diff options
authorMichael Haro <>2000-02-14 21:03:05 +0000
committerMichael Haro <>2000-02-14 21:03:05 +0000
commit8dac833ab22348b884baa8e1309f2ab71f2de429 (patch)
parent5e4c8301a8ec37077c86ddcee7cba56ab3094749 (diff)
update to 1.20
PR: 12624 Submitted by: Jason Brazile <>
13 files changed, 215 insertions, 998 deletions
diff --git a/audio/mxv/Makefile b/audio/mxv/Makefile
index 66a8d13d33dd..b5ba87f172ca 100644
--- a/audio/mxv/Makefile
+++ b/audio/mxv/Makefile
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
# New ports collection makefile for: mxv
-# Version required: 1.10
+# Version required: 1.20
# Date created: 17 March 1997
# Whom:
# $FreeBSD$
-DISTNAME= mxv-v1.10-source
-PKGNAME= mxv-1.10
+DISTNAME= mxv-v1.20-source
+PKGNAME= mxv-1.20
diff --git a/audio/mxv/distinfo b/audio/mxv/distinfo
index 64e98dccf4ba..a17ca512750f 100644
--- a/audio/mxv/distinfo
+++ b/audio/mxv/distinfo
@@ -1,2 +1 @@
-MD5 (mxv-v1.10-source.tar.gz) = 77096555999e83008146f0f2e19eec14
-#MD5 (mxv-v1.10-patch01) = 2fee3ffc776103a72817676564880a74
+MD5 (mxv-v1.20-source.tar.gz) = 742a7d49d5754853ab9dcacfae91c633
diff --git a/audio/mxv/files/patch-aa b/audio/mxv/files/patch-aa
index 79eb90aefe94..803839fcf6a2 100644
--- a/audio/mxv/files/patch-aa
+++ b/audio/mxv/files/patch-aa
@@ -1,801 +1,42 @@
+*** old/Imakefile Thu Apr 9 19:57:34 1998
+--- Imakefile Mon Jul 12 15:28:20 1999
-Sun Aug 25 10:17:47 PDT 1996
-diff -c -r old/channelview.C ./channelview.C
-*** old/channelview.C Mon Aug 14 14:42:15 1995
---- ./channelview.C Sun Jul 14 20:31:15 1996
-*** 323,331 ****
- framesVisible.set(point - margin, point + margin);
- setVisibleFrameRange(framesVisible);
- }
-! if(!chansVisible.includes(chansToSelect) && scroll == true) {
-! Range displayChans = chansToSelect;
-! displayChans.expandBy(1);
- setChannelRange(displayChans);
- }
- struct InsertSetter : public ChannelRangeBlock {
---- 323,344 ----
- framesVisible.set(point - margin, point + margin);
- setVisibleFrameRange(framesVisible);
- }
-! if(scroll && !chansVisible.includes(chansToSelect)) {
-! Range displayChans;
-! if(chansVisible.spread() >= chansToSelect.spread()) {
-! // keep same number of visible channels, but shift up
-! displayChans = chansVisible;
-! int shift = chansToSelect.intMax() -
-! chansVisible.intMax();
-! displayChans += shift;
-! // make sure range is non-negative
-! while(displayChans.includes(-1)) displayChans += 1;
-! }
-! else {
-! // use requested channels plus one on each side
-! displayChans = chansToSelect;
-! displayChans.expandBy(1);
-! }
- setChannelRange(displayChans);
- }
- struct InsertSetter : public ChannelRangeBlock {
-diff -c -r old/dataview.C ./dataview.C
-*** old/dataview.C Mon Aug 14 14:42:16 1995
---- ./dataview.C Sat Jul 13 22:43:40 1996
-*** 434,439 ****
---- 434,441 ----
- DataView::addGraph(Graph *graph) {
- if(graphsShown == maxGraphs)
- expandGraphArray();
-+ if(graphsShown == maxGraphs)
-+ return; // failed to expand!
- graphs[graphsShown] = graph; // add to array
- Scale *vscale = new VScale(
- graph->verticalScaleLabel(),
-*** 452,465 ****
- DataView::expandGraphArray() {
- int newMax = maxGraphs + 4;
- Graph **newGraphs = new Graph *[newMax + 1]; // plus 1 for EOA
-! int i;
-! for(i=0; i < maxGraphs; i++)
-! newGraphs[i] = graphs[i]; // copy existing graphs if any
-! for(i = maxGraphs; i <= newMax; i++)
-! newGraphs[i] = nil;
-! delete [] graphs;
-! graphs = newGraphs;
-! maxGraphs = newMax;
- }
- // remove one graph and its associated scale from frame
---- 454,469 ----
- DataView::expandGraphArray() {
- int newMax = maxGraphs + 4;
- Graph **newGraphs = new Graph *[newMax + 1]; // plus 1 for EOA
-! if(newGraphs) {
-! int i;
-! for(i=0; i < maxGraphs; i++)
-! newGraphs[i] = graphs[i]; // copy existing graphs if any
-! for(i = maxGraphs; i <= newMax; i++)
-! newGraphs[i] = nil;
-! delete [] graphs;
-! graphs = newGraphs;
-! maxGraphs = newMax;
-! }
- }
- // remove one graph and its associated scale from frame
-diff -c -r old/edit_menus.C ./edit_menus.C
-*** old/edit_menus.C Sun Mar 24 19:14:18 1996
---- ./edit_menus.C Sun Jul 14 20:37:12 1996
-*** 61,68 ****
- { "Channel Display", "", 0L, false, channelSubmenu },
- { "display copy buffer", "I", XK_I },
- { "close current view", "W", XK_W },
-- { "show program version", " ", XK_yen },
-- { "quit program", "Q", XK_Q },
- { nil }
- };
+*** 132,137 ****
+--- 132,154 ----
+ ARCH_OBJS = utils.o
+ #endif
---- 61,66 ----
-*** 86,91 ****
---- 84,91 ----
- { "change file comment...", "\"", XK_quotedbl },
- { "file information...", "?", XK_question },
- { "data dump of selection...", "}", XK_braceright },
-+ { "show program version", " ", XK_yen },
-+ { "quit program", "Q", XK_Q },
- { nil }
- };
-*** 124,129 ****
---- 124,137 ----
- { nil }
- };
-+ static MenuInfo analysisMenu[] = {
-+ { "locate next zero crossing", "0", XK_0 },
-+ { "find slope change", "1", XK_1 },
-+ { "show maxamp sample location","2", XK_2 },
-+ { "extract amplitude envelope", "3", XK_3 },
-+ { nil }
-+ };
- static MenuInfo styleSubmenu[] = {
- { "line", "%", XK_percent },
- { "bar", "^", XK_asciicircum },
-*** 241,262 ****
