PORTNAME= tcllib PORTVERSION= 1.21 CATEGORIES= devel tcl MASTER_SITES= https://core.tcl.tk/tcllib/uv/ MAINTAINER= tcltk@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Collection of utility modules for Tcl WWW= http://tcllib.sourceforge.net/ LICENSE= TclTk LICENSE_NAME= Tcl/Tk License LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/license.terms LICENSE_PERMS= dist-mirror dist-sell pkg-mirror pkg-sell auto-accept OPTIONS_DEFINE?=DOCS MANPAGES OPTIONS_SUB= yes USES+= tcl tar:xz USE_LOCALE= en_US.UTF-8 GNU_CONFIGURE= yes CONFIGURE_ENV+= ac_cv_path_tclsh="${TCLSH}" TEST_TARGET= test TEST_ENV= ${MAKE_ENV} DISPLAY= TZ=utc .if ${OPTIONS_DEFINE:MDOCS} PORTDOCS= * .endif INSTALL_ARGS= -pkgs -pkg-path ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/tcllib \ -apps -app-path ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin \ -no-wait -no-gui -no-examples .include # # Man pages # .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MMANPAGES} && !(defined(ALL_TARGET) && !empty(ALL_TARGET:Mcritcl)) ALL_TARGET+= nroff-doc INSTALL_ARGS+= -nroff-path ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/man/mann .else INSTALL_ARGS+= -no-nroff .endif # # HTML documentation # .if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MDOCS} && !(defined(ALL_TARGET) && !empty(ALL_TARGET:Mcritcl)) ALL_TARGET+= html-doc INSTALL_ARGS+= -html-path ${STAGEDIR}${DOCSDIR} .else INSTALL_ARGS+= -no-html .endif .if !target(post-patch) post-patch: # # Ensure the detailed output of vendors' self-tests is # available in addition to the pretty progress report: # ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's,test run,test run -l testlog,' \ -e 's,$$(libdir)/@PACKAGE@@VERSION@,$$(libdir)/@PACKAGE@,' \ ${WRKSRC}/Makefile.in ${FIND} ${WRKSRC}/apps -type f ! -name "*.man" | ${XARGS} \ ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's,exec tclsh,exec ${TCLSH},' -e 's,/usr/bin/env tclsh,${TCLSH},' # # man pages have the .tcllib suffix, so there's no need to have a # tcllib_ prefix too # cd ${WRKSRC} && \ for man in `${FIND} . -name "tcllib_*.man"`; do \ ${MV} $$man `echo $$man | ${SED} -e 's|tcllib_||'`; \ done && \ for man in `${FIND} . -name "tcllib_*.n"`; do \ ${MV} $$man `echo $$man | ${SED} -e 's|tcllib_||'`; \ done # # add the .tcllib suffix to man pages # cd ${WRKSRC} && \ for man in `${FIND} . -name "*.man"`; do \ ${MV} $$man `echo $$man | ${SED} -e 's|man$$|tcllib.man|'`; \ done && \ for man in `${FIND} . -name "*.n"`; do \ ${MV} $$man `echo $$man | ${SED} -e 's|n$$|tcllib.n|'`; \ done # # remove all .orig files # # ${FIND} ${WRKSRC} -type f -name "*.orig" -delete .endif .if !target(do-install) do-install: cd ${WRKSRC} && ${TCLSH} ./installer.tcl ${INSTALL_ARGS} .endif .include