/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Stefan Bolte * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "dwb.h" #include "scripts.h" #include "util.h" #include "js.h" #include "soup.h" #include "domain.h" #include "application.h" #include "completion.h" #include "entry.h" //#define kJSDefaultFunction (kJSPropertyAttributeReadOnly | kJSPropertyAttributeDontDelete ) #define kJSDefaultProperty (kJSPropertyAttributeDontDelete | kJSPropertyAttributeReadOnly ) #define kJSDefaultAttributes (kJSPropertyAttributeDontDelete | kJSPropertyAttributeReadOnly ) #define SCRIPT_WEBVIEW(o) (WEBVIEW(((GList*)JSObjectGetPrivate(o)))) #define EXCEPTION(X) "DWB EXCEPTION : "X #define PROP_LENGTH 128 #define G_FILE_TEST_VALID (G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR | G_FILE_TEST_IS_SYMLINK | G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR | G_FILE_TEST_IS_EXECUTABLE | G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS) typedef struct m_Sigmap { int sig; const char *name; } Sigmap; typedef struct _CallbackData CallbackData; typedef gboolean (*StopCallbackNotify)(CallbackData *); struct _CallbackData { GObject *gobject; JSObjectRef object; JSObjectRef callback; StopCallbackNotify notify; }; static Sigmap m_sigmap[] = { { SCRIPTS_SIG_NAVIGATION, "navigation" }, { SCRIPTS_SIG_LOAD_STATUS, "loadStatus" }, { SCRIPTS_SIG_MIME_TYPE, "mimeType" }, { SCRIPTS_SIG_DOWNLOAD, "download" }, { SCRIPTS_SIG_DOWNLOAD_START, "downloadStart" }, { SCRIPTS_SIG_DOWNLOAD_STATUS, "downloadStatus" }, { SCRIPTS_SIG_RESOURCE, "resource" }, { SCRIPTS_SIG_KEY_PRESS, "keyPress" }, { SCRIPTS_SIG_KEY_RELEASE, "keyRelease" }, { SCRIPTS_SIG_BUTTON_PRESS, "buttonPress" }, { SCRIPTS_SIG_BUTTON_RELEASE, "buttonRelease" }, { SCRIPTS_SIG_TAB_FOCUS, "tabFocus" }, { SCRIPTS_SIG_FRAME_STATUS, "frameStatus" }, { SCRIPTS_SIG_LOAD_FINISHED, "loadFinished" }, { SCRIPTS_SIG_LOAD_COMMITTED, "loadCommitted" }, { SCRIPTS_SIG_HOVERING_OVER_LINK, "hoveringOverLink" }, { SCRIPTS_SIG_CLOSE_TAB, "closeTab" }, { SCRIPTS_SIG_CREATE_TAB, "createTab" }, { SCRIPTS_SIG_FRAME_CREATED, "frameCreated" }, { SCRIPTS_SIG_CLOSE, "close" }, { SCRIPTS_SIG_DOCUMENT_LOADED, "documentLoaded" }, }; static JSValueRef connect_object(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef this, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc); static JSValueRef disconnect_object(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef this, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc); static JSValueRef wv_load_uri(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef this, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc); static JSValueRef wv_set_title(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef this, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc); static JSValueRef wv_history(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef this, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc); static JSValueRef wv_reload(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef this, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc); static JSValueRef wv_inject(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef this, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc); static JSStaticFunction default_functions[] = { { "connect", connect_object, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { "disconnect", disconnect_object, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { 0, 0, 0 }, }; static JSStaticFunction wv_functions[] = { { "loadUri", wv_load_uri, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { "setTitle", wv_set_title, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { "history", wv_history, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { "reload", wv_reload, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { "inject", wv_inject, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { "connect", connect_object, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { "disconnect", disconnect_object, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { 0, 0, 0 }, }; static JSValueRef wv_get_main_frame(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef js_name, JSValueRef* exception); static JSValueRef wv_get_focused_frame(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef js_name, JSValueRef* exception); static JSValueRef wv_get_all_frames(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef js_name, JSValueRef* exception); static JSValueRef wv_get_number(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef js_name, JSValueRef* exception); static JSStaticValue wv_values[] = { { "mainFrame", wv_get_main_frame, NULL, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { "focusedFrame", wv_get_focused_frame, NULL, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { "allFrames", wv_get_all_frames, NULL, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { "number", wv_get_number, NULL, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, }; static JSValueRef message_get_uri(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef js_name, JSValueRef* exception); static JSValueRef message_get_first_party(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef js_name, JSValueRef* exception); static JSStaticValue message_values[] = { { "uri", message_get_uri, NULL, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { "firstParty", message_get_first_party, NULL, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, }; static JSValueRef frame_inject(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef this, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc); static JSStaticFunction frame_functions[] = { { "inject", frame_inject, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { "connect", connect_object, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { "disconnect", disconnect_object, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { 0, 0, 0 }, }; static JSValueRef frame_get_domain(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef js_name, JSValueRef* exception); static JSValueRef frame_get_host(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef js_name, JSValueRef* exception); static JSStaticValue frame_values[] = { { "host", frame_get_host, NULL, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { "domain", frame_get_domain, NULL, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, }; static JSValueRef download_start(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef this, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc); static JSValueRef download_cancel(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef this, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc); static JSStaticFunction download_functions[] = { { "start", download_start, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { "cancel", download_cancel, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { "connect", connect_object, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { "disconnect", disconnect_object, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { 0, 0, 0 }, }; enum { SPAWN_SUCCESS = 0, SPAWN_FAILED = 1<<0, SPAWN_STDOUT_FAILED = 1<<1, SPAWN_STDERR_FAILED = 1<<2, }; static void callback(CallbackData *c); static void make_callback(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef this, GObject *gobject, const char *signalname, JSValueRef value, StopCallbackNotify notify, JSValueRef *exception); static JSObjectRef make_object(JSContextRef ctx, GObject *o); static JSObjectRef m_sig_objects[SCRIPTS_SIG_LAST]; static JSGlobalContextRef m_global_context; static GSList *m_script_list; static JSClassRef m_webview_class, m_frame_class, m_download_class, m_default_class, m_download_class, m_message_class; static gboolean m_commandline = false; static JSObjectRef m_array_contructor; static JSObjectRef m_completion_callback; static GQuark ref_quark; /* MISC {{{*/ /* uncamelize {{{*/ static char * uncamelize(char *uncamel, const char *camel, char rep, size_t length) { char *ret = uncamel; size_t written = 0; if (isupper(*camel) && length > 1) { *uncamel++ = tolower(*camel++); written++; } while (written++= length-1) break; *uncamel++ = tolower(*camel++); } else { *uncamel++ = *camel++; } } while (!