- // And now the structs containing the various menu templates
- static MenuBarInfo defaultChannelMenuBar[] = {
-- { " View ", viewMenu },
- { " File ", fileMenu },
- { " Edit ", editMenu },
-! { " Display ", channelDisplayMenu },
- { nil }
- };
- static MenuBarInfo soundMenuBar[] = {
-- { " View ", viewMenu },
- { " File ", fileMenu },
- { " Edit ", editMenu },
-! { " Modify ", soundModifyMenu },
-! { " Sound ", soundSpecialMenu },
-! { " Analysis ", soundAnalysisMenu },
-! { " Display ", channelDisplayMenu },
-! { " Options ", optionsMenu },
- { nil }
- };
---- 249,271 ----
- // And now the structs containing the various menu templates
- static MenuBarInfo defaultChannelMenuBar[] = {
- { " File ", fileMenu },
-+ { " View ", viewMenu },
- { " Edit ", editMenu },
-! { " Analysis ", analysisMenu },
-! { " Display ", channelDisplayMenu },
- { nil }
- };
- static MenuBarInfo soundMenuBar[] = {
- { " File ", fileMenu },
-+ { " View ", viewMenu },
- { " Edit ", editMenu },
-! { " Modify ", soundModifyMenu },
-! { " Sound ", soundSpecialMenu },
-! { " Analysis ", soundAnalysisMenu },
-! { " Display ", channelDisplayMenu },
-! { " Options ", optionsMenu },
- { nil }
- };
-*** 273,285 ****
- };
- static MenuBarInfo lpcMenuBar[] = {
-- { " View ", viewMenu },
- { " File ", fileMenu },
- { " Edit ", editMenu },
-! { " Modify ", modifyMenu },
- { " LPC ", lpcSpecialMenu },
-! { " Display ", channelDisplayMenu },
-! { " Options ", optionsMenu },
- { nil }
- };
---- 282,295 ----
- };
- static MenuBarInfo lpcMenuBar[] = {
- { " File ", fileMenu },
-+ { " View ", viewMenu },
- { " Edit ", editMenu },
-! { " Modify ", modifyMenu },
- { " LPC ", lpcSpecialMenu },
-! { " Analysis ", analysisMenu },
-! { " Display ", channelDisplayMenu },
-! { " Options ", optionsMenu },
- { nil }
- };
-*** 293,305 ****
- };
- static MenuBarInfo envelopeMenuBar[] = {
-- { " View ", viewMenu },
- { " File ", fileMenu },
- { " Edit ", editMenu },
-! { " Modify ", modifyMenu },
-! { " Envelope ", envelopeSpecialMenu },
-! { " Display ", channelDisplayMenu },
-! { " Options ", optionsMenu },
- { nil }
- };
---- 303,316 ----
- };
- static MenuBarInfo envelopeMenuBar[] = {
- { " File ", fileMenu },
-+ { " View ", viewMenu },
- { " Edit ", editMenu },
-! { " Modify ", modifyMenu },
-! { " Envelope ", envelopeSpecialMenu },
-! { " Analysis ", analysisMenu },
-! { " Display ", channelDisplayMenu },
-! { " Options ", optionsMenu },
- { nil }
- };
-*** 310,322 ****
- };
- static MenuBarInfo pitchMenuBar[] = {
-- { " View ", viewMenu },
- { " File ", fileMenu },
- { " Edit ", editMenu },
-! { " Modify ", modifyMenu },
-! { " Pitch ", pitchSpecialMenu },
-! { " Display ", channelDisplayMenu },
-! { " Options ", optionsMenu },
- { nil }
- };
---- 321,334 ----
- };
- static MenuBarInfo pitchMenuBar[] = {
- { " File ", fileMenu },
-+ { " View ", viewMenu },
- { " Edit ", editMenu },
-! { " Modify ", modifyMenu },
-! { " Pitch ", pitchSpecialMenu },
-! { " Analysis ", analysisMenu },
-! { " Display ", channelDisplayMenu },
-! { " Options ", optionsMenu },
- { nil }
- };
-*** 339,354 ****
- };
- static MenuBarInfo defaultFrameMenuBar[] = {
-- { " View ", viewMenu },
- { " File ", fileMenu },
-! { " Display ", frameDisplayMenu },
- { nil }
- };
- static MenuInfo pvocSpecialMenu[] = {
-! { "harmonically shift spectrum", "0", XK_0 },
-! { "stretch/shrink shift spectrum", "1", XK_1 },
-! { "expand/compress spectrum", "2", XK_2, Inactive },
- { "change file length...", "l", XK_l },
- { "pvoc options...", " ", XK_degree, Inactive },
- { nil }
---- 351,366 ----
- };
- static MenuBarInfo defaultFrameMenuBar[] = {
- { " File ", fileMenu },
-! { " View ", viewMenu },
-! { " Display ", frameDisplayMenu },
- { nil }
- };
- static MenuInfo pvocSpecialMenu[] = {
-! { "harmonically shift spectrum", "t", XK_t },
-! { "stretch/shrink shift spectrum", "T", XK_T },
-! { "expand/compress spectrum", "X", XK_X, Inactive },
- { "change file length...", "l", XK_l },
- { "pvoc options...", " ", XK_degree, Inactive },
- { nil }
-*** 355,367 ****
- };
- static MenuBarInfo pvocMenuBar[] = {
-- { " View ", viewMenu },
- { " File ", fileMenu },
- { " Edit ", editMenu },
-! { " Modify ", modifyMenu },
- { " PVoc ", pvocSpecialMenu },
-! { " Display ", channelDisplayMenu },
-! { " Options ", optionsMenu },
- { nil }
- };
---- 367,380 ----
- };
- static MenuBarInfo pvocMenuBar[] = {
- { " File ", fileMenu },
-+ { " View ", viewMenu },
- { " Edit ", editMenu },
-! { " Modify ", modifyMenu },
- { " PVoc ", pvocSpecialMenu },
-! { " Analysis ", analysisMenu },
-! { " Display ", channelDisplayMenu },
-! { " Options ", optionsMenu },
- { nil }
- };
-diff -c -r old/editor.C ./editor.C
-*** old/editor.C Sat May 11 21:38:27 1996
---- ./editor.C Sat Jul 13 15:38:38 1996
-*** 861,867 ****
- int peakchan, peakloc;
- data->maxValue(&peakchan, &peakloc);
- Range chan(peakchan, peakchan);
-! controller->showInsertPoint(peakloc, chan);
- return Succeed;
- }
---- 861,867 ----
- int peakchan, peakloc;
- data->maxValue(&peakchan, &peakloc);
- Range chan(peakchan, peakchan);
-! controller->showInsertPoint(peakloc, chan, true);
