/* * Stores session data in the database * Source; https://github.com/edy-b/SciFlowWriter/blob/develop/available_plugins/ep_sciflowwriter/db/DirtyStore.js * This is not used for authors that are created via the API at current */ var Store = require('ep_etherpad-lite/node_modules/connect/lib/middleware/session/store'), utils = require('ep_etherpad-lite/node_modules/connect/lib/utils'), Session = require('ep_etherpad-lite/node_modules/connect/lib/middleware/session/session'), db = require('ep_etherpad-lite/node/db/DB').db, log4js = require('ep_etherpad-lite/node_modules/log4js'), messageLogger = log4js.getLogger("SessionStore"); var SessionStore = module.exports = function SessionStore() {}; SessionStore.prototype.__proto__ = Store.prototype; SessionStore.prototype.get = function(sid, fn){ messageLogger.debug('GET ' + sid); var self = this; db.get("sessionstorage:" + sid, function (err, sess) { if (sess) { sess.cookie.expires = 'string' == typeof sess.cookie.expires ? new Date(sess.cookie.expires) : sess.cookie.expires; if (!sess.cookie.expires || new Date() < sess.cookie.expires) { fn(null, sess); } else { self.destroy(sid, fn); } } else { fn(); } }); }; SessionStore.prototype.set = function(sid, sess, fn){ messageLogger.debug('SET ' + sid); db.set("sessionstorage:" + sid, sess); process.nextTick(function(){ if(fn) fn(); }); }; SessionStore.prototype.destroy = function(sid, fn){ messageLogger.debug('DESTROY ' + sid); db.remove("sessionstorage:" + sid); process.nextTick(function(){ if(fn) fn(); }); }; SessionStore.prototype.all = function(fn){ messageLogger.debug('ALL'); var sessions = []; db.forEach(function(key, value){ if (key.substr(0,15) === "sessionstorage:") { sessions.push(value); } }); fn(null, sessions); }; SessionStore.prototype.clear = function(fn){ messageLogger.debug('CLEAR'); db.forEach(function(key, value){ if (key.substr(0,15) === "sessionstorage:") { db.db.remove("session:" + key); } }); if(fn) fn(); }; SessionStore.prototype.length = function(fn){ messageLogger.debug('LENGTH'); var i = 0; db.forEach(function(key, value){ if (key.substr(0,15) === "sessionstorage:") { i++; } }); fn(null, i); };