path: root/src/adblock.c
diff options
authorportix <none@none>2012-06-24 17:47:57 +0200
committerportix <none@none>2012-06-24 17:47:57 +0200
commit91a823dc59fcf71b12abd923bb3242ad1cb569d8 (patch)
tree7ae9fcd1bbd225f7edd67eb1f21d97a231b1d603 /src/adblock.c
parente47eff748e69147b39dd196c589b9695d76d3e3f (diff)
Remove event-listener from the flashblocker plugin after the element was clicked; remove javascript functions in the adblocker
Diffstat (limited to 'src/adblock.c')
1 files changed, 23 insertions, 100 deletions
diff --git a/src/adblock.c b/src/adblock.c
index 273268f6..b96ca725 100644
--- a/src/adblock.c
+++ b/src/adblock.c
@@ -74,8 +74,6 @@ typedef struct _AdblockElementHider {
} AdblockElementHider;
-static JSValueRef adblock_js_callback(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef thisObject, size_t argumentCount, const JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef* exception);
/* Static variables {{{*/
static GPtrArray *_simple_rules;
static GPtrArray *_simple_exceptions;
@@ -367,113 +365,23 @@ adblock_apply_element_hider(WebKitWebFrame *frame, GList *gl) {
-/* adblock_js_callback {{{*/
-static JSValueRef
-adblock_js_callback(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef thisObject, size_t argc, const JSValueRef argv[], JSValueRef* exception) {
- if (argc != 1 || ! JSValueIsObject(ctx, argv[0]))
- return JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, false);
- char *tagname = NULL;
- char *baseuri = NULL;
- char *tmpuri = NULL;
- char *rel = NULL;
- char *type = NULL;
- JSValueRef exc = NULL;
- AdblockAttribute attributes = AA_SUBDOCUMENT;
- JSObjectRef event = JSValueToObject(ctx, argv[0], &exc);
- if (exc != NULL)
- return NULL;
- JSObjectRef srcElement = js_get_object_property(ctx, event, "srcElement");
- if (srcElement == NULL)
- return JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, false);
- baseuri = js_get_string_property(ctx, srcElement, "baseURI");
- if (baseuri == NULL)
- goto error_out;
- tmpuri = js_get_string_property(ctx, event, "url");
- if (tmpuri == NULL)
- goto error_out;
- tagname = js_get_string_property(ctx, srcElement, "tagName");
- if (!g_strcmp0(tagname, "IMG"))
- attributes |= AA_IMAGE;
- else if (!g_strcmp0(tagname, "SCRIPT"))
- attributes |= AA_SCRIPT;
- else if (!g_strcmp0(tagname, "LINK") ) {
- rel = js_get_string_property(ctx, srcElement, "rel");
- type = js_get_string_property(ctx, srcElement, "type");
- if (!g_strcmp0(rel, "stylesheet") || !g_strcmp0(type, "text/css")) {
- attributes |= AA_STYLESHEET;
- }
- g_free(rel);
- g_free(type);
- }
- else if (!g_strcmp0(tagname, "OBJECT") || ! g_strcmp0(tagname, "EMBED")) {
- attributes |= AA_OBJECT;
- }
- if (adblock_prepare_match(tmpuri, baseuri, attributes)) {
- JSObjectRef prevent = js_get_object_property(ctx, event, "preventDefault");
- if (prevent) {
- JSObjectCallAsFunction(ctx, prevent, event, 0, NULL, NULL);
- }
- }
- if (tagname) g_free(tagname);
- if (baseuri) g_free(baseuri);
- if (tmpuri) g_free(tmpuri);
- return NULL;
-/* js_create_callback {{{*/
-static void
-adblock_create_js_callback(WebKitWebFrame *frame, JSObjectCallAsFunctionCallback function, int attr) {
- JSContextRef ctx = webkit_web_frame_get_global_context(frame);
- JSObjectRef globalObject = JSContextGetGlobalObject(ctx);
