareko ispilu bat hautatzea da.
+CD-ROM baten osotasuna aztertzen du. Honela, erabiltzaileak
+ziurtatu ahal izango du instalaketarako CDa ez dagoela hondaturik.
+CD-ROM unitateak atzematen ditu, bai instalaturikoak bai konputagailura loturikoak.
+Memoria gutxiko sistemak atzematen ditu eta trikimailu zenbaiten
+ondoren beharrezkoak ez diren &d-i;ren zatiak ezabatzen ditu memoriatik
+(ezaugarri batzuk galtzen direlarik honela).
+«Anna's Not Nearly APT» (hau da, Anna ia ez da APTa). Aukeratutako
+ispilutik bildutako paketeak instalatzen ditu.
+Sistemara loturiko disketan partizioak sortzeko aukera ematen dio
+erabiltzaileari, ondoren hautaturiko partizioetan fitxategi-sistemak sortu
+eta muntaia puntuetara gehituz. Bere kasa aritzeko aukera edo LVM soportea
+bezalako ezaugarri interesgerriak ere baditu bere baitan. Debianen
+partizio sortzaile gogokoena da honakoa.
+Diska oso bat partizionatzen du erabiltzaileak aurrezehazturiko
+hobespenen arabera.
+Sistemari loturiko diskak partizionatzeko aukera ematen dio
+erabiltzaileari. Partizioak sortzeko zure konputagailuaren
+arkitekturarako programa egoki bat aukeratzen da.
+Partizioen zerrenda bat erakusten du, eta hautaturiko
+partizioetan fitxategi-sistemak sortzen ditu erabiltzailearen
+aginduei jarraiki.
+Erabiltzailea laguntzen du <firstterm>LVM</firstterm>a
+(Bolumen Kudeatzaile Lojikoa / Logical Volume Manager) konfiguratzen.
+Software <firstterm>RAID</firstterm>a (Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks)
+instalatzen laguntzen dio erabiltzaileari. Software RAID hau IDE merkearen (sasi-hardwarea)
+RAID kontrolatzaileak baino hobea izan ohi da.
+Berrabiaraztean konputagailuak Linuxpean lan egin
+dezan ahalbidetzen duen oinarrizko pakete multzo bat
+instalatzen du.
+Erabiltzaileari sistema eragilearen muinaren (kernel) bertsioa
+aukeratzen uzten dio, bertsio bat baino gehiago badaude.
+Une honetan konputagailuan instalaturiko sistema eragileak
+atzematen ditu eta informazio hau bootloader-installer-i ematen
+dio, honek abiarazketa kudeatzailearen menura sistema eragile hauek
+gehitzeko aukera emango dizularik. Honela erabiltzaileak erraz
+asko hautatuko du abioan zein sistema eragilerekin hasi nahi duen.
+Abiarazketa kudeatzeko programa bat instalatzen du diska gogorrean,
+CD-ROM edo 3.5eko diskarik erabili gabe Linux erabiltzeko beharrezkoa
+dena. Abiarazketa kudeatzaile askok erabiltzaileari saioa beste sistema
+eragile batekin hasteko aukera ematen diote abiarazketa bakoitzean.
+Oinarri sistemaren paketeak konfiguratzeko galderak egiten
+ditu erabiltzailearen hobespenei jarraiki. Hau konputagailua
+berrabiarazterakoan egin ohi da; Debian sistema berriaren 'lehen
+abioa' da.
+Erabiltzaileari shell bat abiarazteko aukera ematen dio, menutik
+nahiz bigarren kontsolatik.
+Akats bat aurkitzean 3 t'erdiko diska batean informazioa gordetzeko
+aukera ematen dio erabiltzaileari, instalatzailearen arazoen berri
+zehatza emateko gero Debianen garatzaileei.
