diff options
41 files changed, 88 insertions, 88 deletions
diff --git a/ca/appendix/preseed.xml b/ca/appendix/preseed.xml
index edef813ae..9b32f6d9e 100644
--- a/ca/appendix/preseed.xml
+++ b/ca/appendix/preseed.xml
@@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ L'etiqueta d'arrencada <literal>auto</literal> no està definida a totes
les arquitectures. El mateix efecte es pot aconseguir afegint dos
paràmetres <literal>auto=true priority=critical</literal> a la línia
d'ordres del nucli. El paràmetre <literal>auto</literal> és un àlies
-d'<literal>auto-install/enabled</literal> i controla el retard de les
+d'<literal>auto-install/enable</literal> i controla el retard de les
preguntes del locale i del teclat fins que es tingui oportunitat de
fer la configuració prèvia d'aquestes, mentre <literal>priority</literal>
és un àlies per <literal>preseed/priority</literal> i donant-li el valor
@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ configuració prèvia (mode auto).
to separate columns a bit -->
<informaltable frame="none">
<tgroup cols="2"><tbody>
diff --git a/ca/boot-installer/parameters.xml b/ca/boot-installer/parameters.xml
index f3b5ca3b2..9ea6819b4 100644
--- a/ca/boot-installer/parameters.xml
+++ b/ca/boot-installer/parameters.xml
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ informació vegeu <xref linkend="automatic-install"/>.
-<term>auto-install/enabled (auto)</term>
+<term>auto-install/enable (auto)</term>
És possible retardar les qüestions que normalment es pregunten abans
diff --git a/cs/appendix/preseed.xml b/cs/appendix/preseed.xml
index 000c02bf6..2c33e2e5f 100644
--- a/cs/appendix/preseed.xml
+++ b/cs/appendix/preseed.xml
@@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ Příkaz <literal>auto</literal> zatím není definován na všech
architekturách. Stejného výsledku však můžete dosáhnout přidáním dvou
parametrů <literal>auto=true priority=critical</literal> k parametrům
jádra. Parametr <literal>auto</literal> je vlastně alias pro
-<literal>auto-install/enabled</literal> a potlačuje zobrazení otázek
+<literal>auto-install/enable</literal> a potlačuje zobrazení otázek
ohledně místního prostředí a nastavení klávesnice až do bodu, kdy je
bude možné přednastavit. Parametr <literal>priority</literal> je alias
pro <literal>preseed/priority</literal> a nastavením na hodnotu
@@ -546,7 +546,7 @@ aliasy.
to separate columns a bit -->
<informaltable frame="none">
<tgroup cols="2"><tbody>
diff --git a/cs/boot-installer/parameters.xml b/cs/boot-installer/parameters.xml
index 6eb7d51aa..bd7bdcd4a 100644
--- a/cs/boot-installer/parameters.xml
+++ b/cs/boot-installer/parameters.xml
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ automatická instalace, viz <xref linkend="automatic-install"/>.
-<term>auto-install/enabled (auto)</term>
+<term>auto-install/enable (auto)</term>
Při nastavení na hodnotu <userinput>true</userinput> odsune otázky
diff --git a/de/appendix/preseed.xml b/de/appendix/preseed.xml
index 812128942..7a1c8004c 100644
--- a/de/appendix/preseed.xml
+++ b/de/appendix/preseed.xml
@@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ Das <literal>auto</literal>-Bootlabel ist noch nicht auf allen
Architekturen definiert. Der selbe Effekt wird erreicht, indem die beiden
Parameter <literal>auto=true priority=critical</literal> zur
Kernel-Kommandozeile hinzugefügt werden. Der Parameter <literal>auto</literal>
-ist ein Alias für <literal>auto-install/enabled</literal> und kontrolliert den
+ist ein Alias für <literal>auto-install/enable</literal> und kontrolliert den
Aufschub der Fragen über Locale und Tastatur, bis eine Chance besteht,
sie per Voreinstellung zu setzen. <literal>priority</literal> ist ein
Alias für <literal>preseed/priority</literal>, und wenn er auf
@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ Die folgenden Aliase könnten nützlich sein, wenn Sie Voreinstellung
to separate columns a bit -->
<informaltable frame="none">
<tgroup cols="2"><tbody>
diff --git a/de/boot-installer/parameters.xml b/de/boot-installer/parameters.xml
index 9a73e61b8..4899412ee 100644
--- a/de/boot-installer/parameters.xml
+++ b/de/boot-installer/parameters.xml
@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ um die Installation zu automatisieren. Siehe auch
-<term>auto-install/enabled (auto)</term>
+<term>auto-install/enable (auto)</term>
Fragen, die eigentlich gestellt werden, bevor Voreinstellung greift, können
diff --git a/en/appendix/preseed.xml b/en/appendix/preseed.xml
index 96c911db5..a3b358efc 100644
--- a/en/appendix/preseed.xml
+++ b/en/appendix/preseed.xml
@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ The <literal>auto</literal> boot label is not yet defined on all
architectures. The same effect may be achieved by simply adding the two
parameters <literal>auto=true priority=critical</literal> to the kernel
command line. The <literal>auto</literal> parameter is an alias for
-<literal>auto-install/enabled</literal> and controls the delay of the
+<literal>auto-install/enable</literal> and controls the delay of the
locale and keyboard questions until after there has been a chance to
preseed them, while <literal>priority</literal> is an alias for
<literal>preseed/priority</literal> and setting it to
@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ The following aliases can be useful when using (auto mode) preseeding.
to separate columns a bit -->
<informaltable frame="none">
<tgroup cols="2"><tbody>
diff --git a/en/boot-installer/parameters.xml b/en/boot-installer/parameters.xml
index 15a8b2685..6af83ea58 100644
--- a/en/boot-installer/parameters.xml
+++ b/en/boot-installer/parameters.xml
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ See <xref linkend="preseed-seen"/>.
