--- setup/install.py.orig 2023-12-15 00:57:56 UTC +++ setup/install.py @@ -358,29 +358,11 @@ class Bootstrap(Command): description = 'Bootstrap a fresh checkout of calibre from git to a state where it can be installed. Requires various development tools/libraries/headers' TRANSLATIONS_REPO = 'kovidgoyal/calibre-translations' - sub_commands = 'build iso639 iso3166 translations gui resources cacerts recent_uas'.split() + sub_commands = 'build iso639 iso3166 translations gui resources cacerts'.split() def add_options(self, parser): parser.add_option('--ephemeral', default=False, action='store_true', help='Do not download all history for the translations. Speeds up first time download but subsequent downloads will be slower.') - - def pre_sub_commands(self, opts): - tdir = self.j(self.d(self.SRC), 'translations') - clone_cmd = [ - 'git', 'clone', f'https://github.com/{self.TRANSLATIONS_REPO}.git', 'translations'] - if opts.ephemeral: - if os.path.exists(tdir): - shutil.rmtree(tdir) - - st = time.time() - clone_cmd.insert(2, '--depth=1') - subprocess.check_call(clone_cmd, cwd=self.d(self.SRC)) - print('Downloaded translations in %d seconds' % int(time.time() - st)) - else: - if os.path.exists(tdir): - subprocess.check_call(['git', 'pull'], cwd=tdir) - else: - subprocess.check_call(clone_cmd, cwd=self.d(self.SRC)) def run(self, opts): self.info('\n\nAll done! You should now be able to run "%s setup.py install" to install calibre' % sys.executable)