diff options
authorJames FitzGibbon <>1996-10-26 18:21:17 +0000
committerJames FitzGibbon <>1996-10-26 18:21:17 +0000
commit268003829330c6a646b1868f7f2a570aed9ca941 (patch)
parent5c040824fe9bad32acc87bd74da96dc175ce46b0 (diff)
Upgrade to majordomo v1.94 release
Use new INSTALL_ aliases Clean up creation of majordom user and group Fix problem where the local host was set to '' in everyone's config by default.
12 files changed, 320 insertions, 377 deletions
diff --git a/mail/majordomo/Makefile b/mail/majordomo/Makefile
index 99c7f69b9732..93415b4c0ae1 100644
--- a/mail/majordomo/Makefile
+++ b/mail/majordomo/Makefile
@@ -1,25 +1,77 @@
# New ports collection makefile for: majordomo
-# Version required: 1.93
-# Date created: 8 Jul 1996
-# Whom:
+# Version required: 1.94
+# Date created: 23 October 1996
+# Whom: jfitz@FreeBSD.ORG
-# $Id$
+# $Id: Makefile,v 1996/07/20 01:39:21 asami Exp $
-DISTNAME= majordomo-1.93
+DISTNAME= majordomo-1.94
+ \
# Needs to create a user and group
-ALL_TARGET= default
-INSTALL_TARGET= install install-wrapper install-archive2
+ALL_TARGET= wrapper
+INSTALL_TARGET= install install-wrapper
+ @ ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} /usr/bin/perl ${SCRIPTDIR}/createuser
+ @ ${CP} ${FILESDIR}/aliases.majordomo ${WRKSRC}
+ @ ${CP} ${WRKSRC}/ ${WRKSRC}/
- cp -p ${FILESDIR}/post-install-notes ${PREFIX}/majordomo/Doc
+ @ ln -sf ${PREFIX}/majordomo/Tools/digest ${PREFIX}/majordomo
+ @ for dir in tmp lists/test-l.archive lists/test-l-digest.archive digests/test-l-digest doc; do \
+ ${MKDIR} -p ${PREFIX}/majordomo/$$dir; \
+ done
+ @ /usr/sbin/chown majordom.majordom ${PREFIX}/majordomo/tmp
+ @ /bin/chmod 700 ${PREFIX}/majordomo/tmp
+ @ /bin/chmod 755 ${PREFIX}/majordomo
+ @ for dir in digests lists lists/test-l.archive lists/test-l-digest.archive digests/test-l-digest doc; do \
+ /usr/sbin/chown majordom.majordom ${PREFIX}/majordomo/$$dir; \
+ /bin/chmod 775 ${PREFIX}/majordomo/$$dir; \
+ done
+.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS)
+ @ for file in Changelog FUTURE INSTALL LICENSE NEWLIST README; do \
+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/$$file ${PREFIX}/majordomo/doc; \
+ done
+ @ for file in FAQ README.sequencer list-owner-info majordomo-faq.html majordomo.ora; do \
+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/Doc/$$file ${PREFIX}/majordomo/doc; \
+ done
+ @ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${FILESDIR}/post-install-notes ${PREFIX}/majordomo/doc
+ @ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/aliases.majordomo ${PREFIX}/majordomo
+ @ for file in test-l test-l-digest test-l.passwd; do \
+ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${FILESDIR}/$$file ${PREFIX}/majordomo/lists; \
+ done
+ @ ln -sf ${PREFIX}/majordomo/lists/ ${PREFIX}/majordomo/lists/
+ @ ln -sf ${PREFIX}/majordomo/lists/test-l.passwd ${PREFIX}/majordomo/lists/test-l-digest.passwd
+ @ /bin/chmod 660 ${PREFIX}/majordomo/lists/test-l.passwd
+.if !defined(NOMANCOMPRESS)
+ @ for file in approve bounce-remind digest; do \
+ gzip -9nf ${PREFIX}/man/man1/$$file.1; \
+ done
+ @ gzip -9nf ${PREFIX}/man/man8/majordomo.8
+ @ /usr/sbin/chown -R majordom.majordom ${PREFIX}/majordomo/lists
+ @ /bin/chmod -R 664 ${PREFIX}/majordomo/lists
+ @ /bin/chmod 775 ${PREFIX}/majordomo/lists
+ @ /bin/chmod 775 ${PREFIX}/majordomo/lists/test-l.archive
