path: root/sysutils/ksysguardd/files/patch-FreeBSD__ProcessList.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'sysutils/ksysguardd/files/patch-FreeBSD__ProcessList.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 707 deletions
diff --git a/sysutils/ksysguardd/files/patch-FreeBSD__ProcessList.c b/sysutils/ksysguardd/files/patch-FreeBSD__ProcessList.c
deleted file mode 100644
index cb29ec40467e..000000000000
--- a/sysutils/ksysguardd/files/patch-FreeBSD__ProcessList.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,707 +0,0 @@
---- FreeBSD/ProcessList.c 2011-03-17 20:50:04.000000000 +0200
-+++ FreeBSD/ProcessList.c 2011-02-10 16:06:59.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
- /*
- KSysGuard, the KDE System Guard
-+ Copyright (c) 2011 David Naylor <>
- Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Hans Petter Bieker<>
- Copyright (c) 1999 Chris Schlaeger <>
-@@ -20,423 +21,271 @@
- */
--#include <ctype.h>
--#include <dirent.h>
-+#include "ProcessList.h"
-+#include <fcntl.h>
-+#include <paths.h>
- #include <pwd.h>
-+#include <signal.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <sys/param.h>
--#if defined(__DragonFly__)
--#include <sys/user.h>
--#include <sys/resourcevar.h>
--#if (__FreeBSD_version > 500015) || (__FreeBSD_kernel_version > 500015)
--#include <sys/priority.h>
- #include <sys/sysctl.h>
--#include <sys/time.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/user.h>
-+#include <time.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
--#include <signal.h>
--#include "../../gui/SignalIDs.h"
- #include "Command.h"
--#include "ProcessList.h"
--#include "ccont.h"
--#include "ksysguardd.h"
--CONTAINER ProcessList = 0;
-+#include "../../gui/SignalIDs.h"
--int fscale;
-+#define KILL_COMMAND "kill"
-+#define SETPRIORITY_COMMAND "setpriority"
-+#define PROC_MONITOR "ps"
-+#define NPROC_MONITOR "pscount"
-+#define PID_MONITOR "lastpid"
-+#define PROCBUF 1024
-+#define STATEBUF 12
-+#define NAMEBUF 24
-+#define UNAMEBUF 12
-+#define ARGBUF 256
-+#define PWDBUF 16
-+#define NAMELEN 128
-+static struct kinfo_proc proc_buf[PROCBUF], prev_list[PROCBUF];
-+static int nproc, prev_nproc, sorted_proc[PROCBUF], prev_sorted[PROCBUF];
--#define BUFSIZE 1024
-+static struct timespec last_update;
-+static float scale;
--typedef struct
-- /* This flag is set for all found processes at the beginning of the
-- * process list update. Processes that do not have this flag set will
-- * be assumed dead and removed from the list. The flag is cleared after
-- * each list update. */
-- int alive;
-+static int pagesize, smpmode;
-- /* the process ID */
-- pid_t pid;
-+static unsigned int lastpid;
-- /* the parent process ID */
-- pid_t ppid;
-- /* the real user ID */
-+static struct {
- uid_t uid;
-+ char name[NAMELEN];
-+} pwd_cache[PWDBUF];
-+static int pwd_size = 0, pwd_hit = 0, pwd_last = 0;
-- /* the real group ID */
-- gid_t gid;
-+static char *const statuses[] = { "", "IDLE", "RUN", "SLEEP", "STOP", "ZOMBIE", "WAIT", "LOCK" };
-+static char (*cpunames)[8] = NULL;
-- /* a character description of the process status */
-- char status[16];
-+static int cmp_pid(const void *, const void *);
-+static char *getname(const uid_t);
-- /* the number of the tty the process owns */
-- int ttyNo;
-+void initProcessList(struct SensorModul *sm) {
-+ size_t len;
-+ if (!RunAsDaemon) {
-+ registerCommand(KILL_COMMAND, killProcess);
-+ registerCommand(SETPRIORITY_COMMAND, setPriority);
-+ }
-- /*
-- * The nice level. The range should be -20 to 20. I'm not sure
-- * whether this is true for all platforms.
-- */
-- int niceLevel;
-- /*
-- * The scheduling priority.