- return Succeed;
- }
-*** 1001,1007 ****
- PulseGenerator pgen(pulses, pulseFrameSize/pulsePerFrame);
- pgen.apply();
- FormantFilter filter(pulses, pulses, selected, 1.0);
-! filter.apply();
- Envelope* amplitudes = new Envelope(lpcLen * pulsePerFrame);
- amplitudes->setFrameRangeLabel("LPC Analysis Frames");
- amplitudes->setRangeFactor(1.0/pulsePerFrame);
---- 1001,1008 ----
- PulseGenerator pgen(pulses, pulseFrameSize/pulsePerFrame);
- pgen.apply();
- FormantFilter filter(pulses, pulses, selected, 1.0);
-! if(!filter.apply())
-! return Fail;
- Envelope* amplitudes = new Envelope(lpcLen * pulsePerFrame);
- amplitudes->setFrameRangeLabel("LPC Analysis Frames");
- amplitudes->setRangeFactor(1.0/pulsePerFrame);
-*** 1026,1032 ****
- Application::inform("Creating test pattern...");
- pgen.apply();
- FormantFilter filter(pulses, pulses, selected, 1.0);
-! filter.apply();
- Application::inform("Analyzing formants...");
- // fft size depends on npoles
- FFT_Function analyzer(
---- 1027,1034 ----
- Application::inform("Creating test pattern...");
- pgen.apply();
- FormantFilter filter(pulses, pulses, selected, 1.0);
-! if(!filter.apply())
-! return Fail;
- Application::inform("Analyzing formants...");
- // fft size depends on npoles
- FFT_Function analyzer(
-diff -c -r old/filecommand.C ./filecommand.C
-*** old/filecommand.C Sun Mar 10 13:35:00 1996
---- ./filecommand.C Mon Aug 5 23:45:29 1996
-*** 132,138 ****
- request->appendValue("Duration (seconds):", &client->duration,
- PositiveIntegers);
- request->appendValue("Sample rate:", &client->sampleRate, PositiveIntegers);
-! request->appendChoice("Channels:", "|1|2|4|", &client->channels, true);
- FormatRequester::configureRequest(request);
- }
---- 132,138 ----
- request->appendValue("Duration (seconds):", &client->duration,
- PositiveIntegers);
- request->appendValue("Sample rate:", &client->sampleRate, PositiveIntegers);
-! request->appendValue("Channels:", &client->channels, PositiveIntegers);
- FormatRequester::configureRequest(request);
- }
-diff -c -r old/header.h ./header.h
-*** old/header.h Tue Mar 5 09:53:28 1996
---- ./header.h Mon Aug 5 23:43:58 1996
-*** 110,116 ****
- int data_offset;
- int data_size;
- unsigned short data_type;
-! unsigned short nchans;
- Comment *comment;
- private:
- boolean forceSwapped; // used to override header default during raw read
---- 110,116 ----
- int data_offset;
- int data_size;
- unsigned short data_type;
-! int nchans;
- Comment *comment;
- private:
- boolean forceSwapped; // used to override header default during raw read
-diff -c -r old/header_config.C ./header_config.C
-*** old/header_config.C Sat Jun 8 14:49:21 1996
---- ./header_config.C Mon Aug 5 23:42:51 1996
-*** 94,102 ****
- void
- SoundHeader::SoundConfigRequester::configureRequest(Request* request) {
- SoundHeader* sh = (SoundHeader *) myHeader;
-! request->appendValue("Sample rate:", &sh->samprate,
-! PositiveIntegers);
-! request->appendChoice("Channels:", "|1|2|4|", &sh->nchans, true);
- FormatRequester::configureRequest(request);
- ConfigRequester::configureRequest(request);
- }
---- 94,101 ----
- void
- SoundHeader::SoundConfigRequester::configureRequest(Request* request) {
- SoundHeader* sh = (SoundHeader *) myHeader;
-! request->appendValue("Sample rate:", &sh->samprate, PositiveIntegers);
-! request->appendValue("Channels:", &sh->nchans, PositiveIntegers);
- FormatRequester::configureRequest(request);
- ConfigRequester::configureRequest(request);
- }
-diff -c -r old/pvoceditor.C ./pvoceditor.C
-*** old/pvoceditor.C Sun Mar 24 19:14:47 1996
---- ./pvoceditor.C Sat Jul 13 15:00:58 1996
-*** 40,49 ****
- PvocEditor::keyCommand(unsigned long sym) {
- boolean interested = true;
- switch (sym) {
-! case XK_0:
- harmonicShift();
- break;
-! case XK_1:
- stretchShift();
- break;
- default:
---- 40,49 ----
- PvocEditor::keyCommand(unsigned long sym) {
- boolean interested = true;
- switch (sym) {
-! case XK_t:
- harmonicShift();
- break;
-! case XK_T:
- stretchShift();
- break;
- default:
-diff -c -r old/soundheader.C ./soundheader.C
-*** old/soundheader.C Tue Apr 30 20:29:59 1996
---- ./soundheader.C Mon Aug 5 23:05:47 1996
-*** 122,129 ****
- char msg[64];
- msg[0] = '\0'; // null for later check
- int retcode = 0;
-! if(nchans != 1 && nchans != 2 && nchans != 4)
-! sprintf(msg, "%d-channel sounds not supported", nchans);
- else if(samprate < 1000 || samprate > 128000)
- sprintf(msg, "Invalid sound samp rate (%d)", samprate);
- else if(data_type == NoData)
---- 122,130 ----
- char msg[64];
- msg[0] = '\0'; // null for later check
- int retcode = 0;
-! if(!isRaw() && !validChannels(nchans))
-! sprintf(msg, "Illegal channel count for this header type: %d",
-! nchans);
- else if(samprate < 1000 || samprate > 128000)
- sprintf(msg, "Invalid sound samp rate (%d)", samprate);
- else if(data_type == NoData)
-diff -c -r old/soundheader.h ./soundheader.h
-*** old/soundheader.h Tue Apr 30 20:29:11 1996
---- ./soundheader.h Mon Aug 5 23:02:26 1996
-*** 71,76 ****
---- 71,77 ----
- redefined int secondsToBytes(double);
- redefined int checkHeader();