+ @ /bin/chmod 775 ${PREFIX}/majordomo/lists/test-l-digest.archive
+ @ /bin/chmod 660 ${PREFIX}/majordomo/lists/*.passwd
+.if !defined(BATCH)
+ @ /usr/bin/more -e ${FILESDIR}/post-install-notes
.include <>
diff --git a/mail/majordomo/distinfo b/mail/majordomo/distinfo
index d1434c302e44..87fc80d5d9db 100644
--- a/mail/majordomo/distinfo
+++ b/mail/majordomo/distinfo
@@ -1 +1 @@
-MD5 (majordomo-1.93.tar.Z) = c589a3c3d420d68e096eafdfdac0c8aa
+MD5 (majordomo-1.94.tar.Z) = bbe4136d19b6ef640006890c251e29cb
diff --git a/mail/majordomo/files/aliases.majordomo b/mail/majordomo/files/aliases.majordomo
index b68cf7b935c1..f9085edd4b16 100644
--- a/mail/majordomo/files/aliases.majordomo
+++ b/mail/majordomo/files/aliases.majordomo
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ majordom: majordomo-owner
-#bounces: "|/usr/local/majordomo/wrapper resend -l bounces -h bounces-outgoing"
+#bounces: "|/usr/local/majordomo/wrapper resend -l bounces -h %%HOSTNAME%% bounces-outgoing"
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ owner-test-l-digest-outgoing:owner-test-l
-test-l: "|/usr/local/majordomo/wrapper resend -l test-l -h test-l-outgoing"
+test-l: "|/usr/local/majordomo/wrapper resend -l test-l -h %%HOSTNAME%% test-l-outgoing"
"|/usr/local/majordomo/wrapper archive -a -m -f /usr/local/majordomo/lists/test-l.archive/test-l.archive",
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ test-l-digest-request: "|/usr/local/majordomo/wrapper majordomo -l test-l-digest
-#listname: "|/usr/local/majordomo/wrapper resend -l listname -h listname-outgoing"
+#listname: "|/usr/local/majordomo/wrapper resend -l listname -h %%HOSTNAME%% listname-outgoing"
#listname-request: "|/usr/local/majordomo/wrapper majordomo -l listname"
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ test-l-digest-request: "|/usr/local/majordomo/wrapper majordomo -l test-l-digest
-#listname: "|/usr/local/majordomo/wrapper resend -l listname -h listname-outgoing"
+#listname: "|/usr/local/majordomo/wrapper resend -l listname -h %%HOSTNAME%% listname-outgoing"
# "|/usr/local/majordomo/wrapper archive -a -m -f /usr/local/majordomo/lists/listname.archive/listname.archive"
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ test-l-digest-request: "|/usr/local/majordomo/wrapper majordomo -l test-l-digest
-#listname: "|/usr/local/majordomo/wrapper resend -l listname -h listname-outgoing"
+#listname: "|/usr/local/majordomo/wrapper resend -l listname -h %%HOSTNAME%% listname-outgoing"
# "|/usr/local/majordomo/wrapper digest -r -C -l listname-digest listname-digest-outgoing"
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ test-l-digest-request: "|/usr/local/majordomo/wrapper majordomo -l test-l-digest
-#listname: "|/usr/local/majordomo/wrapper resend -l listname -h listname-outgoing"
+#listname: "|/usr/local/majordomo/wrapper resend -l listname -h %%HOSTNAME%% listname-outgoing"
# "|/usr/local/majordomo/wrapper archive -a -m -f /usr/local/majordomo/lists/listname.archive/listname.archive",
diff --git a/mail/majordomo/files/patch-aa b/mail/majordomo/files/patch-aa
index 9d843a19c6c0..120331739208 100644
--- a/mail/majordomo/files/patch-aa
+++ b/mail/majordomo/files/patch-aa
@@ -1,81 +1,54 @@
-*** Makefile.orig Mon Jul 8 23:41:43 1996
---- Makefile Tue Jul 9 11:24:56 1996
-*** 19,31 ****
- #
- # This is where "wrapper" looks for the programs it's supposed to run.
