diff options
authorPav Lucistnik <>2004-01-27 12:13:03 +0000
committerPav Lucistnik <>2004-01-27 12:13:03 +0000
commit428f9edffd1e46762c843a1a3367ff818bd77ad3 (patch)
parentf90412bde18d3b31ec819563d5a635f918f4006e (diff)
Add 4stAttack, a game in which you have to try to out-smart your
opponent. The goal of the game is to connect four of stones in a straight line. This can be horizontaly, vertically and even diagonnally. PR: ports/61929 Submitted by: Jean-Yves Lefort <>
7 files changed, 628 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/games/4stattack/Makefile b/games/4stattack/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..822857f71b15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games/4stattack/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+# New ports collection makefile for: 4stAttack
+# Date created: 26 Jan 2004
+# Whom: Jean-Yves Lefort <>
+# $FreeBSD$
+PORTNAME= 4stattack
+MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR= forcedattack
+COMMENT= Connect four stones in a straight line
+NO_BUILD= yes
+PYC= PYTHON="${PYTHON_CMD}" ${SH} ${SCRIPTDIR}/py-compile
+ ${WRKSRC}/4stattack
+ ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/bin
+ ${WRKSRC}/4stattack \
+ ${PREFIX}/bin
+ ${WRKSRC}/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/settings.ini \
+ ${WRKSRC}/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/technical.ttf \
+ ${WRKSRC}/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/version \
+ ${PYC} --basedir ${DATADIR} \
+ ${DATADIR}/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/ \
+ ${MKDIR} ${DATADIR}/data/music
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/music/4stattack.ogg \
+ ${DATADIR}/data/music
+ ${MKDIR} ${DATADIR}/data/themes/clean
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/audio.ini \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/graphics.ini \
+ ${DATADIR}/data/themes/clean
+ ${MKDIR} ${DATADIR}/data/themes/clean/1024x768
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/awaitingconnection.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/back.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/background.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/chakie.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/connecting-plain.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/connecting.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/credits.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/cursor.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/draw.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/error-connecting.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/frame.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/frm_bl.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/frm_br.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/frm_left.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/frm_right.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/frm_tl.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/frm_top.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/frm_tr.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/fullscreen.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/graphics.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/green-zebra.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/grid.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/hostagame.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/joinagame.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/keepplaying.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/korruptor.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/locations.ini \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/logo.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/multiplayer.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/music.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/ok.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/playervscpu.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/programming.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/pygame.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/quit.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/quitgame.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/radio-off.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/radio-on.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/radio.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/selector.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/selector1.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/selector2.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/settings.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/slm-text.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/slm.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/start.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/stone_1.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/stone_2.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/thanks.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/wannaquit.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/won_1.png \
+ ${WRKSRC}/data/themes/clean/1024x768/won_2.png \
+ ${DATADIR}/data/themes/clean/1024x768
+ ${MKDIR} ${DATADIR}/gui
+ ${WRKSRC}/gui/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/gui/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/gui/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/gui/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/gui/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/gui/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/gui/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/gui/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/gui/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/gui/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/gui/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/gui/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/gui/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/gui
+ ${PYC} --basedir ${DATADIR}/gui \
+ ${DATADIR}/gui/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/gui/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/gui/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/gui/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/gui/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/gui/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/gui/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/gui/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/gui/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/gui/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/gui/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/gui/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/gui/
+ ${MKDIR} ${DATADIR}/gui/dialogs
+ ${WRKSRC}/gui/dialogs/dialog \
+ ${WRKSRC}/gui/dialogs/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/gui/dialogs/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/gui/dialogs/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/gui/dialogs/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/gui/dialogs/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/gui/dialogs/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/gui/dialogs/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/gui/dialogs/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/gui/dialogs/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/gui/dialogs/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/gui/dialogs/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/gui/dialogs/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/gui/dialogs
