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authorAdam Weinberger <>2004-02-18 04:02:44 +0000
committerAdam Weinberger <>2004-02-18 04:02:44 +0000
commit51157aeab7f02d542659a213ffa7d1d5147c7e6b (patch)
parent3270495c3866d64b2d133acbe6a7ded7bc462818 (diff)
Mozilla will now default to using GTK2, and will only compile
against Gtk+-1.2 if explicitly requested. This is in exact opposite to the old behaviour. Lengthy, babbling explanation follows.
1 files changed, 34 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/CHANGES b/CHANGES
index 0a05cbb6a8ea..627898c628d0 100644
@@ -10,6 +10,40 @@ in the release notes.
All ports committers are allowed to commit to this file.
+ Mozilla will now default to using GTK2, and will only compile
+ against Gtk+-1.2 if explicitly requested. This is in exact
+ opposite to the old behaviour.
+ The valid values of WITH_MOZILLA are now:
+ mozilla (www/mozilla, GTK2)
+ mozilla-devel (www/mozilla-devel, GTK2)
+ mozilla-gtk1 (www/mozilla-gtk1, GTK1)
+ mozilla-devel-gtk1 (www/mozilla-devel-gtk1, GTK1)
+ As before, WITH_MOZILLA can be set in /etc/make.conf, but doing
+ so is not advised unless you desire the development versions.
+ GTK2 browsers will automatically compile against GTK2 mozilla,
+ and GTK1 browsers (galeon1, galeon1, and galeon1) will
+ automatically compile against GTK1.
+ Again, the only people who will need to take action are those
+ who desire development versions (which are inactive at this time
+ anyway). Those who want GTK1 mozilla-devel must set
+ WITH_MOZILLA=mozilla-devel-gtk1 or they will be pleasantly
+ surprised with their very own GTK2 installation on the next
+ update.
+ WITH_MOZILLA=mozilla-gtk2 and WITH_MOZILLA=mozilla-devel-gtk2
+ are still honoured for the time being, but their use is
+ now deprecated. Any new ports are not required to consider
+ their values, and so eventually WITH_MOZILLA _will_ have to
+ be changed.
+ Hopefully galeon2 can catch up to peoples' expectations from
+ galeon1 soon, and we can remove the GTK1 ports altogether.
The file has been moved out of the lang/php4 port
into the Mk directory. This will make it much easier to include