PORTNAME= CuraEngine PORTEPOCH= 1 DISTVERSION= 4.13.1 PORTREVISION= 2 CATEGORIES= cad DIST_SUBDIR= Ultimaker MAINTAINER= db@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Engine of slicing solution for RepRap 3D printers WWW= http://wiki.ultimaker.com/Cura LICENSE= AGPLv3 LIB_DEPENDS= libArcus.so:net/libarcus \ libprotobuf.so:devel/protobuf USES= compiler:c++11-lang cmake STB_TAG= d5d052c USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= Ultimaker GH_PROJECT= CuraEngine GH_TUPLE= nothings:stb:${STB_TAG}:stb/include/stb CMAKE_ARGS+= -DStb_FOUND:BOOL=ON \ -DStb_INCLUDE_DIRS=${WRKSRC}/include # disable OpenMP as it does not work (at least) on CURRENT. # OpenMP support is planned to be replaced with native thread. # see files/patch-CMakeLists.txt PLIST_FILES= bin/CuraEngine .include