-! W_BIN=/tools/majordomo-1.93
- # This is the environment that (along with LOGNAME and USER inherited from the
- # parent process, and without the leading "W_" in the variable names) gets
- # passed to processes run by "wrapper"
-! W_PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb
- W_SHELL=/bin/csh
---- 19,31 ----
- #
- # This is where "wrapper" looks for the programs it's supposed to run.
-! W_BIN=@@PREFIX@@/majordomo
- # This is the environment that (along with LOGNAME and USER inherited from the
- # parent process, and without the leading "W_" in the variable names) gets
- # passed to processes run by "wrapper"
-! W_PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:
- W_SHELL=/bin/csh
-*** 45,52 ****
- # and comment out the BSD settings above.
- #
- #
-! W_UID = 54
-! W_GID = 54
- W_CHOWN=root
- W_CHMOD=4755
---- 45,52 ----
- # and comment out the BSD settings above.
- #
- #
-! W_UID = @@UID@@
-! W_GID = @@GID@@
- W_CHOWN=root
- W_CHMOD=4755
-*** 83,99 ****
- # proper place unless a file exists in whcih case the
- # file will be used.
- install-cf:
-! (test ! -f && echo "using" && \
-! cp $(W_BIN)/; exit 0)
-! (test -f && echo "using" && \
-! cp $(W_BIN)/; exit 0)
- install-man:
-! @-test -d $(W_BIN)/man || mkdir $(W_BIN)/man
-! @-test -d $(W_BIN)/man/man1 || mkdir $(W_BIN)/man/man1
-! @-test -d $(W_BIN)/man/man8 || mkdir $(W_BIN)/man/man8
-! cp Doc/man/approve.1 $(W_BIN)/man/man1
-! cp Doc/man/majordomo.8 $(W_BIN)/man/man8
- install-shared: install-wrapper-shared install-scripts
---- 83,93 ----
- # proper place unless a file exists in whcih case the
- # file will be used.
- install-cf:
-! cp $(W_BIN)/
- install-man:
-! cp Doc/man/approve.1 @@PREFIX@@/man/man1
-! cp Doc/man/majordomo.8 @@PREFIX@@/man/man8
- install-shared: install-wrapper-shared install-scripts
+--- Makefile.orig Sun Oct 20 09:23:18 1996
++++ Makefile Wed Oct 23 15:56:10 1996
+@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
+ #
+ # Where is Perl located?
+-PERL = /bin/perl5
++PERL = ${PREFIX}/bin/perl
+ #
+ # If your default 'chown' doesn't support the USER.GROUP syntax,
+@@ -23,15 +23,15 @@
+ #
+ # The location of Majordomo. Wrapper looks here for programs to run.
+-W_HOME = /usr/test/majordomo-$(VERSION)
++W_HOME = ${PREFIX}/majordomo
+ #
+ # Where do you want the manual pages installed? By default, this is
+ # $(W_HOME)/man/man[18]
+ #
+-W_MAN = $(W_HOME)/man
+-MAN1 = $(W_HOME)/man/man1
+-MAN8 = $(W_HOME)/man/man8
++W_MAN = ${PREFIX}/man
++MAN1 = ${PREFIX}/man/man1
++MAN8 = $(PREFIX)/man/man8
+ # What permissions does wrapper need?