- virtual boolean isValid(DataType)=0;
-+ virtual boolean validChannels(int chans) { return chans > 0; }
- SoundHeader(DataType, int rate, int chans, double peak, int magic);
- class SoundConfigRequester
- : public Header::ConfigRequester, public FormatRequester {
-*** 198,203 ****
---- 199,207 ----
- redefined boolean isMagic();
- redefined boolean isValid(DataType t) {
- return (t == ShortData || t == FloatData);
-+ }
-+ redefined boolean validChannels(int chans) {
-+ return chans == 1 || chans == 2 || chans == 4;
- }
- redefined int writeInfo(DataFile *);
- };
-diff -c -r old/version.C ./version.C
-*** old/version.C Fri Dec 22 23:22:26 1995
---- ./version.C Sun Aug 25 10:17:39 1996
-*** 24,27 ****
- #include "version.h"
-! const char MXV_version_string[] = "MiXViews (mxv) version 1.1 pl 00";
---- 24,27 ----
- #include "version.h"
-! const char MXV_version_string[] = "MiXViews (mxv) version 1.1 pl 01";
-diff -c -r old/viewchanger.C ./viewchanger.C
-*** old/viewchanger.C Tue Mar 19 21:26:41 1996
---- ./viewchanger.C Sat Jul 13 23:23:15 1996
-*** 41,48 ****
- class MinMaxRequester : public TitledRequester {
- public:
- MinMaxRequester(const char* title,
-! const char* minlabel, T& minval, const Range &,
-! const char* maxlabel, T& maxval, const Range &);
- protected:
- redefined void configureRequest(Request *);
- protected:
---- 41,48 ----
- class MinMaxRequester : public TitledRequester {
- public:
- MinMaxRequester(const char* title,
-! const char* minlabel, T& minval, const Range,
-! const char* maxlabel, T& maxval, const Range);
- protected:
- redefined void configureRequest(Request *);
- protected:
-*** 50,63 ****
- const char* maxLabel;
- T &minVal;
- T &maxVal;
-! const Range &minRange;
-! const Range &maxRange;
- };
- template <class T>
- MinMaxRequester<T>::MinMaxRequester(const char* title,
-! const char* minlabel, T& minval, const Range& minrange,
-! const char* maxlabel, T& maxval, const Range& maxrange)
- : TitledRequester(title), minLabel(minlabel), maxLabel(maxlabel),
- minVal(minval), maxVal(maxval),
- minRange(minrange), maxRange(maxrange) {}
---- 50,63 ----
- const char* maxLabel;
- T &minVal;
- T &maxVal;
-! const Range minRange;
-! const Range maxRange;
- };
- template <class T>
- MinMaxRequester<T>::MinMaxRequester(const char* title,
-! const char* minlabel, T& minval, const Range minrange,
-! const char* maxlabel, T& maxval, const Range maxrange)
- : TitledRequester(title), minLabel(minlabel), maxLabel(maxlabel),
- minVal(minval), maxVal(maxval),
- minRange(minrange), maxRange(maxrange) {}
-*** 248,254 ****
- class EditFramesRequester : public MinMaxRequester<int> {
- public:
-! EditFramesRequester(int&, int&, int&, int&, const Range&);
- protected:
- redefined void configureRequest(Request *);
- private:
---- 248,254 ----
- class EditFramesRequester : public MinMaxRequester<int> {
- public:
-! EditFramesRequester(int&, int&, int&, int&, const Range);
- protected:
- redefined void configureRequest(Request *);
- private:
-*** 258,264 ****
- EditFramesRequester::EditFramesRequester(int& minframe, int& maxframe,
- int& startchan, int& endchan,
-! const Range& channelRange)
- : MinMaxRequester<int>(
- "Set Edit Region:",
- "Start Channel:", startchan, channelRange,
---- 258,264 ----
- EditFramesRequester::EditFramesRequester(int& minframe, int& maxframe,
- int& startchan, int& endchan,
-! const Range channelRange)
- : MinMaxRequester<int>(
- "Set Edit Region:",
- "Start Channel:", startchan, channelRange,
-*** 274,280 ****
- class EditTimeRequester : public MinMaxRequester<int> {
- public:
-! EditTimeRequester(double&, double&, int&, int&, const Range &);
- protected:
- redefined void configureRequest(Request *);
- private:
---- 274,280 ----
- class EditTimeRequester : public MinMaxRequester<int> {
- public:
-! EditTimeRequester(double&, double&, int&, int&, const Range);
- protected:
- redefined void configureRequest(Request *);
- private:
-*** 285,291 ****
- EditTimeRequester::EditTimeRequester(
- double& mintime, double& maxtime,
- int& startchan, int& endchan,
-! const Range& channelRange)
- : MinMaxRequester<int>(
- "Set Edit Region:",
- "Start Channel:", startchan, channelRange,
---- 285,291 ----
- EditTimeRequester::EditTimeRequester(
- double& mintime, double& maxtime,
- int& startchan, int& endchan,
-! const Range channelRange)
- : MinMaxRequester<int>(
- "Set Edit Region:",
- "Start Channel:", startchan, channelRange,
-diff -c -r old/vw_converter.C ./vw_converter.C
-*** old/vw_converter.C Sun Jan 28 20:26:05 1996
---- ./vw_converter.C Mon Aug 5 22:44:36 1996
-*** 43,49 ****
- boolean
- VW_Converter::isPlayableFormat(DataType type) {
-! return (type < FloatData && type != SignedCharData);
- }
- // what is best format to play (if given choice)
---- 45,51 ----
- boolean
- VW_Converter::isPlayableFormat(DataType type) {
-! return (type < IntData && type != SignedCharData);
- }
- // what is best format to play (if given choice)
-*** 60,70 ****
- return false;
- }
-- // add any specific code needed to stop play or record
- int
- VW_Converter::stop() {
-! return Super::stop();
- }
- int
