PORTNAME= uarduno PORTVERSION= 1.02 PORTREVISION= 1 CATEGORIES= comms MASTER_SITES= http://mrp3.com/ MAINTAINER= bobf@mrp3.com COMMENT= FreeBSD Kernel Driver for the Arduino Uno USB interface WWW= https://www.mrp3.com/uarduno.html LICENSE= BSD4CLAUSE USES= kmod uidfix # some test targets need a predictable source directory WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/uarduno PLIST_FILES= ${KMODDIR}/uarduno.ko # # make sure I correctly identify the OS version # CFLAGS+= -DKERNELVER=${OSVERSION} # post-patch target, copy 'ids.txt' as 'ids.h' (user-modifiable file) post-patch: @${CP} ${FILESDIR}/ids.txt ${WRKSRC}/ids.h # # these next 2 targets are for developer use # # building a source tarball and related files uarduno-src-tarball: ${MAKE_CMD} patch ${MAKE_CMD} -C ${WRKSRC} my-clean ${TAR} -c -f ${DISTDIR}/${DISTNAME}${EXTRACT_SUFX} -C ${WRKDIR} uarduno ${MAKE_CMD} makesum # partial clean for incremental build and test uarduno-part-clean: -${RM} ${WRKDIR}/.patch_done.uarduno._boot_kernel -${RM} ${WRKDIR}/.configure_done.uarduno._boot_kernel -${RM} ${WRKDIR}/.build_done.uarduno._boot_kernel -${RM} ${WRKDIR}/.install_done.uarduno._boot_kernel ${MAKE_CMD} -C ${WRKSRC} my-clean ${MAKE_CMD} patch .include