+ # (6755 = -rwsr-s-r-x, 4755 = -rwsr-xr-x)
+@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
+ # parent process, and without the leading "W_" in the variable names) gets
+ # passed to processes run by "wrapper"
+-W_PATH = /bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb
++W_PATH = /bin:/usr/bin
+ W_BIN = $(W_HOME)
+ W_SHELL = /bin/csh
+@@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
+ # majordomo on my system
+ #
+-W_USER = 443
++W_USER = %%MJUID%%
+ #
+ # daemon on my system
+ #
+-W_GROUP = 1
+ #
+ # You might need to change : to .
+ #
diff --git a/mail/majordomo/files/patch-ab b/mail/majordomo/files/patch-ab
index c1c351d15ab9..80f44cc40c37 100644
--- a/mail/majordomo/files/patch-ab
+++ b/mail/majordomo/files/patch-ab
@@ -1,89 +1,59 @@
-*** Tue Jul 9 09:32:19 1996
---- Tue Jul 9 09:35:46 1996
-*** 1,5 ****
- # $whereami -- What machine am I running on?
-! $whereami = "foo.GreatCircle.COM";
- # $whoami -- Who do users send requests to me as?
- $whoami = "Majordomo@$whereami";
---- 1,5 ----
- # $whereami -- What machine am I running on?
-! $whereami = "@@HOSTNAME@@";
- # $whoami -- Who do users send requests to me as?
- $whoami = "Majordomo@$whereami";
-*** 12,29 ****
- if ( defined $ENV{"HOME"}) {
- $homedir = $ENV{"HOME"};
- } else {
-! $homedir = "/usr/local/majordomo-1.92";
- }
- # $listdir -- Where are the mailing lists?
-! $listdir = "/usr/local/mail/lists";
- # $digest_work_dir -- the parent directory for digest's queue area
- # Each list must have a subdirectory under this directory in order for
- # digest to work. E.G. The bblisa list would use:
- # /usr/local/mail/digest/bblisa
- # as its directory.
-! $digest_work_dir = '/usr/local/mail/digest';
- # $log -- Where do I write my log?
- $log = "$homedir/Log";
---- 12,29 ----
- if ( defined $ENV{"HOME"}) {
- $homedir = $ENV{"HOME"};
- } else {
-! $homedir = "/usr/local/majordomo-1.93";
- }
- # $listdir -- Where are the mailing lists?
-! $listdir = "@@PREFIX@@/majordomo/lists";
- # $digest_work_dir -- the parent directory for digest's queue area
- # Each list must have a subdirectory under this directory in order for
- # digest to work. E.G. The bblisa list would use:
- # /usr/local/mail/digest/bblisa
- # as its directory.
-! $digest_work_dir = "@@PREFIX@@/majordomo/digests";
- # $log -- Where do I write my log?
- $log = "$homedir/Log";
-*** 33,39 ****
- # however the $to variable is provided by the person sending mail,
- # and much mischief can be had by playing with this variable.
- # Use $to with care.
-! $mailer = "/usr/lib/sendmail -f\$sender -t";
- # Majordomo will look for "get" and "index" files related to $list in
- # directory "$filedir/$list$filedir_suffix", so set $filedir and
---- 33,39 ----
- # however the $to variable is provided by the person sending mail,
- # and much mischief can be had by playing with this variable.
- # Use $to with care.
-! $mailer = "/usr/sbin/sendmail -f\$sender -t";
- # Majordomo will look for "get" and "index" files related to $list in
- # directory "$filedir/$list$filedir_suffix", so set $filedir and
-*** 73,79 ****
- # the safe locations for archive directories. This should be defined as
- # a series of root anchored directory paths as will be used as prefixes
- # to the file names specified to the script.
-! @archive_dirs = ( "/spool/archive/bblisa", "/usr/spool/archive/firewalls" );
- # Set this to 1 if you want to use the experimental mechanism for allowing
---- 73,80 ----
- # the safe locations for archive directories. This should be defined as
- # a series of root anchored directory paths as will be used as prefixes
- # to the file names specified to the script.