-- */
-- int priority;
-- /*
-- * The total amount of memory the process uses. This includes shared and
-- * swapped memory.
-- */
-- unsigned int vmSize;
-- /*
-- * The amount of physical memory the process currently uses.
-- */
-- unsigned int vmRss;
-- /*
-- * The amount of memory (shared/swapped/etc) the process shares with
-- * other processes.
-- */
-- unsigned int vmLib;
-- /*
-- * The number of 1/100 of a second the process has spend in user space.
-- * If a machine has an uptime of 1 1/2 years or longer this is not a
-- * good idea. I never thought that the stability of UNIX could get me
-- * into trouble! ;)
-- */
--#if !defined(__DragonFly__)
-- unsigned int userTime;
-- long userTime;
-- /*
-- * The number of 1/100 of a second the process has spend in system space.
-- * If a machine has an uptime of 1 1/2 years or longer this is not a
-- * good idea. I never thought that the stability of UNIX could get me
-- * into trouble! ;)
-- */
-- unsigned int sysTime;
-- /* system time as multime of 100ms */
-- int centStamp;
-- /* the current CPU load (in %) from user space */
-- double userLoad;
-- /* the current CPU load (in %) from system space */
-- double sysLoad;
-- /* the name of the process */
-- char name[64];
-- /* the command used to start the process */
-- char cmdline[256];
-- /* the login name of the user that owns this process */
-- char userName[32];
--} ProcessInfo;
-+ len = sizeof(int);
-+ if (sysctlbyname("", &smpmode, &len, NULL, 0))
-+ smpmode = 0;
-+ else {
-+ int cpus = 0;
-+ len = sizeof(int);
-+ sysctlbyname("kern.smp.cpus", &cpus, &len, NULL, 0);
-+ cpunames = malloc(8 * sizeof(char) * cpus);
-+ while (cpus--)
-+ snprintf(cpunames[cpus], 8, "CPU%d", cpus);
-+ }
--static unsigned ProcessCount;
-+ pagesize = getpagesize() / 1024;
--static int
--processCmp(void* p1, void* p2)
-- return (((ProcessInfo*) p1)->pid - ((ProcessInfo*) p2)->pid);
-+ registerMonitor(PROC_MONITOR, "table", printProcessList, printProcessListInfo, sm);
-+ registerMonitor(NPROC_MONITOR, "integer", printProcessCount, printProcessCountInfo, sm);
-+ registerMonitor(PID_MONITOR, "integer", printLastPID, printLastPIDInfo, sm);
-+ nproc = 0;
-+ updateProcessList();
- }
--static ProcessInfo*
--findProcessInList(int pid)
-- ProcessInfo key;
-- long index;
-+void exitProcessList(void) {
-+ removeCommand(KILL_COMMAND);
-+ removeCommand(SETPRIORITY_COMMAND);
-- = pid;
-- if ((index = search_ctnr(ProcessList, processCmp, &key)) < 0)
-- return (0);
-+ removeMonitor(PROC_MONITOR);
-+ removeMonitor(NPROC_MONITOR);
-+ removeMonitor(PID_MONITOR);
-- return (get_ctnr(ProcessList, index));
-+ free(cpunames);
-+ cpunames = NULL;
- }
--static int
--updateProcess(int pid)
-- static const char * const statuses[] = { "idle","run","sleep","stop","zombie" };
-- ProcessInfo* ps;
-- struct passwd* pwent;
-- int mib[4];
-- struct kinfo_proc p;
-- struct rusage pru;
-+int updateProcessList(void) {
-+ int proc;
