/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Stefan Bolte * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #include "dwb.h" #include "util.h" #include "view.h" #include "session.h" static char *_session_name; static gboolean _has_marked = true; typedef struct _SessionTab { GList *gl; unsigned int lock; } SessionTab; /* session_get_groups() return char ** (alloc){{{*/ static char ** session_get_groups() { char **groups = NULL; char *content = util_get_file_content(dwb.files[FILES_SESSION], NULL); if (content) { groups = g_regex_split_simple("^g:", content, G_REGEX_MULTILINE, G_REGEX_MATCH_NOTEMPTY); g_free(content); } return groups; }/*}}}*/ /* session_get_group(const char *) return char* (alloc){{{*/ static char * session_get_group(const char *name, gboolean *is_marked) { char *content = NULL; gboolean mark; guint l = strlen (name); const char *group; char **groups = session_get_groups(); if (groups) { int i=1; while (groups[i]) { group = groups[i]; mark = false; if (*groups[i] == '*') { group++; mark = true; } if (strlen(group) > l+1 && !strncmp(group, name, l) && group[l] == '\n') { content = g_strdup(groups[i]); *is_marked = mark; } i++; } g_strfreev(groups); } return content; }/*}}}*/ /* session_save_file (const char *group, const char *content, gboolean * mark_group) {{{*/ static void session_save_file(const char *groupname, const char *content, gboolean mark) { if (groupname == NULL || content == NULL) return; gboolean set = false; GString *buffer = g_string_new(NULL); char *group = NULL; char **groups = session_get_groups(); if (groups) { int i=1; group = g_strconcat(groupname, "\n", NULL); int l = strlen(group); while(groups[i]) { if (*groups[i] == '*') { if (!strncmp(groups[i]+1, group, l-1)) { g_string_append_printf(buffer, "g:%s%s\n%s", mark ? "*" : "", groupname, content); set = true; } else g_string_append_printf(buffer, "g:%s", groups[i]+1); } else if (strncmp(groups[i], group, l)) { g_string_append_printf(buffer, "g:%s", groups[i]); } i++; } } if (!set) g_string_append_printf(buffer, "g:%s%s\n%s", mark ? "*" : "", groupname, content); util_set_file_content(dwb.files[FILES_SESSION], buffer->str); g_string_free(buffer, true); g_free(group); g_strfreev(groups); }/*}}}*/ void session_load_status_callback(WebKitWebView *wv, GParamSpec *p, SessionTab *tab) { WebKitLoadStatus status = webkit_web_view_get_load_status(wv); switch (status) { case WEBKIT_LOAD_FINISHED: VIEW(tab->gl)->status->lockprotect = tab->lock; dwb_tab_label_set_text(tab->gl, NULL); case WEBKIT_LOAD_FAILED: g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(wv, (GFunc)session_load_status_callback, tab); g_free(tab); break; default: return; } } void session_clear_session() { session_save_file(_session_name ? _session_name : "default", "", true); } /* session_load_webview(WebKitWebView *, char *, int *){{{*/ static void session_load_webview(GList *gl, char *uri, int last, int lock_status) { if (last > 0) { webkit_web_view_go_back_or_forward(WEBVIEW(gl), -last); } else { WebKitWebBackForwardList *bf_list = webkit_web_view_get_back_forward_list(WEBVIEW(gl)); webkit_web_view_go_to_back_forward_item(WEBVIEW(gl), webkit_web_back_forward_list_get_nth_item(bf_list, 0)); } if (lock_status > 0) { SessionTab *tab = dwb_malloc(sizeof(SessionTab)); tab->gl = gl; tab->lock = lock_status; g_signal_connect(WEBVIEW(gl), "notify::load-status", G_CALLBACK(session_load_status_callback), tab); } }/*}}}*/ /* session_list {{{*/ void session_list() { char *path = util_build_path(); dwb.files[FILES_SESSION] = util_check_directory(g_build_filename(path, dwb.misc.profile, "session", NULL)); char **content = session_get_groups(); if (content == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "No sessions found for profile: %s\n", dwb.misc.profile); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } int i=1; while (content[i]) { char **group = g_strsplit(content[i], "\n", -1); fprintf(stdout, "%d: %s\n", i++, group[0]); g_strfreev(group); } g_strfreev(content); g_free(path); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }/*}}}*/ /* session_restore(const char *name) {{{*/ gboolean session_restore(char *name, int flags) { gboolean is_marked = false; char *uri = NULL; GList *currentview = NULL, *lastview = NULL; WebKitWebBackForwardList *bf_list = NULL; int last = 1; char *end; gboolean ret = false; int locked_state = 0; if (name == NULL) { _session_name = g_strdup("default"); } else _session_name = name; char *group = session_get_group(_session_name, &is_marked); if (is_marked && (flags & SESSION_FORCE) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Session '%s' will not be restored.\n", _session_name); fprintf(stderr, "There is already a restored session open with name '%s'.\n", _session_name); fputs("To force opening a saved session use -f or --force.\n", stderr); _has_marked = false; goto clean; } if (group == NULL) { return false; } char *group_begin = strchr(group, '\n'); session_save_file(_session_name, group_begin+1, true); if (flags & SESSION_ONLY_MARK) goto clean; char **lines = g_strsplit(group, "\n", -1); int length = g_strv_length(lines) - 1; for (int i=1; i<=length; i++) { char **line = g_strsplit(lines[i], " ", 4); if (line[0] && line[1] && line[2]) { int current = strtol(line[0], &end, 10); if (current <= last) { currentview = view_add(NULL, false); bf_list = webkit_web_view_get_back_forward_list(WEBVIEW(currentview)); if (lastview) { session_load_webview(lastview, uri, last, locked_state); locked_state = 0; } lastview = currentview; } if (current == 0 && *end == '|') { locked_state = strtol(end+1, NULL, 10); } if (bf_list != NULL) { WebKitWebHistoryItem *item = webkit_web_history_item_new_with_data(line[1], line[2]); webkit_web_back_forward_list_add_item(bf_list, item); } last = current; g_free(uri); uri = g_strdup(line[1]); } if (i == length && lastview) session_load_webview(lastview, uri, last, locked_state); g_strfreev(line); } g_strfreev(lines); if (!dwb.state.views) { view_add(NULL, false); dwb_open_startpage(dwb.state.fview); } dwb_focus(dwb.state.fview); g_free(uri); ret = true; clean: g_free(group); return ret; }/*}}}*/ /* session_save(const char *) {{{*/ gboolean session_save(const char *name, int flags) { if (!name) { if (_session_name) name = _session_name; else if (flags & SESSION_FORCE) name = "default"; } if (!_has_marked && (flags & SESSION_FORCE) == 0) return false; GString *buffer = g_string_new(NULL); for (GList *l = g_list_first(dwb.state.views); l; l=l->next) { WebKitWebView *web = WEBVIEW(l); WebKitWebBackForwardList *bf_list = webkit_web_view_get_back_forward_list(web); for (int i= -webkit_web_back_forward_list_get_back_length(bf_list); i<=webkit_web_back_forward_list_get_forward_length(bf_list); i++) { WebKitWebHistoryItem *item = webkit_web_back_forward_list_get_nth_item(bf_list, i); if (item) { g_string_append_printf(buffer, "%d", i); if (i == 0) g_string_append_printf(buffer, "|%d", VIEW(l)->status->lockprotect); g_string_append_printf(buffer, " %s %s\n", webkit_web_history_item_get_uri(item), webkit_web_history_item_get_title(item)); } } } session_save_file(name, buffer->str, false); g_free(_session_name); g_string_free(buffer, true); return true; }/*}}}*/