-! @archive_dirs = ( "@@PREFIX@@/majordomo/lists/test-l.archive",
-! );
- # Set this to 1 if you want to use the experimental mechanism for allowing
+--- Tue Oct 8 15:02:14 1996
++++ Sat Oct 26 13:19:04 1996
+@@ -1,23 +1,19 @@
+ # $whereami -- What machine am I running on?
+ #
+-$whereami = "foo.NOWHERE.COM";
++$whereami = "%%HOSTNAME%%";
+ # $whoami -- Who do users send requests to me as?
+ #
+-$whoami = "Majordomo\@$whereami";
++$whoami = "majordomo\@$whereami";
+ # $whoami_owner -- Who is the owner of the above, in case of problems?
+ #
+-$whoami_owner = "Majordomo-Owner\@$whereami";
++$whoami_owner = "majordomo-owner\@$whereami";
+ # $homedir -- Where can I find my extra .pl files, like
+ # the environment variable HOME is set by the wrapper
+ #
+-if ( defined $ENV{"HOME"}) {
+- $homedir = $ENV{"HOME"};
+-} else {
+- $homedir = "/usr/test/majordomo";
++$homedir = "%%PREFIX%%/majordomo";
+ # $listdir -- Where are the mailing lists?
+ #
+@@ -29,7 +25,7 @@
+ # /usr/local/mail/digest/bblisa
+ # as its directory.
+ #
+-$digest_work_dir = '/usr/local/mail/digest';
++$digest_work_dir = "%%PREFIX%%/majordomo/digests";
+ # $log -- Where do I write my log?
+ #
+@@ -39,8 +35,8 @@
+ # usually /usr/lib/sendmail, but some newer BSD systems
+ # seem to prefer /usr/sbin/sendmail
+ #
+-$sendmail_command = "/usr/lib/sendmail";
+-# $sendmail_command = "/usr/sbin/sendmail";
++# $sendmail_command = "/usr/lib/sendmail";
++$sendmail_command = "/usr/sbin/sendmail";
+ # $mailer -- What program and args do I use to send mail to the list?
+ # $bounce_mailer -- What is used to send mail anywhere else?
+@@ -152,7 +148,7 @@
+ # majordomo has r/w permission to.
+ # Uses the environment variable TMPDIR, since that's pretty common
+ #
+-$TMPDIR = $ENV{'TMPDIR'} || '/usr/tmp';
++$TMPDIR = '%%PREFIX%%/majordomo/tmp';
+ # Tune the number of retries that shlock does before aborting.
+ # This defaults to 600, with a random sleep from 1-10 seconds between
diff --git a/mail/majordomo/files/patch-ac b/mail/majordomo/files/patch-ac
index 622e5d18433e..efe35459933f 100644
--- a/mail/majordomo/files/patch-ac
+++ b/mail/majordomo/files/patch-ac
@@ -1,158 +1,11 @@
-*** Tue Jul 9 12:59:43 1996
---- Tue Jul 9 13:00:47 1996
-*** 241,247 ****
- }
- # Globals referenced by &set_mail* and &sendmail
-! $mail_prog = "/usr/lib/sendmail -f\$sender -t";
- $mail_from = "Majordomo";
- $mail_sender = "Majordomo-Owner";
---- 241,247 ----
- }
- # Globals referenced by &set_mail* and &sendmail
-! $mail_prog = "/usr/sbin/sendmail -f\$sender -t";
- $mail_from = "Majordomo";
- $mail_sender = "Majordomo-Owner";
-*** request-answer.orig Tue Jul 9 13:07:44 1996
---- request-answer Tue Jul 9 13:09:07 1996
-*** 38,44 ****
- $list = $ARGV[0];
- sub do_exec_sendmail {
-! exec("/usr/lib/sendmail", "-f$list-request", "-t") ||
- die("Failed to exec sendmail");
- }
---- 38,44 ----
- $list = $ARGV[0];
- sub do_exec_sendmail {
-! exec("/usr/sbin/sendmail", "-f$list-request", "-t") ||
- die("Failed to exec sendmail");
- }
-*** resend.orig Tue Jul 9 13:09:13 1996
---- resend Tue Jul 9 13:09:57 1996
-*** 348,354 ****
- &bounce("Approval required");
- }
-! $sendmail_cmd = "/usr/lib/sendmail $opt_m -f$sendmail_sender " .