-+ int mib[3];
- size_t len;
-- size_t buflen = 256;
-- char buf[256];
-- if ((ps = findProcessInList(pid)) == 0)
-- {
-- ps = (ProcessInfo*) malloc(sizeof(ProcessInfo));
-- ps->pid = pid;
-- ps->centStamp = 0;
-- push_ctnr(ProcessList, ps);
-- bsort_ctnr(ProcessList, processCmp);
-- }
-+ struct timespec update;
-- ps->alive = 1;
-+ memcpy(prev_list, proc_buf, sizeof(struct kinfo_proc) * nproc);
-+ memcpy(prev_sorted, sorted_proc, sizeof(int) * nproc);
-+ prev_nproc = nproc;
- mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
- mib[1] = KERN_PROC;
-- mib[2] = KERN_PROC_PID;
-- mib[3] = pid;
-- len = sizeof (p);
-- if (sysctl(mib, 4, &p, &len, NULL, 0) == -1 || !len)
-- return -1;
-+ mib[2] = KERN_PROC_PROC;
-+ len = PROCBUF * sizeof(struct kinfo_proc);
-+ clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &update);
-+ sysctl(mib, 3, proc_buf, &len, NULL, 0);
-+ nproc = len / sizeof(struct kinfo_proc);
-+ len = sizeof(unsigned int);
-+ sysctlbyname("kern.lastpid", &lastpid, &len, NULL, 0);
-+ if (nproc > PROCBUF)
-+ nproc = PROCBUF;
-+ for (proc = 0; proc < nproc; ++proc)
-+ sorted_proc[proc] = proc;
-+ qsort(sorted_proc, nproc, sizeof(int), cmp_pid);
--#if (__FreeBSD_version > 500015) || (__FreeBSD_kernel_version > 500015)
-- ps->pid = p.ki_pid;
-- ps->ppid = p.ki_ppid;
-- ps->uid = p.ki_uid;
-- ps->gid = p.ki_pgid;
-- ps->priority = p.ki_pri.pri_user;
-- ps->niceLevel = p.ki_nice;
--#elif defined(__DragonFly__) && __DragonFly_version >= 190000
-- ps->pid = p.kp_pid;
-- ps->ppid = p.kp_ppid;
-- ps->uid = p.kp_uid;
-- ps->gid = p.kp_pgid;
-- ps->priority = p.kp_lwp.kl_tdprio;
-- ps->niceLevel = p.kp_nice;
-- ps->pid = p.kp_proc.p_pid;
-- ps->ppid = p.kp_eproc.e_ppid;
-- ps->uid = p.kp_eproc.e_ucred.cr_uid;
-- ps->gid = p.kp_eproc.e_pgid;
--#if defined(__DragonFly__)
-- ps->priority = p.kp_thread.td_pri;
-- ps->priority = p.kp_proc.p_priority;
-- ps->niceLevel = p.kp_proc.p_nice;
-- /* this isn't usertime -- it's total time (??) */
--#if (__FreeBSD_version > 500015) || (__FreeBSD_kernel_version > 500015)
-- ps->userTime = p.ki_runtime / 10000;
--#elif defined(__DragonFly__)
--#if __DragonFly_version >= 190000
-- if (!getrusage(p.kp_pid, &pru))
-- if (!getrusage(p.kp_proc.p_pid, &pru))
-- {
-- errx(1, "failed to get rusage info");
-- }
-- ps->userTime = pru.ru_utime.tv_usec / 1000; /*p_runtime / 1000*/
--#elif __FreeBSD_version >= 300000
-- ps->userTime = p.kp_proc.p_runtime / 10000;
-- ps->userTime = p.kp_proc.p_rtime.tv_sec*100+p.kp_proc.p_rtime.tv_usec/100;
-- ps->sysTime = 0;
-- ps->sysLoad = 0;
-- /* memory, process name, process uid */
-- /* find out user name with process uid */
-- pwent = getpwuid(ps->uid);
-- strncpy(ps->userName,pwent&&pwent->pw_name? pwent->pw_name:"????",sizeof(ps->userName));
-- ps->userName[sizeof(ps->userName)-1]='\0';
-+ scale = (update.tv_sec - last_update.tv_sec) + (update.tv_nsec - last_update.tv_nsec) / 1000000000.0;
-+ last_update = update;