-<term>auto-install/enabled (auto)</term>
+<term>auto-install/enable (auto)</term>
Delay questions that are normally asked before preseeding is possible until
diff --git a/es/appendix/preseed.xml b/es/appendix/preseed.xml
index 3abb2e72e..b612d8363 100644
--- a/es/appendix/preseed.xml
+++ b/es/appendix/preseed.xml
@@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ en todas las arquitecturas. Puede obtener el mismo efecto simplemente
aadiendo dos parmetros a la lnea de rdenes del ncleo:
<literal>auto=true priority=critical</literal>. El parmetro
<literal>auto</literal> es una abreviatura para
-<literal>auto-install/enabled</literal> y controla el tiempo de espera
+<literal>auto-install/enable</literal> y controla el tiempo de espera
de las preguntas de localizacin y teclado para que estas se realicen
ms adelante y puedan preconfigurarse. El parmetro
<literal>priority</literal> es la abreviatura de
@@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ preconfiguracin (en modo auto)
to separate columns a bit -->
<informaltable frame="none">
<tgroup cols="2"><tbody>
diff --git a/es/boot-installer/parameters.xml b/es/boot-installer/parameters.xml
index 8e2f6d340..a6fd43bcd 100644
--- a/es/boot-installer/parameters.xml
+++ b/es/boot-installer/parameters.xml
@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ Consulte <xref linkend="automatic-install"/>.
-<term>auto-install/enabled (auto)</term>
+<term>auto-install/enable (auto)</term>
Demora las preguntas que se realizan normalmente antes de la
diff --git a/fr/appendix/preseed.xml b/fr/appendix/preseed.xml
index 7273baecc..9f02db470 100644
--- a/fr/appendix/preseed.xml
+++ b/fr/appendix/preseed.xml
@@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ Le label <literal>auto</literal> n'est pas encore dfini pour
toutes les architectures. Mais il suffit d'ajouter les deux paramtres
<literal>auto=true priority=critical</literal> sur la ligne de commande du
noyau. Le paramtre <literal>auto</literal> est un alias pour
-<literal>auto-install/enabled</literal>. Il contrle le retard apport aux
+<literal>auto-install/enable</literal>. Il contrle le retard apport aux
questions sur la locale et le clavier pour qu'elles puissent tre prconfigures.
Le paramtre <literal>priority</literal> est un alias pour <literal>preseed/priority</literal>.
S'il est dfini <literal>critical</literal>, les questions avec une priorit plus basse
@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ Voici des alias utiles avec la prconfiguration (mode auto)&nbsp;:
to separate columns a bit -->
<informaltable frame="none">
<tgroup cols="2"><tbody>
diff --git a/fr/boot-installer/parameters.xml b/fr/boot-installer/parameters.xml
index d8a5ef0d2..46f72cebf 100644
--- a/fr/boot-installer/parameters.xml
+++ b/fr/boot-installer/parameters.xml
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ automatiser l'installation. Voyez la <xref linkend="automatic-install"/>.
-<term>auto-install/enabled (auto)</term>
+<term>auto-install/enable (auto)</term>
Retarde certaines questions normalement poses avant l'installation du rseau.
diff --git a/it/appendix/preseed.xml b/it/appendix/preseed.xml
index a0e383178..4c29ddb9d 100644
--- a/it/appendix/preseed.xml
+++ b/it/appendix/preseed.xml
@@ -832,7 +832,7 @@ The <literal>auto</literal> boot label is not yet defined on all
architectures. The same effect may be achieved by simply adding the two
parameters <literal>auto=true priority=critical</literal> to the kernel
command line. The <literal>auto</literal> parameter is an alias for
-<literal>auto-install/enabled</literal> and controls the delay of the
+<literal>auto-install/enable</literal> and controls the delay of the
locale and keyboard questions until after there has been a chance to
preseed them, while <literal>priority</literal> is an alias for
<literal>preseed/priority</literal> and setting it to
@@ -844,7 +844,7 @@ L'etichetta d'avvio <literal>auto</literal> non è ancora definita su tutte
le architetture. Lo stesso effetto si può ottenere semplicemente aggiungendo
i parametri <literal>auto=true priority=critical</literal> nella riga di
comando per il kernel. Il parametro <literal>auto</literal> è un alias di
-<literal>auto-install/enabled</literal> e controlla il rinvio delle
+<literal>auto-install/enable</literal> e controlla il rinvio delle
domande su localizzazione e tastiera fino a quando non è data la possibilità
di preconfigurarle, mentre l'impostazione <literal>priority</literal>
è un alias di <literal>preseed/priority</literal> e impostarla a
@@ -888,7 +888,7 @@ I seguenti alias possono risultare utili quando si usa la preconfigurazione
to separate columns a bit -->
<informaltable frame="none">
<tgroup cols="2"><tbody>
diff --git a/it/boot-installer/parameters.xml b/it/boot-installer/parameters.xml
index cc9fd55b7..b608fb732 100644
--- a/it/boot-installer/parameters.xml
+++ b/it/boot-installer/parameters.xml
@@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ nelle installazioni automatiche. Si veda <xref linkend="automatic-install"/>.
