path: root/dns
diff options
authorWilliam Grzybowski <>2015-09-25 20:55:24 +0000
committerWilliam Grzybowski <>2015-09-25 20:55:24 +0000
commit6b123540d49b6dc634ed06dff22b51fd0f531af5 (patch)
treef21230f2363158c96616c829db06c9336ff867bf /dns
parentea6db28b341a70e51f01b93e599828432ca2209e (diff)
dns/inadyn-mt: update to 02.24.47
Diffstat (limited to 'dns')
3 files changed, 56 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/dns/inadyn-mt/Makefile b/dns/inadyn-mt/Makefile
index d0e7d057dda2..6cfe86e23f33 100644
--- a/dns/inadyn-mt/Makefile
+++ b/dns/inadyn-mt/Makefile
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# $FreeBSD$
PORTNAME= inadyn-mt
-PORTVERSION= 02.24.43
+PORTVERSION= 02.24.47
diff --git a/dns/inadyn-mt/distinfo b/dns/inadyn-mt/distinfo
index 3f956f7cd288..4f13b98623c6 100644
--- a/dns/inadyn-mt/distinfo
+++ b/dns/inadyn-mt/distinfo
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-SHA256 (inadyn-mt.v.02.24.43.tar.gz) = eddc06dff7c52323821bc3f3b4fae14803564ee3fd5af2b260eeebbf0a3bb4ab
-SIZE (inadyn-mt.v.02.24.43.tar.gz) = 1022051
+SHA256 (inadyn-mt.v.02.24.47.tar.gz) = e1e8c48b8f08b9eb074a6600273f9c93e7483b52ce85f81ada4aef3363af2de4
+SIZE (inadyn-mt.v.02.24.47.tar.gz) = 1108823
diff --git a/dns/inadyn-mt/files/patch-readme.html b/dns/inadyn-mt/files/patch-readme.html
index b2ffa8f57fa2..ee49671e987a 100644
--- a/dns/inadyn-mt/files/patch-readme.html
+++ b/dns/inadyn-mt/files/patch-readme.html
@@ -1,53 +1,62 @@
-diff --git readme.html readme.html
-index fc3d3d2..54553ee 100644
---- readme.html
+--- readme.html.orig 2015-09-25 12:54:00 UTC
+++ readme.html
-@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ update request, i.e., both ip address types may be sent in a comma delimited lis
+@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ update request, i.e., both ip address ty
- <p style="margin-left: 20px;">'--input_file &#60;path/file&#62;': input file name that
- contains inadyn-mt command options (adds to those already present in the cmd line).
--The default configuration file name is '/etc/inadyn-mt.conf'. It is only
-+The default configuration file name is '%%PREFIX%%/etc/inadyn-mt.conf'. It is only
- used if inadyn-mt is called without any command line options. This allows
- inadyn-mt to be called without any arguments. The format is as expected
- for a **NIX config&nbsp; file. See below for details.<br>
-@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ DEFAULT value is intended for default service at<b
- '--retry_interval &#60;#&#62;': network comm miliseconds retry interval. 0 to 30,000, default 1,000.<br>
- '--retry_pending': retry ip update even after network comm retries exhausted, default on.<br>
- '--retry_pending_interval &#60;#&#62;': network comm seconds update retry interval, after retries exhausted, 5 to 3600, default 300.<br>
--'--lang_file &#60;path/file&#62;': [language file path, and file name]. defaults to either ../inadyn-mt/lang/en.lng, or /etc/inadyn-mt/en.lng. No parameter option gives hard coded defaults<br>
-+'--lang_file &#60;path/file&#62;': [language file path, and file name]. defaults to either ../inadyn-mt/lang/en.lng, or %%PREFIX%%/etc/inadyn-mt/en.lng. No parameter option gives hard coded defaults<br>
- '--online_check_url &#60;srv_name[:port] url&#62;': server name, optional port, and url to reach to confirm online status.<br>
- '--status_interval &#60;#&#62;': seconds [30..864000] interval at which to check online status, default 600.<br>
- '--alert_retries &#60;#&#62;': network retries before audible network status alerts. [0..100], default 0.<br>
-@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ DEFAULT value is intended for default service at<b
+ <p style="margin-left: 20px;">'-x [-n &#60;service name&#62;]': remove service<br>
+ </p>