(*uncamel = 0) && written++ 1 && JSValueIsBoolean(ctx, argv[1])) global = JSValueToBoolean(ctx, argv[1]); JSStringRef script = JSValueToStringCopy(ctx, argv[0], exc); if (script == NULL) { return JSValueMakeNull(ctx); } if (global) { JSEvaluateScript(wctx, script, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); ret = JSValueMakeNull(ctx); } else { JSObjectRef func = JSObjectMakeFunction(wctx, NULL, 0, NULL, script, NULL, 0, NULL); if (func != NULL && JSObjectIsFunction(ctx, func)) { JSValueRef wret = JSObjectCallAsFunction(wctx, func, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); char *retx = js_value_to_json(wctx, wret, -1, NULL); if (retx) { ret = js_char_to_value(ctx, retx); g_free(retx); } else { ret = JSValueMakeUndefined(ctx); } } } JSStringRelease(script); return ret; }/*}}}*/ /*}}}*/ /* CALLBACK {{{*/ /* callback_data_new {{{*/ static CallbackData * callback_data_new(GObject *gobject, JSObjectRef object, JSObjectRef callback, StopCallbackNotify notify) { CallbackData *c = g_malloc(sizeof(CallbackData)); c->gobject = gobject != NULL ? g_object_ref(gobject) : NULL; if (object != NULL) { JSValueProtect(m_global_context, object); c->object = object; } if (object != NULL) { JSValueProtect(m_global_context, callback); c->callback = callback; } c->notify = notify; return c; }/*}}}*/ /* callback_data_free {{{*/ static void callback_data_free(CallbackData *c) { if (c != NULL) { if (c->gobject != NULL) g_object_unref(c->gobject); if (c->object != NULL) JSValueUnprotect(m_global_context, c->object); JSValueUnprotect(m_global_context, c->object); if (c->object != NULL) JSValueUnprotect(m_global_context, c->callback); g_free(c); } }/*}}}*/ /* make_callback {{{*/ static void make_callback(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef this, GObject *gobject, const char *signalname, JSValueRef value, StopCallbackNotify notify, JSValueRef *exception) { JSObjectRef func = JSValueToObject(ctx, value, exception); if (func != NULL && JSObjectIsFunction(ctx, func)) { CallbackData *c = callback_data_new(gobject, this, func, notify); g_signal_connect_swapped(gobject, signalname, G_CALLBACK(callback), c); } }/*}}}*/ /* callback {{{*/ static void callback(CallbackData *c) { gboolean ret = false; JSValueRef val[] = { c->object != NULL ? c->object : JSValueMakeNull(m_global_context) }; JSValueRef jsret = JSObjectCallAsFunction(m_global_context, c->callback, NULL, 1, val, NULL); if (JSValueIsBoolean(m_global_context, jsret)) ret = JSValueToBoolean(m_global_context, jsret); if (ret || (c != NULL && c->gobject != NULL && c->notify != NULL && c->notify(c))) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func(c->gobject, callback, c); callback_data_free(c); } }/*}}}*/ /*}}}*/ /* TABS {{{*/ /* tabs_current {{{*/ static JSValueRef tabs_current(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef this, JSStringRef name, JSValueRef* exc) { return CURRENT_VIEW()->script_wv; }/*}}}*/ /* tabs_number {{{*/ static JSValueRef tabs_number(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef this, JSStringRef name, JSValueRef* exc) { return JSValueMakeNumber(ctx, g_list_position(dwb.state.views, dwb.state.fview)); }/*}}}*/ /* tabs_length {{{*/ static JSValueRef tabs_length(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef this, JSStringRef name, JSValueRef* exc) { return JSValueMakeNumber(ctx, g_list_length(dwb.state.views)); }/*}}}*/ /* tabs_get_nth {{{*/ static JSValueRef tabs_get_nth(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef thisObject, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc) { if (argc < 1) { js_make_exception(ctx, exc, EXCEPTION("tabs.nth: missing argument")); return JSValueMakeNull(ctx); } double n = JSValueToNumber(ctx, argv[0], exc); if (n == NAN) return JSValueMakeNull(ctx); GList *nth = g_list_nth(dwb.state.views, (int)n); if (nth == NULL) return JSValueMakeNull(ctx); return VIEW(nth)->script_wv; }/*}}}*/ /*}}}*/ /* WEBVIEW {{{*/ GList * find_webview(JSObjectRef o) { GList *r = NULL; for (r = dwb.state.views; r && VIEW(r)->script_wv != o; r=r->next); return r; } /* wv_status_cb {{{*/ static gboolean wv_status_cb(CallbackData *c) { WebKitLoadStatus status = webkit_web_view_get_load_status(WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW(c->gobject)); if (status == WEBKIT_LOAD_FINISHED || status == WEBKIT_LOAD_FAILED) { return true; } return false; }/*}}}*/ /* wv_load_uri {{{*/ static JSValueRef wv_load_uri(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef this, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc) { if (argc == 0) { js_make_exception(ctx, exc, EXCEPTION("webview.loadUri: missing argument.")); return JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, false); } WebKitWebView *wv = JSObjectGetPrivate(this); if (wv != NULL) { char *uri = js_value_to_char(ctx, argv[0], -1, exc); if (uri == NULL) return false; webkit_web_view_load_uri(wv, uri); g_free(uri); if (argc > 1) { make_callback(ctx, this, G_OBJECT(wv), "notify::load-status", argv[1], wv_status_cb, exc); } return JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, true); } return false; }/*}}}*/ /* wv_history {{{*/ static JSValueRef wv_history(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef this, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc) { JSValueRef ret = JSValueMakeUndefined(ctx); if (argc < 1) { js_make_exception(ctx, exc, EXCEPTION("webview.history: missing argument.")); return ret; } double steps = JSValueToNumber(ctx, argv[0], exc); if (steps != NAN) { WebKitWebView *wv = JSObjectGetPrivate(this); if (wv != NULL) webkit_web_view_go_back_or_forward(wv, (int)steps); } return ret; }/*}}}*/ /* wv_reload {{{*/ static JSValueRef wv_reload(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef this, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc) { WebKitWebView *wv = JSObjectGetPrivate(this); if (wv != NULL) webkit_web_view_reload(wv); return JSValueMakeUndefined(ctx); }/*}}}*/ /* wv_inject {{{*/ static JSValueRef wv_inject(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef this, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc) { WebKitWebView *wv = JSObjectGetPrivate(this); if (wv != NULL) { JSContextRef wctx = webkit_web_frame_get_global_context(webkit_web_view_get_main_frame(wv)); return inject(ctx, wctx, function, this, argc, argv, exc); } return JSValueMakeNull(ctx); }/*}}}*/ /* wv_get_main_frame {{{*/ static JSValueRef wv_get_main_frame(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef js_name, JSValueRef* exception) { WebKitWebView *wv = JSObjectGetPrivate(object); if (wv != NULL) { WebKitWebFrame *frame = webkit_web_view_get_main_frame(wv); return make_object(ctx, G_OBJECT(frame)); } return JSValueMakeNull(ctx); }/*}}}*/ /* wv_get_focused_frame {{{*/ static JSValueRef wv_get_focused_frame(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef js_name, JSValueRef* exception) { WebKitWebView *wv = JSObjectGetPrivate(object); if (wv != NULL) { WebKitWebFrame *frame = webkit_web_view_get_focused_frame(wv); return make_object(ctx, G_OBJECT(frame)); } return JSValueMakeNull(ctx); }/*}}}*/ /* wv_get_all_frames {{{*/ static JSValueRef wv_get_all_frames(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef js_name, JSValueRef* exception) { GList *gl = find_webview(object); if (gl == NULL) return JSValueMakeNull(ctx); int argc = g_slist_length(VIEW(gl)->status->frames); JSValueRef argv[argc]; int n=0; for (GSList *sl = VIEW(gl)->status->frames; sl; sl=sl->next) { argv[n++] = make_object(ctx, G_OBJECT(sl->data)); } return JSObjectMakeArray(ctx, argc, argv, exception); }/*}}}*/ /* wv_get_number {{{*/ static JSValueRef wv_get_number(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef js_name, JSValueRef* exception) { GList *gl = dwb.state.views; for (int i=0; gl; i++, gl=gl->next) { if (object == VIEW(gl)->script_wv) return JSValueMakeNumber(ctx, i); } return JSValueMakeNumber(ctx, -1); }/*}}}*/ static JSValueRef wv_set_title(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef this, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc) { JSValueRef ret = JSValueMakeUndefined(ctx); if (argc == 0) return ret; GList *gl = find_webview(this); if (gl == NULL) return ret; char *title = js_value_to_char(ctx, argv[0], -1, exc); if (title != NULL) { dwb_update_status(gl, title); g_free(title); } return ret; } /*}}}*/ JSObjectRef soup_uri_to_js_object(JSContextRef ctx, SoupURI *uri, JSValueRef *exception) { JSObjectRef o = JSObjectMake(ctx, NULL, NULL); js_set_object_property(ctx, o, "scheme", uri->scheme, exception); js_set_object_property(ctx, o, "user", uri->user, exception); js_set_object_property(ctx, o, "password", uri->password, exception); js_set_object_property(ctx, o, "host", uri->host, exception); js_set_object_number_property(ctx, o, "port", uri->port, exception); js_set_object_property(ctx, o, "path", uri->path, exception); js_set_object_property(ctx, o, "query", uri->query, exception); js_set_object_property(ctx, o, "fragment", uri->fragment, exception); return o; } static JSValueRef message_get_uri(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef js_name, JSValueRef* exception) { SoupMessage *msg = JSObjectGetPrivate(object); if (msg == NULL) return JSValueMakeNull(ctx); SoupURI *uri = soup_message_get_uri(msg); if (uri == NULL) return JSValueMakeNull(ctx); return soup_uri_to_js_object(ctx, uri, exception); } static JSValueRef message_get_first_party(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef js_name, JSValueRef* exception) { SoupMessage *msg = JSObjectGetPrivate(object); if (msg == NULL) return JSValueMakeNull(ctx); SoupURI *uri = soup_message_get_first_party(msg); if (uri == NULL) return JSValueMakeNull(ctx); return soup_uri_to_js_object(ctx, uri, exception); } /* FRAMES {{{*/ /* frame_get_domain {{{*/ static JSValueRef frame_get_domain(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef js_name, JSValueRef* exception) { WebKitWebFrame *frame = JSObjectGetPrivate(object); if (frame == NULL) return JSValueMakeNull(ctx); SoupMessage *msg = dwb_soup_get_message(frame); if (msg == NULL) return JSValueMakeNull(ctx); SoupURI *uri = soup_message_get_uri(msg); const char *host = soup_uri_get_host(uri); return js_char_to_value(ctx, domain_get_base_for_host(host)); }/*}}}*/ /* frame_get_host {{{*/ static JSValueRef frame_get_host(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef js_name, JSValueRef* exception) { WebKitWebFrame *frame = JSObjectGetPrivate(object); if (frame == NULL) return JSValueMakeNull(ctx); SoupMessage *msg = dwb_soup_get_message(frame); if (msg == NULL) return JSValueMakeNull(ctx); SoupURI *uri = soup_message_get_uri(msg); return js_char_to_value(ctx, soup_uri_get_host(uri)); }/*}}}*/ /* frame_inject {{{*/ static JSValueRef frame_inject(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef this, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc) { WebKitWebFrame *frame = JSObjectGetPrivate(this); if (frame != NULL) { JSContextRef wctx = webkit_web_frame_get_global_context(frame); return inject(ctx, wctx, function, this, argc, argv, exc); } return JSValueMakeNull(ctx); }/*}}}*/ /*}}}*/ /* GLOBAL {{{*/ /* global_checksum {{{*/ static JSValueRef global_checksum(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef thisObject, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc) { JSValueRef ret; if (argc < 1) { js_make_exception(ctx, exc, EXCEPTION("checksum: missing argument.")); return JSValueMakeNull(ctx); } guchar *original = (guchar*)js_value_to_char(ctx, argv[0], -1, exc); if (original == NULL) return JSValueMakeNull(ctx); GChecksumType type = G_CHECKSUM_SHA256; if (argc > 1) { type = JSValueToNumber(ctx, argv[1], exc); if (type == NAN) { ret = JSValueMakeNull(ctx); goto error_out; } type = MIN(MAX(type, G_CHECKSUM_MD5), G_CHECKSUM_SHA256); } char *checksum = g_compute_checksum_for_data(type, original, -1); ret = js_char_to_value(ctx, checksum); error_out: g_free(original); g_free(checksum); return ret; }/*}}}*/ /* scripts_eval_key {{{*/ DwbStatus scripts_eval_key(KeyMap *m, Arg *arg) { char *json = NULL; CLEAR_COMMAND_TEXT(); if (arg->p == NULL) json = util_create_json(1, INTEGER, "nummod", dwb.state.nummod); else json = util_create_json(2, INTEGER, "nummod", dwb.state.nummod, CHAR, "arg", arg->p); JSValueRef argv[] = { js_json_to_value(m_global_context, json) }; JSObjectCallAsFunction(m_global_context, arg->arg, NULL, 1, argv, NULL); g_free(json); return STATUS_OK; }/*}}}*/ /* global_unbind{{{*/ static JSValueRef global_unbind(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef thisObject, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc) { if (argc < 1) { js_make_exception(ctx, exc, EXCEPTION("unbind: missing argument.")); return JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, false); } GList *l = NULL; KeyMap *m; if (JSValueIsString(ctx, argv[0])) { char *name = js_value_to_char(ctx, argv[0], JS_STRING_MAX, exc); for (l = dwb.keymap; l && g_strcmp0(((KeyMap*)l->data)->map->n.first, name); l=l->next); g_free(name); } else if (JSValueIsObject(ctx, argv[0])) { for (l = dwb.keymap; l && !JSValueIsEqual(ctx, argv[0], ((KeyMap*)l->data)->map->arg.arg, exc); l=l->next); } if (l != NULL) { m = l->data; JSValueUnprotect(ctx, m->map->arg.p); g_free(m->map->n.first); g_free(m->map->n.second); g_free(m->map); g_free(m); dwb.keymap = g_list_delete_link(dwb.keymap, l); return JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, true); } return JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, false); }/*}}}*/ /* global_bind {{{*/ static JSValueRef global_bind(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef thisObject, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc) { gboolean ret = false; char *name = NULL, *callback = NULL; guint option = CP_DONT_SAVE | CP_SCRIPT; if (argc < 2) { js_make_exception(ctx, exc, EXCEPTION("bind: missing argument.")); return JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, false); } gchar *keystr = js_value_to_char(ctx, argv[0], JS_STRING_MAX, exc); if (keystr == NULL) goto error_out; JSObjectRef func = JSValueToObject(ctx, argv[1], exc); if (func == NULL) goto error_out; if (!JSObjectIsFunction(ctx, func)) { js_make_exception(ctx, exc, EXCEPTION("bind: not a function.")); goto error_out; } if (argc > 2) { name = js_value_to_char(ctx, argv[2], JS_STRING_MAX, exc); if (name != NULL) { option |= CP_COMMANDLINE; char *callback_name = js_get_string_property(ctx, func, "name"); callback = g_strdup_printf("JavaScript: %s", callback_name == NULL || *callback_name == 0 ? "[anonymous]" : callback_name); g_free(callback_name); } } JSValueProtect(ctx, func); KeyMap *map = dwb_malloc(sizeof(KeyMap)); FunctionMap *fmap = dwb_malloc(sizeof(FunctionMap)); Key key = dwb_str_to_key(keystr); map->key = key.str; map->mod = key.mod; FunctionMap fm = { { name, callback }, option, (Func)scripts_eval_key, NULL, POST_SM, { .arg = func }, EP_NONE, {NULL} }; *fmap = fm; map->map = fmap; dwb.keymap = g_list_prepend(dwb.keymap, map); ret = true; error_out: g_free(keystr); return JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, ret); }/*}}}*/ /* global_execute {{{*/ static JSValueRef global_execute(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef thisObject, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc) { DwbStatus status = STATUS_ERROR; if (argc < 1) { js_make_exception(ctx, exc, EXCEPTION("execute: missing argument.")); return JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, false); } char *command = js_value_to_char(ctx, argv[0], -1, exc); if (command != NULL) { status = dwb_parse_command_line(command); g_free(command); } return JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, status == STATUS_OK); }/*}}}*/ /* global_exit {{{*/ static JSValueRef global_exit(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef thisObject, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc) { if (m_commandline) application_stop(); else dwb_end(); return JSValueMakeUndefined(ctx); }/*}}}*/ /* global_include {{{*/ static JSValueRef global_include(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef f, JSObjectRef thisObject, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc) { JSValueRef ret = NULL; gboolean global = false; if (argc < 1) { js_make_exception(ctx, exc, EXCEPTION("include: missing argument.")); return JSValueMakeNull(ctx); } if (argc > 1 && JSValueIsBoolean(ctx, argv[1])) global = JSValueToBoolean(ctx, argv[1]); char *path = NULL, *content = NULL; if ( (path = js_value_to_char(ctx, argv[0], PATH_MAX, exc)) == NULL) goto error_out; if ( (content = util_get_file_content(path, NULL)) == NULL) { js_make_exception(ctx, exc, EXCEPTION("include: reading %s failed."), path); goto error_out; } JSStringRef script = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString(content); if (global) { ret = JSEvaluateScript(ctx, script, NULL, NULL, 0, exc); } else { JSObjectRef function = JSObjectMakeFunction(ctx, NULL, 0, NULL, script, NULL, 0, exc); if (function != NULL) { ret = JSObjectCallAsFunction(ctx, function, thisObject, 0, NULL, exc); } } JSStringRelease(script); error_out: g_free(content); g_free(path); if (ret == NULL) return JSValueMakeNull(ctx); return ret; }/*}}}*/ /* global_send_request {{{*/ JSObjectRef get_message_data(SoupMessage *msg) { JSObjectRef o = JSObjectMake(m_global_context, NULL, NULL); js_set_object_property(m_global_context, o, "body", msg->response_body->data, NULL); JSObjectRef ho = JSObjectMake(m_global_context, NULL, NULL); const char *name, *value; SoupMessageHeadersIter iter; soup_message_headers_iter_init(&iter, msg->response_headers); while (soup_message_headers_iter_next(&iter, &name, &value)) { js_set_object_property(m_global_context, ho, name, value, NULL); } JSStringRef s = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("headers"); JSObjectSetProperty(m_global_context, o, s, ho, kJSDefaultProperty, NULL); JSStringRelease(s); return o; } void request_callback(SoupSession *session, SoupMessage *message, JSObjectRef function) { if (message->response_body->data != NULL) { JSObjectRef o = get_message_data(message); JSValueRef vals[] = { o, make_object(m_global_context, G_OBJECT(message)) }; JSObjectCallAsFunction(m_global_context, function, NULL, 2, vals, NULL); } } static JSValueRef global_send_request(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef f, JSObjectRef thisObject, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc) { gint ret = -1; char *method = NULL; if (argc < 2) { js_make_exception(ctx, exc, EXCEPTION("sendRequest: missing argument.")); return JSValueMakeNumber(ctx, -1); } char *uri = js_value_to_char(ctx, argv[0], -1, exc); if (uri == NULL) return JSValueMakeNumber(ctx, -1); JSObjectRef function = JSValueToObject(ctx, argv[1], exc); if (function == NULL || !JSObjectIsFunction(ctx, function)) goto error_out; if (argc > 2) method = js_value_to_char(ctx, argv[2], -1, exc); SoupMessage *msg = soup_message_new(method == NULL ? "GET" : method, uri); if (msg == NULL) goto error_out; soup_session_queue_message(webkit_get_default_session(), msg, (SoupSessionCallback)request_callback, function); ret = 0; error_out: g_free(uri); g_free(method); return JSValueMakeNumber(ctx, ret); }/*}}}*/ static JSValueRef global_send_request_sync(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef f, JSObjectRef thisObject, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc) { char *method = NULL; if (argc < 1) { js_make_exception(ctx, exc, EXCEPTION("sendRequestSync: missing argument.")); return JSValueMakeNull(ctx); } char *uri = js_value_to_char(ctx, argv[0], -1, exc); if (uri == NULL) return JSValueMakeNull(ctx); if (argc > 1) method = js_value_to_char(ctx, argv[1], -1, exc); SoupMessage *msg = soup_message_new(method == NULL ? "GET" : method, uri); guint status = soup_session_send_message(webkit_get_default_session(), msg); JSObjectRef o = get_message_data(msg); JSStringRef js_key = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("status"); JSValueRef js_value = JSValueMakeNumber(ctx, status); JSObjectSetProperty(ctx, o, js_key, js_value, kJSPropertyAttributeDontDelete | kJSPropertyAttributeReadOnly, exc); JSStringRelease(js_key); return o; } void scripts_completion_activate(void) { const char *text = GET_TEXT(); JSValueRef val[] = { js_char_to_value(m_global_context, text) }; JSObjectCallAsFunction(m_global_context, m_completion_callback, NULL, 1, val, NULL); completion_clean_completion(false); dwb_change_mode(NORMAL_MODE, true); } static JSValueRef global_tab_complete(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef f, JSObjectRef thisObject, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc) { if (argc < 3 || !JSValueIsInstanceOfConstructor(ctx, argv[1], m_array_contructor, exc)) { js_make_exception(ctx, exc, EXCEPTION("tabComplete: invalid argument.")); return JSValueMakeUndefined(ctx); } m_completion_callback = JSValueToObject(ctx, argv[2], exc); if (m_completion_callback == NULL) return JSValueMakeUndefined(ctx); if (!JSObjectIsFunction(ctx, m_completion_callback)) { js_make_exception(ctx, exc, EXCEPTION("tabComplete: arguments[2] is not a function.")); return JSValueMakeUndefined(ctx); } dwb.state.script_comp_readonly = false; if (argc > 3 && JSValueIsBoolean(ctx, argv[3])) { dwb.state.script_comp_readonly = JSValueToBoolean(ctx, argv[3]); } char *left, *right, *label; js_array_iterator iter; JSValueRef val; JSObjectRef cur = NULL; Navigation *n; label = js_value_to_char(ctx, argv[0], JS_STRING_MAX, exc); JSObjectRef o = JSValueToObject(ctx, argv[1], exc); js_array_iterator_init(ctx, &iter, o); while((val = js_array_iterator_next(&iter, exc))) { cur = JSValueToObject(ctx, val, exc); if (cur == NULL) goto error_out; left = js_get_string_property(ctx, cur, "left"); right = js_get_string_property(ctx, cur, "right"); n = g_malloc(sizeof(Navigation)); n->first = left; n->second = right; dwb.state.script_completion = g_list_prepend(dwb.state.script_completion, n); } dwb.state.script_completion = g_list_reverse(dwb.state.script_completion); dwb_set_status_bar_text(dwb.gui.lstatus, label, NULL, NULL, true); entry_focus(); completion_complete(COMP_SCRIPT, false); error_out: for (GList *l = dwb.state.script_completion; l; l=l->next) { n = l->data; g_free(n->first); g_free(n->second); g_free(n); } g_free(label); g_list_free(dwb.state.script_completion); dwb.state.script_completion = NULL; return JSValueMakeUndefined(ctx); } /* timeout_callback {{{*/ static gboolean timeout_callback(JSObjectRef obj) { JSValueRef val = JSObjectCallAsFunction(m_global_context, obj, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); if (val == NULL) return false; return !JSValueIsBoolean(m_global_context, val) || JSValueToBoolean(m_global_context, val); }/*}}}*/ /* global_timer_stop {{{*/ static JSValueRef global_timer_stop(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef f, JSObjectRef thisObject, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc) { gdouble sigid; if (argc < 1) { js_make_exception(ctx, exc, EXCEPTION("timerStop: missing argument.")); return JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, false); } if ((sigid = JSValueToNumber(ctx, argv[0], exc)) != NAN) { gboolean ret = g_source_remove((int)sigid); return JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, ret); } return JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, false); }/*}}}*/ /* global_timer_start {{{*/ static JSValueRef global_timer_start(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef f, JSObjectRef thisObject, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc) { if (argc < 2) { js_make_exception(ctx, exc, EXCEPTION("timerStart: missing argument.")); return JSValueMakeNumber(ctx, -1); } double msec = 10; if ((msec = JSValueToNumber(ctx, argv[0], exc)) == NAN ) return JSValueMakeNumber(ctx, -1); JSObjectRef func = JSValueToObject(ctx, argv[1], exc); if (func == NULL || !JSObjectIsFunction(ctx, func)) { js_make_exception(ctx, exc, EXCEPTION("timerStart: argument 2 is not a function.")); return JSValueMakeNumber(ctx, -1); } int ret = g_timeout_add((int)msec, (GSourceFunc)timeout_callback, func); return JSValueMakeNumber(ctx, ret); }/*}}}*/ /*}}}*/ /* UTIL {{{*/ /* util_domain_from_host {{{*/ static JSValueRef util_domain_from_host(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef f, JSObjectRef thisObject, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc) { if (argc < 1) { js_make_exception(ctx, exc, EXCEPTION("domainFromHost: missing argument.")); return JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, false); } char *host = js_value_to_char(ctx, argv[0], -1, exc); const char *domain = domain_get_base_for_host(host); if (domain == NULL) return JSValueMakeNull(ctx); JSValueRef ret = js_char_to_value(ctx, domain); g_free(host); return ret; }/*}}}*//*}}}*/ /* DATA {{{*/ /* data_get_profile {{{*/ static JSValueRef data_get_profile(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef js_name, JSValueRef* exception) { return js_char_to_value(ctx, dwb.misc.profile); }/*}}}*/ /* data_get_cache_dir {{{*/ static JSValueRef data_get_cache_dir(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef js_name, JSValueRef* exception) { return js_char_to_value(ctx, dwb.files[FILES_CACHEDIR]); }/*}}}*/ /* data_get_config_dir {{{*/ static JSValueRef data_get_config_dir(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef js_name, JSValueRef* exception) { char *dir = util_build_path(); if (dir == NULL) { return JSValueMakeNull(ctx); } JSValueRef ret = js_char_to_value(ctx, dir); g_free(dir); return ret; }/*}}}*/ /* data_get_system_data_dir {{{*/ static JSValueRef data_get_system_data_dir(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef js_name, JSValueRef* exception) { char *dir = util_get_system_data_dir(NULL); if (dir == NULL) { return JSValueMakeNull(ctx); } JSValueRef ret = js_char_to_value(ctx, dir); g_free(dir); return ret; }/*}}}*/ /* data_get_user_data_dir {{{*/ static JSValueRef data_get_user_data_dir(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef js_name, JSValueRef* exception) { char *dir = util_get_user_data_dir(NULL); if (dir == NULL) { return JSValueMakeNull(ctx); } JSValueRef ret = js_char_to_value(ctx, dir); g_free(dir); return ret; }/*}}}*/ /*}}}*/ /* SYSTEM {{{*/ /* system_get_env {{{*/ static JSValueRef system_get_env(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef thisObject, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc) { if (argc < 1) { return JSValueMakeNull(ctx); } char *name = js_value_to_char(ctx, argv[0], -1, exc); if (name == NULL) return JSValueMakeNull(ctx); const char *env = g_getenv(name); g_free(name); if (env == NULL) return JSValueMakeNull(ctx); return js_char_to_value(ctx, env); }/*}}}*/ /* spawn_output {{{*/ static gboolean spawn_output(GIOChannel *channel, GIOCondition condition, JSObjectRef callback) { char *content; gsize length; if (condition == G_IO_HUP || condition == G_IO_ERR || condition == G_IO_NVAL) { g_io_channel_unref(channel); return false; } else if (g_io_channel_read_to_end(channel, &content, &length, NULL) == G_IO_STATUS_NORMAL && content != NULL) { JSValueRef arg = js_char_to_value(m_global_context, content); if (arg != NULL) { JSValueRef argv[] = { arg }; JSObjectCallAsFunction(m_global_context, callback, NULL, 1, argv , NULL); } g_free(content); return true; } return false; }/*}}}*/ /* {{{*/ static JSValueRef system_spawn_sync(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef thisObject, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc) { if (argc<1) { js_make_exception(ctx, exc, EXCEPTION("system.spawnSync needs an argument.")); return JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, SPAWN_FAILED); } JSObjectRef ret = NULL; int srgc, status; char **srgv = NULL, *command = NULL, *out, *err; command = js_value_to_char(ctx, argv[0], -1, exc); if (command == NULL) return JSValueMakeNull(ctx); if (g_shell_parse_argv(command, &srgc, &srgv, NULL) && g_spawn_sync(NULL, srgv, NULL, G_SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH, NULL, NULL, &out, &err, &status, NULL)) { ret = JSObjectMake(ctx, NULL, NULL); js_set_object_property(ctx, ret, "stdout", out, exc); js_set_object_property(ctx, ret, "stderr", err, exc); js_set_object_number_property(ctx, ret, "status", status, exc); } g_free(command); g_strfreev(srgv); if (ret == NULL) return JSValueMakeNull(ctx); return ret; }/*}}}*/ /* system_spawn {{{*/ static JSValueRef system_spawn(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef thisObject, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc) { int ret = 0; int outfd, errfd; char **srgv = NULL; int srgc; GIOChannel *out_channel, *err_channel; JSObjectRef oc = NULL, ec = NULL; if (argc < 1) { js_make_exception(ctx, exc, EXCEPTION("system.spawn needs an argument.")); return JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, SPAWN_FAILED); } if (argc > 1) { oc = JSValueToObject(ctx, argv[1], NULL); if ( oc == NULL || !JSObjectIsFunction(ctx, oc) ) { if (!JSValueIsNull(ctx, argv[1])) ret |= SPAWN_STDOUT_FAILED; oc = NULL; } } if (argc > 2) { ec = JSValueToObject(ctx, argv[2], NULL); if ( ec == NULL || !JSObjectIsFunction(ctx, ec) ) { if (!JSValueIsNull(ctx, argv[2])) ret |= SPAWN_STDERR_FAILED; ec = NULL; } } char *cmdline = js_value_to_char(ctx, argv[0], -1, exc); if (cmdline == NULL) { ret |= SPAWN_FAILED; goto error_out; } if (!g_shell_parse_argv(cmdline, &srgc, &srgv, NULL) || !g_spawn_async_with_pipes(NULL, srgv, NULL, G_SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, oc != NULL ? &outfd : NULL, ec != NULL ? &errfd : NULL, NULL)) { js_make_exception(ctx, exc, EXCEPTION("spawning %s failed."), cmdline); ret |= SPAWN_FAILED; goto error_out; } if (oc != NULL) { out_channel = g_io_channel_unix_new(outfd); g_io_add_watch(out_channel, G_IO_IN | G_IO_HUP | G_IO_ERR | G_IO_NVAL, (GIOFunc)spawn_output, oc); g_io_channel_set_close_on_unref(out_channel, true); } if (ec != NULL) { err_channel = g_io_channel_unix_new(errfd); g_io_add_watch(err_channel, G_IO_IN | G_IO_HUP | G_IO_ERR | G_IO_NVAL, (GIOFunc)spawn_output, ec); g_io_channel_set_close_on_unref(err_channel, true); } error_out: g_free(cmdline); g_strfreev(srgv); return JSValueMakeNumber(ctx, ret); }/*}}}*/ /* system_file_test {{{*/ static JSValueRef system_file_test(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef thisObject, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc) { if (argc < 2) { js_make_exception(ctx, exc, EXCEPTION("system.fileTest needs an argument.")); return JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, false); } char *path = js_value_to_char(ctx, argv[0], PATH_MAX, exc); if (path == NULL) return JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, false); double test = JSValueToNumber(ctx, argv[1], exc); if (test == NAN || ! ( (((guint)test) & G_FILE_TEST_VALID) == (guint)test) ) return JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, false); gboolean ret = g_file_test(path, (GFileTest) test); g_free(path); return JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, ret); }/*}}}*/ /* system_mkdir {{{*/ static JSValueRef system_mkdir(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef thisObject, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc) { gboolean ret = false; if (argc < 2) { js_make_exception(ctx, exc, EXCEPTION("system.mkdir needs an argument.")); return JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, false); } char *path = js_value_to_char(ctx, argv[0], PATH_MAX, exc); double mode = JSValueToNumber(ctx, argv[1], exc); if (path != NULL && mode != NAN) { ret = g_mkdir_with_parents(path, (gint)mode) == 0; } g_free(path); return JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, ret); }/*}}}*/ /*}}}*/ /* IO {{{*/ /* io_prompt {{{*/ static JSValueRef io_prompt(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef thisObject, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc) { char *prompt = NULL; gboolean visibility = true; if (argc > 0) { prompt = js_value_to_char(ctx, argv[0], JS_STRING_MAX, exc); } if (argc > 1 && JSValueIsBoolean(ctx, argv[1])) visibility = JSValueToBoolean(ctx, argv[1]); const char *response = dwb_prompt(visibility, prompt); g_free(prompt); if (response == NULL) return JSValueMakeNull(ctx); return js_char_to_value(ctx, response); }/*}}}*/ /* io_read {{{*/ static JSValueRef io_read(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef thisObject, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc) { JSValueRef ret = NULL; char *path = NULL, *content = NULL; if (argc < 1) { js_make_exception(ctx, exc, EXCEPTION("io.read needs an argument.")); return JSValueMakeNull(ctx); } if ( (path = js_value_to_char(ctx, argv[0], PATH_MAX, exc) ) == NULL ) goto error_out; if ( (content = util_get_file_content(path, NULL) ) == NULL ) { goto error_out; } ret = js_char_to_value(ctx, content); error_out: g_free(path); g_free(content); if (ret == NULL) return JSValueMakeNull(ctx); return ret; }/*}}}*/ /* io_notify {{{*/ static JSValueRef io_notify(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef thisObject, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc) { if (argc < 1) return JSValueMakeUndefined(ctx); char *message = js_value_to_char(ctx, argv[0], -1, exc); if (message != NULL) { dwb_set_normal_message(dwb.state.fview, true, message); g_free(message); } return JSValueMakeUndefined(ctx); }/*}}}*/ /* io_error {{{*/ static JSValueRef io_error(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef thisObject, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc) { if (argc < 1) return JSValueMakeUndefined(ctx); char *message = js_value_to_char(ctx, argv[0], -1, exc); if (message != NULL) { dwb_set_error_message(dwb.state.fview, message); g_free(message); } return JSValueMakeUndefined(ctx); }/*}}}*/ static JSValueRef io_dir_names(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef thisObject, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc) { JSValueRef ret; if (argc < 1) { js_make_exception(ctx, exc, EXCEPTION("io.dirNames: missing argument.")); return JSValueMakeNull(ctx); } GDir *dir; char *dir_name = js_value_to_char(ctx, argv[0], PATH_MAX, exc); const char *name; if (dir_name == NULL) return JSValueMakeNull(ctx); if ((dir = g_dir_open(dir_name, 0, NULL)) != NULL) { GSList *list = NULL; while ((name = g_dir_read_name(dir)) != NULL) { list = g_slist_prepend(list, (gpointer)js_char_to_value(ctx, name)); } g_dir_close(dir); JSValueRef args[g_slist_length(list)]; int i=0; for (GSList *l = list; l; l=l->next, i++) args[i] = l->data; ret = JSObjectMakeArray(ctx, i, args, exc); g_slist_free(list); } else ret = JSValueMakeNull(ctx); g_free(dir_name); return ret; } /* io_write {{{*/ static JSValueRef io_write(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef thisObject, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc) { gboolean ret = false; FILE *f; char *path = NULL, *content = NULL, *mode = NULL; if (argc < 3) { js_make_exception(ctx, exc, EXCEPTION("io.write needs 3 arguments.")); return JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, false); } if ( (path = js_value_to_char(ctx, argv[0], PATH_MAX, exc)) == NULL ) goto error_out; if ( (mode = js_value_to_char(ctx, argv[1], -1, exc)) == NULL ) goto error_out; if (g_strcmp0(mode, "w") && g_strcmp0(mode, "a")) { js_make_exception(ctx, exc, EXCEPTION("io.write: invalid mode.")); goto error_out; } if ( (content = js_value_to_char(ctx, argv[2], -1, exc)) == NULL ) goto error_out; if ( (f = fopen(path, mode)) != NULL) { fputs(content, f); fclose(f); ret = true; } else { js_make_exception(ctx, exc, EXCEPTION("io.write: cannot open %s for writing."), path); } error_out: g_free(path); g_free(mode); g_free(content); return JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, ret); }/*}}}*/ /* io_print {{{*/ static JSValueRef io_print(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef thisObject, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc) { if (argc == 0) { js_make_exception(ctx, exc, EXCEPTION("io.print needs an argument.")); return JSValueMakeUndefined(m_global_context); } FILE *stream = stdout; if (argc >= 2) { JSStringRef js_string = JSValueToStringCopy(ctx, argv[1], exc); if (JSStringIsEqualToUTF8CString(js_string, "stderr")) stream = stderr; JSStringRelease(js_string); } char *out; double dout; char *json = NULL; int type = JSValueGetType(ctx, argv[0]); switch (type) { case kJSTypeString : out = js_value_to_char(ctx, argv[0], -1, exc); if (out != NULL) { fprintf(stream, "%s\n", out); g_free(out); } break; case kJSTypeBoolean : fprintf(stream, "%s\n", JSValueToBoolean(ctx, argv[0]) ? "true" : "false"); break; case kJSTypeNumber : dout = JSValueToNumber(ctx, argv[0], exc); if (dout != NAN) fprintf(stream, "%f\n", dout); else fprintf(stream, "NAN\n"); break; case kJSTypeUndefined : fprintf(stream, "undefined\n"); break; case kJSTypeNull : fprintf(stream, "null\n"); break; case kJSTypeObject : json = js_value_to_json(ctx, argv[0], -1, NULL); if (json != NULL) { fprintf(stream, "%s\n", json); g_free(json); } break; default : break; } return JSValueMakeUndefined(ctx); }/*}}}*/ /*}}}*/ /* DOWNLOAD {{{*/ /* download_constructor_cb {{{*/ static JSObjectRef download_constructor_cb(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef constructor, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exception) { if (argc<1) { js_make_exception(ctx, exception, EXCEPTION("Download constructor: missing argument")); return JSValueToObject(ctx, JSValueMakeNull(ctx), NULL); } char *uri = js_value_to_char(ctx, argv[0], -1, exception); if (uri == NULL) { js_make_exception(ctx, exception, EXCEPTION("Download constructor: invalid argument")); return JSValueToObject(ctx, JSValueMakeNull(ctx), NULL); } WebKitNetworkRequest *request = webkit_network_request_new(uri); g_free(uri); if (request == NULL) { js_make_exception(ctx, exception, EXCEPTION("Download constructor: invalid uri")); return JSValueToObject(ctx, JSValueMakeNull(ctx), NULL); } WebKitDownload *download = webkit_download_new(request); return JSObjectMake(ctx, m_download_class, download); }/*}}}*/ /* stop_download_notify {{{*/ static gboolean stop_download_notify(CallbackData *c) { WebKitDownloadStatus status = webkit_download_get_status(WEBKIT_DOWNLOAD(c->gobject)); if (status == WEBKIT_DOWNLOAD_STATUS_ERROR || status == WEBKIT_DOWNLOAD_STATUS_CANCELLED || status == WEBKIT_DOWNLOAD_STATUS_FINISHED) { return true; } return false; }/*}}}*/ /* download_start {{{*/ static JSValueRef download_start(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef this, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc) { WebKitDownload *download = JSObjectGetPrivate(this); if (download == NULL) return JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, false); if (webkit_download_get_destination_uri(download) == NULL) { js_make_exception(ctx, exc, EXCEPTION("Download.start: destination == null")); return JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, false); } if (argc > 0) { make_callback(ctx, this, G_OBJECT(download), "notify::status", argv[0], stop_download_notify, exc); } webkit_download_start(download); return JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, true); }/*}}}*/ /* download_cancel {{{*/ static JSValueRef download_cancel(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef this, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc) { WebKitDownload *download = JSObjectGetPrivate(this); webkit_download_cancel(download); return JSValueMakeUndefined(ctx); }/*}}}*/ /*}}}*/ /* SIGNALS {{{*/ /* signal_set {{{*/ static bool signal_set(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef js_name, JSValueRef value, JSValueRef* exception) { char *name = js_string_to_char(ctx, js_name, -1); JSObjectRef o; if (name == NULL) return false; for (int i = SCRIPTS_SIG_FIRST; isignal]; if (function == NULL) return false; int additional = sig->jsobj != NULL ? 