diff options
authorportix <none@none>2012-08-29 02:36:33 +0200
committerportix <none@none>2012-08-29 02:36:33 +0200
commit4b8e682f72c4fa4d777f3ac931388b918d06ab4a (patch)
parent500b5f3bb6324ca532079aea74197d427d8e21f9 (diff)
Moving grab_adblocker to tools; initial commit of extension-manager
--HG-- rename : examples/grab_adblocker => tools/grab_adblocker
-rwxr-xr-xtools/grab_adblocker (renamed from examples/grab_adblocker)0
7 files changed, 384 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index b208dfe2..a073a824 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ LIBJSDIR=$(JSDIR)/$(LIBDIR)
LIBJSFILES=$(LIBJSDIR)/signals.js $(LIBJSDIR)/enums.js $(LIBJSDIR)/data.js
# Version info
diff --git a/extensions/requestpolicy b/extensions/requestpolicy
index 76033ed1..dc221388 100644
--- a/extensions/requestpolicy
+++ b/extensions/requestpolicy
@@ -331,17 +331,19 @@ var resourceCB = (function () {
var o, message, domain, firstParty;
if (regexEmpty.test(request.uri))
return false;
message = request.message;
if (!message)
return false;
firstParty = util.domainFromHost(;
domain = util.domainFromHost(;
if (firstParty == domain)
return false;
o = getPrivate(wv);
- if ( == -1) {
+ if ( == -1);
- }
// Check for requests that are always blocked
if (persistentList._alwaysBlock && persistentList._alwaysBlock.fastIndexOf(domain) != -1)
@@ -354,7 +356,7 @@ var resourceCB = (function () {
// Check request is always allowed
if (persistentList._always && persistentList._always.fastIndexOf(domain) != -1)
- return false;
+ return false;
// Check if request is whitelisted
if ( (!persistentList[firstParty] || persistentList[firstParty].fastIndexOf(domain) == -1) &&
diff --git a/src/dwb.c b/src/dwb.c
index bc19f642..4d20b9d2 100644
--- a/src/dwb.c
+++ b/src/dwb.c
@@ -4094,7 +4094,6 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
dwb.misc.profile = "default";
dwb.misc.prog_path = argv[0];
dwb.gui.wid = 0;
gint ret = application_run(argc, argv);
return ret;
diff --git a/src/scripts.c b/src/scripts.c
index b7a50e43..71c1d4ce 100644
--- a/src/scripts.c
+++ b/src/scripts.c
@@ -471,7 +471,8 @@ wv_set_title(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef this, size_t ar
+/* SOUP_MESSAGE {{{*/
+/* soup_uri_to_js_object {{{*/
soup_uri_to_js_object(JSContextRef ctx, SoupURI *uri, JSValueRef *exception) {
JSObjectRef o = JSObjectMake(ctx, NULL, NULL);
@@ -484,7 +485,9 @@ soup_uri_to_js_object(JSContextRef ctx, SoupURI *uri, JSValueRef *exception) {
js_set_object_property(ctx, o, "query", uri->query, exception);
js_set_object_property(ctx, o, "fragment", uri->fragment, exception);
return o;
+/* message_get_uri {{{*/
static JSValueRef
message_get_uri(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef js_name, JSValueRef* exception) {
SoupMessage *msg = JSObjectGetPrivate(object);
@@ -494,7 +497,9 @@ message_get_uri(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef js_name, JSVal
if (uri == NULL)
return JSValueMakeNull(ctx);
return soup_uri_to_js_object(ctx, uri, exception);
+/* message_get_first_party {{{*/
static JSValueRef
message_get_first_party(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef js_name, JSValueRef* exception) {
SoupMessage *msg = JSObjectGetPrivate(object);
@@ -504,8 +509,8 @@ message_get_first_party(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef js_nam
if (uri == NULL)
return JSValueMakeNull(ctx);
return soup_uri_to_js_object(ctx, uri, exception);
/* FRAMES {{{*/
/* frame_get_domain {{{*/
@@ -1949,7 +1954,6 @@ scripts_unbind(JSObjectRef obj) {
if (obj != NULL) {
JSValueUnprotect(m_global_context, obj);
/* scripts_end {{{*/
diff --git a/tools/Makefile b/tools/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a8b62b81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+include ../
+all: $(TARGET)
+ @echo gen $@
