path: root/INDEX
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2000-11-16This is an unofficial INDEX file for the rebuilt 4.2R portsSatoshi Asami
collection. There are 4,127 ports.
2000-11-03Preliminary index for 4.2-release. There are 4,101 (= 3 x 1367)Satoshi Asami
ports. Amazing. By the way, I believe the 4,100th port award goes to sada-san's commit of japanese/leafrogue.
2000-09-23A small commit to fix a screwup of mine yesterday (forgot to changeSatoshi Asami
the categories of ports repo-copied into french and german). However, I have something else to say: the package build just ended, and we have 3,422 (= 2 x 29 x 59) packages for 2,478 (= 2 x 3 x 7 x 59) MB and 3,054 (= 2 x 3 x 509) MB of distfiles for 4.1.1R! Hmm, that's a lot of 2's and 5[0]9's. Maybe imp will tell you what those mean.
2000-07-21Last minute dependency fix to bugbuddy (which is needed for gnome) andSatoshi Asami
vim5. The release tag will be slid forward to include this revision.
2000-07-19This is the official index file for 4.1-release. There are 3,605 portsSatoshi Asami
in here. (Too bad the release number isn't 3.6....) You can check out the ports tree for 4.1R with the tag "RELEASE_4_1_0".
2000-06-16A new index, with 3,403 ports, which is a nice number, being 41 timesSatoshi Asami
83. However, more significantly, this is the official index file for 3.5-release (tag: RELEASE_3_5_0). Seems we are about 97 ports short.
2000-03-14This is the official INDEX file for 4.0-release. There are 3,157 (= 7 xSatoshi Asami
11 x 41) ports, requiring 2,222 (= 2 x 11 x 101) MB of distfiles, 2754 (= 2 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 17) of which can be built as packages, totaling 1,721 (prime!) MB. Since I found a prime, I'm going to stop now. Oh, and you can check out this tree with "cvs co -rRELEASE_4_0_0 ports".
1999-12-11This is (probably) the official index file for 3.4-release. The tagSatoshi Asami
is "RELEASE_3_4_0". There are 2,847 ports in this index. 2,847 is 3 x 13 x 73. (Gee, it would have been nice if the release was also 3.3....)
1999-10-24New index, with 2,723 (= 7 x 389) ports ! This is my first commitSatoshi Asami
back from FreeBSDCon. (Figures, huh? :)
1999-09-14(forced commit) This is the official index file for 3.3-release.Satoshi Asami
The tag is "RELEASE_3_3_0". There are 2,646 ports in this release.
1999-05-14Despite what I said before, this is the official INDEX file forSatoshi Asami
3.2R, with 7 x 337 (= 2,359) ports. The tag is "RELEASE_3_2_0".
1999-05-13New index, with 2 x 2 x 2 x 5 x 59 (that's 2,360 for ourSatoshi Asami
calculator-challenged friends out there) ports. Unless I screwed up something, this should be the official INDEX for 3.2R. You should be able to get the 3.2R ports tree with cvs co -rRELEASE_3_2_0 ports
1999-02-14Yipes, committed the wrong one. This is the INDEX file for 3.1R.Satoshi Asami
1999-02-14This is the official INDEX file for 3.1-release. There are 2,089 ports.Satoshi Asami
You can get the ports tree for 3.1R by using the "RELEASE_3_1_0" tag.
1999-02-12Second-from-last INDEX before 3.1 release.Satoshi Asami
1998-11-30This is the official INDEX for 2.2.8-RELEASE. There are 1,877 ports.Satoshi Asami
You can get the 2.2.8R ports tree by doing a "cvs co -rRELEASE_2_2_8 ports".
1998-10-16This is the official INDEX for 3.0-RELEASE. There are 1,749 ports.Justin M. Seger
You can get the 3.0R ports tree by doing a "cvs co -rRELEASE_3_0_0 ports"
1998-07-22Fixed INDEX for 2.2.7R. Duplicate entries for Mesa and gimp removed,Satoshi Asami
and pine package names updated. Jordan said he'll slide the tag forward on this file.