---- 62,70 ----
- return false;
- }
- int
- VW_Converter::stop() {
-! return ioctl(SNDCTL_DSP_RESET, 0) && Super::stop();
- }
- int
-*** 87,92 ****
---- 87,93 ----
- int sampleFormat = 0;
- switch(dataType()) {
- case UnsignedCharData: sampleFormat = AFMT_U8; break;
-+ case SignedCharData: sampleFormat = AFMT_S8; break;
- // case ALawData: sampleFormat = AFMT_A_LAW; break;
- case MuLawData: sampleFormat = AFMT_MU_LAW; break;
- case ShortData: sampleFormat = AFMT_S16_LE; break;
-*** 93,119 ****
- default: break;
- };
- int confirmedFormat = sampleFormat;
-! if (!ioctl (SNDCTL_DSP_SPEED, (char *) &dsp_speed))
-! error("Unable to set converter sample rate.");
- else if (!ioctl(SNDCTL_DSP_STEREO, (char *) &dsp_stereo))
-! error("Unable to set converter channel attribute.");
-! else if (!ioctl(SNDCTL_DSP_SETFMT, (char *) &confirmedFormat)
-! || confirmedFormat != sampleFormat)
-! error("Unable to set sample size.");
- else if(!ioctl(SNDCTL_DSP_GETBLKSIZE, (char *) &audioBufferSize))
- error("Unable to get audio buffer size.");
-- else if(audioBufferSize < 1024 || audioBufferSize > (2*65536)) {
-- char msg[128];
-- sprintf(msg, "Invalid audio buffer size %d", audioBufferSize);
-- error(msg);
-- }
- else status = true;
- }
- return status;
- }
- // return size of buffer, in bytes, to be written to the device during play
-- // this can either be computed or just a static value
- int
- VW_Converter::writeSize() {
---- 94,141 ----
- default: break;
- };
- int confirmedFormat = sampleFormat;
-! int sizeCode = 0x1;
-! // desired buffer size is 1/10 of a second's worth of sound
-! int bufferSize = type_to_sampsize(dataType()) *
-! round(float(channels()) * sampleRate() / 10.0);
-! #ifdef DEBUG
-! fprintf(stderr, "requesting buffer size %d\n", bufferSize);
-! #endif
-! while(pow(double(2.0), long(sizeCode)) < double(bufferSize))
-! sizeCode <<= 1;
-! sizeCode >>= 1; // back out by one
-! sizeCode |= 2 << 16;
-! // sizeCode = 0x0002XXXX where XXXX is (int) log2(bufsize)
-! // and 0002 is 2 max number of fragments
-! #ifdef DEBUG
-! fprintf(stderr, "setting frag size code to 0x%x\n", sizeCode);
-! #endif
-! if (!ioctl (SNDCTL_DSP_SETFRAGMENT, (char *) &sizeCode))
-! error("Unable to set fragment size.");
-! else if (!ioctl(SNDCTL_DSP_SETFMT, (char *) &confirmedFormat))
-! error("Unable to set sample format.");
-! else if(confirmedFormat != sampleFormat)
-! error("This sample format not supported by hardware.");
- else if (!ioctl(SNDCTL_DSP_STEREO, (char *) &dsp_stereo))
-! error("Unable to set channel attribute.");
-! else if (!ioctl (SNDCTL_DSP_SPEED, (char *) &dsp_speed))
-! error("Unable to set sample rate.");
- else if(!ioctl(SNDCTL_DSP_GETBLKSIZE, (char *) &audioBufferSize))
- error("Unable to get audio buffer size.");
- else status = true;
-+ #ifdef DEBUG
-+ fprintf(stderr, "audio buffer size is %d\n", audioBufferSize);
++ #if defined(FreeBSDArchitecture)
++ XCOMM Extra defines, include directories, loading flags, and libraries needed
++ XCOMM for the FreeBSD version. The assumption is that you are using Gnu gcc/g++
++ ARCH_CCLDFLAGS = -L/usr/local/lib
++ DEBUG_CCFLAGS = -Ddebug
++ DAC_OBJS = conv_config.o conv_device.o vw_converter.o
++ ARCH_OBJS = utils.o
+ #endif
- }
- return status;
- }
- // return size of buffer, in bytes, to be written to the device during play
- int
- VW_Converter::writeSize() {
-*** 121,127 ****
- }
- // return size of buffer, in bytes, to be read from the device during record
-- // this can either be computed or just a static value
- int
- VW_Converter::readSize() {
---- 143,148 ----
+ #if defined(i386SVR4Architecture)
+ XCOMM This assumes you have the SoundBlaster card on your machine
+*** 243,248 ****
+--- 260,270 ----
+ MakeObjectFromSrcFlags(sgi_dac, $(OPTIMIZE_CCFLAGS))
+ #endif
+ #if defined(LinuxArchitecture)
++ MakeObjectFromSrcFlags(utils, $(OPTIMIZE_CCFLAGS))
++ MakeObjectFromSrcFlags(conv_device, $(OPTIMIZE_CCFLAGS))
++ MakeObjectFromSrcFlags(vw_converter, $(OPTIMIZE_CCFLAGS))
++ #endif
++ #if defined(FreeBSDArchitecture)
+ MakeObjectFromSrcFlags(utils, $(OPTIMIZE_CCFLAGS))
+ MakeObjectFromSrcFlags(conv_device, $(OPTIMIZE_CCFLAGS))
+ MakeObjectFromSrcFlags(vw_converter, $(OPTIMIZE_CCFLAGS))
diff --git a/audio/mxv/files/patch-ab b/audio/mxv/files/patch-ab
index bb1e9ae53124..b6136c4fa90d 100644
--- a/audio/mxv/files/patch-ab
+++ b/audio/mxv/files/patch-ab
@@ -1,40 +1,37 @@
-*** Imakefile.orig Wed Feb 28 16:16:02 1996
---- Imakefile Thu Apr 17 15:14:45 1997
+*** /dev/null Mon Jul 12 15:25:18 1999
+--- MiXViews.res Mon Jul 12 14:54:19 1999
-*** 139,144 ****
---- 139,159 ----
- ARCH_OBJS = utils.o
- #endif
-+ #if defined(FreeBSDArchitecture)
-+ XCOMM Extra defines, include directories, loading flags, and libraries needed
-+ XCOMM for the FreeBSD version. The assumption is that you are using Gnu gcc/g++
+*** 0 ****
+--- 1,32 ----
++ ! This file must be renamed "MiXViews", and installed either in your home
++ ! directory (if you are the only one using mxv) or in the X res dir
++ ! (/usr/lib/X11/app-defaults) or in the InterViews res dir
++ ! (<installed InterViews dir>/lib/app-defaults).