+-<p style="margin-left: 20px;">'--input_file &#60;path/file&#62;': input file name that contains inadyn-mt command options (adds to those already present in the cmd line). The default configuration file name is '/etc/inadyn-mt.conf'. It is only
++<p style="margin-left: 20px;">'--input_file &#60;path/file&#62;': input file name that contains inadyn-mt command options (adds to those already present in the cmd line). The default configuration file name is '%%PREFIX%%/etc/inadyn-mt.conf'. It is only
+ used if inadyn-mt is called without any command line options. This allows inadyn-mt to be called without any arguments. The format is as expected for a **NIX config&nbsp; file. See below for details.<br>
+ </p>
+ <p style="margin-left: 20px;">'--ip_server_name &#60;name&#62;[:port] &#60;url&#62;': The client
+@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ DEFAULT value is intended for default se
+ '--retry_pending': retry ip update even after network comm retries exhausted, default on.<br><br>
+ '--retry_pending_interval &#60;#&#62;': network comm seconds update retry interval, after retries exhausted, 5 to 3600,<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;default 300.<br><br>
+ '--lang_file &#60;path/file&#62;': [language file path, and file name]. defaults to either ../inadyn-mt/lang/en.lng,<br>
+-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;or /etc/inadyn-mt/en.lng. No parameter option gives hard coded defaults<br><br>
++&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;or %%PREFIX%%/etc/inadyn-mt/en.lng. No parameter option gives hard coded defaults<br><br>
+ '--online_check_url &#60;srv_name[:port] url&#62;': server name, optional port, and url to reach to confirm online status.<br><br>
+ '--status_interval &#60;#&#62;': seconds [30..864000] interval at which to check online status, default 600.<br><br>
+ '--alert_retries &#60;#&#62;': network retries before audible network status alerts. [0..100], default 0.<br><br>
+@@ -388,8 +388,8 @@ DEFAULT value is intended for default se
+ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;representing custom DDNS server non-fatal update failure return values, e.g., "dnserr,911,unknown error".<br><br>
+ '--svr_ip_param &#60;custom DDNS server ip name parameter&#62;': Optional for custom DDNS updates. DDNS url parameter for ip address,<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;e.g., myip.<br><br>
+ '--svr_ip_in_rsp': Optional for custom DDNS updates. Flag that custom DDNS server returns your ip address on update success.<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Defaults to false.<br><br>
+-'--svr_add_cfg &#60;full path, file name&#62;': Additional servers file. Default search for servers_additional.cfg in ./extra, /etc, /etc/inadyn-mt,<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+-/etc/inadyn-mt/extra. Contains additional preconfigured DDNS servers to be used as --dyndns_system option parameter in same<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
++'--svr_add_cfg &#60;full path, file name&#62;': Additional servers file. Default search for servers_additional.cfg in ./extra, %%PREFIX%%/etc, %%PREFIX%%/etc/inadyn-mt,<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
++%%PREFIX%%/etc/inadyn-mt/extra. Contains additional preconfigured DDNS servers to be used as --dyndns_system option parameter in same<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+ fashion as servers inadyn-mt supports natively. Should appear before any dyndns_system option in inadyn-mt.conf or command<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+ line if not using inadyn-mt.conf.<br><br>
+ '--if &#60;network interface name&#62;': Name of network interface to use for ip server, and DDNS server comm. Defaults to<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;system configured default.<br><br>
+@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ There are two cache files: inadyn_time.c
