#![no_std] #![no_main] #![feature(type_alias_impl_trait)] use defmt::{assert_eq, info, unwrap}; use embassy_executor::executor::Spawner; use embassy_nrf::{interrupt, qspi}; use {defmt_rtt as _, panic_probe as _}; const PAGE_SIZE: usize = 4096; // Workaround for alignment requirements. // Nicer API will probably come in the future. #[repr(C, align(4))] struct AlignedBuf([u8; 4096]); #[embassy_executor::main] async fn main(_spawner: Spawner) { let p = embassy_nrf::init(Default::default()); // Config for the MX25R64 present in the nRF52840 DK let mut config = qspi::Config::default(); config.read_opcode = qspi::ReadOpcode::READ4IO; config.write_opcode = qspi::WriteOpcode::PP4IO; config.write_page_size = qspi::WritePageSize::_256BYTES; let irq = interrupt::take!(QSPI); let mut q: qspi::Qspi<_, 67108864> = qspi::Qspi::new( p.QSPI, irq, p.P0_19, p.P0_17, p.P0_20, p.P0_21, p.P0_22, p.P0_23, config, ); let mut id = [1; 3]; unwrap!(q.custom_instruction(0x9F, &[], &mut id).await); info!("id: {}", id); // Read status register let mut status = [4; 1]; unwrap!(q.custom_instruction(0x05, &[], &mut status).await); info!("status: {:?}", status[0]); if status[0] & 0x40 == 0 { status[0] |= 0x40; unwrap!(q.custom_instruction(0x01, &status, &mut []).await); info!("enabled quad in status"); } let mut buf = AlignedBuf([0u8; PAGE_SIZE]); let pattern = |a: u32| (a ^ (a >> 8) ^ (a >> 16) ^ (a >> 24)) as u8; for i in 0..8 { info!("page {:?}: erasing... ", i); unwrap!(q.erase(i * PAGE_SIZE).await); for j in 0..PAGE_SIZE { buf.0[j] = pattern((j + i * PAGE_SIZE) as u32); } info!("programming..."); unwrap!(q.write(i * PAGE_SIZE, &buf.0).await); } for i in 0..8 { info!("page {:?}: reading... ", i); unwrap!(q.read(i * PAGE_SIZE, &mut buf.0).await); info!("verifying..."); for j in 0..PAGE_SIZE { assert_eq!(buf.0[j], pattern((j + i * PAGE_SIZE) as u32)); } } info!("done!") }