diff options
authorPietro Cerutti <>2014-02-27 15:00:24 +0000
committerPietro Cerutti <>2014-02-27 15:00:24 +0000
commitbd6a0a40a665519d1c66944eb49768dda675ba78 (patch)
parent71cd9992cb233fe883d4f701c9bffe104af1ebde (diff)
- Get rid of See my CHANGES entry from 20130919.
Approved by: portmgr (antoine)
3 files changed, 1 insertions, 358 deletions
diff --git a/Mk/ b/Mk/
index 60c14b98a90d..11ac2ba3f823 100644
--- a/Mk/
+++ b/Mk/
@@ -1436,10 +1436,6 @@ PKGCOMPATDIR?= ${LOCALBASE}/lib/compat/pkg
.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-.if defined(USE_TCL) || defined(USE_TCL_BUILD) || defined(USE_TCL_RUN) || defined(USE_TCL_WRAPPER) || defined(USE_TK) || defined(USE_TK_BUILD) || defined(USE_TK_RUN) || defined(USE_TK_WRAPPER)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
.if defined(USE_APACHE) || defined(USE_APACHE_BUILD) || defined(USE_APACHE_RUN)
.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
@@ -1895,10 +1891,6 @@ IGNORE= Do not define STAGEDIR in command line
.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
-.if defined(USE_TCL) || defined(USE_TCL_BUILD) || defined(USE_TK) || defined(USE_TK_BUILD)
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
.if defined(USE_LUA) || defined(USE_LUA_NOT)
.include "${PORTSDIR}/Mk/"
diff --git a/Mk/ b/Mk/
index f4850aad78dd..16d3b8f022d3 100644
--- a/Mk/
+++ b/Mk/
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ DEV_WARNING+= "Please use the new format for LIB_DEPENDS, see handbook for detai
.if defined(USE_TCL) || defined(USE_TCL_BUILD) || defined(USE_TCL_RUN) || defined(USE_TCL_WRAPPER) || \
defined(USE_TK) || defined(USE_TK_BUILD) || defined(USE_TK_RUN) || defined(USE_TK_WRAPPER)
-DEV_WARNING+= "USE_TCL and USE_TK are deprecated, please use USES=tcl or USES=tk"
+DEV_ERROR+= "USE_TCL and USE_TK are no longer supported, please use USES=tcl or USES=tk"
.if defined(USE_SCONS)
diff --git a/Mk/ b/Mk/
deleted file mode 100644
index a62a27fff2d9..000000000000
--- a/Mk/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,349 +0,0 @@
-# -*- tab-width: 4; -*-
-# ex: ts=4
-# $FreeBSD$
-.if !defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Tcl_Pre_Include)
-# USE_TCL - Add library dependency on Tcl. If no version is given by the maintainer
-# via the port or by the user via defined variable try to find the highest
-# stable installed version.
-# Available values: yes 86+ 85+ 84+ 85 84
-# NOTE: - default value 86 is used in case of USE_TCL=yes
-# USE_TCL_BUILD - Add buildtime dependency on Tcl (tclsh).
-# Available values: see USE_TCL
-# NOTE: - has no effect if USE_TCL is defined
-# USE_TCL_RUN - Add runtime dependency on Tcl (tclsh).
-# Available values: see USE_TCL
-# NOTE: - has no effect if USE_TCL is defined
-# - value is implied by USE_TCL_BUILD (if defined)
-# USE_TCL_WRAPPER - Depend on the tclsh wrapper to run. Ports that do not explicitly require
-# a specific tclsh version may use this.
-# The tclsh wrapper script installs into ${LOCALBASE}/bin/tclsh
-# NOTE: - USE_TCL_WRAPPER and USE_TCL can be used together
-# - ports using the wrapper should support default Tcl (8.6)
-# INVALID_TCL_VER - This variable contains a list of Tcl versions not supported by the port.
-# This setting is effective only when USE_TCL is set to a range (e.g. 85+)
-# WITH_TCL_VER - User defined global variable to set Tcl version
-# This variable is effective only if USE_TCL is set to a range (e.g. 85+)
-# and WITH_TCL_VER points inside that range.
-# NOTE: INVALID_TCL_VER takes precedence
-# <UNIQUENAME>_WITH_TCL_VER - User defined port specific variable to set Tcl version
-# TCL_VER - Detected by Contains the version number of Tcl to be used.
-# USE_TK - Add library dependency on Tk. If no version is given by the maintainer
-# via the port or by the user via defined variable try to find the highest
-# stable installed version.
-# Avaliable values: yes 86+ 85+ 84+ 85 84
-# NOTE: - overrides USE_TCL
-# - default value 86 is used in case of USE_TK=yes
-# USE_TK_BUILD - Add buildtime dependency on Tk (wish).
-# Available values: see USE_TK
-# NOTE: - has no effect if USE_TK is defined
-# USE_TK_RUN - Add runtime dependency on Tk (wish).