- 3. Update every minute, in daemon mode, with configuration read from file of an address from <br>
+ 3. Update, every minute, in daemon mode, with configuration read from file.<br><br>
-- Config file (can be placed anywhere, but in linux is convenient in default location: /etc/inadyn-mt.conf<br>
-+ Config file (can be placed anywhere, but in linux is convenient in default location: %%PREFIX%%/etc/inadyn-mt.conf<br>
- Content of cfg file:<br>
+- Config file can be placed anywhere. In linux, default location: /etc/inadyn-mt.conf<br><br>
++ Config file can be placed anywhere. In linux, default location: %%PREFIX%%/etc/inadyn-mt.conf<br><br>
+ Content of config file:<br><br>
- --update_period 60000 <br>
-@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ DEFAULT value is intended for default service at<b
- --log_file /var/log/inadyn.log <br>
- --change_persona 10012 #to change to another user id after init. (less rights, more secure)
- <br>
-- Launching of inadyn-mt does not need any params. It looks for /etc/inadyn.config
-+ Launching of inadyn-mt does not need any params. It looks for %%PREFIX%%/etc/inadyn.config
- <br>
- <br>
- 4. Freedns update in console <br>
-@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ DEFAULT value is intended for default service at<b
- inadyn-mt can read the very same options which can be present in the
+@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ There are two cache files: inadyn_time.c
+ --log_file /var/log/inadyn.log<br>
+ --change_persona 10012 #to change to another user id after init.<br><br>
+- Launching of inadyn-mt does not need any params. It looks for /etc/inadyn-mt.conf<br><br>
++ Launching of inadyn-mt does not need any params. It looks for %%PREFIX%%/etc/inadyn-mt.conf<br><br>
+ 4. Freedns update in console<br><br>
+@@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ inadyn-mt can read the very same options
command line from a configuration file. This feature allows the user to
- write the options only once, and avoids frequent retyping.<br>
+ write the options only once, and avoids frequent retyping.<br><br>
-<i>Default configuration file</i> is /etc/inadyn.conf under Unix systems. <br>
+<i>Default configuration file</i> is %%PREFIX%%/etc/inadyn.conf under Unix systems. <br>
- The location of the config file can be given to inadyn-mt via --input_file option <br><br>
- <i>The format</i> :<br>
- - '#' is a comment sign. <br>
-@@ -766,7 +766,7 @@ Ver.&nbsp; inadyn-mt 2.18.28 - June 2010<br>
+ The location of the config file can be given to inadyn-mt via --input_file option<br><br>
+ <i>The format</i> :<br><br>
+@@ -871,7 +871,7 @@ Ver.&nbsp; inadyn-mt 2.18.28 - June 2010
Ver.&nbsp; inadyn-mt 2.18.26 - June 2010<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Changes:<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; - inadyn man files updated to inadyn-mt<br>
@@ -56,7 +65,7 @@ index fc3d3d2..54553ee 100644
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; - added debian dpkg-buildpackage directory, et al<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; - moved *nix meta files to /usr/share<br><br>
-@@ -776,7 +776,7 @@ Ver.&nbsp; inadyn-mt 2.18.24 - May 2010<br>
+@@ -881,7 +881,7 @@ Ver.&nbsp; inadyn-mt 2.18.24 - May 2010<
Ver.&nbsp; inadyn-mt 2.18.22 - May 2010<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Changes:<br>
@@ -65,7 +74,7 @@ index fc3d3d2..54553ee 100644
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; - too many params compiler warning fixed<br><br>
Ver.&nbsp; inadyn-mt 2.18.20 - May 2010<br>
-@@ -1073,8 +1073,8 @@ Ver.&nbsp; inadyn-mt 2.12.02 - May 2008<br>
+@@ -1178,8 +1178,8 @@ Ver.&nbsp; inadyn-mt 2.12.02 - May 2008<
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; - updated inadyn-mt man files' original inadyn homepage