-<term>auto-install/enabled (auto)</term>
+<term>auto-install/enable (auto)</term>
diff --git a/ja/appendix/preseed.xml b/ja/appendix/preseed.xml
index dc5ab9c28..123fb970c 100644
--- a/ja/appendix/preseed.xml
+++ b/ja/appendix/preseed.xml
@@ -783,7 +783,7 @@ The <literal>auto</literal> boot label is not yet defined on all
architectures. The same effect may be achieved by simply adding the two
parameters <literal>auto=true priority=critical</literal> to the kernel
command line. The <literal>auto</literal> parameter is an alias for
-<literal>auto-install/enabled</literal> and controls the delay of the
+<literal>auto-install/enable</literal> and controls the delay of the
locale and keyboard questions until after there has been a chance to
preseed them, while <literal>priority</literal> is an alias for
<literal>preseed/priority</literal> and setting it to
@@ -795,7 +795,7 @@ from being asked.
ͥΥޥɥ饤ˡñ˥ѥ᡼ 2
<literal>auto=true priority=critical</literal> ɲäȡ
-<literal>auto</literal> ѥ᡼ <literal>auto-install/enabled</literal>
+<literal>auto</literal> ѥ᡼ <literal>auto-install/enable</literal>
Υꥢǡ䥭ܡɤμ preseed ǹԤ褦٤餻ޤ
ޤ<literal>priority</literal> <literal>preseed/priority</literal>
Υꥢǡ<literal>critical</literal> ꤹȡ
@@ -836,7 +836,7 @@ The following aliases can be useful when using (auto mode) preseeding.
to separate columns a bit -->
<informaltable frame="none">
<tgroup cols="2"><tbody>
diff --git a/ja/boot-installer/parameters.xml b/ja/boot-installer/parameters.xml
index 686534c58..75f66bc18 100644
--- a/ja/boot-installer/parameters.xml
+++ b/ja/boot-installer/parameters.xml
@@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ automating the install. See <xref linkend="automatic-install"/>.
-<term>auto-install/enabled (auto)</term>
+<term>auto-install/enable (auto)</term>
diff --git a/nl/appendix/preseed.xml b/nl/appendix/preseed.xml
index 6162354a7..e35a006e1 100644
--- a/nl/appendix/preseed.xml
+++ b/nl/appendix/preseed.xml
@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ The <literal>auto</literal> boot label is not yet defined on all
architectures. The same effect may be achieved by simply adding the two
parameters <literal>auto=true priority=critical</literal> to the kernel
command line. The <literal>auto</literal> parameter is an alias for
-<literal>auto-install/enabled</literal> and controls the delay of the
+<literal>auto-install/enable</literal> and controls the delay of the
locale and keyboard questions until after there has been a chance to
preseed them, while <literal>priority</literal> is an alias for
<literal>preseed/priority</literal> and setting it to
@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ The following aliases can be useful when using (auto mode) preseeding.
to separate columns a bit -->
<informaltable frame="none">
<tgroup cols="2"><tbody>
diff --git a/nl/boot-installer/parameters.xml b/nl/boot-installer/parameters.xml
index 838d9c9c1..9c6d8a104 100644
--- a/nl/boot-installer/parameters.xml
+++ b/nl/boot-installer/parameters.xml
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ automating the install. See <xref linkend="automatic-install"/>.