- JSObjectRef newcall = JSObjectMakeFunctionWithCallback(ctx, NULL, function);
- JSValueRef val = js_get_object_property(ctx, globalObject, "addEventListener");
- if (val) {
- JSStringRef beforeLoadString = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("beforeload");
- JSValueRef values[3] = { JSValueMakeString(ctx, beforeLoadString), newcall, JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, true), };
- JSObjectCallAsFunction(ctx, JSValueToObject(ctx, val, NULL), globalObject, 3, values, NULL);
- JSStringRelease(beforeLoadString);
- }
-/* adblock_frame_load_committed_cb {{{*/
-static void
-adblock_frame_load_committed_cb(WebKitWebFrame *frame, GList *gl) {
- adblock_create_js_callback(frame, (JSObjectCallAsFunctionCallback)adblock_js_callback, AA_SUBDOCUMENT);
-static void
-adblock_frame_load_status_cb(WebKitWebFrame *frame, GParamSpec *p, GList *gl) {
- WebKitLoadStatus status = webkit_web_frame_get_load_status(frame);
- adblock_apply_element_hider(frame, gl);
- }
-/* adblock_frame_created_cb {{{*/
-adblock_frame_created_cb(WebKitWebView *wv, WebKitWebFrame *frame, GList *gl) {
- g_signal_connect(frame, "load-committed", G_CALLBACK(adblock_frame_load_committed_cb), gl);
- g_signal_connect(frame, "notify::load-status", G_CALLBACK(adblock_frame_load_status_cb), gl);
/* adblock_before_load_cb (domcallback) {{{*/
static gboolean
-adblock_before_load_cb(WebKitDOMElement *win, WebKitDOMEvent *event, GList *gl) {
+adblock_before_load_cb(WebKitDOMDOMWindow *win, WebKitDOMEvent *event, GList *gl) {
WebKitDOMElement *src = (void*)webkit_dom_event_get_src_element(event);
char *tagname = webkit_dom_element_get_tag_name(src);
const char *url = NULL;
- AdblockAttribute attributes = AA_DOCUMENT;
gboolean ret = false;
- WebKitDOMDocument *doc = webkit_dom_dom_window_get_document(WEBKIT_DOM_DOM_WINDOW(win));
+ WebKitDOMDocument *doc = webkit_dom_dom_window_get_document(win);
char *baseURI = webkit_dom_document_get_document_uri(doc);
+ WebKitDOMDocument *main_doc = webkit_web_view_get_dom_document(WEBVIEW(gl));
+ WebKitDOMDOMWindow *main_win = webkit_dom_document_get_default_view(main_doc);
+ AdblockAttribute attributes = win == main_win ? AA_DOCUMENT : AA_SUBDOCUMENT;
if (webkit_dom_element_has_attribute(src, "src"))
url = webkit_dom_element_get_attribute(src, "src");
else if (webkit_dom_element_has_attribute(src, "href"))
@@ -511,6 +419,22 @@ error_out:
return ret;
+static void
+adblock_frame_load_status_cb(WebKitWebFrame *frame, GParamSpec *p, GList *gl) {
+ WebKitLoadStatus status = webkit_web_frame_get_load_status(frame);
+ adblock_apply_element_hider(frame, gl);
+ }
+ else if (status == WEBKIT_LOAD_COMMITTED) {
+ dwb_dom_add_frame_listener(frame, "beforeload", G_CALLBACK(adblock_before_load_cb), true, gl);
+ }
+/* adblock_frame_created_cb {{{*/
+adblock_frame_created_cb(WebKitWebView *wv, WebKitWebFrame *frame, GList *gl) {
+ g_signal_connect(frame, "notify::load-status", G_CALLBACK(adblock_frame_load_status_cb), gl);
/* adblock_resource_request_cb {{{*/
static void
adblock_resource_request_cb(WebKitWebView *wv, WebKitWebFrame *frame,
@@ -564,7 +488,6 @@ adblock_load_status_cb(WebKitWebView *wv, GParamSpec *p, GList *gl) {
WebKitWebFrame *frame = webkit_web_view_get_main_frame(wv);
adblock_apply_element_hider(frame, gl);
- /* Get hostname and base_domain */