-# Available values: see USE_TK
-# NOTE: - has no effect if USE_TK is defined
-# - value is implied by USE_TK_BUILD (if defined)
-# USE_TK_WRAPPER - Depend on the wish wrapper to run. Ports that do not explicitly require
-# a specific wish version may use this.
-# The wish wrapper script installs into ${LOCALBASE}/bin/wish
-# NOTE: - USE_TK_WRAPPER and USE_TK can be used together.
-# - ports using the wrapper should support default Tk (8.6)
-# INVALID_TK_VER - This variable contains a list of Tk versions not supported by the port
-# This setting is effective only when USE_TK is set to a range (e.g. 85+)
-# WITH_TK_VER - User defined global variable to set Tk version.
-# This variable is effective only if USE_TK is set to a range (e.g. 85+)
-# and WITH_TK_VER points inside that range.
-# NOTE: overrides WITH_TCL_VER.
-# <UNIQUENAME>_WITH_TK_VER - User defined port specific variable to set Tk version
-# TCL_LIBDIR - Path where tcl libraries can be found
-# TCL_INCLUDEDIR - Path where tcl C headers can be found
-# TK_LIBDIR - Path where tk libraries can be found
-# TK_INCLUDEDIR - Path where tk C headers can be found
-# TCLSH - Path to tclsh executable respecting Tcl version
-# or to the tclsh wrapper if USE_TCL_WRAPPER is set
-# WISH - Path to wish executable respecting Tk version
-# or to the wish wrapper if USE_TK_WRAPPER is set
-# PATCH_TCL_SCRIPTS - List of tcl scripts that need to be patched to replace
-# tclsh calls with tclsh${TK_VER} calls. Also note that
-# post-patch target is used.
-# PATCH_TK_SCRIPTS - List of tcl scripts that need to be patched to replace
-# wish calls with wish${TK_VER} calls. Also note that
-# post-patch target is used.
-# Set RUN_DEPENDS for wrappers
-. if defined(USE_TCL_WRAPPER)
-RUN_DEPENDS+= tclsh:${PORTSDIR}/lang/tcl-wrapper
-. endif
-. if defined(USE_TK_WRAPPER)
-RUN_DEPENDS+= wish:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/tk-wrapper
-. endif
-.if !defined(USE_TCL)
-. if defined(USE_TCL_RUN)
-. endif
-. if defined(USE_TCL_BUILD)
-. endif
-# Process USE_TK_BUILD and USE_TK_RUN
-.if !defined(USE_TK)
-. if defined(USE_TK_RUN)
-. endif
-. if defined(USE_TK_BUILD)
-. endif
-# Override the global WITH_TCL_VER or WITH_TK_VER with the
-. if defined(${UNIQUENAME:U:S,-,_,}_WITH_TCL_VER)
-. endif
-. if defined(${UNIQUENAME:U:S,-,_,}_WITH_TK_VER)
-. endif
-# set USE_TCL, WITH_TCL_VER, INVALID_TCL_VER to identical values
-# we require the same version of Tcl for Tk
-. if defined(USE_TK)
-. if !defined(USE_TCL)
-_TK_ONLY= yes
-. endif
-. endif
-. if defined(WITH_TK_VER)
-. endif
-. if defined(INVALID_TK_VER)
-. endif
-# Tcl part
-. if defined(USE_TCL)
-_TCL_VERSIONS= 86 85 84
-_TCL_RANGE_VERSIONS= 86+ 85+ 84+
-# For specifying [85, 84, ..]+
-_TCL_84P= 84 85 86
-_TCL_85P= 85 86
-_TCL_86P= 86
-# Set the default Tcl version and check if USE_TCL=yes was given
-. if ${USE_TCL} == "yes"
-. endif
-_TCL_VER= no
-# Check if we have user-defined WITH_TCL_VER and if it matches
-# the range specified in port's USE_TCL or USE_TK
-. if defined(WITH_TCL_VER)
-. for ver in ${_TCL_RANGE_VERSIONS}
-. if ${USE_TCL} == "${ver}" && ${_TCL_VER} == "no"
-. for tcl in ${_TCL_${_MATCHED_TCL_VER}P}
-. if ${WITH_TCL_VER} == ${tcl}
-# Check if user supplied WITH_TCL is in the INVALID_TCL_VER list
-_BRKTCL= no
-. for iver in ${INVALID_TCL_VER}
-. if ${WITH_TCL_VER} == ${iver}
-_BRKTCL= yes
-. endif
-. endfor
-# If WITH_TCL is not in the INVALID_TCL_VER list, use it
-# otherwise take default from port
-. if ${_BRKTCL} == "no"
-. endif
-. endif
-. endfor
-. endif
-. endfor
-. endif
-# Check for highest installed Tcl (if e.g. 84+ is specified)
-# The default version of Tcl counts as the highest
-. if ${_TCL_VER} == "no"