-<term>auto-install/enabled (auto)</term>
+<term>auto-install/enable (auto)</term>
Delay questions that are normally asked before preseeding is possible until
diff --git a/po/el/boot-installer.po b/po/el/boot-installer.po
index 67db281cc..655ef81c5 100644
--- a/po/el/boot-installer.po
+++ b/po/el/boot-installer.po
@@ -4243,7 +4243,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. Tag: term
#: boot-installer.xml:3082
#, no-c-format
-msgid "auto-install/enabled (auto)"
+msgid "auto-install/enable (auto)"
msgstr "αυτόματη-εγκατάσταση/ενεργοποιημένη (auto)"
#. Tag: para
diff --git a/po/el/preseed.po b/po/el/preseed.po
index 7217469ec..41bd9a519 100644
--- a/po/el/preseed.po
+++ b/po/el/preseed.po
@@ -759,7 +759,7 @@ msgid ""
"architectures. The same effect may be achieved by simply adding the two "
"parameters <literal>auto=true priority=critical</literal> to the kernel "
"command line. The <literal>auto</literal> parameter is an alias for "
-"<literal>auto-install/enabled</literal> and controls the delay of the locale "
+"<literal>auto-install/enable</literal> and controls the delay of the locale "
"and keyboard questions until after there has been a chance to preseed them, "
"while <literal>priority</literal> is an alias for <literal>preseed/priority</"
"literal> and setting it to <literal>critical</literal> stops any questions "
@@ -769,7 +769,7 @@ msgstr ""
"όλες τις αρχιτεκτονικές. Το ίδιο αποτέλεσμα μπορεί να επιτευχθεί όμως "
"προσθέτοντας απλά τις δυο παραμέτρους <literal>auto=true priority=critical</"
"literal> στην γραμμή εντολών του πυρήνα. Η παράμετρος <literal>auto</"
-"literal> είναι ένα παρωνύμιο για την <literal>auto-install/enabled</literal> "
+"literal> είναι ένα παρωνύμιο για την <literal>auto-install/enable</literal> "
"και ελέγχει την καθυστέρηση στην διατύπωση των ερωτήσεων για τις τοπικές "
"ρυθμίσεις και το πληκτρολόγιο μέχρι την στιγμή που θα έχει δοθεί η ευκαιρία "
"να γίνει η προρύθμισή τους, ενώ η παράμετρος <literal>priority</literal> "
@@ -816,8 +816,8 @@ msgstr "auto"
#. Tag: entry
#: preseed.xml:484
#, no-c-format
-msgid "auto-install/enabled"
-msgstr "auto-install/enabled"
+msgid "auto-install/enable"
+msgstr "auto-install/enable"
#. Tag: entry
#: preseed.xml:485
diff --git a/po/fi/boot-installer.po b/po/fi/boot-installer.po
index c6e755bb4..be48b20e1 100644
--- a/po/fi/boot-installer.po
+++ b/po/fi/boot-installer.po
@@ -3987,8 +3987,8 @@ msgstr "Anna valmiiden vastausten tiedoston polkunimi. Tiedosto noudetaan asennu
#. Tag: term
#: boot-installer.xml:3082
#, no-c-format
-msgid "auto-install/enabled (auto)"
-msgstr "auto-install/enabled (auto)"
+msgid "auto-install/enable (auto)"
+msgstr "auto-install/enable (auto)"
#. Tag: para
#: boot-installer.xml:3083
diff --git a/po/fi/preseed.po b/po/fi/preseed.po
index 5441714f9..40c6256e9 100644
--- a/po/fi/preseed.po
+++ b/po/fi/preseed.po
@@ -721,7 +721,7 @@ msgid ""
"architectures. The same effect may be achieved by simply adding the two "
"parameters <literal>auto=true priority=critical</literal> to the kernel "
"command line. The <literal>auto</literal> parameter is an alias for "
-"<literal>auto-install/enabled</literal> and controls the delay of the locale "
+"<literal>auto-install/enable</literal> and controls the delay of the locale "
"and keyboard questions until after there has been a chance to preseed them, "
"while <literal>priority</literal> is an alias for <literal>preseed/priority</"
"literal> and setting it to <literal>critical</literal> stops any questions "
@@ -731,7 +731,7 @@ msgstr ""
"prosessoriperheille. Sama vaikutus saadaan käyttämällä parametreja "
"<literal>auto=true priority=critical</literal> yhtä aikaa ytimen "
"komentorivillä. <literal>auto</literal> on lyhennysmerkintä <literal>auto-"
-"install/enabled</literal>:lle ja vaikuttaa maa-asetuston ja näppäimistön "
+"install/enable</literal>:lle ja vaikuttaa maa-asetuston ja näppäimistön "
"kysymysten viivästämiseen kunnes niihin on saatu haettua valmiit vastaukset, "
"kun taas <literal>priority</literal> on lyhennysmerkintä <literal>preseed/"
"priority</literal>:lle ja sen asettaminen arvoon <literal>critical</literal> "
@@ -774,8 +774,8 @@ msgstr "auto"
#. Tag: entry
#: preseed.xml:484
#, no-c-format
-msgid "auto-install/enabled"
-msgstr "auto-install/enabled"
+msgid "auto-install/enable"
+msgstr "auto-install/enable"
#. Tag: entry
#: preseed.xml:485
diff --git a/po/hu/boot-installer.po b/po/hu/boot-installer.po
index b8eb3d1bc..60e575480 100644
--- a/po/hu/boot-installer.po
+++ b/po/hu/boot-installer.po
@@ -2222,8 +2222,8 @@ msgstr "Megadja az automata telepítéshez betöltendő elő-beállító fájl
#. Tag: term
#: boot-installer.xml:3082
#, no-c-format
-msgid "auto-install/enabled (auto)"
-msgstr "auto-install/enabled (auto)"
+msgid "auto-install/enable (auto)"
+msgstr "auto-install/enable (auto)"
#. Tag: para
#: boot-installer.xml:3083
diff --git a/po/hu/preseed.po b/po/hu/preseed.po
index 051f1782e..a89f159a3 100644
--- a/po/hu/preseed.po
+++ b/po/hu/preseed.po
@@ -642,7 +642,7 @@ msgid ""
"architectures. The same effect may be achieved by simply adding the two "
"parameters <literal>auto=true priority=critical</literal> to the kernel "
"command line. The <literal>auto</literal> parameter is an alias for "
-"<literal>auto-install/enabled</literal> and controls the delay of the locale "
+"<literal>auto-install/enable</literal> and controls the delay of the locale "
"and keyboard questions until after there has been a chance to preseed them, "
"while <literal>priority</literal> is an alias for <literal>preseed/priority</"
"literal> and setting it to <literal>critical</literal> stops any questions "
@@ -684,8 +684,8 @@ msgstr "auto"
#. Tag: entry
#: preseed.xml:484
#, no-c-format
-msgid "auto-install/enabled"
-msgstr "auto-install/enabled"
+msgid "auto-install/enable"
+msgstr "auto-install/enable"
#. Tag: entry
#: preseed.xml:485
diff --git a/po/ko/boot-installer.po b/po/ko/boot-installer.po
index 82cfd3d72..dc7e5f93b 100644
--- a/po/ko/boot-installer.po
+++ b/po/ko/boot-installer.po
@@ -3837,8 +3837,8 @@ msgstr "미리 설정해 놓은 파일을 읽어들일 URL을 지정합니다.