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/welcome/about-copyright.xml b/eu/welcome/about-copyright.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..12662d79a
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+++ b/eu/welcome/about-copyright.xml
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+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 14388 -->
+ <sect1>
+<title>Kopia eskubide eta Software Lizentziei buruz
+ </title>
+Ziur gaude software komertzial gehienak dakarren lizentzietako
+batenbat irakurri duzula; &mdash; horiek gehienetan softwarea ordengailu
+bakar batean erabiltzeko baimenduta zaudela diote. Lizentzia sistema
+honek ez dio horrelakorik. Eskolako edo Laneko ordenagailu guztietan
+softwarearen kopia bat instalatzeko eskatzen dugu. Zure instalazio
+medioa zure lagunei utzi eta instalatzen laguntzeko eskatzen dugu!
+Zuk ehudaka kopia egin eta <emphasis>saldu</emphasis> egin ditzazkezu,
+hori bai muga batzuekin. <emphasis>software librean</emphasis>
+oinarritutako Debian sistema erabiltzeko askatasuna duzu.
+Software <emphasis>librea</emphasis> deitzeak ez du esan nahi ez duenik
+kopia eskubiderik, baina honek ez du esan nahi CD-ak dakarren softwarea
+ezin duzunik aldatu edo banatu. Software libreak alde batetik zuk
+ez duzula softwarea erabili edo eraldatzeko ordaindu esan nahi du.
+Beste alde batetatik software librean oinarritutako edozein gehigarri,
+eraldaketa edo software aldaketa software librea izan behar da era
+Kontutan izan Debian proiektuak, bere erabiltzaileei konzesio
+pragmatiko batetan, gure ustez libre ez diren software pakete
+batzuk dakartzala. Pakete hauek ez dira banaketa ofizialaren
+parte eta Debian zerbitzarietako <userinput>contrib</userinput>
+edo <userinput>non-free</userinput> ataletan edo hirugarrenek
+egindako CD-etan aurkitu daitezke.;
+Begiratu <ulink url="&url-debian-faq;">Debian FAQ</ulink>-a
+<quote>Debian FTP fitxategietan</quote> fitxategien eduki eta
+diseinuari buruzko argibide gehiago aurkitzeko.
+Sistemako programa gehienak <emphasis>GNU</emphasis>-ren
+<emphasis>General Public License</emphasis> lizentzipean
+argitaraturik daude. GPL lizentziak <emphasis>Iturburu
+kodea</emphasis> eskuragarri egotea eskatzen du, nahiz eta
+zuk programaren biariar bat argitaratu; Lizentziaren atal
+honek zuk softwarea eraldatu ahal izango duzula ziurtatzen
+du. Hornidura honen eraginez Debian Sisteman banatzen den
+software guztien iturburuak Debian zerbitzarietan aurki
+Debian iturbu paketeetatik binarriarrak sortu, kokatu
+eta despaketetatu buruzko argibide gehiago nahi izan ezkero
+begiratu <ulink url="&url-debian-faq;">Debian FAQ</ulink>-ean
+<quote>Debian paketea Kudeaketa Sistemaren Oinarria</quote>
+Ba daude beste zenbait kopia eskubide egoera eta software lizentzia
+Debianek erabiltzen duen softwarean. Pakete bakoitzaren lizentzi eta
+kopia eskubideak <filename>/usr/share/doc/<replaceable>package-izena</replaceable>/copyright
+</filename> fitxategian daude, bein paketea sisteman instalaturik
+Lizentziak eta Debian taldeak zein programa banaketa ofizialean sartzeko
+aski libre den nola erabakizten duen buruzko argibideak aurkitzeko jo
+<ulink url="&url-dfsg;">Debian Free Software Guidelines</ulink> dokumentura.
+Argibide legal garratzitsuena software hau <emphasis>bermerik gabe</emphasis>
+banatzen dela da. Software hau sortu duten garatzaileek komunitatearen
+onurarako egin dute. Ez dago bermerik softwre egokitasun eta erabiliko den
+ekintzetan. Era berean, software librea denez, zuk behar dituzun &mdash; aldaketak
+egitea eta besteek era honetara eginiko aldaketetaz baliatzeko aukera duzu.
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/welcome/doc-organization.xml b/eu/welcome/doc-organization.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2c6a5bad8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/welcome/doc-organization.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 -->
+ <sect1 id="doc-organization">
+ <title>Documentu honen antolaketa</title>
+Manual hau debian lehen aldiz erabiltzen duten erabiltzaileetan
+pentsatzen garatu da. Zure ezagutza mailaz ahalik eta gutxien
+suposatzea saiatu da. Hala ere zuk zure ordengailuko hardawarea
+nola funtzionatzen duen ulertzen duzula pentsatzen da.