2 : 1; int numargs = MIN(sig->numobj, SCRIPT_MAX_SIG_OBJECTS)+additional; JSValueRef val[numargs]; int i = 0; if (sig->jsobj != NULL) { val[i++] = sig->jsobj; } for (int j=0; jnumobj; j++) { val[i++] = make_object(m_global_context, G_OBJECT(sig->objects[j])); } JSValueRef vson = js_json_to_value(m_global_context, sig->json); val[i++] = vson == NULL ? JSValueMakeNull(m_global_context) : vson; JSValueRef js_ret = JSObjectCallAsFunction(m_global_context, function, NULL, numargs, val, NULL); if (JSValueIsBoolean(m_global_context, js_ret)) { return JSValueToBoolean(m_global_context, js_ret); } return false; }/*}}}*/ /*}}}*/ /* OBJECTS {{{*/ // TODO : creating 1000000 objects leaks ~ 4MB /* make_object {{{*/ void object_destroy_cb(JSObjectRef o) { JSObjectSetPrivate(o, NULL); JSValueUnprotect(m_global_context, o); } static JSObjectRef make_object(JSContextRef ctx, GObject *o) { if (o == NULL) { JSValueRef v = JSValueMakeNull(ctx); return JSValueToObject(ctx, v, NULL); } JSObjectRef retobj = g_object_get_qdata(o, ref_quark); if (retobj != NULL) return retobj; JSClassRef class; if (WEBKIT_IS_WEB_VIEW(o)) class = m_webview_class; else if (WEBKIT_IS_WEB_FRAME(o)) class = m_frame_class; else if (WEBKIT_IS_DOWNLOAD(o)) class = m_download_class; else if (SOUP_IS_MESSAGE(o)) class = m_message_class; else class = m_default_class; retobj = JSObjectMake(ctx, class, o); g_object_set_qdata_full(o, ref_quark, retobj, (GDestroyNotify)object_destroy_cb); JSValueProtect(m_global_context, retobj); return retobj; }/*}}}*/ static gboolean connect_callback(JSObjectRef func) { JSValueRef ret = JSObjectCallAsFunction(m_global_context, func, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); if (JSValueIsBoolean(m_global_context, ret)) return JSValueToBoolean(m_global_context, ret); return false; } static JSValueRef connect_object(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef this, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc) { gint id = -1; if (argc < 2) { return JSValueMakeNumber(ctx, -1); } char *name = js_value_to_char(ctx, argv[0], PROP_LENGTH, exc); if (name == NULL) goto error_out; JSObjectRef func = JSValueToObject(ctx, argv[1], exc); if (func == NULL || !JSObjectIsFunction(ctx, func)) goto error_out; GObject *o = JSObjectGetPrivate(this); if (o == NULL) return JSValueMakeNumber(ctx, -1); id = g_signal_connect_swapped(o, name, G_CALLBACK(connect_callback), func); error_out: g_free(name); return JSValueMakeNumber(ctx, id); } static JSValueRef disconnect_object(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef this, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exc) { int id; if (argc > 0 && (id = JSValueToNumber(ctx, argv[0], exc)) != NAN) { GObject *o = JSObjectGetPrivate(this); if (o != NULL) { g_signal_handler_disconnect(o, id); return JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, true); } } return JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, false); } /* set_property_cb {{{*/ static bool set_property_cb(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef propertyName, JSValueRef value, JSValueRef* exception) { return true; //return true; }/*}}}*/ /* create_class {{{*/ static JSClassRef create_class(const char *name, JSStaticFunction staticFunctions[], JSStaticValue staticValues[]) { JSClassDefinition cd = kJSClassDefinitionEmpty; cd.className = name; cd.staticFunctions = staticFunctions; cd.staticValues = staticValues; cd.setProperty = set_property_cb; return JSClassCreate(&cd); }/*}}}*/ /* create_object {{{*/ static JSObjectRef create_object(JSContextRef ctx, JSClassRef class, JSObjectRef obj, JSClassAttributes attr, const char *name, void *private) { JSObjectRef ret = JSObjectMake(ctx, class, private); JSStringRef js_name = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString(name); JSObjectSetProperty(ctx, obj, js_name, ret, attr, NULL); JSStringRelease(js_name); return ret; }/*}}}*/ /* set_property {{{*/ static bool set_property(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef js_name, JSValueRef jsvalue, JSValueRef* exception) { char buf[PROP_LENGTH]; char *name = js_string_to_char(ctx, js_name, -1); if (name == NULL) return false; uncamelize(buf, name, '-', PROP_LENGTH); g_free(name); GObject *o = JSObjectGetPrivate(object); if (o == NULL) return false; GObjectClass *class = G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS(o); if (class == NULL || !G_IS_OBJECT_CLASS(class)) return false; GParamSpec *pspec = g_object_class_find_property(class, buf); if (pspec == NULL) return false; if (! (pspec->flags & G_PARAM_WRITABLE)) return false; int jstype = JSValueGetType(ctx, jsvalue); GType gtype = G_TYPE_IS_FUNDAMENTAL(pspec->value_type) ? pspec->value_type : g_type_parent(pspec->value_type); if (jstype == kJSTypeNumber && (gtype == G_TYPE_INT || gtype == G_TYPE_UINT || gtype == G_TYPE_LONG || gtype == G_TYPE_ULONG || gtype == G_TYPE_FLOAT || gtype == G_TYPE_DOUBLE || gtype == G_TYPE_ENUM || gtype == G_TYPE_INT64 || gtype == G_TYPE_UINT64 || gtype == G_TYPE_FLAGS)) { double value = JSValueToNumber(ctx, jsvalue, exception); if (value != NAN) { g_object_set(o, buf, value, NULL); return true; } return false; } else if (jstype == kJSTypeBoolean && gtype == G_TYPE_BOOLEAN) { bool value = JSValueToBoolean(ctx, jsvalue); g_object_set(o, buf, value, NULL); return true; } else if (jstype == kJSTypeString && gtype == G_TYPE_STRING) { char *value = js_value_to_char(ctx, jsvalue, -1, exception); g_object_set(o, buf, value, NULL); g_free(value); return true; } return false; // TODO object }/*}}}*/ /* get_property {{{*/ static JSValueRef get_property(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef jsobj, JSStringRef js_name, JSValueRef *exception) { char buf[PROP_LENGTH]; JSValueRef ret = NULL; char *name = js_string_to_char(ctx, js_name, -1); if (name == NULL) return NULL; uncamelize(buf, name, '-', PROP_LENGTH); g_free(name); GObject *o = JSObjectGetPrivate(jsobj); if (o == NULL) return NULL; GObjectClass *class = G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS(o); if (class == NULL || !G_IS_OBJECT_CLASS(class)) return NULL; GParamSpec *pspec = g_object_class_find_property(class, buf); if (pspec == NULL) return NULL; if (! (pspec->flags & G_PARAM_READABLE)) return NULL; GType gtype = pspec->value_type, act; while ((act = g_type_parent(gtype))) { gtype = act; } #define CHECK_NUMBER(GTYPE, TYPE) G_STMT_START if (gtype == G_TYPE_##GTYPE) { \ TYPE value; g_object_get(o, buf, &value, NULL); return JSValueMakeNumber(ctx, (double)value); \ } G_STMT_END CHECK_NUMBER(INT, gint); CHECK_NUMBER(UINT, guint); CHECK_NUMBER(LONG, glong); CHECK_NUMBER(ULONG, gulong); CHECK_NUMBER(FLOAT, gfloat); CHECK_NUMBER(DOUBLE, gdouble); CHECK_NUMBER(ENUM, gint); CHECK_NUMBER(INT64, gint64); CHECK_NUMBER(UINT64, guint64); CHECK_NUMBER(FLAGS, guint); #undef CHECK_NUMBER if (pspec->value_type == G_TYPE_BOOLEAN) { gboolean bval; g_object_get(o, buf, &bval, NULL); ret = JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, bval); } else if (pspec->value_type == G_TYPE_STRING) { char *value; g_object_get(o, buf, &value, NULL); ret = js_char_to_value(ctx, value); g_free(value); } else if (G_TYPE_IS_CLASSED(gtype)) { GObject *object; g_object_get(o, buf, &object, NULL); if (object == NULL) return NULL; JSObjectRef retobj = make_object(ctx, object); g_object_unref(object); ret = retobj; } return ret; }/*}}}*/ /* create_global_object {{{*/ static void create_global_object() { JSStaticFunction global_functions[] = { { "execute", global_execute, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { "exit", global_exit, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { "bind", global_bind, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { "unbind", global_unbind, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { "checksum", global_checksum, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { "include", global_include, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { "timerStart", global_timer_start, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { "timerStop", global_timer_stop, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { "sendRequest", global_send_request, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { "sendRequestSync", global_send_request_sync, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { "tabComplete", global_tab_complete, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { 0, 0, 0 }, }; JSClassRef class = create_class("dwb", global_functions, NULL); m_global_context = JSGlobalContextCreate(class); JSClassRelease(class); JSObjectRef global_object = JSContextGetGlobalObject(m_global_context); JSStaticValue data_values[] = { { "profile", data_get_profile, NULL, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { "cacheDir", data_get_cache_dir, NULL, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { "configDir", data_get_config_dir, NULL, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { "systemDataDir", data_get_system_data_dir, NULL, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { "userDataDir", data_get_user_data_dir, NULL, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, }; class = create_class("data", NULL, data_values); create_object(m_global_context, class, global_object, kJSDefaultAttributes, "data", NULL); JSClassRelease(class); JSStaticFunction io_functions[] = { { "print", io_print, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { "prompt", io_prompt, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { "read", io_read, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { "write", io_write, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { "dirNames", io_dir_names, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { "notify", io_notify, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { "error", io_error, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { 0, 0, 0 }, }; class = create_class("io", io_functions, NULL); create_object(m_global_context, class, global_object, kJSPropertyAttributeDontDelete, "io", NULL); JSClassRelease(class); JSStaticFunction system_functions[] = { { "spawn", system_spawn, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { "spawnSync", system_spawn_sync, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { "getEnv", system_get_env, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { "fileTest", system_file_test, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { "mkdir", system_mkdir, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { 0, 0, 0 }, }; class = create_class("system", system_functions, NULL); create_object(m_global_context, class, global_object, kJSDefaultAttributes, "system", NULL); JSClassRelease(class); JSStaticFunction tab_functions[] = { { "nth", tabs_get_nth, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { 0, 0, 0 }, }; JSStaticValue tab_values[] = { { "current", tabs_current, NULL, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { "number", tabs_number, NULL, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { "length", tabs_length, NULL, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, }; class = create_class("tabs", tab_functions, tab_values); create_object(m_global_context, class, global_object, kJSDefaultAttributes, "tabs", NULL); JSClassRelease(class); JSClassDefinition cd = kJSClassDefinitionEmpty; cd.className = "signals"; cd.setProperty = signal_set; class = JSClassCreate(&cd); create_object(m_global_context, class, global_object, kJSDefaultAttributes, "signals", NULL); JSClassRelease(class); class = create_class("extensions", NULL, NULL); create_object(m_global_context, class, global_object, kJSDefaultAttributes, "extensions", NULL); JSClassRelease(class); cd = kJSClassDefinitionEmpty; cd.className = "globals"; class = JSClassCreate(&cd); create_object(m_global_context, class, global_object, kJSPropertyAttributeDontDelete, "globals", NULL); class = JSClassCreate(&cd); JSClassRelease(class); JSStaticFunction util_functions[] = { { "domainFromHost", util_domain_from_host, kJSDefaultAttributes }, { 0, 0, 0 }, }; class = create_class("util", util_functions, NULL); create_object(m_global_context, class, global_object, kJSDefaultAttributes, "util", NULL); JSClassRelease(class); /* Default gobject class */ cd = kJSClassDefinitionEmpty; cd.staticFunctions = default_functions; cd.getProperty = get_property; cd.setProperty = set_property; m_default_class = JSClassCreate(&cd); /* Webview */ cd.staticFunctions = wv_functions; cd.staticValues = wv_values; m_webview_class = JSClassCreate(&cd); /* Frame */ cd.staticFunctions = frame_functions; cd.staticValues = frame_values; m_frame_class = JSClassCreate(&cd); /* SoupMessage */ cd.staticFunctions = default_functions; cd.staticValues = message_values; m_message_class = JSClassCreate(&cd); /* download */ cd.className = "Download"; cd.staticFunctions = download_functions; cd.staticValues = NULL; m_download_class = JSClassCreate(&cd); JSObjectRef constructor = JSObjectMakeConstructor(m_global_context, m_download_class, download_constructor_cb); JSStringRef name = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("Download"); JSObjectSetProperty(m_global_context, JSContextGetGlobalObject(m_global_context), name, constructor, kJSDefaultProperty, NULL); JSStringRelease(name); }/*}}}*/ /*}}}*/ /* INIT AND END {{{*/ /* apply_scripts {{{*/ static void apply_scripts() { JSStringRef on_init = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("init"); JSValueRef ret, init; JSObjectRef retobj, initobj; GSList *scripts = NULL; for (GSList *l = m_script_list; l; l=l->next) { JSObjectRef o = JSObjectMake(m_global_context, NULL, NULL); if ( (ret = JSObjectCallAsFunction(m_global_context, l->data, o, 0, NULL, NULL)) == NULL) continue; if ( (retobj = JSValueToObject(m_global_context, ret, NULL)) == NULL) continue; if ( (init = JSObjectGetProperty(m_global_context, retobj, on_init, NULL)) == NULL) continue; if ((initobj = JSValueToObject(m_global_context, init, NULL)) != NULL && JSObjectIsFunction(m_global_context, initobj)) { scripts = g_slist_prepend(scripts, initobj); } } g_slist_free(m_script_list); for (GSList *l = scripts; l; l=l->next) { JSObjectCallAsFunction(m_global_context, l->data, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); } g_slist_free(scripts); m_script_list = NULL; JSStringRelease(on_init); }/*}}}*/ /* scripts_create_tab {{{*/ void scripts_create_tab(GList *gl) { static gboolean applied = false; if (m_global_context == NULL ) { VIEW(gl)->script_wv = NULL; return; } JSObjectRef o = make_object(m_global_context, G_OBJECT(VIEW(gl)->web)); if (EMIT_SCRIPT(CREATE_TAB)) { ScriptSignal signal = { o, SCRIPTS_SIG_META(NULL, CREATE_TAB, 0) }; scripts_emit(&signal); } JSValueProtect(m_global_context, o); VIEW(gl)->script_wv = o; if (!applied) { apply_scripts(); applied = true; } }/*}}}*/ /* scripts_remove_tab {{{*/ void scripts_remove_tab(JSObjectRef obj) { if (obj != NULL) { if (EMIT_SCRIPT(CLOSE_TAB)) { ScriptSignal signal = { obj, SCRIPTS_SIG_META(NULL, CLOSE_TAB, 0) }; scripts_emit(&signal); } JSValueUnprotect(m_global_context, obj); } }/*}}}*/ /* scripts_init_script {{{*/ void scripts_init_script(const char *path, const char *script) { if (m_global_context == NULL) create_global_object(); char *debug = g_strdup_printf("try { %s } catch(e) { io.debug(\"In file %s\", e); }", script, path); JSObjectRef function = js_make_function(m_global_context, debug); if (function != NULL) { m_script_list = g_slist_prepend(m_script_list, function); } g_free(debug); }/*}}}*/ void evaluate(const char *script) { JSStringRef js_script = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString(script); JSEvaluateScript(m_global_context, js_script, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); JSStringRelease(js_script); } /* scripts_init {{{*/ void scripts_init(gboolean force) { dwb.misc.script_signals = 0; if (m_global_context == NULL) { if (force) create_global_object(); else return; } dwb.state.script_completion = NULL; ref_quark = g_quark_from_static_string("dwb_js_ref"); char *dir = util_get_data_dir(LIBJS_DIR); if (dir != NULL) { GString *content = g_string_new(NULL); util_get_directory_content(content, dir, "js"); if (content != NULL) { JSStringRef js_script = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString(content->str); JSEvaluateScript(m_global_context, js_script, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); JSStringRelease(js_script); } g_string_free(content, true); g_free(dir); } JSObjectRef o = JSObjectMakeArray(m_global_context, 0, NULL, NULL); m_array_contructor = js_get_object_property(m_global_context, o, "constructor"); JSValueProtect(m_global_context, m_array_contructor); }/*}}}*/ void scripts_execute_scripts(char **scripts) { g_return_if_fail(scripts != NULL); m_commandline = true; scripts_init(true); char *content; for (int i=0; scripts[i] != NULL; i++) { content = util_get_file_content(scripts[i], NULL); if (content != NULL) { scripts_init_script(scripts[i], content); g_free(content); } } apply_scripts(); } gboolean scripts_execute_one(const char *script) { if (m_global_context != NULL) return js_execute(m_global_context, script, NULL) != NULL; return false; } void scripts_unbind(JSObjectRef obj) { if (obj != NULL) { JSValueUnprotect(m_global_context, obj); } } /* scripts_end {{{*/ void scripts_end() { if (m_global_context != NULL) { JSValueUnprotect(m_global_context, m_array_contructor); JSClassRelease(m_default_class); JSClassRelease(m_webview_class); JSClassRelease(m_frame_class); JSClassRelease(m_download_class); JSClassRelease(m_message_class); JSGlobalContextRelease(m_global_context); m_global_context = NULL; } }/*}}}*//*}}}*/