#. Tag: term
#: boot-installer.xml:3082
#, no-c-format
-msgid "auto-install/enabled (auto)"
-msgstr "auto-install/enabled (auto)"
+msgid "auto-install/enable (auto)"
+msgstr "auto-install/enable (auto)"
#. Tag: para
#: boot-installer.xml:3083
diff --git a/po/ko/preseed.po b/po/ko/preseed.po
index 1c5fd72bb..71f29905e 100644
--- a/po/ko/preseed.po
+++ b/po/ko/preseed.po
@@ -694,7 +694,7 @@ msgid ""
"architectures. The same effect may be achieved by simply adding the two "
"parameters <literal>auto=true priority=critical</literal> to the kernel "
"command line. The <literal>auto</literal> parameter is an alias for "
-"<literal>auto-install/enabled</literal> and controls the delay of the locale "
+"<literal>auto-install/enable</literal> and controls the delay of the locale "
"and keyboard questions until after there has been a chance to preseed them, "
"while <literal>priority</literal> is an alias for <literal>preseed/priority</"
"literal> and setting it to <literal>critical</literal> stops any questions "
@@ -703,7 +703,7 @@ msgstr ""
"<literal>auto</literal> 부팅 레이블은 아직 정의되지 않은 아키텍쳐가 있습니"
"다. 커널 명령행에 파라미터 두 개, <literal>auto=true priority=critical</"
"literal>이라고 추가하기만 하면 같은 효과를 거둘 수 있습니다. <literal>auto</"
-"literal> 파라미터는 <literal>auto-install/enabled</literal>의 줄임말이고 미"
+"literal> 파라미터는 <literal>auto-install/enable</literal>의 줄임말이고 미"
"리 설정할 수 있도록 로케일 및 키보드 질문을 뒤로 늦춥니다. 또 "
"<literal>priority</literal>는 <literal>preseed/priority</literal>의 줄임말이"
"고 <literal>critical</literal>로 설정하면 필수 우선순위보다 낮은 우선순위의 "
@@ -744,8 +744,8 @@ msgstr "auto"
#. Tag: entry
#: preseed.xml:484
#, no-c-format
-msgid "auto-install/enabled"
-msgstr "auto-install/enabled"
+msgid "auto-install/enable"
+msgstr "auto-install/enable"
#. Tag: entry
#: preseed.xml:485
diff --git a/po/pot/boot-installer.pot b/po/pot/boot-installer.pot
index 753ee687e..059726a53 100644
--- a/po/pot/boot-installer.pot
+++ b/po/pot/boot-installer.pot
@@ -2092,7 +2092,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. Tag: term
#: boot-installer.xml:3082
#, no-c-format
-msgid "auto-install/enabled (auto)"
+msgid "auto-install/enable (auto)"
msgstr ""
#. Tag: para
diff --git a/po/pot/preseed.pot b/po/pot/preseed.pot
index 2a70e3017..9fcf0d95f 100644
--- a/po/pot/preseed.pot
+++ b/po/pot/preseed.pot
@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. Tag: para
#: preseed.xml:448
#, no-c-format
-msgid "The <literal>auto</literal> boot label is not yet defined on all architectures. The same effect may be achieved by simply adding the two parameters <literal>auto=true priority=critical</literal> to the kernel command line. The <literal>auto</literal> parameter is an alias for <literal>auto-install/enabled</literal> and controls the delay of the locale and keyboard questions until after there has been a chance to preseed them, while <literal>priority</literal> is an alias for <literal>preseed/priority</literal> and setting it to <literal>critical</literal> stops any questions with a lower priority from being asked."
