include(includes.m4) html_header(General) dnl html_input(open, text, Open url) html_input(open_url, text, ``Open url, edit current url in the address bar'') html_input(tabopen, text, Open in a new tab) html_input(tabopen_url, text, ``Open url in a new tab, edit current url in the address bar'') html_input(backopen, text, Open in a new tab in background) html_input(backopen_url, text, ``Open url in a new background tab, edit current url in the address bar'') html_input(winopen, text, Open url in a new window) html_input(winopen_url, text, ``Open url in a new window, edit current url in the address bar'') html_input(find_backward, text, Find backward) html_input(find_backward_ic, text, Find backward case sensitive) html_input(find_forward, text, Find forward) html_input(find_forward_ic, text, Find forward case sensitive) html_input(find_next, text, Find next) html_input(find_previous, text, Find previous) html_input(history_back, text, Go back) html_input(history_forward, text, Go forward) html_input(tab_hist_back, text, Go back in a new tab) html_input(tab_hist_forward, text, Go forward in a new tab) html_input(win_hist_back, text, Go back in a new window) html_input(win_hist_forward, text, Go forward in a new window) html_input(reload, text, Reload current page) html_input(reload_bypass_cache, text, Reload without using any cached data) html_input(stop_loading, text, Stop loading current page) html_input(insert_mode, text, Insert mode) html_input(normal_mode, text, Normal mode) html_input(view_source, text, View page source) html_input(zoom_in, text, Zoom in) html_input(zoom_out, text, Zoom out) html_input(zoom, text, Zoom) html_input(quit, text, Quit dwb) html_header(Hints) dnl html_input(hints, text, Follow hints) html_input(hints_tab, text, ``Follow hints, open link in a new tab'') html_input(hints_background, text, ``Follow hints, open link in a new background tab'') html_input(hints_win, text, ``Follow hints, open link in a new window'') html_input(hints_links, text, Follow links) html_input(hints_images, text, Follow images) html_input(hints_images_tab, text, Follow images in a new tab) html_input(hints_images_background, text, Follow images in a background tab) html_input(hints_editable, text, Focus editable elements) html_input(hints_url, text, Set hints url in commandline) html_input(hints_url_tab, text, ``Set hints url in commandline, open in a new tab'') html_input(hints_url_background, text, ``Set hints url in commandline, open in a background tab'') html_input(hints_download, text, Download via hints) html_input(hints_clipboard, text, Save link location to clipboard) html_input(hints_primary, text, Save link location to primary selection) html_input(hints_rapid, text, Open new tabs in background rapidly) html_input(hints_rapid_win, text, Open new windows rapidly) html_header(Bookmarks & Quickmarks) dnl html_input(bookmark, text, Bookmark current page) html_input(bookmarks, text, Show bookmarks in a pop up menu) html_input(tab_bookmarks, text, Show bookmarks in a pop up menu and open in new tab) html_input(win_bookmarks, text, Show bookmarks in a pop up menu and open in new window) html_input(save_quickmark, text, Save a quickmark for this page) html_input(quickmark, text, Open a quickmark) html_input(tab_quickmark, text, Open quickmark in a new tab) html_input(win_quickmark, text, Open quickmark in a new window) html_input(start_page, text, Open the default homepage) html_header(Commandline) dnl html_input(command_mode, text, Enter command mode) html_input(entry_confirm, text, Alternative confirm shortcut) html_input(entry_escape, text, Alternative escape shortcut) html_input(entry_history_back, text, Command history back) html_input(entry_history_forward, text, Command history forward) html_input(entry_delete_letter, text, Delete a single letter) html_input(entry_delete_line, text, Delete to the beginning of the line) html_input(entry_delete_line_end, text, Delete to the end of the line) html_input(entry_delete_word, text, Delete word) html_input(entry_delete_word_forward, text, Delete word forward) html_input(entry_word_back, text, Move cursor back on word) html_input(entry_word_forward, text, Move cursor forward on word) html_input(download_set_execute, text, Toggle between spawning an application and download path ) html_header(Scrolling) dnl html_input(scroll_up, text, Scroll up) html_input(scroll_down, text, Scroll down) html_input(scroll_right, text, Scroll right) html_input(scroll_left, text, Scroll left) html_input(scroll_page_down, text, Scroll one page down) html_input(scroll_page_up, text, Scroll one page up) html_input(scroll_halfpage_down, text, Scroll one-half page down) html_input(scroll_halfpage_up, text, Scroll one-half page up) html_input(scroll_bottom, text, Scroll to bottom of the page) html_input(scroll_top, text, Scroll to the top of the page) html_header(Tabs & UI) dnl html_input(tab_new, text, Open a new blank tab) html_input(clear_tab, text, Clear history of a tab and load about:blank) html_input(close_tab, text, Close tab) html_input(only, text, Close all tabs except for the current one) html_input(undo, text, Undo closing last tab) html_input(focus_next, text, Focus next tab) html_input(focus_tab, text, Focus nth tab) html_input(focus_prev, text, Focus previous tab) html_input(lock_domain, text, Lock tab to current domain) html_input(lock_uri, text, Lock tab to current uri) html_input(fullscreen, text, Toggle fullscreen) html_input(tab_move, text, Move tab ) html_input(tab_move_left, text, Move tab left) html_input(tab_move_right, text, Move tab right) html_input(toggle_bars, text, Toggle tabbar and statusbar) html_input(toggle_statusbar, text, Toggle statusbar) html_input(toggle_tab, text, Toggle between current and last tab) html_input(toggle_tabbar, text, Toggle tabbar) html_input(protect, text, Protect/unprotect tab ) html_input(presentation_mode, text, Toggle presentation mode) html_input(visible, text, Toggle visibility of a tab) html_header(Completion) dnl html_input(buffers, text, Show all open tabs) html_input(complete_bookmarks, text, Complete bookmarks) html_input(complete_history, text, Complete browsing history) html_input(complete_path, text, Complete local file path) html_input(complete_searchengines, text, Complete searchengines) html_input(complete_userscript, text, Complete userscripts) html_header(Clipboard) dnl html_input(paste, text, Open url from clipboard) html_input(tab_paste, text, Open url from clipboard in a new tab) html_input(win_paste, text, Open url from clipboard in a new window) html_input(paste_primary, text, Open url from primary selection) html_input(tab_paste_primary, text, Open url from primary selection in a new tab) html_input(win_paste_primary, text, Open url from primary selection in a new window) html_input(yank, text, Yank current url to clipboard) html_input(yank_primary, text, Yank current url to primary selection) html_input(yank_title, text, Yank current title to clipboard) html_input(yank_title_primary, text, Yank current title to primary selection) html_header(Settings) dnl html_input(set_setting, text, Set a setting) html_input(set_local_setting, text, Set a setting only for this session) html_input(show_settings, text, Show and modify global properties) html_input(set_key, text, Set keybinding) html_input(show_keys, text, Show and modify keyboard configuration) html_input(toggle_plugins_host, text, Toggle plugin blocker for current host) html_input(toggle_plugins_uri, text, Toggle plugin blocker for current uri) html_input(toggle_plugins_host_tmp, text, Toggle plugin blocker for current domain for this session) html_input(toggle_plugins_uri_tmp, text, Toggle plugin blocker for current uri for this session) html_input(toggle_scripts_host, text, Toggle block content for current domain) html_input(toggle_scripts_uri, text, Toggle block content for current uri) html_input(toggle_scripts_host_tmp, text, Toggle block content for current domain for this session) html_input(toggle_scripts_uri_tmp, text, Toggle block content for current uri for this session) html_input(proxy, text, Toggle proxy) html_header(Miscellaneous) dnl html_input(allow_cookie, text, Allow persistent cookies for current site) html_input(allow_session_cookie, text, Allow session cookies for current site) html_input(allow_session_cookie_tmp, text, Allow session cookies for current site temporarily) html_input(cancel_download, text, Cancel a running download) html_input(download, text, Download current website) html_input(execute_userscript, text, Execute userscript) html_input(focus_input, text, Focus the next input) html_input(new_tab, text, New tab for next navigation) html_input(new_win, text, New window for next navigation) html_input(web_inspector, text, Open the webinspector) html_input(open_editor, text, Open an external editor for current input/textarea.) html_input(print, text, Print current page) html_input(print_preview, text, Show a print preview) html_input(save, text, Save all configuration files) html_input(save_session, text, Save current session) html_input(save_named_session, text, Save current session with name) html_input(toggle_hidden_files, text, Toggle hidden files in directory listing) html_input(save_search_field, text, Add a new searchengine ) html_input(reload_bookmarks, text, Reload bookmark file) html_input(reload_scripts, text, Reload all javascript userscripts ) html_input(reload_quickmarks, text, Reload quickmark file) html_input(reload_userscripts, text, Reload userscripts ) html_input(show_bookmarks, text, Show bookmarks page) html_input(show_downloads, text, Show download page) html_input(show_history, text, Show history page) html_input(show_quickmarks, text, Show quickmark page)