-- if (fscale == 0)
-- ps->userLoad = 0;
-- else
--#if (__FreeBSD_version > 500015) || (__FreeBSD_kernel_version > 500015)
-- ps->userLoad = 100.0 * (double) p.ki_pctcpu / fscale;
-- ps->vmSize = p.ki_size;
-- ps->vmRss = p.ki_rssize * getpagesize();
-- strlcpy(ps->name,p.ki_comm? p.ki_comm:"????",sizeof(ps->name));
-- strcpy(ps->status,(p.ki_stat>=1)&&(p.ki_stat<=5)? statuses[p.ki_stat-1]:"????");
--#elif defined (__DragonFly__) && __DragonFly_version >= 190000
-- ps->userLoad = 100.0 * (double) p.kp_lwp.kl_pctcpu / fscale;
-- ps->vmSize = p.kp_vm_map_size;
-- ps->vmRss = p.kp_vm_rssize * getpagesize();
-- strlcpy(ps->name,p.kp_comm ? p.kp_comm : "????",
-- sizeof(ps->name));
-- strcpy(ps->status,(p.kp_stat>=1)&&(p.kp_stat<=5)? statuses[p.kp_stat-1]:"????");
-- ps->userLoad = 100.0 * (double) p.kp_proc.p_pctcpu / fscale;
-- ps->vmSize = p.kp_eproc.e_vm.vm_map.size;
-- ps->vmRss = p.kp_eproc.e_vm.vm_rssize * getpagesize();
--#if defined (__DragonFly__)
-- strlcpy(ps->name,p.kp_thread.td_comm ? p.kp_thread.td_comm : "????",
-- sizeof(ps->name));
-- strlcpy(ps->name,p.kp_proc.p_comm ? p.kp_proc.p_comm : "????", sizeof(ps->name));
-- strcpy(ps->status,(p.kp_proc.p_stat>=1)&&(p.kp_proc.p_stat<=5)? statuses[p.kp_proc.p_stat-1]:"????");
-+ return (0);
-- /* process command line */
-- /* do a sysctl to get the command line args. */
-+void printProcessList(const char* cmd)
-+ int proc, prev_proc;
-+ float load;
-+ int mib[4];
-+ char *name, *uname, *state, *arg_fix;
-+ char buf[STATEBUF + 1], buf2[UNAMEBUF], buf3[NAMEBUF], args[ARGBUF];
-+ struct kinfo_proc *ps, *last_ps;
-+ size_t len;
-+ buf[STATEBUF] = '\0';
-+ buf3[0] = '[';
- mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
- mib[1] = KERN_PROC;
- mib[2] = KERN_PROC_ARGS;
-- mib[3] = pid;
-- if ((sysctl(mib, 4, buf, &buflen, 0, 0) == -1) || !buflen)
-- strcpy(ps->cmdline, "????");
-- else
-- strncpy(ps->cmdline, buf, buflen);
-- return (0);
-+ for (prev_proc = 0, proc = 0; proc < nproc; ++proc) {
-+ ps = &proc_buf[sorted_proc[proc]];
--static void
-- ProcessInfo* ps;
-- ProcessCount = 0;
-- /* All processes that do not have the active flag set are assumed dead
-- * and will be removed from the list. The alive flag is cleared. */
-- for (ps = first_ctnr(ProcessList); ps; ps = next_ctnr(ProcessList))
-- {
-- if (ps->alive)
-- {
-- /* Process is still alive. Just clear flag. */
-- ps->alive = 0;
-- ProcessCount++;
-+ mib[3] = ps->ki_pid;
-+ len = ARGBUF;
-+ sysctl(mib, 4, args, &len, 0, 0);
-+ if (!len)
-+ args[0] = '\0';
-+ else {
-+ arg_fix = args;
-+ while ((arg_fix += strlen(arg_fix)) < args + len - 1)
-+ *arg_fix = '*';
- }
-+ if (args[0] == '\0' && (ps->ki_flag & P_SYSTEM || ps->ki_args == NULL)) {
-+ int cpy;
-+ cpy = strlcpy(buf3 + 1, ps->ki_comm, NAMEBUF - 1);
-+ if (cpy > NAMEBUF - 2)
-+ cpy = NAMEBUF - 2;
-+ buf3[cpy + 1] = ']';
-+ buf3[cpy + 2] = '\0';
-+ name = buf3;
-+ // TODO: should kernel processes be displayed?
