<% var settings = require("ep_etherpad-lite/node/utils/Settings") , hooks = require('ep_etherpad-lite/static/js/pluginfw/hooks') , langs = require("ep_etherpad-lite/node/hooks/i18n").availableLangs ; %> <% e.begin_block("htmlHead"); %> <% e.end_block(); %> <%=settings.title%> <% e.begin_block("styles"); %> <% e.begin_block("customStyles"); %> <% e.end_block(); %> <% e.end_block(); %> <% e.begin_block("body"); %>
<% e.begin_block("afterEditbar"); %><% e.end_block(); %>
<% e.begin_block("userlist"); %>
<% e.end_block(); %>

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<% e.begin_block("loading"); %>


<% e.end_block(); %>
<% e.end_block(); %> <% e.begin_block("scripts"); %> <% e.begin_block("customScripts"); %> <% e.end_block(); %>
JavaScript license information
<% e.end_block(); %>