-+ ARCH_CCLDFLAGS = -L/usr/local/lib
-+ DEBUG_CCFLAGS = -Ddebug
++ MiXViews*font: -*-times-medium-r-normal--14-*
++ MiXViews*PulldownCommandMenu*background: light blue
++ MiXViews*Command*background: lightskyblue2
++ MiXViews*PullrightCommandMenu*background: lightskyblue
++ MiXViews*MenuBar*font: -*-helvetica-bold-r-normal--17-*
++ MiXViews*MenuItem*font: -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--14-*
++ MiXViews*PullrightMenu*font: -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--14-*
++ MiXViews*DialogBox*Title*font: -*-helvetica-bold-r-normal--14-*
++ MiXViews*DialogBox*Subtitle*font: -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--12-*
++ MiXViews*Alert*Title*foreground: Red
++ MiXViews*InputDialog*FileSelector*font: -*-times-medium-r-normal--14-*
++ MiXViews*PushButton*font: -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--14-*
++ MiXViews*HorizontalScale*font: -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--8-*
++ MiXViews*VerticalScale*font: -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--8-*
++ MiXViews*StatusBar*font: -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--12-*
++ MiXViews*FrameGraph*font: -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--8-*
++ MiXViews*HorizontalScaleLabel*foreground: White
++ MiXViews*HorizontalScaleLabel*background: Black
++ MiXViews*VerticalScaleLabel*foreground: White
++ MiXViews*VerticalScaleLabel*background: Black
++ MiXViews*LPCWindowDisplayChannels: 4
++ MiXViews*FFTWindowDisplayChannels: 4
++ MiXViews*FFTWindow*PlotStyle: Line
++ MiXViews*PvocWindowDisplayChannels: 4
++ MiXViews*PvocWindow*VerticalScaleLabel*font: -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--10-*
++ MiXViews*malloc_debug: off
-+ DAC_OBJS = conv_config.o conv_device.o vw_converter.o
-+ ARCH_OBJS = utils.o
-+ #endif
- #if defined(i386SVR4Architecture)
- XCOMM This assumes you have the SoundBlaster card on your machine
-*** 253,258 ****
---- 268,278 ----
- MakeObjectFromSrcFlags(sgi_dac, $(OPTIMIZE_CCFLAGS))
- #endif
- #if defined(LinuxArchitecture)
-+ MakeObjectFromSrcFlags(utils, $(OPTIMIZE_CCFLAGS))
-+ MakeObjectFromSrcFlags(conv_device, $(OPTIMIZE_CCFLAGS))
-+ MakeObjectFromSrcFlags(vw_converter, $(OPTIMIZE_CCFLAGS))
-+ #endif
-+ #if defined(FreeBSDArchitecture)
- MakeObjectFromSrcFlags(utils, $(OPTIMIZE_CCFLAGS))
- MakeObjectFromSrcFlags(conv_device, $(OPTIMIZE_CCFLAGS))
- MakeObjectFromSrcFlags(vw_converter, $(OPTIMIZE_CCFLAGS))
diff --git a/audio/mxv/files/patch-ac b/audio/mxv/files/patch-ac
index cb048d9a8028..a4defa9f7319 100644
--- a/audio/mxv/files/patch-ac
+++ b/audio/mxv/files/patch-ac
@@ -1,30 +1,22 @@
-*** application.C.orig Thu Apr 17 15:23:34 1997
---- application.C Thu Apr 17 15:26:03 1997
+*** old/application.C Mon Apr 27 05:41:31 1998
+--- application.C Mon Jul 12 15:28:20 1999
-*** 41,47 ****
+*** 41,46 ****
+--- 41,47 ----
#include <iostream.h>
#include "localdefs.h"
-! #ifndef NeXT
- #include <errno.h>
- extern char *sys_errlist[];
- char *strerror(int errn) {
---- 41,48 ----
- #include <iostream.h>
- #include "localdefs.h"
-! #if !defined(__FreeBSD__)
-! #if !defined(NeXT)
- #include <errno.h>
- extern char *sys_errlist[];
- char *strerror(int errn) {
++ #if !defined(__FreeBSD__)
+ #ifdef NeXT
+ extern "C" {
+ char *strerror(int);
-*** 53,58 ****
---- 54,60 ----
- int sleep(unsigned);
+*** 60,65 ****
+--- 61,67 ----
+ return(sys_errlist[errn]);
#endif /* NeXT */
-+ #endif
++ #endif /* FreeBSD */
class GlobalResourceList {
friend Application;
diff --git a/audio/mxv/files/patch-ad b/audio/mxv/files/patch-ad
index 8e113a9090d4..e9e5ea08e12a 100644
--- a/audio/mxv/files/patch-ad
+++ b/audio/mxv/files/patch-ad
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-*** device.h.orig Thu Apr 17 14:53:39 1997
---- device.h Thu Apr 17 14:57:57 1997
+*** old/device.h Fri Mar 13 02:01:36 1998
+--- device.h Mon Jul 12 15:28:20 1999
*** 33,39 ****
#include "InterViews/resource.h"
#include "localdefs.h"
-! #ifndef sgi
+! #if !defined(sgi) && !defined(sun)
extern "C" int ioctl(int, unsigned long, char*);
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
#include "InterViews/resource.h"
#include "localdefs.h"
-! #if !defined( sgi ) && !defined( __FreeBSD__ )
+! #if !defined(sgi) && !defined(sun) && !defined(__FreeBSD__)
extern "C" int ioctl(int, unsigned long, char*);
diff --git a/audio/mxv/files/patch-ae b/audio/mxv/files/patch-ae
index b2d7aeb502a2..03d50b872217 100644
--- a/audio/mxv/files/patch-ae
+++ b/audio/mxv/files/patch-ae
@@ -1,33 +1,19 @@
-*** diskfile.C.orig Thu Apr 17 14:57:15 1997
---- diskfile.C Thu Apr 17 15:06:28 1997
+*** old/dialogbox.C Mon Jul 12 15:43:28 1999
+--- dialogbox.C Mon Jul 12 15:43:56 1999
-*** 50,56 ****
- #if defined(linux)
- extern "C" void setbuffer(FILE*, char*, int);
