PORTNAME= woob-qt DISTVERSION= 2.0-27 PORTREVISION= 2 DISTVERSIONSUFFIX= -g958a79c2 CATEGORIES= www python PKGNAMEPREFIX= ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX} MAINTAINER= jhale@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Web Outside of Browsers WWW= https://woob.tech/ LICENSE= LGPL3+ LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/COPYING.LESSER BUILD_DEPENDS= ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}woob>=2.0:www/py-woob@${PY_FLAVOR} RUN_DEPENDS= ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}woob>=2.0:www/py-woob@${PY_FLAVOR} USES= gmake pyqt:5 python USE_PYQT= pyqt5 sip USE_PYTHON= autoplist distutils USE_GITLAB= yes GL_ACCOUNT= woob GL_TAGNAME= 958a79c2e5de4698afe34f960fc1698cf2de8ca5 BINARY_ALIAS= pyuic5=pyuic5-${PYTHON_VER} NO_ARCH= yes # woob-qt attempts to install __init__.py and the generated bytecode into # these directories which conflicts with those installed by woob. We need to # delete these files and their entries in the generated plist post-install. COMMON_DIRS= woob \ woob/applications \ woob/tools \ woob/tools/application post-install: .for dir in ${COMMON_DIRS:S|/|\/|g} @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e '/.*\/${dir}\/__init__.py/d' \ -e '/.*\/${dir}\/__pycache__.*/d' \ ${WRKDIR}/.PLIST.pymodtmp .endfor .for dir in ${COMMON_DIRS} @(cd ${STAGEDIR}${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/${dir} && ${RM} -r __pycache__ __init__.py) .endfor .include