#![doc(html_root_url = "https://docs.rs/dotavious")] #![cfg_attr(docsrs, deny(broken_intra_doc_links))] //! Dotavious provides bindings to generate [DOT](https://graphviz.org/doc/info/lang.html) //! code used by the [Graphviz](http://graphviz.org/) for visualising graphs. //! It also provides strongly typed attribute functions and offers almost complete //! coverage of all Graphviz attributes and syntax. //! //! # Examples //! //! First example provides a basic directed graph: //! 2 nodes connected by a single edge //! //! ```rust //! use dotavious::{Dot, Edge, Graph, GraphBuilder, Node}; //! //! let g = GraphBuilder::new_named_directed("example") //! .add_node(Node::new("N0")) //! .add_node(Node::new("N1")) //! .add_edge(Edge::new("N0", "N1")) //! .build() //! .unwrap(); //! //! let dot = Dot { graph: g }; //! println!("{}", dot); //! ``` //! Produces //! ```dot //! digraph example { //! N0; //! N1; //! N0 -> N1; //! } //! ``` //! //! We can also output to a Writer via the `render` function //! ```rust //! use dotavious::{Dot, Edge, Graph, GraphBuilder, Node}; //! use std::io; //! use std::io::Read; //! //! let g = GraphBuilder::new_named_directed("example") //! .add_node(Node::new("N0".to_string())) //! .add_node(Node::new("N1".to_string())) //! .add_edge(Edge::new("N0".to_string(), "N1".to_string())) //! .build() //! .unwrap(); //! //! let dot = Dot { graph: g }; //! let mut writer= Vec::new(); //! dot.render(&mut writer).unwrap(); //! //! // output to graphviz DOT formatted string //! let mut dot_string = String::new(); //! Read::read_to_string(&mut &*writer, &mut dot_string).unwrap(); //! println!("{}", dot_string); //! ``` //! //! Second example provides a more complex graph showcasing //! Dotavious' various builders and strongly typed attribute //! functions. //! //! ```rust //! use dotavious::attributes::{ //! AttributeText, Color, CompassPoint, EdgeAttributes, EdgeStyle, //! GraphAttributeStatementBuilder, GraphAttributes, GraphStyle, NodeAttributes, //! NodeStyle, PortPosition, RankDir, Shape, //! }; //! use dotavious::{ //! Dot, Edge, EdgeAttributeStatementBuilder, EdgeBuilder, Graph, //! GraphBuilder, Node, NodeAttributeStatementBuilder, NodeBuilder, //! SubGraphBuilder //! }; //! use std::io; //! use std::io::Read; //! //! let cluster_0 = SubGraphBuilder::new_named("cluster_0") //! .add_graph_attributes( //! GraphAttributeStatementBuilder::new() //! .label("process #1") //! .style(GraphStyle::Filled) //! .color(Color::Named("lightgrey")) //! .build() //! .unwrap(), //! ) //! .add_node_attributes( //! NodeAttributeStatementBuilder::new() //! .style(NodeStyle::Filled) //! .color(Color::Named("white")) //! .build() //! .unwrap(), //! ) //! .add_edge(Edge::new("a0", "a1")) //! .add_edge(Edge::new("a1", "a2")) //! .add_edge(Edge::new("a2", "a3")) //! .build() //! .unwrap(); //! //! let cluster_1 = SubGraphBuilder::new_named("cluster_1") //! .add_graph_attributes( //! GraphAttributeStatementBuilder::new() //! .label("process #2") //! .style(GraphStyle::Filled) //! .color(Color::Named("blue")) //! .build() //! .unwrap(), //! ) //! .add_node_attributes( //! NodeAttributeStatementBuilder::new() //! .style(NodeStyle::Filled) //! .build() //! .unwrap(), //! ) //! .add_edge(Edge::new("b0", "b1")) //! .add_edge(Edge::new("b1", "b2")) //! .add_edge(Edge::new("b2", "b3")) //! .build() //! .unwrap(); //! //! let g = GraphBuilder::new_named_directed("G") //! .add_node( //! NodeBuilder::new("start".to_string()) //! .shape(Shape::Mdiamond) //! .build() //! .unwrap(), //! ) //! .add_node( //! NodeBuilder::new("end") //! .shape(Shape::Msquare) //! .build() //! .unwrap(), //! ) //! .add_sub_graph(cluster_0) //! .add_sub_graph(cluster_1) //! .add_edge(Edge::new("start", "a0")) //! .add_edge(Edge::new("start", "b0")) //! .add_edge(Edge::new("a1", "b3")) //! .add_edge(Edge::new("b2", "a3")) //! .add_edge(Edge::new("a3", "a0")) //! .add_edge(Edge::new("a3", "end")) //! .add_edge(Edge::new("b3", "end")) //! .build(); //! ``` //! //! Produces //! ```dot //! digraph G { //! subgraph cluster_0 { //! graph [label="process #1", style=filled, color="lightgrey"]; //! node [style=filled, color="white"]; //! a0 -> a1; //! a1 -> a2; //! a2 -> a3; //! } //! //! subgraph cluster_1 { //! graph [label="process #2", style=filled, color="blue"]; //! node [style=filled]; //! b0 -> b1; //! b1 -> b2; //! b2 -> b3; //! } //! //! start [shape=Mdiamond]; //! end [shape=Msquare]; //! start -> a0; //! start -> b0; //! a1 -> b3; //! b2 -> a3; //! a3 -> a0; //! a3 -> end; //! b3 -> end; //! } //! ``` pub mod attributes; pub mod dot; pub mod validation; #[doc(hidden)] pub use crate::dot::{ Dot, DotString, Edge, EdgeAttributeStatementBuilder, EdgeBuilder, Graph, GraphBuilder, Node, NodeAttributeStatementBuilder, NodeBuilder, SubGraphBuilder, }; // TODO: support adding edge based on index of nodes? // TODO: handle render options // TODO: explicit attribute methods with type safety and enforce constraints // i'm thinking we have NodeTraits/GraphTraits/EdgeTraits (what about none? is that a graph trait?) // which will have default methods that use an associated type field called "state" or "attributes" etc // TODO: implement Clone for Graph // TODO: see if we can get any insights from Haskell implementation // https://hackage.haskell.org/package/graphviz-2999.20.1.0/docs/Data-GraphViz-Attributes-Complete.html#t:Point // - I like this: A summary of known current constraints/limitations/differences: // Add a DPoint enum? // /// Either a Double or a (2D) Point (i.e. created with Point::new_2d). // pub enum DPoint { // Double(f32), // Point(Point), // }