use anyhow::Result; use std::{env, path::PathBuf}; use structopt::StructOpt; #[derive(StructOpt, Debug)] #[structopt( name = "gfold", about = "\n\n\ This application helps you keep track of multiple Git repositories via CLI.\n\ By default, it displays relevant information for all repos in the current\n\ working directory." )] struct Opt { #[structopt( short, long, help = "Toggle to enable checking for unpushed commits (experimental)" )] enable_unpushed_check: bool, #[structopt(short, long, help = "Include standard directories in the result")] include_non_repos: bool, #[structopt(short = "q", long = "nc", help = "Disable color output")] no_color: bool, #[structopt(parse(from_os_str), help = "Target a different directory")] path: Option, #[structopt(short, long, help = "Only search in the target directory")] shallow: bool, #[structopt( short = "m", long = "show-email", help = "Toggle to show git config" )] show_email: bool, #[structopt(short = "x", long, help = "Toggle to skip sorting")] skip_sort: bool, } fn main() -> Result<()> { let opt = Opt::from_args(); let mut path = env::current_dir()?; if let Some(provided_path) = opt.path { path.push(provided_path) }; gfold::driver::Driver::new( &path.canonicalize()?, gfold::driver::Config { enable_unpushed_check: opt.enable_unpushed_check, include_non_repos: opt.include_non_repos, no_color: opt.no_color, shallow: opt.shallow, show_email: opt.show_email, skip_sort: opt.skip_sort, }, )? .print_results()?; Ok(()) }