-. for ver in ${_TCL_RANGE_VERSIONS}
-. if ${USE_TCL} == "${ver}" && ${_TCL_VER} == "no"
-. for tcl in ${_TCL_${_MATCHED_TCL_VER}P}
-# Skip versions we are incompatible with
-_BRKTCL= no
-. for iver in ${INVALID_TCL_VER}
-_INVALID_VER= ${iver}
-. if ${_INVALID_VER} == ${tcl}
-_BRKTCL= yes
-. endif
-. endfor
-. if ${_BRKTCL} == "no"
-# We have matched a supported version
-# Check if the default version is supported
-. endif
-# Look for installed versions
-. if exists(${LOCALBASE}/include/tcl${tcl:S/8/8./}/tcl.h)
-# Check if the default version is installed
-. endif
-. endif
-. endif
-. endfor
-. endif
-. endfor
-. if defined(_MATCHED_TCL_VER)
-. if defined(_TCL_INST_VER)
-# Default version is installed
-. if defined(_TCL_HAVE_DEFAULT)
-. else
-# Default version is not installed, but another supported version is installed
-. endif
-# No supported version is installed, we want to install the default version
-. elif defined(_TCL_SUPPORT_DEFAULT)
-. elif defined(_TCL_VER_MATCH)
-# Default version is not wanted, select next best match
-. else
-# INVALID_[TCL|TK]_VER removes all choices from the USE_[TCL|TK] range
-IGNORE= selection of a Tcl/Tk version is not possible. Please check USE_[TCL|TK] and INVALID_[TCL|TK]_VER
-. endif
-. endif
-. endif
-TCL_VER:= ${USE_TCL:S/8/8./}
-# Check if a correct Tcl/Tk version was specified
-_FOUND= no
-. for ver in ${_TCL_VERSIONS}
-. if ${USE_TCL} == "${ver}" && ${_FOUND} == "no"
-_FOUND= yes
-. endif
-. endfor
-. if ${_FOUND} == "yes"
-TCLSH= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/tclsh${TCL_VER}
-# Add dependencies
-. if !defined(_TK_ONLY)
-. if !defined(_TCL_RUN_DEPENDS) && !defined(_TCL_BUILD_DEPENDS)
-. else
-. if defined(_TCL_BUILD_DEPENDS)
-. endif
-. if defined(_TCL_RUN_DEPENDS)
-RUN_DEPENDS+= tclsh${TCL_VER}:${PORTSDIR}/lang/tcl${USE_TCL}
-. endif
-. endif
-. endif
-. elif !defined(IGNORE)
-IGNORE= unknown Tcl/Tk version specified: ${USE_TCL}
-. endif
-# Tk part
-. if defined(USE_TK)
-# We now read the version numbers from the Tcl part
-TK_VER:= ${USE_TCL:S/8/8./}
-. if !defined(_TK_RUN_DEPENDS) && !defined(_TK_BUILD_DEPENDS)
-LIB_DEPENDS+= tk${USE_TK}:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/tk${USE_TK}
-. else
-. if defined(_TK_BUILD_DEPENDS)
-BUILD_DEPENDS+= wish${TK_VER}:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/tk${USE_TK}
-. endif
-. if defined(_TK_RUN_DEPENDS)
-RUN_DEPENDS+= wish${TK_VER}:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/tk${USE_TK}
-. endif
-. endif
-WISH= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/wish${TK_VER}
-. endif # defined(USE_TK)
-. endif # defined(USE_TCL)
-# (Re)set WISH and TCLSH to the wrapper, if defined
-. if defined(USE_TCL_WRAPPER)
-TCLSH= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/tclsh
-. endif
-. if defined(USE_TK_WRAPPER)
-WISH= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/wish
-. endif
-.endif # !defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Tcl_Pre_Include)
-.if defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Tcl_Post_Include)
-. if defined(PATCH_TCL_SCRIPTS) || defined (PATCH_TK_SCRIPTS)
-. if !target(post-patch)
-. if defined(PATCH_TCL_SCRIPTS) && defined(TCLSH)
-. for tcl_script in ${PATCH_TCL_SCRIPTS}
- @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's,tclsh,${TCLSH},' ${WRKSRC}/${tcl_script}
-. endfor
-. endif
-. if defined(PATCH_TK_SCRIPTS) && defined(WISH)
-. for tk_script in ${PATCH_TK_SCRIPTS}
- @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's,wish,${WISH},' ${WRKSRC}/${tk_script}
-. endfor
-. endif
-. endif # !target(post-patch)
-. endif # defined(PATCH_TCL_SCRIPTS) || defined (PATCH_TK_SCRIPTS)
-.endif # defined(_POSTMKINCLUDED) && !defined(Tcl_Post_Include)