inlinestyler is an easy way to locally inline CSS into an HTML email message. Styling HTML email is a black art. CSS works, but only when it's been placed inline on the individual elements (and event then, not always) - which makes development frustrating, and iteration slow. The general solution is to use an inlining service, which takes a message with the CSS placed externally, and rewrites it so that all CSS is applied to the individual elements. The most widely used of these services - and as far as I can tell, the one that powers CampaignMonitor - is Premailer. It's a great service, and the guys behind it put a lot of work into keeping it up to date with the most recent discoveries in what works and what doesn't. inlinestyler takes (most) of the functionality of Premailer, and makes it available locally, accessible without having call a remote service.