+Erabiltzaile aurreratuek interesgarri aurki dezakete dokumentu honetan
+dagoen errefenretzi informazioa, instalazio tamaina gutxienekoa,
+debian instalazio sistemak onartutako hardearea besteak beste.
+Erabiltzaile aurreratuei dokumentoaren saltoka ibiltzea gomendatzen
+Orokorrean dokumentu hau era lineal batetara idatzi da, zuri instalazio
+prozesuaren hasieratik amaierara laguntzen. Hemen daude &debian;
+instalatzeko eman behar diren hurratsak eta hurrats horietaz ari diren
+dokumentuaren atalak:
+<xref linkend="hardware-req"/>-en zure hardwareak instalazio sistema
+erabiltzeko dauden beharrak betetzen dituen buruzko argibideak daude.
+<xref linkend="preparing"/>-en sistemaren babes-kopia eta Debian
+instalatzenhasi aurretik hardwarean egin beharreko konfigurazio eta
+planteamenduei buruzkoargibideak. Zu sistema anitzetan abiarazi
+daitekeen sistema bat prestatzen ari bazara, zuk agian Debianek
+erabiltzea nahi duzun partizioa sortu beharko zenuke.
+<xref linkend="install-methods"/>-n, zure instalazio metodoa
+erabiltzeko behar dituzun fitxategiak nola eskuraturi buruzko
+argibideak daude.
+<xref linkend="boot-installer"/>-n instalazio sistema norla
+abiarazi buruzko argibideak daude. Atal honekin arazoak bazenitu
+ere nola konpondu argituko da.
+<xref linkend="d-i-intro"/> argitzen den bezala sistema eragilearen
+instalazio egin. Hemen nola hizkuntza aukeratu, gailuen driber
+moduluak kargatu sare konexioa konfigurau, Honetaz gainontzerakoan
+behar diren fitxategiak zuzenean Debian zerbitzarietatik eskuratu
+ditzakezu (CD-tik instalatzen ar ez bazara), zure diskak nol partitu
+eta sistema eragilearen oinarriaren instalazioari buruzko argibideak
+aurkituko dituzu.
+(Zure Debian sistemak behar duen disko partitzeari buruzko argibide
+gehiago <xref linkend="partitioning"/>-en aurki ditzazkezu)
+Instalatu berri duzun sistemaren abiaraztea eta beste konfigurazio
+ataza batzuetaz argibideak <xref linkend="boot-new"/>-en aurki
+<xref linkend="install-packages"/>-n software gehiago instalatzeari
+buruzko argibideak. Erabili <command>tasksel</command> ordengailuaren
+zeregin bat betetzeko software paketeak instalatzeko,
+<command>dselect</command> erabili banakako paketeak aukeratzeko,
+edo <command>aptitude</command> erabili esandako bi programen
+alde interesgarrienak lortzeko. Era berean <command>apt-get</command>
+erabili dezakezu banakako paketeak instalatzeko paketearen izena
+ezagutzen duzuenan.
+Bein sistema instalaturik duzuanean, <xref linkend="post-install"/>
+atala irakurri dezakezu. Bertan Unix eta Debian sistemei buruz
+nola argibide gehiago aurkitzeko non bilatu argitzen da. Zuk
+iturburu kodeetatik zure Sistema Eragile Pertsonalizatu bat
+garatu nahi izan ezkero irakurri <xref linkend="boot-floppy-techinfo"/>.
+Azkenik dokumentu honi buruzko eta garapenean nol lagundu dezakezun
+buruzko argibideak <xref linkend="administrivia"/>-en.
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1 condition="FIXME">
+ <title>Zure laguntza dokumentazioa ongietorria da</title>
+Edozein laguntza, gomendio eta bereiziki adabaki oso eskertuak
+dira. Dokumnetu honen garapen kopia bat
+<ulink url="&url-install-manual;"></ulink>-en aurki dezakezu. Hor dokumetu
+hau prest dagoen arkitektura eta hizkuntzen zerrenda bat aurki
+dezakezu ere.
