PORTNAME= kfr DISTVERSION= 5.0.3 CATEGORIES= math MAINTAINER= yuri@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= C++ DSP framework, FFT, Sample Rate Conversion, FIR/IIR/Biquad Filters WWW= https://github.com/kfrlib/kfr LICENSE= GPLv2 LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE.txt ONLY_FOR_ARCHS= aarch64 amd64 armv7 i386 ONLY_FOR_ARCHS_REASON= only x86, x86_64, ARM (ARMv7+ hf) and AArch64 (aka ARM64) are supported, see https://github.com/kfrlib/kfr/issues/158#issuecomment-1204723324 USES= cmake:testing compiler:c++17-lang USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= kfrlib CMAKE_ON= BUILD_SHARED_LIBS CMAKE_TESTING_ON= ENABLE_TESTS CMAKE_TESTING_TARGET= ${ALL_TARGET} #CXXFLAGS_armv6= -march=native # to fix: ARM builds require NEON support. Add -march=native for native build or skip the check with CMT_FORCE_GENERIC_CPU=1 CMAKE_ARGS_armv6= -DCMT_FORCE_GENERIC_CPU=1 # to fix: ARM builds require NEON support. Add -march=native for native build or skip the check with CMT_FORCE_GENERIC_CPU=1 post-test: # see https://github.com/kfrlib/kfr/issues/164 @cd ${BUILD_WRKSRC} && \ ${BUILD_WRKSRC}/bin/all_tests .include