path: root/games/bovo/pkg-plist
diff options
authorMax Brazhnikov <>2013-03-27 11:55:25 +0000
committerMax Brazhnikov <>2013-03-27 11:55:25 +0000
commit24482eebf1b38a1d781b1f6c16bb588f5e652980 (patch)
treebcb09269855487369fcfd28040255e86e37e1362 /games/bovo/pkg-plist
parente9088ff192d5f032b73c9b2e3386bbc9bf25136b (diff)
KDE/FreeBSD team presents KDE SC 4.10.1 ports!
- kdegames4 port has been split. - kdeutils4-printer-applet and system-config-printer-kde have been replaced by print/kde4-print-manager. - Recover misc/kde4-l10n-mr from attic. - New USE_KDE4 components: kactivities, libkdegames, nepomuk-core, and nepomuk-widgets. - Provide sharedmime component with magic: ports don't need to run update-mime-database themselves now. - Switch some ports to out-of-source build. - Update port comments. - Adjust dependence on Qt4 components. - x11/kde4 installs modern kdepim4 now. - Remove redundant aspell and hspell from kdelibs4, both can be enabled in textproc/enchant if needed. - Remove stale bits from The area51 repository features commits by Schaich Alonso and myself. Contributors: - Tobias Berner
Diffstat (limited to 'games/bovo/pkg-plist')
1 files changed, 28 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/games/bovo/pkg-plist b/games/bovo/pkg-plist
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..dd8383d1d8e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games/bovo/pkg-plist
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+@dirrm share/doc/HTML/en/bovo
+@dirrm share/apps/bovo/themes/spacy
+@dirrm share/apps/bovo/themes/scribble
+@dirrm share/apps/bovo/themes/highcontrast
+@dirrm share/apps/bovo/themes/gomoku
+@dirrm share/apps/bovo/themes
+@dirrm share/apps/bovo