PORTNAME= qemu PORTVERSION= 6.2.0 CATEGORIES= emulators MASTER_SITES= https://download.qemu.org/ DIST_SUBDIR= qemu/${PORTVERSION} MAINTAINER= bofh@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= QEMU CPU Emulator ${${FLAVOR}_COMMENT} - 6.X LICENSE= GPLv2 BUILD_DEPENDS= bash:shells/bash .if ${FLAVOR:U} != tools LIB_DEPENDS+= libfdt.so:sysutils/dtc \ libzstd.so:archivers/zstd .endif .if (${FLAVOR:U} != nox11 && ${FLAVOR:U} != tools) LIB_DEPENDS+= libepoxy.so:graphics/libepoxy .endif FLAVORS= default nox11 tools FLAVOR?= ${FLAVORS:[1]} default_PKGNAMESUFFIX= 6 default_CONFLICTS_INSTALL= qemu-devel qemu-nox11 qemu-tools qemu-utils \ qemu5* nox11_PKGNAMESUFFIX= 6-nox11 nox11_CONFLICTS_INSTALL= qemu qemu-devel qemu42 qemu5* nox11_COMMENT= (without X11) tools_PKGNAMESUFFIX= 6-tools tools_COMMENT= (tools only) tools_CONFLICTS_INSTALL= qemu qemu-devel qemu-nox11 qemu-utils qemu42 \ qemu5* tools_DESCR= ${.CURDIR}/pkg-descr-tools tools_PLIST= ${.CURDIR}/pkg-plist-tools USES= cpe gmake gnome ninja perl5 pkgconfig python:build tar:xz USE_GNOME= glib20 USE_PERL5= build .if ${FLAVOR:U} != tools ONLY_FOR_ARCHS= amd64 i386 powerpc powerpc64 powerpc64 powerpc64le USES+= iconv:wchar_t .endif .if (${FLAVOR:U} != nox11 && ${FLAVOR:U} != tools) USE_GNOME+= cairo .endif HAS_CONFIGURE= yes CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --cc=${CC} \ --disable-kvm \ --disable-linux-aio \ --disable-linux-user \ --disable-xen \ --extra-cflags=-I${WRKSRC}\ -I${LOCALBASE}/include\ -DPREFIX=\\\"\"${PREFIX}\\\"\" \ --extra-ldflags=-L${LOCALBASE}/lib \ --extra-ldflags=-L/usr/lib \ --localstatedir=/var \ --mandir=${PREFIX}/man \ --prefix=${PREFIX} \ --python=${PYTHON_CMD} CFLAGS:= ${CFLAGS:C/-fno-tree-vrp//} WITHOUT_CPU_CFLAGS= yes #to avoid problems with register allocation PORTDOCS= .buildinfo _static/* about/* devel/* docs genindex.html \ index.html interop/* objects.inv search.html searchindex.js \ specs/* system/* tools/* user/* OPTIONS_DEFINE= CAPSTONE CDROM_DMA CURL DEBUG DOCS GNUTLS GTK3 \ ISCSI JPEG OPENGL PNG SAMBA SASL STATIC_LINK \ STRIP USBREDIR VDE X11 X86_TARGETS OPTIONS_DEFAULT= CDROM_DMA CURL GNUTLS GTK3 JPEG NCURSES_DEFAULT \ OPENGL PNG SASL VDE X11 OPTIONS_SINGLE= NCURSES OPTIONS_SINGLE_NCURSES= NCURSES_BASE NCURSES_DEFAULT NCURSES_PORT .if ${FLAVOR:U} == nox11 OPTIONS_EXCLUDE:= GTK3 X11 .endif .if ${FLAVOR:U} == tools OPTIONS_EXCLUDE:= CAPSTONE CDROM_DMA CURL DEBUG GNUTLS GTK3 ISCSI \ JPEG NCURSES NCURSES_BASE NCURSES_DEFAULT \ NCURSES_PORT OPENGL PNG SAMBA SASL STATIC_LINK \ USBREDIR VDE X11 X86_TARGETS .endif OPTIONS_SUB= yes CAPSTONE_DESC= Disassembly framework support CDROM_DMA_DESC= IDE CDROM DMA GNUTLS_DESC= gnutls dependency (vnc encryption) ISCSI_DESC= libiscsi dependency (iSCSI client for emulated drives) JPEG_DESC= jpeg dependency (vnc lossy compression) NCURSES_BASE_DESC= Depend on ncurses in base NCURSES_DEFAULT_DESC= Depend on ncurses (ports if installed, otherwise base) NCURSES_PORT_DESC= Depend on devel/ncurses in ports PNG_DESC= png dependency (vnc compression) SAMBA_DESC= samba dependency (for -smb) SASL_DESC= cyrus-sasl dependency (vnc encryption) STATIC_LINK_DESC= Statically link the executables USBREDIR_DESC= usb device network redirection (experimental!) VDE_DESC= vde dependency (for vde networking) X86_TARGETS_DESC= Build only x86 system targets CAPSTONE_LIB_DEPENDS= libcapstone.so:devel/capstone4 CAPSTONE_CONFIGURE_ON= --enable-capstone=system \ --extra-cflags=-I${LOCALBASE}/include/capstone CAPSTONE_CONFIGURE_OFF= --disable-capstone CURL_LIB_DEPENDS= libcurl.so:ftp/curl CURL_CONFIGURE_OFF= --disable-curl DEBUG_CONFIGURE_ON= --enable-debug DOCS_BUILD_DEPENDS= ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}sphinx_rtd_theme>0:textproc/py-sphinx_rtd_theme@${PY_FLAVOR} \ sphinx-build:textproc/py-sphinx@${PY_FLAVOR} DOCS_CONFIGURE_ENABLE= docs GNUTLS_LIB_DEPENDS= libgnutls.so:security/gnutls GNUTLS_CONFIGURE_OFF= --disable-gnutls GTK3_LIB_DEPENDS= libxkbcommon.so:x11/libxkbcommon GTK3_USES= gettext gl GTK3_USE= GNOME=gdkpixbuf2,gtk30,vte3 \ XORG=x11,xext GTK3_CONFIGURE_OFF= --disable-gtk \ --disable-vte ISCSI_LIB_DEPENDS= libiscsi.so:net/libiscsi ISCSI_CONFIGURE_OFF= --disable-libiscsi JPEG_USES= jpeg JPEG_CONFIGURE_OFF= --disable-vnc-jpeg NCURSES_BASE_USES= ncurses:base NCURSES_DEFAULT_USES= ncurses NCURSES_PORT_USES= ncurses:port OPENGL_USES= gl OPENGL_USE= GL=gbm,gl OPENGL_CONFIGURE_OFF= --disable-opengl PNG_LIB_DEPENDS= libpng.so:graphics/png PNG_CONFIGURE_OFF= --disable-vnc-png SAMBA_USES= samba:run # smbd SAMBA_CONFIGURE_ON= --smbd=${LOCALBASE}/sbin/smbd SASL_LIB_DEPENDS= libsasl2.so:security/cyrus-sasl2 SASL_CONFIGURE_OFF= --disable-vnc-sasl STATIC_LINK_PREVENTS= GTK3 X11 STATIC_LINK_PREVENTS_MSG= X11 ui cannot be built static STATIC_LINK_CONFIGURE_ON= --static STRIP_CONFIGURE_OFF= --disable-strip USBREDIR_BUILD_DEPENDS= usbredir>=0.6:net/usbredir USBREDIR_RUN_DEPENDS= usbredir>=0.6:net/usbredir USBREDIR_CONFIGURE_OFF= --disable-usb-redir VDE_LIB_DEPENDS= libvdeplug.so:net/vde2 VDE_CONFIGURE_OFF= --disable-vde X11_USES= sdl X11_USE= GNOME=gdkpixbuf2 \ SDL=sdl2 \ XORG=x11,xext X11_CONFIGURE_ENABLE= sdl .if (empty(FLAVOR) || ${FLAVOR:U} == default || ${FLAVOR:U} == nox11) && \ (${FLAVOR:U} != tools || ${PKGNAMESUFFIX} != "-guest-agent") X86_TARGETS_USES_OFF= xorg X86_TARGETS_USE_OFF= XORG=pixman,x11 X86_TARGETS_CONFIGURE_ON= --target-list='i386-softmmu i386-bsd-user x86_64-softmmu x86_64-bsd-user' .endif .if ${FLAVOR:U} != tools CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-fdt=system \ --enable-netmap .endif .if ${FLAVOR:U} == tools CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-attr \ --disable-blobs \ --disable-brlapi \ --disable-bzip2 \ --disable-cap-ng \ --disable-coroutine-pool \ --disable-curses \ --disable-fdt \ --disable-gcrypt \ --disable-glusterfs \ --disable-guest-agent \ --disable-libnfs \ --disable-libusb \ --disable-lzo \ --disable-netmap \ --disable-nettle \ --disable-numa \ --disable-rbd \ --disable-rdma \ --disable-seccomp \ --disable-smartcard \ --disable-snappy \ --disable-spice \ --disable-system \ --disable-tpm \ --disable-user \ --disable-vhost-net \ --disable-virtfs \ --disable-vnc \ --enable-tools .endif .include .if (empty(FLAVOR) || ${FLAVOR:U} == default || ${FLAVOR:U} == nox11) && \ (${FLAVOR:U} != tools || ${PKGNAMESUFFIX} != "-guest-agent") .if ${ARCH} == "amd64" MAKE_ARGS+= ARCH=x86_64 .endif .if ${ARCH} == "powerpc" CFLAGS+= -D_CALL_SYSV MAKE_ARGS+= ARCH=ppc USE_GCC= yes .endif .if ${ARCH} == "powerpc64" MAKE_ARGS+= ARCH=ppc64 .endif .if ${ARCH} == "sparc64" CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --sparc_cpu=v9 .endif PLIST_SUB+= LINUXBOOT_DMA="" .endif post-patch-CDROM_DMA-off: @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e '/USE_DMA_CDROM/d' ${WRKSRC}/include/hw/ide/internal.h do-build: cd ${WRKSRC} && ${GMAKE} do-install: cd ${WRKSRC} && ${SETENV} DESTDIR=${STAGEDIR} ${GMAKE} install .if !target(post-install) post-install: .if ${FLAVOR:U} != tools ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${FILESDIR}/qemu-ifup.sample ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/etc ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${FILESDIR}/qemu-ifdown.sample ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/etc @${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/qemu-* .endif post-install-DOCS-on: @(cd ${WRKSRC} && ${COPYTREE_SHARE} docs ${STAGEDIR}${DOCSDIR}/) .endif .include