1998-07-21This is the official INDEX for 2.2.7-RELEASE. There are 1,621 ports,Satoshi Asami
of which (I think) about 600 were committed by Steve. BTW, you can check the ports tree as of 2.2.7R by using the tag "RELEASE_2_2_7".
1998-03-24This is the official INDEX file for 2.2.6-RELEASE. You can get theSatoshi Asami
approximate ports tree as of the release by: cvs co -D '3/24/1998 05:30' ports or cvs co -r RELEASE_2_2_6 There are currently 1,324 ports.
1998-02-18It's been a long time since ISatoshi Asami
committed the INDEX, It's been a long time since I sang a song, Ooh, let me get it back, let me get it back, let me get it back Leave me where I've come from It's been a long time, been a long time, Been a long lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely time (Wow, 1274 lines now...)
1997-11-11 "NT Fan"Satoshi Asami
He's a real NT fan, Sitting in his cubicle, Making all his NT plans for nobody. Doesn't have a source to view, Knows not where his diskspace is going to, NT fan is not like you and me. NT fan, please listen, You don't know what you're doing, NT fan, the world is not at Bill's command. He can touch-type with the Microsoft Natural, Just uses the Microsoft Mouse he wants to use, NT fan can you see the world at all? NT fan, don't worry, Take your time, don't hurry, Leave it all till the Microsoft Developer's Network lends you a hand. Doesn't have a compiler, Knows not where his CPU cycles are going to, NT fan is not like you and me. NT fan, please listen, You don't know what you're doing, NT fan, the world is not at Bill's command. He's a real NT fan, Sitting in his cubicle, Making all his NT plans for nobody. Making all his NT plans for nobody. Making all his NT plans for nobody. (c) 1997 Satoshi Asami. Dedicated to an NT fatatic who shall remain anonymous.
1997-10-25A new INDEX so that lynx can be put back into order on wcarchive.Jordan K. Hubbard
Whooie! It's been over 2 years since I last committed a revision to this file (1.7), do I have to sing a little song or something? :)
1997-10-18This is the official INDEX file for 2.2.5-RELEASE, which has 1117 portsSatoshi Asami
and 1016 packages. "cvs co -D '10/18/97 10:00'" will give you the ports tree for 2.2.5-RELEASE.
1997-07-17Atarashii indekkusu desu!Satoshi Asami
1997-07-10Hmm, now we have mpg123. Can I record songs with it? Will peopleSatoshi Asami
(other than jkh) object if I include an mpeg-3 audio stream (mime encoded of course -- I'll use mimepp!) in the commit messages? :> "Thomas has an upgrade on his pee-eee-cee, David is a student in Davis..." (<- imagine Satoshi practicing in the background..) On a (only slightly) more serious note, we now have 1022 ports. Are we having a celebration for 1024? :)
1997-07-02Hello Pentium, my old friend,Satoshi Asami
I've come to talk with you again, Because a hard drive slowly filling up, The ports committed while I was sleeping, And the unified diff that was planted in my brain Still remains Within the sound of patching. In restless dreams I built alone Huge directories of snapshot packages, 'Neath the halo of a computer monitor, I tourned my collar to the coke and tea When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of arriving mails That split the screen And touched the sound of emiclock. And in the new INDEX I saw A thousand ports, maybe more. Ports fetching without checksumming, Ports compiling without packaging, Ports installing files that no other port ever uses And no one dare Disturb the sound of gzip. ``Committers,'' said I, ``You do not know The cvs tree like a cancer grows. Hear the warnings that I might teach you, Take the portlint that itojun might reach you,'' But my packages, like silent raindrops fell, And echoed In the wells of wcarchive....
1997-05-21Who is the girl with the crying faceSatoshi Asami
Looking at millions of ports She knows that life is a running race Her ports shouldn't have any bugs
1997-05-20If you miss the freeze I didSatoshi Asami
you will know that I am gone you can hear the whistle blow for 900 ports. 900 ports, 900 ports, 900 ports, 900 ports the ports tree now has 900 ports.
1997-05-19This is the official INDEX file for 2.2.2-RELEASE, which has 897 portsSatoshi Asami
and 816 packages. "cvs co -D '5/19/97 03:15 PST'" will give you the ports tree for 2.2.2-RELEASE.
