This port allows to access CP/M file systems similar to the well-known mtools package, which accesses MSDOS file systems. It contains the followin set of tools: * cpmls - list sorted directory with output similar to ls, DIR, P2DOS DIR and CP/M3 DIR[FULL] * cpmcp - copy files from and to CP/M file systems * cpmrm - erase files from CP/M file systems * cpmchmod - change file permissions * cpmchattr - change file attributes * mkfs.cpm - make a CP/M file system * fsck.cpm - check and repair a CP/M file system (only simple errors can be repaired so far). Some images of broken file systems are provided. * fsed.cpm - view CP/M file system * manual pages for everything including the CP/M file system format All CP/M file system features are supported. Password protection is ignored, but a pseudo file [passwd] contains them decrypted.