- join(" ", @ARGV);
- if (defined($opt_d)) {
---- 348,354 ----
- &bounce("Approval required");
- }
-! $sendmail_cmd = "/usr/sbin/sendmail $opt_m -f$sendmail_sender " .
- join(" ", @ARGV);
- if (defined($opt_d)) {
-*** 464,472 ****
- if (defined($opt_d)) {
- # debugging, so just say it, don't do it
- open(MAIL, ">-");
-! print MAIL ">>> /usr/lib/sendmail -f$sendmail_sender -t\n";
- } else {
-! local(@mailer) = split(' ',"/usr/lib/sendmail -f$sendmail_sender -t");
- open(MAIL, "|-") || &do_exec_sendmail(@mailer);
- }
---- 464,472 ----
- if (defined($opt_d)) {
- # debugging, so just say it, don't do it
- open(MAIL, ">-");
-! print MAIL ">>> /usr/sbin/sendmail -f$sendmail_sender -t\n";
- } else {
-! local(@mailer) = split(' ',"/usr/sbin/sendmail -f$sendmail_sender -t");
- open(MAIL, "|-") || &do_exec_sendmail(@mailer);
- }
-*** bounce.orig Tue Jul 9 13:10:07 1996
---- bounce Tue Jul 9 13:11:03 1996
-*** 71,78 ****
- if (defined($opt_d)) {
- open(MSG, ">&STDOUT");
- } else {
-! open(MSG, "|/usr/lib/sendmail $majordomo{$list}") ||
-! die("open(MSG, \"|/usr/lib/sendmail $majordomo{$list}\"): $!\nStopped");
- }
- print MSG <<EOF;
---- 71,78 ----
- if (defined($opt_d)) {
- open(MSG, ">&STDOUT");
- } else {
-! open(MSG, "|/usr/sbin/sendmail $majordomo{$list}") ||
-! die("open(MSG, \"|/usr/sbin/sendmail $majordomo{$list}\"): $!\nStopped");
- }
- print MSG <<EOF;
-*** new-list.orig Fri Jul 12 10:49:21 1996
---- new-list Fri Jul 12 10:49:39 1996
-*** 39,45 ****
- open(MAIL, "|-") ||
- &do_exec_sendmail(split(' ',
-! "/usr/lib/sendmail -f$list-approval -t"));
- print MAIL <<"EOM";
- To: $reply_to
---- 39,45 ----
- open(MAIL, "|-") ||
- &do_exec_sendmail(split(' ',
-! "/usr/sbin/sendmail -f$list-approval -t"));
- print MAIL <<"EOM";
- To: $reply_to
-*** bounce-remind.orig Fri Jul 12 10:48:48 1996
---- bounce-remind Fri Jul 12 10:49:17 1996
-*** 33,40 ****
- # All these should be in the standard PERL library
- unshift(@INC, $homedir);
-! open(MSG, "|/usr/lib/sendmail bounces@$whereami") ||
-! die("open(MSG, \"|/usr/lib/sendmail bounces@$whereami\"): $!\nStopped");
- print MSG <<EOF;
- To: Bounces@$whereami
---- 33,40 ----
- # All these should be in the standard PERL library
- unshift(@INC, $homedir);
-! open(MSG, "|/usr/sbin/sendmail bounces@$whereami") ||
-! die("open(MSG, \"|/usr/sbin/sendmail bounces@$whereami\"): $!\nStopped");
- print MSG <<EOF;
- To: Bounces@$whereami
-*** digest/digest.orig Sat Jul 13 12:21:12 1996
---- digest/digest Sat Jul 13 12:21:28 1996
-*** 214,220 ****
- close(DIGEST);