+Dokumentu honen iturburua ere publikokieskuragarri dago, nola
+lagundu buruzko argibide gehiafo <xref linkend="administrivia"/>
+atalean. Gomendio, iradokizun, adabaki eta arazo erreporteak
+(arazoaren berri eman ez dela egiaztatu ondoren erabili
+&d-i; paketa bugreport-entzat) asko eskertzen ditugu.
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/welcome/getting-newest-doc.xml b/eu/welcome/getting-newest-doc.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..afdc8308e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/welcome/getting-newest-doc.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 12756 -->
+ <sect1 id="getting-newest-doc">
+ <title>Dokumentu honen azken bertsio eskuratzen</title>
+Dokumentu hau sarri eguneratzen da. Arakatu ezazu
+<ulink url="&url-release-area;">
+Debian &release; orria</ulink> &debian; sistemaren &release;
+banaketaren azken argibide eguneratuak jasotzeko
+Manual honen bertsio eguneratuak
+<ulink url="&url-install-manual;">Instalatzailearen Manual orrietan</ulink>
+aurki ditzazkezu ere.
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/welcome/getting-newest-inst.xml b/eu/welcome/getting-newest-inst.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4f2c83885
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/welcome/getting-newest-inst.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 14388 -->
+ <sect1 id="getting-newest-inst">
+ <title>Debian Eskuratzen</title>
+&debian; Internetetik nola deskargatu edo Debian CD ofizilak
+nola erosteko argibideetarak nahi badituzu jo
+<ulink url="&url-debian-distrib;">Banaketaren Web Orrialdea</ulink>.
+<ulink url="&url-debian-mirrors;">Debian ispilu zerrandak</ulink>
+Debian ispilu ofizialen zerrnda osoa du,
+zuk zure gertukoena erraz aurki dezazun.
+Debian bein instalaturik era oso errazean eguneratu daiteke.
+Instalazio prozesuak zure sistema egunean ipintzen lagunduko
+zaitu, baita paketeak bertsio eguneratuagoetara pasatzen, hala
+behar izan ezkero.
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/welcome/welcome.xml b/eu/welcome/welcome.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dc591b657
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/welcome/welcome.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 12756 -->
+<chapter id="welcome"><title>Ongietorria Debian-era</title>
+Oso zoriontsu egiten gaitu zuk Debian frogatzea erabakitzeak,
+eta ziur gaude zuk Debian GNU/Linux banaketa paregabea dela
+erabakiko duzula. &debian;-ek kalitate altuko software
+librea bilatzen du munduan zehar eta gero berau sistema bakar
+batetan bateratu. Gure ustetan zuk emaitza zatien batuketa baina
+obea dela erabakiko duzula.
+Atal honek Debian proiektua eta &debian; -ez aurrekiuspegi
+bat da. Zuk dagoeneko Debian proeiktu historia eta &debian;
+banaketa ezaguzten badituzu hurrengo atalera salto egin
diff --git a/eu/welcome/what-is-debian-hurd.xml b/eu/welcome/what-is-debian-hurd.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..57f1402a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/welcome/what-is-debian-hurd.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 11648 -->
+ <sect1 id="what-is-debian-hurd">
+ <title>Debian GNU/Hurd zer da?</title>
+Debian GNU/Linux sistemak Linuxen kernel monolitikoa GNU Hurd
+&mdash;, GNU Mach mikrokernel gainean abiarazitako zerbitzari
+multzoagatik aldatzen du.Hurd oraindik amaitu gabe dago, eta ez
+da erabilgarri eguneroko lanetarako, baina lanak aurrera jarraitzen
+du. Hurd momentu honetan i386 arkitekturarako garatzen ari da, baina
+egonkorragoa denean beste arkitekturetarako garatzea pentsatzen da.
+Argibide gehiagorako begiratu
+<ulink url="">
+Debian GNU/Hurd orrialdea</ulink>
+eta <email></email>
+ePosta zerrenda.
