#!/bin/bash storage=$(mktemp -d) echo "This script will attempt to set up a Radicale server and a Xandikos server and run the test code towards those two servers" echo "The test code itself is found in tests.sh" export RUNTESTSNOPAUSE="foo" echo "########################################################################" echo "## RADICALE" echo "########################################################################" python3 -m radicale --storage-filesystem-folder=$storage & sleep 0.3 radicale_pid=$(jobs -l | perl -ne '/^\[\d+\]\+\s+(\d+)\s+Running/ && print $1') if [ -n "$radicale_pid" ] then echo "## Radicale now running on pid $radicale_pid" calendar_cli="../calendar-cli.py --caldav-url=http://localhost:5232/ --caldav-pass=password1 --caldav-user=testuser --calendar-url=/testuser/calendar-cli-test-calendar" kal="../cal.py --caldav-password=password1 --caldav-url=http://localhost:5232/ --caldav-user=testuser --calendar-url=/testuser/calendar-cli-test-calendar" echo "## Creating a calendar" $calendar_cli calendar create calendar-cli-test-calendar ## crazy, now I get a 403 forbidden on the calendar create, but ## the calendar is created. Without the statement above, I'll ## just get 404 when running tests. export calendar_cli export kal if [ -n "$DEBUG" ] then echo "press enter to run tests" read foo fi ./tests.sh if [ -n "$DEBUG" ] then echo "press enter to take down test server" read foo fi kill $radicale_pid sleep 0.3 else echo "## Could not start up radicale (is it installed?). Will skip running tests towards radicale" fi echo "########################################################################" echo "## XANDIKOS" echo "########################################################################" xandikos_bin=$(which xandikos 2> /dev/null) if [ -n "$xandikos_bin" ] then $xandikos_bin --defaults -d $storage & sleep 0.5 xandikos_pid=$(jobs -l | perl -ne '/^\[\d+\]\+\s+(\d+)\s+Running/ && print $1') fi if [ -n "$xandikos_pid" ] then echo "## Xandikos now running on pid $xandikos_pid" calendar_cli="../calendar-cli --caldav-url=http://localhost:8080/ --caldav-user=user" kal="../cal.py --caldav-url=http://localhost:8080/ --caldav-user=user" export calendar_cli export kal ./tests.sh kill $xandikos_pid else echo "## Could not start up xandikos (is it installed?). Will skip running tests towards xandikos" fi echo "########################################################################" echo "## cleanup" echo "########################################################################" rm -rf $storage