1997-05-10I'd rather use a package than a portSatoshi Asami
yes I would if I could I surely would wooh-ooh.
1997-04-18Puff, the magic dragon, lived by the sea,Satoshi Asami
and frolicked in the autumn mist, in the land called Korea, Little Junker hacker, loved that rascal Puff, and brought him fonts and hanterm ports, and other fancy stuff.
1997-03-18I think I'm gonna be sadSatoshi Asami
I think it's tonight, yeah The release that's driving me mad Is going out She's got a cdrom to burn She's got a cdrom to burn She's got a cdrom to burn But she don't care [835 ports, in case you are wondering -- and "cvs co -D '3/18/97 01:10 PST'" will give you the ports tree for 2.2-RELEASE]
1997-03-11(This log intentionally left blank.)Satoshi Asami
1997-02-25In case youse wonderin', Jo'dan's tvision po't wuz de 801d.Satoshi Asami
Converted by: jive
1997-02-14Help! I need somebodySatoshi Asami
Help! Not just anybody Help! You know I need someone Help!!! When the ports tree was smaller, so much smaller than today, I rarely needed anybody's help in any way And now those days were gone I'm overloaded by the 780 ports and packages Now I find I need to build packages For both 2.2 and -current Help me if you can the're too many port submissions And I do appreciate you being 'round Help me get the number of open PR's back on the ground Won't you please, please help me?....
1997-02-06I can hear the soft hummingSatoshi Asami
of the computer that I have, as she lies here beside me churning away at her disk, and the screensaver in a fine mist floats on the display, reflecting the glow of the winter moonlight.
1996-12-18And with our fixit floppySatoshi Asami
Through disks and tapes We will endure As we pass surely Through every crash A time for us Some day there'll be A neeeeeeeeeeewww (make) world A world of shining machine For FreeBSD..
1996-12-17A time for usSatoshi Asami
Some day there'll be When send-pr's are torn By courage born Of a BSD that's Free A time when commits So long denied Can floooooooooooour-ish As we unveil the ports we now must hide.. (Instigated by: confidential new-port PRs)
1996-12-04Yesterday, all my deadlines seemed so far awaySatoshi Asami
now it looks as though it's freeze in four days oh I believe in cvs..
1996-11-26If you really like it you can have the distfiles,Satoshi Asami
It could fill up your hard drive overnight, If you must complain you can send-pr here, But I need a break and I want to be a ports tree manager, Ports tree manager, Ports tree manaaaaaaaageeeeer..
1996-11-19It's 660 lines, give or take a few,Satoshi Asami
I'll be porting more in a day or two, I can make it longer if you like the ports, I've been changing it 'round and I want to be a Ports tree manager, Ports tree manageeeeeeeer..
1996-11-16Dear sir or madam will you read my INDEX?Satoshi Asami
It took me hours to compile, will you take a look?
1996-11-12Close your shells, or I'll kill -9 youSatoshi Asami
Tomorrow I'll quota you Remember the disks'll always be full And then while I'm away I'll write ~ everyday And I'll send-pr all my buggings to you.
1996-11-09You thought I was going to write some cute lyrics here? Wrong! :)Satoshi Asami
1996-11-05On a dark desert highwaySatoshi Asami
Cool wind in my hair Warm smell of colitas Rising up through the air Up ahead in the distance I saw a shimmering light My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim I had a new INDEX.
1996-10-30If you miss the commit I made,Satoshi Asami
you will know that I am gone, you will hear James' perl ports fill the tree, 600 ports, 600 ports, 600 ports, 600 ports, we now have 600 ports in the tree.
1996-10-24And when I get a new INDEX I feel happy inside,Satoshi Asami
It's such a feeling that my love, I can't hide, I can't hide, I can't hiiiiiiiiiiiiiide.
1996-10-10(Pardon the temporary departure from the Beatles. I really haveSatoshi Asami
something to say this time.) The latest INDEX with all the new COMMENT files. I can't wait to see the ports page on tomorrow! :)
1996-09-26Oh please, say to me,Satoshi Asami
You'll let me do this port.