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/welcome/what-is-debian-linux.xml b/eu/welcome/what-is-debian-linux.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9f78f6f26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/welcome/what-is-debian-linux.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 14388 -->
+ <sect1 id="what-is-debian-linux">
+ <title>&debian; zer da?</title>
+Debian filosofia eta metodologia, GNU lanabesak, Linux Kernela eta
+beste zenbait sfotware libre garrantzitsua bateratzea da &debian;
+banaketa. Banaketa hau software <emphasis>pakete</emphasis>
+askoz osatzen da. Banaketaren pakete bakiotzak abiarazgarriak,
+skripak dokumentazioa eta konfigurazio argibideak osatzen dute,
+eta paketea eguneraturik mantendu, arazo erreporteak kudeatu
+software garatzailearekin kontaktua mantentzeaz arduratzen den
+<emphasis>arduradun</emphasis> bat du. Gure erabiltzaile multzo
+handiak eta gurte arazo kudeaketa sistemak zorririk egotekoaz
+oso bizkor aurkituko dela ziurtatzen du.
+Debian-ek guri banaketa kalitate handiko, egonkor eta eskalable
+bat eskuratzen saiatzen da. Instalazio era errazean lan ezberdinak
+egiteko presta dezake sistema firewall batetaik ordenagailu
+zientifiko batetara edo sare zerbitzarietara besterik beste.
+Debian bereiziki erabiltzaile aurreratuek dute gustoko bere maila
+teknko handia eta Linux komunitatearekiko duen karreman handia
+dela eta. Debianek orain banaketa guztiak darabilkiten zenbai
+tresna garatu ditu ere.
+Adibidez: Debian izan zen software instalakuntza eta ezabaketa
+errazteko pakete kudeaketa sistema bat erabili zuen banaketa
+Lehena izan zen ere sistema berrinstalatu gabe banaketa
+eguneratzeko ahalmen izatean.
+Debian Linux garapenean gehien egiten dutenetariko izaten
+jarraitzen du. Bere garapen modua - zeinek atal konplexuetan banaturik
+Sistema eragile guztia mantentzen duena - Iturburu Irekiko garapenek
+nola lan egin dezaketen adibide bat da
+Debian beste edozein Linux banaketataz gehien ezberdintzen duen
+ezaugarria pakete kudeaketa sistema da. Tresna hauek Debian sistema
+kueatzaileari bere sisteman instalaturik dauden pakete guztien
+kontrola, baita pakete bat instlatzetik sistemaren eguneraketa
+osoa egiteko aukera ematen dio. Banakako paketeak eguneraketen
+aurka babes daitezke ere. Eskuz konpilaturiko programei buruz
+ere dependentziei buruzu argibideak eman diezazkiokezu sistema honi.
+Zure sistema <quote>troiako zaldiez</quote> eta beste software
+maltzurraz babesteko Debian sistemak paketea arduradunak bidali
+duen egiaztatzen du. Debian paketeak kontu handia izaten dute
+ahalik eta konfigurazio ziurrena egiterakoan. Pakete batetan
+Ziurtasun arazoak agertzen direnean adabakia bizkor argitaratu
+ohi da.. Debianen eguneraketaren bidez ziurtasun eguneraketak
+oso era errazean egin daitezke interneten bidez.
+Zure &debian; sistemarako laguntza bilatzeko eta garatzaileekin
+harremanetan jartzeko lehentsitako modua, eta oberena Debian
+proiektuan dauden ePosta zerrenda multzoa da (oraintxe
+&num-of-debian-maillists; aino zerrenda gehiago daude). Zerrenda
+hauetara hapidetzeko erarik errazena
+<ulink url="&url-debian-lists-subscribe;">
+Debian ePosta Zerrenden orrialdea</ulink>-ra joan eta aurkituko
+duzun inprimakia betetzea da.
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/welcome/what-is-debian.xml b/eu/welcome/what-is-debian.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f134fe484
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/welcome/what-is-debian.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 14388 -->
+ <sect1 id="what-is-debian">
+ <title>Debian zer da?</title>
+Debian software librea sortu eta Free Software Fundation-en ideiak
+bultzatzen dituen guztiz bolondresez osaturiko talde bat da.
