import logging import json import yaml from fnmatch import fnmatch def interactive_config(args, config, remaining_argv): import readline new_config = False section = 'default' backup = {} modified = False print("Welcome to the interactive calendar configuration mode") print("Warning - untested code ahead, raise issues at or the github issue tracker") print("It might be a good idea to read the documentation in parallel if running this for your first time") if not config or not hasattr(config, 'keys'): config = {} print("No valid existing configuration found") new_config = True if config: print("The following sections have been found: ") print("\n".join(config.keys())) if args.config_section and args.config_section != 'default': section = args.config_section else: ## TODO: tab completion section = raw_input("Chose one of those, or a new name / no name for a new configuration section: ") if section in config: backup = config[section].copy() print("Using section " + section) else: section = 'default' if not section in config: config[section] = {} for config_key in ('caldav_url', 'calendar_url', 'caldav_user', 'caldav_pass', 'caldav_proxy', 'ssl_verify_cert', 'language', 'timezone', 'inherits'): if config_key == 'caldav_pass': print("Config option caldav_pass - old value: **HIDDEN**") value = getpass(prompt="Enter new value (or just enter to keep the old): ") else: print("Config option %s - old value: %s" % (config_key, config[section].get(config_key, '(None)'))) value = raw_input("Enter new value (or just enter to keep the old): ") if value: config[section][config_key] = value modified = True if not modified: print("No configuration changes have been done") else: state = 'start' while state == 'start': options = [] if section: options.append(('save', 'save configuration into section %s' % section)) if backup or not section: options.append(('save_other', 'add this new configuration into a new section in the configuration file')) if remaining_argv: options.append(('use', 'use this configuration without saving')) options.append(('abort', 'abort without saving')) print("CONFIGURATION DONE ...") for o in options: print("Type %s if you want to %s" % o) cmd = raw_input("Enter a command: ") if cmd in ('use', 'abort'): state = 'done' if cmd in ('save', 'save_other'): if cmd == 'save_other': new_section = raw_input("New config section name: ") config[new_section] = config[section] if backup: config[section] = backup else: del config[section] section = new_section try: if os.path.isfile(args.config_file): os.rename(args.config_file, "%s.%s.bak" % (args.config_file, int(time.time()))) with open(args.config_file, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(config, outfile, indent=4) except Exception as e: print(e) else: print("Saved config") state = 'done' if args.config_section == 'default' and section != 'default': config['default'] = config[section] return config ## TODO TODO TODO - write test code for all the corner cases ## TODO TODO TODO - write documentation of config format def expand_config_section(config, section='default', blacklist=None): """ In the "normal" case, will return [ section ] We allow: * * includes all sections in config file * "Meta"-sections in the config file with the keyword "contains" followed by a list of section names * Recursive "meta"-sections * Glob patterns (work_* for all sections starting with work_) * Glob patterns in "meta"-sections """ ## Optimizating for a special case. The results should be the same without this optimization. if section == '*': return [x for x in config if not config[x].get('disable', False)] ## If it's not a glob-pattern ... if set(section).isdisjoint(set('[*?')): ## If it's referring to a "meta section" with the "contains" keyword if 'contains' in config[section]: results = set() if not blacklist: blacklist = set() blacklist.add(section) for subsection in config[section]['contains']: if not subsection in results and not subsection in blacklist: for recursivesubsection in expand_config_section(config, subsection, blacklist): results.add(recursivesubsection) return results else: ## Disabled sections should be ignored if config.get('section', {}).get('disable', False): return [] ## NORMAL CASE - return [ section ] return [ section ] ## section name is a glob pattern matching_sections = [x for x in config if fnmatch(x, section)] results = set() for s in matching_sections: if set(s).isdisjoint(set('[*?')): results.update(expand_config_section(config, s)) else: ## Section names shouldn't contain []?* ... but in case they do ... don't recurse results.add(s) return results def config_section(config, section='default'): if section in config and 'inherits' in config[section]: ret = config_section(config, config[section]['inherits']) else: ret = {} if section in config: ret.update(config[section]) return ret def read_config(fn, interactive_error=False): ## This can probably be refactored into fewer lines ... try: try: with open(fn, 'rb') as config_file: return json.load(config_file) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: try: with open(fn, 'rb') as config_file: return yaml.load(config_file, yaml.Loader) except yaml.scanner.ScannerError: logging.error("config file exists but is neither valid json nor yaml. Check the syntax.") except FileNotFoundError: ## File not found"no config file found") except ValueError: if interactive_error: logging.error("error in config file. Be aware that the interactive configuration will ignore and overwrite the current broken config file", exc_info=True) else: logging.error("error in config file. It will be ignored", exc_info=True) return {}