/** * The Settings Modul reads the settings out of settings.json and provides * this information to the other modules */ /* * 2011 Peter 'Pita' Martischka (Primary Technology Ltd) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ var fs = require("fs"); var os = require("os"); var path = require('path'); var argv = require('./Cli').argv; var npm = require("npm/lib/npm.js"); var vm = require('vm'); var log4js = require("log4js"); var randomString = require('ep_etherpad-lite/static/js/pad_utils').randomString; /* Root path of the installation */ exports.root = path.normalize(path.join(npm.dir, "..")); /** * The app title, visible e.g. in the browser window */ exports.title = "Etherpad Lite"; /** * The app favicon fully specified url, visible e.g. in the browser window */ exports.favicon = "favicon.ico"; exports.faviconPad = "../" + exports.favicon; exports.faviconTimeslider = "../../" + exports.favicon; /** * The IP ep-lite should listen to */ exports.ip = ""; /** * The Port ep-lite should listen to */ exports.port = process.env.PORT || 9001; /** * The SSL signed server key and the Certificate Authority's own certificate * default case: ep-lite does *not* use SSL. A signed server key is not required in this case. */ exports.ssl = false; /** * socket.io transport methods **/ exports.socketTransportProtocols = ['xhr-polling', 'jsonp-polling', 'htmlfile']; /* * The Type of the database */ exports.dbType = "dirty"; /** * This setting is passed with dbType to ueberDB to set up the database */ exports.dbSettings = { "filename" : path.join(exports.root, "dirty.db") }; /** * The default Text of a new pad */ exports.defaultPadText = "Welcome to Etherpad Lite!\n\nThis pad text is synchronized as you type, so that everyone viewing this page sees the same text. This allows you to collaborate seamlessly on documents!\n\nEtherpad Lite on Github: http:\/\/j.mp/ep-lite\n"; /** * A flag that requires any user to have a valid session (via the api) before accessing a pad */ exports.requireSession = false; /** * A flag that prevents users from creating new pads */ exports.editOnly = false; /** * Max age that responses will have (affects caching layer). */ exports.maxAge = 1000*60*60*6; // 6 hours /** * A flag that shows if minification is enabled or not */ exports.minify = true; /** * The path of the abiword executable */ exports.abiword = null; /** * The log level of log4js */ exports.loglevel = "INFO"; /* * log4js appender configuration */ exports.logconfig = { appenders: [{ type: "console" }]}; /* * Session Key, do not sure this. */ exports.sessionKey = false; /* This setting is used if you need authentication and/or * authorization. Note: /admin always requires authentication, and * either authorization by a module, or a user with is_admin set */ exports.requireAuthentication = false; exports.requireAuthorization = false; exports.users = {}; //checks if abiword is avaiable exports.abiwordAvailable = function() { if(exports.abiword != null) { return os.type().indexOf("Windows") != -1 ? "withoutPDF" : "yes"; } else { return "no"; } }; exports.reloadSettings = function reloadSettings() { // Discover where the settings file lives var settingsFilename = argv.settings || "settings.json"; settingsFilename = path.resolve(path.join(exports.root, settingsFilename)); var settingsStr; try{ //read the settings sync settingsStr = fs.readFileSync(settingsFilename).toString(); } catch(e){ console.warn('No settings file found. Continuing using defaults!'); } // try to parse the settings var settings; try { if(settingsStr) { settings = vm.runInContext('exports = '+settingsStr, vm.createContext(), "settings.json"); settings = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(settings)); // fix objects having constructors of other vm.context } }catch(e){ console.error('There was an error processing your settings.json file: '+e.message); process.exit(1); } //loop trough the settings for(var i in settings) { //test if the setting start with a low character if(i.charAt(0).search("[a-z]") !== 0) { console.warn("Settings should start with a low character: '" + i + "'"); } //we know this setting, so we overwrite it //or it's a settings hash, specific to a plugin if(exports[i] !== undefined || i.indexOf('ep_')==0) { exports[i] = settings[i]; } //this setting is unkown, output a warning and throw it away else { console.warn("Unknown Setting: '" + i + "'. This setting doesn't exist or it was removed"); } } log4js.configure(exports.logconfig);//Configure the logging appenders log4js.setGlobalLogLevel(exports.loglevel);//set loglevel log4js.replaceConsole(); if(!exports.sessionKey){ // If the secretKey isn't set we also create yet another unique value here exports.sessionKey = randomString(32); console.warn("You need to set a sessionKey value in settings.json, this will allow your users to reconnect to your Etherpad Instance if your instance restarts"); } if(exports.dbType === "dirty"){ console.warn("DirtyDB is used. This is fine for testing but not recommended for production."); } }; // initially load settings exports.reloadSettings();