chaoskube periodically kills random pods in your Kubernetes cluster. Running it will kill a pod in any namespace every 10 minutes by default. $ chaoskube INFO[0000] starting up dryRun=true interval=10m0s version=v0.21.0 INFO[0000] connecting to cluster master="" serverVersion=v1 INFO[0000] setting pod filter annotations= labels= minimumAge=0s namespaces= INFO[0000] setting quiet times daysOfYear="[]" timesOfDay="[]" weekdays="[]" INFO[0000] setting timezone location=UTC name=UTC offset=0 INFO[0001] terminating pod name=kube-dns-v20-6ikos namespace=kube-system INFO[0601] terminating pod name=nginx-701339712-u4fr3 namespace=chaoskube [...] chaoskube allows to filter target pods by namespaces, labels, annotations and age as well as exclude certain weekdays, times of day and days of a year from chaos.