PORTNAME= dhcdrop PORTVERSION= 0.5 PORTREVISION= 3 CATEGORIES= net-mgmt sysutils MASTER_SITES= http://www.netpatch.ru/projects/dhcdrop/ MAINTAINER= ffault@gmail.com COMMENT= Tool for searching and suppressing false DHCP servers WWW= http://www.netpatch.ru/en/dhcdrop.html LICENSE= GPLv2 USES= autoreconf libtool tar:bzip2 USE_CSTD= gnu89 GNU_CONFIGURE= yes PLIST_FILES= sbin/dhcdrop man/man8/dhcdrop.8.gz \ man/ru/man8/dhcdrop.8.gz OPTIONS_DEFINE= STATIC STATIC_DESC= Build a static version of dhcdrop # --disable-static-build is broken and has the same effect as # --enable-static-build, so do not use STATIC_CONFIGURE_ENABLE # here. STATIC_CONFIGURE_ON= --enable-static-build .if exists(/usr/lib/libibverbs.a) # Link with libibverbs too needed by static libpcap post-patch-STATIC-on: @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's,^dhcdrop_LDADD.*,& -libverbs,' \ ${WRKSRC}/src/Makefile.am .endif .include