PORTNAME= leocad DISTVERSIONPREFIX= v DISTVERSION= 23.03 CATEGORIES= cad MAINTAINER= yuri@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= CAD program for creating virtual LEGO models WWW= https://www.leocad.org/ LICENSE= GPLv2 LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/docs/COPYING.txt RUN_DEPENDS= ldraw>0:cad/ldraw USES= compiler:c++11-lang cpe desktop-file-utils gl qmake qt:5 shared-mime-info xorg USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= leozide USE_QT= core gui concurrent network opengl printsupport widgets xml buildtools:build linguisttools:build USE_GL= gl QMAKE_ARGS= INSTALL_PREFIX=${PREFIX} MAN_DIR=${PREFIX}/man/man1 LDRAW_LIBRARY_PATH=${PREFIX}/share/ldraw PORTSCOUT= limit:^[0-9\.]*$$ # to ignore the 'continuous' tag post-install: @${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/leocad .include