-! system("/usr/lib/sendmail -f$V{'ERRORS-TO'} $V{'REALLY-TO'} < $DIGEST");
- if ( ! defined($opt_C) ) {
- open(NUM_FILE, ">$V{'NUM_FILE'}") ||
---- 214,220 ----
- close(DIGEST);
-! system("/usr/sbin/sendmail -f$V{'ERRORS-TO'} $V{'REALLY-TO'} < $DIGEST");
- if ( ! defined($opt_C) ) {
- open(NUM_FILE, ">$V{'NUM_FILE'}") ||
+--- contrib/digest.orig Sat Oct 26 13:53:02 1996
++++ contrib/digest Sat Oct 26 13:53:23 1996
+@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@
+ } else {
+ # Read and execute the .cf file
+ $cf = $ENV{"MAJORDOMO_CF"} ||
+- "/etc/";
++ "%%PREFIX%%/majordomo/";
+ if (! -r $cf) {
+ &abort("$cf not readable; stopped");
+ }
diff --git a/mail/majordomo/files/post-install-notes b/mail/majordomo/files/post-install-notes
index c729a62a41cf..d63b0c60f19b 100644
--- a/mail/majordomo/files/post-install-notes
+++ b/mail/majordomo/files/post-install-notes
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Post-Install Notes for Majordomo v1.93
+Post-Install Notes for Majordomo v1.94
Before you can use Majordomo, you will need to complete a few steps
@@ -18,13 +18,15 @@ manually:
be done by adding a line similar to the following to
/etc/ :
- OA/etc/aliases.majordomo (for 8.6.x Sendmail)
+ OA/usr/local/majordomo/aliases.majordomo
+ (for 8.6.x Sendmail)
- O AliasFile=/etc/aliases,/etc/aliases.majordomo (for 8.7.x Sendmail)
+ O AliasFile=/etc/aliases,/usr/local/majordomo/aliases.majordomo
+ (for 8.7.x and up)
or a line similar to the following to your m4 macros file :
- define(`ALIAS_FILE',/etc/aliases,/etc/aliases.majordomo')
+ define(`ALIAS_FILE',/etc/aliases,/usr/local/majordomo/aliases.majordomo')
Enjoy Majordomo!
diff --git a/mail/majordomo/files/ b/mail/majordomo/files/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..41fec21c5da9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/majordomo/files/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+This is a tester list installed with the FreeBSD port of majordomo.
+See ~majordom/doc/post-install-notes for more detail.
diff --git a/mail/majordomo/pkg-descr b/mail/majordomo/pkg-descr
index 63c923320fda..a58b9a2911cb 100644
--- a/mail/majordomo/pkg-descr
+++ b/mail/majordomo/pkg-descr
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ Majordomo is a program which automates the management of Internet
house". _
-Be sure to read Doc/post-install-notes for important configuration details
-after installation.
+Be sure to read /usr/local/majordomo/doc/post-install-notes for important
+configuration details after installation.