+msgid "The <literal>auto</literal> boot label is not yet defined on all architectures. The same effect may be achieved by simply adding the two parameters <literal>auto=true priority=critical</literal> to the kernel command line. The <literal>auto</literal> parameter is an alias for <literal>auto-install/enable</literal> and controls the delay of the locale and keyboard questions until after there has been a chance to preseed them, while <literal>priority</literal> is an alias for <literal>preseed/priority</literal> and setting it to <literal>critical</literal> stops any questions with a lower priority from being asked."
msgstr ""
#. Tag: para
@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. Tag: entry
#: preseed.xml:484
#, no-c-format
-msgid "auto-install/enabled"
+msgid "auto-install/enable"
msgstr ""
#. Tag: entry
diff --git a/po/pt/boot-installer.po b/po/pt/boot-installer.po
index ecd0675ef..9df4ccf1c 100644
--- a/po/pt/boot-installer.po
+++ b/po/pt/boot-installer.po
@@ -4163,8 +4163,8 @@ msgstr ""
#. Tag: term
#: boot-installer.xml:3082
#, no-c-format
-msgid "auto-install/enabled (auto)"
-msgstr "auto-install/enabled (auto)"
+msgid "auto-install/enable (auto)"
+msgstr "auto-install/enable (auto)"
#. Tag: para
#: boot-installer.xml:3083
diff --git a/po/pt/preseed.po b/po/pt/preseed.po
index a1c1e654f..ab321dc37 100644
--- a/po/pt/preseed.po
+++ b/po/pt/preseed.po
@@ -735,7 +735,7 @@ msgid ""
"architectures. The same effect may be achieved by simply adding the two "
"parameters <literal>auto=true priority=critical</literal> to the kernel "
"command line. The <literal>auto</literal> parameter is an alias for "
-"<literal>auto-install/enabled</literal> and controls the delay of the locale "
+"<literal>auto-install/enable</literal> and controls the delay of the locale "
"and keyboard questions until after there has been a chance to preseed them, "
"while <literal>priority</literal> is an alias for <literal>preseed/priority</"
"literal> and setting it to <literal>critical</literal> stops any questions "
@@ -745,7 +745,7 @@ msgstr ""
"as arquitecturas. O mesmo efeito pode ser alcançado simplesmente adicionando "
"dois parâmetros <literal>auto=true priority=critical</literal> à linha de "
"comandos do kernel. O parâmetro <literal>auto</literal> é uma abreviatura "
-"para <literal>auto-install/enabled</literal> e controla a demora das "
+"para <literal>auto-install/enable</literal> e controla a demora das "
"questões do locale e do teclado até que exista a possibilidade de fazer "
"preseed a estas, enquanto <literal>priority</literal> é uma abreviatura para "
"<literal>preseed/priority</literal> e defini-lo como <literal>critical</"
@@ -790,8 +790,8 @@ msgstr "auto"
#. Tag: entry
#: preseed.xml:484
#, no-c-format
-msgid "auto-install/enabled"
-msgstr "auto-install/enabled"
+msgid "auto-install/enable"
+msgstr "auto-install/enable"
#. Tag: entry
#: preseed.xml:485
diff --git a/po/ru/boot-installer.po b/po/ru/boot-installer.po
index b79969ef9..8be6d26bd 100644
--- a/po/ru/boot-installer.po
+++ b/po/ru/boot-installer.po
@@ -4141,8 +4141,8 @@ msgstr ""
#. Tag: term
#: boot-installer.xml:3082
#, no-c-format
-msgid "auto-install/enabled (auto)"
-msgstr "auto-install/enabled (auto)"
+msgid "auto-install/enable (auto)"
+msgstr "auto-install/enable (auto)"
#. Tag: para
#: boot-installer.xml:3083
diff --git a/po/ru/preseed.po b/po/ru/preseed.po
index 16631e01b..b7f1cafb0 100644
--- a/po/ru/preseed.po
+++ b/po/ru/preseed.po
@@ -720,7 +720,7 @@ msgid ""
"architectures. The same effect may be achieved by simply adding the two "
"parameters <literal>auto=true priority=critical</literal> to the kernel "
"command line. The <literal>auto</literal> parameter is an alias for "
-"<literal>auto-install/enabled</literal> and controls the delay of the locale "
+"<literal>auto-install/enable</literal> and controls the delay of the locale "
"and keyboard questions until after there has been a chance to preseed them, "
"while <literal>priority</literal> is an alias for <literal>preseed/priority</"
"literal> and setting it to <literal>critical</literal> stops any questions "
@@ -730,7 +730,7 @@ msgstr ""
"архитектурах. Такой же эффект можно получить просто добавив два параметра "
"<literal>auto=true priority=critical</literal> в командной строке параметров "
"ядра. Параметр <literal>auto</literal> &mdash; это псевдоним для "
-"<literal>auto-install/enabled</literal>, который управляет задержкой выдачи "
+"<literal>auto-install/enable</literal>, который управляет задержкой выдачи "
"вопросов о локали и клавиатуре, чтобы была возможность настроить их "
"автоматически, а <literal>priority</literal> является псевдонимом для "
"<literal>preseed/priority</literal> и установка в значение "
@@ -772,8 +772,8 @@ msgstr "auto"
#. Tag: entry
#: preseed.xml:484
#, no-c-format
-msgid "auto-install/enabled"
-msgstr "auto-install/enabled"
+msgid "auto-install/enable"
+msgstr "auto-install/enable"
#. Tag: entry
#: preseed.xml:485
diff --git a/po/sv/boot-installer.po b/po/sv/boot-installer.po
index 8bb0fc60b..d478c1363 100644
--- a/po/sv/boot-installer.po
+++ b/po/sv/boot-installer.po
@@ -2292,8 +2292,8 @@ msgstr "Ange sökvägen till en förkonfigurationsfil som ska läsas in för att
#. Tag: term
#: boot-installer.xml:3082
#, no-c-format
-msgid "auto-install/enabled (auto)"
-msgstr "auto-install/enabled (auto)"
+msgid "auto-install/enable (auto)"
+msgstr "auto-install/enable (auto)"
#. Tag: para
#: boot-installer.xml:3083
diff --git a/po/sv/preseed.po b/po/sv/preseed.po
index da38a078e..14809f5aa 100644
--- a/po/sv/preseed.po
+++ b/po/sv/preseed.po
@@ -403,8 +403,8 @@ msgstr "Det är så klart möjligt att utöka det här konceptet, och om du gör
#. Tag: para
#: preseed.xml:448
#, no-c-format
-msgid "The <literal>auto</literal> boot label is not yet defined on all architectures. The same effect may be achieved by simply adding the two parameters <literal>auto=true priority=critical</literal> to the kernel command line. The <literal>auto</literal> parameter is an alias for <literal>auto-install/enabled</literal> and controls the delay of the locale and keyboard questions until after there has been a chance to preseed them, while <literal>priority</literal> is an alias for <literal>preseed/priority</literal> and setting it to <literal>critical</literal> stops any questions with a lower priority from being asked."