-+ //continue;
-+ } else if (ps->ki_comm != NULL)
-+ name = ps->ki_comm;
- else
-- {
-- /* Process has probably died. We remove it from the list and
-- * destruct the data structure. */
-- free(remove_ctnr(ProcessList));
-+ name = "????";
-+ switch (ps->ki_stat) {
-+ case SRUN:
-+ if (smpmode && ps->ki_oncpu != 0xff)
-+ state = cpunames[ps->ki_oncpu];
-+ else
-+ state = statuses[2];
-+ break;
-+ case SSLEEP:
-+ if (ps->ki_wmesg != NULL) {
-+ state = ps->ki_wmesg;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ case SLOCK:
-+ if (ps->ki_kiflag & KI_LOCKBLOCK) {
-+ snprintf(buf, STATEBUF, "*%s", ps->ki_lockname);
-+ state = buf;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ case SIDL:
-+ case SSTOP:
-+ case SZOMB:
-+ case SWAIT:
-+ state = statuses[(int)ps->ki_stat];
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ snprintf(buf, STATEBUF, "?%d", ps->ki_stat);
-+ state = buf;
- }
-- }
--================================ public part ==================================
-+ uname = getname(ps->ki_ruid);
-+ if (uname[0] == '\0') {
-+ snprintf(buf2, UNAMEBUF, "%d", ps->ki_ruid);
-+ uname = buf2;
-+ }
--initProcessList(struct SensorModul* sm)
-- size_t fscalelen;
-- ProcessList = new_ctnr();
-+ for (;;) {
-+ if (prev_proc >= prev_nproc) {
-+ last_ps = NULL;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ last_ps = &prev_list[prev_sorted[prev_proc]];
-+ if (last_ps->ki_pid == ps->ki_pid &&
-+ last_ps->ki_start.tv_sec == ps->ki_start.tv_sec &&
-+ last_ps->ki_start.tv_usec == ps->ki_start.tv_usec)
-+ break;
-+ else if (last_ps->ki_pid > ps->ki_pid) {
-+ last_ps = NULL;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ ++prev_proc;
-+ }
-- registerMonitor("ps", "table", printProcessList, printProcessListInfo, sm);
-- registerMonitor("pscount", "integer", printProcessCount, printProcessCountInfo, sm);
-+ if (last_ps != NULL)
-+ load = (ps->ki_runtime - last_ps->ki_runtime) / 1000000.0 / scale;
-+ else
-+ load = ps->ki_runtime / 1000000.0 / scale;
-- if (!RunAsDaemon)
-- {
-- registerCommand("kill", killProcess);
-- registerCommand("setpriority", setPriority);
-+ fprintf(CurrentClient, "%s\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%s\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%d\t%ld\t%ld\t%s\t%s\n",
-+ name, (long)ps->ki_pid, (long)ps->ki_ppid,
-+ (long)ps->ki_uid, (long)ps->ki_pgid, state,
-+ ps->ki_runtime / 1000000.0, load, ps->ki_nice,
-+ ps->ki_size / 1024, ps->ki_rssize * pagesize, uname, args);
- }
-- fscalelen = sizeof(fscale);
-- if (sysctlbyname("kern.fscale", &fscale, &fscalelen, NULL, 0) == -1)
-- fscale = 0;
-- updateProcessList();
-- removeMonitor("ps");
-- removeMonitor("pscount");
-- if (ProcessList)
-- free (ProcessList);
-- int mib[3];
-- size_t len;
-- size_t num;
-- struct kinfo_proc *p;
-- mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
-- mib[1] = KERN_PROC;
-- mib[2] = KERN_PROC_ALL;
-- sysctl(mib, 3, NULL, &len, NULL, 0);
-- p = malloc(len);
-- sysctl(mib, 3, p, &len, NULL, 0);
-- for (num = 0; num < len / sizeof(struct kinfo_proc); num++)
--#if (__FreeBSD_version > 500015) || (__FreeBSD_kernel_version > 500015)
-- updateProcess(p[num].ki_pid);
--#elif __DragonFly_version >= 190000
-- /* Skip kernel threads with pid -1. Swapper with pid 0 also
-- * causing problems is skipped in printProcessList() as 'kernel'
-- * entry. */
-- if (p[num].kp_pid >= 0)