+Debian Proiektua 1993-an hasten da, Ian Murdock-ek software garatzaileei
+orduan berri zen Linux kernelaren inguruan software banaketa bat
+osatzeko gonbitea egin zuenean. Hau jatorriz
+<ulink url="&url-fsf-intro;">Free Software Foundation</ulink>
+-ek sortu eta
+<ulink url="&url-gnu-intro;">GNU</ulink> filosofiak eragindutako
+zaletu talde nahiko txiki bat zen, baina urteen zehar hazi eta
+&num-of-debian-developers; <firstterm>Debian Garatzaile</firstterm>
+inguru ditu orain.
+Debian garatzaileek eremu askotan parte hartzen dute
+<ulink url="&url-debian-home;">Web</ulink>
+eta <ulink url="&url-debian-ftp;">FTP</ulink>
+gune kudeaketa, diseinu grafikoa, software lizentzi lege analisia,
+dokumentazioa idazten eta noski software paketeak mantenduaz.
+Gure filosofia zabaldu eta Debianek sustartzen dituen ideia berdinak
+dituzten garatzaileak gerturatzeko asmotan, Debian Proeiktuak zenbait
+dokumentu argitaratu ditu gure ideologia inguruan eta Debian garatzaile
+izan nahi duenarentzat gidaliburu izan daitezen:
+<ulink url="&url-social-contract;">Debian Kontratu Soziala</ulink> da
+Debian proeiktuaren Software libre komunitateari eginda betebehar
+adierazpena da. Kontratu soziala betetzen duen edonor izan daiteke
+<ulink url="&url-new-maintainer;">arduradun</ulink>.
+Edozein arduradunek gehitu dezake software berria Debian &mdash;-en
+paketeak software librea zer den gure ikuspegia bete eta gure kalitate
+estandarrak betetzen baditu.
+<ulink url="&url-dfsg;">Debian Software libre Gidaliburua</ulink> da
+Debianen iritziz software librea izateko zer bete behar den azaltzen
+duena. Dokumentu honek Software Libre Mugimenduan eragin handia du, eta
+<ulink url="&url-osd;">Kode Ireki Definizioaren</ulink> sormena izan
+<ulink url="&url-debian-policy;">Debian Politika Manuala</ulink>
+dokumentuak Debian Proeiktu kalitate estandarrei buruz xehetasun
+handiago ematen ditu.
+Debian garatzaileak beste zenbait proeiktutan ere artzen dute parte
+batzuk Debianentzako eta beste batzu Linux komunitate guztiarentzat.
+Adibide batzuk emen.
+<ulink url="&url-lsb-org;">Linux Oinarri esnatdarra (Linux Standard Base)</ulink>
+(LSB) GNU/Linux sistema estanandar egiteko proiektua da, honek
+beste software eta hardaware garatzaileei beraien garapenak linuxen
+orokorrean eta Debian GNU/Linux-en zehazkiago behar bezala funtzionatzeko
+laguntzen die.
+<ulink url="&url-fhs-home;">Fitxategi sistema Jerarkia Estandarra</ulink>
+(FHS) Linux fitxategi sistemara estandarizatzeko ahhalegin bat da.
+Honek software garatzaileei bere garapenean paketea beste Debian
+GNU/Linux banaketa batetan nola instalatuko den arduratu gabe
+egitean laguntzen die.
+<ulink url="&url-debian-jr;">Debian Txiki</ulink>
+barne proiektu bat da,hau debianek erabiltzaile gazteenei eskeintzeko
+zerbait izan dezan sortu zen.
+Debiani buruz argibide orokorretarako, ikusi
+<ulink url="&url-debian-faq;">Debian FAQ</ulink>-a.
+ </sect1>
diff --git a/eu/welcome/what-is-linux.xml b/eu/welcome/what-is-linux.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ae8bb0344
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eu/welcome/what-is-linux.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
+<!-- original version: 14388 -->
+ <sect1 id="what-is-linux">
+ <title>GNU/Linux zer da ?</title>
+Linux sistema eragile bat da: Ordenagailuarekin harremanetan jarri
+eta ekintzak agintzeko programa multzoa.
