PORTNAME= SQNomad DISTVERSION= 0.2.3 CATEGORIES= math python MASTER_SITES= PYPI PKGNAMEPREFIX= ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX} MAINTAINER= yuri@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Blackbox optimization software WWW= https://www.gerad.ca/nomad/ LICENSE= LGPL3 LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE BUILD_DEPENDS= ${PYNUMPY} \ ${PY_SETUPTOOLS} \ ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}wheel>0:devel/py-wheel@${PY_FLAVOR} RUN_DEPENDS= ${PYNUMPY} \ ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}SQCommon>0:misc/py-SQCommon@${PY_FLAVOR} USES= python USE_PYTHON= pep517 autoplist post-install: @${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR}/libsqnomad${PYTHON_EXT_SUFFIX}.so # there are a lot of errors during build stemming from the numpy code, for example: # cc: error: unknown argument: '-mavx5124fmaps' # cc: error: unknown argument: '-mavx5124vnniw' # but these erros are in the test coe nd they don't break the build .include