-- updateProcess(p[num].kp_pid);
--#elif defined(__DragonFly__)
-- if (p[num].kp_proc.p_pid >= 0)
-- updateProcess(p[num].kp_proc.p_pid);
-- updateProcess(p[num].kp_proc.p_pid);
-- free(p);
-- cleanupProcessList();
-- return (0);
- }
--printProcessListInfo(const char* cmd)
-+void printProcessListInfo(const char* cmd)
- {
- fprintf(CurrentClient, "Name\tPID\tPPID\tUID\tGID\tStatus\tUser%%\tSystem%%\tNice\tVmSize\tVmRss\tLogin\tCommand\n");
- fprintf(CurrentClient, "s\td\td\td\td\tS\tf\tf\td\tD\tD\ts\ts\n");
- }
--printProcessList(const char* cmd)
-- ProcessInfo* ps;
-+void printProcessCount(const char *cmd) {
-+ fprintf(CurrentClient, "%d\n", nproc);
-- ps = first_ctnr(ProcessList); /* skip 'kernel' entry */
-- for (ps = next_ctnr(ProcessList); ps; ps = next_ctnr(ProcessList))
-- {
-- fprintf(CurrentClient, "%s\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%s\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\n",
-- ps->name, (long)ps->pid, (long)ps->ppid,
-- (long)ps->uid, (long)ps->gid, ps->status,
-- ps->userLoad, ps->sysLoad, ps->niceLevel,
-- ps->vmSize / 1024, ps->vmRss / 1024, ps->userName, ps->cmdline);
-- }
-+void printProcessCountInfo(const char *cmd) {
-+ fprintf(CurrentClient, "Number of Processes\t1\t65535\t\n");
- }
--printProcessCount(const char* cmd)
-- fprintf(CurrentClient, "%d\n", ProcessCount);
-+void printLastPID(const char *cmd) {
-+ fprintf(CurrentClient, "%u\n", lastpid);
- }
--printProcessCountInfo(const char* cmd)
-- fprintf(CurrentClient, "Number of Processes\t1\t65535\t\n");
-+void printLastPIDInfo(const char *cmd) {
-+ fprintf(CurrentClient, "Last used Process ID\t1\t65535\t\n");
- }
--killProcess(const char* cmd)
-+void killProcess(const char *cmd)
- {
- int sig, pid;
-@@ -524,8 +373,7 @@
- fprintf(CurrentClient, "0\t%d\n", pid);
- }
--setPriority(const char* cmd)
-+void setPriority(const char *cmd)
- {
- int pid, prio;
-@@ -535,20 +383,58 @@
- switch(errno)
- {
- case EINVAL:
-- fprintf(CurrentClient, "4\n");
-+ fprintf(CurrentClient, "4\t%d\t%d\n", pid, prio);
- break;
- case ESRCH:
-- fprintf(CurrentClient, "3\n");
-+ fprintf(CurrentClient, "3\t%d\t%d\n", pid, prio);
- break;
- case EPERM:
- case EACCES:
-- fprintf(CurrentClient, "2\n");
-+ fprintf(CurrentClient, "2\t%d\t%d\n", pid, prio);
- break;
- default:
-- fprintf(CurrentClient, "1\n"); /* unknown error */
-+ fprintf(CurrentClient, "1\t%d\t%d\n", pid, prio); /* unknown error */
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- fprintf(CurrentClient, "0\n");
- }
-+int cmp_pid(const void *first_idx, const void *last_idx) {
-+ struct kinfo_proc *first = &proc_buf[*(int *)first_idx];
-+ struct kinfo_proc *last = &proc_buf[*(int *)last_idx];
-+ if (first->ki_pid < last->ki_pid)
-+ return -1;
-+ else if (first->ki_pid > last->ki_pid)
-+ return 1;
-+ else
-+ return 0;
-+char *getname(const uid_t uid) {
-+ int idx;
-+ struct passwd *pw;
-+ for (idx = 0; idx < pwd_size; ++idx) {
-+ if (pwd_cache[pwd_hit].uid == uid)
-+ return pwd_cache[pwd_hit].name;
-+ pwd_hit = (pwd_hit + 1) % pwd_size;
-+ }
-+ if (pwd_size < PWDBUF)
-+ pwd_last = pwd_size++;
-+ else
-+ pwd_last = (pwd_last + 1) % PWDBUF;
-+ pwd_hit = pwd_last;
-+ pwd_cache[pwd_hit].uid = uid;
-+ pw = getpwuid(uid);
-+ if (pw == NULL)
-+ pwd_cache[pwd_hit].name[0] = '\0';
-+ else
-+ strlcpy(pwd_cache[pwd_hit].name, pw->pw_name, NAMELEN);
-+ return (pwd_cache[pwd_hit].name);