+Sistema eragile bat erabiltzaileari ordenagailuarekin arremanetan
+jartzeko programa multzoa da; diska gogorretan zintentan inprimailuetan
+datuak irakurri edoidatzeko, memori erabilpen kontrola egiteko eta
+beste programak abiarazi ahal izateko. Sistema eragilearen zati
+garratzitsuena kernel muina da. GNU/Linux sistema batetan mui hori
+linux kernela da. Sistemaren beste guztia GNU proiektuak edo proiektu
+honetarakoidatzitako progrmak dira. Linux kernela ez denez bakarrik
+ez denez sistema eragile oso bat guk naiago dugu <quote>GNU/Linux</quote>
+deitu besteek <quote>Linux</quote> deitzen dioten sistemari.
+Linux unix sistema eragilean prestatua izan da. Hasiertaik Linux
+erabiltzaile eta ataza anitzetako izateko garatua izan zen. Hau nahikoa
+da Linux beste sistema ergileetatik desberdintzeko. Hala ere Linux zuk
+pentsa dezakezuna baino desberdinagoa da. Beste sistema eragileekin
+alderatu inor ez da Linux-en jabe. Bere garapeneko lan asko ordaindugabeko
+bolondresek egiten dute.
+Geroago Linux deituko zen garapena 1984-ena hasi zen
+<ulink url="">Free Software Foundation</ulink>-k
+unix antzerako GNUizeneko sistema eragile libre baten garapena hasi
+GNU proiektuak Unix&trade; eta unix antzerako (linux adibidez) sistema
+eragileetan lan egiteko lanabes multzo zabal bat garatu zuen. Lanabes
+hauek erabiltzaileari lan arruntak ( fitxategiak sisteman ezabatu
+edo gorde) edo aldrebesagoak (progrmak konpilatu edo dokumentu formatu
+anitzetan edizio aurreratua) egiteko aukera ematen diote.
+Nahiz eta talde eta pertsona anitzek Linux proeiktuan parte artu duten
+banakako parteartzaile garrantzitsuena Free Softwware Foundation da,
+zeinek Linux-en erabiltzen diren lanabes asko egiteaz gain, hau
+posible egin duen komunitatea eta filosofia ere garatu ditu.
+Lehen <ulink url="&url-kernel-org;">Linux kernela</ulink> 1991 urtean
+argitaratu zen, Linus Torvalds izeneko zientzi ikasle batek
+<userinput>comp.os.minix</userinput> berri taldean Minix-en
+kernela aldatzeko eginiko aurre bertio baten abisu eman zuenean.
+Argibide gehiagorakobegiratu Linux International-en
+<ulink url="&url-linux-history;">Linux Histoa Orrialdea</ulink>.
+Linux Torvalds konfidantzako ordezkarien bidez ehundaka garatzaileen
+lana kudeatzen jarraitzen du. Asteroko lanaren
+<userinput>linux-kernel</userinput> ePosta zerrendako laburpen den
+<ulink url="&url-kernel-traffic;">Kernel Traffic</ulink> aurki
+<userinput>linux-kernel</userinput> ePosta zerrendari buruzko argibide
+gehiago <ulink url="&url-linux-kernel-list-faq;">linux-kernel ePosta
+zerrenda FAQ-ean</ulink>.
+Linux erabiltzaileek askatasun handia dute erabiliko duten softwarea
+aukeratzerakoan. Adibidez, Linux erabiltzaileek ehundaka komando shell
+ezberdin eta zenbait idazmahai grafiko artean aukera dezakete.
+Aukera honek txunditurik uzten ditu beste sistema eragileen
+erabiltzaileak, idazmahaia edo komando lerroa alda dezaketen gauza
+batetan bezala ez bait dute pentsatzen.
+Linux ere gutxiagotan apurtzen da, obe kudeatzen ditu progrma bat
+baino gehiago aldi berean, eta beste sistema eragileak baino ziurragoa
+da. Abantaila hauekin, Linux da zerbitzari merkatuan gehien azten ari
+den sistema eragilea. Azken aldian Linux oso gogoko bihurtzen ari da
+etxeko eta laneko erabiltzaile artean ere.
+ </sect1>