-msgstr "Uppstartsetiketten <literal>auto</literal> är ännu inte definierad på alla arkitekturer. Samma effekt kan uppnås genom att helt enkelt lägga till de två parametrarna <literal>auto=true priority=critical</literal> till kärnans kommandorad. Parametern <literal>auto</literal> är ett alias för <literal>auto-install/enabled</literal> och kontrollerar fördröjningen för frågorna om lokalen och tangentbordet tills efter det är möjligt att förinställa dem, samt <literal>priority</literal> som är ett alias för <literal>preseed/priority</literal> och ställer in det till <literal>critical</literal> som stoppar alla frågor med lägre prioritet från att ställas."
+msgid "The <literal>auto</literal> boot label is not yet defined on all architectures. The same effect may be achieved by simply adding the two parameters <literal>auto=true priority=critical</literal> to the kernel command line. The <literal>auto</literal> parameter is an alias for <literal>auto-install/enable</literal> and controls the delay of the locale and keyboard questions until after there has been a chance to preseed them, while <literal>priority</literal> is an alias for <literal>preseed/priority</literal> and setting it to <literal>critical</literal> stops any questions with a lower priority from being asked."
+msgstr "Uppstartsetiketten <literal>auto</literal> är ännu inte definierad på alla arkitekturer. Samma effekt kan uppnås genom att helt enkelt lägga till de två parametrarna <literal>auto=true priority=critical</literal> till kärnans kommandorad. Parametern <literal>auto</literal> är ett alias för <literal>auto-install/enable</literal> och kontrollerar fördröjningen för frågorna om lokalen och tangentbordet tills efter det är möjligt att förinställa dem, samt <literal>priority</literal> som är ett alias för <literal>preseed/priority</literal> och ställer in det till <literal>critical</literal> som stoppar alla frågor med lägre prioritet från att ställas."
#. Tag: para
#: preseed.xml:461
@@ -433,8 +433,8 @@ msgstr "auto"
#. Tag: entry
#: preseed.xml:484
#, no-c-format
-msgid "auto-install/enabled"
-msgstr "auto-install/enabled"
+msgid "auto-install/enable"
+msgstr "auto-install/enable"
#. Tag: entry
#: preseed.xml:485
diff --git a/po/vi/boot-installer.po b/po/vi/boot-installer.po
index e96f6555e..fc5c9ada7 100644
--- a/po/vi/boot-installer.po
+++ b/po/vi/boot-installer.po
@@ -4192,8 +4192,8 @@ msgstr ""
#. Tag: term
#: boot-installer.xml:3082
#, no-c-format
-msgid "auto-install/enabled (auto)"
-msgstr "auto-install/enabled (auto)"
+msgid "auto-install/enable (auto)"
+msgstr "auto-install/enable (auto)"
#. Tag: para
#: boot-installer.xml:3083
diff --git a/po/vi/preseed.po b/po/vi/preseed.po
index ef56596c6..0ce989977 100644
--- a/po/vi/preseed.po
+++ b/po/vi/preseed.po
@@ -727,7 +727,7 @@ msgid ""
"architectures. The same effect may be achieved by simply adding the two "
"parameters <literal>auto=true priority=critical</literal> to the kernel "
"command line. The <literal>auto</literal> parameter is an alias for "
-"<literal>auto-install/enabled</literal> and controls the delay of the locale "
+"<literal>auto-install/enable</literal> and controls the delay of the locale "
"and keyboard questions until after there has been a chance to preseed them, "
"while <literal>priority</literal> is an alias for <literal>preseed/priority</"
"literal> and setting it to <literal>critical</literal> stops any questions "
@@ -737,7 +737,7 @@ msgstr ""
"mọi kiến trúc. Vẫn còn đạt được cùng một kết quả bằng cách đơn giản thêm hai "
"tham số <literal>auto=true priority=critical</literal> (tự động là đúng, ưu "
"tiên là tới hạn) vào dòng lệnh hạt nhân. Tham số <literal>auto</literal> là "
-"biệt hiệu cho biến <literal>auto-install/enabled</literal>, và điều khiển "
+"biệt hiệu cho biến <literal>auto-install/enable</literal>, và điều khiển "
"cách hoãn những câu hỏi miền địa phương và bàn phím đến sau khi có dịp chèn "
"sẵn chúng. Còn <literal>priority</literal> là biệt hiệu cho biến "
"<literal>preseed/priority</literal>: việc đặt nó thành <literal>critical</"
@@ -781,8 +781,8 @@ msgstr "auto"
#. Tag: entry
#: preseed.xml:484
#, no-c-format