+ $(shell sed 's#@SYSTEM_DIR@#$(DATADIR)/$(REAL_NAME)/$(EXTENSIONDIR)#' $< > $@)
+ @chmod 755 $@
+ rm -f $(TARGET)
+.PHONY: clean
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..43b75811
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+error() {
+ if [ ${QUIET} -eq 0 ]; then
+ printf "${RED}==>${NC} %s\n" "$@"
+ fi
+die() {
+ error "$@"
+ exit 1
+notify() {
+ if [ ${QUIET} -eq 0 ]; then
+ printf "${GREEN}==>${NC} %s\n" "$@"
+ fi
+check_dir() {
+ if [ ! -d "$1" ]; then
+ notify "creating $1"
+ mkdir -p "$1"
+ fi
+update_metainfo () {
+ notify "retrieving data"
+ curl "${CURL_FLAGS}" "${API_BASE}${DATA_FORMAT}" | \
+ awk '/^\s*-\s*{path:/ { p=substr($3, index($3, "/") + 1);
+ print substr(p, 0, length(p)-1)" "substr($5, 0, length($5)-1) }' \
+ > "${META_INFO}"
+ awk '/^\s*-\s*{path:/ { p=substr($3, index($3, "/") + 1);
+ print substr(p, 0, length(p)-1)" "substr($5, 0, length($5)-1) }' \
+ >> "${META_INFO}"
+list() {
+ local ext exts
+ if [ ! -f "${META_INFO}" ]; then
+ update_metainfo
+ fi
+ notify "available extensions:"
+ awk '{ print " * "$1 }' ${META_INFO}
+get_default_config() {
+ local l_file
+ if [ -f ${INST_DIR}/$1 ]; then
+ l_file=${INST_DIR}/$1
+ elif [ -f ${SYSTEM_DIR}/$1 ]; then
+ l_file=${SYSTEM_DIR}/$1
+ fi
+ if [ "${l_file}" ]; then
+ awk "/\/\/>DEFAULT_CONFIG/ { f=0 } f;
+ /\/\/<DEFAULT_CONFIG/ { f=1; next }" "${l_file}"
+ fi
+yes_no() {
+ local question="${GREEN}==>${NC} $1 (Y/n)?"
+ printf "${question}"
+ while read -p " "; do
+ case ${REPLY} in
+ ""|Y|y) return 0;;
+ n|N) return 1;;
+ *) error "try again"
+ printf "${question}";;
+ esac
+ done
+install_extension() {
+ local ret;
+ local output="${INST_DIR}/$1"
+ check_dir "${INST_DIR}"
+ if [ "$1" ]; then
+ if [ -f ${SYSTEM_DIR}/$1 ]; then
+ notify "using ${SYSTEM_DIR}/$1"
+ return 0;
+ else
+ notify "downloading $1"
+ wget "${WGET_FLAGS}" "${REPO_BASE}/$1" -O "${output}"
+ case $? in
+ 7) die "wget error: network failure";;
+ 8) die "wget error: server responded an error";;
+ 0) return 0;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ else
+ show_help
+ fi
+ if [ -f ${output} ]; then
+ rm ${output}
+ fi
+ return 1
+heredoc() {
+ read -r -d '' $1
+edit_config() {
+ local extension="$1"
+ if grep -q "^//<$1" "${LOADER}"; then
+ local tmpfile=$(mktemp /tmp/${1}_XXXX.js)
+ awk -v extb="//<$extension" -v exte="//>$extension" '
+ $0~extb { f=1; } f;
+ $0~exte { f=0 }' ${LOADER} > "${tmpfile}"
+ $EDITOR ${tmpfile}
+ add_to_loader ${extension} "$(< "${tmpfile}")"
+ rm ${tmpfile}
+ else
+ error "no config for $1"
+ fi
+do_update() {
+ local tmploader="$(mktemp)"
+ local conf_orig="$(mktemp /tmp/XXXXX.orig.js)"
+ local conf_new="$(mktemp /tmp/"
+ while [ "$1" ]; do
+ extension="$1"
+ notify "updating ${extension}"
+ cp "${LOADER}" "${tmploader}"
+ do_install ${extension}
+ awk -v extb="//<$1" -v exte="//>$1" '
+ $0~extb { f=1; } f;
+ $0~exte { f=0 }' ${tmploader} > "${conf_orig}"
+ awk -v extb="//<$1" -v exte="//>$1" '
+ $0~extb { f=1; print "// THIS CONFIG WILL BE DISCARDED"; next } f;
+ $0~exte { f=0 }' "${LOADER}" > "${conf_new}"
+ ${DIFF_VIEWER} "$conf_orig" "$conf_new"
+ add_to_loader "${extension}" "$(< ${conf_orig})"
+ shift
+ done
+ rm "${tmploader}" "${conf_orig}" "${conf_new}"
+update() {
+ local tmpfile=$(mktemp)
+ if [ -f "${META_INFO}" ]; then
+ mv "${META_INFO}" "${tmpfile}"
+ fi
+ update_metainfo
+ local -a exts=()
+ for ext in $(awk 'NR==FNR{a[$0]=$1; next} !a[$0] { print $1 }' "${META_INFO}" "${tmpfile}"); do
+ if [ -f "${INST_DIR}/$ext" ]; then
+ exts[${#exts[@]}]=${ext}
+ elif grep -q "//<${ext}" ${LOADER} 2>/dev/null; then
+ exts[${#exts[@]}]=${ext}
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ ${#exts[@]} -eq 0 ]; then
+ notify "Up to date"
+ else
+ if yes_no "Update ${BOLD}${exts[*]}${NC}"; then
+ do_update ${exts[@]}
+ fi
+ fi
+ rm ${tmpfile}
+extensions_load() {
+ local l_text
+ heredoc l_text <<!
