PORTNAME= kdeconnect-kde DISTVERSION= ${KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION} PORTREVISION= 1 CATEGORIES= deskutils kde kde-applications MAINTAINER= kde@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Support for KDE to interface between your phone and your computer WWW= https://community.kde.org/KDEConnect LICENSE= GPLv2 LIB_DEPENDS= libfakekey.so:x11/libfakekey \ libwayland-client.so:graphics/wayland \ libKF5PulseAudioQt.so:audio/pulseaudio-qt BUILD_DEPENDS= kpeoplevcard>0:net/kpeoplevcard \ ${LOCALBASE}/include/linux/input.h:devel/evdev-proto RUN_DEPENDS= sshpass:security/sshpass \ sshfs:sysutils/fusefs-sshfs \ kpeoplevcard>0:net/kpeoplevcard USES= cmake compiler:c++11-lang desktop-file-utils gettext kde:5 \ pkgconfig qca qt:5 tar:xz xorg USE_KDE= auth bookmarks codecs completion config configwidgets \ coreaddons dbusaddons doctools guiaddons i18n iconthemes \ itemviews jobwidgets kcmutils kio kirigami2 notifications \ people qqc2-desktop-style service solid wayland widgetsaddons \ windowsystem xmlgui \ ecm_build USE_QT= concurrent core dbus declarative gui multimedia network \ quickcontrols2 testlib wayland widgets x11extras xml \ buildtools_build qmake_build USE_XORG= ice sm x11 xext xtst USE_LDCONFIG= ${QT_QMLDIR}/org/kde/kdeconnect OPTIONS_DEFINE= DOCS KDE_APPLICATIONS_SHLIB_VER=${KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION} .include