AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-05-24Update the index siteThomas Jespersen
2018-05-17Hack night #6: Fix the dateThomas Jespersen
2018-05-17Announce hack night #6Thomas Jespersen
2018-05-17Fix broken </</p> tagThomas Jespersen
2017-05-19Move Hack Night #5 to past eventsThomas Jespersen
2017-05-16Add PROSAs addressThomas Jespersen
2017-04-30Update for next hack nightThomas Jespersen
2017-04-05Announce April hack nightThomas Jespersen
2017-04-01index.html: Move March hack night to past eventsThomas Jespersen
2017-03-02Fix reference to undefined functionMichael Budde
2017-03-01Move last updated timestamp to a better spotThomas Jespersen
2017-03-01Announce next hack night!Thomas Jespersen
2017-03-01Move february event to past eventsThomas Jespersen
2017-01-26Update the next hack night eventThomas Jespersen
2017-01-25update: Announce Hack Night #4Thomas Jespersen
2016-12-24Add IRC channel to siteThomas Jespersen
2016-12-24Add next event to gh-pagesThomas Jespersen
2016-01-28Add the specific date for the February meetupThomas Jespersen
2016-01-15Add "Last updated" to postThomas Jespersen
2016-01-15Add CNAMEThomas Jespersen
2016-01-15Use relative paths for css, not absolute onesHEADmasterThomas Jespersen
2016-01-15SpellingThomas Jespersen
2016-01-15Update the past and future eventsThomas Jespersen
2016-01-15Initial commitThomas Jespersen