+ ${PYC} --basedir ${DATADIR}/gui/dialogs \
+ ${DATADIR}/gui/dialogs/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/gui/dialogs/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/gui/dialogs/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/gui/dialogs/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/gui/dialogs/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/gui/dialogs/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/gui/dialogs/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/gui/dialogs/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/gui/dialogs/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/gui/dialogs/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/gui/dialogs/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/gui/dialogs/
+ ${MKDIR} ${DATADIR}/players
+ ${WRKSRC}/players/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/players/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/players/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/players/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/players/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/players/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/players/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/players/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/players/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/players/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/players/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/players/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/players/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/players/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/players
+ ${PYC} --basedir ${DATADIR}/players \
+ ${DATADIR}/players/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/players/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/players/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/players/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/players/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/players/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/players/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/players/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/players/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/players/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/players/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/players/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/players/ \
+ ${DATADIR}/players/
+.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS)
+ ${WRKSRC}/changelog.txt \
+ ${WRKSRC}/credits.txt \
+.include <>
diff --git a/games/4stattack/distinfo b/games/4stattack/distinfo
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e83392535fab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games/4stattack/distinfo
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+MD5 (4stAttack-2.1.4.tar.gz) = 72a6d85d4218e938c043a6e5f0074e1b
diff --git a/games/4stattack/files/patch-4stattack b/games/4stattack/files/patch-4stattack
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1460ed076906
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games/4stattack/files/patch-4stattack
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+--- 4stattack.orig Mon Jan 26 08:08:08 2004
++++ 4stattack Mon Jan 26 08:28:42 2004
+@@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
+ #!/bin/sh
+ if [ ! -f ~/.4stattackrc ]; then
+- cp $FAHOME/settings.ini ~/.4stattackrc
++ install -m 644 $FAHOME/settings.ini ~/.4stattackrc
+ fi
+-if [ -x $FAHOME/ ]; then
+- $FAHOME/ -ini ~/.4stattackrc
++cd $FAHOME && %%PYTHON%% -ini ~/.4stattackrc
diff --git a/games/4stattack/pkg-descr b/games/4stattack/pkg-descr
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9076b7a96955
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games/4stattack/pkg-descr
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+4st Attack is a game in which you have to try to out-smart your
+opponent. The goal of the game is to connect four of stones in a
+straight line. This can be horizontaly, vertically and even
+- Jean-Yves Lefort
diff --git a/games/4stattack/pkg-plist b/games/4stattack/pkg-plist
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a3f215d1b593
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games/4stattack/pkg-plist
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/data/music
+@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/data/themes/clean/1024x768
+@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/data/themes/clean
+@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/data/themes
+@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/data
+@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/gui/dialogs
+@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/gui
+@dirrm %%DATADIR%%/players
+@dirrm %%DATADIR%%
+%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm %%DOCSDIR%%
diff --git a/games/4stattack/scripts/py-compile b/games/4stattack/scripts/py-compile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a055fae4f527
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games/4stattack/scripts/py-compile
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# py-compile - Compile a Python program
+# Copyright 2000, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+# 02111-1307, USA.
+# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you
+# distribute this file as part of a program that contains a
+# configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under
+# the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program.
+# called as "py-compile [--basedir DIR] PY_FILES ...
+if [ -z "$PYTHON" ]; then
+ PYTHON=python
+case "$1" in
+ --basedir)
+ basedir=$2
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ --help)
+ echo "Usage: py-compile [--basedir DIR] PY_FILES ..."
+ echo "Byte compile some python scripts. This should be performed"
+ echo "after they have been moved to the final installation location"
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ --version)
+ echo "py-compile version 0.0"
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+if [ $# = 0 ]; then
+ echo "No files given to $0" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+# if basedir was given, then it should be prepended to filenames before
+# byte compilation.
+if [ -z "$basedir" ]; then
+ trans="path = file"
+ trans="path = os.path.join('$basedir', file)"
+$PYTHON -c "
+import sys, os, string, py_compile
+files = '''$*'''
+print 'Byte-compiling python modules...'
+for file in string.split(files):
+ $trans
+ if not os.path.exists(path) or not (len(path) >= 3 and path[-3:] == '.py'):
+ continue
+ print file,
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ py_compile.compile(path)
+print" || exit $?
+# this will fail for python < 1.5, but that doesn't matter ...
+$PYTHON -O -c "
+import sys, os, string, py_compile
+files = '''$*'''
+print 'Byte-compiling python modules (optimised versions) ...'
+for file in string.split(files):
+ $trans
+ if not os.path.exists(path) or not (len(path) >= 3 and path[-3:] == '.py'):
+ continue
+ print file,
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ py_compile.compile(path)
+print" 2>/dev/null || :
diff --git a/games/Makefile b/games/Makefile
index e781b64c4cfa..fbf37e5e159a 100644
--- a/games/Makefile
+++ b/games/Makefile
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
SUBDIR += 3dc
SUBDIR += 3dpong
SUBDIR += 44bsd-hunt
+ SUBDIR += 4stattack
SUBDIR += 54321
SUBDIR += BillardGL
SUBDIR += CaribbeanStud