- #else
-! #if !defined( sgi ) && !defined( sun )
- extern "C" int setbuffer(FILE*, char*, int);
- #endif
- #endif
---- 50,56 ----
- #if defined(linux)
- extern "C" void setbuffer(FILE*, char*, int);
- #else
-! #if !defined( sgi ) && !defined( sun ) && !defined( __FreeBSD__ )
- extern "C" int setbuffer(FILE*, char*, int);
- #endif
- #endif
-*** 193,198 ****
---- 193,203 ----
- rw &= ~01;
- if (fp->_flags & _IO_NO_WRITES)
- rw &= ~02;
-+ #elif defined(__FreeBSD__)
-+ if (fp->_flags & (__SRD|__SRW))
-+ rw |= 01;
-+ if (fp->_flags & (__SWR|__SRW|__SAPP))
-+ rw |= 02;
- #else
- if (fp->_flag & (_IOREAD|_IORW))
- rw |= 01;
+*** 45,51 ****
+ #include "textinput.h"
+ boolean DialogBox::override_WindowManager = false;
+! int DialogBox::beep_Level = 50;
+ DialogBox::DialogBox(ButtonState* s, Interactor* u, Response r)
+ : Dialog(s, nil), defaultResponse(r), underlying(u), useBell(false) {
+--- 45,51 ----
+ #include "textinput.h"
+ boolean DialogBox::override_WindowManager = false;
+! int DialogBox::beep_Level = 0;
+ DialogBox::DialogBox(ButtonState* s, Interactor* u, Response r)
+ : Dialog(s, nil), defaultResponse(r), underlying(u), useBell(false) {
diff --git a/audio/mxv/files/patch-af b/audio/mxv/files/patch-af
index 0edbba9c4815..7aca8eed1c3a 100644
--- a/audio/mxv/files/patch-af
+++ b/audio/mxv/files/patch-af
@@ -1,40 +1,33 @@
-*** settergetter.h.orig Thu Apr 17 15:07:13 1997
---- settergetter.h Thu Apr 17 15:17:30 1997
+*** old/diskfile.C Fri Apr 26 16:24:01 1996
+--- diskfile.C Mon Jul 12 15:28:20 1999
-*** 64,69 ****
---- 64,70 ----
- Status (Object::*setfunc)(Type),
- Type (Object::*getfunc)() const)
- : obj(objptr), setter(setfunc), getter(getfunc) {}
-+ ~MethodSetterGetter() {}
- redefined boolean set(Type value) {
- return boolean((obj->*setter)(value));
- }
+*** 50,56 ****
+ #if defined(linux)
+ extern "C" void setbuffer(FILE*, char*, int);
+ #else
+! #if !defined( sgi ) && !defined( sun )
+ extern "C" int setbuffer(FILE*, char*, int);
+ #endif
+ #endif
+--- 50,56 ----
+ #if defined(linux)
+ extern "C" void setbuffer(FILE*, char*, int);
+ #else
+! #if !defined( sgi ) && !defined( sun ) && !defined( __FreeBSD__ )
+ extern "C" int setbuffer(FILE*, char*, int);
+ #endif
+ #endif
-*** 82,94 ****
- return new MethodSetterGetter<Object, Status, Type>(objptr, setfunc, getfunc);
- }
-- //********
- template <class Status, class Type>
- class FunctionSetterGetter : public SetterGetter<Type> {
- public:
- FunctionSetterGetter(Status (*setfunc)(Type), Type (*getfunc)())
- : setter(setfunc), getter(getfunc) {}
- redefined boolean set(Type value) { (*setter)(value); return true; }
- redefined Type get() const { return (*getter)(); }
- private:
---- 83,94 ----
- return new MethodSetterGetter<Object, Status, Type>(objptr, setfunc, getfunc);
- }
- template <class Status, class Type>
- class FunctionSetterGetter : public SetterGetter<Type> {
- public:
- FunctionSetterGetter(Status (*setfunc)(Type), Type (*getfunc)())
- : setter(setfunc), getter(getfunc) {}
-+ ~FunctionSetterGetter() {}
- redefined boolean set(Type value) { (*setter)(value); return true; }
- redefined Type get() const { return (*getter)(); }
- private:
+*** 193,198 ****
+--- 193,203 ----
+ rw &= ~01;
+ if (fp->_flags & _IO_NO_WRITES)
+ rw &= ~02;
++ #elif defined(__FreeBSD__)
++ if (fp->_flags & (__SRD|__SRW))
++ rw |= 01;
++ if (fp->_flags & (__SWR|__SRW|__SAPP))
++ rw |= 02;
+ #else
+ if (fp->_flag & (_IOREAD|_IORW))
+ rw |= 01;
diff --git a/audio/mxv/files/patch-ag b/audio/mxv/files/patch-ag
index 4454c809a56d..4e80a1dbf252 100644
--- a/audio/mxv/files/patch-ag
+++ b/audio/mxv/files/patch-ag
@@ -1,16 +1,22 @@
-*** smartmem.C.orig Thu Apr 17 15:32:03 1997
---- smartmem.C Thu Apr 17 15:33:41 1997
+*** old/settergetter.h Wed Jan 17 03:57:37 1996
+--- settergetter.h Mon Jul 12 15:28:20 1999
-*** 64,70 ****
---- 64,74 ----
- void
- SmartMemory::free(void* ptr, unsigned size) {
- if(ptr) {
-+ #ifdef __FreeBSD__
-+ ::free(ptr);
-+ #else
- ::cfree(ptr);
-+ #endif
- totalBytes_Allocated -= size;
+*** 64,69 ****
+--- 64,70 ----
+ Status (Object::*setfunc)(Type),
+ Type (Object::*getfunc)() const)
+ : obj(objptr), setter(setfunc), getter(getfunc) {}
++ ~MethodSetterGetter() {}
+ redefined boolean set(Type value) {
+ return boolean((obj->*setter)(value));
- }
+*** 89,94 ****
+--- 90,96 ----
+ public:
+ FunctionSetterGetter(Status (*setfunc)(Type), Type (*getfunc)())
+ : setter(setfunc), getter(getfunc) {}
++ ~FunctionSetterGetter() {}
+ redefined boolean set(Type value) { (*setter)(value); return true; }
+ redefined Type get() const { return (*getter)(); }
+ private:
diff --git a/audio/mxv/files/patch-ah b/audio/mxv/files/patch-ah
index 24754efa97f6..825e4cce3e5f 100644
--- a/audio/mxv/files/patch-ah
+++ b/audio/mxv/files/patch-ah
