use crate::{service::media::FileMeta, services, utils, Error, Result, Ruma}; use ruma::api::client::{ error::ErrorKind, media::{ create_content, get_content, get_content_as_filename, get_content_thumbnail, get_media_config, }, }; const MXC_LENGTH: usize = 32; /// # `GET /_matrix/media/r0/config` /// /// Returns max upload size. pub async fn get_media_config_route( _body: Ruma, ) -> Result { Ok(get_media_config::v3::Response { upload_size: services().globals.max_request_size().into(), }) } /// # `POST /_matrix/media/r0/upload` /// /// Permanently save media in the server. /// /// - Some metadata will be saved in the database /// - Media will be saved in the media/ directory pub async fn create_content_route( body: Ruma, ) -> Result { let mxc = format!( "mxc://{}/{}", services().globals.server_name(), utils::random_string(MXC_LENGTH) ); services() .media .create( mxc.clone(), body.filename .as_ref() .map(|filename| "inline; filename=".to_owned() + filename) .as_deref(), body.content_type.as_deref(), &body.file, ) .await?; Ok(create_content::v3::Response { content_uri: mxc.try_into().expect("Invalid mxc:// URI"), blurhash: None, }) } pub async fn get_remote_content( mxc: &str, server_name: &ruma::ServerName, media_id: String, ) -> Result { let content_response = services() .sending .send_federation_request( server_name, get_content::v3::Request { allow_remote: false, server_name: server_name.to_owned(), media_id, }, ) .await?; services() .media .create( mxc.to_owned(), content_response.content_disposition.as_deref(), content_response.content_type.as_deref(), &content_response.file, ) .await?; Ok(content_response) } /// # `GET /_matrix/media/r0/download/{serverName}/{mediaId}` /// /// Load media from our server or over federation. /// /// - Only allows federation if `allow_remote` is true pub async fn get_content_route( body: Ruma, ) -> Result { let mxc = format!("mxc://{}/{}", body.server_name, body.media_id); if let Some(FileMeta { content_disposition, content_type, file, }) = services().media.get(mxc.clone()).await? { Ok(get_content::v3::Response { file, content_type, content_disposition, cross_origin_resource_policy: Some("cross-origin".to_owned()), }) } else if &*body.server_name != services().globals.server_name() && body.allow_remote { let remote_content_response = get_remote_content(&mxc, &body.server_name, body.media_id.clone()).await?; Ok(remote_content_response) } else { Err(Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::NotFound, "Media not found.")) } } /// # `GET /_matrix/media/r0/download/{serverName}/{mediaId}/{fileName}` /// /// Load media from our server or over federation, permitting desired filename. /// /// - Only allows federation if `allow_remote` is true pub async fn get_content_as_filename_route( body: Ruma, ) -> Result { let mxc = format!("mxc://{}/{}", body.server_name, body.media_id); if let Some(FileMeta { content_disposition: _, content_type, file, }) = services().media.get(mxc.clone()).await? { Ok(get_content_as_filename::v3::Response { file, content_type, content_disposition: Some(format!("inline; filename={}", body.filename)), cross_origin_resource_policy: Some("cross-origin".to_owned()), }) } else if &*body.server_name != services().globals.server_name() && body.allow_remote { let remote_content_response = get_remote_content(&mxc, &body.server_name, body.media_id.clone()).await?; Ok(get_content_as_filename::v3::Response { content_disposition: Some(format!("inline: filename={}", body.filename)), content_type: remote_content_response.content_type, file: remote_content_response.file, cross_origin_resource_policy: Some("cross-origin".to_owned()), }) } else { Err(Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::NotFound, "Media not found.")) } } /// # `GET /_matrix/media/r0/thumbnail/{serverName}/{mediaId}` /// /// Load media thumbnail from our server or over federation. /// /// - Only allows federation if `allow_remote` is true pub async fn get_content_thumbnail_route( body: Ruma, ) -> Result { let mxc = format!("mxc://{}/{}", body.server_name, body.media_id); if let Some(FileMeta { content_type, file, .. }) = services() .media .get_thumbnail( mxc.clone(), body.width .try_into() .map_err(|_| Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::InvalidParam, "Width is invalid."))?, body.height .try_into() .map_err(|_| Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::InvalidParam, "Width is invalid."))?, ) .await? { Ok(get_content_thumbnail::v3::Response { file, content_type, cross_origin_resource_policy: Some("cross-origin".to_owned()), }) } else if &*body.server_name != services().globals.server_name() && body.allow_remote { let get_thumbnail_response = services() .sending .send_federation_request( &body.server_name, get_content_thumbnail::v3::Request { allow_remote: false, height: body.height, width: body.width, method: body.method.clone(), server_name: body.server_name.clone(), media_id: body.media_id.clone(), }, ) .await?; services() .media .upload_thumbnail( mxc, None, get_thumbnail_response.content_type.as_deref(), body.width.try_into().expect("all UInts are valid u32s"), body.height.try_into().expect("all UInts are valid u32s"), &get_thumbnail_response.file, ) .await?; Ok(get_thumbnail_response) } else { Err(Error::BadRequest(ErrorKind::NotFound, "Media not found.")) } }