-msgid "auto-install/enabled"
-msgstr "auto-install/enabled"
+msgid "auto-install/enable"
+msgstr "auto-install/enable"
#. Tag: entry
#: preseed.xml:485
diff --git a/po/zh_CN/boot-installer.po b/po/zh_CN/boot-installer.po
index ff21d6941..a1a4f9a8d 100644
--- a/po/zh_CN/boot-installer.po
+++ b/po/zh_CN/boot-installer.po
@@ -3742,8 +3742,8 @@ msgstr "指定路径至预设文件,加载自动化安装。参阅 <xref linke
#. Tag: term
#: boot-installer.xml:3082
#, no-c-format
-msgid "auto-install/enabled (auto)"
-msgstr "auto-install/enabled (auto)"
+msgid "auto-install/enable (auto)"
+msgstr "auto-install/enable (auto)"
#. Tag: para
#: boot-installer.xml:3083
diff --git a/po/zh_CN/preseed.po b/po/zh_CN/preseed.po
index 74ca2aa02..1bb002fb8 100644
--- a/po/zh_CN/preseed.po
+++ b/po/zh_CN/preseed.po
@@ -646,7 +646,7 @@ msgid ""
"architectures. The same effect may be achieved by simply adding the two "
"parameters <literal>auto=true priority=critical</literal> to the kernel "
"command line. The <literal>auto</literal> parameter is an alias for "
-"<literal>auto-install/enabled</literal> and controls the delay of the locale "
+"<literal>auto-install/enable</literal> and controls the delay of the locale "
"and keyboard questions until after there has been a chance to preseed them, "
"while <literal>priority</literal> is an alias for <literal>preseed/priority</"
"literal> and setting it to <literal>critical</literal> stops any questions "
@@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"<literal>auto</literal> 引导标签还未在所有的架构中定义。在内核命令行上可以通"
"过添加 <literal>auto=true priority=critical</literal> 两个参数达到同样的效"
-"果。<literal>auto</literal> 参数是 <literal>auto-install/enabled</literal> 的"
+"果。<literal>auto</literal> 参数是 <literal>auto-install/enable</literal> 的"
"别名,用来控制延迟地区和键盘等问题的提出,直到可以预置,其中 "
"<literal>priority</literal> 是 <literal>preseed/priority</literal> 的别名,设"
"置它为 <literal>critical</literal> 可以禁止在较低优先级下的问题提出。"
@@ -693,8 +693,8 @@ msgstr "auto"
#. Tag: entry
#: preseed.xml:484
#, no-c-format
-msgid "auto-install/enabled"
-msgstr "auto-install/enabled"
+msgid "auto-install/enable"
+msgstr "auto-install/enable"
#. Tag: entry
#: preseed.xml:485
diff --git a/po/zh_TW/boot-installer.po b/po/zh_TW/boot-installer.po
index d105b7178..f4e228bb0 100644
--- a/po/zh_TW/boot-installer.po
+++ b/po/zh_TW/boot-installer.po
@@ -3754,7 +3754,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. Tag: term
#: boot-installer.xml:3082
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
-msgid "auto-install/enabled (auto)"
+msgid "auto-install/enable (auto)"
msgstr "debian-installer/framebuffer"
#. Tag: para
diff --git a/pt_BR/appendix/preseed.xml b/pt_BR/appendix/preseed.xml
index 85cd58116..b39dd964c 100644
--- a/pt_BR/appendix/preseed.xml
+++ b/pt_BR/appendix/preseed.xml
@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ O rótulo de inicialização <literal>auto</literal> ainda não está definido
em todas as arquiteturas. O mesmo efeito pode ser alcançado simplesmente
adicionando os dois parâmetros <literal>auto=true priority=critical</literal>
à linha de comando do kernel. O parâmetro <literal>auto</literal> é um
-apelido para <literal>auto-install/enabled</literal> e controla o atraso
+apelido para <literal>auto-install/enable</literal> e controla o atraso
das questões sobre localização e teclado até após ter tido a chance de fazer
a pré-configuração deles, enquanto <literal>priority</literal> é um apelido
para <literal>preseed/priority</literal> e definindo isso para
@@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ Os apelidos a seguir podem ser úteis ao usar (modo auto) pré-configuração.
to separate columns a bit -->
<informaltable frame="none">
<tgroup cols="2"><tbody>
diff --git a/pt_BR/boot-installer/parameters.xml b/pt_BR/boot-installer/parameters.xml
index 7755464e9..90910bf47 100644
--- a/pt_BR/boot-installer/parameters.xml
+++ b/pt_BR/boot-installer/parameters.xml
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ carregado para realizar a configuração automática. Veja
-<term>auto-install/enabled (auto)</term>
+<term>auto-install/enable (auto)</term>
Atrasar perguntas que normalmente são feitas antes da pré-configuração é