diff --git a/mail/majordomo/pkg-plist b/mail/majordomo/pkg-plist
index e0261f87a9e2..cd494f1661b4 100644
--- a/mail/majordomo/pkg-plist
+++ b/mail/majordomo/pkg-plist
@@ -1,31 +1,58 @@
+@dirrm majordomo/bin
+@dirrm majordomo/doc
+@dirrm majordomo/digests/test-l-digest
+@dirrm majordomo/digests
+@dirrm majordomo/lists/test-l-digest.archive
+@dirrm majordomo/lists/test-l.archive
+@dirrm majordomo/lists
+@dirrm majordomo/tmp
+@dirrm majordomo/Tools
+@dirrm majordomo
diff --git a/mail/majordomo/scripts/configure b/mail/majordomo/scripts/configure
index 3f25be3f3956..1cad4b5af6b2 100644
--- a/mail/majordomo/scripts/configure
+++ b/mail/majordomo/scripts/configure
@@ -5,11 +5,23 @@ eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
& eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -S $0 $argv:q'
if 0;
-chop( $HOSTNAME=`hostname` );
-@files = ( "$ENV{'WRKSRC'}/Makefile", "$ENV{'WRKSRC'}/", "$ENV{'FILESDIR'}/aliases.majordomo" );
-( $null, $null, $mjUID, $mjGID ) = getpwnam( "majordom" );
-system( "perl -pi -e 's|@@PREFIX@@|$ENV{'PREFIX'}|g' @files" );
-system( "perl -pi -e 's|@@HOSTNAME@@|$HOSTNAME|g' @files" );
-system( "perl -pi -e 's|@@UID@@|$mjUID|g' @files" );
-system( "perl -pi -e 's|@@GID@@|$mjGID|g' @files" );
+if( getpwnam( "majordom" ) ) {
+ ( $null, $null, $mjUID ) = getpwnam( "majordom" );
+} else {
+ print "\nMajordomo user not found - aborting!\n\n";
+ exit 1;
+if( getgrnam( "majordom" ) ) {
+ ( $null, $null, $mjGID ) = getgrnam( "majordom" );
+} else {
+ print "\nMajordomo group not found - aborting!\n\n";
+ exit 1;
+chop( $hostname = `hostname` );
+system( "/usr/bin/perl -pi -e 's|%%MJUID%%|$mjUID|g' $ENV{'WRKSRC'}/Makefile" );
+system( "/usr/bin/perl -pi -e 's|%%MJGID%%|$mjGID|g' $ENV{'WRKSRC'}/Makefile" );
+system( "/usr/bin/perl -pi -e 's|%%HOSTNAME%%|$hostname|g' $ENV{'WRKSRC'}/ $ENV{'WRKSRC'}/aliases.majordomo" );
+system( "/usr/bin/perl -pi -e 's|%%PREFIX%%|$ENV{'PREFIX'}|g' $ENV{'WRKSRC'}/ $ENV{'WRKSRC'}/contrib/digest" );
diff --git a/mail/majordomo/scripts/createuser b/mail/majordomo/scripts/createuser
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a3671cdf4ab5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail/majordomo/scripts/createuser
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
+& eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -S $0 $argv:q'
+if 0;
+if( $> ) {
+ print "\nYou must be root to run this step!\n\n";
+ exit 1;
+if( getpwnam( "majordom" ) ) {
+ ( $null, $null, $mjUID ) = getpwnam( "majordom" );
+} else {
+ $mjUID = 54;
+ while( getpwuid( $mjUID ) ) {
+ $mjUID++;
+ }
+if( getgrnam( "majordom" ) ) {
+ ( $null, $null, $mjGID ) = getgrnam( "majordom" );
+} else {
+ $mjGID = 54;
+ while( getgrgid( $mjGID ) ) {
+ $mjGID++;
+ }
+ &append_file( "/etc/group", "majordom:*:$mjGID:" );
+print "majordom user using uid $mjUID\n";
+print "majordom user using gid $mjGID\n";
+system( "/usr/bin/chpass -a \"majordom:*:$mjUID:$mjGID::0:0:Majordomo pseudo-user:$ENV{'PREFIX'}/majordomo:/nonexistent\"" );
+sub append_file {
+ local($file,@list) = @_;
+ local($LOCK_EX) = 2;
+ local($LOCK_NB) = 4;
+ local($LOCK_UN) = 8;
+ open(F, ">> $file") || die "$file: $!\n";
+ while( ! flock( F, $LOCK_EX | $LOCK_NB ) ) {
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ print F join( "\n", @list) . "\n";
+ close F;
+ flock( F, $LOCK_UN );