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-*** vw_converter.C.orig Thu Apr 17 14:49:48 1997
---- vw_converter.C Thu Apr 17 14:50:17 1997
+*** old/smartmem.C Thu May 25 00:39:35 1995
+--- smartmem.C Mon Jul 12 15:28:20 1999
-*** 27,33 ****
---- 27,37 ----
- #pragma implementation
- #endif
+*** 64,70 ****
+--- 64,74 ----
+ void
+ SmartMemory::free(void* ptr, unsigned size) {
+ if(ptr) {
+ #ifdef __FreeBSD__
-+ #include <machine/soundcard.h>
++ ::free(ptr);
+ #else
- #include <sys/soundcard.h>
+ ::cfree(ptr);
+ #endif
- #include "localdefs.h"
- #include "application.h"
- #include "vw_converter.h"
+ totalBytes_Allocated -= size;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/audio/mxv/files/patch-ai b/audio/mxv/files/patch-ai
index 14e1b53e89b6..a1b71c4b9a46 100644
--- a/audio/mxv/files/patch-ai
+++ b/audio/mxv/files/patch-ai
@@ -1,37 +1,40 @@
-*** /dev/null Thu Apr 17 15:41:53 1997
---- MiXViews.res Thu Apr 17 16:08:47 1997
+*** old/vw_converter.C Thu Jan 30 00:22:41 1997
+--- vw_converter.C Mon Jul 12 15:28:20 1999
-*** 0 ****
---- 1,32 ----
-+ ! This file must be renamed "MiXViews", and installed either in your home
-+ ! directory (if you are the only one using mxv) or in the X res dir
-+ ! (/usr/lib/X11/app-defaults) or in the InterViews res dir
-+ ! (<installed InterViews dir>/lib/app-defaults).
-+ MiXViews*font: -*-times-medium-r-normal--14-*
-+ MiXViews*PulldownCommandMenu*background: light blue
-+ MiXViews*Command*background: lightskyblue2
-+ MiXViews*PullrightCommandMenu*background: lightskyblue
-+ MiXViews*MenuBar*font: -*-helvetica-bold-r-normal--17-*
-+ MiXViews*MenuItem*font: -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--14-*
-+ MiXViews*PullrightMenu*font: -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--14-*
-+ MiXViews*DialogBox*Title*font: -*-helvetica-bold-r-normal--14-*
-+ MiXViews*DialogBox*Subtitle*font: -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--12-*
-+ MiXViews*Alert*Title*foreground: Red
-+ MiXViews*InputDialog*FileSelector*font: -*-times-medium-r-normal--14-*
-+ MiXViews*PushButton*font: -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--14-*
-+ MiXViews*HorizontalScale*font: -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--8-*
-+ MiXViews*VerticalScale*font: -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--8-*
-+ MiXViews*StatusBar*font: -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--12-*
-+ MiXViews*FrameGraph*font: -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--8-*
-+ MiXViews*HorizontalScaleLabel*foreground: White
-+ MiXViews*HorizontalScaleLabel*background: Black
-+ MiXViews*VerticalScaleLabel*foreground: White
-+ MiXViews*VerticalScaleLabel*background: Black
-+ MiXViews*LPCWindowDisplayChannels: 4
-+ MiXViews*FFTWindowDisplayChannels: 4
-+ MiXViews*FFTWindow*PlotStyle: Line
-+ MiXViews*PvocWindowDisplayChannels: 4
-+ MiXViews*PvocWindow*VerticalScaleLabel*font: -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--10-*
-+ MiXViews*malloc_debug: off
+*** 27,33 ****
+--- 27,37 ----
+ #pragma implementation
+ #endif
++ #ifdef __FreeBSD__
++ #include <machine/soundcard.h>
++ #else
+ #include <sys/soundcard.h>
++ #endif
+ #include "localdefs.h"
+ #include "application.h"
+ #include "vw_converter.h"
+*** 114,122 ****
+ fprintf(stderr, "setting frag size code to 0x%x\n", sizeCode);
+ #endif
+ if (!ioctl (SNDCTL_DSP_SETFRAGMENT, (char *) &sizeCode))
+ error("Unable to set fragment size.");
+! else if (!ioctl(SNDCTL_DSP_SETFMT, (char *) &confirmedFormat))
+ error("Unable to set sample format.");
+ else if(confirmedFormat != sampleFormat)
+ error("This sample format not supported by hardware.");
+--- 118,129 ----
+ fprintf(stderr, "setting frag size code to 0x%x\n", sizeCode);
+ #endif
++ #ifndef __FreeBSD__
+ if (!ioctl (SNDCTL_DSP_SETFRAGMENT, (char *) &sizeCode))
+ error("Unable to set fragment size.");
+! else
+! #endif
+! if (!ioctl(SNDCTL_DSP_SETFMT, (char *) &confirmedFormat))
+ error("Unable to set sample format.");
+ else if(confirmedFormat != sampleFormat)
+ error("This sample format not supported by hardware.");
diff --git a/audio/mxv/pkg-comment b/audio/mxv/pkg-comment
index 16974f95d1c4..e25cacb75dba 100644
--- a/audio/mxv/pkg-comment
+++ b/audio/mxv/pkg-comment
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Sound file editor/player/recorder/converter for X Window System
+Sound file editor/player/recorder/converter for X Window System.
diff --git a/audio/mxv/pkg-descr b/audio/mxv/pkg-descr
index 511b0421dd1b..63d49b0463da 100644
--- a/audio/mxv/pkg-descr
+++ b/audio/mxv/pkg-descr
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ FreeBSD's voxware sound drivers written by
It supports the following sound file formats: IRCAM, SND/AU, Hybrid (CMIX),
AIF-C, WAVE, and raw (headerless).
-Version 1.10.
+Version 1.20.