+extensions.load("$1", {
+$(get_default_config "$1")
+ echo "$l_text"
+extensions_bind() {
+ local l_text
+ heredoc l_text <<!
+var config_$1 = {
+$(get_default_config "$1")
+extensions.bind("$1", "t${1:0:3}", {
+ load : true,
+ command : "toggle$1",
+ config : config_$1
+ echo "${l_text}"
+ check_dir "$SCRIPT_DIR"
+ local l_config
+ local tmp_file=$(mktemp)
+ if [ "$2" ]; then
+ l_config="$2"
+ elif [ "$BIND" -eq 1 ]; then
+ l_config="$(extensions_bind $1)"
+ else
+ l_config="$(extensions_load $1)"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -f "${LOADER}" ]; then
+ printf "#!javascript\n\n" > "${tmp_file}"
+ printf "\n$l_config\n" >> "${tmp_file}"
+ else
+ awk -v extb="//<$1" -v exte="//>$1" -v config="$l_config" '
+ BEGIN { f=0 }
+ $0~extb { f=2; print config; }
+ $0~exte { f=1; next }
+ f!=2 { print }
+ END { if (f==0) { print config } }' ${LOADER} > ${tmp_file}
+ fi
+ mv ${tmp_file} ${LOADER}
+do_install() {
+ install_extension "$1"
+ add_to_loader "$1"
+cl_uninstall() {
+ local file="${INST_DIR}/$1"
+ local tmp_file=$(mktemp)
+ notify "uninstalling $1"
+ if [ -f "${file}" ]; then
+ notify "removing ${file}"
+ rm ${file}
+ fi
+ notify "updating ${LOADER}"
+ awk -v extb="//<$1" -v exte="//>$1" '
+ BEGIN { f=1 }
+ $0~extb { f=0 }
+ $0~exte { f=1; next }
+ f==1 { print } ' "$LOADER" > "${tmp_file}"
+ mv "${tmp_file}" "${LOADER}"
+cl_install() {
+ update_metainfo
+ do_install "$1"
+ edit_config "$1"
+cl_update() {
+ if grep -q "^//<$1" "${LOADER}"; then
+ update_metainfo
+ do_update "$1"
+ elif yes_no "${BOLD}$1${NC} is not installed, install it"; then
+ cl_install $1
+ fi
+cl_bind() {
+ add_to_loader "$1" "$(extensions_bind $1)"
+ edit_config "$1"
+cl_load() {
+ add_to_loader "$1" "$(extensions_load $1)"
+ edit_config "$1"
+show_installed() {
+ notify "installed extensions:"
+ awk '/\/\/<\w+/ { print " * "substr($0, 4) }' "${LOADER}"
+ cat <<!
+usage: $0 [option] [argument]
+ -b <extension> load extension with extensions.bind
+ -e <extension> edit configuration for <extension>
+ -i <extension> install <extension>, installing an already installed extension
+ will also overwrite the config for that extension
+ -I <extension> install <extension>, installing an already installed extension
+ will also overwrite the config for that extension, uses
+ extensions.bind instead of extensions.load
+ -h show this help and exit
+ -q quiet
+ -l list extensions
+ -l <extension> load extension with extensions.load
+ -r <extension> uninstall <extension>
+ -s show installed extensions
+ -u update all extensions
+ -U <extension> update <extension>, this will also redownload the extension
+ even if it doesn't need to be updated
+if [ ! "$1" ]; then
+ error "missing argument"
+ show_help
+ exit 1
+while getopts "L:b:i:I:r:e:uU:qlhs" opt; do
+ case $opt in
+ i) cl_install ${OPTARG};;
+ I) BIND=1; cl_install ${OPTARG};;
+ b) cl_bind ${OPTARG};;
+ L) cl_load ${OPTARG};;
+ r) cl_uninstall ${OPTARG};;
+ q) QUIET=1;;
+ u) update;;
+ U) cl_update ${OPTARG};;
+ l) list;;
+ e) edit_config ${OPTARG};;
+ s) show_installed ${OPTARG};;
+ h) show_help;;
+ ?) show_help;;
+ esac
diff --git a/examples/grab_adblocker b/tools/grab_adblocker
index 4f750e0a..4f750e0a 100755
--- a/examples/grab_adblocker
+++ b/tools/grab_adblocker